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Rotation of skin cuffs 180° around the longitudinal axis of the underlying tissues in the axolotl forelimb results in a high percentage of multiple regenerates after amputation through the rotated skin. Similar results occur after rotation of only the anteroposterior (A-P) axis of the skin. Rotation of only the proximodistal (Pr-Ds) axis of the skin results in normal regenerates whereas dorsoventral (D-V) axial skin rotation results in single regenerates with some disturbances in symmetry. Rotation of anterior or posterior half cuffs of skin produces results similar to those obtained after A-P rotation of full skin cuffs, and rotation of dorsal or ventral skin halves duplicates the results obtained by rotating full skin cuffs about the D-V axis. Skin cuffs rotated for periods from 6 months to over 2 years before amputation are also capable of causing multiple regenerates to form. No significant difference in the percentage of multiple regenerates was seen after skin rotation and limb amputation through shoulder, upper arm, and forearm levels. X-Radiation (4000 r) of either the skin or underlying tissues before skin rotation resulted in single regenerates after amputation. If a strip of normal skin was turned perpendicularly to the long axis of the irradiated underlying stump tissues, the regenerative response was blocked. In some of the above experiments, regenerates with longitudinally duplicated upper arm and forearm segments appeared. It is postulated that normally both the skin and the underlying limb tissues can influence morphogenesis during regeneration and that they work in harmony. In contrast, rotated skin and the underlying tissues each exert a morphogenetic influence upon the regenerating limb, and the regenerate is not able to integrate these disharmonious influences. This is reflected in the highly abnormal morphology of the regenerates. The nature of the morphogenetic influence disrupted by skin rotation is not yet known.  相似文献   

Amputated hindlimbs of Xenopus laevis, develop various types of regenerates in relation with amputation level as well as stage development. The present experiments is an attempt to study the histological characteristics of Xenopus regenerations, i.e., rational changes of tissue components along the length of the regenerated part with special emphasis on the degree of muscle regeneration. Four types of regenerates were studied viz; a 4th toe obtained from a completely restored regenerated limb at 126 days after amputation of limb at base level in stage 51. An amputated limb with no external sign of regeneration of limb at thigh level in stage 60. A spike-shaped regenerate at 96 days after amputation of limb at shank level in stage 63. A spike-shaped regenerate at about 2 years after amputation of limb at shank level in stage 60. Cross sectional areas of muscle, skin gland, epidermis and cartilage in each of the four types of regenerates were measured with Image Analyzing Apparatus (VIP 121 CH, Olympus Co.). The relative area of each tissue was expressed as a percentage of the cross sectional area of the limb. The obtained values were plotted along the length of the regenerate. Digitiform regenerates were found to be more or less similar to the control limbs, i.e., provided joints and muscle, while the heteromorphic spike or rod shaped regenerates were simply provided with cartilaginous axial core without joint formation. Muscle area were reduced rapidly near the amputation area of these heteromorphic regenerates with no more continuation in the regenerated tissue. It is interesting to mention that percentage cartilage area of about 2 years old spike regenerate was higher than that of similar 96 days regenerate. In addition muscle regeneration was completely absent even in such an aged regenerate. The area showed fairly similar ratio irrespective of the external appearance of the regenerate. In 32 regenerates of which limbs were amputated at various developmental stages ranging between stage 51 and adult stage, the histological condition of muscle at the amputation site, were well observed. In all digitated types of regenerates even in those with reduced number of toes, muscles were found grown well in the regenerates. In heteromorphic regenerates without toe formation muscle did not usually regenerate. In few cases, however, a small mass of myoblastic like cells or small aggregation of differentiated muscle cells without any structural continuation with the stump muscles, were seen to develop in the midst of the regenerate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) forearms were divided, by an incision between the radius and ulna, to produce anterior and posterior halves. These were prevented from fusing together again by a graft of head skin and amputated through the wrist. This procedure enabled independent regeneration from both halves of the stump. Anterior half stumps produced a single digit while the posterior halves mainly regenerated three digits, the two halves together making a single hand. Treatment with retinoic acid, injected intraperitoneally four days after amputation, abolished regeneration from the posterior half stump and produced proximo-distally duplicated regenerates from the anterior half. The duplicated regenerates had in most cases a complete four digit hand and were therefore more than proximalised regenerates from the anterior side of the limb. Replacement of anterior limb skin with head skin had no effect on the response of the regenerating limb to retinoic acid. In species where application of retinoic acid induces anterior-posterior duplications, these are always derived from the anterior side of the limb. The results presented here show that the morphogenic effects of retinoic acid in inducing proximo-distal duplications are also due to its effects on the anterior tissues of the limb.Excellent technical assistance was provided by Carole Ross and Marjory Shiach and useful discussion were had with Paul Martin, David Wilson and Gavin Swanson  相似文献   

