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林波  刘庆 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4665-4675
以青藏高原东缘亚高山针叶林群落演替后期种岷江冷杉、演替中后期种粗枝云杉和青榨槭、及先锋树种红桦为材料,研究了不同光强下生长的4种树苗生长、生物量分配、叶片形态和光合特性,探讨植物幼苗的形态和生理特征的表型可塑性与光适应的关系。结果表明:(1)弱光环境中生长的4种植物的基茎、相对生长速率、叶片厚度、根重比、最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、暗呼吸速率较低,而比叶面积、地上/地下生物量、茎长/茎重、叶重比和茎重比较高。(2)大部分光环境下岷江冷杉幼苗的最大净光合速率和暗呼吸速率低于粗枝云杉,青榨槭幼苗的最大净光合速率和暗呼吸速率略低于红桦。(3)高光强下生长的粗枝云杉和红桦幼苗的相对生长速率分别大于岷江冷杉和青榨槭,但在低光强下则与之相反。(4)粗枝云杉和红桦幼苗的11种可塑性指数平均值则分别大于岷江冷杉和青榨槭。岷江冷杉适应弱光环境的能力略强于粗枝云杉和红桦,但适应强光的能力较差。生理适应的可塑性指数大于形态适应的可塑性指数,表明前者在4种植物幼苗光适应方面起到了重要的作用。研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说。  相似文献   

山花属五种植物叶片解剖特征及与光合生理相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用扫描电子显微镜观察山茶属五种植物叶片解剖特征,并与光合生理相关性进行分析。实验选择的五种植物均为C3植物,其中小黄花茶和四球茶为阴性植物,叶绿素含量较高;威宁短柱茶为偏阴性植物,叶绿素含量较低;美丽红山茶和狭叶瘤果茶则属于半阴性植物。它们的光合生理指标值差异取决于叶片解剖特征的差异;与光补偿点,光饱和点,净光合速率(Pn),光呼吸速率(Pr),暗呼吸速率(Dr)相关性最密切的解剖指标是栅栏组织  相似文献   

山茶属五种植物叶片解剖特征及与光合生理相关性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
利用扫描电子显微镜观察山茶属(CamelliaLinn.)五种植物叶片解剖特征,并与光合生理相关性进行分析。实验选择的五种植物均为C3植物,其中小黄花茶(CamellialuteofloraY.K.Li)和四球茶(C.tachangensisF.C.Zhang)为阴性植物.叶绿素含量较高;咸宁短柱茶(C.saluenensisStapf.exBean.)为偏阴性植物,叶绿素含量较低;美丽红山茶(C.delicataY.K.Li)和狭叶瘤果茶(C.neriifoliaChang)则属于半阴性植物。它们的光合生理指标值差异取决于叶片解剖特征的差异;与光补偿点,光饱和点,净光合速率(Pn),光呼吸速率(Pr),暗呼吸速率(Dr)相关性最密切的解剖指标是栅栏组织厚度、栅栏组织中的细胞层数、栅栏细胞内的叶绿体数,栅栏组织厚与叶厚的比值、与栅栏细胞粗度的比值、与海绵组织厚度的比值.叶片上表皮厚、上表皮角质层厚及下表皮气孔密度亦与上述光合生理指标呈弱正相关,叶片大小、气孔器大小及气孔口长则与上述光合生理指标呈弱负相关;下表皮厚、海绵组织厚度及栅栏细胞内叶绿体大小与各项光合生理指标几乎无关。该五种植物的叶片解剖和光合生理特  相似文献   

雾凉季研究了西双版纳热带雨林4种植物幼苗对生长光环境的适应,其中两个树种幼苗喜光(团花和滇南插柚紫),两个树种幼苗耐荫(滇南红厚壳和玉蕊)发现弱光环境中生长的4种植物比叶重、光合能力、光饱和点、光补偿点暗呼吸速度、叶绿素a/b比较低,叶绿素含量较高。玉蕊和滇南红厚壳幼苗的光合能力和呼吸速度 于团花树和滇南插柚紫。团花树和滇南插机紫的比叶重和光合作用的可塑性大于玉蕊和滇南红厚壳。高光强下生长的团花树和滇南插机紫增加叶氮分配给羧化酶的比较。减少分配给叶绿素的比例。滇南红厚壳和玉蕊适应弱光环境的能力略强于团花树和滇南插机紫,但适应强光的能力较差。研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说,单位干重叶的光合能力和呼吸速率并未表现出利于光适应的可塑性,表明4种植物生理适应能力较差,形态学上的适应在4种热带雨林树种幼苗光适应方面起到了重要的作用,叶氮分配也是它们光适应的策略之一。  相似文献   

