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目的为研究超大分子量肌小节蛋白肌联蛋白(titin)的生理病理功能,在一次电泳过程中同时分离titin各亚型和中分子量肌小节蛋白肌球蛋白重链(myosin heavy chain,MHC)。方法使用16cm×18cm垂直电泳系统,在电泳板下1/3灌注10g/L SDS-PAGE胶,上2/3灌注60g/L SDS-琼脂糖(SDS-VAGE)胶。低温8℃下持续电泳5h,在电泳板上层以SDS-VAGE胶电泳分离titin亚型,下层以SDS-PAGE胶电泳分离MHC。电泳后VAGE胶使用银染法标记titin各亚型,PAGE胶使用考马斯亮蓝染色法标记MHC。结果 titin各亚型得到有效的分离,目标蛋白条带显示清晰,与其分子量大小一一对应,分离效果明确。结论一步法垂直电泳系统可应用于超大分子量蛋白的电泳,同时可分离多个分子量差距大的蛋白,提高蛋白电泳实验效率。  相似文献   

The development of muscle spindles, with respect to the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was studied in rat hind limbs from 17 days of gestation up to seven days after birth. Serial cross-sections were labelled with antibodies against slow tonic, slow twitch and neonatal isomyosins, myomesin, laminin and neurofilament protein. At 17-18 days of gestation, a small population of primary myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin were identified as the earliest spindle primordia. These myotubes also expressed slow twitch and, to a lesser extent, neonatal myosin. At 19-20 days of gestation a second myotube became apparent; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin. A day later this secondary myotube acquired reactivity to anti-slow tonic and anti-slow twitch myosins. By birth, a third myotube was present; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin but otherwise unreactive with the other antibodies against myosin heavy chains. Three days after birth a fourth myotube, with identical reactivity to the third one, became apparent. Regional variation in the expression of isomyosins, which was present since birth in the two nuclear bag fibers was further enhanced: the nuclear bag staining strongly with anti-slow tonic and antineonatal in the equatorial region and with decreasing intensity towards the poles, whilst with anti-slow twitch the stainability was low in the equatorial and high in the polar region. The nuclear bag fiber showed a homogeneous staining: high with anti-slow tonic, moderate with anti-neonatal, and displayed stainability to anti-slow twitch myosin in the polar regions only. No regional variation was found along the chain fiber/myotube.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The development of muscle spindles, with respect to the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms was studied in rat hind limbs from 17 days of gestation up to seven days after birth. Serial cross-sections were labelled with antibodies against slow tonic, slow twitch and neonatal isomyosins, myomesin, laminin and neurofilament protein.At 17–18 days of gestation, a small population of primary myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin were identified as the earliest spindle primordia. These myotubes also expressed slow twitch and, to a lesser extent, neonatal myosin. At 19–20 days of gestation a second myotube became apparent; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin. A day later this secondary myotube acquired reactivity to anti-slow tonic and anti-slow twitch myosins. By birth, a third myotube was present; this staining strongly with anti-neonatal myosin but otherwise unreactive with the other antibodies against myosin heavy chains. Three days after birth a fourth myotube, with identical reactivity to the third one, became apparent. Regional variation in the expression of isomyosins, which was present since birth in the two nuclear bag fibers was further enhanced: the nuclear bag2 staining strongly with anti-slow tonic and antineonatal in the equatorial region and with decreasing intensity towards the poles, whilst with anti-slow twitch the stainability was low in the equatorial and high in the polar region. The nuclear bag1 fiber showed a homogeneous staining: high with anti-slow tonic, moderate with anti-neonatal, and displayed stainability to antislow twitch myosin in the polar regions only. No regional variation was found along the chain fiber/myotube. At seven days after birth, the pattern of reactivity was similar to that found in the adult spindles, except for the bag1 fiber which still expressed neonatal myosin.We show that slow tonic myosin is expressed from early development and it is a reliable marker of developing bag fibers. We suggest that muscle spindles are formed from special cell lineages of which the primary generation myotubes expressing slow tonic myosin represent the primordium of muscle spindles.  相似文献   

