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Strobilanthes kannanii, a new species of Acanthaceae from southern Western Ghats is described and illustrated. It shows similarity to S. sessilis in some vegetative, floral and palynological characters. Notes on the habitat, distribution, and affinities are also provided along with color images and line drawings.  相似文献   

To study the reproductive biology of Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864), monthly samples were collected from the riverine stretches of Lake Vembanad during 2001–2002. The sexes can be distinguished only during the breeding season; male to female ratio in the exploited catch was 1 : 1.97. The mean LT at first maturity (L50) was 18.5 cm in females and 17.5 cm in males. Absolute fecundity varied between 1100 and 124 000, with a mean of 20 472. The ovary showed group synchronous development and the oocyte diameter varied between 0.13 and 1.63 mm. The relatively high fecundity and hardy nature of H. brachysoma may favour the expansion of this indigenous catfish throughout the culture systems.  相似文献   

Endemic species are highly adapted to grow exclusively in a specific geographical area. The goal of the current study is to determine the probable habitat distribution range of the narrowly endemic species Gluta travancorica. An ecological niche modelling is carried out, using four different models viz., BioClim, MaxEnt, Random Forest and Deep Neural Networks (DNN). A total of 506 G. travancorica cluster locations were surveyed and used for this study with thirty different ecogeographic, edaphic and bioclimatic environmental parameters. After a preliminary investigation using multi-collinearity analysis, soil parameter variables like pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), silt and clay content are used for final modelling. Factor analysis of ecological niche revealed the soil parameters like pH, CEC, silt and clay content as the key predictors. The result is validated using true skill statistics, sensitivity, specificity, kappa statistic and AUC-ROC. Results of the present study show that DNN have exceptional prediction performance, demonstrated by its AUC score of 0.959. DNN model projected 32.37% (938.18 km2) of the study region to have a ‘highly suitable habitat’, whereas 67.63% (1960.82 km2) was classified as having ‘low habitat suitability’. Besides, back-to-field assessments have also proven DNN's potential in predicting the habitat suitability of G. travancorica. The study results will facilitate the prioritization of conservation and seedling restoration strategies. The forest range explored in this work is a component of one of the most important global biodiversity hotspots, and it has significant implications for regional biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

We analyzed mycorrhizal types and dark septate endophyte (DSE) fungal associations in a shola vegetation of Western Ghats region, southern India. Plants belonging to 29 species of 19 families were assessed for mycorrhizal type and DSE fungal association. Five mycorrhizal classes were classified based on morphological traits: arbuscular, ecto-, ectendo-, ericoid-, and orchid mycorrhizas. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) association was the most predominant mycorrhizal type, occurring in 16 plant species, followed by orchid (3 species), ericoid- (2 species), and ecto- and ectendomycorrhizas (1 species each). Mycorrhizal association is reported for the first time in 19 plant species. DSE fungal association was found in six plant species. Arum- and Paris-type AM morphology was found, respectively, in 10 and 5 plant species, with intermediate type recorded in one species. In this study, some new records on the morphological types of AM in some plant families were obtained. Further occurrence of ectendomycorrhizas in Pinus oocarpa and dark septate fungal association in Eleaocarpus munronii, Symplocos cochinchiensis, Daphniphyllum neilgherrense, Euodia roxburghiana, Syzygium arnottianum, and Syzygium montanum are reported for the first time. Roots of Berberis tinctoria, Mahonia leschenaultii (Berberidaceae), Elaeagnus latifolia (Elaeagnaceae), and Elaeocarpus oblongus (Elaeocarpaceae) lacked any fungal structures.  相似文献   

Momordica sahyadrica is a new species occurring in a very narrow habitat range in Western Ghats of India. Formerly, material of it was placed under Momordica dioica , but it appeared distinct from that species in various morphological and ecological features. It is described and illustrated with a note on its distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

