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Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) are adult stem cells harboring self-renewal and multilineage differentiation potential that are capable of differentiating into osteoblasts, adipocytes, or chondrocytes in vitro, and regulating the bone marrow microenvironment and adipose tissue remodeling in vivo. The process of fate determination is initiated by signaling molecules that drive MSCs into a specific lineage. Impairment of MSC fate determination leads to different bone and adipose tissue-related diseases, including aging, osteoporosis, and insulin resistance. Much progress has been made in recent years in discovering small molecules and their underlying mechanisms control the cell fate of MSCs both in vitro and in vivo. In this review, we summarize recent findings in applying small molecules to the trilineage commitment of MSCs, for instance, genistein,medicarpin, and icariin for the osteogenic cell fate commitment; isorhamnetin,risedronate, and arctigenin for pro-adipogenesis; and atractylenolides and dihydroartemisinin for chondrogenic fate determination. We highlight the underlying mechanisms, including direct regulation, epigenetic modification, and post-translational modification of signaling molecules in the AMPK, MAPK,Notch, PI3 K/AKT, Hedgehog signaling pathways etc. and discuss the small molecules that are currently being studied in clinical trials. The target-based manipulation of lineage-specific commitment by small molecules offers substantial insights into bone marrow microenvironment regulation, adipose tissue homeostasis, and therapeutic strategies for MSC-related diseases.  相似文献   

Although one typically thinks of carbohydrates as associated with cell growth and viability, glycosylation also has an integral role in many processes leading to cell death. Glycans, either alone or complexed with glycan-binding proteins, can deliver intracellular signals or control extracellular processes that promote initiation, execution and resolution of cell death programs. Herein, we review the role of glycans and glycan-binding proteins as essential components of the cell death machinery during physiologic and pathologic settings.  相似文献   

Prohibitins comprise an evolutionary conserved and ubiquitously expressed family of membrane proteins. Various roles in different cellular compartments have been proposed for prohibitin proteins. Recent experiments, however, identify large assemblies of two homologous prohibitin subunits, PHB1 and PHB2, in the inner membrane of mitochondria as the physiologically active structure. Mitochondrial prohibitin complexes control cell proliferation, cristae morphogenesis and the functional integrity of mitochondria. The processing of the dynamin-like GTPase OPA1, a core component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery, has been defined as a key process affected by prohibitins. The molecular mechanism of prohibitin function, however, remained elusive. The ring-like assembly of prohibitins and their sequence similarity with lipid raft-associated SPFH-family members suggests a scaffolding function of prohibitins, which may lead to functional compartmentalization in the inner membrane of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) is the coordinated organization of cells within the plane of the epithelium, first described in Drosophila. A Frizzled signalling pathway dedicated to PCP (the non-canonical Frizzled pathway) acts through Dishevelled and small G proteins, as does the classical Wnt pathway, but then diverges downstream of Dishevelled. Recent studies have demonstrated a crucial role for several atypical cadherin molecules (Fat, Dachsous and Flamingo) in controlling PCP signalling. Recent work has also indicated that the first sign of PCP during development is the polarized localization of PCP proteins (Frizzled, Flamingo, Dishevelled, etc). Exciting new data reveal that this PCP pathway is conserved to man.  相似文献   

Small molecules have been playing important roles in elucidating basic biology and treatment of a vast number of diseases for nearly a century, making their use in the field of stem cell biology a comparatively recent phenomenon. Nonetheless, the power of biology-oriented chemical design and synthesis, coupled with significant advances in screening technology, has enabled the discovery of a growing number of small molecules that have improved our understanding of stem cell biology and allowed us to manipulate stem cells in unprecedented ways. This review focuses on recent small molecule studies of (i) the key pathways governing stem cell homeostasis, (ii) the pluripotent stem cell niche, (iii) the directed differentiation of stem cells, (iv) the biology of adult stem cells, and (v) somatic cell reprogramming. In a very short period of time, small molecules have defined a perhaps universally attainable naive ground state of pluripotency, and are facilitating the precise, rapid and efficient differentiation of stem cells into somatic cell populations relevant to the clinic. Finally, following the publication of numerous groundbreaking studies at a pace and consistency unusual for a young field, we are closer than ever to completely eliminating the need for genetic modification in reprogramming.  相似文献   

