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A library of natural and semi-synthetic Amaryllidaceae alkaloids was screened for cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitory activity. Of the crinane, lycorane and galanthamine representatives examined two semi-synthetic silylated lycorane analogues, accessed via a chemoselective silylation strategy from lycorine, and the natural compound narciclasine exhibited low micromolar activities. Important pharmacological features uncovered include the lack of CYP3A4 inhibitory activity seen for galanthamine and the selective activity that is seen with narciclasine over pancratistatin.  相似文献   

Grapefruit juice has been shown to increase the oral bioavailability of several clinically important drugs by inhibiting first pass metabolism. Several compounds in grapefruit juice have shown different biological activities. Unique among them are furocoumarins with potent inhibitory activity against cytochrome P450 enzymes. In the present study, two bioactive compounds were isolated from grapefruit juice and grapefruit peel oil. The purity of the isolated compounds has been analyzed by HPLC. Structures of the compounds were elucidated by extensive NMR and mass spectral studies and identified as bergaptol and geranylcoumarin. The isolated compounds were tested for their radical scavenging activity using 2,2'-azobis (3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) methods at different concentrations. Bergaptol showed very good radical scavenging activity at all the tested concentrations. Furthermore, these compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory activity against CYP3A4 enzyme. Bergaptol and geranylcoumarin were found to be potent inhibitors of debenzylation activity of CYP3A4 enzyme with an IC(50) value of 24.92 and 42.93 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) catalyzes the initial step in the clearance of many pharmaceuticals and foreign chemicals. The structurally diverse nature of CYP3A4 substrates complicates rational prediction of their metabolism and identification of potential drug interactions. The first molecular structures of human CYP3A4 were recently determined, revealing an active site of sufficient size and topography to accommodate either large ligands or multiple smaller ligands, as suggested by the heterotropic and homotropic cooperativity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

If cholesterol is a substrate of P450 3A4, then it follows that it should also be an inhibitor, particularly in light of the high concentrations found in liver. Heme perturbation spectra indicated a K(d) value of 8 μM for the P450 3A4-cholesterol complex. Cholesterol inhibited the P450 3A4-catalyzed oxidations of nifedipine and quinidine, two prototypic substrates, in liver microsomes and a reconstituted enzyme system with K(i) ~ 10 μM in an apparently non-competitive manner. The concentration of cholesterol could be elevated 4-6-fold in cultured human hepatocytes by incubation with cholesterol; the level of P450 3A4 and cell viability were not altered under the conditions used. Nifedipine oxidation was inhibited when the cholesterol level was increased. We conclude that cholesterol is both a substrate and an inhibitor of P450 3A4, and a model is presented to explain the kinetic behavior. We propose that the endogenous cholesterol in hepatocytes should be considered in models of prediction of metabolism of drugs and steroids, even in the absence of changes in the concentrations of free cholesterol.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (P450) 2A6 is an important human enzyme involved in the metabolism of many xenobiotic chemicals including coumarin, indole, nicotine, and carcinogenic nitrosamines. A combination of random mutagenesis and high-throughput screening was used in the analysis of P450 2A6, utilizing a fluorescent coumarin 7-hydroxylation assay. The steady-state kinetic parameters (k(cat) and Km) for coumarin 7-hydroxylation by wild-type P450 2A6 and 35 selected mutants were measured and indicated that mutants throughout the coding region can have effects on activity. Five mutants showing decreased catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/Km) were further analyzed for substrate selectivity and binding affinities and showed reduced catalytic activities for 7-methoxycoumarin O-demethylation, tert-butyl methyl ether O-demethylation, and indole 3-hydroxylation. All mutants except one (K476E) showed decreased coumarin binding affinities (and also higher Km values), indicating that this is a major basis for the decreased enzymatic activities. A recent x-ray crystal structure of P450 2A6 bound to coumarin (Yano, J. K., Hsu, M. H., Griffin, K. J., Stout, C. D., and Johnson, E. F. (2005) Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 12, 822-823) indicates that the recovered A481T and N297S mutations appear to be close to coumarin, suggesting direct perturbation of substrate interaction. The decreased enzymatic activity of the K476E mutant was associated with decreases both in NADPH oxidation and the reduction rate of the ferric P450 2A6-coumarin complex. The attenuation is caused in part to lower binding affinity for NADPH-P450 reductase, but the K476E mutant did not achieve the wild-type coumarin 7-hydroxylation activity even at high reductase concentrations.  相似文献   

