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The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of power measurement techniques during the jump squat (JS) utilizing various combinations of a force plate and linear position transducer (LPT) devices. Nine men with at least 6 months of prior resistance training experience participated in this acute investigation. One repetition maximums (1RM) in the squat were determined, followed by JS testing under 2 loading conditions (30% of 1RM [JS30] and 90% of 1RM [JS90]). Three different techniques were used simultaneously in data collection: (a) 1 linear position transducer (1-LPT); (b) 1 linear position transducer and a force plate (1-LPT + FP); and (c) 2 linear position transducers and a force place (2-LPT + FP). Vertical velocity-, force-, and power-time curves were calculated for each lift using these methodologies and were compared. Peak force and peak power were overestimated by 1-LPT in both JS30 and JS90 compared with 2-LPT + FP and 1-LPT + FP (p 相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in vertical jump height and lower body power production gains between complex and compound training programs. A secondary purpose was to determine whether differences in gains were observed at a faster rate between complex and compound training programs. Thirty-one college-aged club volleyball players (11 men and 20 women) were assigned into either a complex training group or a compound training group based on gender and pre-training performance measures. Both groups trained twice per week for 4 weeks. Work was equated between the 2 groups. Complex training alternated between resistance and plyometric exercises on each training day; whereas, compound training consisted of resistance training on one day and plyometric training on the other. Our analyses showed significant improvements in vertical jump height in both training groups after only 3 weeks of training (P < 0.0001); vertical jump height increased by approximately 5% and 9% in the complex and compound training groups, respectively. However, neither group improved significantly better than the other, nor did either group experience faster gains in vertical leap or power output. The results of this study suggest that performing a minimum of 3 weeks of either complex or compound training is effective for improving vertical jump height and power output; thus, coaches should choose the program which best suits their training schedules.  相似文献   

In recent years a great deal of research has been published using peak power (PP) in the jump squat (JS) exercise as a measure of athletic performance. However, no standardized method for the determination of PP exists at this time to accurately evaluate this variable. Our proposed method (PM) for determining PP (PPPM) in the JS uses the product of vertical ground reaction forces and velocity of the center of mass of both the subject and the external resistance of a loaded Olympic bar. Fifteen male subjects with a mean age of 27 +/- 3 years, weight of 78 +/- 17 kg, and height of 175 +/- 10 cm participated in this study. PP was measured in the JS at five different testing loads (30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50% body weight) based on methods commonly discussed in the literature to compare PP results of previous methods to those obtained using the PM. Paired t-tests at different load levels were used for statistical analysis with an overall alpha = 0.05. The average PP among five testing loads, measured by the PM, was 3782 +/- 906 W. PP derived from the product of force and velocity of the bar alone was 72% lower than PPPM at 1057 +/- 243 W (P < 0.0001). The PP estimated by the product of bar velocity and vertical ground reaction forces of the bar plus the subject was 8% higher than PPPM at 4100 +/- 844 W (P = 0.0001). Our results indicate that using the methods traditionally reported in the literature may cause an overestimation of PP during athletic performance. Using the PM in future research will facilitate test validity and enable the generalization of results outside the scope of specific research projects.  相似文献   

