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Summary The median eminence (ME) of the adult frog, Rana temporaria, was studied by means of electron microscopy including quantitative electron-microscopic autoradiography. In frogs captured in May and June numerous peptidergic neurosecretory fibres extending via the internal zone to the pars nervosa display large swellings containing few granules, mitochondria, neurotubules and cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, few secretory globules up to 1.5 m in diameter occur in these varicosities. In animals collected during the autumn period many of these neurosecretory swellings filled with neurosecretory granules and polymorphic inclusions resemble Herring bodies. Three types of granule-containing neurosecretory fibres were observed in the external zone (EZ) of the ME of adult R. temporaria. Peptidergic A1- and A2-type fibres are characterized by granules 150–220 nm and 100–160 nm in diameter, respectively. Monoaminergic fibres of type B with granules approximately 100 nm in diameter represent 50% of all neurosecretory elements in the EZ of the frog ME; 12% of the total number of granule-bearing axons in the EZ actively taking up radiolabelled 5-hydroxytryptophan are thought to be serotoninergic terminals. Neurosecretory terminals of all types and glial vascular endfeet establish direct contacts with the perivascular space of the primary portal capillaries. Some neurosecretory terminals are separated from the lumen of the third ventricle by a thin cytoplasmic lamella of tanycytes. The possible physiological significance of this structural pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Two parvalbumins have been isolated from the skeletal muscle of Rana temporaria L. Amino acid composition, tryptic peptide maps, isoelectric points, calcium content and ultraviolet as well as circular dichroism spectra have been determined. Investigation on antigenic properties revealed no antigenic determinants common to both components. The two protein molecules appear to belong to far related gene lineages. They are also different from the parvalbumins found in Rana esculenta muscle. Modifications of physical parameters, associated with calcium binding and dissociation are described. While antigenicity remained essentially unchanged, conformational changes were revealed by alterations of circular dichroism spectra.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell chloride activity in frog skin was investigated using double barrelled Cl--microelectrodes to measure cell membrane potentials and chloride activity in the isolated frog epidermis. Experiments were done under short-circuit conditions, impaling cells from the serosal side. The basic electrophysiological parameters of the isolated skin were similar to those reported in the literature for whole preparations. Intracellular chloride activity was on average 21.9 mM and membrane potential was about 57 mV, implying that chloride was distributed away from its electrochemical equilibrium (i.e., concentrated inside the cells). Chloride activity decreased after removal of either Cl- or Na+ from the serosal bathing solution, with no change in membrane potential. The chloride permeability of the serosal membrane was calculated to be 2.6 X 10(-6) cm X s-1 which represents about 1/4 of the total conductance of the serosal membrane. We suggest that an electrically silent sodium-dependent uphill transport of chloride is present at the basolateral membrane of the frog skin, which accounts for the non-passive distribution of chloride.  相似文献   

1. The investigators studied annual changes in rhodanese activity in mitochondria and cytosol of frog liver cells (Rana temporaria) and found that the value of the enzyme-specific activity was higher in mitochondria than in cytosol, showing significant seasonal fluctuations. 2. The character of changes in the rhodanese activity in mitochondria, regardless of the sex of the studied animal, was demonstrated to be dependent upon the seasonal changes in frog thyroid gland function. 3. In the supernatant fraction of R. temporaria liver homogenate, seasonal changes of rhodanese specific activity seemed to be related to changes in hepatic function.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed against the highly-conserved C-terminal hexapeptide amide of mammalian pancreatic polypeptide (PP), numerous immunoreactive endocrine cells were identified within the pancreas of the European common frog, R. temporaria. An acidified ethanolic extract of pancreatic tissue (0.859 g, n = 35) contained 26.2 nmol equivalents/g of tissue. Gel permeation chromatography of the extract resolved a single peak of immunoreactivity co-eluting with synthetic bovine PP standard. Reverse phase HPLC of this material resolved a single peak of immunoreactivity which was purified to homogeneity following chromatography on a semipreparative C-18 column and an analytical C-8 column. Plasma desorption mass spectrometry (PDMS) of the purified peptide resolved a single component with a molecular mass of 4240.9 Da. Direct gas phase sequencing established the sequence of the first 26 residues. Following incubation of the peptide with endopeptidase Asp-N and direct application of the digest to the sequencer, the entire primary structure of the peptide was established as: APSEPHHPGDQATQDQLAQYYSDLYQYITFVTRPRF. The derived molecular mass of this peptide, incorporating a C-terminal amide, was 4240.6 Da which is entirely consistent with that obtained by PDMS.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of sensory nerve endings was examined in joint capsules of large limb joints in three adult frogs (Rana temporaria). The joint receptors are represented by the only one kind of sensory nerve endings--by free nerve endings. The unmyelinized preterminal desintegrates into single terminals. This branching is bound on the most peripheral cell of the Schwann cell by means of mesaxons, they pass from the pericaryum of the Schwann cell peripherally. The branches of the nerve terminal are surrounded by a cover of 1...3 cytoplasmatic processes of the Schwann cell. The surface lamella is covered by a distinct basal membrane. Bundles of collagenous fibrils pass along the branches of the nerve terminal. Quite naked nerve endings were not observed. The axoplasma of the nerve terminal contains strikingly few cell organels. Besides axially passing neurofilaments and neurotubules only sporadic mitochondria and clear vesicles were observed. The accumulation of mitochondria, characteristic for the axoplasma of nerve terminals, was observed in no case. Free nerve endings which were found in the joint capsules of the frog belong among so called "free penicillate nerve endings".  相似文献   

In experiments on isolated lungs, studies have been made on the activity of single afferent fibers during simulated expiration and inspiration. Both slowly adapting and rapidly adapting voluminous stretch receptors were found in the frog lungs. The latter type exhibits the activity also during fast simulated expiration. Using acetylcholine and histamine, it was shown that the level of excitability of the receptors investigated depends on functional condition of the plain muscles in the pulmonary wall.  相似文献   

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