 测定了生长于3种光强下(100%、42%和14%自然光强) 热带雨林演替早期(思茅蒲桃Syzygium latilimbum)、中期(乌墨S.cumini)和后期(阔叶蒲桃S. szemaoense)出现的蒲桃属 (Syzygium)3个树种幼苗叶片气体交换参数和叶绿素荧光参数的日变化、比叶重和叶绿素含量。发现演替早期树种光合能力和光合可塑性最大、中期树种次之,后期树种光合能力最弱且在强光下受到显著抑制。但是,生长在强光下,3个树种均未发生长期光抑制和光破坏。随生长光强增加,3个树种热耗散速率都升高。不过在强光下,中期和后期树种通过热耗散消耗的过剩光能较多,通过叶黄素循环的热耗散可能对于这两个树种在强光下避免光合机构的光破坏起到了重要作用。14%光强下,3个树种最大净光合速率、光合作用的光饱和点、光补偿点、暗呼吸速率、比叶重降低,叶片单位干重叶绿素含量提高,对低光环境有了较好的形态学和生理学适应。但是,在4%光强下思茅蒲桃和乌墨幼苗全部死亡,只有阔叶蒲桃幼苗仍能存活,说明阔叶蒲桃幼苗适应弱光环境的能力高于思茅蒲桃和乌墨,与它们的演替状态一致。  相似文献   

对分布于太白山海拔2 000~3 700 m的5种杜鹃属植物的叶片光合特性和形态解剖结构进行了研究.结果显示:头花杜鹃分布于高山灌丛,光饱和点、光补偿点高,强光适应性好,耐荫性差;爬枇杷分布于3 000~3 400 m的太白红杉林下,光饱和点较低,光补偿点最高,利用强光能力较弱,生态幅较窄;金背杜鹃、药枇杷、秀雅杜鹃分布于2 000~3 200 m的红桦、牛皮桦林下,光补偿点低,耐荫性强,生态幅宽.在形态结构上,5种杜鹃的栅海组织比均远小于1,属耐荫植物.头花杜鹃叶表密被鳞片,栅栏组织发达,通气组织发达;爬枇杷栅栏组织发达,排列紧密;金背杜鹃叶下表皮密被毛,气孔密度最高,海绵组织排列疏松;秀雅杜鹃叶上下表皮密被鳞片;药枇杷的栅栏组织厚度最小,栅海组织比最低.研究表明,5种杜鹃属植物叶片结构特征的形成是对生境条件长期适应的结果.  相似文献   

8种绿化树种光合特性及叶片解剖结构比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市绿化不仅包含了园林绿化的美化作用,还具有重要的生态功能,其生态功能是通过植物的生理活动实现的。光合能力在种间和基因型间的变化很大,这些差异通常与代谢和(或)叶片的解剖结构的性质有关。本研究选择8种哈尔滨常见树种,采用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统对叶净光合速率(P_n)、呼吸速率(R_d)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、气孔导度(G_s)、胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)等进行测定,并利用显微镜观察测定叶片厚度、表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度,从而探讨叶片结构对光合生理的影响。结果表明:8个树种间叶片最大光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度、蒸腾速率、光饱和点差异显著(P <0.05);表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、上表皮气孔密度和下表皮气孔密度差异显著(P <0.05)。虽然8个树种间光合能力和叶片解剖结构的差异较大,但分析发现其间也存在一定的相关性。其中,光饱和点与叶表皮厚度显著正相关(P <0.01),相关系数为0.78。胞间CO_2浓度与上表皮气孔密度显著负相关(P <0.05),相关系数为-0.65。而最大光合速率、呼吸速率、蒸腾速率和光补偿点与表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、上表皮气孔密度和下表皮气孔密度相关均不显著(P> 0.05)。胞间CO_2浓度与表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度和下表皮气孔密度相关均不显著(P> 0.05)。光饱和点与栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、上表皮气孔密度和下表皮气孔密度相关均不显著(P> 0.05)。虽然对叶片结构对生理过程的影响的机理还需要进一步研究,但是我们认为叶片解剖结构的研究可以更好地理解生理指标的变化。  相似文献   

从形态、生理角度研究了杭州园林中应用最广泛的杜鹃‘紫萼’(Rhododendron mucronatum cv Plenum)的光适应性和最适光强生境。结果表明:随着叶片遮荫程度的增加,杜鹃的叶面积和叶绿素含量增加;光补偿点、光饱和点及暗呼吸强度下降,说明杜鹃对弱光生境有一定的适应性。另一方面,随着相对光强的增加,叶片厚度,比叶重以及栅栏组织、海绵组织厚度及其比值,可溶性蛋白质及净光合速率增加,表现出对阳生生境更好的适应性。在生境65%全光照时,植株在形态,解剖及生理上均处于最佳状态。因此,65%全光照的生境是毛鹃‘紫萼’的最佳光生境。  相似文献   