A constant-load cycle ergometer was constructed that allows maximal power output to be measured for each one-half pedal revolution during brief, high-intensity exercise. To determine frictional force, an electronic load cell was attached to the resistance strap and the ergometer frame. Dead weights were attached to the strap's free end. Flywheel velocity was recorded by means of a magnetic switch and two magnets placed on the pedal sprocket. Pedaling resulted in magnetically activated switch closures, which produced two electronic pulses per pedal revolution. Pulses and load cell output were recorded (512 Hz), digitized, and stored on disk via microcomputer. Power output was later computed for each pair of adjacent pulses, representing average power per one-half pedal revolution. Power curves generated for each subject were analyzed for peak power output (the highest one-half pedal revolution average), time to peak power, power fatigue rate and index, average power, and total work. Thirty-eight males performed two 15-s tests separated by 15 min (n = 16) or 48 h (n = 22). Peak power output ranged from 846.0 to 1,289.1 W. Intraclass correlation analysis revealed high test-retest reliability for all parameters recorded on the same or different days (R = 0.91-0.97). No significant differences (P greater than 0.05) were noted between parameter means of the first and second tests. These results indicate that the ergometer described provides a means for conveniently and reliably assessing short-term power output and fatigue.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the usefulness of the vertical jump and estimated vertical-jump power as a field test for weightlifting. Estimated PP output from the vertical jump was correlated with lifting ability among 64 USA national-level weightlifters (junior and senior men and women). Vertical jump was measured using the Kinematic Measurement System, consisting of a switch mat interfaced with a laptop computer. Vertical jumps were measured using a hands-on-hips method. A counter-movement vertical jump (CMJ) and a static vertical jump (SJ, 90 degrees knee angle) were measured. Two trials were given for each condition. Test-retest reliability for jump height was intra-class correlation (ICC) = 0.98 (CMJ) and ICC = 0.96 (SJ). Athletes warmed up on their own for 2-3 minutes, followed by 2 practice jumps at each condition. Peak power (PP) was estimated using the equations developed by Sayers et al. (24). The athletes' current lifting capabilities were assessed by a questionnaire, and USA national coaches checked the listed values. Differences between groups (i.e., men versus women, juniors versus resident lifters) were determined using t-tests (p < or = 0.05). Correlations were determined using Pearson's r. Results indicate that vertical jumping PP is strongly associated with weightlifting ability. Thus, these results indicate that PP derived from the vertical jump (CMJ or SJ) can be a valuable tool in assessing weightlifting performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was (a) to assess the accuracy of the regression equations available in the literature to estimate the actual peak power (PPac) of the countermovement jump (CMJ) executed by young male soccer players, (b) to develop new regression equations from this population, and (c) to verify whether regression equations obtained from age-based subgroups could increase the accuracy of the estimation (PPes) of PPac. In all, 117 young players (age: 13.6 ± 2.4 years) were enrolled in the study. Each subject performed 5 CMJs on a force platform. The new regression equations were obtained from the entire experimental sample (G1) and 3 age-based subsamples (G2 = prepubertal, G3 = peripubertal, G4 = postpubertal) using 2 different approaches: the best jump and the mean values achieved by each subject. All the equations in the literature underestimated the peak power (p < 0.00005) in all the groups. The approach based on the mean values was more accurate (adjusted R = 0.925, SEE = 302.9 W) than the one based on the best jump (adjusted R = 0.892; SEE = 360.8 W). Moreover, calculating the regression equations from the 3 age-based subsamples, SEE resulted improved (15.5% in G2, 5.6% in G3 and 0.9% in G4). Regression equations must be derived from homogeneous populations, in terms of gender, sports practice, and age. The approach based on the mean values for each subject was more accurate than the approach used in the literature up to now. In practical applications, regression equation estimates cannot be used to assess the performance of a single subject, because errors may exceed 50%, whereas they may be useful for group comparisons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a regression equation to estimate peak power (PP) using a large sample of athletic youths and young adults. Anthropometric and vertical jump ground reaction forces were collected from 460 male volunteers (age: 12-24 years). Of these 460 volunteers, a stratified random sample of 45 subjects representing 3 different age groups (12-15 years [n = 15], 16-18 years [n = 15], and 19-24 years [n = 15]) was selected as a validation sample. Data from the remaining 415 subjects were used to develop a new equation ("Novel") to estimate PP using age, body mass (BM), and vertical jump height (VJH) via backward stepwise regression. Independently, age (r = 0.57), BM (r = 0.83), and VJ (r = 0.65) were significantly (p < 0.05) correlated with PP. However, age did not significantly (p = 0.53) contribute to the final prediction equation (Novel): PP (watts) = 63.6 × VJH (centimeters) + 42.7 × BM (kilograms) - 1,846.5 (r = 0.96; standard error of the estimate = 250.7 W). For each age group, there were no differences between actual PP (overall group mean ± SD: 3,244 ± 991 W) and PP estimated using Novel (3,253 ± 1,037 W). Conversely, other previously published equations produced PP estimates that were significantly different than actual PP. The large sample size used in this study (n = 415) likely explains the greater accuracy of the reported Novel equation compared with previously developed equations (n = 17-161). Although this Novel equation can accurately estimate PP values for a group of subjects, between-subject comparisons estimating PP using Novel or any other previously published equations should be interpreted with caution because of large intersubject error (± >600 W) associated with predictions.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring the explosive power of the leg in extension which has been found safe and acceptable for all age groups and levels of physical capability. The extension movement takes 0.25-0.40 s in a push through 0.165 m against a flat pedal. At the end of the push the leg is fully extended. The movement is made seated so that the forces are contained between the buttocks and the foot. The seat position is adjusted for leg length and the push is transmitted by a lever and chain to spin a flywheel. The gearing is such that resistance to the movement remains velocity of the flywheel is measured by an optoswitch and used to calculated the average leg extensor power (LEP) in the push. The reliability of the power measurement was evaluated in 46 subjects ranging in age from 20 to 86 years; they included medical students and geriatric day patients. They were tested on two occasions separated by a week. The maximal values on the first occasion (best of at least five trials) ranged from 30 to 300 W (mean +/- 1 SD = 154 +/- 88 W). There was no significant difference on re-test and the coefficient of variation was 9.4%. In a subgroup of 9 non-naive subjects who were measured by an experienced observer it was 6.3%. As expected, power was lower in women than in men and declined sharply with age. The sex difference was less when the values were expressed as power per body mass; a sharp age-related decline remained.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of estimating peak lower body power from a maximal jump squat using 3 different vertical jump prediction equations. Sixty physically active college students (30 men, 30 women) performed jump squats with a weighted bar's applied load of 20, 40, and 60% of body mass across the shoulders. Each jump squat was simultaneously monitored using a force plate and a contact mat. Peak power (PP) was calculated using vertical ground reaction force from the force plate data. Commonly used equations requiring body mass and vertical jump height to estimate PP were applied such that the system mass (mass of body + applied load) was substituted for body mass. Jump height was determined from flight time as measured with a contact mat during a maximal jump squat. Estimations of PP (PP(est)) for each load and for each prediction equation were compared with criterion PP values from a force plate (PP(FP)). The PP(est) values had high test-retest reliability and were strongly correlated to PP(FP) in both men and women at all relative loads. However, only the Harman equation accurately predicted PP(FP) at all relative loads. It can therefore be concluded that the Harman equation may be used to estimate PP of a loaded jump squat knowing the system mass and peak jump height when more precise (and expensive) measurement equipment is unavailable. Further, high reliability and correlation with criterion values suggest that serial assessment of power production across training periods could be used for relative assessment of change by either of the prediction equations used in this study.  相似文献   

