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DELLAs contribute to plant photomorphogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

《Molecular cell》2023,83(13):2316-2331.e7
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Markus Nixdorf  Ute Hoecker 《Planta》2010,231(4):825-833
The COP1/SPA complex and DET1 function to suppress photomorphogenesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings. Additionally, they inhibit flowering under non-inductive short-day conditions. The COP1/SPA complex and DET1, as part of the CDD complex, represent distinct high-molecular-weight complexes in Arabidopsis. Here, we provide genetic evidence that these complexes co-act in regulating plant development. We report the isolation of a spa1 enhancer mutation that represents a novel, very weak allele of det1. This det1 esp1 mutation caused no detectable mutant phenotype in the presence of wild-type SPA1, but showed strongly synergistic genetic interaction with the spa1 mutation in the control of seedling photomorphogenesis, anthocyanin accumulation, plant size as well as flowering time. On the biochemical level, the det1 esp1 spa1 double mutant showed higher HY5 protein levels than either single mutant or the wild type. The genetic interaction of spa1 and det1 mutations was further confirmed in the spa1 det1-1 double mutant which carries a strong allele of det1. Taken together, these results show that SPA1 and DET1 act together to control photomorphogenesis throughout plant development. Hence, this suggests that COP1/SPA complexes and the CDD complex co-act in controlling the protein stability of COP1/SPA target proteins.  相似文献   

Identified in Arabidopsis as a repressor of light-regulated development, the COP1 (constitutively photomorphogenic 1) protein is characterized by a RING-finger motif and a WD40 repeat domain [1]. The subcellular localization of COP1 is light-dependent. COP1 acts within the nucleus to repress photomorphogenic development, but light inactivates COP1 and diminishes its nuclear abundance [2]. Here, we report the identification of a mammalian COP1 homologue that contains all the structural features present in Arabidopsis COP1 (AtCOP1). When expressed in plant cells, a fusion protein comprising mammalian COP1 and beta-glucuronidase (GUS) responded to light by changing its subcellular localization pattern in a manner similar to AtCOP1. Whereas the mammalian COP1 was unable to rescue the defects of Arabidopsis cop1 mutants, expression of the amino-terminal half of mammalian COP1 in Arabidopsis interfered with endogenous COP1 function, resulting in a hyperphotomorphogenic phenotype. Therefore, the regulatory modules in COP1 proteins that are responsible for the signal-dependent subcellular localization are functionally conserved between higher plants and mammals, suggesting that mammalian COP1 may share a common mode of action with its plant counterpart in regulating development and cellular signaling.  相似文献   

Phytochrome and a blue light receptor mediate a developmental switch from etiolated growth to the photosynthetically competent 'de-etiolated' program. The analysis of Arabidopsis mutants deficient in photomorphogenetic responses (e.g. hy, blu) has identified several elements that mediate the red/far-red and blue light responses. Mutants that appear de-etiolated in the absence of light (e.g. det1, det2, cop1) implicate negatively-acting elements that integrate red and blue light signals. Phenocopy of the de-etiolated mutants by cytokinin implicates a role for this hormone in promoting seedling photomorphogenesis. Epistasis analyses support a pathway in which DET1 and DET2 are downstream effectors of phytochrome function.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) SALT TOLERANCE/B-BOX ZINC FINGER PROTEIN24 (STO/BBX24) is a negative regulator of the light signal transduction that localizes to the nucleus of plant cells and interacts with CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) in the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid system. The protein contains two B-box zinc-finger motives at the N terminus and a conserved motif at the C-terminal part required for the interaction with COP1. BBX24 accumulates during deetiolation of young seedlings in the first hours of exposure to light. However, this accumulation is transient and decreases after prolonged light irradiation. Here, we identified the amino acidic residues necessary for the nuclear import of the protein. In addition, we created mutated forms of the protein, and analyzed them by overexpression in the bbx24-1 mutant background. Our results indicate that the degradation of BBX24 occurs, or at least is initiated in the nucleus, and this nuclear localization is a prerequisite to fulfill its function in light signaling. Moreover, mutations in the region responsible for the interaction with COP1 revealed that a physical interaction of the proteins is also required for degradation of BBX24 in the light and for normal photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

