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Many cellular functions are directly or indirectly regulated by the free cytosolic calcium concentration. Thus, calcium levels must be very tightly regulated in time and space. Intracellular calcium ions are essential second messengers and play a role in many functions including, action potential generation, neurotransmitter and hormone release, muscle contraction, neurite outgrowth, synaptogenesis, calcium-dependent gene expression, synaptic plasticity and cell death. Calcium ions that control cell activity can be supplied to the cell cytosol from two major sources: the extracellular space or intracellular stores. Voltage-gated and ligand-gated channels are the primary way in which Ca2+ ions enter from the extracellular space. The sarcoplasm reticulum (SR) in muscle and the endoplasmic reticulum in non-muscle cells are the main intracellular Ca2+ stores: the ryanodine receptor (RyR) and inositol-triphosphate receptor channels are the major contributors of calcium release from internal stores. Mutations of genes encoding calcium have been implicated in the etiology of a diverse group of nerve and muscle diseases. These mutations have been identified in humans, mice and other organisms. In this review, we will summarize calcium channelopathies of humans and mice. Of the ten calcium channel α1 subunits cloned and sequenced (see ref. 1), disease-causing mutations have been found in CaV1.4 and CaV2.1 in the nervous system, and CaV1.1 and CaV1.2 in muscle. Mutations in calcium channel auxiliary subunits (α2δ, β and γ) have also been associated with both human and/or mouse neurological diseases. The disease-causing mutations may provide new insight into the cell biological roles of calcium channels as well as into relationships between structure and function. In addition, understanding how the mutations affect the physiology of the cell could lead to advances in disease treatment by relieving symptoms or slowing the progression of the disease. However, due to the multifaceted functions of calcium in the cell, the correlation between molecular mutation, physiological alterations and disease etiology is neither straightforward nor easily understood. Since calcium is an important intracellular signaling molecule, altered calcium channel function can give rise to widespread changes in cellular function. Indeed, serious diseases result from mutations that cause trivial alterations of calcium currents analyzed in vitro.  相似文献   

WNK kinases have rapidly emerged as important regulators of Na+ and K+ homoeostasis in the mammalian kidney where they regulate the trafficking of proteins such as the NaCl-cotransporter (NCCT) and K+ channel, ROMK. However, an increasing number of WNK effects are kinase-independent, including their interaction with ROMK, and involve instead protein-protein interactions. Outside of their kinase domain all WNKs contain a unique run of predominantly negatively charged amino acids dubbed the acidic motif, where the WNK4 disease mutations causing Gordon’s syndrome also cluster. To look further at the role of this motif we studied the effects of WNK4 fragments, including one with a deleted acidic motif (ΔAM) and a 10-mer acidic motif peptide on ROMK expression in Xenopus oocytes. We found that an N-terminal fragment of WNK4 (1-620 WNK4) containing the acidic motif retains full activity in inhibiting ROMK currents. However, ΔAM WNK4 is completely inactive and the effect of WNK4 or 1-620 WNK4 can be completely blocked by co-injection of the 10-mer acidic motif peptide. The blocking action of the peptide was sequence specific as a peptide with a randomised sequence was inactive. These results on ROMK currents were paralleled by changes in membrane expression of fluorescent EGFP-ROMK. Finally, we show that 1-620 WNK4 can pull down ROMK and this interaction can be blocked with the acidic motif peptide. These results confirm the important role of the acidic motif of WNK4 in its protein-protein interaction with the ROMK channel.  相似文献   