Our aim was to clarify the relationship between power output and the different mechanical parameters influencing it during squat jumps, and to further use this relationship in a new computation method to evaluate power output in field conditions. Based on fundamental laws of mechanics, computations were developed to express force, velocity and power generated during one squat jump. This computation method was validated on eleven physically active men performing two maximal squat jumps. During each trial, mean force, velocity and power were calculated during push-off from both force plate measurements and the proposed computations. Differences between the two methods were not significant and lower than 3% for force, velocity and power. The validity of the computation method was also highlighted by Bland and Altman analyses and linear regressions close to the identity line (P<0.001). The low coefficients of variation between two trials demonstrated the acceptable reliability of the proposed method. The proposed computations confirmed, from a biomechanical analysis, the positive relationship between power output, body mass and jump height, hitherto only shown by means of regression-based equations. Further, these computations pointed out that power also depends on push-off vertical distance. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed theoretical computations were in line with those observed when using laboratory ergometers such as force plates. Consequently, the proposed method, solely based on three simple parameters (body mass, jump height and push-off distance), allows to accurately evaluate force, velocity and power developed by lower limbs extensor muscles during squat jumps in field conditions.  相似文献   

A simple and cheap device has been designed which makes it possible to quantify a vertical jump. The parameters which can be measured or calculated with this device include: height of the jump, duration of thrust, maximal velocity and thus the corresponding maximal power output. The device was tested on 22 young soccer players for whom the height of the jump (0.47 m, SEM 0.015) and maximal power output (34.9 W. kg-1, SEM 1.04) were considered. The device is proposed for assessing training methods and sports aptitude.  相似文献   