Abelmoschus enbeepeegearense J. John et al. is a new species occurring at low elevations in the Western Ghats of India, comprising Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The taxon is morphologically allied to A. moschatus subsp. moschatus, A. moschatus subsp. tuberosus and A. crinitus, but easily distinguishable by virtue of its orthotropic branching, 3–5‐angled leaves, glandular hairy plant body with whitish waxy secretions, glandular non‐setose epiclayx segmens which is more than eight in number and ovate hirsute fruits with a short mucro at the apex. It can be crossed with all three taxa with varying degree of success, but the hybrids are sterile. The material belonging to it was earlier identified as and placed under A. moschatus Medik. The taxon is described and illustrated with notes on its phenology, ecology and distribution. In additions, a key to all Abelmoschus taxa occurring in India is provided.  相似文献   

通过对峨眉山特有种侧穗凤仙花的开花生物学特性、花器官结构、传粉者种类和访花行为、繁育系统、花粉胚珠比(P/O)及花粉活力的研究.发现居群之间花的寿命变化比较大,它们的雄蕊期长,雌/雄蕊期比为0.12~0.17;花粉胚珠比达到4.6万,花粉在开花第一天有很高的活力(>90%);传粉者为熊蜂和天蛾,熊蜂包括贞洁熊蜂、白背熊...  相似文献   

Sensitive stigma has been recognized to facilitate outcrossing. We hypothesized that species with different levels of sensitivity might have corresponding differences in components of their breeding system. In this study, three Mazus species with bilobed stigmas were used to test the hypothesis. We explored stigma behaviors of the species in reaction time, recovery time, permanent closing time, and the minimum pollen load causing permanent closure. We investigated floral traits, pollinator type and behavior, pollination intensity, and natural schedule of pollen deposition on stigma. Moreover, we evaluated the mating system of the species by checking seed set after controlled pollination treatments, namely, natural flowers with open pollination, enclosed flowers without pollination, and enclosed flowers with self and outcross hand pollination. Results indicated that stigma of M. pumilus (N. L. Burman) Steenis was not sensitive, whereas stigmas of M. miquelii Makino and M. stachydifolius (Turcz.) Maxim. closed and reopened quickly in response to pollination. Accordingly, hand pollination treatments revealed that seed set of self-spontaneous pollination in M. pumilus was similar to the other treatments. For M. miquelii, outcross pollen resulted in significantly higher seed set than self-pollen.Mazus stachydifolius was self-incompatible. Additionally, the corresponding characteristics in other components of the breeding system for each species were found. Our study indicated that the sensitivity of bilobed stigma might be linked with floral traits and the mating system in a given species. Sensitive stigma should be regarded as an evolutionary mechanism for enhancement of outcrossing.  相似文献   

The reproductive phenology of 60 understorey species was monitored at monthly intervals for 20 months in a medium elevation wet evergreen forest in the Southern Western Ghats. The life forms monitored were herbs (including terrestrial orchids), shrubs and small trees. Flowering and fruiting were non‐uniform with a dry season flowering peak and wet season fruiting peak. Flowering in the understorey correlated negatively with rainfall. No significant correlation was detected for fruiting. Life forms had flowering and fruiting peaks at different times of the year.  相似文献   

  • Ocotea catharinensis (Lauraceae) is an endangered tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Currently, little is known about the reproductive ecology of this species. Aiming to propose conservation measures, we described aspects related to phenology, floral biology, pollination, seed dispersal and mating system of O. catharinensis.
  • We conducted phenological observations in 62 individuals for 2 years. In one reproductive event, we evaluated nectar production, stigmatic receptivity and pollen viability. Floral visitors were observed, identified and classified on a scale of pollination effectiveness. Seed dispersers were observed and identified using camera traps. Finally, the mating system was evaluated through pollen/ovule ratios, experimental pollination treatments and genetic analysis with molecular markers.
  • Ocotea catharinensis presented a supra‐annual fruiting pattern with a substantial reduction of reproducing individuals from bud phase to ripe fruit phase. Several mechanisms prompting cross‐fertilisation were identified, such as attractive, herkogamic and protogynic flowers. The main floral visitors and pollinators were from the Diptera order, and all seed dispersers were birds. The species presented a predominantly outcrossed mixed mating system with significant selfing rate (17.3%).
  • Although based on restricted evidence, we hypothesised that selfing is an escape mechanism for situations unfavourable to cross‐fertilisation. Specifically, for the studied population selfing is a response to reduced population size, which is caused by the non‐reproduction of all potentially reproductive individuals and by past exploitation events. Therefore, conservation efforts should be able to enhance population sizes, as well as prevent overexploitation.

