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High-protein (HP) milk formulas are routinely used in infants born with a low birth weight (LBW) to enhance growth and ensure a better verbal IQ development. Indirect evidence points to a link between an HP intake during early life and the prevalence of obesity in later life. We hypothesized that HP milk supplementation to LBW pups during early postnatal life would impact hypothalamic appetite neuronal pathways development with consequences, at adulthood, on energy homeostasis regulation. Rat pups born with a LBW were equipped with gastrostomy tubes on the fifth day of life. They received a milk formula with either normal protein (NP, 8.7 g protein/dl) or high protein content (HP; 13.0 g protein/dl) and were subsequently weaned to a standard, solid diet at postnatal day 21. Rats that had been fed HP content milk gained more weight at adulthood associated with an increase of plasma insulin, leptin and triglycerides concentrations compared to NP rats. Screening performed on hypothalamus in development from the two groups of rats identified higher gene expression for cell proliferation and neurotrophin markers in HP rats. Despite these molecular differences, appetite neuronal projections emanating from the arcuate nucleus did not differ between the groups. Concerning feeding behavior at adulthood, rats that had been fed HP or NP milk exhibited differences in the satiety period, resting postprandial duration and nocturnal meal pattern. The consequences of HP milk supplementation after LBW will be discussed in regard to neural development and metabolic anomalies.  相似文献   

Neonatal piglets are often used in biomedical research applications that require artificial rearing. Social housing can be problematic because the piglets develop belly nosing, navel and ear sucking that can result in injury. Our objective was to determine the effectiveness of using feeding devices that provide various opportunities for sucking and nosing behaviour on reducing piglet-directed behaviour of group-housed laboratory piglets. Fifteen piglets were used in each of four trials. The piglets nursed their dam for approximately 72 h to obtain passive immunity before transfer to a laboratory facility where they were allotted, five per group, to one of three stainless steel isolator units. Each unit featured a different style of feeding system for the delivery of milk replacer: a plastic trough (T), a nipple (N) mounted on a smooth plexiglass wall, or a nipple mounted on a pliant bag of sterile water (artificial udder [AU]). Each system had five feeding spaces so that all piglets fed simultaneously. Milk was provided at 6-h intervals, and behaviour was recorded on alternate days for 12 days post-weaning. Although trough-fed piglets began to eat much sooner than those piglets fed from nipples, time spent nosing, chewing or sucking on pen-mates and belly nosing were markedly higher in T piglets than in either N or AU, overall (mean: P<0.05) and over time (quadratic: P<0.05). Over time, N piglets developed a stereotypic snout rubbing on the wall behind the nipples, while AU piglets massaged and often fell asleep in contact with the udder from day 2 of the trial. Resting patterns were also affected. N and AU piglets settled down to rest more quickly (P<0.01) and spent significantly more time resting in the hour following feeding than T piglets (P<0.05). A feeding device that accommodates both sucking and massage can significantly reduce piglet-directed behaviour and may facilitate social housing of artificially reared piglets.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the intestinal development of newborn intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) piglets subjected to normal nutrient intake (NNI) or restricted nutrient intake (RNI). Newborn normal birth weight (NBW) and IUGR piglets were allotted to NNI or RNI levels for 4 weeks from day 8 postnatal. IUGR piglets receiving NNI had similar growth performance compared with that of NBW piglets. Small intestine length and villous height were greater in IUGR piglets fed the NNI than that of piglets fed the RNI. Lactase activity was increased in piglets fed the NNI compared with piglets fed the RNI. Absorptive function, represented by active glucose transport by the Ussing chamber method and messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions of two main intestinal glucose transporters, Na+-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), were greater in IUGR piglets fed the NNI compared with piglets fed the RNI regimen. The apoptotic process, characterized by caspase-3 activity (a sign of activated apoptotic cells) and mRNA expressions of p53 (pro-apoptotic), bcl-2-like protein 4 (Bax) (pro-apoptotic) and B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) (anti-apoptotic), were improved in IUGR piglets fed the NNI regimen. To test the hypothesis that improvements in intestinal development of IUGR piglets fed NNI might be mediated through circulating glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), GLP-2 was injected subcutaneously to IUGR piglets fed the RNI from day 8 to day 15 postnatal. Although the intestinal development of IUGR piglets fed the RNI regimen was suppressed compared with those fed the NNI regimen, an exogenous injection of GLP-2 was able to bring intestinal development to similar levels as NNI-fed IUGR piglets. Collectively, our results demonstrate that IUGR neonates that have NNI levels could improve intestinal function via the regulation of GLP-2.  相似文献   