Increasing vertical jump height is a critical component for performance enhancement in many sports. It takes on a number of different forms and conditions, including double and single legged jumps and stationary and run-up jumps. In an attempt to understand the factors that influence vertical jump performance, an extensive analysis was undertaken using the deterministic model. Once identified, practical training strategies enabling improvement in these factors were elucidated. Our analysis showed that a successful vertical jump performance was the result of a complex interplay of run-up speed, reactive strength, concentric action power of the take-off leg(s), hip flexors, shoulders, body position, body mass, and take-off time. Of special interest, our analysis showed that the concentric action power of the legs was the critical factor affecting stationary double leg vertical jumps, whereas reactive strength was the critical component for a single leg jump from a run-up.  相似文献   

The force-velocity relationship on a Monark ergometer and the vertical jump height have been studied in 152 subjects practicing different athletic activities (sprint and endurance running, cycling on track and/or road, soccer, rugby, tennis and hockey) at an average or an elite level. There was an approximately linear relationship between braking force and peak velocity for velocities between 100 and 200 rev.min-1. The highest indices of force P0, velocity V0 and maximal anaerobic power (Wmax) were observed in the power athletes. There was a significant relationship between vertical jump height and Wmax related to body mass.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (a) to determine the measurement device and jumping protocol most appropriate for testing the leg power of elite hockey players and (b) to assess the relationship of leg power measurements to hockey playing ability as indicated by draft selection order. Comparisons were made of leg power measurements from the top 95 players entering the National Hockey League Entry Draft using 2 devices (Vertec and Just Jump) and 2 jump protocols (countermovement and squat). Players' leg powers were ranked from highest to lowest power using each device and protocol and were correlated with draft selection order. Vertec leg power measurements were highest (5,511-5,631 W), but there were no significant differences in power between the 2 jumping protocols on either device. Vertec squat jump provided the highest correlation (0.47) between leg power ranking and selection order and was judged to most closely approximate the full-body coordinated movements involved in hockey. The Vertec device using a squat jump protocol is most appropriate for coaches and fitness specialists to use when evaluating hockey potential based on the off-ice leg power measurements of elite hockey players.  相似文献   

Among sport conditioning coaches, there is considerable discussion regarding the efficiency of training methods that improve lower-body power. Heavy resistance training combined with vertical jump (VJ) training is a well-established training method; however, there is a lack of information about its combination with Olympic weightlifting (WL) exercises. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the short-term effects of heavy resistance training combined with either the VJ or WL program. Thirty-two young men were assigned to 3 groups: WL = 12, VJ = 12, and control = 8. These 32 men participated in an 8-week training study. The WL training program consisted of 3 x 6RM high pull, 4 x 4RM power clean, and 4 x 4RM clean and jerk. The VJ training program consisted of 6 x 4 double-leg hurdle hops, 4 x 4 alternated single-leg hurdle hops, 4 x 4 single-leg hurdle hops, and 4 x 4 40-cm drop jumps. Additionally, both groups performed 4 x 6RM half-squat exercises. Training volume was increased after 4 weeks. Pretesting and posttesting consisted of squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) tests, 10- and 30-m sprint speeds, an agility test, a half-squat 1RM, and a clean-and-jerk 1RM (only for WL). The WL program significantly increased the 10-m sprint speed (p < 0.05). Both groups, WL and VJ, increased CMJ (p < 0.05), but groups using the WL program increased more than those using the VJ program. On the other hand, the group using the VJ program increased its 1RM half-squat strength more than the WL group (47.8 and 43.7%, respectively). Only the WL group improved in the SJ (9.5%). There were no significant changes in the control group. In conclusion, Olympic WL exercises seemed to produce broader performance improvements than VJ exercises in physically active subjects.  相似文献   

Athletes experienced in maximal-power and power-endurance training performed 1 set of 2 common power training exercises in an effort to determine the effects of moderately high repetitions upon power output levels throughout the set. Twenty-four and 15 athletes, respectively, performed a set of 10 repetitions in both the bench throw (BT P60) and jump squat exercise (JS P60) with a resistance of 60 kg. For both exercises, power output was highest on either the second (JS P60) or the third repetition (BT P60) and was then maintained until the fifth repetition. Significant declines in power output occurred from the sixth repetition onwards until the 10th repetition (11.2% for BT P60 and 5% for JS P60 by the 10th repetition). These findings suggest that athletes attempting to increase maximal power limit their repetitions to 2 to 5 when using resistances of 35 to 45% 1RM in these exercises.  相似文献   