Runx1 (also known as AML1, Cbfa2 and Pebpa2b) and Cbfb encode a DNA-binding alpha subunit and the non-DNA-binding beta subunit of a mammalian core-binding factor (CBF). The discovery of RUNX1 and CBFB as genes rearranged in human leukemias prompted predictions that both genes would play important roles in normal hematopoiesis. These predictions were borne out, as indeed Runx1 and its Xenopus and Drosophila homologs, Xaml and lozenge (lz), appear to determine hematopoietic cell fate during development. We will review what is known about Runx1 function in hematopoiesis in three model organisms, mouse, frog and fly, focusing on the earliest events of hematopoietic cell emergence in the embryo.  相似文献   

In addition to mediating cell adhesion, many cell adhesion molecules act as tumor suppressors. These proteins are capable of restricting cell growth mainly through contact inhibition. Alterations of these cell adhesion molecules are a common event in cancer. The resulting loss of cell-cell and/or cell-extracellular matrix adhesion promotes cell growth as well as tumor dissemination. Therefore, it is conventionally accepted that cell adhesion molecules that function as tumor suppressors are also involved in limiting tumor cell migration. Paradoxically, in 2005, we identified an immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecule hepaCAM that is able to suppress cancer cell growth and yet induce migration. Almost concurrently, CEACAM1 was verified to co-function as a tumor suppressor and invasion promoter. To date, the reason and mechanism responsible for this exceptional phenomenon remain unclear. Nevertheless, the emergence of these intriguing cell adhesion molecules with conflicting roles may open a new chapter to the biological significance of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

