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Axon navigation relies on the competence of growth cones to sense and interpret attractive and repulsive guidance cues present along their trajectory. For most neurons, this process is mediated by a limited number of conserved families of ligand-receptor signaling systems, including Ephrin/Eph, Netrins/DCC-Unc5, Slits/Robo, and Semaphorins/Plexin-Neuropilin. Recent studies have demonstrated that some neurons respond also to well-known secreted signaling molecules, best known for their roles as morphogens, such as BMP7, SHH, FGF8, and Wnt. Thus, retina ganglion cell axon navigation is influenced by FGF, SHH, and possibly BMP signaling. Similarly, commissural neurons in the spinal cord respond sequentially to the activity of BMP, SHH, and Wnt to extend toward and away from their intermediate target, the floor plate. The data that support this conclusion will be summarized and how morphogens may signal at the growth cone will be discussed.  相似文献   

The vertebrate gap junctions formed by the connexin family of transmembrane proteins came to the attention of geneticists in 1993 with the identification of mutations linked to a form of demyelinating neuropathy. Since then, several other genetic disorders have been linked to mutations in specific connexin genes. Also, different diseases can result from different mutations in the same connexin gene. In addition, specific connexin knockout mice have surprising phenotypes. This is leading cell biologists to look afresh at connexins and their involvement in intercellular communication through gap junctions, a process that seems central to coordinating cell function within tissues. Here, we comment on how genetic studies are giving a new impetus to the cell biology of gap junctions.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia is a rare disorder with gait disturbance due to a degeneration of the corticospinal tract, sometimes accompanied by involvement of other systems. Out of the 20 loci known so far, eight genes have now been identified, allowing the first molecular and cell studies in the pathophysiology of the disorder. These should also help to understand the function of the corticospinal tract at the molecular level and design strategies to prevent and treat spasticity due to more common causes. The proteins encoded by these genes play a role in development, in signal transduction between axons and myelinating cells, in cellular, particularly axonal trafficking or in energy metabolism. Some of them have actions in several areas of cellular function. Here we review the present knowledge about the genes involved in hereditary spastic paraplegia, a field presently undergoing rapid change.  相似文献   

The establishment of topographic maps of neuronal connections is believed to involve graded repulsion mediated by EphA receptors and ephrin-A ligands. Gene knockouts show that ephrin-A ligands do indeed have a crucial role in mapping, and that mechanisms in addition to graded repulsion must also be at work.  相似文献   

SPARC and tumor growth: Where the seed meets the soil?   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Matricellular proteins mediate interactions between cells and their extracellular environment. This functional protein family includes several structurally unrelated members, such as SPARC, thrombospondin 1, tenascin C, and osteopontin, as well as some homologs of these proteins, such as thrombospondin 2 and tensascin X. SPARC, a prototypic matricellular protein, and its homolog hevin, have deadhesive effects on cultured cells and have been characterized as antiproliferative factors in some cellular contexts. Both proteins are produced at high levels in many types of cancers, especially by cells associated with tumor stroma and vasculature. In this Prospect article we summarize evidence for SPARC and hevin in the regulation of tumor cell growth, differentiation, and metastasis, and we propose that matricellular proteins such as these perform critical functions in desmoplastic responses of tumors that culminate in their dissemination and eventual colonization of other sites.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence on the role of the cell cycle in plant growth regulation does not exclusively fit the cellular (division drives growth) or the organismal perspective (division merely accompanies growth). Here we present a broader, integrated concept of plant growth regulatory interactions, which accommodates experimental results gathered to date. This model can serve as a basis for future research, and prompts experimental approaches to encompass both measurements of cell growth and division parameters.  相似文献   

Deletions and the appearance of pseudogenes in pathways of carbon source utilisation and energy metabolism best explain the host-dependency and failure to culture Mycobacterium leprae axenically. From the genome sequence it is possible to predict that acetate and galactose cannot be used as carbon sources, while pyruvate can only be catabolised. Glycerol, glucose, and fatty acids could be used for glycolysis, the pentose cycle and -oxidation which are complete. Retrospective functional genomics – interpreting work before the completion of the genome project – supports the failure of M. leprae to use acetate as well as another prediction that metabolic flux from pyruvate to acetyl-CoA would be very low. However, the loss of a second icd gene (compared with M. tuberculosis), predicted to encode isocitrate dehydrogenase, did not diminish the specific activity of the enzyme. The genes for respiratory pathways are extremely limited, being present for oxidative phosphorylation as a result of electron transport only using FADH as an electron donor. In contrast, all the major biosynthetic pathways are complete except that M. leprae is a natural methionine auxotroph: this is predicted not to be attenuating, or explain host-dependency since methionine would be present in rich culture media.  相似文献   

The year 2012 marks the 25th anniversary of the donation of ivermectin to fight onchocerciasis and the projected date for elimination of transmission of the disease in the Americas. This review looks at the history of onchocerciasis, from its discovery through to 2025, by which time it is projected that the disease will have been eliminated as a public health problem, except in a handful of sub-Saharan countries, where it should be well on the way towards elimination.  相似文献   