Mutations in parkin, a ubiquitin ligase, cause early-onset familial Parkinson''s disease (AR-JP). How parkin suppresses Parkinsonism remains unknown. Parkin was recently shown to promote the clearance of impaired mitochondria by autophagy, termed mitophagy. Here, we show that parkin promotes mitophagy by catalyzing mitochondrial ubiquitination, which in turn recruits ubiquitin-binding autophagic components, HDAC6 and p62, leading to mitochondrial clearance. During the process, juxtanuclear mitochondrial aggregates resembling a protein aggregate-induced aggresome are formed. The formation of these “mito-aggresome” structures requires microtubule motor-dependent transport and is essential for efficient mitophagy. Importantly, we show that AR-JP–causing parkin mutations are defective in supporting mitophagy due to distinct defects at recognition, transportation, or ubiquitination of impaired mitochondria, thereby implicating mitophagy defects in the development of Parkinsonism. Our results show that impaired mitochondria and protein aggregates are processed by common ubiquitin-selective autophagy machinery connected to the aggresomal pathway, thus identifying a mechanistic basis for the prevalence of these toxic entities in Parkinson''s disease.  相似文献   

Comparison of WNK4 and WNK1 kinase and inhibiting activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WNK kinases are novel serine/threonine protein kinases. Mutations in two members of the WNK family, WNK1 and WNK4, cause familial hyperkalemic hypertension. These kinases regulate ion transport across diverse epithelia; WNK4 reduces activity of the Na-Cl cotransporter activity and the potassium channel, ROMK, by reducing their appearance at the plasma membrane. We examined the kinase activity of WNK1 and WNK4 in vitro. A glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein of the WNK1 kinse domain phosphorylated itself and a substrate protein, as reported previously. A longer construct, containing the autoinhibitory domain, did not. A GST WNK4 kinase domain construct demonstrated no kinase activity, in vitro or in HEK 293 cells. WNK4 constructs that included a region homologous to the autoinhibitory domain of WNK1 inhibited WNK1 kinase activity. Inhibition by a short WNK4 segment, WNK4 (444-518), was greater than inhibition by WNK4 (444-563). Together, these results suggest that WNK4 must be activated by currently unknown factors to exhibit kinase activity and that WNK4 contains an inhibitory domain that can inhibit the kinase activity of WNK1.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed profound developmental consequences of mutations in genes encoding proteins of the lectin pathway of complement activation, a central component of the innate immune system. Apart from impairment of immunity against microorganisms, it is known that hereditary deficiencies of this system predispose one to autoimmune conditions. Polymorphisms in complement genes are linked to, for example, atypical hemolytic uremia and age-dependent macular degeneration. The complement system comprises three convergent pathways of activation: the classical, the alternative, and the lectin pathway. The recently discovered lectin pathway is less studied, but polymorphisms in the plasma pattern-recognition molecule mannan-binding lectin (MBL) are known to impact its level, and polymorphisms in the MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) result in defects of complement activation. Recent studies have described roles outside complement and immunity of another MBL-associated serine protease, MASP-3, in the etiology of 3MC syndrome, an autosomal-recessive disorder involving a spectrum of developmental features, including characteristic facial dysmorphism. Syndrome-causing mutations were identified in MASP1, encoding MASP-3 and two additional proteins, MASP-1 and MAp44. Furthermore, an association was discovered between 3MC syndrome and mutations in COLEC11, encoding CL-K1, another molecule of the lectin pathway. The findings were confirmed in zebrafish, indicating that MASP-3 and CL-K1 underlie an evolutionarily conserved pathway of embryonic development. Along with the discovery of a role of C1q in pruning synapses in mice, these recent advances point toward a broader role of complement in development. Here, we compare the functional immunologic consequences of “conventional” complement deficiencies with these newly described developmental roles.  相似文献   

