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2013年12月至2014年2月冬季,采用样点法对广西防城港市防城区江山乡新基村虾塘的越冬鸟类混合群行为进行观察研究。鸟类混合群在深水虾塘与浅水虾塘生境持续的平均时间分别为(51.6±33.6)min/群与(31.9±13.3)min/群。平均水深15 cm的深水虾塘与平均水深5 cm的浅水虾塘中均分布有11种鸟类,深水虾塘的主要水鸟为体型中等的鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)、青脚鹬(T.nebularia)、泽鹬(T.stagnatilis),浅水虾塘的主要水鸟是小型个体的金眶鸻(Charadrius dubius)、青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii)。深水虾塘鸟类混合群的平均物种数及个体数分别为(5.48±1.60)种/群和(18.75±11.67)只/群,浅水虾塘鸟类混合群则分别为(3.93±1.14)种/群和(11.65±5.12)只/群。深水虾塘的核心种鹤鹬以及跟随种青脚鹬、泽鹬在浅水虾塘属于加入种;而浅水虾塘的核心种金眶鸻以及跟随种青脚滨鹬在深水虾塘却属于加入种。研究结果表明,不同类型生境的鸟类混合群结构及其核心种和跟随种均存在明显差异。  相似文献   

正2019年4月13日下午,在浙江省宁波市杭州湾新区靠近三北浅滩的内塘(121°16′05″E,30°23′07″N,海拔约10 m)发现在小群活动的红颈滨鹬(Calidris ruficollis)和环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)中混有2只小型鸻(图1),这2只鸻的体型较红颈滨鹬和环颈鸻略大,体色似金眶鸻(C.dubius),但无金黄色眼圈,喙较短粗且具黑黄二色,黑色额斑上无白色细纹,经辨认为繁殖羽的剑鸻(C.hiaticula)。经查阅相关文献(诸葛阳1990,Chen etal.2012,郑光美2017),未见浙江省内有该鸟种分布报道,确认此次发现的剑鸻为浙江省鸟类分布新记  相似文献   

<正>2012年9月8日,作者在云南省红河州开远市三角海水库(23°35'27.61"N,103°18'16.09"E,海拔1300m)进行鸟类调查时,于湖边一个近乎干涸的鱼塘发现一只蒙古沙鸻Charadrius mongolus,并拍摄到照片。该鸟在鱼塘滩涂中觅食,旁边还有5只青脚滨鹬Calidris temminckii活动。经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美等,2011)、《中国动物志鸟纲第五卷鹤形目鸻形目鸥形目》(王岐山等,2006)、《中国鸟类野外手册》(马敬能等,2000)、《云南鸟类志(上卷)》(杨岚等,  相似文献   

2012—2015年在福建闽江河口湿地采用直接计数法开展了48次水禽调查,共记录水禽175 325只次,隶属7目14科91种。群落主要组成物种包括斑嘴鸭Anas poecilorhyncha、黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina、三趾滨鹬Calidris alba、环颈鸻Charadrius alexandrinus和铁嘴沙鸻Charadrius leschenaultii等11种,常见种15种,偶见种31种。研究区域11月至翌年2月为越冬期,水禽数量最多,3—6月为春季迁徙期,水禽数量下降,4—9月为夏候鸟栖息期和繁殖期,7—9月部分候鸟和旅鸟开始迁徙过境,数量先升后降,10—11月冬候鸟快速增加,7—11月为秋季迁徙期。  相似文献   

金门浯江溪口鸟类的多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在福建省金门岛西岸的滨海滩地浯江溪口进行了为期2年的调查,采用每月2次的定点调查,获得鸟类30科105种的记录,2000年为27科89种5514只;2001年为28科84种9079只,两年种类和数量起伏月变动曲线都有2个高峰,一是在春季,另一是在秋季,虽两年高峰点有前后之差,但曲线的模式,基本上是一致的,滩地的冬候鸟和旅鸟最为显著,优势种包括普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo),环颈Xing(Charadrius alexandrinus),白腰杓鹬(Numenius arquata),中杓鹬(Numenius phaeopus),翻石鹬(Arenaria interpres),黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)等,物种多样性指数均以春季最高,秋季次之,夏季最为贫瘠。  相似文献   

