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水稻顶节间长度控制基因(EUI)的精细定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对一水稻顶节间特异伸长突变体Mh-1进行经典遗传学和基因定位分析,认为该表型是一个核基因隐性突变所致。利用Mh-1与正常的T65-sd1杂交的F2群体对该位点定位研究分析,发现其与水稻第5条染色体长臂STS标记E30531和CAPS标记C903连锁,遗传距离分别为6.7cM和2.8cM。经进一步发展新的分子标记,将该基因精确定位在0.3cM的区域,为进一步克隆和研究该基因的分子机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

水稻生长发育多效基因DDF1的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li SP  Duan YL  Chen ZW  Guan HZ  Wang CL  Zheng LL  Zhou YC  Wu WR 《遗传》2011,33(12):1374-1379
植物中存在许多多效性基因,它们在调控植物的营养生长与生殖发育过程中起着关键性作用。文章在籼稻育种材料中发现了一个植株显著矮化且花器官明显变异的突变体ddf1(dwarf and deformed flower 1)。遗传分析表明,该突变体由单基因隐性突变所致,这说明该基因是一个同时控制营养生长和生殖发育的多效性基因,暂命名为DDF1。为了定位该基因,将ddf1杂合体与热带粳稻品种DZ60杂交,建立了F2定位群体,利用水稻RM系列微卫星标记,通过混合分离分析(BSA)和小群体连锁分析,将DDF1初步定位在水稻第6号染色体RM588和RM587标记之间,与两标记的遗传距离分别为3.8 cM和2.4 cM。进一步利用已经公布的水稻基因组序列,在初步定位的区间内开发新的SSR标记,将DDF1定位在165 kb的区间内。该结果为克隆DDF1奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理籼稻品种冈46B获得雄性不育突变体D63,并对该突变体进行表型鉴定、遗传分析和基因定位。结果显示D63突变体花药瘦小呈乳白色,花药内完全无花粉粒,属于无花粉型雄性不育。与野生型亲本冈46B相比,D63突变体成熟期株高降低了13.7%,穗伸出度减少了266.7%,自交结实率为0,其他农艺性状无显著差异。遗传分析表明该不育性状受1对隐性核基因控制,该突变基因定位于第2号染色体长臂靠近着丝粒区域In Del标记J2和J4之间,与J2和J4的遗传距离分别为0.2 c M和0.1 c M,该定位区间的物理距离为105.8 kb。候选基因分析结果表明,D63突变体在编码分泌性成束糖蛋白基因LOC_Os02g28970编码区第1580位碱基A突变为C,使编码蛋白的氨基酸序列第527位组氨酸(His)突变为脯氨酸(Pro)。D63突变体与已报道的mtr1突变体表型上不同之处主要是后者花药含有败育花粉粒,二者表型上的差异可能是由于LOC_Os02g28970基因序列突变位点不同,以及它们分别属于籼、粳亚种2个不同遗传背景所致。  相似文献   

水稻紫色柱头的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
rdh是四川农业大学水稻研究所通过组织培养和连续自交得到的一个具有红色籽粒和紫色柱头,遗传上稳定的籼稻材料。抽穗期在rdh与3个无色柱头品种蜀恢527、蜀恢368和蜀恢168之间分别做正反交,结果显示F1群体在柱头颜色上正反交之间没有明显区别,全部是紫色的。F2群体发生分离成为两组,一组具有紫色柱头,另一组具有无色柱头。每一个F2群体的紫色柱头对无色柱头均适合3:1的比例,表明rdh紫色柱头性状的遗传是由一对显性核基因控制的。组合rdh/蜀恢527 F2分离群体中40个具有紫色柱头的显性单株和284个具有无色柱头的隐性单株构成定位群体。从两个亲本rdh和蜀恢527提取的基因组DNA,用涵盖水稻整个基因组的252对微卫星标记作引物扩增片段。结果发现有78对微卫星标记在两亲本之间具有多态性。然后用这78对标记作引物,扩增亲本、F1、F2显性单株和F2隐性单株、,结果显示位于水稻第6染色体的RM276、RM253以及RM111与rdh紫色柱头基因有连锁关系。再用RM276、RM253以及RM111作引物扩增剩余的全部具有无色柱头的隐性单株。结果表明:在RM276的扩增产物中,有20个单交换和2个双交换;在RM253中有2个单交换:在RM111中有3个单交换。因此,rdh紫色柱头基因被定位于水稻第6染色体。根据公式P=(h+2b)/2n,计算得到微卫星标记RM276,RM253和RM111与rdh紫色柱头基因的遗传距离分别是4.2cM、0.35cM以及0.53cM。根据已经发表的RM276、RM253和RM111在第6染色体上的位置以及计算得到的rdh与RM276、RM253和RM111之间的遗传距离,构建了部分连锁图谱,并暂时将这个紫色柱头基因命名为Ps-4。  相似文献   

