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TRPC1 forms the stretch-activated cation channel in vertebrate cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The mechanosensitive cation channel (MscCa) transduces membrane stretch into cation (Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+) and Mg(2+)) flux across the cell membrane, and is implicated in cell-volume regulation, cell locomotion, muscle dystrophy and cardiac arrhythmias. However, the membrane protein(s) that form the MscCa in vertebrates remain unknown. Here, we use an identification strategy that is based on detergent solubilization of frog oocyte membrane proteins, followed by liposome reconstitution and evaluation by patch-clamp. The oocyte was chosen because it expresses the prototypical MscCa (>or=10(7)MscCa/oocyte) that is preserved in cytoskeleton-deficient membrane vesicles. We identified a membrane-protein fraction that reconstituted high MscCa activity and showed an abundance of a protein that had a relative molecular mass of 80,000 (M(r) 80K). This protein was identified, by immunological techniques, as the canonical transient receptor potential channel 1 (TRPC1). Heterologous expression of the human TRPC1 resulted in a >1,000% increase in MscCa patch density, whereas injection of a TRPC1-specific antisense RNA abolished endogenous MscCa activity. Transfection of human TRPC1 into CHO-K1 cells also significantly increased MscCa expression. These observations indicate that TRPC1 is a component of the vertebrate MscCa, which is gated by tension developed in the lipid bilayer, as is the case in various prokaryotic mechanosensitive (Ms) channels.  相似文献   

Stretch-activated ion currents were recorded from vascular smooth muscle (VSM) after enzymatic isolation of single cells from porcine coronary arterioles. Patch pipettes were used to record whole cell current and control cell length. Under voltage clamp in physiological saline solution, an inward cation current (I(CAT)) was activated by 105--135% longitudinal stretch. I(CAT) coincided with an increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Under current clamp, membrane depolarization was induced by stretch. The magnitude of I(CAT) varied from -0.8 to -6.9 pA/pF at a holding potential of -60 mV. I(CAT) was graded with stretch, inactivated on release, and could be repeatedly induced. A potassium current (I(K)) activated in unstretched cells by depolarization was also enhanced by stretch. In Ca(2+)-free bath solution, stretch-induced enhancement of I(K) was blocked, but I(CAT) was still present. Hexamethyleneamiloride (50 microM), a reputed inhibitor of mechanosensitive channels, blocked I(CAT) and the stretch-induced increase in I(K) but not basal I(K). Grammostolla spatulata venom (1:100,000) blocked basal I(K), blocked stretch-induced increases in I(K), and blocked I(CAT). Iberiotoxin, a specific Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel blocker, did not alter I(CAT) but blocked the stretch-induced increase in I(K) and increased the magnitude of stretch-induced depolarization. We concluded that longitudinal stretch directly activates a cation current and secondarily activates a Ca(2+)-activated K(+) current in isolated coronary myocytes. Although these two currents would partially counteract each other, the predominance of I(CAT) at physiological potentials is likely to explain the depolarization and contraction observed in intact coronary VSM during pressure elevation.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene MCOLN1 coding for the TRP (transient receptor potential) family ion channel TRP-ML1 lead to the lipid storage disorder mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV). The function and role of TRP-ML1 are not well understood. We report here that TRP-ML1 is a lysosomal monovalent cation channel. Both native and recombinant TRP-ML1 are cleaved resulting in two products. Recombinant TRP-ML1 is detected as the full-length form and as short N- and C-terminal forms, whereas in native cells mainly the cleaved N and C termini are detected. The N- and C-terminal fragments of TRP-ML1 were co-immunoprecipitated from cell lysates and co-eluted from a Ni2+ column. TRP-ML1 undergoes proteolytic cleavage that is inhibited by inhibitors of cathepsin B (CatB) and is altered when TRP-ML1 is expressed in CatB-/- cells. N-terminal sequencing of purified C-terminal fragment of TRP-ML1 expressed in Sf9 cells indicates a cleavage site at Arg200 downward arrow Pro201. Consequently, the conserved R200H mutation changed the cleavage pattern of TRP-ML1. The cleavage inhibited TRP-ML1 channel activity. This work provides the first example of inactivation by cleavage of a TRP channel. The significance of the cleavage to the function of TRP-ML1 is under investigation.  相似文献   