遮荫对连翘光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文系统研究了不同程度的遮荫(0%、43%、70%、97%)处理对连翘叶片光合特性和叶绿素a荧光参数的影响。结果表明:随着遮荫程度增加,最大净光合速率、光补偿点、光饱和点、暗呼吸速率降低;净光合速率日变化均呈单峰型,峰值和光能利用率增加;叶绿素a b、叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量增加,叶绿素a/b降低;叶绿素a荧光参数Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo日变化呈单谷曲线,值均高于全光照的,且随着遮荫程度的提高其值均依次增加。这说明,连翘是一种耐荫性很强的植物,遮荫可使其降低光补偿点、光饱和点、净光合速率、暗呼吸速率以及叶绿素a/b,增加总叶绿素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量、光能利用率以及PSⅡ原初光能转化效率和潜在活性,从而增强其在弱光条件下的生长发育能力。  相似文献   

陈模舜  柯世省 《广西植物》2009,29(3):366-371
夏蜡梅子叶在一年生幼苗的成苗和生长过程中具有重要作用。为了解夏蜡梅子叶的光适应能力和机制,采用不同层数遮阳网遮光的方式,研究四种生长环境光强(4%、22%、50%和100%全光照)对夏蜡梅子叶显微形态结构和光合参数的影响。结果表明,随着生长环境光强的减弱,夏蜡梅子叶光饱和点(LSP)、光补偿点(LCP)、叶片厚度降低,叶绿素含量升高。在50%全光照下,子叶结构发育完全,细胞排列紧密,维管组织发达,最大净光合速率(Pmax)和暗呼吸速率最高(Rd);而低于22%全光照下子叶趋向于阴生叶结构。因此,夏蜡梅子叶具有较强的耐荫能力。  相似文献   

遮荫对水曲柳和蒙古栎光合、生长和生物量分配的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)和蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)苗期对光的适应性及其生长最适光强,设置4种光环境(全光(FL)、75%光(LS)、50%光(MS)、25%光(HS)),观测了2年生水曲柳和蒙古栎苗木气体交换参数、叶绿素含量(Chl)和比叶重(LMA)、生长及生物量的分配。结果表明:随着光强的减弱,2个树种的LMA、单位叶鲜质量(LFA)和根冠比均呈下降趋势;叶绿素含量(Chl)呈上升趋势,且差异显著(p<0.05);光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)呈"N"形变化,但差异均不显著(p>0.05);水曲柳的最大光合速率(Pmax)在HS处理下最大,Rd在HS处理下最小;蒙古栎的最大光合速率(Pmax)在LS处理下最大,Rd也较小;在全光处理下苗高增量均低于HS处理,地径增量均高于HS处理。研究结果进一步确定水曲柳苗期具有一定的耐荫性,在弱光强下生长较好;蒙古栎苗期对光照要求较高,在相对较强光照下生长较好。  相似文献   

Feng  Y.-L.  Cao  K.-F.  Zhang  J.-L. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):431-437
We investigated the effect of growth irradiance (I) on photon-saturated photosynthetic rate (P max), dark respiration rate (R D), carboxylation efficiency (CE), and leaf mass per unit area (LMA) in seedlings of the following four tropical tree species with contrasting shade-tolerance. Anthocephalus chinensis (Rubiaceae) and Linociera insignis (Oleaceae) are light-demanding, Barringtonia macrostachya (Lecythidaceae) and Calophyllum polyanthum (Clusiaceae) are shade-tolerant. Their seedlings were pot-planted under shading nets with 8, 25, and 50 % daylight for five months. With increase of I, all species displayed the trends of increases of LMA, photosynthetic saturation irradiance, and chlorophyll-based P max, and decreases of chlorophyll (Chl) content on both area and mass bases, and mass-based P max, R D, and CE. The area-based P max and CE increased with I for the light-demanders only. Three of the four species significantly increased Chl-based CE with I. This indicated the increase of nitrogen (N) allocation to carboxylation enzyme relative to Chl with I. Compared to the two shade-tolerants, under the same I, the two light-demanders had greater area- and Chl-based P max, photosynthetic saturation irradiance, lower Chl content per unit area, and greater plasticity in LMA and area- or Chl-based P max. Our results support the hypothesis that light-demanding species is more plastic in leaf morphology and physiology than shade-tolerant species, and acclimation to I of tropical seedlings is more associated with leaf morphological adjustment relative to physiology. Leaf nitrogen partitioning between photosynthetic enzymes and Chl also play a role in the acclimation to I.  相似文献   