When adult mouse muscle fibers are co-cultured with embryonic mouse spinal cord, the muscle regenerates to form myotubes that develop cross-striations and contractions. We have investigated the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms present in these cultures using polyclonal antibodies to the neonatal, adult fast, and slow MHC isoforms of rat (all of which were shown to react specifically with the analogous mouse isoforms) in an immunocytochemical assay. The adult fast MHC was absent in newly formed myotubes but was found at later times, although it was absent when the myotubes myotubes were cultured without spinal cord tissue. When nerve-induced muscle contractions were blocked by the continuous presence of alpha-bungarotoxin, there was no decrease in the proportion of fibers that contained adult fast MHC. Neonatal and slow MHC were found at all times in culture, even in the absence of the spinal cord, and so their expression was not thought to be nerve-dependent. Thus, in this culture system, the expression of adult fast MHC required the presence of the spinal cord, but was probably not dependent upon nerve-induced contractile activity in the muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Effects of isometric training on skeletal myosin heavy chain expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This studytested the hypothesis that an isometric resistance-training programinduces upregulation of slow myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression in afast-twitch skeletal muscle. Thus we studied the effects of tworesistance-training programs on rodent medial gastrocnemius (MG) musclethat were designed to elicit repetitive isometric contractions(10-12 per set; 4 sets per session) of different duration (8 vs. 5 s) and activation frequency (100 vs. 60 Hz) per contraction during eachtraining session (total of 6 and 12 sessions). Results showed that bothtraining paradigms produced significant increases in muscle weight(~11-13%) after completion of training(P < 0.05). Significanttransformations in MHC expression occurred and involved specifically adecrease in the relative expression of the fast type IIb MHC andconcomitant increased expression of the fast type IIx MHC.These adaptations were observed in both the "white" and"red" regions of the MG, and they occurred at both the mRNA andprotein levels. These adaptations were detected after onlysix training sessions. Neither of the training programs produced anychange in the relative expression of either the slow type I MHC or themoderately fast type IIa MHC, which can be upregulated in the red MG bychronic functional overload. These findings show that theisometric protocols used in this investigation were not sufficient toinduce the hypothesized changes in the myosin heavy chain isoformexpression in rodent skeletal muscle.


The myosin heavy chain (MHC) was studied by biochemical methods in the slow-twitch (soleus) and two fast-twitch leg muscles of the triiodothyronine treated (hyperthyroid), thyroidectomized (hypothyroid) and euthyroid (control) rats. The changes in the contents of individual MHC isoforms(MHC-1, MHC-2A, MHC-2B and MHC-2X) were evaluated in relation to the muscle mass and the total MHC content. The MHC-1 content decreased in hyperthyreosis, while it increased in hypothyreosis in the soleus and in the fast muscles. The MHC-2A content increased in hyperthyreosis and it decreased in hypothyreosis in the soleus muscle. In the fast muscles hyperthyreosis did not affect the MHC-2A content, whereas hypothyreosis caused an increase in this MHC isoform content. The MHC-2X, present only in traces or undetected in the control soleus muscle, was synthesised in considerable amount in hyperthyreosis; in hypothyreosis the MHC-2X was not detected in the soleus. In the fast muscles the content of MHC-2X was not affected by any changes in the thyroid hormone level. The MHC-2B seemed to be not influenced by hyperthyreosis in the fast muscles, whereas the hypothyreosis caused a decrease of its content. In the soleus muscle the MHC-2B was not detected in any groups of rats. The results suggest that the amount of each of the four MHC isoforms expressed in the mature rat leg muscles is influenced by the thyroid hormone in a different way. The MHC-2A and the MHC-2X are differently regulated in the soleus and in the fast muscles; thyroid hormone seems to be necessary for expression of those isoforms in the soleus muscle.  相似文献   

Two types of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, SM1 and SM2, were recently identified to have different carboxyl termini (Nagai, R., Kuro-o, M., Babij, P., and Periasamy, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 9734-9737). SM1 and SM2 are considered to be generated from a single gene through alternative RNA splicing. In this study we investigated expression of vascular MHC isoforms during development in rabbits at the mRNA, protein, and histological levels. In adults, all smooth muscle cells reacted with both anti-SM1 and anti-SM2 antibodies on immunofluorescence, suggesting the coexpression of SM1 and SM2 in a single cell. In fetal and perinatal rabbits, however, only anti-SM1 antibody consistently reacted with smooth muscles. Reactivity with anti-SM2 antibody was negative in the fetal and neonatal blood vessels and gradually increased during 30 days after birth. These developmental changes in SM1 and SM2 expression at the histological level coincided with mRNA expression of each MHC isoform as determined by S1 nuclease mapping, indicating that expression of SM1 and SM2 is controlled at the level of RNA splicing. However, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myosin from fetal and perinatal aortas revealed the presence of large amount of SM2. Interestingly, fetal SM2 did not cross-react with our anti-SM2 antibody on immunoblotting. We conclude that expression of SM1 and SM2 are differentially regulated during development and that a third type of MHC isoform may exist in embryonic and perinatal vascular smooth muscles.  相似文献   

