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It has been shown that DNA primase activity is tightly associated with 10S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus (Yoshida, S. et al. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 741, 348-357). In the present study, the primase activity was separated from DNA polymerase alpha by treating purified 10S DNA polymerase alpha with 3.4 M urea followed by a fast column chromatography (Pharmacia FPLC, Mono Q column equilibrated with 2 M urea). Ten to 20 % of the primase activity was separated from 10S DNA polymerase alpha by this procedure but 80-90% remained in the complex. The separated primase activity sedimented at 5.6S through a gradient of glycerol. The separated primase was strongly inhibited by araATP (Ki = 10 microM) and was also sensitive to salts such as KCl (50% inhibition at 30 mM). The primase used poly(dT) or poly(dC) as templates efficiently, but showed little activity with poly(dA) or poly(dI). These properties agree well with those of the primase activity in the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex (10S DNA polymerase alpha). These results indicate that the calf thymus primase may be a part of the 10S DNA polymerase alpha and its enzymological characters are preserved after separation from the complex.  相似文献   

Preferential binding of DNA primase to the nuclear matrix in HeLa cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies of the spatial organization of DNA replication have provided increasing evidence of the importance of the nuclear matrix. We have previously reported a relationship between rates of DNA synthesis and the differential binding of DNA polymerase alpha to the nuclear matrix over the S-phase. We now report the detection of DNA primase bound to the HeLa nuclear matrix. Matrix-bound primase was measured both indirectly, by the incorporation of [32P]dAMP into an unprimed single-stranded template, poly(dT), and directly, by the incorporation of [3H]AMP into matrix DNA. Characteristics of this system include a requirement for ATP, inhibition by adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate), a primase inhibitor, and insensitivity to aphidicolin and alpha-amanitine, inhibitors of polymerase alpha and RNA polymerase, respectively. Subcellular quantification of primase and polymerase alpha activity revealed that while most (approximately 72%) primase activity is bound to the matrix, only a minority (approximately 32%) of polymerase alpha activity is matrix-bound. Treatment of the nuclear matrix with beta-D-octylglucoside allowed the solubilization of approximately 54% of primase activity and approximately 39% of the polymerase alpha activity. This data provides further evidence of a structural and functional role for the nuclear matrix in DNA replication. The ability to solubilize matrix-bound replicative enzymes may prove to be an important tool in the elucidation of the spatial organization of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex from the human lymphoblast line HSC93 has been enriched to near homogeneity by using an immunoaffinity purification protocol which was developed earlier for the purification of the calf thymus enzyme (Nasheuer, H.-P. and Grosse, F. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8458-8466). Immunoaffinity purified polymerase-primase from human cells consisted of four subunits displaying molecular weights of 195,000 and 180,000 for the DNA synthesizing alpha-subunit, of 68,000 for the beta-subunit, and of 55,000 and 48,000 for the primase-carrying gamma- and delta-subunit, respectively. The isoelectric pH values for the individual subunits were estimated from non-equilibrium pH gradients to be between 5.9 and 5.7 for the alpha-subunit, at 5.5 for the beta-subunit, and at 7.5 and 8.0 for the gamma- and delta-subunit, respectively. The purified polymerase-primase converted single-stranded phi X174 DNA into the double-stranded form in a primase-initiated reaction. During this process, 3-10 RNA primers were formed. RNA primers were about 11 nucleotides long. Elongation of existing RNA primers by the human polymerase-primase was semi-processive; following primer binding the DNA polymerase continuously incorporated 20 to 50 nucleotides, then it dissociated from the template DNA.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex was purified over 17,000-fold to near homogeneity from calf thymus using an immunoaffinity column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed three polypeptides with molecular weights of 140, 50 and 47 kDa, in a ratio of 1:2:0.25. The complex showed a sedimentation coefficient of 9.7 S, a Stokes radius of 56 A and a native molecular weight of 250-260 kDa. Taken together, the data suggest that the calf thymus dNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex is essentially a heterotrimer of large (140 kDa) and small (50 kDa) subunits in a ratio of 1:2, with a globular conformation. Electron-microscopic studies of the complex revealed a spherical particle of 120 A in diameter, in agreement with the physiochemical results. The binding of the complex to DNA was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the association of DNA primase activity with the nuclear matrix prepared from exponentially growing HeLa S3 cells. We have found that 25–30 per cent of the nuclear primase activity resists extraction with 2 M NaCl and digestion with Dnase I. Unlike previous investigations, done with the same cell line, the results showed that nuclear matrix-bound DNA primase activity represented less than 10 per cent of the total cell activity. Association of high levels of primase activity with the nuclear matrix was strictly dependent on a 37°C incubation of isolated nuclei prior to subfractionation. Evidence was obtained that the method used for preparing nuclei can have a dramatic effect on the amount of primase activity which is recovered both in the postnuclear supernatant and in isolated nuclei, thus seriously affecting the interpretation of the results about the quantity of DNA primase activity bound to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

