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In tropical lakes relatively little is known about the general relationship between nutrient concentration and phytoplankton biomass. Using data from 192 lakes from tropical and subtropical regions we examine the relationship between total P (TP) and chlorophyll (Chl). The lakes are all located between 30° S to 31° N include systems in Asia, Africa, and North and South America but are dominated by Brazilian (n=79) and subtropical N. American (n=67) systems. The systems vary in morphometry (mean depth and lake area), trophic state as well total N (TN) to␣total P (TP) ratios and light extinction. Despite a nearly 500-fold range in TP concentrations (2–970 μg P l−1), there was a poorer relationship between log TP and log Chl (r
2=0.42) than is generally observed for temperate systems from either narrow or broad geographic regions. N limitation is not a likely explanation for the relatively weak TP–Chl relationship in the tropical–subtropical systems. Systems had high average TN:TP ratios and neither a multiple regression with log TP and log TN nor separating systems with high TN:TP (>17 by weight) improved the predictive power of the log TP–log Chl relationship. 相似文献
Data from an extensive mid-summer survey of Argentinian lakes and reservoirs were used to study the effects of variability
in internal processes on the residual variance in chlorophyll — total phosphorus (CHL-TP) regression models. These effects
were compared with those related to the external characteristics of lakes, e.g. climate, morphometry and nutrient status.
Zooplanktivorous fish biomass, mean macrozooplankton size, dissolved oxygen at the sediment-water interface, and submersed
macrophyte development, were shown to be significant in explaining residual variance in CHL-TP for Argentinian lakes and reservoirs.
The results suggest that those variables have discontinuous or threshold effects on CHL-TP residuals among lakes. Significant
differences were also shown between CHL-TP regressions for lakes with and without zooplanktivorous fish and for lakes with
small or large macrozooplankton. Lakes with zooplanktivorous fish, small body size macrozooplankton, and very low hypolimnetic
oxygen also have higher chlorophyll levels than predicted from CHL-TP regression models. 相似文献
Assembly rules are ecological processes imposed on a regional species bank to establish the structure of communities and define diversity patterns regarding space and time. Here, we investigated the trait distribution of periphytic algae in floodplain lakes that are naturally under contrasting environmental pressures with and without flood pulse action (low and high water phases) and the relationship between functional traits and environmental variables at regional and local scales. We hypothesized that functional clustering will be related to the low water phase in local scale, based on environment filters, and functional overdispersion to the high water phase in regional scale. With respect to traits, we can expect that the flood pulse would favored the prevalence of nanoperiphyton, filamentous forms and loosely attached. For this, we conducted a two-year assessment of the structure and dynamic of periphytic algae communities regarding their functional traits in lakes belonging to two sub-basins in a subtropical floodplain (upper Paraná River floodplain). The samplings occurred during the high water phase in 2010 and 2011 and the low water phase in 2011. The functional diversity values of the communities were quantified and compared with the mean value of communities randomly generated using null models. The relationships between functional traits and environmental variables were examined using RLQ analysis. We have shown that the traits respond to abiotic factors, and they indicated overdispersion in high water phase, and higher functional diversity in most preserved environments with absence of the pulse. The flood pulse favored the prevalence of colonial life form, stalked, entangled and heterotrichous species. This study showed spatial and temporal differences in the limnological characteristics between the lakes caused by hydrological phase and local forces in different sub-basins and the importance mainly of assimilable nutrients in the evaluation of trait–environment relationships. The overdispersion result can be assigned to flood pulse, which promotes a higher probability of dispersion and colonization of new areas for rare species, disturbance and more heterogeneous habitats, allowing opportunities for resource partitioning and regeneration of different species strategies. Moreover, the higher periphytic algae functional diversity in preserved sites emphasizes the importance of understanding ecological patterns linked to environmental degradation, as well as of conservation initiatives, because variation in periphytic algal communities implies in changes in the trophic structure, dynamics and in the functioning of environments. 相似文献