Interaction between the acidic motif (AM) of protein kinase WNK4 and the Kelch domain of KLHL3 are involved in the pathogenesis of pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, a hereditary form of hypertension. This interaction is disrupted by some disease‐causing mutations in either WNK4 or KLHL3, or by angiotensin II‐ and insulin‐induced phosphorylation of KLHL3 at serine 433, which is also a site frequently mutated in patients. However, the mechanism by which this phosphorylation disrupts the interaction is unclear. In this study, we approached this problem using molecular dynamics simulation with structural, dynamical and energetic analyses. Results from independent simulations indicate that when S433 was phosphorylated, the electrostatic potential became more negative in the AM binding site of KLHL3 and therefore was unfavorable for binding with the negatively charged AM. In addition, the intermolecular hydrogen bond network that kept the AM stable in the binding site of KLHL3 was disrupted, and the forces for the hydrophobic interactions between the AM of WNK4 and KLHL3 were also reduced. As a result, the weakened interactions were no longer capable of holding the AM of WNK4 at its binding site in KLHL3. In conclusion, phosphorylation of KLHL3 at S433 disrupts the hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between the Kelch domain of KLHL3 and the AM of WNK4. This study provides a key molecular understanding of the KLHL3‐mediated regulation of WNK4, which is an integrative regulator of electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure regulation in the kidney. Significances Statement: WNK4 is an integrative regulator of electrolyte homeostasis, which is important in the blood pressure regulation by the kidney. Interaction between WNK4 and KLHL3 is a key physiological process that is impaired in a hereditary form of hypertension. This study provides substantial new insights into the role of phosphorylation of KLHL3 in regulating the interaction with WNK4, and therefore advances our understanding of molecular pathogenesis of hypertension and the mechanism of blood pressure regulation.  相似文献   

Desmin, being a major intermediate filament of mature muscle cell, interacts with mitochondria within the cell and participates in mitochondria proper localization. The goal of the present study was to assess the effect of aggregate-prone and non-aggregate-prone desmin mutations on mitochondrial calcium uptake. Primary murine satellite cells were transduced with lentiviruses carrying desmin in wild type or mutant form, and were induced to differentiate into myotubes. Four mutations resulting in different degree of desmin aggregates formation were analyzed. Tail domain mutation Asp399Tyr has the mildest impact on desmin filament polymerization, rod domain mutation Ala357Pro causes formation of large aggregates composed of filamentous material, and Leu345Pro and Leu370Pro are considered to be the most severest in their impact on desmin polymerization and structure. For mitochondrial calcium measurement cells were loaded with rhod 2-AM. We found that aggregate-prone mutations significantly decreased [Ca2+]mit, whereas non-aggregate-prone mutations did not decrease [Ca2+]mit. Moreover aggregate-prone desmin mutations resulted in increased resting cytosolic [Ca2+]. However this increase was not accompanied by any alterations in sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release. We suggest that the observed decline in [Ca2+]mit was due to desmin aggregate accumulation resulting in the loss of desmin mitochondria interactions.  相似文献   

Humans lacking sclerostin display progressive bone overgrowth due to increased bone formation. Although it is well established that sclerostin is an osteocyte-secreted bone formation inhibitor, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully elucidated. We identified in tandem affinity purification proteomics screens LRP4 (low density lipoprotein-related protein 4) as a sclerostin interaction partner. Biochemical assays with recombinant proteins confirmed that sclerostin LRP4 interaction is direct. Interestingly, in vitro overexpression and RNAi-mediated knockdown experiments revealed that LRP4 specifically facilitates the previously described inhibitory action of sclerostin on Wnt1/β-catenin signaling. We found the extracellular β-propeller structured domain of LRP4 to be required for this sclerostin facilitator activity. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that LRP4 protein is present in human and rodent osteoblasts and osteocytes, both presumed target cells of sclerostin action. Silencing of LRP4 by lentivirus-mediated shRNA delivery blocked sclerostin inhibitory action on in vitro bone mineralization. Notably, we identified two mutations in LRP4 (R1170W and W1186S) in patients suffering from bone overgrowth. We found that these mutations impair LRP4 interaction with sclerostin and its concomitant sclerostin facilitator effect. Together these data indicate that the interaction of sclerostin with LRP4 is required to mediate the inhibitory function of sclerostin on bone formation, thus identifying a novel role for LRP4 in bone.  相似文献   