This research was designed to follow up the observation of Thornton and Kraemer ('51) that regressed, denervated limbs of Ambystoma larvae will not regenerate upon reinnervation if all digits on the limbs were not completely resorbed. The object of this experiment was to determine whether the presence of an apical structure, protruding past the amputation surface, would affect the regenerative process. Both forearms of adult newts were amputated midway between the elbow and the wrist. One limb served as a normal regeneration control, and in the other limb the third digit from the removed hand was implanted in place of the removed radius, so that the three distal phalangeal segments protruded past the plane of amputation. Blastema formation in the experimental limbs was delayed by several weeks as compared with control limbs. Approximately one third of the experimental limbs did not regenerate. The regenerates that did form were strongly deviated (45–90°) radially from the longitudinal axis of the limb. Experimental analysis showed that the delay in regeneration is due largely to the projecting part of the digit. The radial deviation of the regenerates is not due to the digital implant, but rather to the removal of the radius. Trauma alone does not account for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

We have used high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to identify and characterize proteins that may represent products of genes involved in establishing positional information along the proximal-distal axis of the regenerating forelimb of the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. At least 24 proteins have been found whose synthesis and (or) abundance is increased in proximal (midstylopodial) regenerates relative to midzeugopodial (distal) regenerates at either of two regeneration stages, the early dedifferentiation and moderate bud stages. Four of these same proteins show an axial asymmetry at both stages. Ten distal-specific proteins were also identified, although only one was common to both stages. More significantly, 6 of these 34 proteins (molecular masses of 73, 73, 51.5, 44.0, 19.5, and 16.5 kilodaltons and isoelectric points of 6.70, 6.74, 6.0, 6.05, 5.9, and 6.98, respectively) are regulated to proximal levels by treatment of distal regenerates with retinoic acid (RA) at both stages. An additional five are proximalized by RA at only one regeneration stage. Since the effect of RA is to proximalize positional information in blastema cells, these 11 proteins represent gene products that could be involved in a biochemical cascade leading to the establishment of positional information in the regenerating limb along this axis.  相似文献   

Immediately following amputation through the eyestalk of the mystery snail (Pomacea), a persistent ionic current enters the apical amputation surface of the eyestalk stump. The circuit is completed by current driven from undamaged integument of the eyestalk stump and other body regions. The current is relatively steady during the first 10 hours following amputation. Currents subsequently begin a slow decline to base line levels by 60 hours postamputation--a time coincident with wound healing processes. The "battery" driving this ionic current is the internally negative transepidermal potential existing across the snail integument--perhaps the result of a net inward pumping of chloride across the skin. This system is compared to other regeneration models such as the amphibian limb, bone fracture repair, and skin wound healing. We suggest that ionic current may be a control of eye regeneration in the snail.  相似文献   