In addition to mediating cell adhesion, many cell adhesion molecules act as tumor suppressors. These proteins are capable of restricting cell growth mainly through contact inhibition. Alterations of these cell adhesion molecules are a common event in cancer. The resulting loss of cell-cell and/or cell-extracellular matrix adhesion promotes cell growth as well as tumor dissemination. Therefore, it is conventionally accepted that cell adhesion molecules that function as tumor suppressors are also involved in limiting tumor cell migration. Paradoxically, in 2005, we identified an immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecule hepaCAM that is able to suppress cancer cell growth and yet induce migration. Almost concurrently, CEACAM1 was verified to co-function as a tumor suppressor and invasion promoter. To date, the reason and mechanism responsible for this exceptional phenomenon remain unclear. Nevertheless, the emergence of these intriguing cell adhesion molecules with conflicting roles may open a new chapter to the biological significance of cell adhesion molecules.Key words: hepaCAM, cell adhesion molecules, tumor suppressor, migration, E-cadherin, CADM1, integrin α7, CEACAM1It is well known that many cell adhesion molecules function as tumor suppressors (reviewed in ref. 1). These molecules exert their tumor suppressive effect mainly through cell-adhesion-mediated contact inhibition. Cell adhesion molecules allow cells to communicate with one another or to the extracellular environment by mediating cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions (reviewed in refs. 2 and 3). Broadly, these proteins can be classified into five families including immunoglobulin superfamily, integrins, cadherins, selectins and CD44. Apart from participating in the development and maintenance of tissue architecture, cell adhesion molecules serve as cell surface receptors critical for capturing, integrating and transmitting signals from the extracellular milieu to the cell interior (reviewed in refs. 2 and 3). These signaling events are vital for the regulation of a wide variety of cellular functions including embryogenesis, immune and inflammatory responses, tissue repair, cell migration, differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Alterations of these cell adhesion molecules are a common event in cancer (reviewed in refs. 1, 2, 4 and 5). The disrupted cell-cell or cell-ECM adhesion significantly contributes to uncontrolled cell proliferation and progressive distortion of normal tissue architecture. More importantly, changes in cell adhesion molecules play a causal role in tumor dissemination. Loss of cell adhesion contacts allows malignant cells to detach and to escape from the primary mass. Gaining a more motile and invasive phenotype, these cells break down the ECM and eventually invade and metastasize to distal organs.Based on the above understanding, it is conventionally accepted that cell adhesion molecules with tumor suppressor activity, when expressed in cancer cells, are able to exert inhibitory effect on cell motility. The ability of cells in migration/motility is a prerequisite for cancer invasion and metastasis (reviewed in refs. 1 and 5). Indeed, a number of cell adhesion molecule-tumor suppressors have been reported to be capable of reducing cell migration. The most classical example is E-cadherin, a calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecule. E-cadherin is expressed exclusively in epithelial cells and its expression is commonly suppressed in tumors of epithelial origins. The cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin interacts with catenins to establish an intracellular linkage with the actin cytoskeleton (reviewed in ref. 6). The assembly of E-cadherin with the cytoskeleton via catenins at the sites of adherens junctions is important for the stabilization of cell-cell adhesions. Disruption of E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion, due to loss of expression or function of E-cadherin and/or catenins, is assocated with tumor development and progression (reviewed in ref. 7). Forced expression of E-cadherin in several cancer cell lines not only slows down cell growth8,9 but also significantly reduces the invasiveness of the cells.10,11 On the other hand, inhibition of E-cadherin by function-blocking antibodies and antisense RNA restores the invasiveness in non-invasive transformed cells.11 Furthermore, using a transgenic mouse model of pancreatic beta-cell carcinogenesis, it has been demonstrated that E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion is important in preventing the transition from well differentiated adenoma to invasive carcinoma.12Cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1), another example, has also been implicated in cancer progression. CADM1 is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and mediates cell-cell adhesion.13 The molecule associates with the actin cytoskeleton via the differentially expressed in adenocarcinoma of the lung (DAL1) protein; and the formation of CADM1-DAL1 complex is dependent on the integrity of actin cytoskeleton.14 Inactivation of the CADM1 and/or DAL1 gene usually through methylation has been reported in diverse human cancers.15,16 A paper by Ito et al. showed that restoration of CADM1 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells not only suppresses cell growth, but also retards cell motility and invasion.16In contrast to E-cadherin and CADM1, integrin α7 is a cell-ECM adhesion molecule which also possesses tumor suppressor activity. Ren et al. showed that integrin α7 gene is mutated in several human malignances; and the mutations are associated with an increase in cancer recurrence.17 Forced expression of integrin α7 in integrin α7-deficient leiomyosarcoma cells results in decreased colony formation and slower cell motility. Conversely, knockdown of integrin α7 in lung cancer cells expressing wild-type integrin α7 increases the colony number and cell motility rate. In addition, the researchers revealed that mice bearing xenograft tumors overexpressing integrin α7 have reduced tumor size with no obvious metastasis.In 2005, we first reported the identification of a cell adhesion molecule belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily, designated as hepaCAM.18 To date, we have shown that the gene is frequently downregulated in a variety of human cancers.18,19 Re-expression of hepaCAM in the hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells18 and breast cancer MCF7 cells19 inhibits colony formation and retards cell proliferation. In addition, expression of hepaCAM in MCF7 cells results in cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase and cellular senescence. Concurrently, the expression of several senescence-associated proteins including p53, p21 and p27 is enhanced. Moreover, downregulation of p53 by p53-specific small interfering RNA in cells expressing hepaCAM clearly reduces p21 without changing p27 and alleviates senescence, indicating that hepaCAM induces senescence through a p53/p21-dependent pathway.19 Together, the data suggest that hepaCAM is a tumor suppressor. Interestingly, the expression of hepaCAM in both HepG2 and MCF7 cells stimulates both cell-ECM adhesion and cell migration.18,20,21 The function of hepaCAM as a tumor suppressor in cell migration is contradictory to other cell adhesion molecule-tumor suppressors. Noteworthily, hepaCAM-mediated cell motility is evidenced by its direct interaction with the actin cytoskeleton.21Evidences are currently emerging to support the contradictory roles of cell adhesion molecules that both inhibit cell growth and promote cell motility when restored in cancer cells. In addition to hepaCAM, the immunoglobulin superfamily carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) is implicated to function as a tumor suppressor and a metastasis promoter. The characteristics and functions of CEACAM1 have been demonstrated in individual reports. CEACAM1 is frequently downregulated or dysregulated in multiple human tumors,2225 and is capable of suppressing cell growth and inducing apoptosis.2628 Ebrahimnejad et al. demonstrated that exogenous expression of CEACAM1 enhances melanoma cell invasion and migration; and this enhanced motility can be reverted by anti-CEACAM antibodies.29 The ability of CEACAM to co-stimulate tumor suppression and invasion was finally established by Liu et al. in restricting thyroid cancer growth but promoting invasiveness.30 Introduction of CEACAM1 into CEACAM1-deficient thyroid cancer cells results in G1/S phase cell cycle arrest accompanied by elevated p21 expression and diminished Rb phosphorylation. Overexpression of CEACAM1 also increases cell-ECM adhesion and promotes cell migration and tumor invasiveness. In xenografted mice, CEACAM1 expression results in reduced tumor growth but increased tumor invasiveness. Conversely, silencing of endogenous CEACAM1 accelerates tumor growth and suppresses invasiveness.30It is an exciting issue to address why a cell adhesion molecule is able to suppress tumor growth yet promote tumor progression. Could there be a molecular switch that controls the functions of the gene between a tumor suppressor and a migration promoter in cancer or are the functions executed simultaneously? The expression level, the extracellular cues as well as the interacting partners of the cell adhesion molecules may likely play a critical role in regulating its functions. The question is under what circumstances these factors come into play. To answer all these questions, and maybe more, on the intriguing findings of these proteins, more extensive and intensive experimentation is required. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the emergence of these cell adhesion molecules that function in a contradictory manner opens a new chapter to the biological significance of cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

