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The Na+ and K+ transport characteristics of Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. were considered in order to compare the systems by which these two physiologically different cations are managed during initial acquisition and subsequent partitioning in midvegetative plants. Uptake of 22Na+ and 42K+ and redistribution of labels in pulse-chase studies were compared under steady state growth conditions or with the concentration of one of the ions elevated. At high external concentrations, the initial 42K+ accumulation and transport to the shoot was associated with a small, rapidly exchanging, cellular compartment similar to that previously indicated for Na+ (D Lazof, JM Cheeseman 1986 Plant Physiol 81: 742-747). At 1 mol m−3, K+ was conducted to the shoot through a root compartment, the specific activity of which rose much more slowly than the rapidly exchanging compartment. After a lag of approximately 5 minutes, 42K+ translocation approached a constant rate with a half-time of 14 minutes compared to 5 minutes for 22Na+ or for 42K+ at higher external levels. At all external levels, prolonged translocation of 42K+ was measured when a 10 minute pulse was followed by an unlabeled chase, again suggesting a conducting compartment distinct from that for Na+. It is suggested that the K+ conducting compartment, possibly the `bulk cytoplasm,' is associated with the active K+ transport system generally found in higher plants.  相似文献   

In this, we consider the coordination of plant growth and ion acquisition, reporting the short-term adjustments of growth and K+ and Na+ relations which follow when plants are subject to a sudden deprivation of N and P. The plant used for the experiments, Spergularia marina (L.) Grieseb., is a small coastal halophyte, and the growth medium was 0.2 × modified seawater. By considering nutrients whose availability has not been changed, we report on an aspect of organismal integration which has received little attention either experimentally or in mathematical models. The studies are limited to the first 60 h after N and P deprivation in order to consider changes that, if they are not primary responses, are not temporally remote, passive adjustments. For growth analyses, plants were used approximately 30 days after germination and 16 days after transfer to solution culture. Random harvests were made at hourly invervals, and after 12 h, one-half of the plants were transferred to cultures without N or P. Tissue analyses were used to calculate relative growth rates, relative accumulation rates and net uptake rates. For comparison, isotope uptake studies using 42K+ and 22Na+ were conducted at 12, 36 and 60 h after deprivation. The effects on growth and biomass allocation were very rapid, detectable within 13 h. K+ transport also responded quickly, and from the beginning of the study, there was essentially no net translocation of K+ to the shoot. Isotope studies confirmed the responsiveness, with translocation reduced 33 and 90% after 12 and 36 h, respectively. Though Na+ adjustments were slower, they were coordinated with growth such that tissue concentrations in the N and P-deprived plants were comparable to those in the controls. We conclude that N and C are insufficient elements on which to build mathematical models useful to environmental physiologists. At a minimum, the incorporation of K+ relations in growth models would both allow the development of the osmotic potential needed to drive cell expansion, and provide a means to probe –experimentally as well as mathematically – the coordinating mechanisms of plant growth and resource management.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the annual Spergularia marina was studied during four years on three different sites on a Baltic seashore meadow. The population density varied significantly both between years and between sites. At one of the sites the average population density was higher than at the two other sites. Both differences in reproductive capacity and in density-independent mortality caused differences in population size. Variation in population seed yield or loss of seed or both, between years, to a large extent determined the variation in the population density between years.  相似文献   

The survivorship and reproduction of the annual halophyte Spergularia marina was studied during four years on three different sites on a Baltic seashore meadow. The survivorship showed variation both between years and between sites. The mortality rate was not density-dependent in spite of very high densities in some years. At two of the sites the seed output was related to density, but individuals differed in their reproductive capacity. Limitation of the flower production was the main reason for this difference. At the third site the length of the flowering season determined the reproductive output.  相似文献   