澳门鸟类资源调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1989~2009年在澳门山林和沿海滩涂湿地对鸟类进行了调查和记录,共记录鸟类297种,加上文献中记录的3种,整理出澳门鸟类名录共300种,隶属17目56科.其中非雀形目有30科160种,占澳门鸟类总种数的53.33%;雀形目有26科140种,占澳门鸟类种数46.67%.就数量来看,澳门鸟类中的优势种有9种,常见种44种,偶见种96种,稀有种则有151种.白腹海雕Haliaeetus leucogaster属于国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生鸟类.属于国家Ⅱ级重点保护的鸟类有33种.澳门鸟类属于<濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约,2007>公约附录Ⅰ的有游隼Falco peregrinus peregrinus、小青脚鹬Tringa guttifer和小杓鹬Numenius minutus 3种,属于公约附录Ⅱ的有29种.勺嘴鹬Eurynorhynchus pygmeus被世界自然保护联盟(2009)列入极危(CR)鸟类,黑脸琵鹭Platalea minor和小青脚鹬被列入濒危(EN)鸟类.易危(VU)鸟类有4种,近危(NT)鸟类有5种.本文成果可为今后长期监测和保护澳门鸟类资源提供依据.  相似文献   

采用PCR直接测序方法首次对Hang形目(Charadriiformes)12种鸟类:蒙古沙Hang(Charadrius mongolus)、环颈Hang(Charadrius alexandrinus)、大杓鹬(Numenius madagascariensis)、白腰杓鹬(Numenius arquata)、中杓鹬(Numenius phaeo-pus)、红脚鹬(Trina totanus)、林鹬(Trina alareola)、翘嘴鹬(Xenus cineres)、翻石鹬(Arenaria interpres)、大滨鹬(Calidris teruarostris)、反嘴鹬(Recurvirostra avosetts)和砺鹬(Haematopus ostralensis)线粒体cyt b基因全序列进行测定,并以白鹳(Ciconia ciconia)的同序列作为外群杓建系统发生树。经比对,Hang形目12种鸟类线粒体cyt b基因全序列均包括1143bp,序列间未见有插入和缺失,共有381个变异位点,种间序列差异值为5.16%—16.01%。重建的系统树将Hang形目12种鸟类分为2个支系:第1支系包括红脚鹬、林鹬、翻石鹬、大滨鹬、翘嘴鹬、中杓鹬、大杓鹬和白腰杓鹬,其中红脚鹬、林鹬、翻石鹬、大滨鹬、翘嘴鹬聚为一支,中杓鹬、大杓鹬和白腰杓鹬聚为另一支;第2支系包括蒙古沙Hang、环颈Hang、反嘴鹬和硕鹬,其中反嘴鹬与砺鹬互为姐妹群,然后再与Hang属的两个种蒙古沙Jamg和环Hang组成的姐妹群构成并系群。分子证据提示:第1支系中各属问及种间的系统关系与形态学研究结果相吻合;第2支系中的反嘴鹬与Hang鹬之间的亲缘关系较近,两者聚为姐妹群,提示将这两个类群合并为一个亚科——反嘴葫亚科更为合理,与码亚科共同组成Hang科,与核型研究结果和Sibley在新分类体系中将码科分为反嘴鹬亚科和Hang亚科、反嘴鹬族和砺鹬族属于反嘴鹬亚科的观点相一致。  相似文献   

崇明东滩人工湿地春季水鸟群落结构及其生境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崇明东滩处于独特的地理位置,拥有辽阔的滩涂和丰富的湿地资源,是亚太地区候鸟迁徙路线上的重要驿站。然而崇明东滩也是上海促淤圈围重点区域之一,且围垦后滩涂用作多种农业、工业发展,导致当地植物群落和滩涂湿地结构的改变,从而直接造成了鸟类生物多样性的明显下降,因此东滩湿地保护人员采取了修复和优化的治理措施,但治理同时也将自然滩涂改造成人工湿地。本研究将改造后自然滩涂作为研究不同类型人工湿地的水鸟群落结构及其生境关系的研究区域,并把研究区域分为4种不同类型人工湿地,捕鱼港优化区即一期工程(已修复)、鸟类栖息地优化区即二期工程(修复中)、人工鱼蟹塘、耀全农场。本研究目的在于分析这4种不同类型人工湿地中鸟类群落特征并寻找影响鸟类对生境利用的主要因子,同时考虑修复优化工程的保育功能,对不同管理模式下的人工湿地进行研究,从而对湿地改造提出科学的建议。由于前期大量研究表明春季鸟类数量和种类较丰富,能够较好地反映崇明东滩湿地生态现状。因此从2013年3月下旬至5月上旬在大潮期和小潮期分别对上述4种不同类型人工湿地进行了鸟类及其生境因子调查。此次鸟类调查采用样点法,共统计到水鸟2357只,隶属于6目11科45种,其中斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、红骨顶(Gallinula chloropus)、金眶鸻(Charadrius dubius)、环颈鸻(C.alexandrinus)、牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)、鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)、林鹬(T.glareola)等25种鸟为优势种。非参数检验分析表明,春季这4类人工湿地水鸟种类、密度、多样性均有显著性差异,一期工程内水鸟的种类、密度、多样性指数、均匀度指数都为最大。对生境因子与鸟类群落特征进行相关分析,根据非参数检验的结果得出裸露浅滩面积、水域面积、生境小岛个数是影响水鸟分布的关键因子,为此对鸟类栖息地优化区的修复及其完善提出科学建议。  相似文献   

