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Damage to the human parietal cortex leads to disturbances of spatial perception and of motor behaviour. Within the parietal lobe, lesions of the superior and of the inferior lobule induce quite different, characteristic deficits. Patients with inferior (predominantly right) parietal lobe lesions fail to explore the contralesional part of space by eye or limb movements (spatial neglect). In contrast, superior parietal lobe lesions lead to specific impairments of goal-directed movements (optic ataxia). The observations reported in this paper support the view of dissociated functions represented in the inferior and the superior lobule of the human parietal cortex. They suggest that a spatial reference frame for exploratory behaviour is disturbed in patients with neglect. Data from these patients'' visual search argue that their failure to explore the contralesional side is due to a disturbed input transformation leading to a deviation of egocentric space representation to the ipsilesional side. Data further show that this deviation follows a rotation around the earth-vertical body axis to the ipsilesional side rather than a translation towards that side. The results are in clear contrast to explanations that assume a lateral gradient ranging from a minimum of exploration in the extreme contralesional to a maximum in the extreme ipsilesional hemispace. Moreover, the failure to orient towards and to explore the contralesional part of space appears to be distinct from those deficits observed once an object of interest has been located and releases reaching. Although patients with neglect exhibit a severe bias of exploratory movements, their hand trajectories to targets in peripersonal space may follow a straight path. This result suggests that (i) exploratory and (ii) goal-directed behaviour in space do not share the same neural control mechanisms. Neural representation of space in the inferior parietal lobule seems to serve as a matrix for spatial exploration and for orienting in space but not for visuomotor processes involved in reaching for objects. Disturbances of such processes rather appear to be prominent in patients with more superior parietal lobe lesions and optic ataxia.  相似文献   

We tested a patient (A. T.) with bilateral brain damage to the parietal lobes, whose resulting 'optic ataxia' causes her to make large pointing errors when asked to locate single light emitting diodes presented in her visual field. We report here that, unlike normal individuals, A. T.'s pointing accuracy improved when she was required to wait for 5 s before responding. This counter-intuitive result is interpreted as reflecting the very brief time-scale on which visuomotor control systems in the superior parietal lobe operate. When an immediate response was required, A. T.'s damaged visuomotor system caused her to make large errors; but when a delay was required, a different, more flexible, visuospatial coding system--presumably relatively intact in her brain--came into play, resulting in much more accurate responses. The data are consistent with a dual processing theory whereby motor responses made directly to visual stimuli are guided by a dedicated system in the superior parietal and premotor cortices, while responses to remembered stimuli depend on perceptual processing and may thus crucially involve processing within the temporal neocortex.  相似文献   

During the procedure of prism adaptation, subjects execute pointing movements to visual targets under a lateral optical displacement: as consequence of the discrepancy between visual and proprioceptive inputs, their visuo-motor activity is characterized by pointing errors. The perception of such final errors triggers error-correction processes that eventually result into sensori-motor compensation, opposite to the prismatic displacement (i.e., after-effects). Here we tested whether the mere observation of erroneous pointing movements, similar to those executed during prism adaptation, is sufficient to produce adaptation-like after-effects. Neurotypical participants observed, from a first-person perspective, the examiner's arm making incorrect pointing movements that systematically overshot visual targets location to the right, thus simulating a rightward optical deviation. Three classical after-effect measures (proprioceptive, visual and visual-proprioceptive shift) were recorded before and after first-person's perspective observation of pointing errors. Results showed that mere visual exposure to an arm that systematically points on the right-side of a target (i.e., without error correction) produces a leftward after-effect, which mostly affects the observer's proprioceptive estimation of her body midline. In addition, being exposed to such a constant visual error induced in the observer the illusion "to feel" the seen movement. These findings indicate that it is possible to elicit sensori-motor after-effects by mere observation of movement errors.  相似文献   

