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测定和比较研究了离体的正常的和腺癌的人结肠粘膜/粘膜下层以及正常的和腺癌的人结肠肌层/浆膜组织对630 nm,680 nm,720 nm,780 nm,810 nm,850 nm和890 nm波长的钛宝石激光的散射和吸收系数。采用双积分球测量系统测量组织样品对七个不同波长的激光的准直透射、漫反射和漫透射,从实验所测结果以及分别采用反向倍增法和反演蒙特卡罗技术这两个光学模型计算出组织的散射和吸收系数。研究结果表明,无论是用反向倍增法还是用反演蒙特卡罗法,每一种类型的正常的和腺癌的人结肠组织对同一波长的激光的吸收系数和散射系数有显著性的差异(P<0.01),正常的和腺癌的结肠组织的散射和吸收系数有大的差异,这些结果提示每种类型的正常和腺癌的结肠组织的组份和结构之间有大的差异。四种类型的结肠组织对七个不同波长的激光的散射系数较其吸收系数至少要大三个数量级,而四种类型的结肠组织对七个不同波长的激光的散射系数有相同的数量级。  相似文献   

皮肤的光学模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于人体皮肤的组织结构,光在皮肤组织中的传输特性以及皮肤各层的组织光学参数,建立了正常皮肤的光学模型,介绍了该模型中的组织光学参数的确定方法。本文建立的皮肤组织光学模型及其方法,可应用于皮肤光学基础与临床的其它研究中。  相似文献   

本研究利用光学相干层析术OCT对泼尼松龙诱导的斑马鱼骨质疏松模型进行活体成像,并结合电镜能谱技术定量分析斑马鱼模型骨质的钙磷元素含量及分布情况,共同探讨OCT方法在基于斑马鱼模型开展的骨质疏松研究中的使用价值。选取40条3月龄野生型斑马鱼暴露于50μmol/L泼尼松龙溶液和含0. 5%DMSO的溶液中(对照组),28. 5℃下培养,分别于第5、10、20天取出浸药组和对照组进行OCT活体成像,比较两者光散射特征。在每个时间点的成像之后,将浸药组的5条斑马鱼处死,然后取颅骨进行元素含量电镜扫描能谱分析。本研究利用50μmol/L泼尼松龙溶液培养斑马鱼至第20天,成功构建了斑马鱼骨质疏松模型。与对照组相比,模型组活体OCT成像显示骨组织光散射减弱,光子量明显减少,呈不均匀分布。能谱元素检查结果说明颅骨内所含钙、磷比例明显下降,证实骨质疏松发生,骨量减少。OCT成像方法在对斑马鱼骨质疏松模型进行活体、实时、无创等研究方面具有重要价值,本试验也为骨质疏松疾病的研究和药物筛选等方面提供了新的有效的方法。  相似文献   

活体动物体内光学成像技术的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
张怡  韩彧  赵春林 《生命科学》2006,18(1):25-30
生物发光和荧光成像作为近年来新兴的活体动物体内光学成像技术,以其操作简便及直观性成为研究小动物活体成像的一种理想方法,在生命科学研究中得以不断发展。利用这种成像技术,可以直接实时观察标记的基因及细胞在活体动物体内的活动及反应。利用光学标记的转基因动物模型可以研究疾病的发生发展过程,进行药物研究及筛选等。本文综述了现有活体动物体内光学成像技术的原理、应用领域及发展前景,比较了生物发光与几种荧光技术的不同特点和应用。  相似文献   

基于内源信息的脑光学成像系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于内源信号的脑光学成像技术是近年出现的研究脑功能的新技术。它因具有高空间分辨率,可连续长时间记录,使用简便,费用较低等特点,成为在视觉,听觉以及其他各种脑功能研究的有力工具。本文介绍了国内第一套脑光学成像系统的和研制,以及用于视觉研究皮层功能方位柱研究的初步结果。  相似文献   

纳米技术在生物医学的进展使其在肿瘤的诊治中应用日益广泛。荧光纳米粒子中的量子点(Quantum Dots),具备光学成像特性在肿瘤中应用中显示出独特的优势。其作为一种荧光半导体纳米粒子,具有荧光强度高、稳定性强、激发波谱宽、发射波谱窄等光学特性。同时,它可以结合其他功能基团,包括靶向模式、治疗因素和成像探针,为临床肿瘤诊断和治疗提供了新的潜力。本文就量子点的类型和特点及量子点的肿瘤体外和体内成像进行综述。  相似文献   

在生物医学光学成像方法的研发、评估和使用中,需要用到在较长时间内具有稳定的光学及力学属性的生物组织仿体,以使光学成像实验可以重复进行。这些仿体一般由混有散射、吸收粒子的基质制成。常用散射粒子包括脂质微粒、聚合物微球、金属氧化物粉末和金纳米粒子等,吸收粒子(及其溶液)包括血液、印度墨水(Indian Ink)和分子染料等。常用来模拟组织特性的基质包括硅胶、纤维蛋白和聚乙烯醇凝胶(Polyvinyl alcohol cryogel,PVA-C)等。讨论和分析常见仿体的光学性质(吸收系数、散射系数、折射率)和力学性质(弹性和粘弹性)。从生物相容性、制备难易程度及耗时情况、稳定性等方面比较了几种常见散射粒子、吸收粒子和基质的优缺点,并据此总结其适用范围。最后对仿体研究的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