The study provides new information on the reproductive biology of Hypselobarbus thomassi (Day, 1874) an endemic cyprinid fish in the Western Ghats–a biodiversity hotspot of India. A total of 384 specimens (males = 244 and females = 140) were collected monthly from April 2009 to March 2011 from Kallada River of Southern part of Western Ghats, India. Monthly sex ratio indicated that males predominated in the fishery, and an overall sex ratio was significantly different from the expected value of 1:1 (male:female = 1:0.57, x2 = 28.17, p < .01). Based on the monthly analysis of gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the proportion of mature individuals, the spawning season of H. thomassi occurred between May to October with a peak in June to August. The length at first maturity (L50) recorded was 290 mm TL in males and 330 mm TL in females. The absolute fecundity ranged between 305 (234 mm TL) to 1,089 (414 mm TL) and relative fecundity oscillated between 77.3–220.69 oocytes/g of fish. The fecundity established a linear relationship with total length, body weight and ovary weight. The findings of this study would be very effective to impose sustainable conservation plan for this threatened species in Kallada River and other Western Ghats river systems.  相似文献   

为科学评估野生传粉昆虫对农作物授粉生态系统服务能力以及空间格局,基于不同土地利用/覆被类型上各种野生传粉蜂的蜜粉源植物和其巢穴资源的可得性,并结合其传粉的飞行行为及对其传粉有一定依赖性的作物,以ArcGIS9.2为平台构建了针对每个农作物像元的生态系统传粉授粉服务能力评估模型。并在云南丽江老君山地区,以当地野生东方蜜蜂(Apiscerana Fabricius)为例进行了模型的应用。结果表明:当地野生东方蜜蜂在森林的平均生境质量指数最高,达到2.24×10-2;而在栽培植被最低,为0.37×10-2。由于研究区西部农作物区分布零散,周边天然林可提供丰富的蜜粉源和栖息地;而东部农作区集中连片,作物相单一,传粉有较大的空间障碍,且周边多为次生林,研究区农田范围内授粉服务能力空间分布呈现"西高东低"格局。  相似文献   

Cyrtopodium punctatum (Linnaeus) Lindley is an endangered epiphytic orchid restricted in the USA to southern Florida. This species has been extensively collected from the wild since the early 1900s, and today only a few plants remain in protected areas. As part of a conservation plan, a reproductive biology study was conducted to better understand the ecology of this species in Florida. Cyrtopodium punctatum relies on a deceit pollination system using aromatic compounds to attract pollinators. Nine aromatic compounds were identified as components of the fragrance of C. punctatum inflorescences, including two compounds that are known to be Euglossine bee attractants. However, this group of bees is not native to Florida. Of the four bee species observed to visit C. punctatum flowers in the present study, carpenter bees ( Xylocopa spp.) are likely to be the main pollinators. Pollination experiments demonstrated that C. puntatum is self-compatible, but requires a pollinator and thus does not exhibit spontaneous autogamy. In addition, the rates of fruit set were significantly higher for flowers that were outcrossed (xenogamy) than for those that were self-crossed. Thus, the species has evolved a degree of incompatibility. Examples of natural pollination and fruit set were observed during the present study (2007–2008), but the rates of reproduction were modest as a consequence of the low plant numbers and possible changes in insect densities as a result of anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