The association of DNA polymerase alpha activity with the nuclear matrix has been reinvestigated in HeLa cells. Isolated nuclei were extracted with 2M NaCl and then digested with Dnase I and the final structures were recovered by centrifugation through a sucrose cushion. Typically over 98% of the total DNA synthesized in the matrix fraction on either endogenous matrix-associated DNA or activated calf thymus DNA was due to DNA polymerase alpha as defined by inhibition to n-ethylmaleimide or aphidicolin. DNA polymerase beta activity was absent or recovered in only trace amounts. Matrix-bound DNA polymerase alpha activity demonstrated a remarkable degree of stability: DNA synthesis was essentially linear up to 3 hours at 37 degrees C. Overall, these results substantiate previous findings from regenerating rat liver, unlike other data obtained from tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

G Bialek  H P Nasheuer  H Goetz    F Grosse 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(6):1833-1839
DNA polymerase-primase complex, isolated with an apparently undegraded alpha-subunit, was immunoaffinity-purified to near homogeneity from the human lymphoblast line HSC93. The undegraded state of the alpha-subunit was monitored by Western-blot analysis of crude cellular extracts and all active fractions obtained during purification. The human polymerase-primase consists of four subunits with molecular weights of 195, 68, 55 and 48 kd. The fidelity of the polymerase-primase in copying bacteriophage phi X174am16 DNA in vitro was determined by measuring the frequency of production of different revertent phages. The overall accuracy was between 4 x 10(-6) and 10 x 10(-6). This value reflects the spontaneous mutation frequency of phi X174am16 phages in Escherichia coli, and is 10- to 20-fold higher than the accuracy of a conventionally purified enzyme from calf thymus. The frequencies of base pairing mismatches, estimated from pool bias measurements, were 3.5 x 10(-7) (1/2 880,000) for dGMP:Ttemplate mispairs, between 10(-7) and 10(-8) for dCMP:Ttemplate (1/35,000,000), dCMP:Atemplate (1/18,200,000) and dAMP:Gtemplate mispairs (1/16,500,000), and below 10(-8) (1/100,000,000) for dTMP:Ttemplate, dGMP:Atemplate and dGMP:Gtemplate mispairs. In contrast to previous preparations, the intact polymerase-primase possesses a 3'----5' exonuclease activity. This exonuclease removes both matched and mismatched 3'-OH ends, with a preference for mismatched bases. Fidelity was reduced 8-fold by increasing the concentration of the next nucleotide following the incorporated mismatch nucleotide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Highly purified DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase from normal human tissue (human placenta) has been prepared by immunoaffinity purification on immobilized anti-human DNA polymerase alpha monoclonal antibody SJK 287-38. According to data from SDS electrophoresis this preparation consists of subunits of 180, 160, 145, 140 kDa (a cluster of DNA-polymerizing subunits), 73 kDa (function unknown) and 59, 52 kDa (corresponding to primase). Three active enzyme forms of 270, 460 and 575 kDa have been revealed using native electrophoresis followed by detection of DNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase I and DNA primase complex in yeast   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Chromatographic analysis of poly(dT) replication activity in fresh yeast extracts showed that the activities required co-fractionate with the yeast DNA polymerase I. Since poly(dT) replication requires both a primase and a DNA polymerase, the results of the fractionation studies suggest that these two enzymes might exist as a complex in the yeast extract. Sucrose gradient analysis of concentrated purified yeast DNA polymerase I preparations demonstrates that the yeast DNA polymerase I does sediment as a complex with DNA primase activity. Two DNA polymerase I peptides estimated at 78,000 and 140,000 Da were found in the complex that were absent from the primase-free DNA polymerase fraction. Rabbit anti-yeast DNA polymerase I antibody inhibits DNA polymerase I but not DNA primase although rabbit antibodies are shown to remove DNA primase activity from solution by binding to the complex. Mouse monoclonal antibody to yeast DNA polymerase I binds to free yeast DNA polymerase I as well as the complex, but not to the free DNA primase activity. These results suggest that these two activities exist as a complex and reside on the different polypeptides. Replication of poly(dT) and single-stranded circular phage DNA by yeast DNA polymerase I and primase requires ATP and dNTPs. The size of the primer produced is 8 to 9 nucleotides in the presence of dNTPs and somewhat larger in the absence of dNTPs. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of yeast DNA polymerase I, is not inhibitory to the yeast DNA primase activity. The primase activity is inhibited by adenosine 5'-(3-thio)tri-phosphate but not by alpha-amanitin. The association of yeast DNA polymerase I and yeast DNA primase can be demonstrated directly by isolation of the complex on a column containing yeast DNA polymerase I mouse monoclonal antibody covalently linked to Protein A-Sepharose. Both DNA polymerase I and DNA primase activities are retained by the column and can be eluted with 3.5 M MgCl2. Part of the primase activity can be dissociated from DNA polymerase on the column with 1 M MgCl2 and this free primase activity can be detected as poly(dT) replication activity in the presence of Escherichia coli polymerase I.  相似文献   