Mechanism-based inactivation of human liver P450 3A4 by L-754,394, a Merck compound synthesized as a potential HIV protease inhibitor, was investigated using recombinant P450 3A4. Enzyme inactivation was characterized by a small partition ratio (3.4 or 4.3 +/- 0.4), i.e., the total number of metabolic events undergone by the inhibitor divided by the number of enzyme inactivating events, lack of reversibility upon extensive dialysis, no decrease in the characteristic 450-nm species relative to control, and covalent modification of the apoprotein. The major and minor products formed during the inactivation of P450 3A4 were the monohydroxylated and the dihydrodiol metabolites of L-754,394, respectively. L-754,394 that had been adducted to P450 3A4 was hydrolyzed under the conditions used for SDS-PAGE, Ni(2+) affinity chromatography, and proteolytic digestion. In addition, the modification was not stable to the acidic conditions of HPLC separation and CNBr digestion. The labile nature of the peptide adduct and the nonstoichiometric binding of the inactivating species to P450 3A4 precluded the direct identification of a covalently modified amino acid residue or the peptide to which it was attached. However, Tricine SDS-PAGE in combination with MALDI-TOF-MS and homology modeling, allowed I257-M317 to be tentatively identified as an active site peptide, while prior knowledge of the stability of N-, O-, and S-linked conjugates of activated furans implicates Glu307 as the active site amino acid that is labeled by L-754, 394.  相似文献   

The electrochemical analysis of cytochrome P450 3A4 catalytic activity has shown that vitamins C, A and E influence reduction of cytochrome P450 3A4. These data suggest a possibility of cross effects and interference of vitamins-antioxidants with drugs metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4, during complex therapy of patients. These vitamins demonstrate antioxidant properties that lead to the increase of the cathodic current corresponding to heme reduction of this functionally significant hemoprotein. Ascorbic acid (0.028–0.56 mM) stimulated the cathodic peak (an electrochemical signal) of cytochrome P450 3A4. In the presence of diclofenac (Voltaren), a typical substrate of cytochrome P450 3A4, the increase in the catalytic current suggesting electrocatalysis and stimulating action of ascorbic acid was observed. In the presence of vitamins A and E the dose-dependent increase in the catalytic current of cytochrome P450 3A4 was observed in the range of vitamin concentrations from 10 to 100 μM. The maximal increase of 229 ± 20 and 162 ± 10% was observed at 100 μM vitamin A and vitamin E, respectively. In contrast to vitamin A, vitamin E in the presence of the cytochrome P450 inhibitor itraconazole did not increase the catalytic current. The latter implies existence of some substrate properties in vitamin E. The electrochemical approach for the analysis of catalytic activity of cytochrome P450 3A4 and studies of the effect of biologically active compounds on electrocatalysis is the sensitive and effective sensor approach, allowing to use low concentration of protein on an electrode (up to 10–15 mol/electrode), to carry out the analysis without involvement of protein redox partners, and to reveal drug-drug or drug-vitamins interaction in pre-clinical experiments.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (P450) 3A4, the major catalyst involved in human drug oxidation, displays substrate- and reaction-dependent homotropic and heterotropic cooperative behavior. Although several models have been proposed, these mainly rely on steady-state kinetics and do not provide information on the contribution of the individual steps of P450 catalytic cycle to the observed cooperativity. In this work, we focused on the kinetics of substrate binding, and the fluorescent properties of bromocriptine and alpha-naphthoflavone allowed analysis of an initial ligand-P450 3A4 interaction that does not cause a perturbation of the heme spectrum. The binding stoichiometry for bromocriptine was determined to be unity using isothermal titration calorimetry and equilibrium dialysis methods, suggesting that the ligand bound to the peripheral site during the initial encounter dissociates subsequently. A three-step substrate binding model is proposed, based on absorbance and fluorescence stopped-flow kinetic data and equilibrium binding data obtained with bromocriptine, and evaluated using kinetic modeling. The results are consistent with the substrate molecule binding at a site peripheral to the active site and subsequently moving toward the active site to bind to the heme and resulting in a low to high spin iron shift. The last step is attributed to a conformational change in the enzyme active site. The later steps of binding were shown to have rate constants comparable with the subsequent steps of the catalytic cycle. The P450 3A4 binding process is more complex than a two-state system, and the overlap of rates of some of the events with subsequent steps is proposed to underlie the observed cooperativity.  相似文献   