Using a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter-COP1 fusion transgene, it was shown previously that Arabidopsis COP1 acts within the nucleus as a repressor of seedling photomorphogenic development and that high inactivation of COP1 was accompanied by a reduction of COP1 nuclear abundance (A.G. von Arnim, X.-W. Deng [1994] Cell 79: 1035-1045). Here we report that the GUS-COP1 fusion transgene can completely rescue the defect of cop1 mutations and thus is fully functional during seedling development. The kinetics of GUS-COP1 relocalization in a cop1 null mutant background during dark/light transitions imply that the regulation of the functional nuclear COP1 level plays a role in stably maintaining a committed seedling's developmental fate rather than in causing such a commitment. Analysis of GUS-COP1 cellular localization in mutant hypocotyls of all pleiotropic COP/DET/FUS loci revealed that nuclear localization of GUS-COP1 was diminished under both dark and light conditions in all mutants tested, whereas nuclear localization was not affected in the less pleiotropic cop4 mutant. Using both the brassinosteroid-deficient mutant det2 and brassinosteroid treatment of wild-type seedlings, we have demonstrated that brassinosteroid does not control the hypocotyl cell elongation through regulation nuclear localization of COP1. The growth regulator cytokinin, which also dramatically reduced hypocotyl cell elongation in the absence of light, did not prevent GUS-COP1 nuclear localization in dark-grown seedlings. Our results suggest that all of the previously characterized pleiotropic COP/DET/FUS loci are required for the proper nuclear localization of the COP1 protein in the dark, whereas the less pleiotropic COP/DET loci or plant regulators tested are likely to act either downstream of COP1 or by independent pathways.  相似文献   

Light responses mediated by the photoreceptors play crucial roles in regulating different aspects of plant growth and development. An E3 ubiquitin ligase complex CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1)1/SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA (SPA), one of the central repressors of photomorphogenesis, is critical for maintaining skotomorphogenesis. It targets several positive regulators of photomorphogenesis for degradation in darkness. Recently, we revealed that basic helix‐loop‐helix factors, HECATEs (HECs), function as positive regulators of photomorphogenesis by directly interacting and antagonizing the activity of another group of repressors called PHYTOCHROME‐INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs). It was also shown that HECs are partially degraded in the dark through the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway. However, the underlying mechanism of HEC degradation in the dark is still unclear. Here, we show that HECs also interact with both COP1 and SPA proteins in darkness, and that HEC2 is directly targeted by COP1 for degradation via the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway. Moreover, COP1‐mediated polyubiquitylation and degradation of HEC2 are enhanced by PIF1. Therefore, the ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of HECs are significantly reduced in both cop1 and pif mutants. Consistent with this, the hec mutants partially suppress photomorphogenic phenotypes of both cop1 and pifQ mutants. Collectively, our work reveals that the COP1/SPA‐mediated ubiquitylation and degradation of HECs contributes to the coordination of skoto/photomorphogenic development in plants.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) portion of the solar radiation functions as an environmental signal for which plants have evolved specific and sensitive UV‐B perception systems. The UV‐B‐specific UV RESPONSE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) and the multifunctional E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) are key regulators of the UV‐B response. We show here that uvr8‐null mutants are deficient in UV‐B‐induced photomorphogenesis and hypersensitive to UV‐B stress, whereas overexpression of UVR8 results in enhanced UV‐B photomorphogenesis, acclimation and tolerance to UV‐B stress. By using sun simulators, we provide evidence at the physiological level that UV‐B acclimation mediated by the UV‐B‐specific photoregulatory pathway is indeed required for survival in sunlight. At the molecular level, we demonstrate that the wild type but not the mutant UVR8 and COP1 proteins directly interact in a UV‐B‐dependent, rapid manner in planta. These data collectively suggest that UV‐B‐specific interaction of COP1 and UVR8 in the nucleus is a very early step in signalling and responsible for the plant's coordinated response to UV‐B ensuring UV‐B acclimation and protection in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis seedlings are genetically endowed with the capability to follow two distinct developmental programs: photomorphogenesis in the light and skotomorphogenesis in darkness. The regulatory protein CONSTITUTIVE PHOTO-MORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) has been postulated to act as a repressor of photomorphogenesis in the dark because loss-of-function mutations of COP1 result in dark-grown seedlings phenocopying the light-grown wild-type seedlings. In this study, we tested this working model by overexpressing COP1 in the plant and examining its inhibitory effects on photomorphogenic development. Stable transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing COP1 were generated through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Overexpression was achieved using either the strong cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter or additional copies of the wild-type gene. Analysis of these transgenic lines demonstrated that higher levels of COP1 can inhibit aspects of photomorphogenic seedling development mediated by either phytochromes or a blue light receptor, and the extent of inhibition correlated quantitatively with the vivo COP1 levels. This result provides direct evidence that COP1 acts as a molecular repressor of photomorphogenic development and that multiple photoreceptors can independently mediate the light inactivation of COP1. It also suggests that a controlled inactivation of COP1 may provide a basis for the ability of plants to respond quantitatively to changing light signals, such as fluence rate and photoperiod.  相似文献   