We have determined the fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase I (yPol I) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To determine whether subunits other than the polymerase catalytic subunit influence fidelity, we measured the accuracy of yPol I purified by conventional procedures, which yields DNA polymerase with a partially proteolyzed catalytic subunit and no associated primase activity, and that of yPol I purified by immunoaffinity chromatography, which yields polymerase having a single high-molecular-weight species of the catalytic subunit, as well as three additional polypeptides and DNA primase activity. In assays that score polymerase errors within the lacZ alpha-complementation gene in M13mp2 DNA, yPol I and the yPol I-primase complex produced single-base substitutions, single-base frameshifts, and larger deletions. For specific errors and template positions, the two forms of polymerase exhibited differences in fidelity that could be as large as 10-fold. Nevertheless, results for the overall error frequency and the spectrum of errors suggest that the yPol I-DNA primase complex is not highly accurate and that, just as for the polymerase alone, its fidelity is not sufficient to account for a low spontaneous mutation rate in vivo. The specificity data also suggest models to explain -1 base frameshifts in nonrepeated sequences and certain complex deletions by a direct repeat mechanism involving aberrant loop-back synthesis.  相似文献   

染色体端粒DNA与核骨架的结合关系(简报)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nuclear matrix from HeLa cells was gently extracted with a high salt solution and treated with DNase I. DNA that remained associated with the nuclear matrix (N. M. DNA) and DNA fragments released into the supernatant (SN.DNA) were isolated respectively and dot hybridized to human telomere sequence (AGGGTT/TCCCAA)40 probe. As the time of DNase I treatment was extended, the amount of N. M. DNA decreased while the concentration of telomere sequence in N.M. DNA proportionally increased. These preliminary results suggest that the telomere sequence is tightly bound to nuclear matrix in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

We describe the polypeptide structure and some of the catalytic properties of a DNA polymerase alpha.DNA primase complex that can be prepared from KB cells by immunoaffinity purification. The procedure is based on monoclonal antibodies that were raised against a biochemically purified, catalytically active core protomer of the polymerase. In all respects tested, the basic mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by the immunoaffinity-purified polymerase is qualitatively identical to that of the core protomer. The immunoaffinity-purified KB cell polymerase alpha X DNA primase is structurally complex. On the basis of extensive immunochemical analyses with five independent monoclonal antibodies, three of which are potent neutralizers of polymerase alpha activity, peptide mapping studies, and the application of a sensitive immunoassay that permits detection of polymerase alpha antigens in crude cell lysates, we have established that the principal form of catalytically active DNA polymerase alpha in KB cells is a phosphoprotein with a molecular mass of 180 kilodaltons. This protein is stable in vivo, with an estimated half-life of greater than or equal to 15 h. In contrast, the polypeptide is extremely fragile in vitro and generates partial degradation products of p165, p140, and p125 that explain the "microheterogeneity" typically exhibited by polymerase alpha peptides in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. In addition to the catalytically active polymerase alpha polypeptide(s), the immunopurified enzyme fraction typically contains three other proteins, p77, p55, and p49, the functions of which have not yet been established. These proteins do not display polymerase alpha epitopes and have been shown by peptide mapping to be independent species that are unrelated either to the large polymerase peptides or to one another. The polypeptide p77 is also a phosphoprotein, and in both p180 and p77 the phosphorylated amino acids are exclusively serine and threonine.  相似文献   

