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During neuronal pathfinding in vivo, growth cones must reorient their direction of migration in response to extracellular guidance cues. The developing grasshopper limb bud has proved to be a model system in which to examine mechanisms of growth cone guidance and motility in vivo. In this review we examine the contributions of adhesion and multiple guidance cues (semaphorins 1 and 2) in directing a growth cone steering event. Recent observations have suggested that the tibial pioneer growth cones are not directed via mechanisms of differential adhesivity. We present a model of growth cone steering that suggests a combination of adhesive and guidance receptors are important for a correct steering event and that guidance molecules may be important regulators of adhesive interactions with the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The growth cones of developing neurons respond to specific guidance cues in their extracellular environment. Recent studies have shown that secreted signaling molecules from protein families that are best known for their roles as morphogens in specifying cell fate can function as axon guidance molecules. These signaling molecules seem to act directly on the growth cone and thus are likely to activate non-canonical signaling pathways that are coupled to the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Signal transduction underlying growth cone guidance by diffusible factors.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Many diffusible axon guidance cues and their receptors have been identified recently. These cues are often found to be bifunctional, acting as attractants or repellents under different circumstances. Studies of cytoplasmic signaling mechanisms have led to the notion that the response of a growth cone to a particular guidance cue depends on the internal state of the neuron, which, in turn, is under the influence of other coincident signals received by the neuron. Furthermore, many diffusible guidance cues appear to share common cytoplasmic signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Axon guidance depends on the transduction of extracellular guidance cues into motile responses by the axonal growth cone. Recent studies in vivo have elucidated mechanisms required for this process that involve kinases and phosphatases, calcium dynamics and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Touch and go: guidance cues signal to the growth cone cytoskeleton   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Growth cones, the highly motile tips of growing axons, guide axons to their targets by responding to molecular cues. Growth cone behaviors such as advancing, retracting, turning and branching are driven by the dynamics and reorganization of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton through signaling pathways linked to guidance cue receptors. Actin filaments play a major part in growth cone motility, and because of their peripheral locations were thought to be the primary target of molecular cues. However, recent studies have shown that dynamic microtubules can penetrate the growth cone periphery where guidance molecules can influence them directly. Moreover, guidance cues can regulate growth cone steering by modulating dynamic actin-microtubule interactions.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases in growth cone guidance   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
It is now well established that the small GTPases of the Rho family--Rac, Cdc42 and Rho--regulate growth cone morphology. Less clear is their role in guiding the growth cone. Do they act permissively, providing the dynamic actin structures needed for guidance? Or do they act instructively, transducing specific guidance signals? Recent studies have provided the first strong evidence for an instructive role: extracellular guidance cues can modulate Rho GTPase activities in vitro, and Rho GTPase activators function in growth cone guidance in vivo. The pathways linking Rho GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton are also rapidly coming into view, revealing further points of regulation by extracellular guidance cues. The growth cone is therefore guided by signals transduced both via and independently of Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

It has been recognized for a long time that the neuronal cytoskeleton plays an important part in neurite growth and growth cone pathfinding, the mechanism by which growing axons find an appropriate route through the developing embryo to their target cells. In the growth cone, many intracellular signaling pathways that are activated by guidance cues converge on the growth cone cytoskeleton and regulate its dynamics. Most of the research effort in this area has focussed on the actin, microfilament cytoskeleton of the growth cone, principally because it underlies growth cone motility, the extension and retraction of filopodia and lamellipodia, and these structures are the first to encounter guidance cues during growth cone advance. However, more recently, it has become apparent that the microtubule cytoskeleton also has a role in growth cone pathfinding and is also regulated by guidance cues operating through intracellular signaling pathways via engagement with cell membrane receptors. Furthermore, recent work has revealed an interaction between these two components of the growth cone cytoskeleton that is probably essential for growth cone turning, a fundamental growth cone behavior during pathfinding. In this short review I discuss recent experiments that uncover the function of microtubules in growth cones, how their behavior is regulated, and how they interact with the actin filaments.  相似文献   

Growth cones are highly motile structures at the end of neuronal processes, capable of receiving multiple types of guidance cues and transducing them into directed axonal growth. Thus, to guide the axon toward the appropriate target cell, the growth cone carries out different functions: it acts as a sensor, signal transducer, and motility device. An increasing number of molecular components that mediate axon guidance have been characterized over the past years. The vast majority of these molecules include proteins that act as guidance cues and their respective receptors. In addition, more and more signaling and cytoskeleton-associated proteins have been localized to the growth cone. Furthermore, it has become evident that growth cone motility and guidance depends on a dynamic cytoskeleton that is regulated by incoming guidance information. Current and future research in the growth cone field will be focussed on how different guidance cues transmit their signals to the cytoskeleton and change its dynamic properties to affect the rate and direction of growth cone movement. In this review, we discuss recent evidence that cell adhesion molecules can regulate growth cone motility and guidance by a mechanism of substrate-cytoskeletal coupling.  相似文献   

