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The low levels of serum IgD found in mice and the lack of a typical DNA switch sequence between C delta and C mu raise the possibility that the generation of murine IgD-secreting cells results from a chance "mistake" rather than a controlled process. The recent observation that injection of mice with purified IgD upregulates IgD receptor expression on helper T cells and enhances the ability of these T cells to induce B cells to differentiate into antibody secreting cells led us to look for evidence of controlled differentiation of B cells into IgD-secreting cells. To do this, we injected mice with a goat antibody to IgD (GaM delta), because this antibody stimulates large increases in IgM, IgG1, IgG2a, and IgE secretion. Mice injected with GaM delta demonstrated a large increase in splenic content of mRNA specific for the secreted form of delta-chain, as well as a greater than 100-fold increase in the percentage of splenic IgD-containing plasmablasts. The secretory IgD response was totally T-dependent. Production of the secretory form of IgD was not seen until 7 days after GaM delta injection, and peaked sharply on day 8, whereas by day 6 IgM secretion had already peaked and IgG1 and IgG2 secretion had attained substantial levels. This observation suggests that: 1) either cells that synthesize large quantities of the secretory form of delta-chain, unlike cells that synthesize large quantities of the secretory forms of gamma-, epsilon-, or alpha-chains, do this without deleting C mu, or, despite the absence of a typical DNA switch sequence between C mu and C delta, controls must exist to effect the C mu deletion and VDJ-C delta joining; and 2) if secreted IgD has a role in the regulation of a humoral immune response it most likely is involved in later processes, such as memory cell generation or response termination, rather than in relatively early processes, such as helper T cell activation.  相似文献   

The injection of mice with a foreign, polyclonal antibody to IgD sequentially induces: 1) activation of B cells by cross-linking of their cell membrane (m) IgD; 2) B cell processing and presentation of the bound anti-IgD antibody to T cells; 3) activation of these T cells; and 4) T-dependent stimulation of B cell differentiation into IgG1 secreting cells. To determine whether the cross-linking of B cell membrane IgD and/or the resulting B cell activation that follows contribute to the generation of the polyclonal IgG1 response, we examined the abilities of three sets of anti-delta mAb or mAb fragments to stimulate polyclonal IgG1 production. Within each set mAb were matched for species and Ig isotypic determinants, but differed in avidity for IgD or in ability to cross-link IgD. In addition, experiments were performed to determine whether the anti-delta mAb had to be foreign to the immunized mouse to stimulate an IgG1 response. Results of these experiments indicate that: 1) recognition of the injected anti-delta antibody as foreign is required for the induction of a polyclonal IgG1 response; 2) the cross-linking of B cell membrane Ig, which directly activates B cells, can contribute considerably to the generation of in vivo IgG1 production; and 3) that even relatively weak cross-linking of membrane Ig by ligands that bind it with low avidity can make this contribution.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that the injection of mice with an affinity-purified goat antibody to mouse IgD (GaM delta) induces T-independent polyclonal increases in: 1) B cell DNA synthesis, and 2) expression of surface Ia antigen and receptors for T helper factors, 1 to 2 days after injection. In addition, T-independent polyclonal increases in B cell number and IgG1 secretion are observed 6 to 7 days after injection. The administration of normal goat IgG (GIgG) along with GaM delta has been shown to augment GaM delta-induced polyclonal IgG1 secretion. To obtain information about the characteristics of the T help that is required for polyclonal antibody production in this model system, we investigated: 1) the length of the period during which GaM delta must be present to induce day 7 polyclonal antibody production, and 2) the kinetics of the induction of splenic T cell DNA synthesis. We found that GaM delta can be neutralized 3 days after injection by the administration of IgD without decreasing day 7 polyclonal IgG1 secretion, as long as mice are given GIgG at the time that GaM delta is neutralized. In contrast, polyclonal IgG1 secretion is greatly inhibited if GaM delta is neutralized 1 to 2 days after injection or if GaM delta is neutralized 3 days after injection, but GIgG is not administered at this time. Because GIgG can stimulate activated GIgG-specific T cells to secrete helper factors, but, unlike GaM delta cannot focus GIgG-specific T help polyclonally onto B cells, these findings suggest that nonspecific T help, rather than antigen-specific T help, is required in this system after day 3 for the induction of polyclonal IgG1 secretion. Determination of the kinetics of the induction of T cell DNA synthesis in this system by in vivo [3H] thymidine incorporation studies, as well as dual laser fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of T and B cell DNA content, indicate that T cells are induced to synthesize DNA 2 days after GaM delta injection and reach plateau rates of DNA synthesis 3 days after injection. Taken together, the GaM delta neutralization experiments and DNA synthesis studies suggest that one reason that GaM delta is required for 3 days in this system is to allow maximal activation of GIgG-specific T cells, which when stimulated later by GIgG secrete nonantigen-specific helper factors that induce GaM delta-activated B cells to secrete IgG1.  相似文献   

