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Longitudinal data were used to examine relationships among sibling variables, perceptions of family environments, and measures of educational attainment, occupational status, and occupational aspirations. The analyses involved 21-year-old Australians from Anglo-Australian, Greek, and Southern Italian families. Regression surfaces were plotted from models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations among the variables. The study indicated that sibsize and birth order continued to have many significant associations with young adults' status attainment even after taking into account the mediating influence of perceived family environments. Also, the investigation suggested that there are ethnic-group differences in relations among sibling variables, perceived parents' support for learning, and young adults' status attainment.  相似文献   


Longitudinal data were used to examine relationships among sibling variables, perceptions of family environments, and measures of educational attainment, occupational status, and occupational aspirations. The analyses involved 21‐year‐old Australians from Anglo‐Australian, Greek, and Southern Italian families. Regression surfaces were plotted from models that included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations among the variables. The study indicated that sibsize and birth order continued to have many significant associations with young adults’ status attainment even after taking into account the mediating influence of perceived family environments. Also, the investigation suggested that there are ethnic‐group differences in relations among sibling variables, perceived parents’ support for learning, and young adults’ status attainment.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data are used to examine relationships between sibling variables and adolescents' aspirations at different social status, family environment, and ability levels in a sample of 260 Anglo-Australian, 120 Greek, and 90 Southern Italian families. In this follow-up study of an earlier investigation, each family has a 16-year-old child and the analyses relate to these adolescents. The study shows that for the sample, sibling variables have modest associations with their educational and occupational aspirations, even after taking into account relationships involving social status, parents' associations, and ability. However, there are also ethnic group variations in the relations between the sibling variables and adolescents' aspirations. In particular, while sibship size tends not to be associated with aspirations within the different ethnic groups, birth order continues to show several significant relationships. The study suggests that there are differential relationships between birth order and educational and occupational aspirations for adolescents from different ethnic groups, even after taking into account the effect on aspirations of measures of ability and family environment.  相似文献   


Associations of measures of grandparental status, parental status, cognitive abilities, and personality, and own cognitive abilities and personality with educational and occupational attainment are reported for 249 offspring, now 25 years or older, from the Hawaii Family Study of Cognition (HFSC). In general, across two ethnic groups (Americans of European ancestry (AEA) and Americans of Japanese ancestry (AJA)), the data suggest that family background had a relatively trivial influence, own cognitive abilities (particularly verbal ability and general intelligence) substantial influence, and own personality some influence on the educational and occupational attainment of males, while family background had a far more substantial influence than own ability on the attainment of females. Educational attainment was generally found to be substantially predictive of occupational attainment. Hierarchal multiple regression analyses were conducted to assess the influence of parents’ abilities over and above grandparental status and the influence of offsprings’ abilities over and above parental status and abilities on their respective educational and occupational attainments. These analyses also indicated that family background was a much greater influence than own ability on the attainment of AEA female parents and both AEA and AJA female offspring. These findings for female offspring were further confirmed by analyses of parent‐offspring and within‐sibship differences in attainment.  相似文献   


Hierarchical regression analyses and response surfaces were used in an investigation of relationships between sibling variables and adolescents’ perceptions of their family environments, after the impact on the perceptions of earlier family measures was taken into account. The analyses involved Australian adolescents and included 260 Anglo‐Australian, 120 Greek, and 90 Southern Italian families. Regression models included terms to test for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear associations between the sibling and family environment variables. The analysis suggested the propositions that: (a) parents from different ethnic groups create different learning environments for their children and that there are ethnic‐group variations in how children perceive their family environments, (b) there are ethnic‐group variations in relationships between sibling variables and adolescents’ perceptions of their parents’ support for learning, and (c) within ethnic groups the relationships between sibling variables and perceived parental support for learning differ, depending on whether the support of fathers or mothers is being considered.  相似文献   

We examine demographic behaviour of Jewish adults of mixed ethnic ancestry, relative to those of the two major Jewish ethnic groups in Israel. Research has shown that for measures of socioeconomic status, such as educational attainment, outcomes for multi-ethnics are in between – and very close to the middle of – those associated with the two major ethnic groups. We find that, in contrast, the marriage and fertility behaviour of multi-ethnic adults is nearly identical to that of the more socially advantaged ethnic group and quite distinct from that of the less advantaged ethnic group. Through multivariate analyses, we explore factors associated with families of origin, including socioeconomic status and cultural indicators of family norms, which are associated with these patterns. We discuss interpretations of our findings.  相似文献   

