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Reduced brown adipose tissue thermogenesis of obese rats after ovariectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis was assessed by measuring mitochondrial guanosine diphosphate (GDP) binding, cytochrome oxidase activity and oxygen consumption in ovariectomized (OVX) and sham-operated rats. The food intake and body weight of OVX rats increased more than those of controls and OVX rats became obese. Mitochondrial GDP binding, as an indicator of thermogenic activity, cytochrome oxidase activity, as a marker of mitochondrial abundance, and mitochondrial respiration of BAT in OVX rats were significantly reduced compared with those in controls. And, also, even when OVX rats were restricted in food intake (pair-gained) to produce comparable changes in body weight with sham-controls, or matched in food intake (pair-fed) with sham-controls, these parameters in both pair-gained and pair-fed OVX groups were decreased markedly compared to those in sham-controls. As expected, body weight in pair-fed OVX rats increased significantly more than that in sham-controls. In response to cold exposure, these parameters of OVX rats increased as much as those of controls did. These results suggest that reduced brown adipose tissue thermogenesis might be one of the important factors that are responsible for the development of obesity after OVX.  相似文献   

Adipose tissues are differently involved in lipid metabolism and obesity according to their type and location. Increasing reports stress on the impact of redox metabolism on obesity and metabolic syndrome. The aim of this work is to investigate the site-specific redox metabolism in three different adipose tissues and its changes occurring in obesity. We analysed enzymatic and non-enzymatic parameters, and focused on the reduced/oxidized glutathione and coenzyme Q couples. In lean compared with obese non-diabetic Zucker rats, interscapular brown fat seems well protected against oxidative stress and epididymal adipose tissue shows a more reduced glutathione redox state, associated with a higher susceptibility to lipophilic oxidative stress than inguinal adipose tissue. Epididymal adipose tissue redox metabolism significantly differs from inguinal one by its limited redox metabolism adaptation. Our results demonstrate site-specific managements of reactive oxygen species metabolism in obese Zucker rats. These results are not consistent with the classic deciphering of inflammatory situation and produce a new conception of the redox parameters implication in the development of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of chronic aerobic exercise (swimming, 1h/day, 5 days/week, with an overload of 5% body weight) on glucose metabolism in obese male Wistar rats. Hypothalamic obesity was induced through administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) at 4 mg/g of body weight every other day from birth to 14 days old. Fourteen weeks after drug administration, the rats were separated into two groups: MSG-S (sedentary) and MSG-T (swimming for 10 weeks). Rats of the same age and strain, receiving saline in place of MSG, were used as control (C), and subdivided into two groups: C-S and C-T. At the end of the experimental period, an oral glucose tolerance test was performed and serum glucose (AG) and insulin (AI) were evaluated. A constant for serum glucose decrease (Kitt) in response to exogenous insulin was calculated. Soleus muscle strips and adipose tissue samples were incubated and insulin stimulated glucose uptake determined. No differences were observed in AG among the 4 groups. MSG-S rats showed higher Al (418%) and lower Kitt (92.3%) than C-S rats. T-rats showed higher glucose uptake by muscle (224.0%) and adipose tissues (94.1%) than S-rats. Among trained rats, glucose uptake by muscle was higher in MSG-T (5.4%) than in C-T, while the opposite was observed in adipose tissue (39% higher in C-T). Chronic aerobic exercise was able to improve glucose tolerance and reduce insulin resistance in MSG-obese rats. These effects were associated to an increase in glucose uptake by muscle and adipose tissue in response to insulin.  相似文献   

It is well known that adrenalectomy (ADX) reverses the eating and energy balance disturbances in a variety of models of obesity associated with elevated food intake. We have previously demonstrated enhanced functional activity in the small intestine of neonatally monosodium glutamate-treated (MSG) obese rats despite the absence of overeating and we concluded that these changes might also contribute to the development of MSG obesity. The objective of the present experiments was to investigate whether ADX would affect the small intestinal functions and whether their changes would counteract attenuation or prevention of obesity development in MSG rats. Therefore the investigation was carried out in MSG-obese Wistar male rats and untreated intact rats adrenalectomized on day 40, as well as in lean littermates of MSG rats and intact rats subjected to Sham-ADX surgery. All animals had free access to a standard pellet diet after weaning. At the age of 80 days, body mass, body fat content and food consumption as well as changes of the brush-border-bound duodenal and jejunal alkaline phosphatase (AP), the dipeptidyl(amino)peptidase IV (DPP IV) and maltase activity were measured. During the postoperative period, ADX resulted in a significant decrease of mass gain in both MSG and control rats (P<0.05). ADX fully prevented the development of obesity in MSG rats (significantly decreased epididymal+retroperitoneal fat pad mass, P<0.05) and increased mean daily food intake (P<0.001). These effects were only minimal in the ADX controls suggesting that enhanced adrenal secretion is involved in the expression of MSG obesity and its complications. The AP activity in obese MSG rats was increased by about 21 % (P<0.01) in both intestinal segments when compared to the lean controls, whereas no parallel variations in the activities of DPP IV and maltase were observed in the intestinal parts mentioned. In MSG rats, ADX significantly reduced the AP activity in the duodenum and jejunum (P<0.01). A similar tendency was also seen in the DPP IV activity of adrenalectomized MSG rats as well as in lean control rats. Nevertheless, no significant effect of adrenal withdrawal on maltase activity was found. These results indicate that the decrease of enzyme activities in the small intestine and the different effectiveness of nutrient absorption might be a significant factor preventing the development of excess adiposity in glutamate-treated rats. This information contributes to a better understanding of the importance of small intestinal function for the development of obesity and its maintenance in later life.  相似文献   

