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Peyer's patches: morphologic studies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

We report the presence of atypical pinealocytes as components of epiphyseal follicles in the adult South American opossum Didelphis albiventris. Their main characteristic is a bulbous-shaped apical cytoplasmic extension which protrudes towards the follicular lumen among the microvilli and cilia of neighbouring ependymal cells. They resemble the photoreceptor-like pinealocytes of sauropsids and developing photoreceptors in the retina of newborn mammals. Morphological characteristics enable us to classify them as cells of the receptor line.This work was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET)  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells in the gastric mucosa of the white-belly opossum Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia) was carried out. In parallel, histochemical methods were used at the light-microscopical level to demonstrate argentaffin cells, argyrophilic cells, and serotonin- and histamine-immunoreactive elements. Argentaffin and serotonin-immunoreactive cells were scattered, and argyrophilic cells were numerous, within the full thickness of the mucosa. Argyrophilic cell distribution was similar to that of histamine-immunoreactive elements. At the electron-microscopical level, the oxyntic mucosa of D. albiventris presented endocrine cells with secretory granules morphologically similar to those of the ECL cell of eutherian mammals. However, in this marsupial, the ECL cell exhibited a variable mixture of two distinct types of secretory granules: (1) granules with the morphological appearance of the eutherian ECL cell, and (2) granules morphologically similar to those of the eutherian enterochromaffin (EC) cells. Based on this morphological pattern of the ECL cell granules, it is proposed that in the oxyntic mucosa of the opossum D. albiventris, the EC and ECL cells represent distinct steps in the same line of cell differentiation; the ECL cell should also be a site of histamine storage.  相似文献   

Formation of Peyer's patches requires complex interactions between the gut epithelium, the mesenchyme, and bone-marrow-derived hematopoietic progenitors. The first Peyer's patches anlage appear around embryonic day 15.5, when the endoderm has undergone transition to a simple epithelium, the lymphatic vessels have reached the intestinal mucosa, and mesenchymal cells have started to form clusters. Recent data using knockout mice provide insight into the molecular nature of the signals that mediate Peyer's patch ontogeny. These include members of the tumor-necrosis factor family and homeostatic chemokines.  相似文献   

Summary The gastrodermis and mesoglea of the basal disk of Hydra were investigated to conclude a three-part series of papers. The gastrodermis is composed of digestive cells (most predominant cell type), mucous and nerve cells (both immature and fully differentiated). The principal function of the digestive cells appears to be storage of protein, lipid and glycogen reserves which are utilized by neighboring cells. Mucous cells apparently use some of the reserves to synthesize their secretions which lubricate cells and prevent cell damage during egestion of waste through the aboral pore. The function of the gastrodermal nerve cells is uncertain.The mesoglea of the basal disk, contains the same structural components as seen in other regions of the polyp. It is reasonable to assume that it maintains the same function of cell adhesion and migration. As the mesoglea converges on the aboral pore, it loses its structural integrity and cells are sloughed off the column.This investigation was supported by The National Science Foundation, Grant Number GB-27395.  相似文献   

Summary The glandulomuscular cells of Hydra are located exclusively in the basal disk. They are derived from epithelio-muscular cells which have been forced proximally. Light and electron microscopical studies show that prior to their destruction and elimination, the transformed epithelio-muscular cells (i.e. the glandulomuscular cells) undergo certain striking morphological and physiological changes. Golgi complexes and elements of rough E. R. increase remarkably in activity, and individually or jointly produce at least six types of morphologically different droplets. One additional type of droplet is thought to originate from neighboring digestive cells. Although the chemical nature of the individual droplets is uncertain, it is known that some are Alcian blue and PAS positive and contain hyaluronic acid. These evidences suggest the presence of an acid mucopolysaccharide material, the adhesive agent which attaches the animal to a substrate. The myonemes contain thick (200 Å in diameter) and thin (60 Å in diameter) filaments as in epithelio-muscular cells. There are also filaments of intermediate sizes and large fibers (770 Å in diameter). The myonemes are oriented radially with respect to the aboral pore and therefore in addition to contributing to the contraction and relaxation of the body column, they apparently regulate the opening and closing of the aboral pore. Although there is no evidence to substantiate the mechanism for transformation of epithelio-muscular cells to glandulomuscular cells as well as cell death of the latter cell types, these problems are discussed briefly.This investigation was supported by The National Science Foundation, Grant Number GB-27395.With the technical assistance of Linda M. Bookman.  相似文献   