When anuran tadpoles are treated with vitamin A after tail amputation, hindlimb‐like structures can be generated instead of the lost tail part at the amputation site. This homeotic transformation was initially expected to be a key to understanding the body plan of vertebrates. Unfortunately, homeotic limb formation has been reproduced in only some Indian frog species and a European species, but not in experimental anurans such as Xenopus laevis or Rana catesbeiana. Consequently, this fascinating phenomenon has not been well analyzed, especially at the molecular level. In addition, the initial processes of ectopic limb development are also unclear because morphological changes in the early phases have not been analyzed in detail. In this study, we report the induction of homeotic transformation using Japanese brown frogs and present a detailed morphological analysis. Unexpectedly, the ectopic limbs developed not only at the ventral sites, but also at the dorsal sites of the tail regenerates of vitamin A‐treated tadpoles. The relationship between position and axial orientation of ectopic limbs suggested the double duplication of positional value order along the rostral‐caudal axis and the dorsal‐ventral axis of the tail regenerates.  相似文献   

Polyamine contents in the regenerates were determined at various stages after amputation of the forelimbs of the adult female Xenopus laevis. Putrescine, spermidine, spermine, and sym-homospermidine were detected in all the specimens examined. Cadaverine was detected only in a limited number of samples. At 5 days after amputation of forelimbs, well before the formation of regenerates, the putrescine content in the stump tissues increased, followed by the increase in spermidine content. The putrescine level in the forelimb regenerates was highest between 30 and 50 days after amputation, and then decreased. The spermidine concentration in the regenerates was about 20 times greater than that in intact forelimbs all throughout the experiments. The concentration of spermine was initially lower than that of both putrescine and spermidine and further decreased soon after amputation. The concentration of sym-homospermidine was originally very low and increased slightly during regeneration. The significance of these results, with respect to the function of polyamines in forelimb regeneration of Xenopus laevis, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Retinoic acid and the synthetic retinoid, arotinoid, were compared for their efficacy in inducing proximodistal (PD) pattern duplication in regenerating axolotl limbs, after amputation through either the distal zeugopodium (lower arm or leg) or distal stylopodium (upper arm or leg). At each level of amputation, the morphology of the duplications produced was the same for both retinoids, and the mean level of proximalization was dose-dependent. Blastema formation was delayed by both retinoids and the delay was associated with regression of the limb stump. Blastemas which produced PD duplication to the stylopodial or girdle level grew out from the stump in a posterior direction. In several zeugopodial regenerates, a partially duplicated, PD-reversed zeugopodium regenerated between the stump cartilages and a completely duplicated zeugopodium distally. Arotinoid was 50 times more effective than retinoic acid in evoking duplication. The dose of arotinoid required to duplicate a stylopodium in a stylopodial regenerate was several times higher than the dose required to duplicate a zeugopodium in a zeugopodial regenerate, suggesting differences either in the sensitivity of zeugopodial and stylopodial cells to retinoid, or in the numbers of positional value specifying these segments.  相似文献   

Limb regeneration in adult urodele amphibians proceeds by formation of a blastema at the amputation plane. This paper discusses how the blastema forms, and how its positional identity on the proximodistal axis is manifest. Retinoic acid is able to reset axial specification and there is particular interest in determining how it acts. Although limb regeneration is restricted among vertebrates to the urodeles, its mechanism poses fundamental questions in development biology.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of the regeneration of legs and antennae of Oncopeltus. Amputations were performed on first instar larvae within 24 hr after hatching, and on later instars within 24 hr after ecdysis. The resulting regenerates were then measured at each instar. When amputations were performed soon after hatching, there was no significant effect on the duration of any instar. The regenerate was usually visible after the second post-operative ecdysis, and was smaller than a normal appendage (hypomorphic). Removal of the three distal segments of the antenna usually resulted in regeneration of only one segment which was abnormally long and showed a combination of the bristle patterns characteristic of the two most distal segments of the control. In a few such cases a partial intersegmental membrane was present in the regenerated segment. Removal of the tarsus resulted in a structurally complete regenerate which was smaller than the control tarsus. The largest leg regenerates were obtained when amputation was performed through the tibia. With amputation through the femur, a decrease in length of the remainder of this segment was observed after the first ecdysis. This type of amputation and amputation through the trochanter in some cases resulted in the formation of a globular stump containing tarsal claws. The results indicate that amputation of part of an appendage in Oncopeltus does not stimulate an increased growth rate in the stump, but merely causes reorganization of the stump material which subsequently grows at the normal rate. Since even the most hypomorphic regenerates contained well-formed claws, even though proximal parts were missing, it appears that the reorganization process must begin at the most distal point and proceed proximally.  相似文献   