Summary The seeds of the halophyte Spergularia marina differ both within and between individuals in that they either possess or lack a membranaceous border. This paper presents a morphological study of the length, weight and area of the seed types, and their dispersal characteristics under experimental conditions of wind and water dispersal. The winged seeds are shown to be larger both by length and by weight. Their rate of descent increases with wing loading. If the wing is lacking, however, the rate of descent increases with weight only. The distance of dispersal is equal for both seed types except at low wind speeds, when the winged seeds disperse farther. If the seed wing is removed, the excised seeds have shorter dispersal distances. When dispersed by water, a difference in the distance seeds are dispersed can only be detected in the presence of vegetation. The winged seeds are more frequently trapped in the vegetation as compared to the unwinged seeds. The hypothesis that the seed dimorphism is an adaptation for differential dispersal distances is discussed.  相似文献   

The carnitine transporter OCTN2 is responsible for the renal reabsorption of filtered L-carnitine. However, there is controversy regarding the intestinal L-carnitine transport mechanism(s). In this study, the characteristics of L-carnitine transport in both, isolated chicken enterocytes and brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) were studied. In situ hybridization was also performed in chicken small intestine. Chicken enterocytes maintain a steady-state L-carnitine gradient of 5 to 1 and 90% of the transported L-carnitine remains in a readily diffusive form. After 5 min, L-Carnitine uptake into BBMV overshot the equilibrium value by a factor of 2.5. Concentrative L-carnitine transport is Na+-, membrane voltage-and pH-dependent, has a high affinity for L-carnitine (Km 26 - 31 microM ) and a 1:1 Na+: L-carnitine stoichiometry. L-Carnitine uptake into either enterocytes or BBMV was inhibited by excess amount of cold L-carnitine > D-carnitine = acetyl-L-carnitine = gamma-butyrobetaine > palmitoyl-L-carnitine > betaine > TEA, whereas alanine, histidine, GABA or choline were without significant effect. In situ hybridization studies revealed that only the cells lining the intestinal villus expressed OCTN2 mRNA. This is the first demonstration of the operation of a Na+/L-carnitine cotransport system in the apical membrane of enterocytes. This transporter has properties similar to those of OCTN2.  相似文献   

In order to explain, in terms of a morphologically based plastic response, the absence of density-dependent mortality, and the regulation of reproduction in the halophilous annual Spergularia marina , leaf demography and the use of meristems were studied in populations of three different densities. Leaf birth and death rates were almost constant at the higher densities, whereas at the lowest density both increased throughout most of the observation period. This increase was caused by the addition of new vegetative shoots, each one resembling the individuals growing at higher densities in having an almost constant leaf birth and death rate. The capacity to adjust leaf death rate to birth rate with density was high. There was no difference in the proportions of meristems used for flowering as the density increased. After the first flower had been produced, each following node produced a flower. The proportions of meristems used for vegetative shoots were strongly density-dependent; more shoots were produced at lower densities. The regulation of flower production was almost entirely caused by the addition of vegetative shoots.  相似文献   

Germination studies were carried out with seeds of Spergularia marina L. Griseb produced over an interval of six months (June-November). The response of the seeds to light and dark, various constant and alternating temperature regimes, and salinity were determined. In addition, the effects of soil moisture status at the time of seed production on the subsequent germination response of seeds were also determined. Light was an absolute requirement for germination. While a constant temperature regime did not generally favour germination of seed of any month, alternating temperature greatly enhanced germination with an optimum at 5/15°C in all seeds. When imbibed in solutions of different salinities, seeds collected in July and October behaved like true halophyte seeds whereas those collected in June. August, September and November behaved like glycophyte seeds.
High concentration of gibberellic acid (3 000 μ M ) stimulated dark germination in the June and November seed lots, but in light, low GA3 concentration (300 μ M ) stimulated germination most. The addition of kinetin (30 μ M ) plus gibberellic acid enhanced germination in the dark in contrast to GA3 alone; kinetin alone stimulated a very low percentage germination.
The moisture status of the soil at the time seeds were produced did not affect the germination response of an early seed crop (July) but affected that of the later seeds (August).
Judging from the different germination responses, it appears that the seeds belong to at least two physiological groups, one which appears to need either a dark-wet or cold-wet pretreatmem for high germination to occur; and the other group which does not need pretreatmem. The ecological significance of these varied responses is discussed in relation to the survival of the species in its habitat.  相似文献   