Brain areas exist that appear to be specialized for the coding of visual space surrounding the body (peripersonal space). In marked contrast to neurons in earlier visual areas, cells have been reported in parietal and frontal lobes that effectively respond only when visual stimuli are located in spatial proximity to a particular body part (for example, face, arm or hand) [1-4]. Despite several single-cell studies, the representation of near visual space has scarcely been investigated in humans. Here we focus on the neuropsychological phenomenon of visual extinction following unilateral brain damage. Patients with this disorder may respond well to a single stimulus in either visual field; however, when two stimuli are presented concurrently, the contralesional stimulus is disregarded or poorly identified. Extinction is commonly thought to reflect a pathological bias in selective vision favoring the ipsilesional side under competitive conditions, as a result of the unilateral brain lesion [5-7]. We examined a parietally damaged patient (D.P.) to determine whether visual extinction is modulated by the position of the hands in peripersonal space. We measured the severity of visual extinction in a task which held constant visual and spatial information about stimuli, while varying the distance between hands and stimuli. We found that selection in the affected visual field was remarkably more efficient when visual events were presented in the space near the contralesional finger than far from it. However, the amelioration of extinction dissolved when hands were covered from view, implying that the effect of hand position was not mediated purely through proprioception. These findings illustrate the importance of the spatial relationship between hand position and object location for the internal construction of visual peripersonal space in humans.  相似文献   

The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is thought to play an important role in the sensorimotor transformations associated with reaching movements. In humans, damage to the PPC, particularly bilateral lesions, leads to impairments of visually guided reaching movements (optic ataxia). Recent accounts of optic ataxia based upon electrophysiological recordings in monkeys have proposed that this disorder arises because of a breakdown in the tuning fields of parietal neurons responsible for integrating spatially congruent retinal, eye, and hand position signals to produce coordinated eye and hand movements . We present neurological evidence that forces a reconceptualization of this view. We report a detailed case study of a patient with a limb-dependent form of optic ataxia who can accurately reach with either hand to objects that he can foveate (thereby demonstrating coordinated eye-hand movements) but who cannot effectively decouple reach direction from gaze direction for movements executed using his right arm. The demonstration that our patient's misreaching is confined to movements executed using his right limb, and only for movements that are directed to nonfoveal targets, rules out explanations based upon simple perceptual or motor deficits but indicates an impairment in the ability to dissociate the eye and limb visuomotor systems when appropriate.  相似文献   

When a visual stimulus is continuously moved behind a small stationary window, the window appears displaced in the direction of motion of the stimulus. In this study we showed that the magnitude of this illusion is dependent on (i) whether a perceptual or visuomotor task is used for judging the location of the window (ii) the directional signature of the stimulus, and (iii) whether or not there is a significant delay between the end of the visual presentation and the initiation of the localization measure. Our stimulus was a drifting sinusoidal grating windowed in space by a stationary, two-dimensional, Gaussian envelope (sigma=1 cycle of sinusoid). Localization measures were made following either a short (200 ms) or long (4.2 s) post-stimulus delay. The visuomotor localization error was up to three times greater than the perceptual error for a short delay. However, the visuomotor and perceptual localization measures were similar for a long delay. Our results provide evidence in support of the hypothesis that separate cortical pathways exist for visual perception and visually guided action and that delayed actions rely on stored perceptual information.  相似文献   

Patients with right parietal damage demonstrate a variety of attentional deficits in their left visual field contralateral to their lesion. We now report that patients with right lesions also show a severe loss in the perception of apparent motion in their "good" right visual field ipsilateral to their lesion. Three tests of attention were conducted, and losses were found only in the contralesional fields for a selective attention and a multiple object tracking task. Losses in apparent motion, however, were bilateral in all cases. The deficit in apparent motion in the parietal patients supports previous claims that this relatively effortless percept is mediated by attention. However, the bilateral deficit suggests that the disruption is due to a bilateral loss in the temporal resolution of attention to transient events that drive the apparent motion percept.  相似文献   

Communicative pointing is a human specific gesture which allows sharing information about a visual item with another person. It sets up a three-way relationship between a subject who points, an addressee and an object. Yet psychophysical and neuroimaging studies have focused on non-communicative pointing, which implies a two-way relationship between a subject and an object without the involvement of an addressee, and makes such gesture comparable to touching or grasping. Thus, experimental data on the communicating function of pointing remain scarce. Here, we examine whether the communicative value of pointing modifies both its behavioral and neural correlates by comparing pointing with or without communication. We found that when healthy participants pointed repeatedly at the same object, the communicative interaction with an addressee induced a spatial reshaping of both the pointing trajectories and the endpoint variability. Our finding supports the hypothesis that a change in reference frame occurs when pointing conveys a communicative intention. In addition, measurement of regional cerebral blood flow using H(2)O(15) PET-scan showed that pointing when communicating with an addressee activated the right posterior superior temporal sulcus and the right medial prefrontal cortex, in contrast to pointing without communication. Such a right hemisphere network suggests that the communicative value of pointing is related to processes involved in taking another person's perspective. This study brings to light the need for future studies on communicative pointing and its neural correlates by unraveling the three-way relationship between subject, object and an addressee.  相似文献   

