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Contradictory data have recently been published from two different laboratories on the presence vs absence of an intrinsic endonucliolytic activity of E. coli exonuclease III at apurinic sites in double-stranded DNA. It is shown here that an endonuclease activity of this specificity co-chromatographs exactly with exonuclease III on phosphocellulose and Sephadex G-75 columns, indicating that the endonuclease and exonuclease activities are due to the same enzyme. In addition, another E. coli endonuclease specific for apurinic sites exists, which can be separated from exonuclease III by the same chromatographic procedures.  相似文献   

The main methodological approaches to the search of new restriction endonucleases are reviewed. These methods include obtaining acellular extracts by ultrasonic desintegration of microbial cells, osmotic shock effects, the effects of organic solvents, mechanical disruption of bacterial cells, biphase division after Albertson and others. The resolving power of any method discussed depends mainly on the level of restriction endonuclease activity, the presence of nonspecific endonucleases in the biomass, the presence of exonucleases and the taxonomy of the used microorganisms.  相似文献   

Cleavage of genomes of eleven human, one simian, and one simian-related cytomegalovirus (CMV) isolate by the restriction endonucleases HinD III and EcoR-1 generated reproducible DNA fragments. The size range of CMV DNA fragments as estimated by contour length measurements in comparison with simian virus 40 form II DNA and by coelectrophoresis with EcoR-1 fragments of herpes simplex virus DNA varied between 15 X 10(6) and 0.5 X 10(6) daltons. Comparison of the cleavage products of each isolate in 1% agarose slab gels showed extensive comigration of fragments among the human CMV isolates. In the HinD III digests, three fragment bands comigrated among all human CMV isolates, and six fragments comigrated among most, but not all, human CMV isolates. In the EcoR-1 digests, nine fragment bands comigrated among all human CMV isolates, and five bands comigrated among most, but not all human isolates. Each isolate had a distinctive electrophoretic profile with either HinD III or EcoR-1 digests. No two isolates had identical HinD III or EcoR-1 patterns although some isolates did share more general pattern similarities than others. No clear-cut subgrouping of isolates based on cleavage pattern characteristics could be discerned. Comparison of HinD III and EcoR-1 patterns showed that human isolates differ greatly from nonhuman CMV isolates. HinD III and EcoR-1 digests of each isolate contained both major and minor molar classes of DNA fragments that ranged from about 1 and multiples of 1 M down to about 0.25 M; however, the summed molecular weights for major molar fragments resulting from HinD III or EcoR-1 digests of several isolates closely approximated the molecular weight of 10(8) of the intact genome.  相似文献   

The work deals with the search for rational schemes of the purification of endonucleases, suitable for the isolation of different enzymes. The scheme using the combination of Blue Sepharose and phosphocellulose has proved to be most universal. The expediency of starting the purification of Haemophilus enzymes on biogel A-0.5m has been established.  相似文献   

Specificity of restriction endonucleases and methylases--a review   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
C Kessler  H J H?ltke 《Gene》1986,47(1):1-153
The properties and sources of all known restriction endonucleases and methylases are listed. The enzymes are cross-indexed (Table I), classified according to their recognition sequence homologies (Table II), and characterized within Table II by the cleavage and methylation positions, the number of recognition sites on the double-stranded DNA of the bacteriophages lambda, phi X174 and M13mp7, the viruses Ad2 and SV40, the plasmids pBR322 and pBR328, and the microorganisms from which they originate. Other tabulated properties of the restriction endonucleases include relaxed specificities (integrated into Table II), the structure of the generated fragment ends (Table III), and the sensitivity to different kinds of DNA methylation (Table V). In Table IV the conversion of two- and four-base 5'-protruding ends into new recognition sequences is compiled which is obtained by the fill-in reaction with Klenow fragment of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I or additional nuclease S1 treatment followed by ligation of the modified fragment termini [P3]. Interconversion of restriction sites generates novel cloning sites without the need of linkers. This should improve the flexibility of genetic engineering experiments. Table VI classifies the restriction methylases according to the nature of the methylated base(s) within their recognition sequences. This table also comprises restriction endonucleases which are known to be inhibited or activated by the modified nucleotides. The detailed sequences of those overlapping restriction sites are also included which become resistant to cleavage after the sequential action of corresponding restriction methylases and endonucleases [N11, M21]. By this approach large DNA fragments can be generated which is helpful in the construction of genomic libraries. The data given in both Tables IV and VI allow the design of novel sequence specificities. These procedures complement the creation of universal cleavage specificities applying class IIS enzymes and bivalent DNA adapter molecules [P17, S82].  相似文献   

