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Circadian rhythms are endogenous, and synchronize biological functions at the most suited time of the day. Insects like other organism display a wide array of circadian functions, which are controlled by a central timing system, in coordination with the peripheral clocks found in many tissues. Many insect behaviours including locomotion, courtship, mating, egg laying and photoperiodism, are influenced by the circadian systems. In this mini-review, we briefly describe the involvement of circadian clocks in various physiological processes and correlate their functions in insect life, focusing on lepidopteran pests (major group of Indian crop pests) and discuss their role(s) in the development of effective pest management strategy.  相似文献   

Diurnal and nocturnal leaflet movement of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was investigated under three light schemes: 100% natural irradiance, 50% shading, and 90% shading. Changes in leaf mid-vein angle were described by measurements of two planes: (i) β, the angle formed by the bottom of the petiolule and its relation to the horizontal plane; and (ii) θ, the angle between the petiolule and the main leaflet vein. The two highest light regimens had a significant effect on β. Variation in β tends to make the leaflet more erect, thereby minimizing any negative impact of high irradiance on leaf lamina. Light-dark rhythms induced variation in θ (termed nyctinastic movement). Nyctinastic movement is important during the low light levels experienced by leaflets in early morning and late afternoon. At low light levels, the leaflet stopped nyctinastic movement and θ was fixed at an angle that may have enabled the leaf lamina to maximize light interception. After the light-dark cycle was reestablished, nyctinastic movement was restored. Taken together, our results suggest that irradiance induces variation in β leading to diurnal leaflet movement (diaheliotropism), whereas the light-dark cycle influences θ, which results in nocturnal leaflet movement. Both angles are important for describing patterns of leaf movement in R. pseudocacia.  相似文献   

Extensive research has been carried out to understand how circadian clocks regulate various physiological processes in organisms. The discovery of clock genes and the molecular clockwork has helped researchers to understand the possible role of these genes in regulating various metabolic processes. In Drosophila melanogaster, many studies have shown that the basic architecture of circadian clocks is multi-oscillatory. In nature, different neuronal subgroups in the brain of D. melanogaster have been demonstrated to control different circadian behavioural rhythms or different aspects of the same circadian rhythm. Among the circadian phenomena that have been studied so far in Drosophila, the egg-laying rhythm is unique, and relatively less explored. Unlike most other circadian rhythms, the egg-laying rhythm is rhythmic under constant light conditions, and the endogenous or free-running period of the rhythm is greater than those of most other rhythms. Although the clock genes and neurons required for the persistence of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms have been studied extensively, those underlying the circadian egg-laying rhythm still remain largely unknown. In this review, we discuss our current understanding of the circadian egg-laying rhythm in D. melanogaster, and the possible molecular and physiological mechanisms that control the rhythmic output of the egg-laying process.  相似文献   


Circadian clocks are endogenous time keeping mechanisms that drive near 24-h behavioural, physiological and metabolic rhythms in organisms. It is thought that organisms possess circadian clocks to facilitate coordination of essential biological events to the external day and night (extrinsic advantage) so as to enhance Darwinian fitness. However, on Earth, there are a number of habitats that are not subject to such robust daily cycling of geo-physical factors. Do organisms living under such conditions exhibit rhythmic behaviours that are driven by endogenous circadian clocks? We attempt to critically survey studies of rhythms (or the lack of them) in organisms living in a range of constant environments. Many such organisms do show rhythms in behaviour and/or physiological variables. We suggest that such presence of rhythms may be indicative of an underlying clock that facilitates, (a) internal synchrony among rhythms, and (b) temporal partitioning of incompatible cellular processes (intrinsic advantage). We then highlight reasons that limit our interpretations about the presence (or absence) of clocks in such organisms living under constant conditions, and suggest possible methods to conclusively test whether or not rhythms in these organisms are driven by endogenous circadian clocks with the hope that it may enhance our understanding of circadian clocks in organisms under constant environments.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, changes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) behaviour have become popular quantitative indicators in biomedical studies. The circadian rhythms of behavioural processes in zebrafish are known to enable effective utilization of energy and resources, therefore attracting interest in zebrafish as a research model. This review covers a variety of circadian behaviours in this species, including diurnal rhythms of spawning, feeding, locomotor activity, shoaling, light/dark preference, and vertical position preference. Changes in circadian activity during zebrafish ontogeny are reviewed, including ageing-related alterations and chemically induced variations in rhythmicity patterns. Both exogenous and endogenous sources of inter-individual variability in zebrafish circadian behaviour are detailed. Additionally, we focus on different environmental factors with the potential to entrain circadian processes in zebrafish. This review describes two principal ways whereby diurnal behavioural rhythms can be entrained: (i) modulation of organismal physiological state, which can have masking or enhancing effects on behavioural endpoints related to endogenous circadian rhythms, and (ii) modulation of period and amplitude of the endogenous circadian rhythm due to competitive relationships between the primary and secondary zeitgebers. In addition, different peripheral oscillators in zebrafish can be entrained by diverse zeitgebers. This complicated orchestra of divergent influences may cause variability in zebrafish circadian behaviours, which should be given attention when planning behavioural studies.  相似文献   