Talmadge, Robert J., Roland R. Roy, and V. Reggie Edgerton.Distribution of myosin heavy chain isoforms in non-weight-bearing rat soleus muscle fibers. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2540-2546, 1996.The effects of14 days of spaceflight (SF) or hindlimb suspension (HS) (Cosmos 2044)on myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content of the rat soleus muscleand single muscle fibers were determined. On the basis ofelectrophoretic analyses, there was a de novo synthesis of type IIx MHCbut no change in either type I or IIa MHC isoform proportions aftereither SF or HS compared with controls. The percentage of fiberscontaining only type I MHC decreased by 26 and 23%, and the percentageof fibers with multiple MHCs increased from 6% in controls to 32% inHS and 34% in SF rats. Type IIx MHC was always found in combinationwith another MHC or combination of MHCs; i.e., no fibers contained typeIIx MHC exclusively. These data suggest that the expression of thenormal complement of MHC isoforms in the adult rat soleus muscle isdependent, in part, on normal weight bearing and that the absence ofweight bearing induces a shift toward type IIx MHC protein expression in the preexisting type I and IIa fibers of the soleus.


Isoforms of the smooth muscle myosin motor, SM1 and SM2, differ in length at the carboxy terminal tail region. Their proportion changes with development, hormonal status and disease, but their function is unknown. We developed mice carrying the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) transgenes SM1, cMyc-tagged SM1, SM2, and V5-tagged SM2, and all transgenes corresponded to the SMa NH2-terminal isoform. Transgene expression was targeted to smooth muscle by the smooth muscle -actin promoter. Immunoblot analysis showed substantial expression of the cMyc-tagged SM1 and V5-tagged SM2 MyHC protein in aorta and bladder and transgene mRNA was expressed in mice carrying unlabeled SM1 or SM2 transgenes. Despite significant protein expression of tagged MyHCs we found only small changes in the SM1:SM2 protein ratio. Significant changes in functional phenotype were observed in mice carrying unlabeled SM1 or SM2 transgenes. Force in aorta and bladder was increased (72 ± 14%, 92 ± 11%) in SM1 and decreased to 57 ± 1% and 80 ± 3% in SM2 transgenic mice. SM1 transgenic bladders had faster (1.8 ± 0.3 s) and SM2 slower (7.1 ± 0.5 s) rates of force redevelopment following a rapid step shortening. We hypothesize that small changes in the SM1:SM2 ratio could be amplified if they are associated with changes in thick filament assembly and underlie the altered contractility. These data provide evidence indicating an in vivo function for the COOH-terminal isoforms of smooth muscle myosin and suggest that the SM1:SM2 ratio is tightly regulated in smooth muscle tissues. myosin heavy chain; transgenic mice  相似文献   

The present paper describes the isolation and linkage mapping of two isoforms of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain in pig. Two partial cDNAs (pAZMY4 and pAZMY7), coding for the porcine myosin heavy chain-2B and -β respectively, have been isolated from a pig skeletal muscle cDNA library. Four RFLPs were detected with the putative porcine skeletal myosin heavy chain-2B probe (pAZMY4) and one RFLP was identified with the putative myosin heavy chain-β probe (pAZMY7). Two myosin heavy chain loci were mapped by linkage analysis performed with the five RFLPs against the PiGMaP linkage consortium ResPig database: the MYH1 locus, which identifies the fast skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain gene cluster, was located at the end of the map of porcine chromosome 12, while the MYH7 locus, which identifies the myosin heavy chain-α/-β gene cluster, was assigned to the long arm of porcine chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Summary— The distribution of smooth muscle (SM)-type myosin heavy chain isoforms in several bovine muscular and non-muscular (NM) tissues was evaluated by immunofluorescence tests using monoclonal antibodies SM-E7, reactive with 204 (SM1) and 200 (SM2) kDa isoforms, and SM-F11, specific for SM2 isoform. SM-E7 reacted equally with vascular, respiratory and intestinal SM tissues, whereas SM-F11 stained heterogeneously SM cells in the various muscular systems examined and in some peculiar tissues was unreactive (perisinusoidal cells of hepatic lobule, pulmonary interstitial cells and intestinal muscularis mucosae) or uniquely reactive (nerve cells). On the whole, our findings indicate that SM1 and SM2 isoforms are unequally distributed at the cellular level in various SM and NM tissues and support previous results obtained with tissue extracts and electrophoretic procedures.  相似文献   

