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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) acts via 7 transmembrane region receptors on gonadotrophs to stimulate synthesis and secretion of the luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. It is secreted in pulses, and its effects depend on pulse frequency, but decoding mechanisms are unknown. Here we have used (nuclear factor of activated T-cells 2 (NFAT2)-emerald fluorescent protein) to monitor GnRH signaling. Increasing [Ca2+]i causes calmodulin/calcineurin-dependent nuclear NFAT translocation, a response involving proteins (calmodulins and NFATs) that decode frequency in other systems. Using live cell imaging, pulsatile GnRH caused dose- and frequency-dependent increases in nuclear NFAT2-emerald fluorescent protein, and at low frequency, translocation simply tracked GnRH exposure (albeit with slower kinetics). At high frequency (30-min intervals), failure to return to basal conditions before repeat stimulation caused integrative tracking, illustrating how the relative dynamics of up- and downstream signals can increase efficiency of GnRH action. Mathematical modeling predicted desensitization of GnRH effects on [Ca2+]i and that desensitization would increase with dose, frequency, and receptor number, but no such desensitization was seen in HeLa and/or LβT2 cells possibly because pulsatile GnRH did not reduce receptor expression (measured by immunofluorescence). GnRH also caused dose- and frequency-dependent activation of αGSU, luteinizing hormone β, and follicle-stimulating hormone β luciferase reporters, effects that were blocked by calcineurin inhibition. Pulsatile GnRH also activated an NFAT-responsive luciferase reporter, but this response was directly related to cumulative pulse duration. This together with the lack of desensitization of translocation responses suggests that NFAT may mediate GnRH action but is not a genuine decoder of GnRH pulse frequency.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) acts via G-protein-coupled receptors on gonadotrophs to stimulate synthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. It is secreted in pulses, and its effects depend on pulse frequency, but decoding mechanisms are unknown. Here we have used an extracellular signal regulated kinase-green fluorescent protein (ERK2-GFP) reporter to monitor GnRH signaling. GnRH caused dose-dependent ERK2-GFP translocation to the nucleus, providing a live-cell readout for activation. Pulsatile GnRH caused dose- and frequency-dependent ERK2-GFP translocation. These responses were rapid and transient, showed only digital tracking, and did not desensitize under any condition tested (dose, frequency, and receptor number varied). We also tested for the effects of cycloheximide (to prevent induction of nuclear-inducible MAPK phosphatases) and used GFP fusions containing ERK mutations (D319N, which prevents docking domain-dependent binding to MAPK phosphatases, and K52R, which prevents catalytic activity). These manipulations had little or no effect on the translocation responses, arguing against a role for MAPK phosphatases or ERK-mediated feedback in shaping ERK activation during pulsatile stimulation. GnRH also caused dose- and frequency-dependent activation of the α-gonadotropin subunit-, luteinizing hormone β-, and follicle-stimulating hormone β- luciferase reporters, and the latter response was inhibited by ERK1/2 knockdown. Moreover, GnRH caused frequency-dependent activation of an Egr1-luciferase reporter, but the response was proportional to cumulative pulse duration. Our data suggest that frequency decoding is not due to negative feedback shaping ERK signaling in this model.  相似文献   