Some kappa opioid receptor agonists of the arylacetamide class, for example, ICI 199441 (1), were found to strongly inhibit the activity of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) (1: CYP2D6 IC50=26 nM). Certain analogs bearing a substituted sulfonylamino group, for example, 13, were discovered to have significantly reduced CYP2D6 inhibitory activity (13: CYP2D6 IC50>10 microM) while displaying high affinity toward the cloned human kappa opioid receptor, good kappa/delta and kappa/mu selectivity, and potent in vitro and in vivo agonist activity.  相似文献   

Human cytochrome P450 3A4 forms a series of minor testosterone hydroxylation products in addition to 6 beta-hydroxytestosterone, the major product. One of these, formed at the next highest rate after the 6 beta- and 2 beta-hydroxy products, was identified as 1 beta-hydroxytestosterone. This product was characterized from a mixture of testosterone oxidation products using an HPLC-solid phase extraction-cryoprobe NMR/time-of-flight mass spectrometry system, with an estimated total of approximately 6 microg of this product. Mass spectrometry established the formula as C(19)H(29)O(3) (MH(+) 305.2080). The 1-position of the added hydroxyl group was established by correlated spectroscopy and heteronuclear spin quantum correlation experiments, and the beta-stereochemistry of the added hydroxyl group was assigned with a nuclear Overhauser correlated spectroscopy experiment (1 alpha-H). Of several human P450s examined, only P450 3A4 formed this product. The product was also formed in human liver microsomes.  相似文献   

We have incorporated CYP3A4 (cytochrome P450 3A4) and CPR (NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase) into liposomes with a high lipid/protein ratio by an improved method. In the purified proteoliposomes, CYP3A4 binds testosterone with Kd (app)=36±6 μM and Hill coefficient=1.5±0.3, and 75±4% of the CYP3A4 can be reduced by NADPH in the presence of testosterone. Transfer of the first electron from CPR to CYP3A4 was measured by stopped-flow, trapping the reduced CYP3A4 as its Fe(II)-CO complex and measuring the characteristic absorbance change. Rapid electron transfer is observed in the presence of testosterone, with the fast phase, representing 90% of the total absorbance change, having a rate of 14±2 s(-1). Measurements of the first electron transfer were performed at various molar ratios of CPR/CYP3A4 in proteoliposomes; the rate was unaffected, consistent with a model in which first electron transfer takes place within a relatively stable CPR-CYP3A4 complex. Steady-state rates of NADPH oxidation and of 6β-hydroxytestosterone formation were also measured as a function of the molar ratio of CPR/CYP3A4 in the proteoliposomes. These rates increased with increasing CPR/CYP3A4 ratio, showing a hyperbolic dependency indicating a Kd (app) of ~0.4 μM. This suggests that the CPR-CYP3A4 complex can dissociate and reform between the first and second electron transfers.  相似文献   