The COP9 signalosome (CSN) plays important roles in multifaceted cellular processes. Study has shown that inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6 kinase (5/6 kinase) interacts with CSN in mammalian cells. However, the biological function of the interaction still remains unknown. Here, we report that the Arabidopsis inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6 kinase (AtItpk-1) is also associated with CSN and involved in photomorphogenesis under red light (RL) conditions, as demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation of AtItpk-1 with CSN and characterization of the atitpk-1 mutants. Expression analysis showed that AtItpk-1 had the same sub-cellular localization and organ expression pattern as CSN. Furthermore, autophosphorylation analysis showed that AtItpk-1 has protein kinase activity. Under RL, the atitpk-1 mutants exhibited phenotype slightly similar with that of the csn mutants, indicating that 5/6 kinase might be involved in the same developmental pathway as CSN. This study suggests that AtItpk-1 may function as a protein kinase that is involved in photomorphogenesis possibly via interaction with COP9 signalosome under red light.  相似文献   

SnoN is an important negative regulator of transforming growth factor beta signaling through its ability to interact with and repress the activity of Smad proteins. It was originally identified as an oncoprotein based on its ability to induce anchorage-independent growth in chicken embryo fibroblasts. However, the roles of SnoN in mammalian epithelial carcinogenesis have not been well defined. Here we show for the first time that SnoN plays an important but complex role in human cancer. SnoN expression is highly elevated in many human cancer cell lines, and this high level of SnoN promotes mitogenic transformation of breast and lung cancer cell lines in vitro and tumor growth in vivo, consistent with its proposed pro-oncogenic role. However, this high level of SnoN expression also inhibits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation. Breast and lung cancer cells expressing the shRNA for SnoN exhibited an increase in cell motility, actin stress fiber formation, metalloprotease activity, and extracellular matrix production as well as a reduction in adherens junction proteins. Supporting this observation, in an in vivo breast cancer metastasis model, reducing SnoN expression was found to moderately enhance metastasis of human breast cancer cells to bone and lung. Thus, SnoN plays both pro-tumorigenic and antitumorigenic roles at different stages of mammalian malignant progression. The growth-promoting activity of SnoN appears to require its ability to bind to and repress the Smad proteins, while the antitumorigenic activity can be mediated by both Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways and requires the activity of small GTPase RhoA. Our study has established the importance of SnoN in mammalian epithelial carcinogenesis and revealed a novel aspect of SnoN function in malignant progression.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(16):2009-2025.e6
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