Measurement of power output during resistance training is becoming ubiquitous in strength and conditioning programs, but there is great variation in the methods used. The main purposes of this study were to compare the power output values obtained from 4 different methods and to examine the relationships between these values. Male semiprofessional Australian rules football players (n = 30) performed hang power clean and weighted jump squat while ground reaction force (GRF)-time data and barbell displacement-time data were sampled simultaneously using a force platform and a linear position transducer attached to the barbell. Peak and mean power applied to the barbell was obtained from barbell displacement-time data (method 1). Peak and mean power applied to the system (barbell + lifter) was obtained from 3 other methods: (a) using GRF-time data (method 2), (b) using barbell displacement-time data (method 3), and (c) using both barbell displacement-time data and GRF-time data (method 4). The peak power values (W) obtained from methods 1, 2, 3, and 4 were (mean +/- SD) 1,644 +/- 295, 3,079 +/- 638, 3,821 +/- 917, and 4,017 +/- 833 in hang power clean and 1,184 +/- 115, 3,866 +/- 451, 3,567 +/- 494, and 4,427 +/- 557 in weighted jump squat. There were significant differences between power output values obtained from method 1 vs. methods 2, 3, and 4, as well as method 2 vs. methods 3 and 4. The power output applied to the barbell and that applied to the system was significantly correlated (r = 0.65-0.81). As a practical application, it is important to understand the characteristics of each method and consider how power output should be measured during the hang power clean and the weighted jump squat.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a cold treatment and a dynamic warm-up on lower body power in the form of a countermovement vertical jump (CMVJ). Nine physically active men, who were either current or ex-National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division 1 athletes, consented to participate in the study. Using a balanced, randomized presentation and a within-subject design, each subject performed 4 environmental and warm-up protocols (i.e., ambient temperature without warm-up, ambient temperature with warm-up, cold without warm-up, or cold with warm-up). Two sets of 3 maximal effort CMVJs were performed on a force plate at each testing time point. For each protocol, the subjects completed a pretest set of CMVJ (pretreatment [PRE]), were then exposed to 1 of the 2 temperature treatments, completed another set of CMVJ (initial [IT]), then either went through a 15-minute warm-up, or were asked to sit in place. Then a final set of CMVJs was completed (posttreatment [PT]). The primary finding in this study was that warm-up was effective in offsetting the negative effects of cold exposure on CMVJ power. There was a significant main effect for Time (PRE > PT > IT), and there was a significant (p ≤ 0.05) main effect for Trial (AMB = AMBWU > COLDWU > COLD). Because athletic competitions happen in various colder climates, it is important to make sure that a proper warm-up be completed to maximize the athlete's power output. The results of this study demonstrate that when athletes are exposed to cold conditions, it is recommended that before practice or play, a dynamic warm-up be employed to optimize performance.  相似文献   

It is commonly accepted that vertical jump performance is a good indicator of maximal joint power. Some studies, however, have indicated that knee joint power output in the vertical jump is limited due to forward trunk inclination early in the push-off. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the effect of forward trunk inclination on joint power output in vertical jumping. A group of 20 male subjects performed maximal vertical countermovement jumps from stance while minimizing the contribution of arm swing by holding their hands on their hips (arms akimbo). They also performed maximal jumps while holding the trunk as upright as possible throughout the jump, still holding the arms akimbo. Jump height, joint kinematics (angles), and joint kinetics (torque, power) were calculated. Jump height of vertical jumps while holding the trunk upright was 10% less than in normal jumps. Hip joint power was decreased by 37% while knee joint power was increased by 13%. Ankle joint power did not change. These results demonstrated that maximal jump performance does not necessarily represent maximal power of each individual joint. The implication is that jump performance may well be a good representation of overall joint power; it is, however, not an accurate measure to evaluate maximal individual joint power as part of contemporary training and rehabilitation methods.  相似文献   

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