We analyse computational modules of a frequency decoding signal transduction network. The gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) signal transduction network mediates the biosynthesis and release of the gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The pulsatile pattern of GnRH production by the hypothalamus has a critical influence on the release and synthesis of gonadotropins in the pituitary. In humans, slower pulses lead to the expression of the beta-subunit of the LH protein and cause anovulation and amenorrhea. Higher frequency pulses lead to expression of the alpha subunit and a hypogonadal state. The frequency sensitivity is a consequence of the structure of the GnRH signal transduction network. We analyse individual components of this network, organized into three network architectures, and describe the frequency-decoding capabilities of each of these modules. We find that these modules are comparable to simple circuit elements, some of which integrate and others which perform as frequency sensitive filters. We propose that the cell computes by exploiting variation in the time scales of protein activation (phosphorylation) and gene expression.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone signaling in behavioral plasticity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex and reproduction sculpt brain and behavior throughout life and evolution. In vertebrates, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is essential to these processes. Recent advances have uncovered novel regulatory mechanisms in GnRH signaling, such as the initiation of sexual maturation by kisspeptins. Yet despite our increasing molecular knowledge, we know very little about environmental influences on GnRH signaling and reproductive behavior. Alternative model systems have been crucial for understanding the plasticity of GnRH effects within an organismal context. For instance, GnRH signaling is under the control of seasonal cues in songbirds, whereas social signals regulate GnRH in cichlid fishes, with crucial consequences for reproduction and behavior. Analyzing cellular signaling cascades within an organismic context is essential for an integrative understanding of GnRH function.  相似文献   

促性腺激素释放激素的结构及其生物学功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)是下丘脑分泌的十肽激素,是神经、免疫、内分泌三大调节系统互相联系的重要信号分子,对生殖调控具有重要意义.GnRH类似物是近年来应用最广的多肽类激素新药之一.就GnRH及其受体的结构及分布、GnRH在垂体和性腺水平调控生殖的一系列证据、影响GnRH释放的因素等进行了综述,并展望了GnRH研究的发展趋势及应用前景.  相似文献   

Close to 30 forms of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and at least five GnRH receptors have been identified in a wide variety of vertebrates and some invertebrates. One form, now called GnRH II, has the broadest distribution and the most ancient and conserved phylogeny. The distribution of the neurons that produce this peptide are completely nonoverlapping with any other GnRH forms. Fibers that project from these neurons overlap with GnRH I cells and/or fibers in a few regions, but are primarily divergent. The musk shrew (Suncus murinus) continues to be the most tractable mammalian species to use for studies of the function of GnRH II. The brain of the musk shrew has two GnRH genes (I and II), two GnRH receptors (types-1 and -2), and two different behaviors can be influenced by central infusion of GnRH II, but not by GnRH I; receptivity and feeding. Here, we summarize research on the musk shrew relative to the behavioral functions of GnRH II. First, female musk shrews are continually sexually receptive by virtue of their lack of an ovarian and/or behavioral estrus cycle. This feature of their reproductive ecology may be related to their semi-tropical distribution and their breeding season is highly dependent on changes in the availability of food. When food is not abundant, females stop mating, but brief bouts of feeding reinstate reproductive behavior. Likewise, intake of food is related to GnRH II mRNA and peptide content in the brain; after mild food restriction both decline. When GnRH II is infused centrally, at times when its content is low, it can both enhance receptivity and inhibit food intake. Simultaneous administration of a type-1 antagonist does not change the effect of GnRH II and use of an analog (135-18) that is a specific GnRH II agonist as well as a type-1 antagonist has the same effect as the endogenous GnRH II peptide. We propose that GnRH II plays a critical role by orchestrating the coordination of reproduction with the availability of nutritional support for these activities. Humans are bombarded with copious nutritional opportunities and at present obesity is a larger threat to health in many parts of the world than is under nutrition. It is our hope that understanding neuropeptides such as GnRH II that regulate food intake can ultimately lead to products that may curb appetite and thus decrease obesity and related risks to health.  相似文献   

