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Intracellular metabolites and environmental agents continuously challenge the structural integrity of DNA. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the complete collection of open reading frame deletion mutants, in combination with powerful screening methods, allows for the comprehensive analyses of cellular responses to insult. We have developed a protocol to determine the sensitivity of growing yeast to DNA-damaging agents that is based on automatic measurements of the optical density of very small (100 microl) liquid cultures. This simple method is highly sensitive, provides quantifiable data and offers high-throughput screening capability. Starting with the treatment of cells with different doses of damaging agents, pre-prepared growing media containing 96-well plates are inoculated and cell population is automatically monitored every 10 min for 48 hours. With the aid of a multi-channel pipette, the sensitivity of a number of yeast strains to several concentrations of drug can be tested in triplicate in less then 4 hours.  相似文献   

Here we review studies of the physical, material properties of animal cells and their cytoskeleton, such as elastic stiffness and fluid viscosity, that determine how they respond to, and are shaped by, forces inside and out. Currently and historically, most such studies have reported a single value for a cell property and/or propose a single broad structural model based on nonliving materials. We believe that such physical studies would be of more interest to most cell biologists if greater emphasis were placed on the well-established regional differences within a cell and the ability of the cell to quickly change its mechanical behaviors  相似文献   

Historically, only relatively low-throughput or expensive methods have been available to measure cell migration. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a ligand for the tyrosine kinase receptor Met that, in addition to mediating proliferation and survival, increases cell motility and metastasis. The authors have developed a high-throughput imaging assay for measuring inhibition of HGF-induced scattering in human HPAF-II pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. Following treatment with test compounds and HGF for 24 h, cells are labeled with a nuclear stain and imaged at 10x magnification. The proximity of neighboring nuclei is measured, and the distribution of internuclear distances across each field of view is used to calculate the fraction of scattered cells. This method of analysis can be extended to other cell types and signaling pathways and, compared with other membrane-based migration assays currently available, the assay is significantly lower in cost, is less labor intensive, and provides higher throughput.  相似文献   

Jet injectors employ high-velocity liquid jets that penetrate into human skin and deposit drugs in the dermal or subdermal region. Although jet injectors have been marketed for a number of years, relatively little is known about the interactions of high-speed jets with soft materials such as skin. Using polyacrylamide gels as a model system, the mechanics of jet penetration, including the dependence of jet penetration on mechanical properties, was studied. Jets employed in a typical commercial injector, (orifice diameter: 152 microm, velocity: 170-180 m/s) were used to inject fluid into polyacrylamide gels possessing Young's moduli in the range of 0.06-0.77 MPa and hardness values in the range of 4-70 H(OO). Motion analysis of jet entry into polyacrylamide gels revealed that jet penetration can be divided into three distinct events: erosion, stagnation, and dispersion. During the erosion phase, the jet removed the gel at the impact site and led to the formation of a distinct cylindrical hole. Cessation of erosion induced a period of jet stagnation ( approximately 600 micros) characterized by constant penetration depth. This stage was followed by dispersion of the liquid into the gel. The dispersion took place by crack propagation and was nearly symmetrical with the exception of injections into 10% acrylamide (Young's modulus of 0.06 MPa). The penetration depth of the jets as well as the rate of erosion decreased with increasing Young's modulus. The mechanics of jet penetration into polyacrylamide gels provides an important tool for understanding jet injection into skin.  相似文献   

High-throughput RNAi screening in vitro: from cell lines to primary cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are being used to induce sequence-specific gene silencing in cultured cells to study mammalian gene function. Libraries of siRNAs targeting entire human gene classes can be used to identify genes with specific cellular functions. Here we describe high-throughput siRNA delivery methods to facilitate siRNA library screening experiments with both immortalized and primary cells. We adapted chemical reverse transfection for immortalized adherent cell lines in a 96-well format. The method is fast, robust, and exceptionally effective for many cell types. For primary cells and immortalized cells that are recalcitrant to lipofection-based methods, we developed electropermeabilization (electroporation) conditions that facilitate siRNA delivery to a broad range of cell types, including primary human T-cells, hMSC, NHA, NDHF-Neo, HUVEC, DI TNC1, RPTEC, PC12, and K562 cells. To enable high-throughput electropermeabilization of primary cells, we developed a novel 96-well electroporation device that provides highly efficient and reproducible delivery of siRNAs. The combination of high-throughput chemical reverse transfection and electroporation makes it possible to deliver libraries of siRNAs to virtually any cell type, enabling gene function analysis and discovery on a genome scale.  相似文献   