In recent years, much attention has been paid by the scientific community to phenolic compounds as active biomolecules naturally present in foods. Pterostilbene is a resveratrol dimethylether derivative which shows higher bioavailability. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of pterostilbene on brown adipose tissue thermogenic markers in a model of genetic obesity, which shows reduced thermogenesis. The experiment was conducted with 30 Zucker (fa/fa) rats that were distributed in three experimental groups: control and two groups orally administered with pterostilbene at 15 and 30 mg/kg body weight/day for 6 weeks. Gene expression of uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ co-activator 1 α (Pgc-1α), carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1b (Cpt1b), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (Pparα), nuclear respiratory factor 1 (Nfr1), and cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2); protein expression of PPARα, PGC-1α, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), UCP1 and glucose transporter (GLUT4); and enzyme activity of CPT 1b and citrate synthase (CS) were assessed in interscapular brown adipose tissue. With the exception of Pgc-1α expression, all these parameters were significantly increased by pterostilbene administration. These results show for the first time that pterostilbene increases thermogenic and oxidative capacity of brown adipose tissue in obese rats. Whether these effects effectively contribute to the antiobesity properties of these compound needs further research.  相似文献   

In the present work the effects of fasting and refeeding on fat pad weight and alkaline phosphatase activity in the brush border of individual duodenal enterocytes have been evaluated in male Wistar rats with obesity induced by monosodium glutamate (MSG) treatment during the early postnatal period. Neonatal rats were treated subcutaneously with MSG (2 mg/g b.w.) or saline (controls) for 4 days after birth. At 4 months of age, two types of experiments were performed. In the first experiment rats, were submitted to 3 or 6 days lasting food deprivation. In the second experiment the rats were refed for 3 or 6 days ad libitum or restrictedly (60% of pre-fasting intake) after a 6 day-fasting period. Fasting and refeeding influenced the body fat and function of the duodenum in MSG-treated rats differently as compared to the controls. However, alkaline phosphatase activity and the weight of epididymal and retroperitoneal fat depots were significantly increased in MSG obese rats (P<0.001) during all the periods examined. While 3 days of food deprivation resulted in both groups in a similar loss of adipose tissue weight and alkaline phosphatase activity, the decrements of these parameters after 6 days of fasting were lower in obese rats suggesting that their capacity to spare body fat stores was enhanced. After 3 days of ad libitum refeeding, a more marked adaptational increase of food consumption and also a significantly increased alkaline phosphatase activity above the pre-fasting level (P<0.01) was observed in the MSG-treated rats. Consequently, a more rapid body fat restoration was demonstrated in these animals. Refeeding of rats at 60% of the pre-fasting intake level resulted in a significant increase of alkaline phosphatase activity in both the MSG and control group; moreover, as food restriction continued, MSG-treated rats tended to further increase the enzyme activity. Our results revealed that MSG treatment of neonatal rats may significantly change the intestinal functions. Permanently increased alkaline phosphatase activity observed in MSG obese rats during all investigated periods suggests that this functional alteration is probably not a consequence of actual nutritional variation but could be a component of regulatory mechanisms maintaining their obesity at critical values.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of aerobic exercise training on glucose tolerance and insulin secretion of obese male Wistar rats (monosodium glutamate [MSG] administration, 4 mg/g-body weight, each other day, from birth to the 14th day). Fourteen weeks after the drug administration, the rats were separated into two groups: MSG-S (sedentary) and MSG-T (T = swimming, 1 h/day, 5 days/week, with an overload of 5% body weight for 10 weeks). Rats of the same age and strain injected with saline were used as control (C) and subdivided into two groups: C-S and C-T. Insulin and glucose responses during an oral glucose tolerance test (GTT) were evaluated by the estimation of the total areas under serum insulin (AI) and glucose (AG) curves. Glucose-induced insulin secretion by isolated pancreatic islets was also evaluated. MSG-S rats showed higher AI than C-rats while MSG-T rats presented lower AI than MSG-S rats. No differences in AG were observed among the 4 groups. Pancreatic islets from MSG-rats showed higher insulin secretion in response to low (2.8) and moderate (8.3 mM) concentrations of glucose than those from their control counterparts and no differences were observed between MSG-S and MSG-T rats. These results provide evidences that the hyperinsulinemia at low or moderate glucose concentrations observed in MSG-obese rats is, at least in part, a consequence of direct hypersecretion of the B cells and that chronic aerobic exercise is able to partially counteract the hyperinsulinemic state of these animals without disrupting glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