水稻寡分蘖突变体的遗传分析和基因定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从籼粳交组合“圭630/02428”的花培后代中获得一份寡分蘖突变体G069,其主要特征是分蘖速度慢,最高分蘖数少,成熟叶片叶尖、叶缘黄化.用突变体作母本与02428杂交,并以02428作轮回亲本与杂交后代突变型单株回交构建BC2F2.对BC2F2进行调查和遗传分析,确认突变体G069寡分蘖特性和叶片黄化现象受同一隐性基因控制.以BC2F2分离群体为基础,应用SSR标记和RFLP标记进行连锁分析,将寡分蘖基因定位于第2染色体的RFLP标记C424和S13984之间,分别相距2.4和0.6cM.该基因暂定名为ft1.  相似文献   

为解析玉米花丝颜色性状的遗传机理,挖掘其候选基因及等位变异,本研究以郑58和昌7-2为亲本构建的重组自交系(RIL)群体为材料,对控制玉米花丝颜色QTL进行定位.利用郑58与控制玉米粉色花丝主效位点qSC10的近等基因系qSC10-NIL杂交构建F3作图群体,对主效位点qSC10进行精细定位,根据qSC10定位区间和N...  相似文献   

以低直链淀粉( 软米)品种毫木细与高直链淀粉品种桂朝2号杂交F2代分离群体为试验材料,研究水稻低直链淀粉含量的遗传规律和基因定位。结果表明,软米品种毫木细直链淀粉含量受一个隐性主效基因/QTL控制,该基因位点(QTL)与糯性基因(wx)为非等位。除主效QTL外,可能还有微效基因的作用。用SSR标记检测到该主效基因/QTL位于11号染色体上RM224附近,LOD值为15.4,可解释的表型变异率为32%。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)是我国重要的粮食作物之一。水稻矮秆材料的引入掀起了第1次"绿色革命"。但近年来,在水稻育种中矮生基因遗传单一的问题越来越突出,已经严重影响到水稻产量的持续提高。利用60Co-γ射线辐照籼稻亲本材料M804获得了一个性状能够稳定遗传的矮秆突变体MU101。对该矮秆突变体和台粳16号杂交获得的F2代的遗传分析表明,该矮秆性状受1对隐性单基因控制,并暂命名为ds1。利用已有的SSR分子标记将DS1基因定位在水稻第5号染色体上,通过扩大群体和开发新的Indel标记,进一步将DS1基因定位在2个Indel标记之间,两者间的物理距离大约为384kb。该研究为DS1基因的克隆及其在生产中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

稻瘟病是水稻最主要的病害之一.持久抗性品种可以通过聚合不同类型的抗病基因而获得.利用中国10个地区的稻瘟病群体对日本鉴别品种(爱知旭)所持的抗病基因Pia进行了抗谱分析.该基因除了在江苏群体中表现为强效抗性之外,在其他群体中均表现为弱效抗性.利用爱知旭/Kasalath的F2作图群体,通过重组体筛选、精细定位以及共分离...  相似文献   