DNA primase activity has been resolved from a purified DNA primase-polymerase alpha complex of HeLa cells by hydrophobic affinity chromatography on phenylSepharose followed by chromatography on hexylagarose. This procedure provides a good yield (55%) of DNA primase that is free from polymerase alpha. The free DNA primase activity was purified to near homogeneity and its properties characterized. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the purified free DNA primase showed a major protein staining band of Mr 70,000. The native enzyme in velocity sedimentation has an S20'W of 5. DNA primase synthesizes RNA oligomers with single-stranded M-13 DNA, poly(dT) and poly(dC) templates that are elongated by the DNA polymerase alpha in a manner that has already been described for several purified eukaryotic DNA primase-polymerase alpha complexes. The purified free DNA primase activity is resistant to neutralizing anti-human DNA polymerase alpha antibodies, BuPdGTP and aphidicolin that specifically inhibit the free DNA polymerase alpha and also DNA polymerase alpha complexed with the primase. The free primase activity is more sensitive to monovalent salt concentrations and is more labile than polymerase alpha. Taken together these results indicate that the DNA primase and polymerase alpha activities of the DNA primase-polymerase alpha complex reside on separate polypeptides that associate tightly through hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Calf thymus DNA primase was examined to determine the kinetic parameters that define its unusual processivity. At 37 degrees C, the major products were 8-9 and 2-3 nucleotides long. The 2-mer was the predominant product when considered on a molar basis. At each polymerization cycle en route to synthesis of a unit length primer (7-10 nucleotides), processivity was defined by competition of enzyme dissociation with ATP binding as well as an ATP independent step(s). Reducing the temperature to 25 degrees C had relatively little effect on the production of primers less than or equal to 6 nucleotides long, but greatly enhanced production of primers twice (16-18 nucleotides) the normal unit length. Kinetic analysis revealed that synthesis of these longer primers largely involves dissociation of the primase after completion of the unit length primer. After synthesis of a primer, the primase-polymerase complex normally switches to polymerase activity. Only primers greater than or equal to 7 nucleotides long were utilized by the polymerase regardless of the dNTP concentration, indicating that the signal for the primase to polymerase activity switch is primer completion. During the switch, either the primer-template does not dissociate from the complex or the complex has extraordinarily high affinity for the primers. At 25 degrees C and physiological dNTP concentrations the activity switch is very efficient, greater than 90% of the primers are elongated. However, at 37 degrees C the switch is much less efficient, likely due to primer-template denaturation.  相似文献   

