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Kim J  Kim KS  Jiang G  Kang H  Kim S  Kim BS  Park MH  Hahn SK 《Biopolymers》2008,89(12):1144-1153
The effect of chemical modification of hyaluronic acid (HA) on its distribution throughout the body was successfully visualized in nude mice through real-time bioimaging using quantum dots (QDots). Adipic acid dihydrazide modified HA (HA-ADH) was synthesized and conjugated with QDots having carboxyl terminal ligands activated with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide. The formation of HA-QDot conjugates could be confirmed by gel permeation chromatography, fluorometry, transmission electron microscopy, and zeta-size analysis. According to the real-time bioimaging of HA-QDot conjugates after subcutaneous injection to nude mice, the fluorescence of HA-QDot conjugates with a near infrared wavelength of 800 nm could be detected up to 2 months, whereas that with an emission wavelength of 655 nm disappeared almost completely within 5 days. The results can be ascribed to the fact that near-infrared light has a high penetration depth of about 5-6 cm in the body compared to that of about 7-10 mm for visible light. Thereby, using QDots with a near-infrared emission wavelength of 800 nm, the distribution of HA-QDot conjugates throughout the body was bioimaged in real-time after their tail-vein injection into nude mice. HA-QDot conjugates with 35 mol% ADH content maintaining enough binding sites for HA receptors were mainly accumulated in the liver, while those with 68 mol% ADH content losing much of HA characteristics were evenly distributed to the tissues in the body. The results are well matched with the fact that HA receptors are abundantly present in the liver with a high specificity to HA molecules.  相似文献   

In vivo molecular and cellular imaging with quantum dots   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Quantum dots (QDs), tiny light-emitting particles on the nanometer scale, are emerging as a new class of fluorescent probe for in vivo biomolecular and cellular imaging. In comparison with organic dyes and fluorescent proteins, QDs have unique optical and electronic properties: size-tunable light emission, improved signal brightness, resistance against photobleaching, and simultaneous excitation of multiple fluorescence colors. Recent advances have led to the development of multifunctional nanoparticle probes that are very bright and stable under complex in vivo conditions. A new structural design involves encapsulating luminescent QDs with amphiphilic block copolymers and linking the polymer coating to tumor-targeting ligands and drug delivery functionalities. Polymer-encapsulated QDs are essentially nontoxic to cells and animals, but their long-term in vivo toxicity and degradation need more careful study. Bioconjugated QDs have raised new possibilities for ultrasensitive and multiplexed imaging of molecular targets in living cells, animal models and possibly in humans.  相似文献   

In vivo cancer targeting and imaging with semiconductor quantum dots   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
We describe the development of multifunctional nanoparticle probes based on semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) for cancer targeting and imaging in living animals. The structural design involves encapsulating luminescent QDs with an ABC triblock copolymer and linking this amphiphilic polymer to tumor-targeting ligands and drug-delivery functionalities. In vivo targeting studies of human prostate cancer growing in nude mice indicate that the QD probes accumulate at tumors both by the enhanced permeability and retention of tumor sites and by antibody binding to cancer-specific cell surface biomarkers. Using both subcutaneous injection of QD-tagged cancer cells and systemic injection of multifunctional QD probes, we have achieved sensitive and multicolor fluorescence imaging of cancer cells under in vivo conditions. We have also integrated a whole-body macro-illumination system with wavelength-resolved spectral imaging for efficient background removal and precise delineation of weak spectral signatures. These results raise new possibilities for ultrasensitive and multiplexed imaging of molecular targets in vivo.  相似文献   

Following muscle damage, fast- and slow-contracting fibers regenerate, owing to the activation of their satellite cells. In rats, crush-induced regeneration of extensor digitorum longus (EDL, a fast muscle) and soleus (a slow muscle) present different characteristics, suggesting that intrinsic differences exist among their satellite cells. An in vitro comparative study of the proliferation and differentiation capacities of satellite cells isolated from these muscles is presented there. We observed several differences between soleus and EDL satellite cell cultures plated at high density on gelatin-coated dishes. Soleus satellite cells proliferated more actively and fused into myotubes less efficiently than EDL cells. The rate of muscular creatine kinase enzyme appeared slightly lower in soleus than in EDL cultures at day 11 after plating, when many myotubes were formed, although the levels of muscular creatine kinase mRNA were similar in both cultures. In addition, soleus cultures expressed higher levels of MyoD and myogenin mRNA and of MyoD protein than EDL satellite cell cultures at day 12. A clonal analysis was also carried out on both cell populations in order to determine if distinct lineage features could be detected among satellite cells derived from EDL and soleus muscles. When plated on gelatin at clonal density, cells from both muscles yielded clones within 2 weeks, which stemmed from 3–15 mitotic cycles and were classified into three classes according to their sizes. Myotubes resulting from spontaneous fusion of cells from the progeny of one single cell were seen regardless of the clone size in the standard culture medium we used. The proportion of clones showing myotubes in each class depended on the muscle origin of the cells and was greater in EDL- than in soleus-cell cultures. In addition, soleus cells were shown to improve their differentiation capacity upon changes in the culture condition. Indeed, the proportions of clones showing myotubes, or of cells fusing into myotubes in clones, were increased by treatments with a myotube-conditioned medium, with phorbol ester, and by growth on extra-cellular matrix components (Matrigel). These results, showing differences among satellite cells from fast and slow muscles, might be of importance to muscle repair after trauma and in pathological situations.  相似文献   