Total phosphorus and total nitrogen explained a low percentage of summer chlorophyll variability in epilimnia of the Great Masurian Lakes. Division of the whole data set into two subgroups of lakes improved approximation of the chlorophyll nutrient relationship but revealed also functional differences between the lakes distinguished in that way. Chlorophyll in eutrophic lakes correlated well with nitrogen and phosphorus, that in mesotrophic lakes (those with summer chlorophyll <=22 mg m–3 as calculated in the model) was related to none of the nutrients. Higher summer chlorophyll content in epilimnetic waters was accompanied by higher chl:PP and chl:PN ratios. Algal adaptation to poor light conditions in eutrophic lakes is postulated as a possible reason for that difference.Chlorophyll – nutrient relationships varied with the trophic status of lakes. Epilimnetic chlorophyll strictly followed phosphorus changes in eutrophic lakes but did not do so in mesotrophic ones. Detailed comparison of selected meso- and eutrophic lakes showed marked differences in the seasonal changes of chlorophyll and nutrient concentrations and in sedimentation rates, especially in spring. Nutrient limitation rather than zooplankton grazing is suggested as a possible mechanism of controlling algal abundance and the sequence of spring events in a eutrophic lake. It is hypothesised that phosphorus turnover in eutrophic lakes is dominated by seasonal vertical fluxes, while in mesotrophic lakes it is more conservative with consumption and regeneration restricted mostly to metalimnion. Possible consequences of such conclusion are discussed in the paper. 相似文献
Jürg Brendan Logue Silke Langenheder Anders F Andersson Stefan Bertilsson Stina Drakare Anders Lanzén Eva S Lindstr?m 《The ISME journal》2012,6(6):1127-1136
A central goal in ecology is to grasp the mechanisms that underlie and maintain biodiversity and patterns in its spatial distribution can provide clues about those mechanisms. Here, we investigated what might determine the bacterioplankton richness (BR) in lakes by means of 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. We further provide a BR estimate based upon a sampling depth and accuracy, which, to our knowledge, are unsurpassed for freshwater bacterioplankton communities. Our examination of 22 669 sequences per lake showed that freshwater BR in fourteen nutrient-poor lakes was positively influenced by nutrient availability. Our study is, thus, consistent with the finding that the supply of available nutrients is a major driver of species richness; a pattern that may well be universally valid to the world of both micro- and macro-organisms. We, furthermore, observed that BR increased with elevated landscape position, most likely as a consequence of differences in nutrient availability. Finally, BR decreased with increasing lake and catchment area that is negative species–area relationships (SARs) were recorded; a finding that re-opens the debate about whether positive SARs can indeed be found in the microbial world and whether positive SARs can in fact be pronounced as one of the few ‘laws'' in ecology. 相似文献
Bacteria--chlorophyll relationships in Ethiopian lakes of varying salinity: are soda lakes different? 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Some soda lakes in East Africa are extreme with respect to theirhigh abundance of bac teria and phytoplankton. We used regressionanalysis of 52 samples from 18 lakes in Ethiopia to demonstratethat soda lakes conform to a different relationship betweenbacterial abundance and phytoplankton biomass. The exponentof the power function relating bacteria and chlorophyll is muchsteeper for saline lakes, although still less than one. Thismay reflect that bacteria in eutrophic soda lakes are more substratelimited, and less controlled by graxers. 相似文献
Karl E. Havens Antonia Concetta Elia Maria Illuminata Taticchi Rolland S. FultonIII 《Hydrobiologia》2009,628(1):165-175
This study compares and contrasts the dynamics of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and nutrients in two of the largest shallow
lakes in the USA (Lake Apopka, Florida) and Europe (Lago Trasimeno, Umbria, Italy) and considers particularly the biomass
ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton (BZ:BP) in relation to nutrient levels and in the context of data from other subtropical
and temperate lakes. Lake Apopka is hypereutrophic with higher concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), nitrogen (TN), and
nearly an order of magnitude higher BP than Lago Trasimeno. However, combined data from the two lakes can be fit to a single
log–log regression model that explains 72% of the variability in BP based on TP. In contrast, BZ has a significant positive
log–log relationship with TP only for Lago Trasimeno, and is much lower than expected based on the TP concentrations observed
in Lake Apopka. Lake Apopka has a fish assemblage that includes high densities of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and threadfin shad (D. petenense), similar to other eutrophic Florida lakes that also have extreme low BZ. The ratio BZ:BP is below 0.01 in Lake Apopka, 10-fold
lower than in Trasimeno and among the lowest values reported in the literature. Although stress of high water temperature
and a greater proportion of inedible cyanobacteria may be contributing factors, the collective results support an emerging
view that fish predation limits the biomass of crustacean zooplankton in subtropical lakes.
Handling editor: S. I. Dodson 相似文献
How does the vertical distribution of chlorophyll vary in littoral sediments of small lakes? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hélène Cyr 《Freshwater Biology》1998,40(1):25-40
1. In this study, sediment chlorophyll profiles at twenty littoral stations in three oligo‐mesotrophic lakes were compared to test whether the vertical distribution of chlorophyll is related to site characteristics (light availability, temperature, physical disturbances) and whether these profiles differ between shallow and deep portions of the littoral zone.
2. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at the sediment surface did not vary with light intensity. Chlorophyll peaks in the shallow littoral zone had a weak tendency to decrease with increasing effective fetch. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at deeper sites was more closely related to water temperature than to substrate slope.
3. High chlorophyll concentrations were measured down to 1–3 cm in the sediments, both at shallow (< 2.5 m) and deep (4–10 m) stations. The depth to which high chlorophyll was found in sediments did not vary with effective fetch or sediment water content, two indices of wave disturbance in the shallow littoral zone, or with substrate slope, an index of sediment stability in the deep littoral zone. Sediment mixing is apparently not related to common indices of physical disturbances.
4. Between 8 and 100% of sediment surface chlorophyll was 'retained' 4–5 cm into the sediments. The proportion of chlorophyll 'retained' in littoral sediments increased with increasing depth, increasing lake productivity (total phosphorus concentration) and increasing lake pH.
5. Among‐core variability (standard error/mean) in chlorophyll concentration at the sediment surface ranged from less than 1% to 33% at different stations and was highest at shallow, exposed sites. These levels of variability are similar to those found in other periphytic communities. 相似文献
2. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at the sediment surface did not vary with light intensity. Chlorophyll peaks in the shallow littoral zone had a weak tendency to decrease with increasing effective fetch. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at deeper sites was more closely related to water temperature than to substrate slope.
3. High chlorophyll concentrations were measured down to 1–3 cm in the sediments, both at shallow (< 2.5 m) and deep (4–10 m) stations. The depth to which high chlorophyll was found in sediments did not vary with effective fetch or sediment water content, two indices of wave disturbance in the shallow littoral zone, or with substrate slope, an index of sediment stability in the deep littoral zone. Sediment mixing is apparently not related to common indices of physical disturbances.
4. Between 8 and 100% of sediment surface chlorophyll was 'retained' 4–5 cm into the sediments. The proportion of chlorophyll 'retained' in littoral sediments increased with increasing depth, increasing lake productivity (total phosphorus concentration) and increasing lake pH.
5. Among‐core variability (standard error/mean) in chlorophyll concentration at the sediment surface ranged from less than 1% to 33% at different stations and was highest at shallow, exposed sites. These levels of variability are similar to those found in other periphytic communities. 相似文献
To achieve robust simulations of past and future climate and their effect on aquatic biota, it is desirable to integrate results
from palaeolimnology, contemporary monitoring and process modelling. Here we analyse over 15 years of water quality monitoring
data from three lakes, Purrumbete, Colac and Bullen Merri from Western Victoria, Australia and their relationship to climate.
In the context of a large number of limnological and palaeoenvironmental studies from the region, we seek to refine understanding
of the primary forcing mechanisms that explain present, past and potentially future water quality variability in the lakes.
Our analysis shows that there are strong relationships between climate and water quality in these lakes of varied size and
salinity (average conductivity range 740–14,000 μS cm−1). The strongest climate–water quality relationship exists between air and water temperature, particular during the colder
months. Strong relationships also exist with air temperature and other parameters, most notably nutrient concentrations. Effective
precipitation also appears to exert a strong influence on water quality in these lakes. This influence is, by contrast with
the influence of air temperature, less direct. Nevertheless, these lakes of varying salt concentration exhibit a coherent
pattern of conductivity response to variation in effective precipitation, particularly during times of high moisture stress. 相似文献
Max M. Tilzer 《Hydrobiologia》1988,162(2):163-171
In meseutrophic Lake Constance mean euphotic phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations vary about 100-fold over the year. Concomitant fluctuations in euphotic depth (Zeu) and Secchi depth (Zs) are related to each other in a non-linear fashion that as a rough approximation can be expressed by Zeu 5 Zs.Secchi depth is to a great extent a function of beam attenuation of light which depends on the inherent optical properties of the water and is highly sensitive to light scattering from particles. Euphotic depth, by contrast, is a function of the vertical light attenuation coefficient which also depends on absorption and scattering, but is less sensitive to the latter than beam attenuation. Algal cells both absorb and scatter light and therefore influence Secchi depth and euphotic depth, however, in different fashions.Whenever the lake is clear due to scarce phytoplankton, scattering is small and beam attenuation only exceeds vertical light attenuation by a relatively small factor. As a consequence, the ratio of euphotic depth to Secchi depth is small (1.5–2.5). When the lake is turbid due to high algal density, enhanced scattering from algal cells and detrital particles causes beam attenuation to rise more than vertical light attenuation, thus leading to high ratios of euphotic depth to Secchi depth (3–5). The relatively close relationships between Secchi depth and chlorophyll in Lake Constance are due to (1) high influence of chlorophyll concentration on water transparency, (2) co-variation of phytoplankton and other suspended particles, and (3) limited variation of cellular chlorophyll contents. 相似文献