Two cortical systems for reaching in central and peripheral vision   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Parietal lesions in humans can produce a specific disruption of visually guided hand movement, termed optic ataxia. The fact that the deficit mainly occurs in peripheral vision suggests that reaching in foveal and extrafoveal vision rely on two different neural substrates. In the present study, we have directly tested this hypothesis by event-related fMRI in healthy subjects. Brain activity was measured when participants reached toward central or peripheral visual targets. Our results confirm the existence of two systems, differently modulated by the two conditions. Reaching in central vision involved a restricted network including the medial intraparietal sulcus (mIPS) and the caudal part of the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd). Reaching in peripheral vision activated in addition the parieto-occipital junction (POJ) and a more rostral part of PMd. These results show that reaching to the peripheral visual field engages a more extensive cortical network than reaching to the central visual field.  相似文献   

The visual system of Histioteuthis is markedly asymmetrical, in that the eyes and optic lobes are considerably larger on the left side, and the lens of the left eye is often yellower in colour than that of the right eye. At the histological level, the rhabdomes of the retinas of both eyes show the usual rectilinear pattern typical of cephalopods. Unlike other species described, however, the orientation of the pattern is not uniform over the retina. The optic lobes are well developed on both sides, again following the typical squid pattern, although the plexiform and inner granular layers are thicker on the left side. In life it is likely that the animals orient at an oblique angle with the arms downward, and the left eye pointing upwards and the right eye downwards, and the asymmetries of the visual system are probably related to this posture. No corresponding asymmetries in the statocysts or other parts of the central nervous system have, however, been detected  相似文献   

In a two-choice discrimination paradigm, a bottlenose dolphin discriminated relational dimensions between visual numerosity stimuli under monocular viewing conditions. After prior binocular acquisition of the task, two monocular test series with different number stimuli were conducted. In accordance with recent studies on visual lateralization in the bottlenose dolphin, our results revealed an overall advantage of the right visual field. Due to the complete decussation of the optic nerve fibers, this suggests a specialization of the left hemisphere for analysing relational features between stimuli as required in tests for numerical abilities. These processes are typically right hemisphere-based in other mammals (including humans) and birds. The present data provide further evidence for a general right visual field advantage in bottlenose dolphins for visual information processing. It is thus assumed that dolphins possess a unique functional architecture of their cerebral asymmetries.  相似文献   

Secondary chronic open-angle glaucoma associated with pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome accounts for approximately 25% of all glaucomas and represents the most common identifiable cause of glaucoma overall. Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) is effective in reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucomatous patients and has the advantage of preserving surrounding structures. We report here SLT treatment of a 82 year old female with a secondary developed open-angle pseudoexfoliation glaucoma allergic to all anti glaucoma eye drops especially those which contain bensalconium chloridum as preservative. Since patient was allergic also to methyl-cellulose, we performed SLT with water as a mediator. Patient had PEX syndrome for 10 years, immature cataracts on both eyes, and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) 0.7 on the right and 0.2 on the left eye. We have monitored intraocular pressure (IOP), the changes in the visual field and optic nerve. Preoperative IOP was 28 mmHg on the right and 30 mmHg on the left eye. The follow up period was 24 months with time points for measured parameters every 3 months. After 18 months IOP remained in the normal values (average 17 mmHg) on the right eye, but on the left eye it increased up to 28 mmHg. SLT re-treatment was carried out on the left eye and the IOP stabilized again on the values between 16-18mmHg. There were no significant change in the visual field and optic nerve configuration before and after SLT (C/D value for right eye: 0.3-0.4; C/D left eye: 0.5). Based on this case report, SLT seems to be very effective treatment for maintaining regular IOP in patient with PEX who is allergic to all types of medications.  相似文献   