Strong covariation among traits suggests the presence of constraints on their independent evolution due to pleiotropy, to linkage, or to selective forces that maintain particular trait combinations. We examined floral trait covariation among individuals, among maternal families within and across populations, and over time, in greenhouse-raised plants of the autogamous Spergularia marina. We had three aims. First, since the phenotype of traits expressed by modular organs often changes as individuals age, estimates of the degree of genetic covariation between such traits may also change over time. To seek evidence for this, we measured weekly (for five weeks) an array of floral traits among plants representing ~ 10 maternal families from each of four populations. The statistical significance of the phenotypic and among-family correlations among traits changed over time. Second, we compared populations with respect to trait covariation to determine whether populations or traits appear to be evolving independently of one another. Differences observed among populations suggest that they have diverged genetically. Third, we sought correlations that might reflect constraints on the independent evolution of floral traits. Investment in another and ovule production per flower vary independently among maternal families; there was no evidence for a “trade-off” between male and female investment. We propose that in autogamous taxa one should not find a negative correlation between pollen and ovule production per flower, as such taxa cannot evolve sexual specialization and should be under strong selection to maintain an efficient pollen:ovule ratio, preventing the evolution of male-biased or female-biased genotypes. We found that other pairs of floral traits, however, expressed highly signficant correlation coefficients, suggesting the presence of some evolutionary constraints, at least within some populations, although their strength depended on exactly when flowers were sampled.  相似文献   

The differences in vegetative expansion and in reproduction associated with the annual Spergularia marina and the perennial S. media were investigated and explained as a function of their differential utilization of meristems. Plant size and the lime of first reproduction depended on at which node transition of the apical meristems from growth to reproduction took place. Leaf birth-rate and number of flowers depended on the time of activation and the proportion of axillary meristems used in producing shoots.  相似文献   

Schousboe A 《Neurochemical research》2000,25(9-10):1241-1244
GABA neurotransmission is terminated by high affinity transport mediated by a number of carriers on neurons and astrocytes. So far four different carriers have been cloned and their cellular distribution has been partly worked out. It is generally believed that GAT-1 (mouse homologue GAT1) is the quantitatively most important of the transporters and it is primarily present on GABAergic neurons but also to some extent on astrocytes. The pharmacological properties of neuronal and astrocytic GABA uptake have been studied extensively and recently the GABA analogue N-methyl-Exo-THPO has been reported to act as a selective and potent (IC50 28 microM) astroglial GABA transport inhibitor with a 15-fold selectivity. It has moreover been reported to act as an anticonvulsant in animal models of epilepsy. This may underline the functional importance of astrocytic GABA uptake in relation to seizure activity.  相似文献   

Abstract Theoretical models of the evolution of sex allocation generally assume a negative genetic correlation between components of male and female investment or function. To test this assumption, and to determine whether the expression of the correlation is sensitive to environmental conditions, we conducted an artificial selection experiment targeting primary sexual traits in the autogamous herb, Spergularia marina. Mass selection favouring individuals with high (or low) pollen and ovule production per flower had previously been conducted for two generations under uniform conditions. Following a third episode of selection (reported here) within the high‐pollen‐, high‐ovule‐, low‐pollen‐ and low‐ovule‐producing lineages, selected maternal seed families were replicated and cultivated in three nutrient treatments. With this design, we observed the effects of nutrient availability on: floral phenotype, the realized response to selection and the expression of genetic variation in, and covariation between, male and female investment. The first two episodes of selection Mazer et al. 1999 (Evolution 53:717–731) detected evidence for a genetically based negative correlation between ovule and anther production. Following the third episode of selection, phenotypic differences among the selected lines were maintained in all treatments, but evidence for a negative correlation between male and female investment nearly disappeared. Only under low‐nutrient conditions, in which plants selected for low ovule production exhibited elevated anther production, was a genetic trade‐off expressed. Either genetic drift or the combination of novel growing conditions (relative to previous generations) and G × E interactions may have caused the change in the expression of the genetic correlation. This experiment also allowed us to test the prediction that autogamous selfers should exhibit higher canalization of the ratio of male to female investment than of its components. Supporting this prediction, the A : O ratio was more strongly buffered against environmental variation than either anther or ovule production per flower.  相似文献   