Quantitative rates of DNA synthesis can be determined by DNA:propidium fluorescence measurements of synchronized cells progressing through S-phase. We have previously reported that HeLa cells have discontinuous rates with values of about 2.9, 1.6, and 4.4 pg of DNA/h for early, middle, and late S-phase, respectively. In attempts to understand why two peaks of DNA synthesis rates are observed, we have examined the nuclear DNA polymerases alpha and beta over the S-phase. Nuclear matrices isolated from HeLa cells contained 2% of the alpha polymerase and 12% of the beta polymerase that was present in cell lysates, and about 2% of the original DNA. The amounts of endogenous DNA synthesis in isolated nuclear matrices were comparable to the amounts observed when exogenous DNA was added. DNase treatment abolished the endogenous DNA synthesis but not the exogenous DNA synthesis, suggesting that polymerase alpha binding does not depend on matrix-bound DNA. As synchronized cells progressed through the S-phase, there appeared two peaks of enzymatic activity of alpha polymerase bound to the nuclear matrix which correlated with in vitro DNA synthesis in these nuclear matrices and with the two peaks of quantitative DNA synthesis rates. Two peaks of alpha polymerase activity were also observed with isolated nuclei, but not with cell lysates or cytosol. Our results suggest that, over the S-phase, the differential binding of polymerase alpha to the nuclear matrix determines the differential rates of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Different populations of DNA polymerase alpha in HeLa cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three different populations of HeLa DNA polymerase alpha have been distinguished using a novel preparation of chromatin isolated using an isotonic salt concentration, which contains intact DNA. One synthesizes DNA in vitro at 85% of the rate in vivo, is found only in S-phase nuclei tightly associated with the nucleoskeleton and requires unbroken DNA in the form of chromatin as a template: we assume this is the authentic S-phase activity. On incubation at 37 degrees C, this activity dissociates from the nucleoskeleton to give a soluble activity that prefers broken templates. This soluble activity is in turn heterogeneous, containing active complexes of about 0 X 75 X 10(6) and 3 X 10(6) Mr. The third activity is also soluble and released by lysing cells at any stage of the cell cycle. It, too, prefers broken templates. The authentic activity is obscured by the soluble ones if broken templates are provided.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase alpha from Drosophila melanogaster embryos is a multisubunit enzyme complex which can exhibit DNA polymerase, 3'----5' exonuclease, and DNA primase activities. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) inhibition of DNA polymerase activity in this complex is time dependent and exhibits saturation kinetics. Inhibition can be reversed by incubation with an excess of a primary amine unless the PLP-enzyme conjugate is first reduced with NaBH4. These results indicate that PLP inhibition occurs via imine formation at a specific site(s) on the enzyme. Results from substrate protection experiments are most consistent with inhibition of DNA polymerase activity by PLP binding to either one of two sites. One site (PLP site 1) can be protected from PLP inhibition by any nucleoside triphosphate in the absence or presence of template-primer, suggesting that PLP site 1 defines a nucleotide-binding site which is important for DNA polymerase activity but which is distinct from the DNA polymerase active site. PLP also inhibits DNA primase activity of the DNA polymerase alpha complex, and primase activity can be protected from PLP inhibition by nucleotide alone, arguing that PLP site 1 lies within the DNA primase active site. The second inhibitory PLP-binding site (PLP site 2) is only protected from PLP inhibition when the enzyme is bound to both template-primer and correct dNTP in a stable ternary complex. Since binding of PLP at site 2 is mutually exclusive with template-directed dNTP binding at the DNA polymerase active site, PLP site 2 appears to define the dNTP binding domain of the active site. Results from initial velocity analysis of PLP inhibition argue that there is a rate-limiting step in the polymerization cycle during product release and/or translocation.  相似文献   

Since caffeine reorganizes the DNA replicating system, with several consequences, we studied the effect of caffeine on the DNA replication which normally occurs on or near the nuclear matrix in a variety of eukaryotic cells. When HeLa cells, treated with or without the DNA-damaging agent, neocarzinostatin, were postincubated in the presence or absence of caffeine and then pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine, the DNA remaining tightly associated with the matrix was enriched in the newly synthesized DNA at the same level as that seen in untreated cells. The nuclear matrix-bound DNA polymerase alpha activity was also the same in these cells. Therefore, in the presence of caffeine, DNA replication, with or without DNA damage, also occurs on or near the nuclear matrix, as is the case in normal DNA replication.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic replisome is comprised of three family-B DNA polymerases (Polα, δ and ϵ). Polα forms a stable complex with primase to synthesize short RNA-DNA primers, which are subsequently elongated by Polδ and Polϵ in concert with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). In some species of archaea, family-D DNA polymerase (PolD) is the only DNA polymerase essential for cell viability, raising the question of how it alone conducts the bulk of DNA synthesis. We used a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakarensis, to demonstrate that PolD connects primase to the archaeal replisome before interacting with PCNA. Whereas PolD stably connects primase to GINS, a component of CMG helicase, cryo-EM analysis indicated a highly flexible PolD–primase complex. A conserved hydrophobic motif at the C-terminus of the DP2 subunit of PolD, a PIP (PCNA-Interacting Peptide) motif, was critical for the interaction with primase. The dissociation of primase was induced by DNA-dependent binding of PCNA to PolD. Point mutations in the alternative PIP-motif of DP2 abrogated the molecular switching that converts the archaeal replicase from de novo to processive synthesis mode.  相似文献   

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