Supercoiling and the mechanism of restriction endonucleases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used topoisomerase I in the presence of netropsin and ethidium bromide to generate DNA molecules of varying superhelical density. Digestion by endonuclease EcoRI is sensitive to supercoiling, being maximal for the relaxed form. Endonucleases AvaI and BamHI, by contrast, are relatively unaffected. The results are interpreted in terms of the base composition of the DNA in the vicinity of these sites. dA + dT-rich regions are more susceptible to deformation than are dG + dC-rich ones. Analysis of the rates of disappearance of linear molecules confirms a two-step mechanism for EcoRI cleavage but suggests that BamHI and AvaI cleave both strands simultaneously.  相似文献   

A new method of testing restriction nucleases is proposed. This method is based on high-temperature treatment of crude cell extracts. Disrupted cells were heated at 50-60 degrees C, centrifuged, and assayed for restrictases. This method provides the opportunity for screening new enzymes in microbial strains enriched with nonspecific restrictases. High-temperature treatment of cell extracts of certain producers reduces the number of steps of the procedure used for isolating high-purity restrictases; the resulting preparations are capable of maintaining high enzymatic activity during long-term storage. It was shown that high-temperature treatment can be applied not only to thermophilic but also to mesophilic strains of microorganisms of different taxa.  相似文献   

It is shown that distamycin A and actinomycin D protect the recognition sites of certain restriction endonucleases from the attack by these nucleases due to specific interaction of these antibiotics with double-stranded DNA. Distamycin A protects A-T containing sites and actinomycin G-C rich sites. Among Hind II recognition sites which have alternative structure (GTPyPuAC) distamycin A protects only Hpa I similar sites (GTTAAC). It is shown with several restriction endonucleases that antibiotic action depends on the nucleotide sequences in the recognition sites and in their closest environment. Proper concentrations of antibiotic give rise to larger fragments. Use of both distamycin A and actinomycin D allows to obtain a set of overlapping fragments. The data obtained with various DNAs and restriction endonucleases allow to conclude that these antibiotics may be useful for DNA mapping and for preparation of large functional fragments of DNA.  相似文献   

We have synthesized several self-complementary oligodeoxynucleotides which contain bromodeoxyuridine in various positions within and outside of the recognition sequence for the EcoRI and EcoRV restriction endonucleases. These oligodeoxynucleotides are cleaved in the presence of Mg2+ by their respective enzyme. Upon irradiation by long-wavelength ultraviolet light and in the absence of Mg2+ they are cross-linked in low yield to their enzymes, forming 1:1 and 1:2 (oligodeoxynucleotide:enzyme subunit) adducts. Cross-linking occurs with both specific and non-specific complexes. With EcoRI the site of cross-linking was determined to be at or close to Met-137, i.e. in a region of the molecule implicated by other studies from our laboratory [Scholtissek et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 2228-2234] in the binding and cleavage of the substrate.  相似文献   

Type II restriction endonucleases Bam HI and Eco RI were covalently coupled to Sepharose. These insolubilized enzymes generated fragment patterns for several viral DNAs identical to those produced by the respective free enzymes. Conditions for optimal activity were similar for both bound and unbound forms of the enzymes. Insolubilization improved thermal stability of Bam HI and Eco RI. The bound enzyme can be recovered from reaction mixtures and reused several times. Upon storage at 4 degrees C, coupled endonucleases remained stable for several months.  相似文献   

Recognition sequences of restriction endonucleases and methylases--a review   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
C Kessler  P S Neumaier  W Wolf 《Gene》1985,33(1):1-102
The properties and sources of all known endonucleases and methylases acting site-specifically on DNA are listed. The enzymes are crossindexed (Table I), classified according to homologies within their recognition sequences (Table II), and characterized within Table II by the cleavage and methylation positions, the number of recognition sites on the DNA of the bacteriophages lambda, phi X174 and M13mp7, the viruses Ad2 and SV40, the plasmids pBR322 and pBR328 and the microorganisms from which they originate. Other tabulated properties of the restriction endonucleases include relaxed specificities (Table III), the structure of the restriction fragment ends (Table IV), and the sensitivity to different kinds of DNA methylation (Table V). Table VI classifies the methylases according to the nature of the methylated base(s) within their recognition sequences. This table also comprises those restriction endonucleases, which are known to be inhibited by the modified nucleotides. Furthermore, this review includes a restriction map of bacteriophage lambda DNA based on sequence data. Table VII lists the exact nucleotide positions of the cleavage sites, the length of the generated fragments ordered according to size, and the effects of the Escherichia coli dam- and dcmI-coded methylases M X Eco dam and M X Eco dcmI on the particular recognition sites.  相似文献   