The oxidation of a series of seven alkyl ethers of 7-hydroxycoumarin by cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) has been studied to probe the active site of the enzyme. TLC of the reaction mixture showed formation of metabolites other than 7-hydroxycoumarin. The separation and characterization of the different metabolites of the C4 to C7 compounds were achieved using a combination of TLC, HPLC, and gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectra. Among the 7-alkoxycoumarins, 7-hexoxycoumarin was found to be the most suitable candidate for investigating the active site of cytochrome CYP3A4, due to the well-separated metabolite peaks on TLC and HPLC. 7-hexoxycoumarin was found to produce three side-chain hydroxylated products besides 7-hydroxycoumarin: 7-(5-hydroxyhexoxy)coumarin, 7-(4-hydroxyhexoxy)coumarin, and 7-(3-hydroxycoumarin). The substitution of residues from substrate recognition sites -1, -4, -5, and -6 of CYP3A4 showed a strong influence on the product profile of 7-hexoxycoumarin, the most prominent effects observed with mutants at residues 119, 301, 305, 370, 373, and 479. The docking of 7-hexoxycoumarin into a molecular model of CYP3A4 also confirmed the presence of these residues within 5 A of the substrate. A comparative study of cytochrome P450 2B1 showed that the active-site mutants F206L, T302V, V363A, and S478G but not V363L exhibited a dramatic decrease in total 7-hexoxycoumarin hydroxylation. The study suggests that although the electronic nature of the substrate is important, enzymatic constraints significantly contribute to CYP3A4 selectivity.  相似文献   

The one-electron autoxidation of human cytochrome P450 3A4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monomeric cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), the most prevalent cytochrome P450 in human liver, can simultaneously bind one, two, or three molecules of substrates and effectors. The difference in the functional properties of such binding intermediates gives rise to homotropic and heterotropic cooperative kinetics of this enzyme. To understand the overall kinetic processes operating in CYP3A4, we documented the kinetics of autoxidation of the oxy-ferrous intermediate of CYP3A4 as a function of testosterone concentration. The rate of autoxidation in the presence of testosterone was significantly lower than that observed with no substrate present. Stability of the oxy-ferrous complex in CYP3A4 and the amplitude of the geminate CO rebinding increased significantly as a result of binding of just one testosterone molecule. In contrast, the slow phase in the kinetics of cyanide binding to the ferric CYP3A4 correlated with a shift of the heme iron spin state, which is only caused by the association of a second molecule of testosterone. Our results show that the first substrate binding event prevents the escape of diatomic ligands from the distal heme binding pocket, stabilizes the oxy-ferrous complex, and thus serves as an important modulator of the uncoupling channel in the cytochromes P450.  相似文献   