The possibility that injection of mice with an affinity-purified goat antibody to mouse IgD (GaM delta) that stimulates polyclonal IgG1 secretion might also stimulate differentiation of B cells into IgE-secreting cells was suggested by the observation that such treatment induces T cells from those mice to secrete a lymphokine, B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1), that can stimulate both IgG1 and IgE secretion in vitro. Studies described in this paper show that injection of BALB/c mice with 200 to 3200 micrograms of GaM delta greatly increased the quantity of splenic epsilon chain-encoding mRNA, the number of spleen cells with cytoplasmic IgE, and the concentration of serum IgE 7 days after injection. Serum IgE levels obtained in these mice were approximately 100 times baseline levels and were comparable with those found in mice infected with the nematode parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, but were approximately 2000-fold less than the peak serum IgG1 levels induced by GaM delta injection. Both IgE and IgG1 secretion in GaM delta injected mice were T dependent (blocked by anti-L3T4 antibody). These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that BSF-1 may play a role in the in vivo stimulation of IgE secretion and provide an easy to apply model for the investigation of in vivo regulation of IgE responses.  相似文献   

Although responses of BALB/c mice to TNP-Ficoll or TNP-Brucella abortus are usually decreased by injection of allo anti-IgD (anti-Igh-5a) given 1 day before antigen, increased responses are obtained if a lymphokine mixture (SN) containing IL 2 is also injected. Simultaneous injection of anti-IgD and SN 4 days after priming with TNP-KLH induces an increase in antibody production similar to that induced by a second antigen injection. Injected together with a second injection of TNP-KLH at that time, anti-IgD and SN cause a synergistic enhancement of the secondary response. In allotype heterozygous (BALB/c X SJL)F1 mice injected with anti-IgD directed against one allotype, this enhancement of the secondary response is seen predominantly in the alternate allotype, because the IgG response of linked allotype specificity is slightly suppressed by the anti-IgD alone and is less enhanced than the alternate allotype by anti-IgD plus SN. Cells from unprimed heterozygous mice, incubated with anti-Igh-5a in vitro and transferred, together with antigen, to TNP-KLH-primed recipients, cause a much greater enhancement of the IgG responses of the Igb than of the Iga allotype in recipients. If, however, SN is also injected into the recipients, the anti-TNP response of both IgG allotypes is greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced HPRT mutants are generally assumed to arise directly from DNA damage that is misrepaired within a few hours after X-irradiation. However, there is the possibility that mutations result indirectly from radiation-induced genomic instability that may occur several days after the initial radiation exposure. The protocols that commonly employ a 5-7 day expression period to allow for expression of the mutant phenotype prior to replating for selection of mutants would not be able to discriminate between mutants that occurred initially and those that arose during or after the expression period. To address this question, we performed a fluctuation analysis in which synchronous or asynchronous populations of human bladder carcinoma cells were treated with single doses of X-irradiation. For comparison, radiation was delivered during the expression period, either from an initial dose of 1.0 Gy followed by two 1.0 Gy doses separated by 24 h or from disintegrations resulting from I125dU incorporated into DNA. The mutation frequency observed at the time of replating was used to calculate the average number of mutants in the initial irradiated culture by assuming that the mutants were induced directly at the time of irradiation. Then, this average number was used to calculate the fraction of the irradiated cultures that would be predicted by a Poisson distribution to have zero mutants. There was reasonably good agreement between the predicted poisson distribution and the observed distribution for the cultures that received single doses. Moreover, as expected, when cultures were irradiated during the expression period, the fraction of the cultures having zero mutants was significantly less than that predicted by a Poisson distribution. These results indicate that most radiation-induced HPRT mutations are induced directly by the initial DNA damage, and are not the result of radiation-induced instability during the 5-7 day expression period.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid factor (RF)-containing IgM preparations isolated from the plasma of two seropositive patients were able to increase the number of Ig-secreting cells in normal human peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures. This polyclonal B cell activation was optimal in the presence of both T cells and monocytes. A relationship was established between the activator and RF in these preparations based on the ability of both to bind to insolubilized human IgG. The presence of the activator also coincided with the presence of large, RF-containing Ig complexes. These data suggest that RF contributes to the formation of B cell-stimulating immune complexes--a phenomenon with possible negative consequences in disease states characterized by these complexes.  相似文献   