The cation discriminations of salinomycin and its derivatives have been studied by measuring complexability with cations and transport rate of them across organic phase. Salinomycin exhibited a great preference for K+ over other monovalent and divalent cations in migrating cations into organic phase in two phase systems. The antibiotic mediated the transport of Na+ and Rb+ as effectively as that of K+ across CCl4 bulk phase, but not those of Cs+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+. From the above results, salinomycin is concluded to act as an alkali ion carrier. The OH-acylated salinomycins retained the activity of parent compound, but the COOH-esterified salinomycins lost the activity.  相似文献   

We have identified a non-selective cation channel on pancreatic duct cells. These epithelial cells secrete the bicarbonate ions found in pancreatic juice; a process controlled by the hormone secretin, which uses cyclic AMP as an intracellular messenger. The non-selective channel is located on both apical and basolateral plasma membranes of the duct cell, is equally permeable to sodium and potassium, and has a linear I/V relationship with a single-channel conductance of about 25 pS. Channel opening requires the presence of 1 microM Ca2+ on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, and is also increased by depolarization. Intracellular ATP, ADP, magnesium, and a rise in pH all decreased channel activity. The channel was not affected by 10 mM TEA, 1 mM Ba2+ or 0.5 mM decamethonium applied to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, but 0.5 mM quinine caused a flickering block which was more pronounced at depolarizing potentials. We observed the channel only rarely in cell-attached patches on unstimulated duct cells, and acute exposure to stimulants did not cause channel activation. However, after prolonged stimulation, the proportion of cell-attached patches containing active channels was increased 9-fold. The role of this channel in pancreatic duct cell function remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The TRPM subfamily of mammalian TRP channels displays unusually diverse activation mechanisms and selectivities. One member of this subfamily, TRPM5, functions in taste receptor cells and has been reported to be activated through G protein-coupled receptors linked to phospholipase C. However, the specific mechanisms regulating TRPM5 have not been described. Here, we demonstrate that TRPM5 is a monovalent-specific cation channel with a 23 pS unitary conductance. TRPM5 does not display constitutive activity. Rather, it is activated by stimulation of a receptor pathway coupled to phospholipase C and by IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release. Gating of TRPM5 was dependent on a rise in Ca(2+) because it was fully activated by Ca(2+). Unlike any previously described mammalian TRP channel, TRPM5 displayed voltage modulation and rapid activation and deactivation kinetics upon receptor stimulation. The most closely related protein, the Ca(2+)-activated monovalent-selective cation channel TRPM4b, also showed voltage modulation, although with slower relaxation kinetics than TRPM5. Taken together, the data demonstrate that TRPM5 and TRPM4b represent the first examples of voltage-modulated, Ca(2+)-activated, monovalent cation channels (VCAMs). The voltage modulation and rapid kinetics provide TRPM5 with an excellent set of properties for participating in signaling in taste receptors and other excitable cells.  相似文献   

Mechanosensitive channels in various eucaryotic cells are thought to be functionally and structurally coupled to the cortical cytoskeleton. However, the results of electrophysiological studies are rather controversial and the functional impact of cytoskeleton assembly-disassembly on stretch-activated channel properties remains unclear. Here, the possible involvement of cytoskeletal elements in the regulation of stretch-activated Ca2+-permeable channels was studied in human leukaemia K562 cells with the use of agents that selectively modify the actin or tubulin system. F-actin disassembly resulted in a considerable reduction of the amplitude of stretch-activated currents without significant change in channel open probability. The effects of treatments with cytochalasins or latrunculin were principally similar, developed gradually and consisted a strong decrease of single channel conductance. Microtubule disruption did not affect stretch-activated channels. The data presented here are in principal agreement with the general conclusion that mechanosensitive channel functions are largely dependent on the integrity of the cortical actin cytoskeleton. Specifically, changes in conductive properties of the pore may provide an essential mechanism of channel regulation underlying functional modulation of membrane currents. Our results allow one to speculate that microfilament organization may be an important determinant in modulating biophysical characteristics of stretch-activated cation channels in cells of blood origin.  相似文献   