Unnoticed cell culture contamination by viruses, Mycoplasma, or other cell lines is not uncommon and a threat to laboratory safety and the quality of scientific results. We developed and validated a novel high-throughput Multiplex cell Contamination Test (McCT), which is currently able to detect 37 contamination markers in a single reaction. The assay is based on multiplex PCR with target-specific primers and subsequent hybridization of amplimers to specific oligonucleotide probes. McCT proved to be highly specific, sensitive and robust, and allows to analyze more than 1000 cell lysates per week. In conclusion, the novel McCT assay is a powerful high-throughput tool in assessing cell line purity.  相似文献   

A high-throughput screen to detect the synthesis of natural and non-natural gangliosides by cell lysates has been developed and automated. Utilizing the binding specificity of cholera toxin B-subunit for the oligosaccharide moiety of the ganglioside GM1, the synthesis of sugar–sphingolipid glycosidic linkages was detected using a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)/enzyme-linked lectin assay (ELLA). The screen was optimized and validated for high-throughput screening of cell lysates by evaluating different vectors, promoters, substrates and detection strategies. The extent of ganglioside synthesis was found to be proportional to enzyme concentration and length of incubation time. As a test of the finalized screen efficacy, individual colonies from a saturation mutagenesis library of nucleophile mutants of an endoglycoceramidase were screened to identify the most active enzyme for ganglioside synthesis. This screen should find general application in assaying both glycolipid biosynthesis and glycolipid hydrolysis, as it is highly sensitive and can be used with crude cell extracts.  相似文献   

All models are wrong, but some are useful. This famous saying mirrors the situation in cell mechanics as well. It looks like no particular model of the cell deformability can be unconditionally preferred over others and different models reveal different aspects of the mechanical behavior of living cells. The purpose of the present work is to discuss the so-called tensegrity models of the cell cytoskeleton. It seems that the role of the cytoskeleton in the overall mechanical response of the cell was not appreciated until Donald Ingber put a strong emphasis on it. It was fortunate that Ingber linked the cytoskeletal structure to the fascinating art of tensegrity architecture. This link sparked interest and argument among biologists, physicists, mathematicians, and engineers. At some point the enthusiasm regarding tensegrity perhaps became overwhelming and as a reaction to that some skepticism built up. To demystify Ingber's ideas the present work aims at pinpointing the meaning of tensegrity and its role in our understanding of the importance of the cytoskeleton for the cell deformability and motility. It should be noted also that this paper emphasizes basic ideas rather than carefully follows the chronology of the development of tensegrity models. The latter can be found in the comprehensive review by Dimitrije Stamenovic (2006) to which the present work is complementary.  相似文献   

Substrate mechanics and cell spreading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell spreading and cell locomotion arise from forces exerted by actin microfilaments upon the substratum. Using modified protein films at fluorocarbon oil--water interfaces as substrates, we have measured some minimal mechanical properties required of these films to support cell spreading forces in vitro. For murine 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, complete cell spreading was obtained when the films exceeded surface shear moduli and surface fracture points of 15 and 5 dyne/cm, respectively. The human WI-38 fibroblast required more robust films than did its transformed counterpart (WI-38/VA 13) in order to achieve equivalent spreading. These results are of significance in understanding the metastatic capabilities of cancer cells.  相似文献   

Parkin is an ubiquitin-protein ligase mutated in Autosomal Recessive - Juvenile Parkinsonism. Here, we describe a cell-based assay to measure Parkin's ubiquitin-protein ligase activity. It relies on the ability of Parkin to recognise depolarised mitochondria and exploits a cell line where Parkin expression is inducible. In these cells, Parkin expression promotes mitophagy and accelerates cell death in response to mitochondrial depolarisers. Time-lapse imaging confirmed cell death and revealed increased perinuclear mitochondrial clustering following induction of Parkin expression in cells exposed to carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Similar effects were not observed with α-synuclein or DJ-1, other proteins associated with the development of Parkinson's disease, confirming the specificity of the assay. We have used this assay to demonstrate that ligase-defective Parkin mutants are inactive, and cellular proteasomal activity (using the proteasomal inhibitors MG132, clasto-lactacystin β-lactone and epoxomicin) is essential for the Parkin mediated effect. As the assay is suitable for high-throughput screening, it has the potential to identify novel proteostasis compounds that stimulate the activity of Parkin mutants for therapeutic purposes, to identify modulators of kinase activities that impact on Parkin function, and to act as a functional read-out in reverse genetics screens aimed at identifying modifiers of Parkin function during mitophagy.  相似文献   

During cell migration, the movement of the nucleus must be coordinated with the cytoskeletal dynamics at the leading edge and trailing end, and, as a result, undergoes complex changes in position and shape, which in turn affects cell polarity, shape, and migration efficiency. We here describe the steps of nuclear positioning and deformation during cell polarization and migration, focusing on migration through three-dimensional matrices. We discuss molecular components that govern nuclear shape and stiffness, and review how nuclear dynamics are connected to and controlled by the actin, tubulin and intermediate cytoskeleton-based migration machinery and how this regulation is altered in pathological conditions. Understanding the regulation of nuclear biomechanics has important implications for cell migration during tissue regeneration, immune defence and cancer.  相似文献   