Scholars have long questioned why average educational attainments among children of immigrants vary greatly by country of origin. Immigrants’ children from the same country share similar contexts of exit and reception and often similar school and family contexts. What is the relative importance of these factors in explaining ethnic differences in educational attainment? Using cross-classified multi-level models, this study shows that family contexts and immigrant group educational selectivity, but not school contexts, help explain ethnic differences. Immigrant selectivity is more decisive in shaping the second-generation’s educational attainment than other group characteristics related to immigrants’ contexts of exit and reception. While school socioeconomic status (SES) only influences the attainment of immigrants’ children from high-SES families, immigrant group selectivity matters regardless of the SES of the family or school, thus shedding light on why members of some national-origin groups tend to complete more education than others despite similar family and school contexts.  相似文献   

The Sukuma ethnic group appears to be expanding across Tanzania at a rate far greater than other ethnic groups in the area. In this paper, the household-level dynamics that may be fueling this expansion are explored by comparing measures of infant mortality and child health with another Tanzanian ethnic group, the Pimbwe. Consistent with expectations, the Sukuma appear to have comparable levels of fertility but lower child mortality. As predicted, compared to the Pimbwe, Sukuma children are also heavier and taller for their age, suggesting better nutritional status. Four hypotheses about why the Sukuma are so successful in this area are addressed. Surprisingly, the results show that household food security and wealth are not related to children's nutritional status, nor can maternal effects account for the observed health differences. Several lines of evidence suggest that different patterns of infant feeding practices may underlie the differences in children's nutritional status.  相似文献   

Perceived discrimination remains a salient and significant environmental stressor for ethnic and racial minority youth. Although many studies have examined the impact of racial/ethnic discrimination on mental health symptomatology and physical health, little is known of the potential physiological processes underlying such experiences, especially during adolescence. In an attempt to understand how varying perceptions of discrimination relate to functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis), the current study examined the relation between Mexican American adolescents' (N = 100, M(age) = 15.3 years old) perceptions of discrimination and aspects of their diurnal cortisol profiles. Three salivary samples (wakeup, +30 waking, bedtime) were collected across 3 days (total of 9 samples). Utilizing multi-level modeling, results revealed that adolescents' perceived discrimination related to greater overall cortisol output (area under the curve; AUC) after controlling for other life stressors, depressive symptoms, family income, acculturation level, daily stress levels and daily behaviors. Findings also revealed that perceived discrimination was marginally related to a steeper cortisol awakening response (CAR). Together, these findings suggest that perceived discrimination is a salient and impactful stressor for Mexican American adolescents. Understanding the physiological correlates of discrimination can provide insight into larger health disparities among ethnic and racial minority individuals.  相似文献   

In recent years primordialism, as a model for understanding people's essentialist perceptions of ethnic similarity and difference, has returned to social scientific debates with a new degree of respectability and theoretical rigour. This article provides further evidence for why primordialism is prioritized by ethnic minorities as a cognitive mechanism for maintaining group distinctiveness, drawing on data gathered among indigenous youth in Chile. In the absence of traditional cultural tenets such as indigenous language and knowledge among the majority of the sample, criteria for membership are premised on perceived essentialisms of blood and surname. The result of categorizing others under primordial terms, however, is that it facilitates a space in which individual preferences of ethnic expression and distinctiveness can be negotiated. This brings the dichotomization of primordialism and constructionism under further scrutiny, suggesting that they may be compatible in the everyday practices of social life.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis are widespread diseases that have been associated with cognitive deficits and Alzheimer’s disease. We sought to determine whether interactions between Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis, age, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, economic status, and general health predict cognitive function in young and middle-aged adults. To do so, we used multivariable regression and multivariate models to analyze data obtained from the United States’ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which can be weighted to represent the US population. In this sample, we found that 31.6 percent of women and 36.2 percent of men of the overall sample had IgG Antibodies against Helicobacter pylori, although the seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori varied with sociodemographic variables. There were no main effects for Helicobacter pylori or latent toxoplasmosis for any of the cognitive measures in models adjusting for age, sex, race-ethnicity, educational attainment, economic standing, and self-rated health predicting cognitive function. However, interactions between Helicobacter pylori and race-ethnicity, educational attainment, latent toxoplasmosis in the fully adjusted models predicted cognitive function. People seropositive for both Helicobacter pylori and latent toxoplasmosis – both of which appear to be common in the general population – appear to be more susceptible to cognitive deficits than are people seropositive for either Helicobacter pylori and or latent toxoplasmosis alone, suggesting a synergistic effect between these two infectious diseases on cognition in young to middle-aged adults.  相似文献   