The capacity of amputated early and late limbs of larval Xenopus laevis to promote lens-forming transformations of corneal implants in the absence of a limb regeneration blastema has been tested by implanting outer cornea fragments from donor larvae at stage 48 (according to Nieuwkoop and Faber 1956), into limb stumps of larvae at stage 52 and 57. Blastema formation has been prevented either by covering the amputation surface with the skin or by reconnecting the amputated part to the limb stump. Results show that stage 52 non-regenerating limbs could promote lens formation from corneal implants not only when innervated but also when denervated. A similar result was observed in stage 57 limbs where blastema formation was prevented by reconnecting the amputated part to the stump. In this case, relevant tissue dedifferentiation was observed in the boundary region between the stump and the autografted part of the limb. However, stage 57 limbs, where blastema formation was prevented by covering the amputation surface with skin, could promote lens formation from the outer cornea only when innervated. In this case, no relevant dedifferentiation of the stump tissues was observed. These results indicate that blastema formation is not a prerequisite for lens-forming transformations of corneal fragments implanted into amputated hindlimbs of larval X. laevis and that lens formation can be promoted by factors delivered by the nerve fibres or produced by populations of undifferentiated or dedifferentiated limb cells.  相似文献   

Although capable of initiating early regenerative responses, axolotl forelimb stumps which are composed of double-half limb tissues fail to undergo the events that normally lead to the replacement of missing parts. In the present study, the posterior halves of right forelimbs were exchanged with the anterior halves of left forelimbs, or the dorsal halves of right forelimbs were exchanged with the ventral halves of left forelimbs. Forelimbs were amputated through the graft region 30 days after grafting. Limb stumps bearing double-dorsal, double-ventral or double-posterior tissues either produced hypomorphic regenerates or failed to form any externally visible outgrowth. When the limb stump bore double-anterior tissues, no externally visible structures were formed. Normal and multiple regenerates were never formed by double-half limbs. These results are discussed in terms of the polar coordinate model and suggest that the regeneration blastema requires a complete circumference of positional values in order to complete distal transformation.  相似文献   

When the wound surface formed as a result of amputation of the tail tip in newborn rats was placed in sterile 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride until full epithelialization of the defect, the epithelium moved onto the blood clot covering the wound. The blood clot was then substituted for connective tissue, into which the traumatized vertebra protruded. The vertebra restored its anatomical integrity, and this led to partial regrowth of the tail. A skin regenerate was formed on the apical tail surface with characteristic features of the intact skin of this locality. In the control animals, no regeneration of the vertebra epiphysis took place and a scar was formed at the stump end.  相似文献   

Mitotic activity, as indicated by DNA synthesis, was studied by autoradiographic analysis along the proximodistal axis of regenerating limbs in the early and later larval stages 53 and 57 of Xenopus laevis. Wound-healing, dedifferentiation, blastema formation and growth phases were studied. Most of the various stump tissues, as well as the cell mass of the regeneration blastema, were involved. The study showed an increase in DNA synthesis in the stump tissues during their dedifferentiation as well as during blastema formation. The increase was confined mainly to the distal portion (close to the amputation level), so that a proximodistal gradient was discernible. This could be regarded as valid evidence of contribution of the severed stump tissues to the blastema cells. The mesenchymal blastema cells formed after amputation at stage 53 displayed higher mitotic activity than the fibrocytoid blastema cells formed at stage 57. Although the latter were more differentiated than the former, they still showed DNA replication and mitotic division.  相似文献   