Rats were chronically acclimated to 28 degrees C or 5 degrees C or submitted to daily variations of ambiant temperature. Ten or thirty days after removal of about 40% of the total brown adipose tissue (whole interscapular and 25% of abdominal tissues), the weight of the different pads of brown adipose tissue, thyroid and adrenals were determined. In all the groups, there was a large decrease of brown adipose tissue weight for the first ten days due to the shock following the operation. Then, the brown adipose tissue weight was restaured and, only in constant cold accliclimated rats, compensative hypertrophies of axillary and thoracic brown adipose tissue were found. Adrenals weight was significantly increased after the operation; in the two groups of cold acclimated rats, that increase was still significant one month later. However, the corticosterone production rate was not increased. These results are discussed in relation to the physiolocical role of brown adipose tissue in cold acclimated animals.  相似文献   

Protein (western blotting) and gene (PCR) expressions, catalytic activity of puromycin-insensitive membrane-bound neutral aminopeptidase (APM/CD13) and in situ regional distribution of CD13 and FOS immunoreactivity (ir) were evaluated in the hypothalamus of monosodium glutamate obese (MSG) and/or food deprived (FD) rats in order to investigate their possible interplay with metabolic functions. Variations in protein and gene expressions of CD13 relative to controls coincided in the hypothalamus of MSG and MSG-FD (decreased 2- to 17-fold). Compared with controls, the reduction of hypothalamic CD13 content reflected a negative balance in its regional distribution in the supraoptic, paraventricular, periventricular and arcuate nuclei. CD13-ir increased in the supraoptic nucleus in MSG (2.5-fold) and decreased in the paraventricular nucleus (2-fold) together with FOS-ir (1.5-fold) in FD. In MSG-FD, FOS-ir decreased (7-fold) in the paraventricular nucleus, while CD13-ir decreased in the periventricular (5.6-fold) and the arcuate (3.7-fold) nuclei. It was noteworthy that all these changes of CD13 were not related to catalytic activity of APM. Data suggested that hypothalamic CD13 plays a role in the regulation of energy metabolism not by means of APM enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP metabolism in epididymal adipose tissue of exercise-trained rats was examined to determine if training induced changes in cyclic AMP production or inactivation. Beginning at 7 weeks of age, male rats were physically trained by 12 weeks of treadmill running. Pair-fed control rats remained sedentary in their cages for the duration of the experiment. Tissue levels of cyclic AMP were measured in epididymal adipose tissue slices incubated with norepinephrine. Adenyl cyclase was assayed in adipocyte ghost cell prepartions and low-Km phosphodiesterase was assayed in homogenates of adipose tissue. In response to norepinephrine stimulation, tissue cyclic AMP levels were reduced in trained compared to untrained rats. Training increased the ratio of activity of phosphodiesterase relative to adenyl cyclase. The results of this study indicate that cyclic AMP production in response to norepinephrine stimulation is not increased by training and may even be reduced, implying that adipose tissue cyclic AMP levels may be under a greater degree of control in trained rats. Modulation of adipose tissue cyclic AMP levels may function to regulate more closely the duration of lipolysis in exercise-trained rats.  相似文献   

Decreased ketonaemia in the monosodium glutamate-induced obese rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plasma concentrations of total ketone bodies, acetoacetate (AcAc) and 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHBA) in monosodium glutamate (MSG)-induced obese rats were measured. MSG-treated rats showed higher Lee's indices, shorter naso-anal and tail length, and a more marked intraperitoneal fat deposition than control rats. Plasma concentrations of glucose, free fatty acid, triglyceride and phospholipids were significantly increased in the MSG-treated rats as compared to the control rats (24 weeks-old). Plasma levels of total ketone bodies, AcAc and 3-OHBA were all decreased in the MSG-treated rats as compared to control rats. The ratio, 3-OHBA/AcAc in the MSG-treated rats were not different from those in the control rats.  相似文献   