To determine whether Didelphis albiventris is naturally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, 20 specimens of this mammal were studied by both direct cultivation of their viscera (spleen, liver and lungs) and by inoculation of Swiss mice by the intraperitoneal route with a suspension of fragments of these viscera. No fungal growth or structures similar to this fungus were detected. Probably D. albiventris is not frequently infected with P. brasiliensis.  相似文献   

The predatory behavior of Didelphis albiventris (Didelphidae) on Bothrops jararaca (Viperidae) was described from encounters provoked in captivity. One adult and four young opossums presented the same behavior when killing and ingesting the snakes. Opossums subjugated the snakes by biting them in the head or neck region and began ingestion by eating this part first. The total time spent in subjugation plus ingestion was 24:23 min (SD = 8:08 min). Although D. albiventris is resistant to snake venom, the behavioral sequence observed is, probably, not a specialization for snake predation. It probably consists of a general and primitive pattern of prey manipulation observed in carnivorous mammals.  相似文献   

Mice were given 1% suspensions of 5 insoluble particles (chrysotile asbestos, quartz, carmine, carbon, and iron oxide) in drinking water for 3 months. The particles were subsequently sought in intestinal Peyer's patches by light microscopy. Carbon and iron oxide particles were visible in Peyer's patch macrophages, particularly in the subepithelial region, but the other particles could not be detected. The findings suggest that particle surface properties as well as particle size govern accumulation in Peyer's patches. The cytochemistry of subepithelial, mid-dome, tingible-body, and serosal macrophages of control mice indicated diversity of macrophages within the patch. Macrophages of asbestos-fed mice contained more lysosomes than macrophages of controls. Macrophage abundance in the dome apex was not significantly altered by asbestos ingestion. The other particles did not produce detectable alterations in macrophage morphology.  相似文献   

The sexual apparatus was studied in 100 adult axolotls (Siredon mexicanum) for 13 different spawnings. The ages of the animals varied between two and six years. Additional material from Indiana University was also studied. Altogether there were 55 female and 52 male adult axolotls represented. The purpose of the study was to investigate the limits of the variations occurring in normal axolotls and to compare the incidences of variations and developmental abnormalities in adult animals of both sexes at various ages and belonging to different strains. Among the 13 spawnings examined, five strains were completely normal in 100% of the animals, but the remaining eight strains all included abnormal animals. The incidence of abnormal animals in some of these latter strains was 40% or even 50%. Since all of the animals were under the same conditions, the variability and the occurrence of developmental abnormalities most likely depended upon hereditary factors. Among 55 females, only seven (12.7%) were abnormal; only four of these had developmental abnormalities, and only one was hermaphrodite. Among 45 males from the author's axolotl colony, 16 (28%) were abnormal. Of these latter, six had no sex cells or very few; this variation must be regarded as a developmental abnormality. All of these malformations resulted from major degeneration processes and abnormal morphogenesis. Arrested development was also observed in many males. Spermatozoa were completely absent from the testes of eight animals. In the additional material from Indiana University (testes from 7 males), there was also one completely abnormal testis with major degeneration processes and complete absence of sex cells. It is evident that variability and the incidence of developmental abnormalities in the sexual apparatus in adult axolotls of some strains are very great.  相似文献   

Two isolates of Sarcocystis falcatula were obtained from the lungs of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) fed sporocysts from two naturally-infected South American opossums (Didelphis albiventris). The two isolates were designated SF-1A and SF-2A. Both isolates induced fatal infections in budgerigars. Both isolates underwent schizogony in African green monkey kidney cells. The structure of schizonts in the lungs of budgerigars was more variable than that observed in cell culture. The two isolates were identified as S. falcatula by the two species-specific Hinf 1 restriction fragments dervied from digestion of a PCR amplification using primers JNB33/JNB54. Thus, the South American opossum, D. albiventris, is a definitive host for S. falcatula.  相似文献   

Pars intermedia (PI) tissue from fetal, perinatal, neonatal and juvenile rabbits has been maintained in organ culture for up to nine weeks after explantation. Autoradiography showed that DNA synthesis took place for at least 22 days of culturing. PI-glandular cells and interstitial cells remain identifiable throughout this period but ACT-type cells were recognised only up to six weeks. Material from fetal and perinatal animals had a higher proportion of surviving cells than that from adult animals. The degree of differentiation achieved by PI-glandular cells in vitro appears to depend on three factors: i) the stage of development reached before explantation; ii) the original topographic position in the PI tissue before explantation; and iii) the position in the explant in relation to the gas-liquid interphase.  相似文献   

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