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In nests of the facultatively social carpenter bee Xylocopa pubescens, both intruders and nestmates destroyed brood during supersedure. However, nestmates and intruders differed with respect to the frequency and the pattern of brood destruction. Intruders destroyed more brood than did nestmates. In addition, intruders appeared to destroy all stages of brood at equal frequencies, whereas nestmates had a preference for opening and thereby destroying newly made cells. Several hypotheses concerning the ultimate reasons for these differences were tested. These differences are not due to either a lack of breeding space, or to an attempt to prevent an imminent loss of dominance. The number of brood cells destroyed by nestmates was not influenced by the degree of relatedness. This indicates that the difference between nestmates and intruders was not based on active kin recognition. The most likely reason why nestmates prefer to open young brood cells is that they can then reallocate the pollen contents of these cells to their own brood. A difference in knowledge about the location of newly made cells may explain the differences in the pattern and the frequency of brood destruction by nestmates and intruders. Furthermore, a superseding nestmate may slightly enhance her average indirect fitness by destroying the brood contents of newly made cells while leaving older brood cells intact.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which female Xylocopa pubescenslocate their nest in a nesting aggregation was investigated. The bees were induced to nest in canes to which uniform nest entrances were attached. The results of nest displacement experiments revealed that the bees use visual cues for proximate orientation,but at very close range they also use olfactory cues. This conclusion was corroborated by the results of experiments in which the nest entrances were either removed or exchanged for alien nest entrances. Moreover, habituation experiments strongly indicated that the bees impart their individual marking at the nest entrance and that they can learn and memorize the individual odors of the neighboring bees.  相似文献   

Males of the carpenter beeXylocopa varipuncta Patton wait for females to visit them as they hover at landmark territories along ridgelines on some spring afternoons. While hovering, males advertize their presence by releasing a pheromone that attracts passing females. If males have limited time to invest in territorial hovering and signaling, then they should engage in these activities more often at times when mate-searching females are most likely to visit landmark territories. The number of females flying near male territories varies greatly over the course of afternoons and from day to day. Measures of female activity and male territorial activity were highly correlated at one study site, both in terms of changes within afternoons and in terms of day-to-day fluctuations. This result supports the hypothesis that males ofX. varipuncta time their mateattracting behavior to maximize contacts with receptive females.  相似文献   

P. G. Willmer 《Oecologia》1988,76(3):430-438
Summary Two carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.) in southern Israel both use the asclepiad Calotropis procera as a primary nectar source. This plant genus is coevolved with carpenter bees, and aspects of the insect-flower interaction in Israel suggest that the smaller bee, X. sulcatipes, is the natural co-adapted pollinator, a view borne out by the geographical distributions of the species concerned. There are significant mismatches between the plant and the larger X. pubescens, involving physical fit and behaviour. These mismatches are particularly evident when the physiologies of the bees and the plant are considered. The different sizes and colours of the two bees lead to different daily activity patterns, only X. sulcatipes being thermally suited to, and thus abundant at, times of maximum nectar production by Calotropis. Similarly the water requirements of X. sulcatipes are finely balanced with the water production in the floral nectar; this bee gains just enough water when foraging to restore its blood concentration and production in the floral nectar; for deposition in the nest. X. pubescens does not incur net water loss in flight and gains too much water from Calotropis flowers, necessitating copious urination and tonguelashing. Hence physiological information can be of use in deciphering insect-plant coevolutionary patterns, and the water component of nectar is confirmed as a potentially major determinant of foraging activities. The circumstances where this will be particularly true, and cases where it may not apply, are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that plant learning by a relative plant-specialist parasitoid wasp should influence the probability of orienting to plant odors (plant finding) and the duration of searching on a plant after landing (plant examining). The insect tested was Diaeretiella rapaeM'Intosh (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a parasitoid wasp that usually attacks aphids on cruciferous plants, but occasionally on other plants. Laboratory experiments using collard as the cruciferous plant and potato as the novel plant demonstrated that postemergence (adult) plant experience affected plant examining only on the less preferred plant, potato, and was reversible and relatively long-term (that is, lasted >2 days). Postemergence experience with potato did not increase orientation to potato odor in a wind tunnel, but postemergence experience with collard resulted in a trend of increased likelihood of flying to collard odor. Preemergence treatments affected plant finding but not plant examining.  相似文献   