This study determined whether the beneficial effects of exercise training on the diabetic heart previously observed are associated with alterations in ventricular myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform composition. Diabetes was induced in rats by i.v. streptozotocin. Trained rats were run on a treadmill for 60 min/day, 27 m/min, 10% grade. After 10 wks, ventricular MHC isoenzyme protein composition was analyzed for MHC composition using gel electrophoresis. -MHC and -MHC mRNA were determined by Northern and slot blot hybridization techniques. Both protein and mRNA analyses indicated that sedentary control rats exhibited a predominance of -MHC. Sedentary diabetics exhibited a shift to -MHC. Exercise trained diabetic rats showed a predominance of -MHC. The results indicate that treadmill exercise training of diabetic rat does not prevent the diabetes-induced shift in MHC composition towards the -MHC isoform, thus it is unlikely that the beneficial effects of exercise training on the diabetic heart, previously shown, are due to a normalization of the myosin isoform composition.  相似文献   

Hypertrophy was produced in the anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle of 5-wk-old chickens by application of a load to the humerus. After 4 wk, hypertrophied ALD muscles were greater than 2.5 times heavier than contralateral control ALD muscles. Two isomyosins are distinguishable in normal ALD muscles by their different electrophoretic mobilities. It is shown here that the faster migrating SM-1 isomyosin decreases in abundance with age and that the application of an overload enhances both the rate and extent of this process. Monoclonal antibodies were selected by an immunotransfer technique that were specific for the heavy chains associated with either SM-1 or SM-2, or cross-reacted with both isoforms. The cellular distribution of the SM-1 and SM-2 isomyosins was analyzed by immunofluorescent technique using these antibodies. Anti-SM-1 and anti-SM-2 antibodies reacted with separate populations of cells, whereas the third antibody reacted with all myocytes in the normal ALD muscle. These data suggest that there is an exclusive cellular distribution of myosin heavy chains associated with SM-1 and SM-2 proteins. Immunofluorescent analysis of hypertrophied muscle showed the anti-SM-2-specific antibody reacting with all myocytes, whereas the anti-SM-1-specific antibody reacted with none. This is consistent with the elimination of the SM-1 isoform in hypertrophied muscles.  相似文献   



To explore the effects of heterozygous myostatin-knockout (MSNT+/?) on muscle characteristics, specifically fiber-type distribution and expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in pigs.


The fiber cross-sectional area of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles were much larger in MSTN+/? pigs at birth than in wild-type (WT) pigs. MSTN+/? pigs had a higher proportion of fast-type fibers and lower succinate dehydrogenase activity in muscles than WT pigs. The myosin heavy chain IIB mRNA level in both two muscles was ~ threefold higher in MSTN+/? pigs compared with WT pigs.


MSTN+/? pigs exhibit a disproportionate increase in muscle mass and can have a higher body weight due to fiber hypertrophy, a change in the fiber-type distribution, and alteration of myosin heavy chain isoforms levels, leading to more fast glycolytic fibers.