王毅  鲍进  盛巡  李萍  马辉 《激光生物学报》2005,14(4):274-278
目的:用光学二次谐波成像的方法比较成熟皮肤与新生皮肤内不同种类胶原的含量,以及正常皮肤与创伤皮肤内胶原种类的变化。方法:用前向及背向二次谐波观察正常及创伤皮肤内的胶原,并与传统的天狼猩红染色法相对照。结果:与传统方法相比,二次谐波可以更快速,更灵敏地检测组织中的胶原。背向二次谐波信号强度随着切片厚度的增加而增强。结论:光学二次谐波成像技术是一种灵敏、简单、快速检测皮肤组织内胶原的新方法,具有很好的应用前景,可应用于活体检测。  相似文献   

基于内源信号的脑光学成像系统的研制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
基于内源信号的脑光学成像技术(optical imaging based on intrinsic signals) 是近年出现的研究脑功能的新技术。它因具有高空间分辨率,可连续长时间记录,使用简便, 费用较低等特点,成为在视觉,听觉以及其他各种脑功能研究的有力工具。本文介绍了国内第一套脑光学成像系统的设计和研制,以及用于视觉研究皮层功能方位柱研究的初步结果。  相似文献   

具有超声定位的高空间分辨率和光学检测的高灵敏度的超声调制光学成像技术是一种有前途的无损的生物组织成像技术。文章阐述了该技术的成像原理,评述了前人在散射介质中声光作用机制的理论研究;介绍了该领域在技术路线上的最新研究进展;最后总结了超声调制光学成像技术的优点并展望了其在生物医学领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

在改进两点法的基础上,对不同约化散射系数与吸收系数之比(μs’/μa)的生物组织进行了模拟测量。结果表明有效时间决定于生物组织的光学特性和探测位置,μs’/μa值一定时,有效时间随光源和探测点间的距离增大而增大;光源和探测点的距离一定是,有效时间随μs’/μa值的减小而增大,反之亦然。  相似文献   

Neurons exhibit remarkably complex geometry in their neurite networks. So far, how materials are transported in the complex geometry for survival and function of neurons remains an unanswered question. Answering this question is fundamental to understanding the physiology and disease of neurons. Here, we have developed an isogeometric analysis (IGA) based platform for material transport simulation in neurite networks. We modeled the transport process by reaction-diffusion-transport equations and represented geometry of the networks using truncated hierarchical tricubic B-splines (THB-spline3D). We solved the Navier-Stokes equations to obtain the velocity field of material transport in the networks. We then solved the transport equations using the streamline upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SU/PG) method. Using our IGA solver, we simulated material transport in three basic models of the network geometry: a single neurite, a neurite bifurcation, and a neurite tree with three bifurcations. In addition, the robustness of our solver is illustrated by simulating material transport in three representative and complex neurite networks. From the simulation we discovered several spatial patterns of the transport process. Together, our simulation provides key insights into how material transport in neurite networks is mediated by their complex geometry.  相似文献   

本文将反向倍增法和蒙特卡洛法相结合,运用到生物组织漫长反射率和透射率的计算中,并讨论了样品的光学特性以及厚度对计算结果的影响,同时对该方法的使用范围进行了讨论。  相似文献   

可渗透管网络非定常跨壁传输问题的解耦算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了可渗透管网络非定常跨壁传输问题的解耦算法,这是一种有限元法与初值问题Cauchy方法相结合的半解析算法。在一维管流的假设下,通过引入插值函数,得到用管外变量表示的管内变量的解析解,使最终导出的有限元方程中只包管外变量,从而减少了联立方程的数目,大大节省了计算时间,本方法特别适用于大型网络的数值计算。  相似文献   

Abstract: The relation between the availability of newly synthesized protein and lipid and the axonal transport of optically detectable organelles was examined in peripheral nerve preparations of amphibia (Rana catesbeiana and Xenopus laevis) in which intracellular traffic from the endo-plasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex was inhibited with brefeldin A (BFA). Accumulation of fast-transported radio-labeled protein or phospholipid proximal to a sciatic nerve ligature was monitored in vitro in preparations of dorsal root ganglia and sciatic nerve. Organelle transport was examined by computer-enhanced video microscopy of single myelinated axons. BFA reduced the amount of radiolabeled protein and lipid entering the fast-transport system of the axon without affecting either the synthesis or the transport rate of these molecules. The time course of the effect of BFA on axonal transport is consistent with an action at an early step in the intrasomal pathway, and with its action being related to the observed rapid (<1 h) disassembly of the Golgi complex. At a concentration of BFA that reduced fast-transported protein by >95%, no effect was observed on the flux or velocity of anterograde or retrograde organelle transport in axons for at least 20 h. Bidirectional axonal transport of organelles was similarly unaffected following suppression of protein synthesis by >99%. The findings suggest that the anterograde flux of transport organelles is not critically dependent on a supply of newly synthesized membrane precursors. The possibilities are considered that anterograde organelles normally arise from membrane components supplied from a post-Golgi storage pool, as well as from recycled retrograde organelles.  相似文献   