Reproductive altruism and cooperative brood care are key characteristics of eusocial insects and reasons for their ecological success. Yet, Hymenopteran societies are also the stage for a multitude of intracolonial conflicts. Recently, a conflict between adult and larval colony members over caste fate was described and evidence for overt conflict was uncovered in several bee species. In theory, diploid larvae of many Hymenopteran species should experience strong fitness benefits, if they would be able to change their developmental pathway towards the queen caste. However, larval self-determination potential is low in most advanced eusocial Hymenopterans, because workers often control larval food intake and queenworker caste dimorphisms are generally high. In the ant genus Hypoponera, larvae actively feed on food provided by workers and here we show extremely low queenworker size differences in these ants: the lowest in H. opacior, where fertile wingless (intermorphic) queens weigh on average only 13% more than workers. Thus, slightly better nutrition during development might change the fate of a Hypoponera larva from a completely sterile worker to a fertile queen. One possibility to obtain extra food for Hypoponera larvae with their well-developed mandibles would be to cannibalise adjacent larvae. Indeed, we observed frequently larval cannibalism in ant nests. Yet, adult workers apparently try to prohibit larval cannibalism by carefully separating larvae in the nest. Larvae, which were experimentally brought into close contact, were rapidly set apart. Workers further sorted larvae according to size and responded swiftly to decreasing food levels, by increasing inter-larval distance. Still, an experimental manipulation of the larval cannibalism rate in H. schauinslandi failed to provide conclusive evidence for the link between larval cannibalism and caste development. Hence, further experiments are needed to determine whether the widespread larval cannibalism in Hypoponera and the untypical brood distribution can be explained by an overt caste conflict. Received 18 December 2006; revised 2 August and 20 September 2007; accepted 21 September 2007.  相似文献   

Many social Hymenoptera species have morphologically sterile worker castes. It is proposed that the evolutionary routes to this obligate sterility must pass through a ‘monogamy window’, because inclusive fitness favours individuals retaining their reproductive totipotency unless they can rear full siblings. Simulated evolution of sterility, however, finds that ‘point of view’ is critically important. Monogamy is facilitating if sterility is expressed altruistically (i.e. workers defer reproduction to queens), but if sterility results from manipulation by mothers or siblings, monogamy may have no effect or lessen the likelihood of sterility. Overall, the model and data from facultatively eusocial bees suggest that eusociality and sterility are more likely to originate through manipulation than by altruism, casting doubt on a mandatory role for monogamy. Simple kin selection paradigms, such as Hamilton''s rule, can also fail to account for significant evolutionary dynamics created by factors, such as population structure, group-level effects or non-random mating patterns. The easy remedy is to always validate apparently insightful predictions from Hamiltonian equations with life-history appropriate genetic models.  相似文献   

When a honey bee colony becomes queenless and broodless its only reproductive option is for some of its workers to produce sons before the colony perishes. However, for this to be possible the policing of worker-laid eggs must be curtailed and this provides the opportunity for queenless colonies to be reproductively parasitized by workers from other nests. Such reproductive parasitism is known to occur in Apis florea and A. cerana. Microsatellite analyses of worker samples have demonstrated that the proportion of non-natal workers present in an A. cerana colony declines after a colony is made queenless. This observation suggests that queenless A. cerana colonies may be more vigilant in repelling potentially parasitic non-natal workers than queenright colonies. We compared rates of nestmate and non-nestmate acceptance in both queenright and queenless A. cerana colonies using standard assays and showed that there is no statistical difference between the proportion of non-nestmate workers that are rejected in queenless and queenright colonies. We also show that, contrary to earlier reports, A. cerana guards are able to discriminate nestmate workers from non-nestmates, and that they reject significantly more non-nestmate workers than nestmate workers. Received 25 February 2008; revised 21 May 2008; accepted 25 June 2008.  相似文献   