Fc fragments derived from human IgG1 induce murine splenic B lymphocytes to undergo proliferation and differentiation to antibody-secreting cells. The polyclonal antibody response was found to require both the presence of macrophages and T cells. Spleen cell cultures from nude mice or T cell-depleted normal mice proliferate to the level of untreated control mice but do not produce polyclonal antibody unless T cells are added. Regulation of the Fc fragment induced B cell differentiation to antibody synthesis apparently occurs through two distinct signals. One signal is provided by Fc fragments for proliferation and the other by T cells for differentiation. This suggestion is supported by the observation that spleen cell preparations, devoid of T cells, are capable of proliferation to the level of normal spleen cell cultures in response to Fc fragments, but are incapable of making a polyclonal antibody response. The cell population that responds to the differentiation signal also responds to the proliferative signal. "Hot pulse" experiments demonstrated that proliferation precedes polyclonal activation.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes that bear surface (s) IgD make up the majority of B cells in mature mice and are the precursors of most antibody secreting cells in primary immune responses made by these mice. In order to study the functional capabilities of the minority sIgD- B lymphocyte population and to gain insight into the possible roles of sIgD, we attempted to abort the development of sigD+ B cells and to expand the sigM+IgD- B cell population by treating mice from birth with affinity-purified rabbit antibodies specific for mouse IgD (RaM delta). RaM delta-suppressed mice had no detectable sIgD+ spleen, lymph node, or bone marrow cells and, on average, only 20% as many sIgM+Ia+ splenic B cells as control mice but had normal numbers of splenic T cells. Lymph nodes from anti-delta suppressed mice were even more depleted of B cells than were spleens from these mice, whereas the percentage of bone marrow B cells in these mice was relatively normal. Germinal centers of anti-delta suppressed mice were fairly normal in appearance, whereas follicular mantle layers, the locus of most sIgD+ B cells in normal mice, were greatly depleted. In addition to their lack of sIgD, splenic B cells of anti-delta suppressed mice differed from those found in control mice in that they bore, on average, twice as much sIgM as control cells, and in that they included an increased percentage of large, DNA synthesizing cells as compared with spleen cells from control mice. However, most sIgM+IgD- splenic B cells from anti-delta suppressed mice were small, nonproliferating cells. B cells from anti-delta suppressed mice insert little or no sIgD into their cell membranes since they continued to bear no detectable sIgD 2 days after in vivo neutralization of RaM delta and since, unlike B cells from control mice, they failed to be activated by a single in vitro injection of a goat anti-mouse delta antibody. Despite their lack of sIgD+ B cells, anti-delta suppressed mice had relatively normal levels of serum IgG as well as normal to increased levels of serum IgM. Thus, sIgM+IgD- B cells appear to have the potential of differentiating into Ig secreting cells in vivo without acquiring sIgD.  相似文献   

Evidence has been presented to show that CD4+ autoreactive T cell lines (ATs)2 in the rat require periodic stimulation with syngeneic spleen cells for in vitro proliferation. This proliferation can be blocked by treatment of the stimulator (spleen) cells with mAb to Ia antigens. Although ATs are Ia+ and can activate the allogeneic MLR, they fail to be autostimulatory. Fractionation of the spleen cells revealed that ATs can be stimulated with B cells and not by macrophages, although the latter were efficient in several accessory cell functions, including antigen presentation, lectin-dependent T cell activation and allogenic MLR response. Moreover, B cells proliferated and differentiated in response to AT cells. These data are compatible with a model in which ATs respond to hitherto undetermined B cell membrane antigen(s) in association with MHC class II antigens. These results may have important implications in understanding autoimmune responses.  相似文献   