Of the many hand gestures that we use in communication pointing is one of the most common and powerful in its role as a visual referent that directs joint attention. While numerous studies have examined the developmental trajectory of pointing production and comprehension, very little consideration has been given to adult visual perception of hand pointing gestures. Across two studies, we use a visual adaptation paradigm to explore the mechanisms underlying the perception of proto-declarative hand pointing. Twenty eight participants judged whether 3D modeled hands pointed, in depth, at or to the left or right of a target (test angles of 0°, 0.75° and 1.5° left and right) before and after adapting to either hands or arrows which pointed 10° to the right or left of the target. After adaptation, the perception of the pointing direction of the test hands shifted with respect to the adapted direction, revealing separate mechanisms for coding right and leftward pointing directions. While there were subtle yet significant differences in the strength of adaptation to hands and arrows, both cues gave rise to a similar pattern of aftereffects. The considerable cross category adaptation found when arrows were used as adapting stimuli and the asymmetry in aftereffects to left and right hands suggests that the adaptation aftereffects are likely driven by simple orientation cues, inherent in the morphological structure of the hand, and not dependent on the biological status of the hand pointing cue. This finding provides evidence in support of a common neural mechanism that processes these directional social cues, a mechanism that may be blind to the biological status of the stimulus category.  相似文献   

Even though auditory stimuli do not directly convey information related to visual stimuli, they often improve visual detection and identification performance. Auditory stimuli often alter visual perception depending on the reliability of the sensory input, with visual and auditory information reciprocally compensating for ambiguity in the other sensory domain. Perceptual processing is characterized by hemispheric asymmetry. While the left hemisphere is more involved in linguistic processing, the right hemisphere dominates spatial processing. In this context, we hypothesized that an auditory facilitation effect in the right visual field for the target identification task, and a similar effect would be observed in the left visual field for the target localization task. In the present study, we conducted target identification and localization tasks using a dual-stream rapid serial visual presentation. When two targets are embedded in a rapid serial visual presentation stream, the target detection or discrimination performance for the second target is generally lower than for the first target; this deficit is well known as attentional blink. Our results indicate that auditory stimuli improved target identification performance for the second target within the stream when visual stimuli were presented in the right, but not the left visual field. In contrast, auditory stimuli improved second target localization performance when visual stimuli were presented in the left visual field. An auditory facilitation effect was observed in perceptual processing, depending on the hemispheric specialization. Our results demonstrate a dissociation between the lateral visual hemifield in which a stimulus is projected and the kind of visual judgment that may benefit from the presentation of an auditory cue.  相似文献   

To assess inapparent visual field defects in patients with multiple sclerosis free from optic neuritis. During 5 years period 120 patients with multiple sclerosis were examined at the University Department of Ophthalmology, Zagreb University Hospital Center. They were divided into three groups with 40 patients each: patients with acute unilateral optic neuritis, referred to ophthalmologist and treated with pulsed steroid therapy; patients with subjective feeling of blurred vision, normal visual acuity and no signs of acute optic neuritis; and patients free from subjective signs of visual impairment. Study patients underwent standard ophthalmologic examination and visual field testing in photopia by use of quantitative kinetic Goldmann perimetry. The initial and control examination by visual field testing were performed at least 6 months apart. Study results showed 65% of multiple sclerosis patients to have visual field defects without subjective signs of impaired vision. The most common defects were mild to moderate visual field narrowing with blind spot enlargement and depression from above. The following results were recorded: acute optic neuritis group: normal in 13/40 (32.5%) for the affected eyes and 27/40 (67.5%) for fellow eyes; mild visual field narrowing in 4/40 (10%) for the affected eyes and 10/40 (25%) for fellow eyes; moderate visual field narrowing with blind spot enlargement in 14/40 (35%) for the affected eyes and 1/40 (2.5%) for fellow eyes; and paracentral and arcuate scotomata in 9/40 (22.5%) for the affected eyes and 2/40 (5%) for fellow eyes; subjective symptom group: normal in 8/40 (20%) for the affected eyes and 11/40 (27.5%) for fellow eyes; mild visual field narrowing in 11/40 (27.5%) for the affected eyes and 16/40 (40%) for fellow eyes; moderate visual field narrowing with blind spot enlargement in 18/40 (45%) for the affected eyes and 10/40 (25%); andparacentral and arcuate scotomata in 3/40 (7.5%) for both affected and fellow eyes; and subjective symptom-free group: normal in 24/80 (30%), mild visual field narrowing in 22/80 (27.5%) moderate visual field narrowing with blind spot enlargement in 24/80 (30%); and paracentral and arcuate scotomata in 10/80 (12.5%). The presence of subclinical form of optic nerve involvement could be demonstrated in a very early stage of multiple sclerosis by the introduction of visual field testing in the standard examination protocol.  相似文献   