Regression surface analysis was used to examine associations between sibling variables and measures of academic achievement and intellectual ability at different levels of social status and family environment variables for girls and boys. The sample was 460 Anglo‐Australian families, each with an 11‐year‐old child. Family environments were defined by parents’ aspirations for their children and parents’ instrumental and affective orientations. Regression models included terms to account for possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear relations between sib size and birth order and measures of word knowledge, word comprehension, mathematics performance, and intellectual ability. The findings indicated that the sibling variables were poor predictors of children's cognitive performance. Typically, sib size and birth order were not related to children's academic performance at different levels of family environment scores.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing study on young adult psychological and social development, data were obtained through parental reports on the present residences and educational and occupational attainments of 718 present or former residents of Hawaii (average age 31 years). These subjects, as well as their parents, had been tested between 1972 and 1976 on measures of cognitive abilities and personality. The extent of emigration to the mainland in this middle to upper-middle class sample was over 40%. On average, former Hawaii residents now living on the US mainland were of higher intelligence and educational background than their counterparts still living in Hawaii. Differences were also found for number of children, cross-ethnic marriages, and occupational attainment (males only). In addition, parents of US mainland residents scored significantly higher on measures of cognitive abilities and education than parents of current Hawaii residents.  相似文献   

Early environment can have a major impact on development, with family life known to play an important role. Longitudinal studies can therefore help increase our understanding of variance in cognitive abilities in young animals, as well as over time. We followed 22 marmosets (11 male and 11 female) from infancy through to early adolescence. At 3 months old, the marmosets were trained to reliably touch a rewarded stimulus. At 5 months, behavior was observed within the natal group. At 9 months, the marmosets were given a visual discrimination task to assess learning ability. Mann–Whitney U tests found no sex or family size differences in number of errors at 3 or 9 months. While no significant relationships were found between behavior in the family and learning at 3 months, significant negative correlations were found between duration spent in locomotion and learning errors (p = .05), as well as between frequency of calm vocalizations and learning errors (p = .001) at 9 months. A U-shape curve was found between amount of social play and learning at 9 months. Positive family interactions, including moderate amounts of play, as well as calm individual behavior, may therefore be important in learning. This study sheds light on cognitive development in much younger marmosets than previously studied, and helps increase understanding of how individual differences in learning may arise.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between age at first birth and poverty among ethnic minorities in Britain. It is well known that ethnic minorities, particularly Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, have very high rates of family poverty and early fertility. Because it has been established that early motherhood is associated with a high risk of poverty and other disadvantages, it is tempting to link Pakistani and Bangladeshi poverty with their early family formation patterns. We find, however, that age at first birth had little effect on the poverty experienced by ethnic minorities. While the disadvantaged outcomes of teenage motherhood within the white community appear to be associated with the young women's departure from the dominant social norm, when early fertility is the norm in a minority community, it does not lead to any further disadvantage beyond that experienced by the ethnic group as a whole.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data were used to examine relationships between the opportunity structures of early family environments as defined by parents, adolescents’ perceptions of later family opportunity structures, and adolescents’ educational and occupational aspirations. Data were collected from sixteen‐year‐olds and their parents from Anglo‐Australian, English, southern Italian and Greek groups, within Australia. For the analysis, regression surfaces were constructed from models that included terms to examine for possible linear, interaction and curvilinear relationships among the variables. The findings suggest the general propositions that: (a) there are significant variations in the family opportunity structures of adolescents from different Australian ethnic groups, (b) parents’ early aspirations and adolescents’ perceptions of family opportunity structures combine to be associated with large amounts of variance in adolescents’ aspirations, and (c) there are ethnic group differences in the associations among parents’ aspirations for their children, adolescents’ perceptions of family opportunity structures, and adolescents’ aspirations.  相似文献   