High-throughput synthesis and screening approaches to catalyst discovery and optimization are systematically changing the way in which catalyst research is conducted. Increased rates of innovation, cost effectiveness, improved intellectual property, reduced time to market and an improved probability of success are some of the attractive features that demand consideration. Advances made over the past few years reveal that any initial skepticism is waning, and high-throughput approaches to catalyst discovery are now being implemented broadly in industrial and academic laboratories.  相似文献   

The mechanics of synovial fluid vary with disease progression, but are difficult to quantify quickly in a clinical setting due to small sample volumes. In this study, a novel technique to measure synovial fluid mechanics using magnetic nanoparticles is introduced. Briefly, microspheres embedded with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, termed magnetic particles, are distributed through a 100 μL synovial fluid sample. Then, a permanent magnet inside a protective sheath is inserted into the synovial fluid sample. Magnetic particles translate toward the permanent magnet and the percentage of magnetic particles collected by the magnet in a given time can be related to synovial fluid viscosity. To validate this relationship, magnetic particle translation was demonstrated in three phases. First, magnetic particle translation was assessed in glycerol solutions with known viscosities, demonstrating that as fluid viscosity increased, magnetic particle translation decreased. Next, the relationship between magnetic particle translation and synovial fluid viscosity was assessed using bovine synovial fluid that was progressively degenerated via ultrasonication. Here, particle collection in a given amount of time increased as fluid degenerated, demonstrating that the relationship between particle collection and fluid mechanics holds in non-Newtonian synovial fluid. Finally, magnetic particle translation was used to assess differences between healthy and OA affected joints in equine synovial fluid. Here, particle collection in a given time was higher in OA joints relative to healthy horses (p < 0.001). Combined, these data demonstrate potential viability of magnetic particle translation in a clinical setting to evaluate synovial fluid mechanics in limited volumes of synovial fluid sample.  相似文献   

Pre-term neonates and neonates in general exhibit physiological vitamin E deficiency and are at increased risk for the development of acute lung diseases. Apoptosis is a major cause of acute lung damage in alveolar type II cells. In this paper, we evaluated the hypothesis that vitamin E deficiency predisposes alveolar type II cells to apoptosis. Therefore, we measured markers of apoptosis in alveolar type II cells isolated from control rats, vitamin E deficient rats and deficient rats that were re-fed a vitamin E-enriched diet. Bax and cytosolic cytochrome c increased, and the mitochondrial transmembrane potential and Hsp25 expression was reduced in vitamin E deficiency. Furthermore, increased DNA-fragmentation and numbers of early and late apoptotic cells were seen, but caspases 3 and 8 activities and expression of Fas, Bcl-2, Bcl-x and p53 remained unchanged. Vitamin E depletion did not change the GSH/GSSG ratio and the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Thus, vitamin E deficiency may induce a reversible pro-apoptotic response in lung cells and sensitise them for additional insult. In agreement with this hypothesis, we demonstrate that in vivo hyperoxia alone does not induce apoptosis in type II cells of control rats but reversibly increases DNA-fragmentation and numbers of early apoptotic type II cells in vitamin E-depleted cells.  相似文献   

A high-throughput screening method has been developed which enables functional analysis of bacteriorhodpsin in whole cell pastes. Reflectance spectra, from as little as 5 ml of Halobacterium salinarum cells, show close correspondence to that obtained from the purified purple membrane (PM), containing bacteriorhodopsin (BR) as the sole protein component. We demonstrate accurate quantification of BR accumulation by ratiometric analysis of BR (Amax 568) and a membrane-bound cytochrome (Amax 410). In addition, ground-state light- and dark-adapted (LA and DA, respectively) spectral differences were determined with high accuracy and precision. Using cells expressing the BR mutant D85N, we monitored transitions between intermediate-state homologues of the reprotonation phase of the light-activated proton pumping mechanism. We demonstrate that phenotypes of three mutants (D85N/T170C, D85N/D96N, and D85N/R82Q) previously characterized for their effect on photocycle transitions are reproduced in the whole cell samples. D85N/T170C stabilizes accumulation of the N state while D85N/D96N accumulates no N state. D85N/R82Q was found to have perturbed the pKa of M accumulation. These studies illustrate the correspondence between pH-dependent ground-state transitions accessed by D85N and the transitions accessed by the wild-type protein following photoexcitation. We demonstrate that whole cell reflectance spectroscopy can be used to efficiently characterize the large numbers of mutants generated by engineering strategies that exploit saturation mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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