This article will examine the construction and functions of, as well as relationship between, the diverse and changing articulations of Islamophobia. The aim is to contribute to debates about the definition of Islamophobia, which have tended to be contextually specific, fixed and/or polarized between racism and religious prejudice, between extreme and mainstream, state and non-state versions or undifferentiated, and offer a more nuanced framework to: (a) delineate articulations of Islamophobia as opposed to precise types and categories; (b) highlight the porosity in the discourse between extreme articulations widely condemned in the mainstream, and normalized and insidious ones, which the former tend to render more acceptable in comparison; (c) map where these intersect in response to events, historical and political conditions and new ideological forces and imperatives and (d) compare these articulations of Islamophobia in two contexts, France and the US.  相似文献   

Over the past two centuries, the Dutch experienced a tremendous secular trend in height, and ultimately became the tallest nation in the world. Improving environmental conditions likely played the largest role in explaining these developments. But it is not yet precisely clear what factor set the Dutch head and shoulders above other nations, who were also experiencing improving environmental conditions. Could fertility also have played a role? To understand this, we would first need to know whether height and fertility were related during the secular growth trend. In this study, we investigated whether this was the case. A sample of Dutch men, birth years 1850–1900 (n = 3396), was examined. We tested the extents to which height was associated with having a certain number of children, and with having a certain number of children survive infancy. Multinomial logistic regressions were used. In terms of findings, height’s relationship to fertility outcomes was curvilinear: being shorter-than-average (0.75–0.5 standard deviations below the mean height) was associated with a higher probability of being married and having five to seven children, while being moderately tall (0.5 standard deviations above the mean height) was associated with the lowest probability of being unmarried. There was no relationship between paternal height and children surviving infancy in the sample overall, but taller height was associated with a decreased risk of being in a high-mortality family among men born between 1880 and 1900. If paternal fertility played a role in the secular growth trend, we would expect to see very tall men have the most children, and clearly have the most children surviving infancy. Given this study’s findings, it is unlikely that this was the case.  相似文献   

For a neuron to play its assigned role in a neural circuit, it has to extend elaborate projections, dendrites and axons, to make precise connections with specific target cells. The past decade has seen the identification of a vast diversity of molecules that assist in the guidance of axons toward their intended targets: guidance cues, growth cone receptors, signaling proteins (Tessier-Lavigne and Goodman, 1996; Song and Poo, 2001). But just how do all of these proteins work together to cause the axon to grow, stop, or turn in a specific direction? In this review, we examine this process from several different perspectives - cytoskeletal dynamics; biochemistry of intracellular signaling proteins; molecular analysis of axon guidance receptors - to try to collapse some of the apparent complexity of axon guidance into a more coherent picture. In particular, we will see how relatively simple and consistent manipulations of the kinetic constants of Rho family GTPases could account for many aspects of the cycle of actin dynamics that underlies axon growth and guidance. This review will intentionally be highly selective in its treatment of this subject in order to synthesize a simplified view that may be of value in directing further thinking and experiments.  相似文献   

Since 1960, clinical organ transplantation has evolved from an experimental procedure to highly successful ‘routine’, but as technical advances have extended eligibility to more victims of end-stage organ disease, the supply of donor organs has lagged behind. Urgency of need, probability of success and ability to pay are often used to limit waiting lists; without these, as many as 124 000 transplants per year could be performed in the USA alone. Although the supply of organs from human donors may well be assisted in future by increased public education and changes in donor laws, it is unlikely that the need for organs will ever be met by generosity and calamity alone — hence the enthusiasm for other sources of organs.  相似文献   

Studies of rare genetic diseases frequently reveal genes that are fundamental to life, and the familial vascular disorder HHT (hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia) is no exception. The majority of HHT patients are heterozygous for mutations in either the ENG (endoglin) or the ACVRL1 (activin receptor-like kinase 1) gene. Both genes are essential for angiogenesis during development and mice that are homozygous for mutations in Eng or Acvrl1 die in mid-gestation from vascular defects. Recent development of conditional mouse models in which the Eng or Acvrl1 gene can be depleted in later life have confirmed the importance of both genes in angiogenesis and in the maintenance of a normal vasculature. Endoglin protein is a co-receptor and ACVRL1 is a signalling receptor, both of which are expressed primarily in endothelial cells to regulate TGFβ (transforming growth factor β) signalling in the cardiovasculature. The role of ACVRL1 and endoglin in TGFβ signalling during angiogenesis is now becoming clearer as interactions between these receptors and additional ligands of the TGFβ superfamily, as well as synergistic relationships with other signalling pathways, are being uncovered. The present review aims to place these recent findings into the context of a better understanding of HHT and to summarize recent evidence that confirms the importance of endoglin and ACVRL1 in maintaining normal cardiovascular health.  相似文献   

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