To characterize lipoprotein uptake by macrophages, we studied J774 murine macrophage-derived cells. Uptake of 125I-labeled beta-VLDL and 125I-labeled chylomicron remnants was saturable, specific, and of high affinity. Maximal specific uptake and the concentration at which half-maximal uptake occurred were similar for both beta-VLDL and chylomicron remnants. Specific uptake of 125I-labeled chylomicrons was only 1/5 that of the other two lipoproteins. Cholesterol loading decreased 125I-labeled chylomicron remnant and 125I-labeled beta-VLDL uptake by 25%. Chylomicron remnants and beta-VLDL were equipotent in cross-competition studies; acetyl-LDL did not compete, and human LDL was a poor competitor. Although the amounts of cell-associated lipoproteins were similar, beta-VLDL and chylomicron remnants had different effects on cellular lipid metabolism. beta-VLDL produced a threefold stimulation while chylomicron remnants caused a decrease in [3H]oleate incorporation into cholesteryl ester. beta-VLDL had no effect while chylomicron remnants caused a threefold increase in [3H]oleate incorporation into triacylglycerol. beta-VLDL produced a 44% suppression and chylomicron remnants produced a 78% increase in HMG-CoA reductase activity. In summary, J774 macrophages express a receptor site that recognizes both beta-VLDL and chylomicron remnants; however, these lipoproteins exhibit strikingly different effects on intracellular lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Several variables influence the potency of an immunotoxin (IT) prepared with a monoclonal antibody (mAb) and ricin A chain (IT-A). These include the affinity of the mAb, the nature and density of the target antigen (Ag), the epitope on the target Ag bound by the mAb, the type of cell target, and the rate of endocytosis and route of internalization of the bound IT-A. In a previous report, we demonstrated that anti-delta mAbs directed against epitopes which are putatively more proximal to the plasma membrane make more effective IT-As than those directed against epitopes that are putatively more distal from the plasma membrane. It is known that the latter mAbs cross-link sIgD less effectively than the former. Therefore, in the present study, we determined whether the differential cytotoxicity of IT-As directed against these epitopes is related to their ability to cross-link their specific surface antigen (sIgD). We further determined whether they were internalized at different rates by normal B cells. Our results show that neither cross-linking nor rate of internalization account for the different potencies of anti-Fc vs anti-Fd IT-As. However, when these IT-As were used in the presence of the lysosomotropic agent chloroquine, the less potent IT-A became 100-fold more potent and was as cytotoxic as the effective anti-Fc IT-A. Taken together with the results of other studies, these findings further support the hypothesis that the epitope specificity of a given mAb may be an important factor in determining the intracellular routing of an IT-A after internalization.  相似文献   

Previous reports of the response of B lymphocytes to soluble anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) antibodies have yielded conflicting data. While most studies show activation of B cells, others have shown inhibitory effects. In the assay reported in this report, we were able to obtain widely diverse responses of human B-cell populations to anti-Ig antibody. An explanation of this variability was established by resort to an animal (murine) model. Mice maintained in a pathogen-free environment failed to respond or responded only weakly to anti-Ig antibody. Mice which had previously received heavy antigenic stimulation, but at the time of the experiment were not undergoing any known challenge, showed a marked positive response. Mice deliberately challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 24 hr prior to anti-Ig antibody exposure showed a high background mitogenesis in control cultures, which was inhibited by anti-Ig antibody. This preliminary study suggests that response to anti-Ig antibody differs in each phase of B-cell differentiation. In future studies it is hoped that this variability in response can be used to characterize different subsets of B-cell differentiation separated by physical or phenotypic parameters.  相似文献   