Mechanosensitive channels in various eucaryotic cells are thought to be functionally and structurally coupled to the cortical cytoskeleton. However, the results of electrophysiological studies are rather controversial and the functional impact of cytoskeleton assembly-disassembly on stretch-activated channel properties remains unclear. Here, the possible involvement of cytoskeletal elements in the regulation of stretch-activated Ca2+-permeable channels was studied in human leukaemia K562 cells with the use of agents that selectively modify the actin or tubulin system. F-actin disassembly resulted in a considerable reduction of the amplitude of stretch-activated currents without significant change in channel open probability. The effects of treatments with cytochalasins or latrunculin were principally similar, developed gradually and consisted a strong decrease of single channel conductance. Microtubule disruption did not affect stretch-activated channels. The data presented here are in principal agreement with the general conclusion that mechanosensitive channel functions are largely dependent on the integrity of the cortical actin cytoskeleton. Specifically, changes in conductive properties of the pore may provide an essential mechanism of channel regulation underlying functional modulation of membrane currents. Our results allow one to speculate that microfilament organization may be an important determinant in modulating biophysical characteristics of stretch-activated cation channels in cells of blood origin.  相似文献   

Cell-attached patches of membrane of osteoblast-like cells UMR-106.01 respond to bath application of parathyroid hormone (PTH) with an increase in the average activity, as well as the single channel conductance, of a stretch-activated non-selective cation channel. Correlations with whole cell membrane potential and conductance changes are considered.  相似文献   

Uncoupling agent releases the respiratory control of rat hepatocytes to approximately the same degree as in isolated mitochondria indicating that mitochondria in situ possess a low H+ conductance as in vitro. Mitochondria also have no detectable natural K+ conductance since the ionophore, valinomycin, is required for K+ ions to uncouple. Na+ but not K+ or choline inhibits the uncoupled respiration of liver cells. This is consistent with operation of neutral mitochondrial Na+ for H+ exchange in vivo. These results indicate a considerable similarity between certain functional and permeability properties of mitochondria in vitro and in situ. These similarities form the basis for discussion of the role of mitochondrial ion transport in metabolic regulation.  相似文献   