With-No-Lysine [K] 4 (WNK4) kinase regulates the surface expression of various ion transporters. Not only ion transporters but G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) can function properly when their expression level is appropriate at the plasma membrane. In this study, we examined the role of WNK4 kinase in the regulation of muscarinic receptor 3 (M3R) using physiological and biochemical experiments. Measurement of the pilocarpine-responsive [Ca2+]i change demonstrated that WNK4 kinase decreased the activity of M3R through its reduced surface expression. Kinase domain of WNK4 bound with the third intracellular region of M3R whereas its negative regulation was independent on the kinase activity. Comparable to wild-type WNK4, kinase-inactive WNK4D318A mutant also reduced the surface expression of M3R, whereas the kinase domain of WNK41-441 failed to reduce the surface expression of M3R. In accordance with surface biotinylation experiments, non-permeable immunostaining of M3R also showed that M3R surface expression is independent on the kinase activity of WNK4. Interestingly, comparison of the half life of total and surface M3R revealed that only the half life of total M3R, but not surface M3R was decreased by WNK4 kinase. Nevertheless, the rate of decrease in surface M3R always exceeded that of total M3R. Taken together, these results suggest that WNK4 kinase negatively regulates the anterograde trafficking of M3R through kinase-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have demonstrated functional interaction between Ste20-related proline-alanine-rich kinase (SPAK), WNK4 [with no lysine (K)], and the widely expressed Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter type 1 (NKCC1). NKCC1 function, which we measured in Xenopus laevis oocytes under both isosmotic (basal) and hyperosmotic (stimulated) conditions, was unaffected when SPAK and WNK4 were expressed alone. In contrast, expression of both kinases with NKCC1 resulted in a significant increase in cotransporter activity and an insensitivity to external osmolarity or cell volume. NKCC1 activation is dependent on the catalytic activity of SPAK and likely also of WNK4, because mutations in their catalytic domains result in an absence of cotransporter stimulation. The results of our yeast two-hybrid experiments suggest that WNK4 does not interact directly with NKCC1 but does interact with SPAK. Functional experiments demonstrated that the binding of SPAK to WNK4 was also required because a SPAK-interaction-deficient WNK4 mutant (Phe997Ala) did not increase NKCC1 activity. We also have shown that the transport function of K+-Cl cotransporter type 2 (KCC2), a neuron-specific KCl cotransporter, was diminished by the expression of both kinases under both isosmotic and hyposmotic conditions. Our data are consistent with WNK4 interacting with SPAK, which in turn phosphorylates and activates NKCC1 and phosphorylates and deactivates KCC2. bumetanide; Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter; K+-Cl cotransporter; Xenopus oocytes  相似文献   

By analysing the pathogenesis of a hereditary hypertensive disease, PHAII (pseudohypoaldosteronism type II), we previously discovered that WNK (with-no-lysine kinase)–OSR1/SPAK (oxidative stress-responsive 1/Ste20-like proline/alanine-rich kinase) cascade regulates NCC (Na–Cl co-transporter) in the DCT (distal convoluted tubules) of the kidney. However, the role of WNK4 in the regulation of NCC remains controversial. To address this, we generated and analysed WNK4−/− mice. Although a moderate decrease in SPAK phosphorylation and a marked increase in WNK1 expression were evident in the kidneys of WNK4−/− mice, the amount of phosphorylated and total NCC decreased to almost undetectable levels, indicating that WNK4 is the major WNK positively regulating NCC, and that WNK1 cannot compensate for WNK4 deficiency in the DCT. Insulin- and low-potassium diet-induced NCC phosphorylation were abolished in WNK4−/− mice, establishing that both signals to NCC were mediated by WNK4. As shown previously, a high-salt diet decreases phosphorylated and total NCC in WNK4+/+ mice via AngII (angiotensin II) and aldosterone suppression. This was not ameliorated by WNK4 knock out, excluding the negative regulation of WNK4 on NCC postulated to be active in the absence of AngII stimulation. Thus, WNK4 is the major positive regulator of NCC in the kidneys.  相似文献   