于2006年至2009年间对环青海湖鸻鹬类的群落特征和时空分布进行了资源调查,以期对青海湖保护管理提供科学依据。根据青海湖的地形、植被和水系分布以及水鸟聚集特点,环青海湖选择了15个调查地点,采用直接计数法进行了14次调查,并应用Shannon-wiener指数进行了多样性分析。共记录到鸻鹬类4科28种。数量上红脚鹬(Tringa totanus)、环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)和黑尾塍鹬(Limosa limosa)是当地的主要物种,分别占鸻鹬类调查总数的33.3%、22.0%和16.2%。分布上环颈鸻最为广泛,在各调查地点均有发现,其次为红脚鹬、黑尾塍鹬和青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii),分布地点达10处以上。黑马河和布哈河口多样性较高,这与其适宜的河漫滩和沼泽等栖息环境以及丰富的食物有关。季节上8~10月多样性较高,其次是4~5月。青海湖鸻鹬类的数量高峰依次为10月、8月和5月,物种数高峰为8月和4月,并且秋季物种数高于春季。主要物种红脚鹬和环颈鸻的迁徙动态较为一致,均是8月份达到全年数量最高值,次高峰为5月和10月;黑尾塍鹬的数量在10月份达到全年最高峰。青海湖鸻鹬类迁徙时间与渤海湾较为一致,这可能与历史上长期形成的迁徙模式有关。鄱阳湖和洞庭湖的鸻鹬类主要物种与青海湖比较接近,但数量远远多于青海湖。近年来,游客和游船等人为活动的增加导致青海湖产生局部污染,因此应重视环青海湖生态环境的保护管理,减少对鸻鹬类等水鸟栖息地的人为干扰。  相似文献   

2004年春季, 笔者与学生在河北省海兴县东部沿海湿地 (东经 117°30′, 北纬 38°09′) 进行鸟类环志时, 于 5 月 7 日晚 22 时, 在网位高 0 8 m处捕获一只成年雌性草华南亚种 ( Tyto capensischinensis), 同时捕获的还有环颈华东亚种( Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus ) 和泽鹬(Tringa stagnatilis)。由于草体质较弱而未环志放飞, 8日带回沧州市野生动物救护中心, 并对其进行体检, 体检时发现其口腔已严重感染, 从口腔中取出27条线虫, 5月 11 日夜间突然死亡, 经解剖又在其体腔内发现2条线虫、胃内3条线虫、十二指肠…  相似文献   

Ge Z M  Wang T H  Zhou X  Shi W Y 《农业工程》2006,26(1):40-47
Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpusmariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpus×mariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

Darrel C. H Plowes 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):123-138
Kalejta, B. 1993. Diets of shorebirds at the Berg River estuary, South Africa: spatial and temporal variation. Ostrich 64: 123–133.

The diets of three common migrant waders; Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea. Grey Plover Pluvialis-squatarola and Greenshank Tringa nebularia and three resident species, Blacksmith Vanellus armatus, Kittlitz's Charadrius pecuarius and Whitefronted Plovers C. marginatus, were studied at the Berg River estuary, South Africa from December 1987 to April 1989. Direct observations of feeding were combined with analyses of stomach contents, pellets and droppings. Nereid worms, Ceratonereis erythraeensis and C. keiskama, were the principal food of all species studied except Greenshanks, which fed mostly on crabs, Hymenosoma orbiculare. Despite considerable overlap in the diets of all bird species, there were differences in the size classes of nereids taken by different bird species. Visually-foraging plovers (Charadriidae) were highly selective, feeding on the largest nereids regardless of their abundance. Tactile foragers, represented by Curlew Sandpipers, were non-selective, and consumed different size-classes of worms in proportion to their abundance in the substratum. Seasonal variations in the diet of waders are linked to seasonal changes in the availability of prey species.  相似文献   