L. D. Incoll  G. C. Whitelam 《Planta》1977,137(3):243-245
Transpiration from excised leaves of Anthephra pubescens Nees was enhanced by 1 and 10 mmol m-3 kinetin. Stomatal opening in isolated epidermal strips of A. pubescens under CO2-free air and in the absence of K+ was enhanced by 10 mmol m-3 kinetin.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid  相似文献   

Significant variation in aggressiveness and kin discrimination ability occurs between different laboratory colonies of the ant Rhytidoponera confusa.Different colonies show consistently high (or low) levels of aggression toward nonnestmates over 4–19 weeks. Earlier studies excluded colony size and the natural presence or absence of the queen in colonies and differences in hunger as possible sources of variation. The present study excluded the number of larvae in colonies and the time of the light period of the light cycle when recognition tests were carried out. Highly significant variation occurs between the kin discrimination ability of individual workers in any particular colony. Approximately 28% of the workers in colonies of R. confusashowed very poor kin discrimination. Much of the colony's kin discrimination is carried out by a small number of highly aggressive workers.  相似文献   

Queens of eusocial Hymenoptera are inseminated only during a brief period before they start to lay eggs. This has probably been kin-selected because repeated insemination of old queens would normally be against the inclusive fitness interest of their daughter workers. Army ants have been considered to be the only possible exception to this rule due to their idiosyncratic life-history. We studied two distantly related species of army ants, the African Dorylus (Anomma) molestus and the Neotropical Eciton burchellii and present data from microsatellite genotyping, behavioural observations and sperm counts.We also describe the copulation behaviour of African army ants for the first time. Our results strongly suggest that, contradictory to earlier contentions, army ant queens do not mate repeatedly throughout their life and thus do not constitute an exception among the eusocial Hymenoptera in this respect. Sperm counts for males and queens of both species show that army ant queens have to mate with several males to become fully inseminated. However, sperm limitation by queens is unlikely to have been the prime reason for the evolution of high queen-mating frequencies in this group. Received 5 July 2006; revised 26 September 2006; accepted 11 October 2006.  相似文献   

Three hypotheses relating to the function of postcopulatory mate guarding were tested for the cricketTeleogryllus natalensis. The hypothesis that guarding allows the male to remain with the female for repeated matings was rejected. This was because the mean intercopulatory interval for maleT. natalensis was found to be nearly twice as long as the mean duration of guarding. Nor do the results provide evidence to support the hypothesis that guarding functions to prevent copulation attempts by rival males (the rival exclusion hypothesis): the presence of a rival male was found to have no significant effect on the duration of spermatophore attachment for either guarded or unguarded females. The results do, however, support a third hypothesis, namely, that guarding functions to prevent the female from removing the spermatophore ampulla before complete sperm transfer. As predicted by this hypothesis, the presence of a guarding male was found to have a significant positive effect on the duration of spermatophore attachment. Further support for this hypothesis was provided by the fact that there was a significant positive correlation between the duration of mate guarding and the duration of spermatophore attachment.  相似文献   

Summary Females of an Australian polistine wasp,Ropalidia plebeiana, often use their mandibles to cut their nest-comb in spring, dividing it into two or more completely independent nests. Prior to the division, each of the major egg layers, often with some subordinates, tended to occupy a different part of a single comb. These females gnawed cells in the intermediate zone between such territories, and ultimately divided the comb. Many other females also built new nests near the nest aggregations, but addition of new nests by comb cutting represented 34.8 % of the increase in nest number. This method of colony fission is so far unknown in any eusocial Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

LncRNA在蜜蜂级型分化中的功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂的级型分化被证实是由蜂王浆中的Royalactin决定,工蜂和蜂王幼虫在级型分化时编码基因的表达差异也被广泛研究.我们发现,在蜜蜂幼虫的级型分化过程中,lncRNA也有着显著的表达差异,因此认为,lncRNA也参与了蜜蜂的级型分化过程.进一步的分析显示,lncRNA可能通过影响上下游基因的转录和功能执行的方式,在蜜蜂早期发育的多细胞组织发育、神经系统发育和转录调控的过程中起到重要的调控作用.  相似文献   