Using cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells, in which phosphatidylcholine (PC) is equally pulse-labelled by various eicosanoid precursor fatty acids (EPFAs), we have studied the remodelling of EPFAs among the phospholipid classes and subclasses with and without activation, and the relationship of this remodelling process to the selective release of arachidonic acid (AA) by phospholipase A2-mediated cell stimulation. When endothelial cells are pulse-incubated with radiolabelled EPFA for 15 min, greater than 80% of cell-associated radioactivity is present in phospholipids, among which greater than 60% is found in 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (diacyl PC). After removing unincorporated radioactivity, reincubation of the pulse-labelled cells for up to 6 h results in progressive decrease in EPFA-labelled diacyl PC, increase in AA- or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-labelled 1-O-alk-1-enyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (plasmalogen PE) and increase only in AA-labelled 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (alkyl PC). This redistribution of radiolabelled phospholipids is not altered by the presence of excess non-radiolabelled EPFAs. When aspirin-treated EPFA-labelled endothelial cells are stimulated with ionophore A23187, a very selective release of AA is noted in comparison with eicosatrienoate (ETA) or EPA, accompanied by an equivalent decrease in AA-labelled diacyl PC and specific increase in AA-labelled plasmalogen PE and alkyl PC. These selective changes in AA radioactivity induced by A23187 are enhanced 2-fold by pretreating the AA-labelled cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, which by itself induces no changes. The changes in radioactivity induced by A23187 without and with phorbol ester among the released AA, the diacyl PC and the plasmalogen PE are significantly correlated with each other. These results indicate that human endothelial cells incorporate EPFAs (AA, ETA, EPA) equally into diacyl PC but selectively release AA esterified into diacyl PC with specific remodelling into plasmalogen PE and alkyl PC.  相似文献   

The alpha and beta subunits of the murine I-A alloantigens from several H-2 haplotypes were examined by comparative tryptic peptide mapping by using double label (3H and 14C) techniques. Significant structural variation between alleles was detected in both subunits. Tryptic digests of the alpha polypeptides from s, b, and d showed only 65% co-elution with k; beta-chains from s, b, d, and r were about 50% similar to the k beta subunit. Peptide analysis of the Ak subunits from intra-H-2 recombinant strains indicated that both the alpha and beta polypeptides are encoded within the I-A subregion.  相似文献   

Coculture of resting human B cells with T cells stimulated with immobilized mAb to the CD3 molecular complex induces polyclonal activation and the production of Ig of all isotypes. The current experiments were carried out to determine the nature of the signals provided to B cells by the anti-CD3-activated T cells. For these experiments, fresh T cells or T cell clones were activated with immobilized mAb to CD3 and then fixed with 1% paraformaldehyde. Upon coculture, the fixed activated T cells or T cell clones induced B cell RNA synthesis and IL-2R expression, but only minimal DNA synthesis and no Ig production. Induction of B cell RNA synthesis by fixed activated T cells was not inhibited by mAb to the alpha-chain of the IL-2R, and was not enhanced by supplementing cultures with IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, or supernatants of mitogen-activated T cells. Upon the addition of IL-2, but not IL-4 or IL-6, to cultures of B cells and fixed activated T cells, sustained proliferation was noted along with the production of Ig. Control fixed T cells or T cell clones did not induce any of these responses. The presence of cycloheximide or cyclosporin A during the activation with anti-CD3 prevented T cells from developing the capacity to provide help for B cells. The use of mAb to a variety of cell surface molecules indicated that several T cell surface molecules including CD11a/CD18, CD44, CD54, and class I MHC molecules are involved in the induction of B cell responses. Among the mAb that inhibited B cell DNA synthesis and/or Ig production, only mAb to CD11a, CD18, or CD54 inhibited initial B cell activation as assessed by RNA synthesis. Even though mAB to CD11a/CD18 inhibited the capacity of fixed activated T cells to induce B cell responses, the finding that fixed activated CD18 deficit clones provided help for B cells indicated that expression of the beta 2 family of integrins by T cells was not necessary. These results indicate that activated T cells acquire the capacity to stimulate B cells polyclonally and induce cytokine responsiveness, proliferation, and Ig production by utilization of a variety of surface molecules. Moreover, these results indicate that the initial activation of the B cell is independent of the metabolic activity of the T cell and the production of cytokines.  相似文献   

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