In three species of birds that migrate long distances, the annual rhythms of gonadal activity, molt, and migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) persist for more than 1 year under certain constant conditions. The most important zeitgeber for these circannual rhythms is the annual cycle of photoperiod, which adjusts the overall period of circannual rhythms to exactly 1 year and also provides for the appropriate adjustment of seasonal activities to the temporal structure of the environment. This is illustrated by results on garden warblers (Sylvia borin) indicating that the longer photoperiods experienced by individuals wintering far south in the African wintering area phase-advance spring migration and the accompanying gonadal development, relative to those of individuals wintering further north. The rate of acceleration is, however, slow enough to prevent a reproductive cycle during the Southern Hemisphere summer. Hence, endogenous circannual components and zeitgeber stimuli constitute a functional entity that provides as a whole for adaptive temporal programming. This idea is further supported by findings in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), in which a circannual rhythmicity persists only if photoperiod in winter is at least as short as that normally encountered by the species in its wintering grounds slightly north of the equator. In collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), in contrast, rhythmicity continues under much longer photoperiods, consistent with the fact that the wintering area of this species extends to latitudes far south of the equator. It is proposed that the adaptive function of circannual rhythms can be properly understood only if their interactions with environmental factors, particularly those that play a role as zeitgebers, are analyzed in sufficient detail. The biological significance of circannual rhythms may be more apparent in the context of the environmental constraints limiting their expression than in the often rather restricted set of conditions sustaining spontaneous annual cyclicity.  相似文献   

The importance of circadian clocks in the regulation of adult physiology in mammals is well established. In contrast, the ontogenesis of the circadian system and its role in embryonic development are still poorly understood. Although there is experimental evidence that the clock machinery is present prior to birth, data on gestational clock functionality are inconsistent. Moreover, little is known about the dependence of embryonic rhythms on maternal and environmental time cues and the role of circadian oscillations for embryonic development. The aim of this study was to test if fetal mouse tissues from early embryonic stages are capable of expressing endogenous, self-sustained circadian rhythms and their contribution to embryogenesis. Starting on embryonic day 13, we collected precursor tissues for suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), liver and kidney from embryos carrying the circadian reporter gene Per2::Luc and investigated rhythmicity and circadian traits of these tissues ex vivo. We found that even before the respective organs were fully developed, embryonic tissues were capable of expressing circadian rhythms. Period and amplitude of which were determined very early during development and phases of liver and kidney explants are not influenced by tissue preparation, whereas SCN explants phasing is strongly dependent on preparation time. Embryonic circadian rhythms also developed in the absence of maternal and environmental time signals. Morphological and histological comparison of offspring from matings of Clock-Δ19 mutant and wild-type mice revealed that both fetal and maternal clocks have distinct roles in embryogenesis. While genetic disruptions of maternal and embryonic clock function leads to increased fetal fat depots, abnormal ossification and organ development, Clock gene mutant newborns from mothers with a functional clock showed a larger body size compared to wild-type littermates. These data may contribute to the understanding of the ontogenesis of circadian clocks and the risk of disturbed maternal or embryonic circadian rhythms for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Functional involvement of a circadian clock in photoperiodism for measuring the length of day or night had been proposed more than 70 years ago, and various physiological experiments have supported the idea. However, the molecular basis of a circadian clock has remained veiled in insects. Nevertheless, our knowledge of the functional elements of a circadian clock governing circadian rhythmicity has advanced rapidly. Since both circadian rhythms and photoperiodism depend on the daily cycles of environmental changes, it is easy to assume that the same clock elements are involved in both processes. Recently, the RNA interference (RNAi) technique clarified that the molecular machinery of a circadian clock governing photoperiodism is identical to that governing circadian rhythmicity. Here, I review the theoretical background of photoperiodic responses incorporating a circadian clock(s) and recent progress on the molecular clockwork involved in photoperiodism in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris and other insect species. I have focused on the intense controversy regarding the involvement of a circadian clock in insect photoperiodism.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are daily cycles of physiology and behavior that are driven by an endogenous oscillator with a period of approximately one day. In mammals, the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei are our principal circadian oscillators which influences peripheral tissue clocks via endocrine, autonomic and behavioral cues, and other brain regions and most peripheral tissues contain circadian clocks as well. The circadian molecular machinery comprises a group of circadian genes, namely Clock, Bmal1, Per1, Per2, Per3, Cry1 and Cry2. These circadian genes drive endogenous oscillations which promote rhythmically expression of downstream genes and thereby physiological and behavioral processes. Disruptions in circadian homeostasis have pronounced impact on physiological functioning, overall health and disease susceptibility. This review introduces the general profile of circadian gene expression and tissue-specific circadian regulation, highlights the connection between the circadian rhythms and physiological processes, and discusses the role of circadian rhythms in human disease.  相似文献   

The sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivar 58M, which contains the null mutant phytochrome B gene, shows reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and exhibits a shade-avoidance phenotype. Ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B mutant cultivars was monitored every 3 h, and both cultivars were found to produce ethylene in a circadian rhythm, with peak production occurring during the day. The phytochrome B mutant produces rhythmic peaks of ethylene with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild-type counterpart with the same period and diurnal timing. The source of the mutant's additional ethylene is the shoot. The diurnal rhythm can be produced with either light or temperature cycles; however, both light and temperature cycles are required for circadian entrainment. The temperature signal overrides the light signal in the production of diurnal rhythms, because seedlings grown under thermoperiods reversed with the photoperiod produced ethylene peaks during the warm nights. To examine the effect of extreme shading on ethylene production, seedlings were grown under dim, far-red-enriched light. This treatment duplicated the phytochrome B mutant's shade-avoidance phenotype in the wild type and caused the wild type to produce ethylene peaks similar to those observed in the mutant. The results confirm that phytochrome B is not required for proper function of circadian timing, but it may be involved in modulating physiological rhythms driven by the biological clock oscillator.  相似文献   

Many physiological and biochemical processes in plants exhibit endogenous rhythms with a period of about 24 h. Endogenous oscillators called circadian clocks regulate these rhythms. The circadian clocks are synchronized to the periodic environmental changes (e.g. day/night cycles) by specific stimuli; among these, the most important is the light. Photoreceptors, phytochromes, and cryptochromes are involved in setting the clock by transducing the light signal to the central oscillator. In this work, we analyzed the spatial, temporal, and long-term light-regulated expression patterns of the Arabidopsis phytochrome (PHYA to PHYE) and cryptochrome (CRY1 and CRY2) promoters fused to the luciferase (LUC(+)) reporter gene. The results revealed new details of the tissue-specific expression and light regulation of the PHYC and CRY1 and 2 promoters. More importantly, the data obtained demonstrate that the activities of the promoter::LUC(+) constructs, with the exception of PHYC::LUC(+), display circadian oscillations under constant conditions. In addition, it is shown by measuring the mRNA abundance of PHY and CRY genes under constant light conditions that the circadian control is also maintained at the level of mRNA accumulation. These observations indicate that the plant circadian clock controls the expression of these photoreceptors, revealing the formation of a new regulatory loop that could modulate gating and resetting of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Endogenous circadian clocks are synchronized to the 24-h day by external zeitgebers such as daily light and temperature cycles. Bumblebee foragers show diurnal rhythms under daily light:dark cycles and short-period free-running circadian rhythms in constant light conditions in the laboratory. In contrast, during the continuous light conditions of the arctic summer, they show robust 24-h rhythms in their foraging patterns, meaning that some external zeitgeber must entrain their circadian clocks in the presence of constant light. Although the sun stays above the horizon for weeks during the arctic summer, the light quality, especially in the ultraviolet (UV) range, exhibits pronounced daily changes. Since the photoreceptors and photopigments that synchronize the circadian system of bees are not known, we tested if the circadian clocks of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) can be entrained by daily cycles in UV light levels. Bumblebee colonies were set up in the laboratory and exposed to 12?h:12?h UV?+?:UV? cycles in otherwise continuous lighting conditions by placing UV filters on their foraging arenas for 12?h each day. The activity patterns of individual bees were recorded using fully automatic radiofrequency identification (RFID). We found that colonies manipulated in such a way showed synchronized 24-h rhythms, whereas simultaneously tested control colonies with no variation in UV light levels showed free-running rhythms instead. The results of our study show that bumblebee circadian rhythms can indeed be synchronized by daily cycles in ambient light spectral composition. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Organisms are believed to have evolved circadian clocks as adaptations to deal with cyclic environmental changes, and therefore it has been hypothesized that evolution in constant environments would lead to regression of such clocks. However, previous studies have yielded mixed results, and evolution of circadian clocks under constant conditions has remained an unsettled topic of debate in circadian biology. In continuation of our previous studies, which reported persistence of circadian rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster populations evolving under constant light, here we intended to examine whether circadian clocks and the associated properties evolve differently under constant light and constant darkness. In this regard, we assayed activity-rest, adult emergence and oviposition rhythms of D. melanogaster populations which have been maintained for over 19 years (~330 generations) under three different light regimes – constant light (LL), light–dark cycles of 12:12 h (LD) and constant darkness (DD). We observed that while circadian rhythms in all the three behaviors persist in both LL and DD stocks with no differences in circadian period, they differed in certain aspects of the entrained rhythms when compared to controls reared in rhythmic environment (LD). Interestingly, we also observed that DD stocks have evolved significantly higher robustness or power of free-running activity-rest and adult emergence rhythms compared to LL stocks. Thus, our study, in addition to corroborating previous results of circadian clock evolution in constant light, also highlights that, contrary to the expected regression of circadian clocks, rearing in constant darkness leads to the evolution of more robust circadian clocks which may be attributed to an intrinsic adaptive advantage of circadian clocks and/or pleiotropic functions of clock genes in other traits.  相似文献   

Endogenous circannual clocks are found in many long-lived organisms, but are best studied in mammal and bird species. Circannual clocks are synchronized with the environment by changes in photoperiod, light intensity and possibly temperature and seasonal rainfall patterns. Annual timing mechanisms are presumed to have important ultimate functions in seasonally regulating reproduction, moult, hibernation, migration, body weight and fat deposition/stores. Birds that live in habitats where environmental cues such as photoperiod are poor predictors of seasons (e.g. equatorial residents, migrants to equatorial/tropical latitudes) rely more on their endogenous clocks than birds living in environments that show a tight correlation between photoperiod and seasonal events. Such population-specific/interspecific variation in reliance on endogenous clocks may indicate that annual timing mechanisms are adaptive. However, despite the apparent adaptive importance of circannual clocks, (i) what specific adaptive value they have in the wild and (ii) how they function are still largely untested. Whereas circadian clocks are hypothesized to be generated by molecular feedback loops, it has been suggested that circannual clocks are either based upon (i) a de-multiplication ('counting') of circadian days, (ii) a sequence of interdependent physiological states, or (iii) one or more endogenous oscillators, similar to circadian rhythms. We tested the de-multiplication of days (i) versus endogenous regulation hypotheses (ii) and (iii) in captive male and female house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We assessed the period of reproductive (testicular and follicular) cycles in four groups of birds kept either under photoperiods of LD 12L:12D (period length: 24h), 13.5L:13.5D (27 h), 10.5L:10.5D (23 h) or 12D:8L:3D:1L (24-h skeleton photoperiod), respectively, for 15 months. Contrary to predictions from the de-multiplication hypothesis, individuals experiencing 27-h days did not differ (i.e. did not have longer) annual reproductive rhythms than individuals from the 21- or 24-h day groups. However, in line with predictions from endogenous regulation, birds in the skeleton group had significantly longer circannual period lengths than all other groups. Birds exposed to skeleton photoperiods experienced fewer light hours per year than all other groups (3285 versus 4380) and had a lower daily energy expenditure, as tested during one point of the annual cycle using respirometry. Although our results are tantalizing, they are still preliminary as birds were only studied over a period of 15 months. Nevertheless, the present data fail to support a 'counting of circadian days' and instead support hypotheses proposing whole-organism processes as the mechanistic basis for circannual rhythms. We propose a novel energy turnover hypothesis which predicts a dependence of the speed of the circannual clock on the overall energy expenditure of an organism.  相似文献   