Essential role of satellite cells in the growth of rat soleus muscle fibers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of gravitational loading or unloading on the growth-associated increase in the cross-sectional area and length of fibers, as well as the total fiber number, in soleus muscle were studied in rats. Furthermore, the roles of satellite cells and myonuclei in growth of these properties were also investigated. The hindlimb unloading by tail suspension was performed in newborn rats from postnatal day 4 to month 3 with or without 3-mo reloading. The morphological properties were measured in whole muscle and/or single fibers sampled from tendon to tendon. Growth-associated increases of soleus weight and fiber cross-sectional area in the unloaded group were approximately 68% and 69% less than the age-matched controls. However, the increases of number and length of fibers were not influenced by unloading. Growth-related increases of the number of quiescent satellite cells and myonuclei were inhibited by unloading. And the growth-related decrease of mitotically active satellite cells, seen even in controls (20%, P > 0.05), was also stimulated (80%). The increase of myonuclei during 3-mo unloading was only 40 times vs. 92 times in controls. Inhibited increase of myonuclear number was not related to apoptosis. The size of myonuclear domain in the unloaded group was less and that of single nuclei, which was decreased by growth, was larger than controls. However, all of these parameters, inhibited by unloading, were increased toward the control levels generally by reloading. It is suggested that the satellite cell-related stimulation in response to gravitational loading plays an essential role in the cross-sectional growth of soleus muscle fibers.  相似文献   

In recent years, quantum dots (Qdot), with their unique physical, chemical, and optical properties, have been used extensively as probes to visualize several cell membrane receptors and extracellular biomolecules. However, Qdot-based intracellular imaging has always been associated with vital lacunas. High affinity between quantum dots may induce serious aggregation in the cytoplasm; as a result, quantum dot aggregates are usually misinterpreted as quantum dot-probed intracellular molecules. Moreover, due to the more viscous nature of the cytoplasm versus the extracellular aqueous media, aggregation issues become more severe during intracellular studies. In this work, we suggest direct nondestructive serotonin imaging in an intact cell using the quantum dot-based immunoassay with a rapid tunable multicolor imaging system based on the acousto-optic tunable filter. Any false-positive intracellular serotonin molecules that appeared due to the aggregation of quantum dots could be completely discriminated from the real intracellular serotonin granules through multicolor cellular imaging. The developed method is quick and has wide applicability in targeting various intracellular proteins, coenzymes, and micronutrients.  相似文献   

Postnatal myoblasts, the satellite cells, originating from slow and fast skeletal muscle fibres differentiate and fuse into myotubes expressing different phenotype of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms. Little is known, however, of factors which establish and maintain this phenotypic diversity. We used immunofluorescent labelling and Western blotting to examine the expression of slow and fast MyHC isoforms in myotubes formed in vitro from satellite cells isolated from mouse fast twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and slow twitch soleus muscles. Satellite cells were cultured in serum-rich growth medium promoting myoblast proliferation until cross-striated and self-contracting myotubes were formed. We report that in both cultures myotubes expressed slow as well as fast MyHC isoforms, but the level of slow MyHC was higher in soleus culture than in EDL culture. Hence, the pattern of expression of slow and fast MyHC was characteristic of the muscle fibre type from which these cells derive. These results support the concept of phenotypic diversity among satellite cells in mature skeletal muscles and suggest that this diversity is generated in vitro irrespectively of serum mitogens.  相似文献   

