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Abstract. Charadrii (shorebirds, gulls, and alcids) have an unusual diversity in their sexual size dimorphism, ranging from monomorphism to either male-biased or female-biased dimorphism. We use comparative analyses to investigate whether this variation relates to sexual selection through competition for mates or natural selection through different use of resources by males and females. As predicted by sexual selection theory, we found that in taxa with socially polygynous mating systems, males were relatively larger than females compared with less polygynous species. Furthermore, evolution toward socially polyandrous mating systems was correlated with decreases in relative male size. These patterns depend on the kinds of courtship displays performed by males. In taxa with acrobatic flight displays, males are relatively smaller than in taxa in which courtship involves simple flights or displays from the ground. This result remains significant when the relationship with mating system is controlled statistically, thereby explaining the enigma of why males are often smaller than females in socially monogamous species. We did not find evidence that evolutionary changes in sexual dimorphism relate to niche division on the breeding grounds. In particular, biparental species did not have greater dimorphism in bill lengths than uniparental species, contrary to the hypothesis that selection for ecological divergence on the breeding grounds has been important as a general explanation for patterns of bill dimorphism. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that sexual selection has had a major influence on sexual size dimorphism in Charadrii, whereas divergence in the use of feeding resources while breeding was not supported by our analyses.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism among 57 species in the shorebird family Scolopacidae is evaluated in relation to parental role division during breeding. Normal size dimorphism, i.e. the female being smaller than the male, occurs in species where the female has the main responsibility for parental care, whereas reverse size dimorphism, the most common pattern among shorebirds, is associated with reversed parental roles. Pronounced dimorphism between sexes occurs, besides in body size, also in bill length, where the sex undertaking the main part of brood attendance has a disproportionately short bill in species adapted for foraging by deep probing. A small body size is of adaptive value to attain high parental efficiency for energetic reasons, because smaller individuals need less energy to maintain themselves. Short bills may be advantageous during brood attendance when feeding mainly takes place in terrestrial habitats together with the chicks. Females released from parental care duties are favoured by a larger body size allowing increased accumulation of energy reserves for egg production. There are obvious parallels between shorebirds and raptors concerning the adaptive significance of reverse sexual size dimorphism and parental role division.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varies greatly across the animal kingdom, reflecting differential selection pressures on the reproductive and/or ecological roles of males and females. If the selection pressures and constraints imposed on body size change along environmental gradients, then SSD will vary geographically in a predictable way. Here, we uncover a biogeographical reversal in SSD of lizards from Central and North America: in warm, low latitude environments, males are larger than females, but at colder, high latitudes, females are larger than males. Comparisons to expectations under a Brownian motion model of SSD evolution indicate that this pattern reflects differences in the evolutionary rates and/or trajectories of sex‐specific body sizes. The SSD gradient we found is strongly related to mean annual temperature, but is independent of species richness and body size differences among species within grid cells, suggesting that the biogeography of SSD reflects gradients in sexual and/or fecundity selection, rather than intersexual niche divergence to minimize intraspecific competition. We demonstrate that the SSD gradient is driven by stronger variation in male size than in female size and is independent of clutch mass. This suggests that gradients in sexual selection and male–male competition, rather than fecundity selection to maximize reproductive output by females in seasonal environments, are predominantly responsible for the gradient.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is often considered as a critical evolutionary force promoting sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in animals. However, empirical evidence for a positive relationship between sexual selection on males and male-biased SSD received mixed support depending on the studied taxonomic group and on the method used to quantify sexual selection. Here, we present a meta-analytic approach accounting for phylogenetic non-independence to test how standardized metrics of the opportunity and strength of pre-copulatory sexual selection relate to SSD across a broad range of animal taxa comprising up to 95 effect sizes from 59 species. We found that SSD based on length measurements was correlated with the sex difference in the opportunity for sexual selection but showed a weak and statistically non-significant relationship with the sex difference in the Bateman gradient. These findings suggest that pre-copulatory sexual selection plays a limited role for the evolution of SSD in a broad phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) among adults is commonly observed in animals and is considered to be adaptive. However, the ontogenic emergence of SSD, i.e. the timing of divergence in body size between males and females, has only recently received attention. It is widely acknowledged that the ontogeny of SSD may differ between species, but it remains unclear how variable the ontogeny of SSD is within species. Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus and Snowy Plovers C. nivosus are closely related wader species that exhibit similar, moderate (c. 4%), male‐biased adult SSD. To assess when SSD emerges we recorded tarsus length variation among 759 offspring in four populations of these species. Tarsus length of chicks was measured on the day of hatching and up to three times on recapture before fledging. In one population (Mexico, Snowy Plovers), males and females differed in size from the day of hatching, whereas growth rates differed between the sexes in two populations (Turkey and United Arab Emirates, both Kentish Plovers). In contrast, a fourth population (Cape Verde, Kentish Plovers) showed no significant SSD in juveniles. Our results suggest that adult SSD can emerge at different stages of development (prenatal, postnatal and post‐juvenile) in different populations of the same species. We discuss the proximate mechanisms that may underlie these developmental differences.  相似文献   