The murine fatty acid transport protein (FATP) facilitates uptake of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) when expressed in mammalian cells. FATP's sequence contains a highly conserved motif, IYTSGTTGXPK, also found in a number of proteins known to interact with ATP. To explore the role of this motif, we independently mutated the central serine (serine 250) and threonine (threonine 252) residues in this motif and assessed the effects of these mutations on FATP function. When expressed in fibroblasts, the FATP mutants demonstrated impaired LCFA import and impaired binding of [alpha-32P]8-azido-ATP (azido-ATP) compared with wild-type FATP. These results suggest that serine 250 and threonine 252 are critical for FATP function and that the mechanism of action of FATP involves nucleotide binding which is dependent on these residues.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) gene cause retinal pathology. To understand the molecular basis of impaired CRALBP function, we have characterized human recombinant CRALBP containing the disease causing mutations R233W or M225K. Protein structures were verified by amino acid analysis and mass spectrometry, retinoid binding properties were evaluated by UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopy and substrate carrier functions were assayed for recombinant 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase (rRDH5). The M225K mutant was less soluble than the R233W mutant and lacked retinoid binding capability and substrate carrier function. In contrast, the R233W mutant exhibited solubility comparable to wild type rCRALBP and bound stoichiometric amounts of 11-cis- and 9-cis-retinal with at least 2-fold higher affinity than wild type rCRALBP. Holo-R233W significantly decreased the apparent affinity of rRDH5 for 11-cis-retinoid relative to wild type rCRALBP. Analyses by heteronuclear single quantum correlation NMR demonstrated that the R233W protein exhibits a different conformation than wild type rCRALBP, including a different retinoid-binding pocket conformation. The R233W mutant also undergoes less extensive structural changes upon photoisomerization of bound ligand, suggesting a more constrained structure than that of the wild type protein. Overall, the results show that the M225K mutation abolishes and the R233W mutation tightens retinoid binding and both impair CRALBP function in the visual cycle as an 11-cis-retinol acceptor and as a substrate carrier.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane of pancreatic islets contains a calcium sensitive phosphatidylinositol kinase. This enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in the pathway leading to the production of inositol trisphosphate, which is believed to cause a redistribution of intracellular calcium. Since the activity of this enzyme is inhibited by calcium (K0.5 = 10 microM), a loss of calcium from plasma membrane (the site of PI kinase) may be necessary for activation of the enzyme in vivo.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated that WNK4 is a substrate for KLHL3–Cullin3 (CUL3) E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes and that impaired WNK4 ubiquitination is a common mechanism for pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHAII) caused by WNK4, KLHL3, and CUL3 mutations. Among the various KLHL3 mutations that cause PHAII, we demonstrated that the R528H mutation in the Kelch domain decreased the binding to WNK4, thereby causing less ubiquitination and increased intracellular levels of WNK4. However, the pathogenic mechanisms of PHAII caused by other KLHL3 mutants remain to be determined. In this study, we examined the pathogenic effects of three PHAII-causing mutations in different KLHL3 domains; the protein levels of these mutants significantly differed when they were transiently expressed in HEK293T cells. In particular, S410L expression was low even with increased plasmid expression. The cycloheximide chase assay revealed that an S410L mutation in the Kelch domain significantly decreased the intracellular stability. Mutations in E85A in the BTB domain and C164F in the BACK domain decreased the binding to CUL3, and S410L as well as R528H demonstrated less binding to WNK4. In vitro and in vivo assays revealed that these mutants decreased the ubiquitination and increased the intracellular levels of WNK4 compared with wild-type KLHL3. Therefore, the KLHL3 mutants causing PHAII investigated in this study exhibited less ability to ubiquitinate WNK4 because of KLHL3’s low stability and/or decreased binding to CUL3 or WNK4.  相似文献   