Summary Accumulations of the filamentous Cyanophyceae Phormidium uncinatum in light traps result from repeated photophobic reactions at the light-dark border. The time course of accumulations shows an initial linear part and reaches a saturation level after longer periods of time. A mathematical model is proposed based on a limited number of fundamental assumptions, which can be justified by the experimental data. A set of differential equations, which can be solved in a closed form, describe the current density j of the net influx of trichomes into the light trap. Absorption by the accumulating organisms diminishes the initial light intensity I 0 to a limiting intensity I 1 below which no more organisms react phobically. I 1 depends on the initial light intensity I 0. Furthermore the absorbance of a single layer of organisms has been calculated from the experimental data.  相似文献   

High-affinity and saturable binding sites for the diphenyl-substituted piperazine derivative [3H]GBR-12935 have been characterized in crude synaptosomal membranes prepared from rat brain. The specific binding of [3H]GBR-12935 is sodium-dependent and is unevenly distributed among various brain regions, with the highest concentration of binding sites being found in the corpus striatum and nucleus accumbens. Sodium-dependent [3H]GBR-12935 binding in all other brain areas was 10% or less of the binding found in the striatum. The affinity of [3H]GBR-12935 for binding sites in the striatum is increased in the presence of Na+ but other cations, including K+, Ca2+, or Mg2+, inhibit specific binding. There is an excellent correlation (r = 0.96, p less than 0.01) between the potencies of a series of drugs in inhibiting [3H]GBR-12935 binding to striatal membranes and their potencies in inhibiting [3H]3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine ([3H]dopamine) uptake in synaptosomes. Agonists and antagonists of other neurotransmitter receptor or drug recognition sites have little or no effect on specific [3H]GBR-12935 binding to striatal membranes. In addition, prior intracerebroventricular administration of 6-hydroxydopamine results in a decrease in the number of specific [3H]GBR-12935 binding sites in the striatum. These data indicate that [3H]GBR-12935 is a selective radioligand of the presynaptic dopamine transport complex in brain.  相似文献   

Zhiguo Li  Peter Gilbert  Bin Nan 《Biometrics》2008,64(4):1247-1255
Summary Grouped failure time data arise often in HIV studies. In a recent preventive HIV vaccine efficacy trial, immune responses generated by the vaccine were measured from a case–cohort sample of vaccine recipients, who were subsequently evaluated for the study endpoint of HIV infection at prespecified follow‐up visits. Gilbert et al. (2005, Journal of Infectious Diseases 191 , 666–677) and Forthal et al. (2007, Journal of Immunology 178, 6596–6603) analyzed the association between the immune responses and HIV incidence with a Cox proportional hazards model, treating the HIV infection diagnosis time as a right‐censored random variable. The data, however, are of the form of grouped failure time data with case–cohort covariate sampling, and we propose an inverse selection probability‐weighted likelihood method for fitting the Cox model to these data. The method allows covariates to be time dependent, and uses multiple imputation to accommodate covariate data that are missing at random. We establish asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators, and present simulation results showing their good finite sample performance. We apply the method to the HIV vaccine trial data, showing that higher antibody levels are associated with a lower hazard of HIV infection.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) to specific sites in CNS membranes was investigated using cortical tissue from a variety of mammalian species. Mass law analysis of the site-specific binding of NBMPR data revealed that rat, mouse, guinea pig, and dog cortical membranes each contained an apparent single class of high-affinity (KD 0.11-4.9 nM) binding sites for NBMPR; rabbit cortical membranes, however, exhibited two distinct classes of NBMPR binding sites with KD values of 0.4 nM and 13.8 nM. Dipyridamole, a potent inhibitor of nucleoside transport, produced a biphasic profile of inhibition of the binding of NBMPR to guinea pig, rabbit, and dog membranes (IC50 less than 20 nM and IC50 greater than 6 microM for NBMPR binding sites displaying high and low affinity for dipyridamole, respectively). These results are indicative of heterogeneity of NBMPR binding sites in mammalian cortical membranes. Rat and mouse cortical membranes appear to possess only one type of NBMPR binding site, which has low affinity for dipyridamole. Detailed analysis of inhibitor-induced dissociation of NBMPR from its sites in each species led to the conclusion that these multiple forms of NBMPR binding sites are different conformations of a single site associated with the CNS nucleoside transport system, rather than two distinct sites. It is also suggested that the affinity of dipyridamole for each conformation of NBMPR site indicates the susceptibility of that conformation of the nucleoside transport system to inhibition by dipyridamole.  相似文献   

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