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) exhibit a range of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) that includes species with male-biased (males > females) or female-biased SSD (males < females) and species exhibiting nonterritorial or territorial mating strategies. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate the influence of sexual selection on SSD in both suborders: dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). First, we show that damselflies have male-biased SSD, and exhibit an allometric relationship between body size and SSD, that is consistent with Rensch's rule. Second, SSD of dragonflies is not different from unit, and this suborder does not exhibit Rensch's rule. Third, we test the influence of sexual selection on SSD using proxy variables of territorial mating strategy and male agility. Using generalized least squares to account for phylogenetic relationships between species, we show that male-biased SSD increases with territoriality in damselflies, but not in dragonflies. Finally, we show that nonagile territorial odonates exhibit male-biased SSD, whereas male agility is not related to SSD in nonterritorial odonates. These results suggest that sexual selection acting on male sizes influences SSD in Odonata. Taken together, our results, along with avian studies (bustards and shorebirds), suggest that male agility influences SSD, although this influence is modulated by territorial mating strategy and thus the likely advantage of being large. Other evolutionary processes, such as fecundity selection and viability selection, however, need further investigation.  相似文献   

11 , Evolution 34 : 292–305) equations for predicting the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) through frequency‐dependent sexual selection, and frequency‐independent natural selection, were tested against results obtained from a stochastic genetic simulation model. The SSD evolved faster than predicted, due to temporary increases in the genetic variance brought about by directional selection. Predictions for the magnitude of SSD at equilibrium were very accurate for weak sexual selection. With stronger sexual selection the total response was greater than predicted. Large changes in SSD can occur without significant long‐term change in the genetic correlation between the sexes. Our results suggest that genetic correlations constrain both the short‐term and long‐term evolution of SSD less than predicted by the Lande model.  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual size dimorphism and body size in calanoid copepods are examined. We hypothesize that favorable conditions for development will result in large body size and high sexual size dimorphism among populations of a given species and that differences in this allometric relationship among species is governed by the male's role in insemination. We confirm that there is a greater advantage to large female size, normally the larger sex, when compared to males, hence leading to selection for developmental patterns favoring high size dimorphism. Individuals from populations of four centropagid copepod species were measured; other sizes were obtained from published sources. In the four species we examined, the relationships between prosome length and both clutch size and the ability to produce multiple clutches with one insemination were determined. Results show a trend toward hyperallometry in all centropagid species examined: sexual size dimorphism increases with increasing size. Large females produce larger clutches and more additional clutches on one insemination. That hyperallometry is not observed in diaptomid copepods may result from the greater role the male plays in reproduction. Males are needed for each clutch produced, hence the selective pressure to be larger is greater than that in the centropagidae.  相似文献   

