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Hyphoderma nemorale and H. incrustatum are described. Incompatability between the new species and against related species has been ascertained using confrontations with haploid mycelia.  相似文献   

Thirty-five corticioid collections from the Canary Islands and Azores Archipelago were examined morphologically and subjected to molecular phylogenetic analysis. These specimens, almost all collected on endemic and/or xerophilic vegetation, were similar in morphological and ecological characteristics to Hypochnicium prosopidis from the Sonoran Desert (Arizona, USA) and Hyphoderma amoenum. Thirty-seven new ITS nrDNA sequences from these specimens, including the nomenclatural type of the above-mentioned species, were obtained and aligned with homologous sequences from GenBank. These collections were distributed in two strongly supported monophyletic clades. However, similar patterns of morphological variability shared by specimens included in both clades and their differences with related species suggest that they should be described as a single new species. Therefore Hyphoderma macaronesicum is proposed. Studies will be required to test, in a more robust multilocus genealogical framework, whether these populations constitute two cryptic species or whether they are the same taxon. The position of Hypochnicium prosopidis in the resolved tree and its morphological characters suggest that it should be included in Hyphoderma and the new combination Hyphoderma prosopidis is proposed.  相似文献   

官前鑫  赵长林 《菌物学报》2021,40(3):447-461
依据形态学和分子系统学研究结果,描述了产自中国云南省的丝皮革菌属2个新种,即中国丝皮革菌Hyphoderma sinense和棉絮丝皮革菌H. floccosum。中国丝皮革菌以光滑子实层体表面、被结晶和念珠状的囊状体及圆柱形至腊肠状的担孢子(8-11.5×3-5μm)为主要识别特征。棉絮丝皮革菌具有棉絮状至粉状子实层体表面、管状和分隔状囊状体及椭圆形至腊肠状担孢子。对新种的ITS和nLSU片段进行了测序和分析,采用最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯推断法对研究样本的ITS+nLSU nrRNA基因序列进行系统发育分析,结果显示两个新种隶属于丝皮革菌属,其中,中国丝皮革菌与变形丝皮革菌聚在一起;棉絮丝皮革菌与松生丝皮革菌、丝皮革菌和拟丝皮革菌聚为一类。本研究提供了两新种的详细描述、线条图、生态照片及与相似种的区别,同时编写了我国丝皮革菌属23个种的检索表。  相似文献   

The morphology, reproduction and seasonal variation of a large foliose species of Cryptonemia collected in the drift in 1971–73 at Cork Harbour, Republic of Ireland, is described and compared with the known species of the genus. Although obviously closely related to a group of foliose Pacific species: C. borealis Kylin, C. obovata J. Ag. and C. angustata (Setch. et Gardn.) Dawson, the Irish Cryptonemia is not completely identifiable with any one of these and is therefore described as C. hibernica sp. nov., pending a revision of the genus.  相似文献   

A new polypore species, Antrodia hyalina, is described from Russia. It is morphologically similar to Antrodia pulvinascens, but differs in having annual, thinner and softer basidiocarps, solid skeletal hyphae, and cylindrical spores. Antrodia leucaena, originally described from China, is reported as new from Finland and Russia on Populus tremula. Antrodia wangii is regarded as a synonym of A. bondartsevae.  相似文献   

A new species of Lindgomyces (L. griseosporus) is described and illustrated from submerged wood collected in a small stream in southern France. It is morphologically characterized by gray, narrowly fusiform ascospores with supramedian primary septum, which lacks a mucilaginous sheath at maturity. Its relationships with other species of Lindgomyces are discussed based on both morphology and 28S rDNA sequence comparisons. Lindgomyces ingoldianus, the type species of Lindgomyces, and L. cinctosporae are reported for the first time from Europe.  相似文献   