Human liver P450 NF25 (CYP3A4) had been previously expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the inducible GAL10-CYC1 promoter and the phosphoglycerate kinase gene terminator [Renaud, J. P., Cullin, C., Pompon, D., Beaune, P. and Mansuy, D. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 194, 889-896]. The use of an improved expression vector [Urban, P., Cullin, C. and Pompon, D. (1990) Biochimie 72, 463-472] increased the amounts of P450 NF25 produced/culture medium by a factor of five, yielding up to 10 nmol/l. The availability of recently developed host cells that simultaneously overexpress yeast NADPH-P450 reductase and/or express human liver cytochrome b5, obtained through stable integration of the corresponding coding sequences into the yeast genome, led to biotechnological systems with much higher activities of yeast-expressed P450 NF25 and with much better ability to form P450 NF25-iron-metabolite complexes. 9-fold, 8-fold, and 30-fold rate increases were found respectively for nifedipine 1,4-oxidation, lidocaine N-deethylation and testosterone 6 beta-hydroxylation between P450 NF25-containing yeast microsomes from the basic strain and from the strain that both overexpresses yeast NADPH-P450 reductase and expresses human cytochrome b5. Even higher turnovers (15-fold, 20-fold and 50-fold rate increases) were obtained using P450 NF25-containing microsomes from the yeast just overexpressing yeast NADPH-P450 reductase in the presence of externally added, purified rabbit liver cytochrome b5. This is explained by the fact that the latter strain contained the highest level of NADPH-P450 reductase activity. It is noteworthy that for the three tested substrates, the presence of human or rabbit cytochrome b5 always showed a stimulating effect on the catalytic activities and this effect was saturable. Indeed, addition of rabbit cytochrome b5 to microsomes from a strain expressing human cytochrome b5 did not further enhance the catalytic rates. The yeast expression system was also used to study the formation of a P450-NF25-iron-metabolite complex. A P450 Fe(II)-(RNO) complex was obtained upon oxidation of N-hydroxyamphetamine, catalyzed by P450-NF25-containing yeast microsomes. In microsomes from the basic strain expressing P450 NF25, 10% of the starting P450 NF25 was transformed into this metabolite complex, whereas more than 80% of the starting P450 NF25 led to complex formation in microsomes from the strain overexpressing yeast NADPH-P450 reductase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Wang X  Yeung JH 《Phytomedicine》2012,19(3-4):348-354
Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) as a famous Traditional Chinese medicine is widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the world. Danshen tincture (DT), extracted from Danshen root with a mixture of water and alcohol, is a commonly used preparation method for human consumption. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DT on the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 and 3A activities by human and rat liver microsomes. Effects of DT were assessed with use of Danshen ethanolic extract (DEE) and selective substrates, markers of CYP activities. DEE (0.5-10 μg/ml) competitively inhibited human and rat liver microsomal CYP1A2 activity with inhibition constant (K(i)) values at 3.40 and 5.16 μg/ml, respectively. At the same time, DEE (2.5-20 μg/ml) not only noncompetitively inhibited human liver microsomal CYP3A4/5 activity with a K(i) of 11.9 μg/ml, but also competitively inhibited rat liver microsomal CYP3A1/2 activity with a K(i) of 52.1 μg/ml. The data indicate that DEE inhibited the metabolism of CYP1A2 and 3A substrates in human and rat liver in vitro with different mode of inhibition. This study may be helpful for clinical application of Danshen tincture.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s or CYPs) are good candidates for biocatalysis in the production of fine chemicals, including pharmaceuticals. Despite the potential use of mammalian P450s in various fields of biotechnology, these enzymes are not suitable as biocatalysts due to their low stability, low catalytic activity, and limited availability. Recently, wild-type and mutant forms of bacterial P450 BM3 (CYP102A1) from Bacillus megaterium have been found to metabolize various. It has therefore been suggested that CYP102A1 may be used to generate the metabolites of drugs and drug candidates. In this report, we show that the oxidation reactions of typical human CYP1A2 substrates (phenacetin, ethoxyresorufin, and methoxyresorufin) are catalyzed by both wild-type and mutant forms of CYP102A1. In the case of phenacetin, CYP102A1 enzymes show only O-deethylation product, even though two major products are produced as a result of O-deethylation and 3-hydroxylation reactions by human CYP1A2. Formation of the metabolites was confirmed by HPLC analysis and LC–MS to compare the metabolites with the actual biological metabolites produced by human CYP1A2. The results demonstrate that CYP102A1 mutants can be used for cost-effective and scalable production of human CYP1A2 drug metabolites. Our computational findings suggest that a conformational change in the cavity size of the active sites of the mutants is dependent on activity change. The modeling results further suggest that the activity change results from the movement of several specific residues in the active sites of the mutants.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptors CAR and PXR play a key role in cytochrome P450 gene induction by xenobiotics. Human cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) is expressed from early in gestation until the perinatal period, when there is a switch in expression to CYP3A4. Here we demonstrate that a PXR and CAR responsive enhancer is located approximately 8 kb upstream of the proximal CYP3A7 promoter. This distal xenobiotic responsive enhancer module (XREM) is conserved with the XREM of CYP3A4. Interestingly, not only the XREM, but also the entire promoters exhibit 90% sequence identity up to -8.8 kb, indicating a close evolutionary distance. We propose that the promoters have coevolved to functionally conserve P450 gene induction in response to xenobiotics through CAR and PXR. Thus, nuclear receptors for xenobiotics may not only play a role to provide a survival advantage during adulthood, but also to protect the embryo against endogenous and exogenous toxins.  相似文献   