Chrononutrition – circadian clocks and energy metabolism Genetically encoded endogenous clocks regulate 24‐hour rhythms of physiology and behavior. A central pacemaker residing in the suprachiasmatic nucleus synchronizes peripheral clocks found in all tissues with each other and with the external day‐night cycle. One function of circadian clocks is the regulation of energy metabolism via rhythmic activation of tissue‐specific clock‐controlled genes. In the liver, genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism are regulated in this fashion, while in adipocytes, fatty acid release and adipokine secretion are controlled by the circadian clock. Disruption of circadian rhythms as seen, for example, in shift workers promotes the development of metabolic disorders such as obesity and type‐2 diabetes.  相似文献   


Insects express diverse behavioral rhythms synchronized to environmental cycles. While circadian entrainment to light–dark cycles is ubiquitous in living organisms, synchronization to non-photic cycles may be critical for hematophagous bugs that depend on rhythmic hosts. The purpose was to determine whether Triatoma infestans are capable of synchronizing to the circadian rhythms of potential hosts with temporally distinct activity patterns; and, if so, if this synchronization occurs through masking or entrainment. Precise synchronization with the food source may be critical for the insects’ survival due to the specific predatory or defensive nature of each host. Kissing bugs were housed in a compartment in constant dark, air-flow-connected to another compartment with a nocturnal or a diurnal host; both hosts were synchronized to a light–dark cycle. The activity rhythms of kissing bugs were modulated by the daily activity rhythms of the vertebrates. Effects were a decrease in the endogenous circadian period, independent of the host being nocturnal or diurnal; in some cases relative coordination occurred and in others synchronization was clearly achieved. Moreover, splitting and bimodality arose, phenomena that were also affected by the host presence. The results indicate that T. infestans were able to detect the non-photic cycle of their potential hosts, an ability that surely facilitates feeding and hinders predation risk. Understanding triatomines behavior is of fundamental importance to the design of population control methods.  相似文献   

Kaiser TS  Heckel DG 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32092
Circadian rhythms pre-adapt the physiology of most organisms to predictable daily changes in the environment. Some marine organisms also show endogenous circalunar rhythms. The genetic basis of the circalunar clock and its interaction with the circadian clock is unknown. Both clocks can be studied in the marine midge Clunio marinus (Chironomidae, Diptera), as different populations have different local adaptations in their lunar and diurnal rhythms of adult emergence, which can be analyzed by crossing experiments. We investigated the genetic basis of population variation in clock properties by constructing the first genetic linkage map for this species, and performing quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis on variation in both lunar and diurnal timing. The genome has a genetic length of 167-193 centimorgans based on a linkage map using 344 markers, and a physical size of 95-140 megabases estimated by flow cytometry. Mapping the sex determining locus shows that females are the heterogametic sex, unlike most other Chironomidae. We identified two QTL each for lunar emergence time and diurnal emergence time. The distribution of QTL confirms a previously hypothesized genetic basis to a correlation of lunar and diurnal emergence times in natural populations. Mapping of clock genes and light receptors identified ciliary opsin 2 (cOps2) as a candidate to be involved in both lunar and diurnal timing; cryptochrome 1 (cry1) as a candidate gene for lunar timing; and two timeless (tim2, tim3) genes as candidate genes for diurnal timing. This QTL analysis of lunar rhythmicity, the first in any species, provides a unique entree into the molecular analysis of the lunar clock.  相似文献   

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