Populations of many shorebird species appear to be declining in North America, and food resources at stopover habitats may limit migratory bird populations. We investigated body condition of, and foraging habitat and diet selection by 4 species of shorebirds in the central Illinois River valley during fall migrations 2007 and 2008 (Killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla], Pectoral Sandpiper [Calidris melanotos], and Lesser Yellowlegs [Tringa flavipes]). All species except Killdeer were in good to excellent condition, based on size-corrected body mass and fat scores. Shorebird diets were dominated by invertebrate taxa from Orders Diptera and Coleoptera. Additionally, Isopoda, Hemiptera, Hirudinea, Nematoda, and Cyprinodontiformes contribution to diets varied by shorebird species and year. We evaluated diet and foraging habitat selection by comparing aggregate percent dry mass of food items in shorebird diets and core samples from foraging substrates. Invertebrate abundances at shorebird collection sites and random sites were generally similar, indicating that birds did not select foraging patches within wetlands based on invertebrate abundance. Conversely, we found considerable evidence for selection of some diet items within particular foraging sites, and consistent avoidance of Oligochaeta. We suspect the diet selectivity we observed was a function of overall invertebrate biomass (51.2±4.4 [SE] kg/ha; dry mass) at our study sites, which was greater than estimates reported in most other food selection studies. Diet selectivity in shorebirds may follow tenants of optimal foraging theory; that is, at low food abundances shorebirds forage opportunistically, with the likelihood of selectivity increasing as food availability increases. Nonetheless, relationships between the abundance, availability, and consumption of Oligochaetes for and by waterbirds should be the focus of future research, because estimates of foraging carrying capacity would need to be revised downward if Oligochaetes are truly avoided or unavailable for consumption.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between the habitat use of migratory shorebirds and the spatial distributions of the Southwestern Atlantic Fiddler Crab Uca uruguayensis , polychaetes, sediment characteristics and tidal levels in the Río de La Plata estuary, Argentina, where U. uruguayensis is one of the most important intertidal species. Crabs have a well-defined patchy distribution that is segregated spatially from that of polychaetes. Crab density on the surface varied across the tidal cycle, reaching maximum values during low tide. Polychaete density decreased with depth but showed no change through the tidal cycle; however, given that sediment penetrability did change during the same period, their availability to probing shorebirds is expected to change. Habitat use by shorebirds followed the spatial distribution of prey; shorebirds that foraged on polychaetes (White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis , Two-banded Plover Charadrius falklandicus and Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica ) focused their attention on the areas with the highest densities of polychaetes, whereas species that preyed mostly on crabs (Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres , Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus and Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola ) predominantly used areas with crabs. This segregation occurred particularly during low tide, a period in which polychaetes became fully available. Results show that the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of mudflats in relation to the types and availability of prey has a strong effect on shorebird habitat use.  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)盐沼湿地是黄渤海地区河口区域的重要湿地类型, 是水鸟迁徙停歇期的重要栖息地。本研究以辽河口国家级自然保护区为研究地点, 通过对盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地和相邻泥质滩涂两个固定样区连续三年的水鸟组成调查和行为观察, 分析盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地在鸻鹬类多样性维持和栖息地利用中的作用。共记录到鸻鹬类水鸟28种6,348只次, 其中盐地碱蓬湿地记录到4科13种, 泥质滩涂记录到4科27种, 泥质滩涂的物种多样性显著高于盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地。此外, 盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地与相邻的泥质滩涂的鸻鹬类鸟类群落组成存在较大差异, 盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地的鸟类群落组成以体型较大的大杓鹬(Numenius madagascariensis)、白腰杓鹬(N. arquata)、灰鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)等为主, 而泥质滩涂以环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)等小型鸻鹬类为主, 这说明两种生境在鸟类多样性维持中具有不同的功能。行为分析发现, 泥质滩涂中栖息鸟类的主要行为为取食(58.71%-93.26%), 而盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地鸟类的行为既包括较大比例的取食, 也包括休息, 特别是在春季迁徙期。这进一步说明, 两种生境在水鸟的栖息地利用中具有一定的生态功能差异。尽管盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地记录到的鸟类物种数和数量均低于泥质滩涂, 但是, 两种生境中存在较大比例的共同分布物种, 这说明其生态功能具有较强的生态互补性, 二者作为一种独特的湿地景观组合, 在鸻鹬类迁徙停歇期的栖息地利用和物种多样性维持中发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

Capsule Negative forest edge effects were detected for Willow Ptarmigan (Red Grouse) Lagopus lagopus and Dunlin Calidris alpina.