1. The effects of triiodothyronine on the lipid composition of rat brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondria and microsomes was investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). 2. An increase of about 20% was noted in mitochondrial cholesterol and phospholipids, while a decrease of about 20% for both total cholesterol and phospholipids was observed in microsomes from hyperthyroid rats. 3. The BAT phospholipid composition was altered significantly in mitochondria from T3-treated rats with an increase (41%) of cardiolipin and a decrease (18%) in phosphatidylcholine. 4. In microsomes, a decrease by 25% in phosphatidylinositol was accompanied by a similar additional percentage increase in phosphatidylethanolamine. 5. Important alterations in the fatty acid pattern were found in mitochondrial neutral lipids.  相似文献   

Treatment of newborn mice with monosodium glutamate (MSG) is neurotoxic for hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) and causes obesity. In the MSG-treated 16-week-old NMRI mice, we detected specific ablation of ARC neuronal cells, 8 times higher fat to body mass ratio but unchanged body mass compared to controls, advanced hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia--both more pronounced in males, and hyperleptinemia--more severe in females. After fasting, the MSG-treated mice showed attenuated food intake compared to controls. Cholecystokinin octapeptide, which decreased food intake in a dose-dependent manner in 24 h fasted controls, did not significantly affect food intake in the MSG-treated animals. We propose that the obesity-related changes in the feeding behavior of the MSG-treated obese mice were the result of missing leptin and insulin receptors in ARC and consequent altered neuropeptide signaling. This makes the MSG model suitable for clarifying generally the central control of food intake.  相似文献   

In the present work neonatal male and female Wistar rats were treated intraperitoneally with monosodium glutamate (MSG 2 mg/kg b.w.) or saline (controls) daily for 4 day after birth. At the age of 30 and 80 days, the alkaline phosphatase activity (AP) in the brush border of individual enterocytes, the body fat content and Lee's index of obesity were analyzed. Microdensitometrical quantification of AP was significantly increased on day 30 in males (P<0.01) and on day 80 in MSG-treated male and female rats (P<0.001) as compared to the controls. MSG administration also increased the body fat weight and the obesity index significantly (P<0.001) in 80-day-old animals, but was without any significant effect on their food intake. Our results showed that a) neonatal MSG-treatment may significantly change the intestinal function and b) the investigation of the intestinal enzyme activities may be important in further studies on MSG-induced and other forms of obesity.  相似文献   

The effect of obesity on regional skeletal muscle and adipose tissue amino acid metabolism is not known. We evaluated systemic and regional (forearm and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue) amino acid metabolism, by use of a combination of stable isotope tracer and arteriovenous balance methods, in five lean women [body mass index (BMI) <25 kg/m(2)] and five women with abdominal obesity (BMI 35.0-39.9 kg/m(2); waist circumference >100 cm) who were matched on fat-free mass (FFM). All subjects were studied at 22 h of fasting to ensure that the subjects were in net protein breakdown during this early phase of starvation. Leucine rate of appearance in plasma (an index of whole body proteolysis), expressed per unit of FFM, was not significantly different between lean and obese groups (2.05 +/- 0.18 and 2.34 +/- 0.04 micromol x kg FFM(-1) x min(-1), respectively). However, the rate of leucine release from forearm and adipose tissues in obese women (24.0 +/- 4.8 and 16.6 +/- 6.5 nmol x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), respectively) was lower than in lean women (66.8 +/- 10.6 and 38.6 +/- 7.0 nmol x 100 g(-1) x min(-1), respectively; P < 0.05). Approximately 5-10% of total whole body leucine release into plasma was derived from adipose tissue in lean and obese women. The results of this study demonstrate that the rate of release of amino acids per unit of forearm and adipose tissue at 22 h of fasting is lower in women with abdominal obesity than in lean women, which may help obese women decrease body protein losses during fasting. In addition, adipose tissue is a quantitatively important site for proteolysis in both lean and obese subjects.  相似文献   

Lumbar fat pad pieces taken from fed and 48 h starved 19-day pregnant rats and virgin controls were incubated for different times with [U-14C] glycerol, albumin and glucose. The glycerol conversion rates to either CO2, saponified lipids and glyceride glycerol were higher in the pregnant rat tissue than in the controls. Starvation produces a greater decline in these parameters in pregnant rat tissue than in controls. The lipolysis rate was elevated in pregnant rat tissue. The augmented glycerol utilization by adipose tissue in the mother would contribute to the net deposition of fat, despite augmented lipolysis. In the starved state the enhanced lipolysis of the mother is potenciated by a decreased reutilization of glycerol, allowing a maximal net mobilization of the fat stores.  相似文献   

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