In the pursuit of knowledge on the biological behavior of Brazilian Atlantic Forest tree species, this study evaluated the susceptibility of the light-demanding species, Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi., Pseudobombax grandiflorum (Cav.) A. Robyns and Joannesia princeps Vell., and of the shade-tolerant species, Hymenaea courbaril L. var. stilbocarpa and Lecythis pisonis Camb, to photoinhibition and acclimation capacity. These species were first cultivated under two irradiance conditions, I20 (20% direct sunlight radiation) and I100 (all-sky or direct sunlight) and then transferred from I20 to I100. The effects of the sudden increase in light radiation intensity on photosynthetic activity were then evaluated through chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence imaging, HPLC xanthophylls analysis, and cell membrane lipid peroxidation measurements. Light-demanding species were found to present a higher photochemical efficiency and higher acclimation capacity under high light irradiance than shade-tolerant species. The higher photoinhibition tolerance observed in light-demanding species was associated to their higher capacity for photochemical dissipation and dissipation of excess excitation energy via the xanthophyll cycle, leading to a lower ROS generation. The obtained results suggested that a knowledge of acclimation capacity, by means of Chl fluorescence imaging yields, is a useful indicator of species successional grouping.  相似文献   

Seedling growth strategies in Bauhinia species: comparing lianas and trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lianas are expected to differ from trees in their growth strategies. As a result these two groups of woody species will have different spatial distributions: lianas are more common in high light environments. This study determines the differences in growth patterns, biomass allocation and leaf traits in five closely related liana and tree species of the genus Bauhinia. METHODS: Seedlings of two light-demanding lianas (Bauhinia tenuiflora and B. claviflora), one shade-tolerant liana (B. aurea), and two light-demanding trees (B. purpurea and B. monandra) were grown in a shadehouse at 25% of full sunlight. A range of physiological, morphological and biomass parameters at the leaf and whole plant level were compared among these five species. KEY RESULTS: The two light-demanding liana species had higher relative growth rate (RGR), allocated more biomass to leaf production [higher leaf mass fraction (LMF) and higher leaf area ratio (LAR)] and stem mass fraction (SMF), and less biomass to the roots [root mass fraction (RMF)] than the two tree species. The shade-tolerant liana had the lowest RGR of all five species, and had a higher RMF, lower SMF and similar LMF than the two light-demanding liana species. The two light-demanding lianas had lower photosynthetic rates per unit area (A(area)) and similar photosynthetic rates per unit mass (A(mass)) than the trees. Across species, RGR was positively related to SLA, but not to LAR and A(area). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the faster growth of light-demanding lianas compared with light-demanding trees is based on morphological parameters (SLA, LMF and LAR), and cannot be attributed to higher photosynthetic rates at the leaf level. The shade-tolerant liana exhibited a slow-growth strategy, compared with the light-demanding species.  相似文献   

Foliage construction cost (glucose requirement for formation of a unit foliar biomass, G , kg glu kg−1), chemical composition and morphology were examined along a light gradient across the canopies in five deciduous species, which ranked according to increasing shade-tolerance as Populus tremula < Fraxinus excelsior < Tilia cordata = Corylus avellana < Fagus sylvatica . Light conditions in the canopy were estimated by a hemispheric photographic technique, allowing ranking of sample locations according to long-term light input incident to the sampled leaves (relative irradiance). G and foliage carbon concentration increased with increasing relative irradiance in F. excelsior , T. cordata and C. avellana , but wereindependent of irradiance in F. sylvatica and P. tremula . However, if G of non-structural-carbohydrate-free dry mass was considered, it also increased with increasing relative irradiance in P. tremula . A positive correlation between the concentration of carbon-rich lignin and irradiance, probably a result of the acclimation to greater water stress at higher light, was the major reason for the light-dependence of G . Lignin concentrations were highest in more shade-tolerant species, resulting in greatest carbon concentrations in these species. Since carbon concentration and G are directly linked, the leaves of shade-tolerant species were also more expensive to construct. As the result of these effects, G increased faster with increasing leaf dry mass per area which was mainly determined by relative irradiance, in shade-tolerators. Given that shade-tolerant species had lower leaf dry mass per area at common irradiance and that this saturated at lower relative irradiance than leaf dry mass per area in the intolerant species, it was concluded that enhanced energy requirements for foliage construction might constrain species morphological plasticity and the upper limit of leaf dry mass per area attainable at high light.  相似文献   