Contamination with the multidrug transporter AcrB represents a potential pitfall in the structural analysis of recombinant membrane proteins expressed in Escherichia coli, especially when high-throughput approaches are adopted. This can be a particular problem in two-dimensional (2-D) crystallization for electron cryomicroscopy since individual crystals are too small for compositional analysis. Using a broad ‘sparse matrix’ of buffer conditions typically used in 2-D crystallization, we have identified at least eight unique crystal forms of AcrB. Reference to images and projection maps of these different forms can greatly facilitate the early identification of false leads in 2-D crystallization trials of other membrane proteins of interest. We illustrate the usefulness of such data by highlighting two studies of membrane proteins in our laboratories. We show in one case (a bacterial sodium channel, NaChBac) how early crystallization ‘hits’ could be attributed to contaminating AcrB by comparison against our AcrB crystal image database. In a second case, involving a member of the monovalent cation/proton antiporter-1 family (MPSIL0171), a comparison with the observed AcrB crystal forms allowed easy identification of reconstituted AcrB particles, greatly facilitating the eventual purification and crystallization of the correct protein in pure form as ordered helical arrays. Our database of AcrB crystal images will be of general use in assisting future 2-D crystallization studies of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The uptake of monovalent cations by yeast via the monovalent cation uptake mechanism is inhibited by phosphate. The inhibition of Rb+ uptake shows saturation kinetics and the phosphate concentration at which half-maximal inhibition is observed is equal to the Km of phosphate for the sodium-independent phosphate uptake mechanism. The kinetic coefficients of Rb+ and TI+ uptake are affected by phosphate: the maximal rate of uptake is decreased and the apparent affinity constants for the translocation sites are increased. In the case of Na+ uptake, the inhibition by phosphate may be partly or completely compensated by stimulation of Na+ uptake via a sodium-phosphate cotransport mechanism. Phosphate effects a transient stimulation of the efflux of the lipophilic cation dibenzyldimethylammonium from preloaded yeast cells and a transient inhibition of dibenzyldimethylammonium uptake. Possibly, the inhibition of monovalent cation uptake in yeast can be explained by a transient depolarization of the cell membrane by phosphate.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique is used to investigate divalent ion block of the large-conductance K+ channel from Chara australis. Block by Ba2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Pt(NH3)4(2+) from the vacuolar and cytoplasmic sides is used to probe the structure of, and ion interactions within, the pore. Five divalent ion binding sites are detected. Vacuolar Ca2+ reduces channel conductance by binding to a site located 7% along the membrane potential difference (site 1, delta = 0.07; from the vacuolar side); it also causes channel closures with mean a duration of approximately 0.1-1 ms by binding at a deeper site (site 2, delta = 0.3). Ca2+ can exit from site 2 into both the vacuolar and cytoplasmic solutions. Cytoplasmic Ca2+ reduces conductance by binding at two sites (site 3, delta = -0.21; site 4, delta = -0.6; from the cytoplasmic side) and causes closures with a mean duration of 10-100 ms by binding to site 5 (delta = -0.7). The deep sites exhibit stronger ion specificity than the superficial sites. Cytoplasmic Ca2+ binds sequentially to sites 3-5 and Ca2+ at site 5 can be locked into the pore by a second Ca2+ at site 3 or 4. Ca2+ block is alleviated by increasing [K+] on the same side of the channel. Further, Ca2+ occupancy of the deep sites (2, 4, and 5) is reduced by K+, Rb+, NH4+, and Na+ on the opposite side of the pore. Their relative efficacy correlates with their relative permeability in the channel. While some Ca2+ and K+ sites compete for ions, Ca2+ and K+ can simultaneously occupy the channel. Ca2+ binding at site 1 only partially blocks channel conduction. The results suggest the presence of four K+ binding sites on the channel protein. One cytoplasmic facing site has an equilibrium affinity of 10 mM (site 6, delta = -0.3) and one vacuolar site (site 7, delta less than 0.2) has low affinity (greater than 500 mM). Divalent ion block of the Chara channel shows many similarities to that of the maxi-K channel from rat skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

To characterize the Ca2+ transport process across the apical membrane of the rabbit connecting tubule (CNT), we examined the effects of luminal pressure on parathyroid hormone (PTH)-dependent apical Ca2+ transport in this segment perfused in vitro. An increase of perfusion pressure (0.2 to 1.2 KPa) caused cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+].) to increase by 42 ± 11 nm in Fura-2 loaded perfused CNT. The response was accentuated when 10 nm PTH was added to the bath (101 ± 30 nm, n = 6). Addition of 0.1 mm chlorphenylthio-cAMP (CPT-cAMP) to the bath also augmented the [Ca2+]; response to pressure from 36 ± 16 to 84 ± 26 nm (n = 3). Under steady perfusion pressure at 1.2 KPa, PTH (10 nm) increased [Ca2+]; by 31 ± 7 nm (n = 5), whereas it did only slightly by 6 ± 2 nm (n = 12) at 0.2 KPa. The pressure-dependent increase of [Ca2+]; was abolished by removing luminal Ca2+ (n = 3), and was not affected by 0.1 and 10 m nicardipine (n = 4) in the presence of 10 nm PTH. Cell-attached patch clamp studies on the apical membrane of everted CNT with pipettes filled with either 200 mm CaCl2 or 140 mm NaCl revealed channel activities with conductances of 42 ± 2 pS (n = 4) or 173 ± 7 pS (n = 5), respectively. An application of negative pressure (–4.9 KPa) to the patch pipette augmented its mean number of open channels (NP 0 ) from 0.005 ± 0.001 to 0.022 ± 0.005 in the Ca2+-filled pipette, and was further accelerated to 0.085 ± 0.014 (n = 3) by 0.1 mm CPT-cAMP. In the Na+-filled pipette, similar results were obtained (n = 3), and CPT-cAMP did not activate the stretch-activated channel in the absence of negative pressure (n = 3). These results suggest that a stretch-activated nonselective cation channel exists in the apical membrane of the CNT and that it is activated by PTH in the presence of hydrostatic pressure, allowing entry of Ca2+ transport from the apical membrane.We appreciate Ms. Hisayo Hosaka and Ms. Yuki Oyama for their technical assistance and Ms. Keiko Sakai for her secretarial work. This research was supported by grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Japan (No. 05670054) and from Yamanouchi Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders (1992–1993).  相似文献   