We applied hydrostatic pressure perturbation to study substrate-induced transitions in human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) with bromocriptine (BCT) as a substrate. The barotropic behavior of the purified enzyme in solution was compared with that observed in recombinant microsomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae coexpressing CYP3A4, cytochrome b(5), (b(5)) and NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR). Important barotropic heterogeneity of CYP3A4 was detected in both cases. Only about 70% of CYP3A4 in solution and about 50% of the microsomal enzyme were susceptible to a pressure-induced P450-->P420 transition. The results suggest that both in solution and in the membrane CYP3A4 is represented by two conformers with different positions of spin equilibrium and different barotropic properties. No interconversion between these conformers was observed within the time frame of the experiment. Importantly, a pressure-induced spin shift, which is characteristic of all cytochromes P450 studied to date, was detected in CYP3A4 in solution only; the P450-->P420 transition was the sole pressure-induced process detected in microsomes. This fact suggests unusual stabilization of the high-spin state of CYP3A4, which is assumed to reflect decreased water accessibility of the heme moiety due to specific interactions of the hemoprotein with the protein partners (b(5) and CPR) and/or membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Alkylresorufins are model substrates for cytochrome P450 (P450) 1A2. The ability of human P450 1A2 to catalyze 7-methoxyresorufin O-demethylation was improved by screening of random mutant libraries (expressed in Escherichia coli) on the basis of 7-methoxyresorufin O-demethylation. After three rounds of mutagenesis and screening, the triple mutant E163K/V193M/K170Q yielded a kcat > five times faster than wild type P450 1A2 in steady-state kinetic analysis using either isolated membrane fractions or purified, reconstituted enzymes. The enhanced catalytic activity was not attributed to changes in substrate affinity. The kinetic hydrogen isotope effect of the triple mutant did not change from wild type enzyme and suggests that C-H bond cleavage is rate-limiting in both enzymes. Homology modeling, based on an X-ray structure of rabbit P450 2C5, suggests that the locations of mutated residues are not close to the substrate binding site and therefore that structural elements outside of this site play roles in changing the catalytic activity. This approach has potential value in understanding P450 1A2 and generating engineered enzymes with enhanced catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 3A7 (CYP3A7) is the most abundant CYP in human liver during fetal development and first months of postnatal age, playing an important role in the metabolism of endogenous hormones, drugs, differentiation factors, and potentially toxic and teratogenic substrates. Here we describe and characterize a novel enzyme, CYP3A7.1L, encompassing the CYP3A7.1 protein with the last four carboxyl-terminal amino acids replaced by a unique sequence of 36 amino acids, generated by splicing of CYP3A7 with CYP3AP1 RNA. The corresponding CYP3A7-3AP1 mRNA had a significant expression in liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract, and its presence was found to be tissue-specific and dependent on the developmental stage. Heterologous expression in yeast revealed that CYP3A7.1L was a functional enzyme with a specific activity similar to that of CYP3A7.1 and, in some conditions, a different hydroxylation specificity than CYP3A7.1 using dehydroepiandrosterone as a substrate. CYP3A7.1L was found to be polymorphic due to a mutation at position -6 of the first splicing site of CYP3AP1 (CYP3A7_39256T-->A), which abrogates the pseudogene splicing. This polymorphism had pronounced interethnic differences and was in linkage disequilibrium with other functional polymorphisms described in the CYP3A locus: CYP3A7*2 and CYP3A5*1. Therefore, the resulting CYP3A haplotypes express different sets of enzymes within the population. In conclusion, a novel mechanism, consisting of the splicing of the pseudogene CYP3AP1 to CYP3A7, causes the formation of the novel CYP3A7.1L having a different tissue distribution and functional properties than the parent CYP3A7 enzyme, with possible developmental, physiological, and toxicological consequences.  相似文献   

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