Wavefront-shaping (WS) enables imaging through scattering tissues like bone, which is important for neuroscience and bone-regeneration research. WS corrects for the optical aberrations at a given depth and field-of-view (FOV) within the sample; the extent of the validity of which is limited to a region known as the isoplanatic patch (IP). Knowing this parameter helps to estimate the number of corrections needed for WS imaging over a given FOV. In this paper, we first present direct transmissive measurement of murine skull IP using digital optical phase conjugation based focusing. Second, we extend our previously reported phase accumulation ray tracing (PART) method to provide in-situ in-silico estimation of IP, called correlative PART (cPART). Our results show an IP range of 1 to 3 μm for mice within an age range of 8 to 14 days old and 1.00 ± 0.25 μm in a 12-week old adult skull. Consistency between the two measurement approaches indicates that cPART can be used to approximate the IP before a WS experiment, which can be used to calculate the number of corrections required within a given field of view.  相似文献   

Satellite cells were isolated by enzymatic dissociation and Percoll gradient centrifugation from adult rat diaphragm, soleus, and tibialis anterior muscles with fairly reproducible yields. Diaphragm and soleus muscle yielded approximately five times more satellite cells than tibialis anterior muscle. According to light microscopic criteria, no morphological differences existed between the satellite cell cultures of different origin. Contrary to the donor muscles, myotubes from the 10-day-cultured satellite cells contained a uniform myosin heavy chain (MHC) pattern with predominance of an immunochemically identified embryonic heavy chain. The three types of cultures displayed a typical embryonic light chain (LC) pattern with LC1emb, LC1f, LC2f, and traces of LC3f. The isomyosin pattern was characterized by four embryonic isomyosins, eM1-eM4, with similar distributions in the three cultures. In summary, these myosin analyses provide no evidence for the existence of satellite cell diversity among three rat muscles of different fiber-type composition, at least not under the applied in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that quantum dots injected into two model tumors rapidly migrate to sentinel lymph nodes. PEG-coated quantum dots having terminal carboxyl, amino, or methoxyl groups all migrated from the tumor to surrounding lymph nodes similarly. Passage from the tumor through lymphatics to adjacent nodes could be visualized dynamically through the skin; at least two nodes could usually be defined. Imaging during necropsy confirmed confinement of the quantum dots to the lymphatic system and demonstrated easy tagging of sentinel lymph nodes for pathology. Examination of the sentinel nodes identified by quantum dot localization showed that at least some contained metastatic tumor foci.  相似文献   

Noninvasive imaging of quantum dots in mice   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Quantum dots having four different surface coatings were tested for use in in vivo imaging. Localization was successfully monitored by fluorescence imaging of living animals, by necropsy, by frozen tissue sections for optical microscopy, and by electron microscopy, on scales ranging from centimeters to nanometers, using only quantum dots for detection. Circulating half-lives were found to be less than 12 min for amphiphilic poly(acrylic acid), short-chain (750 Da) methoxy-PEG or long-chain (3400 Da) carboxy-PEG quantum dots, but approximately 70 min for long-chain (5000 Da) methoxy-PEG quantum dots. Surface coatings also determined the in vivo localization of the quantum dots. Long-term experiments demonstrated that these quantum dots remain fluorescent after at least four months in vivo.  相似文献   

Optical coding of mammalian cells using semiconductor quantum dots   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Cell-based assays are widely used to screen compounds and study complex phenotypes. Few methods exist, however, for multiplexing cellular assays or labeling individual cells in a mixed cell population. We developed a generic encoding method for cells that is based on peptide-mediated delivery of quantum dots (QDs) into live cells. The QDs are nontoxic and photostable and can be imaged using conventional fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry systems. We created unique fluorescent codes for a variety of mammalian cell types and show that our encoding method has the potential to create > 100 codes. We demonstrate that QD cell codes are compatible with most types of compound screening assays including immunostaining, competition binding, reporter gene, receptor internalization, and intracellular calcium release. A multiplexed calcium assay for G-protein-coupled receptors using QDs is demonstrated. The ability to spectrally encode individual cells with unique fluorescent barcodes should open new opportunities in multiplexed assay development and greatly facilitate the study of cell/cell interactions and other complex phenotypes in mixed cell populations.  相似文献   

Nearly all of the known activities required for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and expression are nuclear-encoded gene products, necessitating communication between these two physically distinct intracellular compartments. A significant amount of both general and specific biochemical information about mtDNA replication in mammalian cells has been known for almost two decades. Early studies achieved selective incorporation of the thymidine analog 5-Bromo-2-deoxy-Uridine (BrdU) into mtDNA of thymidine kinase-deficient (TK[-]) cells. We have revisited this approach from a cellular perspective to determine whether there exist spatiotemporal constraints on mtDNA replication. Laser-scanning confocal microscopy was used to selectively detect mtDNA synthesis in situ in cultured mammalian cells using an immunocytochemical double-labeling approach to visualize the incorporation of BrdU into mtDNA of dye-labeled mitochondria. In situ detection of BrdU-incorporated mtDNA was feasible after a minimum of 1- 2 h treatment with BrdU, consistent with previous biochemical studies that determined the time required for completion of a round of mtDNA replication. Interestingly, the pattern of BrdU incorporation into the mtDNA of cultured mammalian cells consistently radiated outward from a perinuclear position, suggesting that mtDNA replication first occurs in the vicinity of nuclear-provided materials. Newly replicated mtDNA then appears to rapidly distribute throughout the dynamic cellular mitochondrial network.  相似文献   