The two cardiac myosin heavy chain isoforms, alpha and beta, exhibit distinct functional characteristics and therefore may be distributed regionally within the heart to match the functional demands of a specific region. In adult mouse hearts, which predominantly express alpha-myosin heavy chain, we observed high concentrations of beta-myosin in distinct areas such as at the tip of papillary muscles and at the base close to the valvular annulus. In light of these distinct distribution patterns of the myosin isoforms, we subsequently explored the isoform-specific structure-function relationships of the myosins. The alpha- and beta-isoforms are 93% identical in amino acid sequence, but it remains unclear which of the nonidentical residues determines isoform functionality. We hypothesized that residues situated within or close to the actin-binding interface of the myosin head influence actin binding and thereby modulate actin-activated ATPase activity. A chimeric myosin was created containing beta-sequence from amino acid 417 to 682 within the alpha-backbone. In mice, approximately 70% of the endogenous cardiac protein was replaced with the chimeric myosin. Myofibrils containing chimeric myosin exhibited ATPase activities that were depressed to the levels observed in hearts expressing approximately 70% beta-myosin. In vitro motility assays showed that the actin filament sliding velocity generated by chimeric myosin was similar to that of alpha-myosin, almost twice the velocities observed with beta-myosin. These data indicate that this large domain sequence switch conferred beta-like actin-activated ATPase activities to the chimeric myosin, suggesting that this region is responsible for the distinct hydrolytic properties of these myosin isoforms.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that the relative amounts of the cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms MHC-alpha and MHC-beta change during development and transition to heart failure in the human myocardium. The relative amounts of MHC-alpha and MHC-beta in ventricular and atrial samples from fetal (gestational days 47--110) and nonfailing and failing adult hearts were determined. The majority of the fetal right and left ventricular samples contained small relative amounts of MHC-alpha (mean < 5% of total MHC). There was a small significant decrease in the level of MHC-alpha in the ventricles between 7 and 12 wk of gestation. Fetal atria expressed predominantly MHC-alpha (mean > 95%), with MHC-beta being detected in most samples. The majority of adult nonfailing right and left ventricular samples had detectable levels of MHC-alpha ranging from 1 to 10%. Failing right and left ventricles expressed a significantly lower level of MHC-alpha. MHC-alpha comprised approximately 90% of the total MHC in adult nonfailing left atria, whereas the relative amount of MHC-alpha in the left atria of individuals with dilated or ischemic cardiomyopathy was approximately 50%. The differences in MHC isoform composition between fetal and nonfailing adult atria and between fetal and nonfailing adult ventricles were not statistically significant. We concluded that the MHC isoform compositions of fetal human atria are the same as those of nonfailing adult atria and that the ventricular MHC isoform composition is different between adult nonfailing and failing hearts. Furthermore, the marked alteration in atrial MHC isoform composition, associated with cardiomyopathy, does not represent a regression to a pattern that is uniquely characteristic of the fetal stage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine myosin heavy chain (MHC) and myosin light chain (MLC) isoforms following 12 wk of progressive resistance training (PRT). A needle biopsy was taken from the vastus lateralis to determine fiber-type expression [ATPase (pH 4.54) and MHC/MLC] in seven healthy men (age = 74.0 +/- 1.8 yr). Subjects were also tested for 1-repetition maximum (1-RM), pre- and posttraining. The progressive knee extensor protocol consisted of three sets at 80% of 1-RM 3 days/wk for 12 wk. Freeze-dried, single muscle fibers were dissected for MHC and MLC analysis and then subjected to SDS-PAGE and silver staining, pre- and posttraining. MHC expression increased in the I (10.4%; P < 0.05) and decreased in I/IIa (9.0%; P < 0.05), I/IIa/x (0.9%; P < 0.05), and IIa/x (8.9%; P < 0.05) isoforms, with no change in the IIa and IIx isoforms, pre- vs. posttraining (total fibers = 3,059). The MLC(3f)-to-MLC(2) ratio did not change with the PRT in either the MHC I or MHC IIa isoforms (total fibers = 902), pre- to posttraining. ATPase fiber distribution did not significantly differ following training (I: 50. 4 +/- 6.7 vs. 51.9 +/- 7.9, IIa: 36.8 +/- 5.3 vs. 41.1 +/- 7.0, IIb: 12.8 +/- 5.6 vs. 7.0 +/- 4.0%; pre- vs. posttraining, respectively). 1-RM increased (51.9%; P < 0.05) from pre- to posttraining. The PRT provide a stimulus for alterations in MHC isoforms, which demonstrated a decrease in all hybrid isoforms and an increase in MHC I expression (not found in the ATPase results), unlike the MLC ratio (3:2), which was not altered with training.  相似文献   

Coordinated expression of species-specific myosin heavy chain (MHC) and troponin (Tn) isoforms may bring about a dynamic complementarity to match muscle contraction speed with species-specific heart rates. Contractile system function and dynamic force-length measurements were made in muscle fibers from mouse and rat hearts and in muscle fibers after reconstitution with either recombinant homologous Tn or orthologous Tn. The rate constants of length-mediated cross-bridge (XB) recruitment (b) and tension redevelopment (k(tr)) of mouse fibers were significantly faster than those of rat fibers. Both the tension cost (ATPase/tension) and rate constant of length-mediated XB distortion (c) were higher in the mouse than in the rat. Thus the mouse fiber was faster in all dynamic and functional aspects than the rat fiber. Mouse Tn significantly increased b and k(tr) in rat fibers; conversely, rat Tn significantly decreased b and k(tr) in mouse fibers. Thus the length-mediated recruitment of force-bearing XB occurs much more rapidly in the presence of mouse Tn than in the presence of rat Tn, demonstrating that the speed of XB recruitment is regulated by Tn. There was a significant interaction between Tn and MHC such that changes in either Tn or MHC affected the speed of XB recruitment. Our data demonstrate that the dynamics of myocardial contraction are different in the mouse and rat hearts because of sequence heterogeneity in MHC and Tn. At the myofilament level, coordinated expression of complementary regulatory contractile proteins produces a functional dynamic phenotype that allows the cardiovascular systems to function effectively at different heart rates.  相似文献   

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