GnRH deficiency: new insights from genetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The acquisition of a sexually dimorphic phenotype is a critical event in mammalian development. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) results from impaired secretion of GnRH. The patients display with delayed puberty, micropenis and cryptorchidism in the male reflecting gonadotropin insufficiency, and amenorrhea in the female. Kallmann's syndrome (KS) is defined by the association of HH and anosmia or hyposmia (absent smelling sense). Segregation analysis in familial cases has demonstrated diverse inheritance patterns, suggesting the existence of several genes regulating GnRH secretion. The X-linked form of the disease was associated with a genetic defect in the KALI gene located on the Xp22.3 region. KAL1 gene encodes an extracellular matrix glycoprotein anosmin-1, which facilitates neuronal growth and migration. Abnormalities in the migratory processes of the GnRH neurons with the olfactory neurons explain the association of HH with anosmia. Recently, mutations in the FGF recepteur 1 (FGFR1) gene were found in KS with autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. The role of FGFR1 in the function of reproduction requires further investigation. Besides HH with anosmia, there are isolated HH (IHH). No human GnRH mutations have been reported although hypogonadal mice due to a GnRH gene deletion exist. In patients with idiopathic HH and without anosmia an increasing number of GnRH receptor (GnRHR) mutations have been described which represent about 50% of familial cases. The clinical features are highly variable and there is a good relationship between genotype and phenotype. A complete loss of function is associated with the most severe phenotype with resistance to pulsatile GnRH treatment, absence of puberty and cryptorchidism in the male. In contrast, milder loss of function mutations causes incomplete failure of pubertal development. The preponderant role of GnRH in the secretion of LH by the gonadotrophs explains the difference of the phenotype between male and female with partial GnRH resistance. Affected females can have spontaneous telarche and normal breast development while affected males exhibit no pubertal development but normal testis volume, a feature described as "fertile-eunuch". High-dose pulsatile GnRH has been used to induce ovulation. Another gene, called GPR54, responsible for idiopathic HH has been recently described by segregation analysis in two different consanguineous families. The GPR54 gene is an orphan receptor, and its putative ligand is the product of the KISS-1 gene, called metastine. Their roles in the function of reproduction are still unknown.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine effects of progesterone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Links between energy homeostasis and reproduction have been demonstrated in vertebrates. As a general rule, abundant food resources favor reproduction whereas low food availability induces an inhibition of reproductive processes. In both mammals and fish, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and orexin (OX) are hypothalamic neuropeptides that play critical roles in the regulation of sexual behavior and appetite, respectively. In order to assess possible interactions between orexin and GnRH in the control of feeding and reproduction in goldfish, we examined the effects of chicken GnRH (cGnRH-II) intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection on feeding behavior and OX brain mRNA expression as well as the effects of orexin ICV injections on spawning behavior and cGnRH-II brain mRNA expression. Treatment with cGnRH-II at doses that stimulate spawning (0.5 ng/g or 1 ng/g) resulted in a decrease in both food intake and hypothalamic orexin mRNA expression. Treatment with orexin A at doses that stimulate feeding (10 ng/g) induced an inhibition of spawning behavior and a decrease in cGnRH-II expression in the hypothalamus and optic tectum-thalamus. Our results suggest that the anorexigenic actions of cGnRH-II in goldfish might be in part mediated by OX and that orexin inhibits reproductive behavior in part via the inhibition of the GnRH system. Our data suggest the existence of a coordinated control of feeding and reproduction by the orexin and GnRH systems in goldfish.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs, which include agonists and antagonists, have been produced by amino acid substitutions of the native GnRH molecule to create greater potency and longer duration of effectiveness. The aim of this article was to review the pharmacological effects and the existing clinical literature of new GnRH analogs, namely agonists released from long-term formulations and third generation antagonists, in domestic dogs. Long-term administration of agonists functions through desensitization and down-regulation of GnRH pituitary receptors inhibiting gonadotropin production and release after an initial stimulation. Conversely, GnRH antagonists bind to gonadotrope GnRH receptors and compete successfully with endogenous GnRH for occupancy, thereby inhibiting the pituitary-gonadal axis immediately. There is a promising place for both agonists and antagonists in future canine reproduction. They can be used in the control of estrous cycle, hormone-dependent diseases as well as in contraception. Some information on the effectiveness and safety of these new analogs in canine reproduction is already available, yet further work is needed before they could be widely recommended. The increase in gonadotropins and gonadal steroids following administration of agonists might have adverse effects when used on hormone-dependent diseases. This initial "flare" should also be carefully managed in anestrous and prepubertal bitches. At present, the main application of antagonists seems limited to situations where an acute endocrine, inhibitory effect is required, e.g. proestrus or pregnancy termination. Future commercial availability of long-acting, single-dose antagonists could go far towards controlling pet population.  相似文献   

