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The mitotic characteristics of excised roots of the garden pea, Pisum sativum, have been studied under conditions of controlled nutrition. The excised root system was tested with regard to its ability to respond, mitotically, to various carbon sources. Sucrose, glucose, fructose, and DL-glyceraldehyde were found to support mitotic activity in excised roots, galactose and 2-deoxy-D-glucose were toxic, and mannose ineffective. Initiation of mitotic activity in the presence of glucose was inhibited by the respiratory poisons, KCN and malonic acid, the uncoupling agent, 2,4-dinitrophenol, but was not notably affected by the protein synthesis inhibitor, chloramphenicol. The glucose-induced response in mitotic activity was not affected by the carcinogen, urethan, and indeed, there is some evidence that the response was actually enhanced. The fact that KCN, malonic acid, and probably 2,4-dinitrophenol, in suitable concentrations inhibit the onset of cell division suggests that some level of operation of the Krebs' cycle is essential for commission of cells into mitosis. Likewise, failure to inhibit cells in the process of active mitosis by KCN and malonic acid is not inconsistent with the idea that there is a shift from reliance on aerobic to anaerobic respiration between antephase and active mitosis.  相似文献   

ZHAOJIAN  SHAOBOJIN 《Cell research》1995,5(2):155-164
An argentophilic structure is present in the metaphase chromosomes of garlic(Allium sativum),Cytochemical studies indicate that the main component of the structure is non-histone proteins(NHPs).The results of light and electron microscopic observations reveal that the chromosme NHP scaffold is a network which is composed of fibres and granules and distributed throughout the chromosomes.In the NHP network,there are many condensed regions that are connected by redlatively looser regions.The distribution of the condensed regions varies in individual chromosomes.In some of the chromosomes the condensed regions are lognitudinally situsted in the central part of a chromatid while in others these regions appear as coillike transverse bands.At early metaphase.scaffolds of the sister chromatids of a chromosome are linked to each other in the centromeric region,meanwhile,they are connected by scafold materials along the whole length of the chromosome.At late metaphase,however,the connective scaffold materials between the two sister chromatids disappear gradually and the chromatids begin to separate from one another at their ends.but the chromatids are linked together in the centromeric region until anaphase.This connection seems to be related to the special structure of the NHP scaffold formed in the centromeric region.The morphological features and dynamic changes of the chromosome scaffold are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on mitotic gene conversion in Ustilago   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) restricts mitotic exit to cells that have completed chromosome-microtubule attachment. Cdc20 is a bifunctional protein. In complex with SAC proteins Mad2, BubR1, and Bub3, Cdc20 forms the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which binds the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) and inhibits its mitotic exit-promoting activity. When devoid of SAC proteins, Cdc20 serves as an APC/C coactivator and promotes mitotic exit. During mitotic arrest, Cdc20 is continuously degraded via ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis and resynthesized. It is believed that this cycle keeps the levels of Cdc20 below a threshold above which Cdc20 would promote mitotic exit. We report that p31(comet), a checkpoint antagonist, is necessary for mitotic destabilization of Cdc20. p31(comet) depletion stabilizes the MCC, super-inhibits the APC/C, and delays mitotic exit, indicating that Cdc20 proteolysis in prometaphase opposes the checkpoint. Our studies reveal a homeostatic network in which checkpoint-sustaining and -repressing forces oppose each other during mitotic arrest and suggest ways for enhancing the sensitivity of cancer cells to antitubulin chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   

The isolated mitotic apparatus. Studies on nucleoproteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cyclin‐dependent kinase (Cdk) both promotes mitotic entry (spindle assembly and anaphase) and inhibits mitotic exit (spindle disassembly and cytokinesis), leading to an elegant quantitative hypothesis that a single cyclin oscillation can function as a ratchet to order these events. This ratchet is at the core of a published ODE model for the yeast cell cycle. However, the ratchet model requires appropriate cyclin dose–response thresholds. Here, we test the inhibition of mitotic exit in budding yeast using graded levels of stable mitotic cyclin (Clb2). In opposition to the ratchet model, stable levels of Clb2 introduced dose‐dependent delays, rather than hard thresholds, that varied by mitotic exit event. The ensuing cell cycle was highly abnormal, suggesting a novel reason for cyclin degradation. Cdc14 phosphatase antagonizes Clb2–Cdk, and Cdc14 is released from inhibitory nucleolar sequestration independently of stable Clb2. Thus, Cdc14/Clb2 balance may be the appropriate variable for mitotic regulation. Although our results are inconsistent with the aforementioned ODE model, revision of the model to allow Cdc14/Clb2 balance to control mitotic exit corrects these discrepancies, providing theoretical support for our conclusions.  相似文献   

Studies on the mechanism of activation of mitotic histone H1 kinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A chromatin-associated histone H1 kinase has been detected in synchronized Novikoff hepatoma cells. Enzyme specific activity increased 4 to 6-fold from late G-2 to mid-metaphase, then decayed exponentially (T12, 28.5 min) to the interphase level. Extracts of the mitotic kinase retained the ability to decay invitro at 37°C but not at 0°C (T12, 24 min), under conditions in which interphase activity was stable. Sedimentation rates in sucrose density gradients of interphase and mitotic enzymes (before and after decay) were identical. Purification did not alter the rate of enzyme decay. However, high ionic strength prevented decay of crude but not purified preparations of mitotic enzyme. The results are discussed in terms of an allosteric mechanism for reversible activation of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of EA21a and EA34 mammary carcinomas on daily PI cell proliferation in mice. Animals were divided into groups grafted with either EA34 or EA21a carcinomas (and a non-grafted control group). They were all injected intraperitoneally with 2 microg colchicine per g of body weight 4 h before sacrifice and the number of mitoses per 1000 nuclei was calculated. The mitotic index (MI) of pars-intermedia epithelial cells in control animals showed significant temporal variations. However, the MI from mice grafted with EA34 or EA21a carcinomas showed no such variation. There was no difference between the daily MIs of controls and tumor grafted groups. The absence of a 24 h mitotic activity curve in both EA21a and EA34 tumor-bearing animals demonstrates a lower level of synchronization of cells entering mitosis.  相似文献   

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