水稻亚铁胁迫诱导ADH的基因定位及其遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张立平  吴平 《遗传学报》1999,26(4):359-362
籼稻品种IR64与粳稻品种Azucena及其DH群体135个系用于进行Fe^2+胁迫(250mg/L,pH4.5)及对照实验,对处理及对照条件下的ADH进行基因定位及遗传分析,结果表明,在Fe^2+胁迫条件下,ADH酶的活性大大提高,群体在Fe^2+胁迫条件下,表现低值的超亲现象,分布偏向IR64,单标记分析和最大似然区间作图结果表明,Fe^2+胁迫条件下,11号染色体上紧密连锁的3个标记位点RG  相似文献   

The fragrance gene plays an important role in high-quality rice varieties and has been widely used in breeding programs. Using a random sample of 370 individuals from an F2 segregating population developed from a cross between a japonica rice variety 9407 with fragrant flavor and an indica variety IRBB60, the fgr locus was mapped on chromosome 8 between SSR markers, PSM465 and RM1109, with genetic distances of 0.3 cM and 0.1 cM to respective markers. These mapping efforts confirmed the previous mapping results. A large F3 mapping population with 7300 individuals was then developed from F2 plants, in which a small chromosomal region defined by the SSR markers, PSM465 and RM1109, was heterozygous. The analysis of recombinants in the fgr region anchored the gene locus to an interval of 28 kb flanked by the left marker NS9 and the right marker L06. Sequence analysis of this fragment predicted three open reading frames encoding putative 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase, putative isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH2). The latter was presumed to be the candidate gene for fragrance. This result will be very useful in molecular cloning of the fgr gene and marker-assisted transfer of the fgr gene in rice breeding programs. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2009, vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 587–595. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Genetic and molecular basis of fragrance in rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fragrance or aroma in rice is considered as a special trait with huge economic importance that determines the premium price in global trade. With the availability of molecular maps and genome sequences, a major gene for fragrance (badh2) was identified on chromosome 8. An 8-bp deletion in the exon 7 of this gene was reported to result in truncation of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenease enzyme whose loss-of-function lead to the accumulation of a major aromatic compound, 2-acetyl 1-pyrroline (2AP) in fragrant rice. However, several studies have reported exceptions to this mutation and indicated the involvement of other genetic loci in controlling fragrance trait. These studies emphasize the need to characterize the fragrance and its underlying factors in a wide range of genetic resources available for this trait. This review summarizes the new insights gained on the genetic and molecular understanding of fragrance in rice.  相似文献   

水稻苗期低温失绿的遗传分析及基因定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
兰涛  梁康迳  陈志伟  段远霖  王俊兰  叶宁  吴为人 《遗传》2007,29(9):1121-1125
在早季低温条件下, 籼稻品种Dular的幼苗表现出白化失绿, 而粳稻品种Lemont幼苗表现正常绿色。以Lemont和Dular作亲本构建一个F2群体,通过该群体在早季低温条件下性状的表现,发现Lemont和Dular苗期耐冷性的差异受单个主基因控制,低温下白化失绿等位基因为隐性。将该基因暂时命名为cisc(t)。利用该F2群体,采用集团分离分析(BSA)法将cisc(t)定位在9号染色体上。经过对F2群体中100个典型的白化单株的简单序列长度多态性分析,将该基因定位在5.5 cM的区间内,分别与微卫星标记RM257和RM242相距3.9 cM和1.6 cM。  相似文献   

水稻优良性状控制基因的定位进展及其在染色体上的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈瑞  程在全  黄兴奇  张伟 《遗传》2007,29(4):399-412
利用分子标记可以寻找并且定位目的基因, 分子标记辅助育种技术则能够快速、高效地筛选出携带目的基因的优良品种。文章总结了近年来水稻中已被定位的优良性状控制基因及与其连锁的分子标记, 其中包括抗病虫害、抗寒、抗旱、不育、育性恢复等194个基因, 这些基因中已有14个被克隆测序。在此基础上探讨了这些基因在染色体上的分布趋势。  相似文献   