The genus Glyphochloa (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Andropogoneae: Rottboellinae) is endemic to peninsular India and is distributed on lateritic plateaus of low and high altitude in and around Western Ghats and the Malabar Coast. The genus presumably originated and diversified in the Western Ghats. Species relationships in the genus Glyphochloa were deduced here based on molecular phylogenies inferred using nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences and plastid intergenic spacer regions (atpB-rbcL, trnT-trnL, trnL-trnF), and new observations were made of spikelet morphology, caryopsis morphology and meiotic chromosome counts. We observed two distinct clades of Glyphochloa s.l. One of these (‘group I’) includes Ophiuros bombaiensis, and is characterized by a single-awned lower glume and a base chromosome number of 6; it grows in low elevation coastal areas. The other clade (‘group II’) has a double-awned lower glume, a base chromosome number of 7, and is restricted to higher elevation lateritic plateaus; G. ratnagirica may belong to the group II clade, or may be a third distinct lineage in the genus. A sister-group relationship between group I and II taxa (with or without G. ratnagirica) is not well supported, although the genus is recovered as monophyletic in shortest trees inferred using ITS or concatenated plastid data. We present a key to species of Glyphochloa and make a new combination for O. bombaiensis.  相似文献   

Detailed studies were carried out on the phenology, floral biology, pollination ecology and breeding system of Boswellia serrata Roxb. (Burseraceae) the source of 'salai guggul'. The trees remain leafless during the entire period of flowering and fruiting. The inflorescence is a terminal raceme and produces up to 90 bisexual, actinomorphic flowers. On average a flower produces 10 044 ± 1259 starch-filled pollen grains. About 85% of the fresh pollen grains are viable; the pollen to ovule ratio is 3348 : 1. The stigma is of the wet papillate type. The style is hollow with three flattened stylar canals filled with a secretion product. The stylar canals are bordered by a layer of glandular canal cells. The inner tangential wall of the canal cells shows cellulose thickenings. The ovary is trilocular and bears three ovules, one in each locule. Flowers offer nectar and pollen as rewards to floral visitors. The giant Asian honey bee ( Apis dorsata ) and A. cerana var. indica (Indian honey bee) are the effective pollinators. The species is self-incompatible and the selfed pollen tubes are inhibited soon after their entry into the stigma. Self-pollen tubes develop a characteristic 'isthmus' as a result of enlargement of the tube soon after emergence through the narrow germ pore. Cross-pollinated flowers allowed normal pollen germination and pollen tube growth, and resulted in fruit- and seed-set. Under open pollination fruit-set was only about 10%. Although manual cross-pollinations increased fruit set, it was only up to about 20%. Low fruit set appears to be the result of inadequate cross-pollination and other constraints, presumably limitation of available nutrients.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 73–82.  相似文献   

Equatorial rain forests that maintain a balance between speciation and extinction are hot-spots for studies of biodiversity. Western Ghats in southern India have gained attention due to high tropical biodiversity and endemism in their southern most area. We attempted to track the affinities of the pollen flora of the endemic plants of Western Ghat area within the fossil palynoflora of late Palaeocene-early Eocene (∼55–50 Ma) sedimentary deposits of western and northeastern Indian region. The study shows striking similarity of extant pollen with twenty eight most common fossil pollen taxa of the early Palaeogene. Widespread occurrences of coal and lignite deposits during early Palaeogene provide evidence of existence of well diversified rain forest community and swampy vegetation in the coastal low lying areas all along the western and northeastern margins of the Indian subcontinent. Prevalence of excessive humid climate during this period has been seen as a result of equatorial positioning of Indian subcontinent, superimposed by a long term global warming phase (PETM and EECO) during the early Palaeogene. The study presents clear evidence that highly diversified equatorial rain forest vegetation once widespread in the Indian subcontinent during early Palaeogene times, are now restricted in a small area as a refugia in the southernmost part of the Western Ghat area. High precipitation and shorter periods of dry months seem to have provided suitable environment to sustain lineages of ancient tropical vegetation in this area of Western Ghats in spite of dramatic climatic changes subsequent to the post India-Asia collision and during the Quaternary and Recent times.  相似文献   

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