Cell swelling has been shown to increase the permeability of the plasma membrane to ions such as K+, Na+, Ca2+ or Cl in many types of cells. In cardiac cells, swelling has been reported to increase Cl conductance, but whether cation-selective currents are activated by swelling is not known. Low Cl or Cl-free solutions were used to study the presence of such currents. Lowering the osmolarity of the extracellular medium from 299 to 219 mOsm resulted in cell swelling and concurrent activation of a cation-selective whole-cell current. When cell-attached patches were formed on swollen cells, opening of bursting single channel currents were observed in 18% of the patches studied. Ion substitution experiments indicated that the channel discriminated poorly among monovalent cations, and was impermeable to Cl. The channel was permeable to Ca2+. In symmetrical 140 mM K+, the current-voltage relation was linear with a single channel conductance of 36 ± 3 pS. Depolarization increased channel open probability. Interestingly, depending on the membrane patch studied, application of negative pressure to the pipette caused either an increase or a decrease in the open probability of the channel already activated by swelling. Thus, the sensitivity to tension of the swelling-activated channel was different from those of previously reported stretch-activated channels. These findings suggest that nonselective cation channels exist in rat atrial cells and may be involved in swelling-induced changes in cell function.Dr. Kim is an Established Investigator of the American Heart Association.  相似文献   

In voltage-gated ion channels, residues responsible for ion selectivity were identified in the pore-lining SS1-SS2 segments. Negatively charged glutamate residues (E393, E736, E1145, and E1446) found in each of the four repeats of the alpha 1C subunit were identified as the major determinant of selectivity in Ca2+ channels. Neutralization of glutamate residues by glutamine in repeat I (E393Q), repeat III (E1145Q), and repeat IV (E1446Q) decreased the channel affinity for calcium ions 10-fold from the wild-type channel. In contrast, neutralization of glutamate residues in repeat II failed to significantly alter Ca2+ affinity. Likewise, mutation of neighboring residues in E1149K and D1450N did not affect the channel affinity, further supporting the unique role of glutamate residues E1145 in repeat III and E1446 in repeat IV in determining Ca2+ selectivity. Conservative mutations E1145D and E1446D preserved high-affinity Ca2+ binding, which suggests that the interaction between Ca2+ and the pore ligand sites is predominantly electrostatic and involves charge neutralization. Mutational analysis of E1446 showed additionally that polar residues could achieve higher Ca2+ affinity than small hydrophobic residues could. The role of high-affinity calcium binding sites in channel permeation was investigated at the single-channel level. Neutralization of glutamate residue in repeats I, II, and III did not affect single-channel properties measured with 115 mM BaCl2. However, mutation of the high-affinity binding site E1446 was found to significantly affect the single-channel conductance for Ba2+ and Li+, providing strong evidence that E1446 is located in the narrow region of the channel outer mouth. Side-chain substitutions at 1446 in repeat IV were used to probe the nature of divalent cation-ligand interaction and monovalent cation-ligand interaction in the calcium channel pore. Monovalent permeation was found to be inversely proportional to the volume of the side chain at position 1446, with small neutral residues such as alanine and glycine producing higher Li+ currents than the wild-type channel. This suggests that steric hindrance is a major determinant for monovalent cation conductance. Divalent permeation was more complex. Ba2+ single-channel conductance decreased when small neutral residues such as glycine were replaced by bulkier ones such as glutamine. However, negatively charged amino acids produced single-channel conductance higher than predicted from the size of their side chain. Hence, negatively charged residues at position 1446 in repeat IV are required for divalent cation permeation.  相似文献   

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