Existing research on the role of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in bivalve reproduction is inadequate, even though a few bivalve GnRH orthologs have been cloned. The objective of this paper was to elucidate the in vivo effect of GnRH administration in Yesso scallop reproduction. We performed in vivo administration of scallop GnRH (py-GnRH) synthetic peptide into the developing gonad, and analyzed its effect on gonad development for 6 weeks during the reproductive season. The resulting sex ratio in the GnRH administered (GnRH(+)) group might be male biased, whereas the control (GnRH(-)) group had an equal sex ratio throughout the experiment. The gonad index (GI) of males in the GnRH(+) group increased from week 2 to 24.8% at week 6. By contrast the GI of the GnRH(-) group peaked in week 4 at 16.6%. No significant difference was seen in female GI between the GnRH(+) and GnRH(-) groups at any sampling point. Oocyte diameter in the GnRH(+) group remained constant (about 42–45 μm) throughout the experiment, while in the GnRH(-) group it increased from 45 to 68 μm i.e. normal oocyte growth. The number of spermatogonia in the germinal acini of males in the GnRH(+) group increased from week 4 to 6. Hermaphrodites appeared in the GnRH(+) group in weeks 2 and 4. Their gonads contained many apoptotic cells including oocytes. In conclusion, this study suggests that py-GnRH administration could have a potential to accelerate spermatogenesis and cause an inhibitory effect on oocyte growth in scallops.  相似文献   

Wray S 《Chemical senses》2002,27(6):569-572
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, critical for reproduction, are derived from the nasal placode and migrate into the brain along nasal axons. GnRH neurons appear to diverge from olfactory sensory cells during early stages of nasal placode differentiation. However, GnRH neurons rely on olfactory/vomeronasal axons as their pathway to the central nervous system (CNS). A novel factor, termed nasal embryonic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone factor (NELF), was discovered in a differential screen of migrating versus nonmigrating GnRH neurons. NELF is expressed in olfactory sensory cells and GnRH cells in nasal areas. Antisense experiments demonstrated that knock-down of NELF decreased olfactory axon outgrowth and GnRH neuronal migration. These results indicate that NELF plays a role as a guidance molecule for olfactory axon projections and migration of GnRH cells. We hypothesize that NELF acts via a homophilic interaction and that NELF expression is critical for reproduction by insuring that GnRH cells reach the CNS. Furthermore, down-regulation of NELF on GnRH cells as they enter the telencephalon may allow GnRH cells to distinguish a different pathway(s) in the CNS (from those leading to olfactory regions) and thereby facilitate establishment of the appropriate adult-like GnRH distribution.  相似文献   



Calcium (Ca2 +) oscillations are ubiquitous signals present in all cells that provide efficient means to transmit intracellular biological information. Either spontaneously or upon receptor ligand binding, the otherwise stable cytosolic Ca2 + concentration starts to oscillate. The resulting specific oscillatory pattern is interpreted by intracellular downstream effectors that subsequently activate different cellular processes. This signal transduction can occur through frequency modulation (FM) or amplitude modulation (AM), much similar to a radio signal. The decoding of the oscillatory signal is typically performed by enzymes with multiple Ca2 + binding residues that diversely can regulate its total phosphorylation, thereby activating cellular program. To date, NFAT, NF-κB, CaMKII, MAPK and calpain have been reported to have frequency decoding properties.

Scope of review

The basic principles and recent discoveries reporting frequency decoding of FM Ca2 + oscillations are reviewed here.

Major conclusions

A limited number of cellular frequency decoding molecules of Ca2 + oscillations have yet been reported. Interestingly, their responsiveness to Ca2 + oscillatory frequencies shows little overlap, suggesting their specific roles in cells.