Aims To investigate the effects of distance to forest on the abundance and changes in abundance of four key peatland breeding bird species, and to measure changes in predatory bird numbers, in the peatlands of northern Scotland.

Methods Bird surveys were carried out in 2000 at 34 plots, covering 197 km2 of peatland, and 80 forestry point‐count sites, first surveyed in 1988. Habitat data were also collected in 2000. We used multi‐model inference to investigate the associations between forest distance and other habitat variables, and the abundance, and changes in abundance, of four bird species of economic or conservation importance: Red Grouse, European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, Dunlin and Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia.

Results There was strong evidence that distance to forest was negatively associated with Dunlin abundance and changes in Red Grouse abundance, but only weak evidence for negative associations with Golden Plover abundance and changes in Dunlin abundance. There was no evidence of a forest distance effect on Greenshank. Among predatory birds, there were no significant increases either on peatland plots or in new forestry plantations.

Conclusions This study provides evidence that, for a given habitat quality, Dunlin densities are lower, and Red Grouse declines more likely, near to forest edges, but weak evidence only that Dunlin declines are more likely, and Golden Plover abundance lower, near to forests. These results suggest that for at least two key peatland breeding birds, forest removal is likely to benefit birds breeding on adjacent unafforested peatland.  相似文献   

张斌  袁晓  裴恩乐  牛俊英  衡楠楠  王天厚 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4599-4608
近年来长江口滩涂湿地高强度的促淤围垦对生物多样性保育造成了严重影响。本研究于2006至2010年在南汇东滩进行了水鸟调查,研究围垦后堤内环境的快速演替过程对水鸟的群落结构的影响。通过分析鸻鹬类、雁鸭类和鹭类三类主要水鸟类群,结果表明鸻鹬类的总数呈严重下降趋势(ANOVA, p=0.009),而雁鸭类和鹭类总数在上升(ANOVA,p=0.015;p=0.00);在种类数量方面,鸻鹬类和雁鸭类差异不显著(ANOVA,p=0.597;p=0.523),鹭类种类数变化极显著(ANOVA ,p=0.00)。同时,通过对水鸟的栖息地选择因子偏好的分析, 发现滩涂减少是鸻鹬类减少的主要因素,而大型鱼塘和芦苇增加是雁鸭类和鹭类增加的重要原因。为此我们提出相应海岸带湿地管理建议。  相似文献   

Tomkovich, P.S. & Soloviev, M.Yu. 1994. Site fidelity in High Arctic breeding waders. Ostrich 65:174-180.

The return rate and fluctuations in density between years were determined for colour-marked populations of Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola. Little Stint Calidris minuta, Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea, Sanderling C. alba and Knot C. canutus in a study in the Knipovich Bay area, northern Taimyr, Central Siberia (76°05'N. 98°32'E) during three breeding seasons, June 1990 to August 1992. No birds marked as chick were recorded as returning to the study area. Females of all species exhibited low site fidelity. The return rate of males varied between species. No marked male Curlew Sandpiper or Little Stint were recorded in the season following the marking, which is compatible with the nomadic behaviour of these two species. In contrast, males of Grey Plover and Knot were site faithful and had return rates of 78% and 8% respectively (though the latter value may have been underestimated). Site fidelity of Sanderling males lay between these extremes (the return rate was 20%). The variability of bud breeding density in the stud area was negatively correlated with return rate and reached the largest value in Little Stint (a factor 07 18.0 between the lowest and highest densities) and Curlew Sandpiper (factors of 4,4 for males and 5,7 for females), being intermediate in Sanderling (2,5) and the smallest in males of Grey Plover (1,Z) and Knot(1,4).

In the late and cold season of 1992, bird densities were smallest in all ses and the largest proportion of site faithful, but unmated, males of Grey Plover and Knot were recorded. Species with highly opportunistic and comparatively conservative territorial connections can be recognise among Siberian High Arctic waders. All species appear to show some degree of opportunism, which is probably dictated by a number of factors of which climate is the most important.  相似文献   

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