Body size is one of the most important quantitative traits under evolutionary scrutiny. Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in a given species is expected to result if opposing selection forces equilibrate differently in both sexes. We document variation in the intensity of sexual and fecundity selection, male and female body size, and thus SSD among 31 and 27 populations of the two dung fly species, Scathophaga stercoraria and Sepsis cynipsea, across Switzerland. Whereas in S. cynipsea females are larger, the SSD is reversed in S. stercoraria. We comprehensively evaluated Fairbairn and Preziosi's (1994) general, three-tiered scenario, hypothesizing that sexual selection for large male size is the major driving force of SSD allometry within these two species. Sexual selection intensity on male size in the yellow dung fly, S. stercoraria, was overall positive, greater, and more variable among populations than fecundity selection on females. Also, sexual selection intensity in a given population correlated positively with mean male body size of that population for both the field-caught fathers and their laboratory-reared sons, indicating a response to selection. In S. cvnipsea, sexual selection intensity on males was lower overall and significantly positive, about equal in magnitude, but more variable than fecundity selection on females. However, there was no correlation between the intensity of sexual selection and mean male body size among populations. In both species, the laboratory-reared offspring indicate genetic differentiation among populations in body size. Despite fulfillment of all key prerequisites, at least in S. stercoraria, we did not find hypoallometry for SSD (Rensch's rule, i.e., greater evolutionary divergence in male size than female size) for the field-caught parents or the laboratory-reared offspring: Female size was isometric to male size in both species. We conclude that S. cynipsea does not fit some major requirements of Fairbairn and Preziosi's (1994) scenario, whereas for S. stercoraria we found partial support for it. Failure to support Rensch's rule within the latter species may be due to phylogenetic or other constraints, power limitations, erroneous estimates of sexual selection, insufficient genetic isolation of populations, or sex differences in viability selection against large size.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) arises when the net effects of natural and sexual selection on body size differ between the sexes. Quantitative SSD variation between taxa is common, but directional intraspecific SSD reversals are rare. We combined micro‐ and macroevolutionary approaches to study geographic SSD variation in closely related black scavenger flies. Common garden experiments revealed stark intra‐ and interspecific variation: Sepsis biflexuosa is monomorphic across the Holarctic, while S. cynipsea (only in Europe) consistently exhibits female‐biased SSD. Interestingly, S. neocynipsea displays contrasting SSD in Europe (females larger) and North America (males larger), a pattern opposite to the geographic reversal in SSD of S. punctum documented in a previous study. In accordance with the differential equilibrium model for the evolution of SSD, the intensity of sexual selection on male size varied between continents (weaker in Europe), whereas fecundity selection on female body size did not. Subsequent comparative analyses of 49 taxa documented at least six independent origins of male‐biased SSD in Sepsidae, which is likely caused by sexual selection on male size and mediated by bimaturism. Therefore, reversals in SSD and the associated changes in larval development might be much more common and rapid and less constrained than currently assumed.  相似文献   

Major theories compete to explain the macroevolutionary trends observed in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in animals. Quantitative genetic theory suggests that the sex under historically stronger directional selection will exhibit greater interspecific variance in size, with covariation between allometric slopes (male to female size) and the strength of SSD across clades. Rensch''s rule (RR) also suggests a correlation, but one in which males are always the more size variant sex. Examining free-living pelagic and parasitic Copepoda, we test these competing predictions. Females are commonly the larger sex in copepod species. Comparing clades that vary by four orders of magnitude in their degree of dimorphism, we show that isometry is widespread. As such we find no support for either RR or for covariation between allometry and SSD. Our results suggest that selection on both sexes has been equally important. We next test the prediction that variation in the degree of SSD is related to the adult sex ratio. As males become relatively less abundant, it has been hypothesized that this will lead to a reduction in both inter-male competition and male size. However, the lack of such a correlation across diverse free-living pelagic families of copepods provides no support for this hypothesis. By comparison, in sea lice of the family Caligidae, there is some qualitative support of the hypothesis, males may suffer elevated mortality when they leave the host and rove for sedentary females, and their female-biased SSD is greater than in many free-living families. However, other parasitic copepods which do not appear to have obvious differences in sex-based mate searching risks also show similar or even more extreme SSD, therefore suggesting other factors can drive the observed extremes.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual size dimorphism, body-weight and different reproductive traits (e.g. clutch size, egg weight and incubation period) in relation to mating system and forms of parental care was studied in waders. Two hypotheses were examined. (1) Sexual size dimorphism is correlated with the intensity of sexual selection. (2) The degree of sexual size dimorphism is the result of an interrelationship between the reproductive strategy of the female and her body size. In the polygynous species the male was significantly larger than the female. This is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis. However, among waders, a positive correlation exists between egg weight, clutch mass and body-weight. Selection for small eggs or a short incubation period may therefore have an influence on female body-weight. If the lack of paternal care reduces the female's possibility for producing large eggs or incubating a large clutch mass, we would expect a selection pressure for small female size among polygynous species. Thus, large sexual size dimorphism among polygynous waders may be a result of selection for small female size to lack of paternal care, or selection for large male size due to intramale competition or a female preference for large-sized males. In multiple-clutch species (viz. species in which the female regularly lays more than one clutch during the season) egg weight was low both for a given female and male body-weight. The low egg weight of multiple-clutch species is assumed to be a result of the constraints placed on the female from producing several clutches during a single breeding season.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of sexual selection in the geologic past is poorly documented based on quantification, largely because of difficulty in sexing fossil specimens. Even such essential ecological parameters as adult sex ratio (ASR) and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) are rarely quantified, despite their implications for sexual selection. To enable their estimation, we propose a method for unbiased sex identification based on sexual shape dimorphism, using size-independent principal components of phenotypic data. We applied the method to test sexual selection in Keichousaurus hui, a Middle Triassic (about 237 Ma) sauropterygian with an unusually large sample size for a fossil reptile. Keichousaurus hui exhibited SSD biased towards males, as in the majority of extant reptiles, to a minor degree (sexual dimorphism index −0.087). The ASR is about 60% females, suggesting higher mortality of males over females. Both values support sexual selection of males in this species. The method may be applied to other fossil species. We also used the Gompertz allometric equation to study the sexual shape dimorphism of K. hui and found that two sexes had largely homogeneous phenotypes at birth except in the humeral width, contrary to previous suggestions derived from the standard allometric equation.  相似文献   