The Rho family of small GTPases act as intracellular molecular switches that transduce signals from extracellular stimuli to the actin cytoskeleton and the nucleus. Recent evidence implicates Rho GTPases in the regulation of neuronal morphogenesis, including migration, polarity, axon growth and guidance, dendrite elaboration and plasticity, and synapse formation. Signalling pathways from membrane receptors to Rho GTPases and from Rho GTPases to the actin cytoskeleton are beginning to be discovered. Mutations in these signalling pathways have been reported in human neurological diseases, which underscores their importance in the development and function of the nervous system.  相似文献   

At the distal most aspect of motile extending axons and dendrites lies the growth cone, a hand like macroorganelle of membrane bound cytoskeleton, packed with receptors, adhesion molecules, molecular motors, and an army of regulatory and signaling proteins. Splayed out along the substratum in vitro, the growth cone resembles an open hand with bundles of filamentous actin, barbed ends outstretched, as if fingers extending from a central domain of dynamic microtubule plus ends. The growth cone acts first as a sensory platform, analyzing the environment ahead for the presence of guidance cues, secondly as a mechanical dynamo establishing focal contact with the extracellular matrix to drive processive forward outgrowth, and thirdly as a forward biochemical command center where signals are interrogated to inform turning, extension, retraction, or branching. During his career, Paul Letourneau has made major contributions to our understanding of how growth cones respond to their environment. Here, we will summarize some of these major advances in their historical context. Letourneau's contributions have provided insights into cytoskeletal organization, growth cone dynamics, and signaling pathways. His recent work has described some important molecules and molecular mechanisms involved in growth cone turning. Although much remains to be understood about this important and intriguing structure, Letourneau's contributions have provided us with "growth cone guidance."  相似文献   

Guidance molecules present in both axonal and dendritic growth cones mediate neuronal responses to extracellular cues thereby ensuring correct neurite pathfinding and development of the nervous system. Little is known though about the mechanisms employed by neurons to deliver these receptors, specifically and efficiently, to the extending growth cone. A deeper understanding of this process is crucial if guidance receptors are to be manipulated to promote nervous system repair. Studies in other polarised cells, notably epithelial, have elucidated fundamental routes to the intracellular segregation of molecules mediated by endosomal pathways. Due to their extreme complexity and specialisation, neurons appear to have built upon these generic systems to evolve sophisticated trafficking networks. A striking feature is the axon initial segment which acts like a valve to tightly regulate the flux of molecules both entering and leaving the axon. Once in the growth cone, further controls operate to enhance the retention or rejection, as appropriate, of membrane receptors. We discuss the current state of knowledge regarding the intracellular trafficking of axon guidance receptors and how this relates to their developmental roles. We highlight the various facets still to be properly elucidated and by building on existing data regarding neuronal polarity and intracellular sorting mechanisms suggest ways to fill these gaps.  相似文献   

Many cells in a developing embryo, including neurons and their axons and growth cones, must integrate multiple guidance cues to undergo directed growth and migration. The UNC-6/netrin, SLT-1/slit, and VAB-2/Ephrin guidance cues, and their receptors, UNC-40/DCC, SAX-3/Robo, and VAB-1/Eph, are known to be major regulators of cellular growth and migration. One important area of research is identifying the molecules that interpret this guidance information downstream of the guidance receptors to reorganize the actin cytoskeleton. However, how guidance cues regulate the actin cytoskeleton is not well understood. We report here that UNC-40/DCC, SAX-3/Robo, and VAB-1/Eph differentially regulate the abundance and subcellular localization of the WAVE/SCAR actin nucleation complex and its activator, Rac1/CED-10, in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryonic epidermis. Loss of any of these three pathways results in embryos that fail embryonic morphogenesis. Similar defects in epidermal enclosure have been observed when CED-10/Rac1 or the WAVE/SCAR actin nucleation complex are missing during embryonic development in C. elegans. Genetic and molecular experiments demonstrate that in fact, these three axonal guidance proteins differentially regulate the levels and membrane enrichment of the WAVE/SCAR complex and its activator, Rac1/CED-10, in the epidermis. Live imaging of filamentous actin (F-actin) in embryos developing in the absence of individual guidance receptors shows that high levels of F-actin are not essential for polarized cell migrations, but that properly polarized distribution of F-actin is essential. These results suggest that proper membrane recruitment and activation of CED-10/Rac1 and of WAVE/SCAR by signals at the plasma membrane result in polarized F-actin that permits directed movements and suggest how multiple guidance cues can result in distinct changes in actin nucleation during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The assembly of functional neuronal circuits depends on the correct wiring of axons and dendrites. To reach their targets, axons are guided by a variety of extracellular guidance cues, including Netrins, Ephrins, Semaphorins and Slits. Corresponding receptors in the growth cone, the dynamic structure at the tip of the growing axon, sense and integrate these positional signals, and activate downstream effectors to regulate cytoskeletal organization. In addition to the four canonical families of axon guidance cues mentioned above, some proteins that regulate planar cell polarity were recently found to be critical for axon guidance. The seven-transmembrane domain receptors Celsr3 and Fzd3, in particular, control the development of most longitudinal tracts in the central nervous system, and axon navigation in the peripheral, sympathetic and enteric nervous systems. Despite their unequivocally important role, however, underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. We do not know which extracellular ligands they recognize, whether they have co-receptors in the growth cone, and what their downstream effectors are. Here, we review some recent advances and discuss future trends in this emerging field.  相似文献   