Corixids are common members of the invertebrate communities of acidic mining lakes. Different qualitative and quantitative sampling methods to capture corixids are introduced. The occurrence of corixids is recorded from mining lakes of Lusatia, Germany, with pH <3, and data on their ecology are summarized. 相似文献
Summary In a small lake in northern Argentina pelagic water mite Piona sp. had the maximum of population density in January following with a five-day delay after the peak of zooplankton dominant — Daphnia laevis. The mite density was highly predicted by the previous variations of Daphnia density during 4 months of observation (December–March). Daphnia density was a negative delayed function of the predator density but only in December–January when Piona was abundant. During that period Daphnia death rate, d was also correlated with the mite density (r
2=0.80, P<0.005). In laboratory experiments water mites killed 1–7 Daphnia · predator-1 · hour-1 in a broad range of prey density. Another zooplankton component, Diaphanosoma birgei, was consumed at the same rates. The mite hardly consumed any copepods. In the pelagium during 24 hours the mite was more associated with Daphnia, than with Diaphanosoma, probably, because of the coincidence in photoreactions with Daphnia. Piona contribution to the death rates of its prey estimated by using the data on functional and numerical responses as well as by means of Edmondson-Paloheimo model, could reach 53% for Daphnia and 40% for Diaphanosoma. A computer experiment on the reconstruction of prey dynamics after subtraction of predator influence showed that the mite could have caused a depression in Daphnia numbers observed in the lake, but the declines in Diaphanosoma population were caused by other factors. After the removal of mite pressure model Daphnia population increased its average density 10-fold. Experiments on Piona feeding revealed a strong effect of interference among predators. This was eliminated by putting one mite per experimental vessel, which led to a 20-fold increase in predation rate. The effect explains the low feeding rates of Piona obtained by the previous authors who ignored the possibility of interference. 相似文献
C. J. Heusser 《Historical Biology》2013,25(1-2):35-45
Pleistocene vegetation in the Mediterranean climate region of subtropical Chile during >40,000 yr of the last glaciation stands in contrast with vegetation of the past 10,000 yr of the present interglaciation. During the last ice age, open woodland of southern beech (Nothofagus dombeyi and N. obliqua types) and Andean podocarp (Prumnopitys andina) mixed with grasses and composites, was established on unglaciated, low‐lying terrain now occupied by broad sclerophyllous plant communities. This marked vegetation change during a glacial‐interglacial cycle, inferred from pollen contained in a core from Laguna de Tagua Tagua (34°30'S), suggests a pattern applicable to the vegetational setting during repeated cycles throughout the Quaternary. Ice‐age vegetation can be accounted for by year‐long domination of the polar maritime air mass at lower, middle latitudes, unlike modern interglacial type plant formations, which are regulated by seasonal interaction between subtropical and polar maritime air. Glacial‐interglacial shifting of air mass centers, as a cause for the changing distribution of species and plant communities, appears geared to events in the atmosphere/ocean system. 相似文献
Palaeolimnological studies of sediments from Slapton Ley and Loe Pool, two coastal freshwater lakes in Southwest England, show that in the period since 1945, they have been eutrophicated by nutrient inputs from intensification of agriculture, but also from sewage effluent. Two simple models have been used to identify the main sources of catchment outputs, and in the case of Slapton Ley, to evaluate historical changes in land use, and their likely effect on lake trophic status.Restoration strategies may also be evaluated using the same models. They suggest that in order to reduce loads on either lake to within OECD permissible limits, not only will all sewage inputs need to be prevented, and non-phosphate detergents used, but also losses from agricultural land must be reduced. This could take the form of the keeping of fewer cattle (the main source of organic nitrogen and phosphorus in both catchments), or the zoning of the respective catchments so that steep slopes close to riparian zones are not used, as at present, for the grazing of livestock.A better option, however, would appear to be the establishment along most of the rivers draining into these lakes, of buffer strips of woodland at least 15 m wide. According to the models, this measure, along with treatment or diversion of sewage effluent, would reduce phosphorus loads upon the lakes to within acceptable limits. 相似文献