We compare morphological characteristics of male and female Barisia imbricata, Mexican alligator lizards, and find that mass, head length, coloration, incidence of scars from conspecifics, tail loss, and frequency of bearing the color/pattern of the opposite sex are all sexually dimorphic traits. Overall size (measured as snout–vent length), on the other hand, is not different between the two sexes. We use data on bite scar frequency and fecundity to evaluate competing hypotheses regarding the selective forces driving these patterns. We contend that sexual selection, acting through male‐male competition, may favor larger mass and head size in males, whereas large females are likely favored by natural selection for greater fecundity. In addition, the frequency of opposite‐sex patterning in males versus females may indicate that the costs of agonistic interactions among males are severe enough to allow for an alternative mating strategy. Finally, we discuss how sexual and natural selective forces may interact to drive or mask the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

Evidence for phenotypic plasticity in brain size and the size of different brain parts is widespread, but experimental investigations into this effect remain scarce and are usually conducted using individuals from a single population. As the costs and benefits of plasticity may differ among populations, the extent of brain plasticity may also differ from one population to another. In a common garden experiment conducted with three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) originating from four different populations, we investigated whether environmental enrichment (aquaria provided with structural complexity) caused an increase in the brain size or size of different brain parts compared to controls (bare aquaria). We found no evidence for a positive effect of environmental enrichment on brain size or size of different brain parts in either of the sexes in any of the populations. However, in all populations, males had larger brains than females, and the degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in relative brain size ranged from 5.1 to 11.6% across the populations. Evidence was also found for genetically based differences in relative brain size among populations, as well as for plasticity in the size of different brain parts, as evidenced by consistent size differences among replicate blocks that differed in their temperature.  相似文献   

Many animal taxa exhibit a positive correlation between sexual size dimorphism and sex differences in age at maturity, such that members of the larger sex mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex. Previous workers have suggested that sexual bimaturation is a product of sex differences in growth trajectories, but to date no one has tested this hypothesis. The current study uses growth-based models to study relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation in species with asymptotic growth after maturity. These models show that sex differences in asymptotic size would produce sexual bimaturation even if both sexes approach their respective asymptotic sizes at the same age, mature at the same proportion of asymptotic size and have otherwise equivalent growth and maturation patterns. Furthermore, our analyses show that there are three ways to reduce sexual bimaturation in sexually size-dimorphic species: (1) higher characteristic growth rates for members of the larger sex, (2) larger size at birth, hatching or metamorphosis for members of the larger sex or (3) smaller ratio of size at maturity to asymptotic size (relative size at maturity) for members of the larger sex. Of these three options, sex differences in relative size at maturity are most common in size-dimorphic species and, in both male-larger and female-larger species, members of the larger sex frequently mature at a smaller proportion of their asymptotic size than do members of the smaller sex. Information about the growth and maturation patterns of a taxon can be used to determine relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation for the members of that taxon. This process is illustrated for Anolis lizards, a genus in which both sexes exhibit the same strong correlation (r 0.97) between size at maturity and asymptotic size, and in which the relative size at maturity is inversely related to asymptotic size for both sexes. As a result, sexually size-dimorphic species of anoles exhibit the expected pattern of a smaller relative size at maturity for members of the larger sex. However, for species in this genus, sex differences in the relative size at maturity are not strong enough to produce the same age at maturity for both sexes in sexually size-dimorphic species. Members of the larger sex (usually males) are still expected to mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex in Anolis lizards.  相似文献   