Liang F  Xin X  Hu Z  Xu J  Wei G  Qian X  Yang J  He H  Luo X 《植物学报(英文版)》2011,53(4):312-323
A dwarf mutant, designated LB4D, was obtained among the progeny of backcrosses to a wild rice introgression line. Genetic analysis of LB4D indicated that the dwarf phenotype was controlled by a single semidominant dwarfing gene, which was named LB4D. The mutants were categorized as dn-type dwarf mutants according to the pattern of internode reduction. In addition, gibberellin (GA) response tests showed that LB4D plants were neither deficient nor insensitive to GA. This study found that tiller formation by LB4D plants was decreased by 40% compared with the wild type, in contrast to other dominant dwarf mutants that have been identified, indicating that a different dwarfing mechanism might be involved in the LB4D dominant mutant. The reduction of plant height in F(1) plants ranged from 27.9% to 38.1% in different genetic backgrounds, showing that LB4D exerted a stronger dominant dwarfing effect. Using large F(2) and F(3) populations derived from a cross between heterozygous LB4D and the japonica cultivar Nipponbare, the LB4D gene was localized to a 46 kb region between the markers Indel 4 and Indel G on the short arm of chromosome 11, and four predicted genes were identified as candidates in the target region.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of rice CMS-WA fertility restoration based on QTL mapping   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
 The inheritance of fertility restoration of rice cytoplasmic male sterility of the wild abortive type was studied by means of QTL mapping. The two segregating populations examined showed high frequencies of highly sterile and highly fertile progenies, but a low frequency of partially sterile and partially fertile progenies. The distributions suggested that fertility restoration was mainly controlled by major genes. Based on a linkage map constructed with 57 RFLP and 61 AFLP markers on a B1F1 population, composite interval mapping (CIM) revealed that the fertility was restored by the additive effects of two restorer loci located on chromosome 10. One QTL, tightly linked to RFLP marker C1361 in the middle of the long arm of chromosome 10, explained 71.5% of the phenotypic variance. The second QTL was located between RFLP markers R2309 and RG257 on the short arm and explained 27.3% of the phenotypic variance. Similar results were obtained using the simple interval mapping (SIM) methods. Recived: 8 January 1998/Accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

Identification of functional candidate genes for drought tolerance in rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drought tolerance (DT) in rice is known to be controlled by many quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and involved differential expression of large numbers of genes, but linking QTLs with their underlying genes remains the most challenging issue in plant molecular biology. To shed some light on this issue, differential gene expression in response to PEG simulated drought in 3 unique genetic materials (a lowland rice, IR64 and its derived line, PD86 which has 11 introgressed DT QTLs, and a upland rice IRAT109) was investigated using a PCR-based subtractive hybridization strategy. More than 300 unique subtracted cDNA sequences, covering genes of diverse cellular activities and functions, were identified and confirmed by semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR. Detailed bioinformatics analyses of the data revealed two interesting results. First, the levels and mechanisms of DT of the three rice lines were associated with the number and types of differentially expressed genes, suggesting different DT mechanisms in rice are controlled by different sets of genes and different metabolic pathways, and most differentially expressed genes under drought were able to contribute to DT. Second, there appeared a high correspondence in genomic location between DT QTLs and clusters of differentially expressed genes in rice, suggesting some DT QTLs may represent clusters of co-regulated and functionally related genes. Thus, differential gene expression analyses using genetically characterized materials can provide additional insights into the molecular basis of QTLs and convergent evidence to shortlist the candidate genes for target QTLs. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Bin-Ying Fu and Jian-Hua Xiong are contributed to this work equally.  相似文献   

Wild-abortive (WA), Honglian (HL) and Baro-II (BT) are three important cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) types in rice. It is essential to investigate genetic mode and allelism of fertility restorer (Rf) genes and the relationship between Rf and CMS. Fertility of the all test-cross F1 plants shows that the restorer-maintainer relationship is similar for HL-CMS and BT-CMS, while that is variance for WA-CMS and HL-CMS (or BT-CMS), respectively. Genetic analysis of Rf genes indicates that HL-or BT-CMS are controlled by single dominant Rf gene and WA-CMS is controlled by one or two pairs of dominant Rf genes, which reflects the characters of the gametophytic and sporophytic restoration CMS type. It is concluded that there are at least three Rf loci in different accessions with Rf genes for each CMS type.  相似文献   

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