We report a robust and practical method for the preparation of water-soluble luminescent quantum dots (QDs) selectively coupled through an amine or thiol linkage to peptide ligands targeted to G-protein coupling receptors (GPCRs) and demonstrate their utility in whole-cell and single-molecule imaging. We utilized a low molecular weight ( approximately 1200 Da) diblock copolymer with acrylic acids as hydrophilic segments and amido-octyl side chains as hydrophobic segments for facile encapsulation of QDs (QD 595 and QD 514) in aqueous solutions. As proof of principle, these QDs were targeted to the human melanocortin receptor (hMCR) by chemoselectively coupling the polymer-coated QDs to either a hexapeptide analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone or to the highly potent MT-II ligand containing a unique amine. To label QDs with ligands lacking orthogonal amines, the diblock copolymers were readily modified with water-soluble trioxa-tridecanediamine to incorporate freely available amine functionalities. The amine-functionalized QDs underwent facile reaction with the bifunctional linker NHS-maleimide, allowing for covalent coupling to GPCR-targeted ligands modified with unique cysteines. We demonstrate the utility of these maleimide-functionalized QDs by covalent conjugation to a highly potent Deltorphin-II analog that allowed for selective cell-surface and single-molecule imaging of the human delta-opioid receptor (hDOR).  相似文献   

Summary Tissue composition, membrane potentials and cellular activity of potassium, sodium and chloride have been measured in innervated and denervated rat skeletal muscles incubatedin vitro. After denervation for 3 days, tissue water, sodium and chloride were increased but cellular potassium content and measured activity were little affected, despite a decrease of 16 mV in resting membrane potential which would have necessitated a decrease in cellular potassium activity of almost 50% were potassium distributed at electrochemical equilibrium. These findings, therefore, preclude a decreased electrochemical potential gradient for potassium as the cause of the membrane depolarization characteristic of denervated muscle fibers. Analysis of the data excludes an important contribution of rheogenic sodium transport to the resting potential of innervated muscles. These results strongly support the hypothesis that the decreased membrane potential in denervated fibers reflects a relative increase in the membrane permeability to sodium.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes of the rat cardiac and soleus muscles increase after starvation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary We have investigated the change of catalase activity in the homogenates of rat cardiac and skeletal muscles. After 7 days' starvation, the catalase activity of heart increased about 3-fold and that of soleus muscle enhanced 2-fold higher than that of control rats. Immunoblot analysis of catalase showed a single band in the homogenates of cardiac and soleus muscles and increase of catalase antigen after starvation. Light microscopic immunoenzyme staining showed that after starvation catalase positive granules markedly increased in both the cardiac and soleus muscle. Quantitative analysis of the staining showed that number of the granules per 100 m2 of tissue section was about 1.4-fold in the soleus muscle and 1.7-fold in the cardiac muscle after starvation. By electron microscopy of alkaline DAB staining, we confirmed that the granules were peroxisomes, which increased in both number and size. Furthermore, we stained the peroxisomes for catalase by a protein A-gold technique. Labeling density (gold particles/m2) of the cardiac and soleus muscles from the starved rat increased approximately 1.4 times as much as that of normal animal. When the numerical density is multiplied by the labeling density, the values are largely consistent with the enhancement of catalase activity. These results show that increase in the catalase activity of the muscle tissue after starvation is caused by increase in number and size of peroxisomes.  相似文献   

In situ dot blots: quantitation of mRNA in intact cells.   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A rapid, simple and reproducible dot blot method is described for quantitating the amounts of specific messages in small numbers of intact cells. The method has been used to accurately determine the number of histone H4 mRNA molecules in growing (approximately 40,000) and in starved (approximately 1600) Tetrahymena thermophila, and to measure the amount of message contributed by an E. coli plasmid containing part of the S10 ribosomal operon. Use of the method is illustrated to optimize in situ hybridization protocols and to measure mRNA amounts in cell lysates. Preliminary studies also indicate that the method can be used to detect mRNA in intact yeast cells.  相似文献   

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