We sampled four wild populations of the highly autogamous Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae) in California to detect and to measure the magnitude of within- and among-population sources of phenotypic variation in gender and floral traits. From flowers and fruits collected from field and greenhouse-raised plants, we measured ovule number, seed number, mean seed mass, pollen production (greenhouse families only), mean pollen grain volume (greenhouse families only), anther number, anther/ovule ratio, pollen/ovule ratio (estimated using different flowers for pollen than for ovules; greenhouse families only), petal number, and petal size. Using greenhouse-raised genotypes, variation among maternal families nested within populations was evaluated for each trait to determine whether populations differ in the degree of maternally transmitted phenotypic variation. For each population, we used 15 greenhouse-raised maternal families to estimate the broad-sense heritability and genetic coefficient of variation of each floral trait. The magnitude and statistical significance of broad-sense heritability estimates were trait- and population-specific. Each population was characterized by a different combination of floral traits that expressed significant maternally transmitted (presumably genetic) variation under greenhouse conditions. Flowers representing two populations expressed low levels of maternally transmitted variation (three or fewer of nine measured traits exhibited significant maternal family effects on phenotype), while flowers representing the other two populations exhibited significant maternal family effects on phenotype for five or more traits. Our ability to detect statistically significant differences among the four populations depended upon the conditions under which plants were grown (field vs. greenhouse) and on the floral trait observed. Field-collected flowers exhibited significant differences among population means for all traits except anther number. Flowers sampled from greenhouse-raised maternal families differed among populations for all traits except ovule number, seed number, and petal size. We detected negligible evidence that genetic correlations constrain selection on floral traits in Spergularia marina.  相似文献   

Mangrove plants seem to be highly tolerant of high levels of heavy-metal pollution. Recently, some researchers have focused on the mechanisms involved in their metal uptake and tolerance. However, the important mechanisms involved are still only partly understood. This investigation studied whether silicon (Si) affected cadmium (Cd) subcellular distribution in the leaves and root tips of Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh seedlings, resulting in the amelioration of the toxicity of Cd. The results showed that Si partly overcame the reduction in growth due to Cd. This amelioration was correlated with a reduction in Cd uptake and alteration of Cd subcellular distribution. The mechanisms of Si amelioration of Cd stress were tissue dependent. In the leaves and root tips, Si reduced Cd concentration in subcellular fractions, Cd mobility, and the concentration of biologically active Cd in the cell wall active space. Si did not change the distribution of Cd between compartments in the leaves, but it increased the proportion of Cd in the cell walls and reduced the proportion of Cd in the symplast of the root tips.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The formation of zonal communities may be attributed to differences in germination across the community and to timing of germination of seeds present in the seed bank. Our goals were two-fold: (1) to assess the annual germination pattern of Spergularia marina; and (2) to determine whether germination of S. marina differed across zonal communities. METHODS: Fresh seeds were buried in an experimental garden in polyester bags. Bags were harvested monthly for 1 year and exposed to differing 12 h/12 h temperature regimes (5/15 degrees C, 5/25 degrees C, 15/25 degrees C and 20/35 degrees C) with a 12 h dark/12 h light photoperiod. Replicate seeds were exposed to 24 h dark. Seeds were also placed in different zonal communities to assess germinability in the field. KEY RESULTS: Spergularia marina has a primary physiological dormancy. Conditional dormancy occurs from December to May and non-dormancy from June to November. Field germination initiates in the spring when temperatures are cool and salinity is low due to flooding, and ceases in the summer when temperatures exceed germination requirements. Spergularia marina has a light requirement for germination. CONCLUSIONS: If seeds become buried in the field or are light inhibited by Phragmites australis, they will remain dormant until they receive an adequate amount of light for germination. Since S. marina can germinate across all zones in a salt-marsh community, the formation of zonal communities is not determined at the germination stage, but at some later stage of development.  相似文献   