General significance

Frequency modulation of Ca2 + oscillations provides an efficient means to differentiate biological responses in the cell, both in health and in disease. Thus, it is crucial to identify and characterize all cellular frequency decoding molecules to understand how cells control important cell programs.  相似文献   

Boehm U  Zou Z  Buck LB 《Cell》2005,123(4):683-695
Pheromones can have profound effects on reproductive physiology and behavior in mammals. To investigate the neural circuits underlying these effects, we used a genetic transneuronal tracer to identify neurons that synapse with GnRH (LHRH) neurons, the key regulators of reproduction. We then asked whether the connected neurons are presynaptic or postsynaptic to GnRH neurons and analyzed their responses to chemosensory cues. Surprisingly, these experiments indicate that GnRH neurons receive pheromone signals from both odor and pheromone relays in the brain and may also receive common odor signals. Moreover, feedback loops are evident whereby GnRH neurons could influence both odor and pheromone processing. Remarkably, approximately 800 GnRH neurons communicate with approximately 50,000 neurons in 53 functionally diverse brain areas, with some connections exhibiting sexual dimorphism. These studies reveal a complex interplay between reproduction and other functions in which GnRH neurons appear to integrate information from multiple sources and modulate a variety of brain functions.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) controls reproduction in vertebrates. Most studies have focused on the population of GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus that ultimately controls gonadal function. However, all vertebrates studied to date have two to three anatomically distinct populations of GnRH neurons that express different forms of this hormone. The purpose of the present study was to develop a new model for studying the population of GnRH neurons in the terminal nerve (TN) associated with the olfactory bulb and then to characterize their pattern of action potential firing to provide a foundation for understanding the role of these neurons in regulating reproduction. A stable line of transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes) was generated in which a DNA construct containing the salmon GnRH (Gnrh3) promoter linked to green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed in TN-GnRH3 neurons. This population of GnRH neurons is located at or near the ventral surface of the brain, making them ideally situated for electrophysiological analysis. Whole-cell and loose-patch recordings in current-clamp mode were performed on these neurons from excised, intact brains of adult males in which afferent and efferent neural connections remained intact. All TN-GnRH3-GFP neurons that we recorded showed a beating pattern of spontaneous action potential firing. Action potentials were blocked by tetrodotoxin, indicating they are generated by a voltage-sensitive Na+ current; however, an oscillation in subthreshold membrane potential persisted. The present results indicate that this transgenic fish will provide an excellent model for studying the cell physiology of an extrahypothalamic population of GnRH neurons.  相似文献   

鸟类的周期性繁殖及其神经内分泌机制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
大多数鸟类的繁殖活动具有明显的周期性。影响鸟类繁殖活动的主要因素是光周期 ,传统观点认为可促进繁殖活动的长日照能导致许多鸟类的生殖系统处于光不应状态 ;非光周期因素如食物的多寡、环境温度等其它条件也可影响特殊生活环境中的鸟类的繁殖活动。鸟类的周期性繁殖是环境因素导致神经内分泌过程改变的结果 ,受下丘脑 垂体 性腺轴的调节 ,其中下丘脑的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)起重要作用  相似文献   