Recent studies have called into question the role of Wright's coefficient of relatedness (r) in the interactions among relatives. Kin selection theory predicts a positive relationship between relatedness and frequency of altruistic acts, but a number of researchers have reported the opposite relationship. I used a lycosid spider (Pardosa milvina) to test the hypothesis that genetic relatedness would affect the propensity of a cannibalistic species to prey on genetic relatives. I considered lack of predation to be a form of altruism where the predator incurs a cost (loss of a meal) that benefits potential prey. Specifically, I questioned whether direct genetic offspring would be avoided as prey items and whether the sex or reproductive condition of a cannibalistic predator would affect the likelihood of predation on conspecific juveniles. As predicted by kin selection theory, spiderling mothers ate significantly fewer of their own offspring than they did of nonkin spiderlings of the same age. Adult virgin female and adult male spiders ate significantly more spiders than females that had recently carried spiderlings. Females with egg sacs consumed significantly fewer spiderlings than did virgin female spiders. These findings support Hamilton's rule and suggest that, in some systems, genetic relatedness plays a strong role in governing altruistic behavior toward relatives.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is known from flowering plants and mammals but has not been confirmed for the Hymenoptera even though the eusocial Hymenoptera are prime candidates for this peculiar form of gene expression. Here, the kin selection theory of genomic imprinting is reviewed and applied to the eusocial Hymenoptera. The evidence for imprinting in eusocial Hymenoptera with the typical mode of reproduction, involving the sexual production of diploid female offspring, which develop into workers or gynes, and the arrhenotokous parthenogenesis of haploid males, is also reviewed briefly. However, the focus of this review is how atypical modes of reproduction, involving thelytokous parthenogenesis, hybridisation and androgenesis, may also select for imprinting. In particular, naturally occurring hybridisation in several genera of ants may provide useful tests of the role of kin selection in the evolution of imprinting. Hybridisation is expected to disrupt the coadaptation of antagonistically imprinted loci, and thus affect the phenotypes of hybrids. Some of the limited data available on hybrid worker reproduction and on colony sex ratios support predictions about patterns of imprinting derived from kin selection theory.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory suggests that cannibalism is more likely to spread and be maintained if cannibalism of close relatives can be preferentially avoided. One important group of insects in which kin discrimination might be expected to evolve is cannibalistic tree-hole mosquitoes. Larvae of these species develop in small, ephemeral water bodies, where they regularly encounter both relatives and nonrelatives. In this study we compared the degree of sib cannibalism with the degree of nonsib cannibalism in two ecologically distinct mosquito species: an anautogenous (blood-feeding) detritivore Trichoprosopon digitatum (Culicinae) and an autogenous predator Toxorhynchites moctezuma (Toxorhynchitinae). Despite a wealth of literature documenting kin-biased discrimination in other insects, neither of these tree-hold mosquito species preferentially consumed nonrelatives. In the case of Tr. digitatum, the size-dependent nature of larval cannibalism may preclude additional selection for preferential consumption of nonrelatives, but in the autogenous Tx. moctezuma the direct nutritive and indirect competitive benefits of indiscriminate cannibalism may outweigh the immediate costs of consuming a relative.  相似文献   

Summary Response of the southern red mite, Oligonychus ilicis McGregor, to young and one year old leaves of Ilex opaca Aiton was studied on three dates during the period of leaf expansion in the spring. Young foliage, which is rich in nutrients but also contains high levels of saponins, was found to be unsuitable for colonization by this oligophagous herbivore until the leaves had matured and levels of saponins had declined. Mites preferentially colonized and had higher survival and reproduction on sclerophyllous, one-year old leaves than on young leaves in early spring. High levels of saponins in young, second-flush leaves of shoots that had earlier been damaged by frost were again correlated with low mite survival in June. Laboratory preference tests with the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea Drury, and the eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum (F.), indicated that young, saponin-rich holly foliage is especially unpalatable to these highly polyphagous caterpillars. Fifth instar fall webworms required significantly longer to complete their development, attained lower weights, and had greater mortality on artificial diet amended with low concentrations of purified holly saponins than on control diet. These results support the hypothesis that the high levels of saponins in young holly leaves provide protection from herbovores until the leaves have matured and their structural defenses are developed.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 88-7-8-196) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

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