Our understanding of neuronal migration has been advanced by multidisciplinary approaches. At the cellular level, tangential and radial modes of neuronal migration contribute to different populations of neurons and have differential dependence on glial cells. At the molecular level, extracellular guidance cues have been identified and intracellular signal transduction pathways are beginning to be revealed. Interestingly, mechanisms guiding axon projection and neuronal migration appear to be conserved with those for chemotactic leukocytes.  相似文献   

Dendritic morphology has an important influence on neuronal information processing. Multiple environmental cues, including neuronal activity, the neurotrophin family of growth factors, and extracellular guidance molecules have been shown to influence dendritic size, shape, and development. The Rho GTPases have emerged as key integrators of these environmental cues to regulate the underlying dendritic cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

How axons in the developing nervous system successfully navigate to their correct targets is a fundamental problem in neurobiology. Understanding the mechanisms that mediate axon guidance will give important insight into how the nervous system is correctly wired during development and may have implications for therapeutic approaches to developmental brain disorders and nerve regeneration. Achieving this understanding will require unraveling the molecular logic that ensures the proper expression and localization of axon guidance cues and receptors, and elucidating the signaling events that regulate the growth cone cytoskeleton in response to guidance receptor activation. Studies of axon guidance at the midline of many experimental systems, from the ventral midline of Drosophila to the vertebrate spinal cord, have led to important mechanistic insights into the complex problem of wiring the nervous system. Here we review recent advances in understanding the regulation of midline axon guidance, with a particular emphasis on the contributions made from molecular genetic studies of invertebrate model systems.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying formation of the basic network of the nervous system are of fundamental interest in developmental neurobiology. During the wiring of the nervous system, newborn neurons send axons that travel long distances to their targets. These axons are directed by environmental cues, known as guidance cues, to their correct destinations. Through extensive studies in vertebrates and invertebrates many of the guidance cues and their receptors have been identified. Recently, guidance molecules have been suggested to have important roles in pathological conditions of the nervous system. Mutations in guidance receptors have been associated with hereditary neurological disorders, and deregulation of guidance cues might be associated with predisposition to epilepsy. In addition, it was suggested that guidance molecules play roles in the ability of the adult nervous system to recover and repair after injury. Thus, molecules that were first discovered as "developmental cues" are now emerging as important factors in neurological disease and injury in the adult.  相似文献   

How axons in the developing nervous system successfully navigate to their correct targets is a fundamental problem in neurobiology. Understanding the mechanisms that mediate axon guidance will give important insight into how the nervous system is correctly wired during development and may have implications for therapeutic approaches to developmental brain disorders and nerve regeneration. Achieving this understanding will require unraveling the molecular logic that ensures the proper expression and localization of axon guidance cues and receptors, and elucidating the signaling events that regulate the growth cone cytoskeleton in response to guidance receptor activation. Studies of axon guidance at the midline of many experimental systems, from the ventral midline of Drosophila to the vertebrate spinal cord, have led to important mechanistic insights into the complex problem of wiring the nervous system. Here we review recent advances in understanding the regulation of midline axon guidance, with a particular emphasis on the contributions made from molecular genetic studies of invertebrate model systems.  相似文献   

In all multicellular animals, successful embryogenesis is dependent on the ability of cells to detect the status of the local environment and respond appropriately. The nature of the extracellular environment is communicated to the intracellular compartment by ligand/receptor interactions at the cell surface. The Wnt canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways are found in the most primitive metazoans, and they play an essential role in the most fundamental developmental processes in all multicellular organisms. Vertebrates have expanded the number of Wnts and Frizzled receptors and have additionally evolved novel Wnt receptor families (Ryk, Ror). The multiplicity of potential interactions between Wnts, their receptors and downstream effectors has exponentially increased the complexity of the signal transduction network. Signalling through each of the Wnt pathways, as well as crosstalk between them, plays a critical role in the establishment of the complex architecture of the vertebrate central nervous system. In this review, we explore the signalling networks triggered by non-canonical Wnt/receptor interactions, focussing on the emerging roles of the non-conventional Wnt receptors Ryk and Ror. We describe the role of these pathways in neural tube formation and axon guidance where Wnt signalling controls tissue polarity, coordinated cell migration and axon guidance via remodelling of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

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