The compartmentation of fast-transported proteins that possess sulfated tyrosine residues--sulfoproteins--has been examined for further resolution of the possible significance of sulfated tyrosine in routing and delivery of fast-transported proteins. In vitro fast axonal transport of [35S]methionine- or 35SO4-labeled proteins was measured in dorsal root ganglion neurons for analysis of protein compartmentation en route and in synaptic regions. When membrane fractions were exposed to Na2CO3 for separation of "lumenal" and peripheral membrane proteins from integral components of the membrane, approximately 20% of the [35S]methionine incorporated into fast-transported proteins was present in a carbonate-releasable form in the axon, whereas 53% of the incorporated 35SO4 was released by carbonate. Eighty percent of the 35SO4 in this releasable fraction was acid labile, typical of sulfate ester-linked to tyrosine. Sulfoproteins were also detected in synaptosomes and were released into the extracellular medium in a calcium-dependent fashion, an observation suggesting that fast-transported sulfoproteins are secreted. Of the remaining 47% of the fast-transported 35SO4-labeled proteins resistant to carbonate treatment (the integral membrane protein fraction), nearly 60% of the 35SO4 was acid labile. Other membrane stripping agents, such as 0.1 M NaOH, 0.5 M NaCl, or mild trypsin treatment, failed to remove acid-labile 35SO4-labeled species from carbonate-treated membrane. Quantitative comparisons of several of the most abundant sulfoproteins resolved via two-dimensional gel electrophoresis confirmed that approximately 7% of each of the species remained associated with carbonate-treated membranes, presumably as integral membrane components.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is found exclusively in the CNS, where it is localized on the surface of myelin and oligodendrocyte cytoplasmic membranes. The monoclonal antibody 8-18C5 identifies MOG. Several studies have shown that anti-MOG antibodies can induce demyelination, thus inferring an important role in myelin stability. In this study, we demonstrate that MOG consists of two polypeptides, with molecular masses of 26 and 28 kDa. This doublet becomes a single 25-kDa band after deglycosylation with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid or peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase, indicating that there are no or few O-linked sugars and that the doublet band represents differential glycosylation. Partial trypsin cleavage, which also gave a doublet band of lower molecular weight, confirmed this idea. MOG was purified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by electroelution. Three N-terminal sequences of eight to 26 amino acids were obtained. By western blot analysis, no binding was found between MOG and cerebellar soluble lectin. MOG does not seem to belong to the signal-transducing GTP-binding proteins. Reduced MOG concentrations were observed in jimpy and quaking dysmyelinating mutant mice, giving further support to its localization in compact myelin of the CNS.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Effects of abiotic factors on the expression of floral and gender traits have been well documented in wild plant species; by contrast, little is known of the effect(s) on an individual's floral phenotype of the genetic composition of its neighboring conspecifics. Here we report the results of a greenhouse experiment conducted to detect the effects of genetic attributes of an individual's local environment on the expression of floral traits in the selfing annual, Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae). First, to test the hypothesis that negative effects of intraspecific competition are stronger when an individual competes with genetically similar individuals than when it competes with unrelated genotypes, we evaluated the effects of the number of nearest-neighbor kin (vs. unrelated individuals) on floral traits. Plants adjacent to two kin produced significantly fewer stamens per flower than plants adjacent to one or no siblings, indicating that kin competition reduced allocation to male function. Second, to test the hypothesis that the genetic diversity of a neighborhood influences the phenotype of a focal plant, we determined whether the number of maternal families represented among an individual's nearest neighbors influences its phenotype. The number of maternal families surrounding a focal plant did not affect floral trait expression. These results suggest that in S. marina , male function is more sensitive than female function to the genetic environment and that as an individual's genetic similarity to its neighbors increases, so do the negative effects of competition for limited resources.  相似文献   

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