两种木兰科植物叶片光合作用的光驯化   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
孙谷畴  赵平  曾小平 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1111-1117
测定了生长在全日、54%和21%日光强下需光植物火力楠(Michelia meachurei)和耐荫植物华东拟单性木兰(Parakmerialotungensis)叶片气体交换参数,用以估测降低光强对光合作用的限制和对低光的光驯化.生长在全日光强下火力楠的光饱和光合速率较华东拟单性木兰高.当日光强降低到54%,火力楠叶片光合速率降低幅度较华东拟单性木兰大.当日光降低至21%,华东拟单性木兰的表观量子产率和光能转换率较火力楠高.在全日光强下,火力楠的Vcmax较华东拟单性木兰高.随着日光强降低,两种木兰植物的Vcmax降低,当日光强降低至54%和21%,火力楠的Vcmax降幅较华东拟单性木兰大,火力楠Vcmax对光强降低较华东拟单性木兰敏感.生长光强降低,两种木兰植物内部CO2传导度(gi)降低.在低光强下火力楠仍保持较华东拟单性木兰高的gi.生长光强降低到全日光强的54%,火力楠gi对光合速率限制(Li)与在全日光强的条件下没有区别(p>0.05),表现火力楠gi对54%日光强的驯化;在54%的光条件下,华东拟单性木兰的呼吸速率对光合速率的限制(Lr)与全日光照无差别(p>0.05),显示呼吸速率对低光的驯化.两种木兰植物气孔导度对光合速率的限制(Ls)随光强降低而增大.在遮荫条件下种间叶特性差别明显,这亦反映出两种植物物种光合驯化的差异.火力楠gi对低光驯化,而华东拟单性木兰叶片对较高光强驯化更甚于对低光强.  相似文献   

Naidu  Shawna L.  DeLucia  Evan H. 《Plant Ecology》1998,138(1):27-40
Because acclimation to canopy gaps may involve coordination of new leaf production with morphological or physiological changes in existing, shade-developed leaves, we examined both new leaf production and photosynthesis of existing leaves on shade-grown seedlings after exposure to a late-season canopy gap. Midway through the summer, we transferred potted, shade-grown seedlings of four co-occurring temperate deciduous tree species representing a range of shade-tolerance categories and leaf production strategies to gaps. Shade-tolerant Acer saccharum was the least responsive to gap conditions. It produced few new, high-light acclimated leaves and increases in photosynthetic rates of shade-developed leaves appeared stomatally limited. Intermediately shade-tolerant Fraxinus americana and Quercus rubra responded most, by producing new leaves and increasing photosynthetic rates of existing shade-developed leaves to levels not significantly different from gap-grown controls within four weeks of gap exposure. Shade-intolerant Liriodendron tulipifera was intermediate in response. In these species, the degree of shoot-level morphological acclimation (new leaf production) and leaf-level physiological acclimation (photosynthetic increases in existing leaves) appear coupled. Mechanisms of acclimation also appear related to intrinsic patterns of nitrogen use and mobilization, the ability to adjust stomatal conductance, and shade tolerance.  相似文献   

Acclimation of foliage photosynthetic properties occurs with varying time kinetics, but structural, chemical and physiological factors controlling the kinetics of acclimation are poorly understood, especially in field environments. We measured chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, leaf total carotenoid (Car), chlorophyll (Chl) and nitrogen (N) content and leaf dry mass per area (LMA) along vertical light gradients in natural canopies of the herb species, Inula salicina and Centaurea jacea, and tree species, Populus tremula and Tilia cordata, in the middle of the growing season. Presence of stress was assessed on the basis of night measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. Our aim was to compare the light acclimation of leaf traits, which respond to light availability at long (LMA and N), medium (Chl a/b ratio, Car/Chl ratio) and short time scales (fluorescence characteristics). We found that light acclimation of nitrogen content per unit leaf area (N(area)), chlorophyll content per unit dry mass (Chl(mass)) and Chl/N ratio were related to modifications in LMA. The maximum PSII quantum yield (F(v) /F(m)) increased with increasing growth irradiance in I. salicina and P. tremula but decreased in T. cordata. Leaf growth irradiance, N content and plant species explained the majority of variability in chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, up to 90% for steady-state fluorescence yield, while the contribution of leaf total carotenoid content was generally not significant. Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics did not differ strongly between growth forms, but differed among species within a given growth form. These data highlight that foliage acclimation to light is driven by interactions between traits with varying time kinetics.  相似文献   

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