In patients with lesions in the right hemisphere, frequently involving the posterior parietal regions, left-sided somatosensory (and visual and motor) deficits not only reflect a disorder of primary sensory processes, but also have a higher-order component related to a defective spatial representation of the body. This additional factor, related to right brain damage, is clinically relevant: contralesional hemianaesthesia (and hemianopia and hemiplegia) is more frequent in right brain-damaged patients than in patients with damage to the left side of the brain. Three main lines of investigation suggest the existence of this higher-order pathological factor. (i) Right brain-damaged patients with left hemineglect may show physiological evidence of preserved processing of somatosensory stimuli, of which they are not aware. Similar results have been obtained in the visual domain. (ii) Direction-specific vestibular, visual optokinetic and somatosensory or proprioceptive stimulations may displace spatial frames of reference in right brain-damaged patients with left hemineglect, reducing or increasing the extent of the patients'' ipsilesional rightward directional error, and bring about similar directional effects in normal subjects. These stimulations, which may improve or worsen a number of manifestations of the neglect syndrome (such as extrapersonal and personal hemineglect), have similar effects on the severity of left somatosensory deficits (defective detection of tactile stimuli, position sense disorders). However, visuospatial hemineglect and the somatosensory deficits improved by these stimulations are independent, albeit related, disorders. (iii) The severity of left somatosensory deficits is affected by the spatial position of body segments, with reference to the midsagittal plane of the trunk. A general implication of these observations is that spatial (non-somatotopic) levels of representation contribute to corporeal awareness. The neural basis of these spatial frames includes the posterior parietal and the premotor frontal regions. These spatial representations could provide perceptual-premotor interfaces for the organization of movements (e.g. pointing, locomotion) directed towards targets in personal and extrapersonal space. In line with this view, there is evidence that the sensory stimulations that modulate left somatosensory deficits affect left motor disorders in a similar, direction-specific, fashion.  相似文献   

Radial expanding optic flow is a visual consequence of forward locomotion. Presented on screen, it generates illusionary forward self-motion, pointing at a close vision-gait interrelation. As particularly parkinsonian gait is vulnerable to external stimuli, effects of optic flow on motor-related cerebral circuitry were explored with functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy controls (HC) and patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Fifteen HC and 22 PD patients, of which 7 experienced freezing of gait (FOG), watched wide-field flow, interruptions by narrowing or deceleration and equivalent control conditions with static dots. Statistical parametric mapping revealed that wide-field flow interruption evoked activation of the (pre-)supplementary motor area (SMA) in HC, which was decreased in PD. During wide-field flow, dorsal occipito-parietal activations were reduced in PD relative to HC, with stronger functional connectivity between right visual motion area V5, pre-SMA and cerebellum (in PD without FOG). Non-specific ‘changes’ in stimulus patterns activated dorsolateral fronto-parietal regions and the fusiform gyrus. This attention-associated network was stronger activated in HC than in PD. PD patients thus appeared compromised in recruiting medial frontal regions facilitating internally generated virtual locomotion when visual motion support falls away. Reduced dorsal visual and parietal activations during wide-field optic flow in PD were explained by impaired feedforward visual and visuomotor processing within a magnocellular (visual motion) functional chain. Compensation of impaired feedforward processing by distant fronto-cerebellar circuitry in PD is consistent with motor responses to visual motion stimuli being either too strong or too weak. The ‘change’-related activations pointed at covert (stimulus-driven) attention.  相似文献   