The 13C values of a simple pelagic foodweb (zooplankton, mysids,lake trout) composited from four oligotrophic Canadian Shieldlakes showed no relationships to either animal trophic position(15 or lipid content (C/N ratios). Carbon isotopic variabilityis therefore thought to be reflective of feeding diversity andnot organismal metabolic fractionations due to either biochemicalor trophic effects. 相似文献
Nitrogen and phosphorus loads in the sub-tropicalRichmond River estuary were quantified and materialbudgets were developed over two years of contrastingfreshwater discharge. During both years >74% of thenitrogen and >84% of the phosphorus load enteredthe estuary during one month when flooding occurred inthe catchment. Due to larger flood magnitude, loadsduring the 1995/96 year were 3.3 and 2.5 times greaterthan during the 1994/95 year for nitrogen andphosphorus respectively. During floods the estuarinebasin was completely flushed of brackish water and themajority of the nutrient loads passed directly throughthe estuary. The nutrient load retained in the estuaryduring floods was inversely proportional to floodmagnitude. Annual budgets show that >97% of thenutrient load entering the estuary was from diffusecatchment sources; precipitation, urban runoff, andsewage were negligible. Less than 2.5% of thenitrogen and <5.4% of the phosphorus loads enteringthe estuary were retained in sediments. During dryseasons the estuary became a net sink for nitrogeninput from the ocean and the estuarine sedimentsremained a net source of phosphorus to the watercolumn and ocean. The process of flood scouring islikely to be the cleansing mechanism responsible formaintaining water quality both on an annual basis andover the last 50 years and may also be responsible forpotential nitrogen limitation. The sub-tropicalRichmond River estuary contrasts with the majority oftemperate systems of North America and Europe whichtypically have lower inter- and intra-annual nutrientload variability, longer and less variable flushingtimes, and greater nutrient retention. 相似文献
This review summarizes contemporary data on structure and function of photoactive pigment--enzyme complexes of the chlorophyll precursor that undergoes photochemical transformation to chlorophyllide. The properties and functions of the complex and its principal components are considered including the pigment (protochlorophyllide), the hydrogen donor (NADPH), and the photoenzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) that catalyzes the photochemical production of chlorophyllide. Chemical variants of the chlorophyll precursor are described (protochlorophyllide, protochlorophyll, and their mono- and divinyl forms). The nature and photochemical activity of spectrally distinct native protochlorophyllide forms are discussed. Data are presented on structural organization of the photoenzyme POR, its substrate specificity, localization in etioplasts, and heterogeneity. The significance of different POR forms (PORA, PORB, and PORC) in adaptation of chlorophyll biosynthesis to various illumination conditions is considered. Attention is paid to structural and functional interactions of three main constituents of the photoactive complex and to possible existence of additional components associated with the pigment-enzyme complex. Historical aspects of the problem and the prospects of further investigations are outlined. 相似文献
Roy W. Nixon 《Economic botany》1951,5(3):274-301
Dates, staple food in the valleys of the Tigris, Euphrates and Nile rivers since the dawn of history, have been established on nearly 6,000 acres in southern California and Arizona. 相似文献
This study investigates the influence of organic matter (OM) on the historical variations of Hg in sediments from two closely-situated Canadian Arctic lakes, prior to the advent of Hg pollution inputs. Because of variable landscape evolution in the Mackenzie River Delta over the past 1–3 millennia, the lakes provide distinctly different histories of OM sources, types, and degree of aquatic productivity (i.e., depositional environments). They also differ significantly in their pre-1900 Hg concentration profiles. When labile, kerogen-like carbon (“S2”) from aquatic sources (diatoms and other unicellular algae) increased between 750 and 1900 A.D. in the more productive lake (Nesbitt), Hg concentrations also increased by ca. 50%. In contrast, S2 carbon concentrations in the nearby organic-poor lake (Big Lake) were several-times lower than in Nesbitt and decreased over the past millennium, while Hg concentrations showed no trend probably reflecting the stable input of clastic material from tundra soils. The contrast between lakes suggests that OM derived from unicellular algae is more effective at scavenging Hg than OM from terrestrial plants or aquatic macrophytes, possibly because of a higher content of labile, sulphur-rich compounds, high particle surface area and its dispersion throughout the water column. The results indicate that, in the absence of anthropogenic Hg inputs, increasing phytoplankton productivity and Hg scavenging alone can lead to significant increases in the Hg content of lake sediments. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that increasing lake productivity because of climate warming during the twentieth century has confounded the interpretation of recently increasing Hg levels in northern lake sediments as being unequivocally due to anthropogenic Hg deposition. This study also suggests that sedimentary TOC by itself is a poor and sometimes misleading indicator of possible changes in the source and quality of OM in aquatic systems, which can have a major impact on Hg concentrations in sediments. 相似文献