The visual search performance was investigated in two children (5 and 7-years-old) and three adult groups (15, 20--and 35 and up to 60-years-old). The results of adults were similar among themselves and therefore were taken as a control set for children group results. We used 5 sorts of visual tasks, one difficult task and four easy tasks for adults with a target differing from counter-irritation. Children's results were worse than adults' those: the search time was longer and children made plenty of errors (false alarms end misses of targets). We suggest that children's attention system was less effective than adults' one in result of frontal, parietal and temporal cortical structure activation deficit. It follows that attention system is completely developed by 15 years of age in humans.  相似文献   

Christakis and colleagues have shown that health behaviors cluster in social networks and suggest social norms may account for the clustering. This study examined: (i) whether obesity clusters among young adults and whether social norms do in fact account for the clustering, and (ii) among overweight/obese (OW/OB) young adults, whether number of social contacts trying to lose weight is associated with weight loss intentions and whether social norms for weight loss account for this effect. Normal weight (NW) and OW/OB young adults (N = 288; 66% female; 75% white) completed measures assessing number of OW social contacts and social norms for obesity. OW/OB young adults also indicated number of OW social contacts currently trying to lose weight, social norms for weight loss, and weight loss intentions. Compared to NW, OW/OB young adults were more likely to have OW romantic partners and best friends and had more OW casual friends and family members (Ps < 0.05), but social norms for obesity did not differ between groups, and social norms did not mediate the relationship between OW social contacts and participants' weight status. However, among OW/OB young adults, having more social contacts trying to lose weight was associated with greater intention to lose weight (r = 0.20, P = 0.02) and social norms for weight loss fully mediated this effect (P < 0.01). This study is the first to show that social contacts and normative beliefs influence weight status and intentions for weight control in young adults. Findings underscore the importance of targeting social influence in the treatment and prevention of obesity in this high-risk age group.  相似文献   

Forty-four Glaswegian 8-10 year old children participated in this study to measure their perceptions of common vegetables. North Glasgow was selected as the locale because it contains the areas with Scotland's lowest and highest fruit and vegetable intakes. The impact of socioeconomic status upon the children's perceptions and preferences was examined, as were age, gender and frequency of vegetable consumption. The repertory grid method was used to elicit the perceptual data. Personal attributes were scored on a 10-cm linear scale, alongside a scale to measure the children's liking for the vegetables. Generalized Procrustes analysis and Preference Mapping were used to analyze the data. Sensory characteristics (especially texture and appearance) and the context of consumption were found to influence perceptions and preferences of vegetables. Socioeconomic background influenced perceptions, while self-reported consumption was significantly affected by social background, age and gender.  相似文献   

PD Ross  L Polson  MH Grosbras 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44815
To date, research on the development of emotion recognition has been dominated by studies on facial expression interpretation; very little is known about children's ability to recognize affective meaning from body movements. In the present study, we acquired simultaneous video and motion capture recordings of two actors portraying four basic emotions (Happiness Sadness, Fear and Anger). One hundred and seven primary and secondary school children (aged 4-17) and 14 adult volunteers participated in the study. Each participant viewed the full-light and point-light video clips and was asked to make a forced-choice as to which emotion was being portrayed. As a group, children performed worse than adults for both point-light and full-light conditions. Linear regression showed that both age and lighting condition were significant predictors of performance in children. Using piecewise regression, we found that a bilinear model with a steep improvement in performance until 8.5 years of age, followed by a much slower improvement rate through late childhood and adolescence best explained the data. These findings confirm that, like for facial expression, adolescents' recognition of basic emotions from body language is not fully mature and seems to follow a non-linear development. This is in line with observations of non-linear developmental trajectories for different aspects of human stimuli processing (voices and faces), perhaps suggesting a shift from one perceptual or cognitive strategy to another during adolescence. These results have important implications to understanding the maturation of social cognition.  相似文献   

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