I H Brown  J Vinograd 《Biopolymers》1971,10(10):2015-2028
Catenated molecules of closed circular DNA have been isolated from the mitochondrial DNA of HeLs cells. The sedimentation coefficients of several purified species have been investigated. The catenated dimer, made up of two interlocked duplex circles, sediments at 51 S in its superhelical (closed) form. Treatment with pancreatic DNase to relax the duplex circles converts the 51 S doubly closed dimer to a 42 S singly open species, then to a 36 S doubly open catenated dimer. The triply closed trimer sediments at 63 S and is converted to a 45 S triply open form by DNase. Electron microscopy of the DNA samples before and after DNase treatment shows that under the conditions used DNase does not change the catenated nature of the DNA. The measured sedimentation coefficients, have been compared with those estimated from previously proposed correlations of sedimentation coefficient and molecular weight, and with the sedimentation coefficients for catenated DNA presented by Wang. When all the interlocked circles in a catenane are relaxed, the DNA sediments about 5–10% faster than a relaxed multiple-length circular molecule of the same molecular weight. The sedimentation coefficient, 36 S, of the fully relaxed catenated dimer is 1.4 times that of the relaxed monomer.  相似文献   

Nectins and nectin-like molecules (Necls) are immunoglobulin-like transmembrane cell adhesion molecules that are expressed in various cell types. Homophilic and heterophilic engagements between family members provide cells with molecular tools for intercellular communications. Nectins primarily regulate cell-cell adhesions, whereas Necls are involved in a greater variety of cellular functions. Recent studies have revealed that nectins and NECL-5, in cooperation with integrin alphavbeta3 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor, are crucial for the mechanisms that underlie contact inhibition of cell movement and proliferation; this has important implications for the development and tissue regeneration of multicellular organisms and the phenotypes of cancer cells.  相似文献   