Lizards of the family Eublepharidae exhibit interspecific diversity in body size, sexual size dimorphism (SSD), head size dimorphism (HSD), occurrence of male combat, and presence of male precloacal pores. Hence, they offer an opportunity for testing hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of sexual dimorphism. Historical analysis of male agonistic behaviour indicates that territoriality is ancestral in eublepharid geckos. Within Eublepharidae, male combat disappeared twice. In keeping with predictions from sexual selection theory, both events were associated with parallel loss of male-biased HSD and ventral scent glands. Eublepharids therefore provide new evidence that male-biased dimorphic heads are weapons used in aggressive encounters and that the ventral glands probably function in territory marking rather than in intersexual communication. Male-biased SSD is a plesiomorphic characteristic and was affected by at least three inversions. Shifts in SSD and male combat were not historically correlated. Therefore, other factors than male rivalry appear responsible for SSD inversions. Eublepharids demonstrate the full scope of Rensch's rule (small species tend to be female-larger, larger species male-larger). Most plausibly, SSD pattern hence seems to reflect body size variation. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 303–314.  相似文献   

Most mammalian groups are characterized by male-biased sexual size dimorphism, in which size-dependent male-male competition and reproductive skew are tightly linked. By comparison, little is known about the opportunity for sexual selection in mammalian systems without male-biased dimorphism, where the traits under sexual selection might be less obvious. We examined 10 years of parentage data in a colony of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) to determine the magnitude of male reproductive skew and the opportunity for sexual selection in a mammal in which females are the larger sex. Annual paternity success was weakly skewed but consistent patterns led to strong longitudinal paternity skew among breeders. Just three males accounted for a third of all paternity assignments, representing at least a fifth of all colony offspring born in a decade. Paternity success was in part determined by age but was not influenced by dispersal status. Our results show that paternity skew and the opportunity for sexual selection in a species with reversed sexual size dimorphism can approach levels reported for classical examples of species with polygyny and male-biased dimorphism, even where the traits under sexual selection are not known.  相似文献   

We estimated selection on adult body size for two generations in two populations of Aquarius remigis, as part of a long‐term study of the adaptive significance of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Net adult fitness was estimated from the following components: prereproductive survival, daily reproductive success (mating frequency or fecundity), and reproductive lifespan. Standardized selection gradients were estimated for total length and for thorax, abdomen, genital and mesofemur lengths. Although selection was generally weak and showed significant temporal and spatial heterogeneity, patterns were consistent with SSD. Prereproductive survival was strongly influenced by date of eclosion, but size (thorax and genital lengths in females; total and abdomen lengths in males) played a significant secondary role. Sexual selection favoured smaller males with longer external genitalia in one population. Net adult fitness was not significantly related to body size in females, but was negatively related to size (thorax and total length) in males.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are limited by selection against those traits in other fitness components, such as survival. Thus, sexual selection favouring large size in males should be balanced by higher mortality of larger males. However, evidence from red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) indicates that large males survive better than small males. A survival advantage to large size could result from males migrating north in early spring, when harsh weather favours large size for energetic reasons. From this hypothesis we predicted that, among species, sex differences in body size should be correlated with sex differences in timing of spring migration. The earlier males migrate relative to females, the larger they should be relative to females. We tested this prediction using a comparative analysis of data collected from 30 species of passerine birds captured on migration. After controlling for social mating system, we found that sexual size dimorphism and difference in arrival dates of males and females were significantly positively correlated. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for survival ability promotes sexual size dimorphism (SSD), rather than opposes SSD as is the conventional view. If both natural selection and sexual selection favour large adult males, then limits to male size must be imposed before males become adults.  相似文献   

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