A key question in the evolution of life history and in evolutionary physiology asks how reproductive and other life-history traits evolve. Genetic variation in reproductive control systems may exist in many elements of the complex inputs that can affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) or reproductive axis. Such variation could include numbers and other traits of secretory cells, the amount and pattern of chemical message released, transport and clearance mechanisms, and the number and other traits of receptor cells. Selection lines created from a natural population of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) that contains substantial genetic variation in reproductive inhibition in response to short winter daylength (SD) have been used to examine neuroendocrine variation in reproductive timing. We hypothesized that natural genetic variation would be most likely to occur in the inputs to GnRH neurons and/or in GnRH neurons themselves, but not in elements of the photoperiodic pathway that would have pleiotropic effects on nonreproductive functions as well as on reproductive functions. Significant genetic variation has been found in the GnRH neuronal system. The number of GnRH neurons immunoreactive to an antibody to mature GnRH peptide under conditions maximizing detection of stained neurons was significantly heritable in an unselected control (C) line. Furthermore, a selection line that suppresses reproduction in SD (photoperiod responsive, R) had fewer IR-GnRH neurons than a selection line that maintains reproduction in SD (photoperiod nonresponsive, NR). This supports the hypothesis that genetic variation in characteristics of GnRH neurons themselves may be responsible for the observed phenotypic variation in reproduction in SD. The R and NR lines differ genetically in food intake and iodo-melatonin receptor binding, as well as in other characteristics. The latter findings are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic variation occurs in the nutritional and hormonal inputs to GnRH neurons. Genetic variation also exists in the phenotypic plasticity of responses to two combinations of treatments, (1) food and photoperiod, and (2) photoperiod and age, indicating genetic variation in individual norms of reaction within this population. Overall, the apparent multiple sources of genetic variation within this population suggest that there may be multiple alternative combinations of alleles for both the R and NR phenotypes. If that interpretation is correct, we suggest that this offers some support for the evolutionary "potential" hypothesis and is inconsistent with the evolutionary "constraint" and "symmorphosis" hypotheses for the evolution of complex neuroendocrine pathways.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2021,21(4):100558
Reproduction in mammals is favoured when there is sufficient energy available to permit the survival of offspring. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase expressing neurons produce nitric oxide in the proximity of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in the preoptic region. nNOS neurons are an integral part of the neuronal network controlling ovarian cyclicity and ovulation. Nitric oxide can directly regulate the activity of the GnRH neurons and play a vital role neuroendocrine axis. Kisspeptin neurons are essential for the GnRH pulse and surge generation. The anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), kisspeptin neurons are essential for GnRH surge generation. KNDy neurons are present in the hypothalamus's arcuate nucleus (ARC), co-express NKB and dynorphin, essential for GnRH pulse generation. Kisspeptin-neurokinin B-dynorphin (KNDy) neuroendocrine molecules of the hypothalamus are key components in the central control of GnRH secretion. The hypothalamic neurons kisspeptin, KNDy, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and other mediators such as leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin, play an active role in attaining puberty. Kisspeptin signalling is mediated by NOS, which further results in the secretion of GnRH. Neuronal nitric oxide is critical for attaining puberty, but its direct role in adult GnRH secretion is poorly understood. This review mainly focuses on the role of nNOS and its interplay with KNDy neurons in the hormonal regulation of reproduction.  相似文献   

The control of reproductive function is manifested centrally through the control of hypothalamic release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in episodic events or pulses. For GnRH release to occur in pulses, GnRH neurons must coordinate release events periodically to elicit a bolus of GnRH. We used a perifusion culture system to examine the release of GnRH from both intact hypothalami and enzymatically dispersed hypothalamic cells after challenge with GnRH analogs to evaluate the role of anatomical neuronal connections on autocrine/paracrine signals by GnRH on GnRH neurons. The potent GnRH agonist des-Gly(10)-D-Ala(6)-GnRH N-ethylamide, potent GnRH antagonists D-Phe(2)-D-Ala(6)-GnRH and D-Phe(2,6)-Pro(3)-GnRH or vehicle were infused, whereas GnRH release from hypothalamic tissue and cells were measured. PULSAR analysis of GnRH release profiles was conducted to evaluate parameters of pulsatile GnRH release. Infusion of the GnRH agonist resulted in a decrease in mean GnRH (P < 0.001), pulse nadir (P < 0.01), and pulse frequency (P < 0.05) but no effect on pulse amplitude. Infusion of GnRH antagonists resulted in an increase in mean GnRH (P < 0.001), pulse nadir (P < 0.05), and pulse frequency (P < 0.05) and in GnRH pulse amplitude only in dispersed cells (P < 0.05). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that GnRH inhibits endogenous GnRH release by an ultrashort-loop feedback mechanism and that treatment of hypothalamic tissue or cells with GnRH agonist inhibits ultrashort-loop feedback, whereas treatment with antagonists disrupts normal feedback to GnRH neurons and elicits an increased GnRH signal.  相似文献   

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