Nectins are Ca(2+)-independent Ig-like cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) which homophilically and heterophilically interact in trans with nectins and form cell-cell adhesion. This cell-cell adhesion is involved in the formation of many types of cell-cell junctions such as adherens junctions, tight junctions, and synaptic junctions, cooperatively with other CAMs such as cadherins and claudins. Nectins transduce signals cooperatively with integrin alpha(v)beta(3), and regulate formation of cell-cell junctions. In addition, nectin interacts in cis with PDGF receptor and regulates its signaling for anti-apoptosis. Furthermore, nectin interacts in trans with nectin-like molecule-5 (Necl-5) and regulate cell movement and proliferation. We describe cooperative roles of nectins with other CAMs and growth factor receptors.  相似文献   

Microtubule-Targeting Agents (MTAs) constitute a class of drugs largely used for cancer treatment in adults and children. In cancer cells, they suppress microtubule dynamics, and induce cell death via the mitochondrial intrinsic pathway. To date, links between mitochondria and microtubule network disturbance in MTAs mechanism of action are not obvious. The aim of the present contribution is to provide elements that could answer to the question: how far are mitochondria essential to anticancer chemotherapy that targets the microtubule cytoskeleton? We review the main molecular candidates to link microtubule alteration with the apoptotic mitochondrial pathway control. Involvement of direct targeting of mitochondria in MTA efficacy is also discussed. Furthermore, we line up current evidence and emerging concepts on the participation of both mitochondria and microtubule in MTA neurotoxic side effects. To decipher the interconnections between the mitochondrial and the microtubule networks may help to improve cancer cell response to chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A new biochemical method for estimating the virtual number of mitochondria (mt) per cell was developed and used together with a plasmid probe to measure mt DNA/mitochondrion and mt DNA/cell. These methods were used in five cell types from four mammalian species. Mt DNA/mitochondrion was essentially constant in all cell types (mean 2.6 +/- 0.30 SE mitochondrial DNA molecules/mt). Mt DNA molecules/cell encompassed an eight-fold range between various cell types (low 220 +/- 6.2; high 1,720 +/- 162 mt DNA molecules/cell). Virtual mt number/cell ranged from 83 +/- 17 to 677 +/- 80 (SE) mt/cell in various cell types. All five mammalian virtual mitochondria contained the same genomic mass. The number of virtual mitochondria per cell and amount of mt DNA per cell appear to be closely regulated within a given cell type but differ widely from cell type to cell type.  相似文献   

Ogita H  Takai Y 《IUBMB life》2006,58(5-6):334-343
Nectins and nectin-like molecules (Necls) are immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecules that constitute families containing four and five members, respectively. All members, except for Necl-5, trans-interact homophilically. Furthermore, all members, including Necl-5, trans-interact heterophilically with their respective specific partners among the members. Necl-5 regulates cell movement and proliferation cooperatively with integrin alphavbeta3 and growth factor receptors. Nectins function as cell-cell adhesion molecules at a variety of cell-cell junctions, including adherens junctions, and regulate the initial step of cell-cell junction formation. Nectins and integrin alphavbeta3 are further involved in the cross-talk between cell-matrix and cell-cell junctions. Thus, both nectin and Necl family members play important roles in fundamental cellular functions, including cell adhesion, polarization, movement, and proliferation.  相似文献   

Epigenetic alchemy for cell fate conversion   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent progress in neural stem cell research shows that a number of extrinsic factors and intracellular mechanisms, including epigenetic modifications, are involved in the self-renewal of neural stem cells and in neuronal and glial differentiation. Remarkably, there is increasing evidence that the remodeling of chromatin structure and the alteration of epigenetic marks, including histone methylation and acetylation and DNA methylation, can cause committed cells to convert from one fate to another, and such converted cells are functional when transplanted in vivo. Thus, epigenetic research might generate the alchemy required to convert any non-neural stem cells into functional neural stem cells, which are few and difficult to extract from the adult central nervous system.  相似文献   

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