More than 3000 type II restriction endonucleases have been discovered. They recognize short, usually palindromic, sequences of 4-8 bp and, in the presence of Mg(2+), cleave the DNA within or in close proximity to the recognition sequence. The orthodox type II enzymes are homodimers which recognize palindromic sites. Depending on particular features subtypes are classified. All structures of restriction enzymes show a common structural core comprising four beta-strands and one alpha-helix. Furthermore, two families of enzymes can be distinguished which are structurally very similar (EcoRI-like enzymes and EcoRV-like enzymes). Like other DNA binding proteins, restriction enzymes are capable of non-specific DNA binding, which is the prerequisite for efficient target site location by facilitated diffusion. Non-specific binding usually does not involve interactions with the bases but only with the DNA backbone. In contrast, specific binding is characterized by an intimate interplay between direct (interaction with the bases) and indirect (interaction with the backbone) readout. Typically approximately 15-20 hydrogen bonds are formed between a dimeric restriction enzyme and the bases of the recognition sequence, in addition to numerous van der Waals contacts to the bases and hydrogen bonds to the backbone, which may also be water mediated. The recognition process triggers large conformational changes of the enzyme and the DNA, which lead to the activation of the catalytic centers. In many restriction enzymes the catalytic centers, one in each subunit, are represented by the PD. D/EXK motif, in which the two carboxylates are responsible for Mg(2+) binding, the essential cofactor for the great majority of enzymes. The precise mechanism of cleavage has not yet been established for any enzyme, the main uncertainty concerns the number of Mg(2+) ions directly involved in cleavage. Cleavage in the two strands usually occurs in a concerted fashion and leads to inversion of configuration at the phosphorus. The products of the reaction are DNA fragments with a 3'-OH and a 5'-phosphate.  相似文献   

A double-strand DNA (ds DNA) microarray was fabricated to analyze the structural perturbations caused by methylation and the different base mismatches in the interaction of the restriction endonucleases HpaII and MspI with DNA. First, a series of synthesized oligonucleotides were arrayed on the aldehyde-coated glass slides. Second, these oligonucleotides were hybridized with target sequences to obtain ds DNA microarray, which includes several types of double strands with the fully methylated, semi-methylated, and unmethylated canonical recognition sequences, semi-methylated and unmethylated base mismatches within the recognition sequences. The cleavage experiments were carried out under normal buffer conditions. The results indicated that MspI could partially cleave methylated and semi-methylated canonical recognition sequences. In contrast, HpaII could not cleave methylated and semi-methylated canonical recognition sequences. HpaII and MspI could both cleave the unmethylated canonical recognition sequence. However, HpaII could partially cleave the sequence containing one GG mismatch and not cleave other base mismatches in the corresponding recognition site. In contrast, MspI could not recognize the base mismatches within the recognition sequence. A good reproducibility was observed in several parallel experiments. The experiment indicates that the microarray technology has great potentials in high-throughput identifying important interactions between protein and DNA.  相似文献   

Substitution of BrdU for dT in mammalian DNA alters the rates of DNA cleavage by restriction endonucleases in a manner that can be related to the specificity of cleavage. A formula is proposed that describes inhibitory and stimulatory contributions arising from the substitution of a Br atom for the CH3 group on T. The larger Br atom is postulated to sterically hinder the nuclease from binding to adjacent groups in the DNA cleavage site, while allowing a tighter binding to itself. The inhibition caused by steric hindrance is predicted to vary inversely with distance from the point of cleavage, whereas the stimulation caused by tighter binding is predicted to be independent of distance. The resultant formula gives a good fit to the data obtained for thirteen different restriction nucleases of known specificity. The parameters in the formula appear to be simple functions of ionic strength. This formula can be used to predict the effect of BrdU substitution on any endonuclease whose specificity of cleavage is known.  相似文献   

Zinc-finger nucleases and TALE nucleases are produced by combining a specific DNA-binding module and a non-specific DNA-cleavage module, resulting in nucleases able to cleave DNA at a unique sequence. Here a new approach for creating highly specific nucleases was pursued by fusing a catalytically inactive variant of the homing endonuclease I-SceI, as DNA binding-module, to the type IIP restriction enzyme PvuII, as cleavage module. The fusion enzymes were designed to recognize a composite site comprising the recognition site of PvuII flanked by the recognition site of I-SceI. In order to reduce activity on PvuII sites lacking the flanking I-SceI sites, the enzymes were optimized so that the binding of I-SceI to its sites positions PvuII for cleavage of the composite site. This was achieved by optimization of the linker and by introducing amino acid substitutions in PvuII which decrease its activity or disturb its dimer interface. The most specific variant showed a more than 1000-fold preference for the addressed composite site over an unaddressed PvuII site. These results indicate that using a specific restriction enzyme, such as PvuII, as cleavage module, offers an alternative to the otherwise often used catalytic domain of FokI, which by itself does not contribute to the specificity of the engineered nuclease.  相似文献   

A simple procedure basically applicable for the quantitative determination of activity of all restriction endonucleases is described. Native DNA immobilized on cellulose is used as a substrate; after the treatment by restriction endonucleases this DNA is released to the solution. Changes of the optical density of the solution containing solubilized DNA permit quantitative determination of the restriction endonuclease activity.  相似文献   

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