Left-hemiparetic patients show predominant postural imbalance as compared to right-hemiparetic patients. The right hemisphere is crucial for generating internal maps used for perceptual and premotor processing of spatial information. Predominant postural imbalance with right-brain damage could thus result from a distortion of an internal postural map. Well-known manifestations of distorted internal maps due to right-hemisphere lesions, such as hemineglect, may show improvement following prism adaptation shifting the visual field to the right. We therefore investigated the effect of prism adaptation on postural imbalance in left-hemiparetic patients. Three groups of five patients were either adapted to prisms deviating the visual field to the right or left or exposed to neutral prisms while performing reaching movements of the right arm. Postural imbalance was reduced only following prism adaptation to the right. Thus, brief adaptation (i.e., 3 min) to rightward-shifting prisms can dramatically improve postural imbalance. This result shows that the effect of exposure to prisms that horizontally shift the visual field to the right in a reaching task generalizes to the postural system, and it suggests an interaction between horizontal and vertical reference frames. This also supports the theory that predominant postural imbalance in patients with right-brain damage may be partly related to a distortion of an internal postural map.  相似文献   

Heath M  Maraj A  Godbolt B  Binsted G 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3539


Previous work by our group has shown that the scaling of reach trajectories to target size is independent of obligatory awareness of that target property and that “action without awareness” can persist for up to 2000 ms of visual delay. In the present investigation we sought to determine if the ability to scale reaching trajectories to target size following a delay is related to the pre-computing of movement parameters during initial stimulus presentation or the maintenance of a sensory (i.e., visual) representation for on-demand response parameterization.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Participants completed immediate or delayed (i.e., 2000 ms) perceptual reports and reaching responses to different sized targets under non-masked and masked target conditions. For the reaching task, the limb associated with a trial (i.e., left or right) was not specified until the time of response cuing: a manipulation that prevented participants from pre-computing the effector-related parameters of their response. In terms of the immediate and delayed perceptual tasks, target size was accurately reported during non-masked trials; however, for masked trials only a chance level of accuracy was observed. For the immediate and delayed reaching tasks, movement time as well as other temporal kinematic measures (e.g., times to peak acceleration, velocity and deceleration) increased in relation to decreasing target size across non-masked and masked trials.


Our results demonstrate that speed-accuracy relations were observed regardless of whether participants were aware (i.e., non-masked trials) or unaware (i.e., masked trials) of target size. Moreover, the equivalent scaling of immediate and delayed reaches during masked trials indicates that a persistent sensory-based representation supports the unconscious and metrical scaling of memory-guided reaching.  相似文献   

The regenerating optic nerve of goldfish first reestablishes a rough retinotopic map on the contralateral tectum and then sharpens it. Disruption of visual activity, either by blocking activity with intraocular tetrodotoxin (TTX; Schmidt and Edwards, 1983) or by synchronizing activity with strobe illumination (Schmidt and Eisele, 1985), disrupts the sharpening process: the map is correctly oriented but the multiunit receptive fields at each point average 25-40 degrees in diameter. In order to test whether strobe and TTX interfere with the same mechanism, we have tested whether their sensitive periods are the same, and whether strobe, like TTX treatment, does not affect either ganglion cell receptive field properties or synaptogenesis. In parallel studies, we exposed fish to 2 weeks of either strobe illumination or intraocular TTX beginning at various times after crush and determined via electrophysiological recordings that the periods of sensitivity were nearly identical. There was no effect of either treatment during the first 2 weeks (before the fibers arrive at the tectum), maximal disruption of sharpening between 14 and 50 days (the period of rapid synaptogenesis), decreasing disruption between 50 and 125 days, and no effect beyond that point or in the normal projection. In addition, long strobe exposures of up to 142 days produced no greater disruptions than shorter 2-3-week exposures, indicating no cumulative effect. The reestablishment of synaptic transmission in tectum, assayed by recording field potentials elicited by optic nerve shock, was not affected by stroboscopic illumination. Finally, individual ganglion cells, recorded intraretinally following long-term strobe exposure, had receptive fields that were normal both in size and in their characteristic responses to light-on, to light-off, or to both on and off. These findings support the hypothesis that strobe-like TTX prevents retinotopic refinement by preventing the correction of errors initially made by the ingrowing optic axons (Schmidt et al., 1988).  相似文献   

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