Overexpression of the ERBB2 kinase is observed in about one-third of breast cancer patients and the dual ERBB1/ERBB2 kinase inhibitor lapatinib was recently approved for the treatment of advanced ERBB2-positive breast cancer. Mutations in the ERBB2 receptor have recently been reported in breast cancer at diagnosis and also in gastric, colorectal and lung cancer. These mutations may have an impact on the clinical responses achieved with lapatinib in breast cancer and may also have a potential impact on the use of lapatinib in other solid cancers. However, the sensitivity of lapatinib towards clinically observed ERBB2 mutations is not known.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We cloned a panel of 8 clinically observed ERBB2 mutations, established stable cell lines and characterized their sensitivity towards lapatinib and alternative ERBB2 inhibitors. Both lapatinib-sensitive and lapatinib-resistant ERBB2 mutations were observed. Interestingly, we were able to generate lapatinib resistance mutations in wt-ERBB2 cells incubated with lapatinib for prolonged periods of time. This indicates that these resistance mutations may also cause secondary resistance in lapatinib-treated patients. Lapatinib-resistant ERBB2 mutations were found to be highly resistant towards AEE788 treatment but remained sensitive towards the dual irreversible inhibitors CL-387785 and WZ-4002.


Patients harbouring certain ERBB2 kinase domain mutations at diagnosis may not benefit from lapatinib treatment. Moreover, secondary lapatinib resistance may develop due to kinase domain mutations. Irreversible ERBB2 inhibitors may offer alternative treatment options for breast cancer and other solid tumor patients harbouring lapatinib resistance mutations. In addition, these inhibitors may be of interest in the scenario of secondary lapatinib resistance.  相似文献   

In this communication, we report an in-depth structure-based analysis of the human CYP1b1 protein carrying disease-causing mutations that are discovered in patients suffering from primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). The "wild-type" and the PCG mutant structures of the human CYP1b1 protein obtained from comparative modeling were subjected to long molecular dynamics simulations with an intention of studying the possible impact of these mutations on the protein structure and hence its function. Analysis of time evolution as well as time averaged values of various structural properties--especially of those of the functionally important regions: the heme binding region, substrate binding region, and substrate access channel--gave some insights into the possible structural characteristics of the disease mutant and the wild-type forms of the protein. In a nutshell, compared to the wild-type the core regions in the mutant structures are associated with subtle but significant changes, and the functionally important regions seem to adopt such structures that are not conducive for the wild-type-like functionality.  相似文献   

Membranes from the buds of Pisum sativum L. contain a protein kinase which is activated 5- to 15-fold by micromolar levels of calcium. Best calcium activations were found with light-membrane fractions, and on density gradients these band at a similar position to the plasma membrane. Other heavier membranes, however, also contain a calcium-dependent protein kinase. The activity of the calcium-dependent protein kinase is inhibited by added phospholipids and phospholipase, in contrast to protein-kinase C. Calcium-dependent protein-kinase activity can be inhibited by 40% by low concentrations of the calmodulin inhibitor, trifluoperazine, but inhibitions are detected only after prior incubation of the membranes for some hours in ethylene glycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid. Substantial calcium-dependent protein-kinase activity remains uninhibited by trifluoperazine indicating that there may be calmodulin-dependent and calmodulin-independent, but calcium-activated, protein kinases in pea membranes. The calcium-activated protein kinase seems to be intrinsically bound to membranes and only slight or partial solubilisation is obtained by the detergents nonidet P-40, (3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethyl-ammonio]-1-propanesulfonate or octyl glucose. Better solubilisation is obtained by acetone treatment. There is some retention of calcium activation after partial solubilisation. A calcium-independent protein kinase has also been detected in membrane preparations; it has a substrate specificity different from that the calcium-dependent enzyme. Our results indicate, therefore, that there may be at least three protein kinases attached to pea shoot membranes.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - TFP trifluoperazine  相似文献   

Reperfusion of the heart 30 min. after ischemia causes slight recovery of contractility and content of macroergic compounds in the myocardium tissue. Recovery of perfusion by the hypercalcium medium (0.05 mol/l) improves metabolism of the myocardium 30 min after ischemia. However, further perfusion by solution with physiological content of Ca2+ is followed by the development of the myocardium contracture, essential decrease in extracellular concentration of ATP and phosphocreatine. An increase in the extracellular sodium concentration and addition of macroergic compounds (ATR, phosphocreatine) adenosine, when reperfusing the heart by hypocalcium solution, improve the postischemic state of the myocardium and protect it from injuries during the following recovery of physiological Ca2+ content in the extracellular medium.  相似文献   

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