Three undescribed European species of Xylaria are recognized from new combinations of anamorphic and teleomorphic characters. Their phylogenetic affinities are revealed by a 5.8S/ITS nrDNA analysis. Two of them (X. karsticola and X. vasconica) appear closely related to X. hypoxylon sensu stricto. Xylaria cinerea is distributed in western Europe (France, Spain, United Kingdom) and the Canary Islands and appears closely related to a yet unnamed taxon from New Zealand. In addition to southwestern Europe, X. vasconica is also present in eastern USA. A specimen of X. hypoxylon from the US West Coast agreed with European material with regard to the teleomorph, but its cultures showed a different morphology. Xylaria arbuscula var. plenofissura is reported from a natural habitat on the European mainland for the first time, and the occurrence of this member of the X. arbuscula complex on the Canary Islands is confirmed.  相似文献   

Recent systematic studies ofBartsia andOdontites showed the necessity to exclude the closely related perennial speciesBartsia aspera (Portugal and northern Morocco) andBartsia spicata (Central Pyrenees) from the genusBartsia as a segregate genus namedNothobartsia. Morphologically this new genus combines characteristic features ofBartsia and ofOdontites. Its autonomous systematic position is supported by the cladistic analysis, showing thatNothobartsia represents a relatively primitive genus standing close to the common ancestral root ofBartsia, Euphrasia, andOdontites.  相似文献   

Abstract:Micarea xanthonica sp. nov. is described from the western British Isles, westernmost Norway and the Pacific Northwest of North America. It belongs to the M. prasina group, but differs from related species in possessing xanthones in the thallus.  相似文献   

A new aphid species, Pemphigus trehernei, found on the roots of Aster tripolium L. in Western Europe is described. The gall, fundatrix and alate fundatrigenia were produced artificially on Populus nigra L. var. italica Duroi. The life cycle and host range of the species were investigated.  相似文献   

A new anomodont genus and species, Parasuminia ivakhnenkoi sp. nov. (Galeopidae), from the Sundyr-1 locality (Upper Severodvinian Substage, Upper Permian) is described. Based on morphological analysis of tooth wear, the type of work of the jaw apparatus similar to that of Suminia Ivachnenko, 1994 is revealed.  相似文献   

《Mycological Research》2007,111(2):186-195
Hyphoderma is a large genus of corticioid homobasidiomycetes. In earlier homobasidiomycete-wide molecular phylogenetic studies the genus has appeared as polyphyletic. This paper describes the results from phylogenetic analyses of 22 species of Hyphoderma using nuclear 5.8 S and 28 S rDNA. Species with echinocysts and stephanocysts form a distinct clade well separated from Hyphoderma s. str. For this group the old genus name Peniophorella is available with P. pubera as the type species. Nineteen new combinations in Peniophorella are made and a key to the species is given. The clade representing Hyphoderma in its restricted sense receives only indicative support and a further subdivision of the genus may become necessary. H. capitatum, H. orphanellum, and H. sibiricum belong neither to Peniophorella nor to Hyphoderma s. str. Hypochnicium is a sister group to Hyphoderma. The phylogenetic analyses support the segregation of Hypochnicium analogum and H. vellereum as Gloeohypochnicium analogum and Granulobasidium vellereum, respectively, and the inclusion of H. detriticum in Hyphodontia. Hyphodermopsis and Bulbillomyces are best regarded as synonyms of Hypochnicium.  相似文献   

The following material is described: (a) a climatiid shoulder girdle from the Old Red of Podolia and the British Lower Old Red Sandstone, and (b) ischnacanthid jaw-elements and a fin spine from the Lower Devonian of Vestspitsbergen. A discussion is given of the shoulder girdle in Climatius reticulatus and of the characters distinguishing the dentigerous jaw-bones of the Ischnacanthidae from those of the early Climatiidae. It is pointed out that in the dermal skeleton of the Climatiidae one may trace phylotie changes in the structure of mesodentine and bone tissue closely paralleling those of the corresponding hard tissues in the Osteostraei. A trend towards the emergence of acellular bone tissue is traceable not only in the Climatiidae but also in certain parts of the dermal skeleton of the Ischnacanthidae.  相似文献   

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