Gravity-dependent shape alterations in newt tail regenerates are described, which were previously noticed in experiments onboard satellites Foton M2, M3 and in corresponding laboratory controls. Laboratory conditions were developed that allow reproducing this phenomenon persistently in the adult newts Pleurodeles waltl (Michahelles, 1830). The newts kept in an aquarium (in partial weightlessness) after 1/3 tail amputation developed normal lanceolate regenerates, while those that stayed on a moist mat (exposed to greater gravity than in aquarium) developed curved tail regenerates. Dynamics of the shape alterations were described using computer morphometric analysis. The curve was shown to develop at stage III of regeneration and to be caused by bending of the developing axial structures: the ependymal tube and the cartilage rode. Cellular processes were described that accompany the tail shape changes, such as cell migration and formation of dense aggregates. Unequal proliferation throughout the wound epidermis and blastema was revealed using BrdU assay. Proliferation increased within dorsal and apical regions of the regenerates in the newts kept on the mat cell compared with the aquarian animals.  相似文献   

新变态小蟾蜍(Bufo regularis Reuss)后肢膝关节水平的再生能力要比同一时期腿中段或更远水平要高。组织发生表明股骨残端上方有大块软骨性髁状帽。再生情况较好的另一些例子,恢复部分可达到小腿中段或只达到小腿基部,并带有或不带有畸形的膝关节,截肢组可达40%,而关节断离组可达83%。后一组中再生体中有一个或多个软骨化中心,表明其分化程度。这提示关节断离的机械作用可能引起一些有利于再生的进行性的组织学变化。对两种手术(截肢和关节断离)后早期组织发生及手术水平的残肢组织和少量肌肉的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The effects of retinoic acid on the regeneration of double anterior lower arms in the adult newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, were investigated. Normally, double anterior lower arms regenerate a hypomorphic, symmetrical pattern of structures, which are distally complete; and double anterior upper arms regenerate a hypomorphic, symmetrical but distally incomplete pattern of structures. In limbs with a normal anteroposterior axis, the major effect of retinoic acid is to alter the proximodistal (PD) positional value of cells local at the amputation level to a much more proximal value, thereby creating duplications in the regenerate of structures proximal to the amputation plane (Thoms and Stocum, '84). Therefore, we predicted that double anterior lower arms treated with retinoic acid would regenerate like double anterior upper arms. However, in a substantial number of cases, each half of these double anterior lower arms regenerated a limb that was complete in the anteroposterior (AP) axis, with asymmetry corresponding to the half of origin. In addition, these regenerates were serially duplicated in the PD axis. These results indicate that retinoic acid can posteriorize the positional value of midline cells, leading to restoration of normal AP pattern, when the set of posterior-half positional values is removed from the cross section of the limb.  相似文献   

The results of recent studies have supported the idea that the ability to organize the formation of axes such as the anteroposterior and proximodistal axes corresponds to limb regeneration ability in Xenopus. In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which the dorsoventral (D-V) axis of regenerating Xenopus limbs is established and the relationships between D-V patterning and regenerative ability. Transplantation experiments were performed to study which epidermis or mesenchyme is responsible for the D-V patterning in regenerating limbs. Naked mesenchyme of a donor limb was rotated and implanted on a host opposite-side limb stump to make a reversed recombination about the D-V axis. The resultant regenerates had a normal-looking D-V pattern, including Lmx-1 expression, muscle pattern, and joints, in stage 52 recombinants and a reversed D-V pattern in stage 55 recombinants. Further experiments in recombination at stage 52 and stage 55 showed that the epidermal signal is responsible for producing the D-V pattern in the regenerating blastema. These results, together with the finding that Lmx-1 expression is absent in the froglet forelimb blastema, suggest that D-V axis formation is a key step in understanding the loss of regenerative ability.  相似文献   

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