The high-protein content of formula offered to low-birth weight babies is suspected to increase the risk of obesity later in life. This study assesses the immediate and subsequent effects of a protein intake in excess during suckling on hormonal and metabolic status and adipose tissue features in a porcine model of intrauterine growth restriction. Piglets were fed milk replacers formulated to provide an adequate (AP) or a high (HP) protein supply from day 2 to day 28. A subset of piglets was killed at day 28. After weaning, the remaining piglets had free access to the same solid high-fat diet until day 160. From day 2 to day 28, HP piglets had a greater daily weight gain (P < 0.05). Relative weight of perirenal adipose tissue (PAT), adipocyte mean diameters, activities of lipogenic enzymes in PAT and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT), and leptinemia were lower (P < 0.05) in HP piglets than in AP piglets. Genes related to glucose utilization and lipid anabolism in PAT and SCAT were (P < 0.05) or tended (P < 0.1) to be downregulated in HP piglets. At day 160, adipocytes were enlarged, whereas lipogenic rates in adipocytes were reduced (P < 0.05) in SCAT of HP compared with AP pigs. Percent body fat, mRNA levels of genes controlling lipid metabolism, and plasma concentrations of hormones and metabolites were similar in HP and AP pigs. In conclusion, a HP neonatal formula induced a temporary reduction of adiposity and changed adipocyte physiology at peripubertal age.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous fat tissues from an indigenous fat-type breed and an intensively-lean selected breed were studied in juvenile pigs. Combining DIGE with bioinformatics and target analyses of key genes, enzymes or terminal routes, this study identifies metabolic and homeostatic processes, response to organic substances, and acute-phase responses as the main pathways whose proteins were regulated in association with adiposity. Breed-related differences in abundance and activities of malic enzyme and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase NADPH-supplying enzymes suggested up-regulation of the lipogenic pathway to dispose for a greater adiposity. Over-abundance in the lipolytic protein carboxylesterase-1 was revealed in fat-type piglets. A panel of pro- and anti-inflammatory proteins such as serpins, had an altered abundance in the fat-type piglets, suggesting adverse consequences of fat accumulation even in early post-weaning stages. Propensity to low-grade inflammation in fat pigs was reinforced by the up-regulation of genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines IL6 and TNF-α in these piglets. Differential abundance in annexin-A5 and pericentrin suggested a positive regulation of cell apoptosis in lean piglets. Our results are relevant in the context of data linking the accretion of body lipids to the physiology and pathology of adipose tissue in models other than rodents for a better control of human health and nutrition.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of intrauterine growth restriction and acute severe oxygen deprivation on renal blood flow (RBF), renovascular resistance (RVR), and renal excretory functions in newborns, studies were conducted on 1-day-old anesthetized piglets divided into groups of normal weight (NW, n = 14) and intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR, n = 14) animals. Physiological parameters, RBF, RVR, and urinary flow, were similar in NW and IUGR piglets, but glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and filtration fraction were significantly less in IUGR animals (P < 0.05). An induced 1-h severe hypoxia (arterial PO(2) = 19 +/- 4 mmHg) resulted in, for both groups, a pronounced metabolic acidosis, strongly reduced RBF, and increased fractional sodium excretion (FSE; P < 0.05) with a less-pronounced increase of RVR and arterial catecolamines in IUGR piglets. Of significance was a smaller decrease in RBF for IUGR piglets (P < 0.05). Early recovery showed a transient period of diuresis with increased osmotic clearance and elevated FSE in both groups (P < 0.05). However, GFR and renal O(2) delivery remained reduced in NW piglets (P < 0.05). We conclude that, in newborn IUGR piglets, RBF is maintained, although GFR is compromised. Severe hypoxemia induces similar alterations of renal excretion in newborn piglets. However, the less-pronounced RBF reduction during hypoxemia indicates an improved adaptation of newborn IUGR piglets on periods of severely disturbed oxygenation. Furthermore, newborn piglets reestablish the ability for urine concentration and adequate sodium reabsorption early after reoxygenation so that a sustained acute renal failure was prevented.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) leads to a reduction in nephron endowment at birth and is linked to renal dysfunction in adulthood. The aim of the present study was to determine whether kidneys of IUGR rat offspring are more vulnerable to a secondary insult of hyperglycemia. IUGR was induced in Wistar-Kyoto rats by maternal protein restriction. At 24 wk of age, diabetes was induced in male IUGR and non-IUGR offspring by streptozotocin injection; insulin was injected daily to maintain blood glucose levels at either a mild (7-10 mmol/l; n=8/group) or a moderate (10-15 mmol/l; n=8/group) level. At 32 wk of age, renal function was assessed using ultrasound and [(3)H]inulin and [(14)C]para-aminohippurate clearance techniques. Conscious mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were unchanged in IUGR offspring. Relative kidney length was increased significantly in IUGR offspring, and renal function was altered significantly; of importance, there was a significant increase in filtration fraction, indicative of glomerular hyperfiltration. Induction of hyperglycemia led to marked impairment of renal function. However, the response to hyperglycemia was not different between IUGR and non-IUGR offspring. Maintaining blood glucose levels at a mild hyperglycemic level led to marked improvement in all measures of renal function in IUGR and non-IUGR offspring. In conclusion, while the IUGR offspring showed evidence of hyperfiltration, the response to hyperglycemia was similar in IUGR and non-IUGR kidneys in adulthood. Importantly, maintaining blood glucose levels at a mild hyperglycemic level markedly attenuated the renal dysfunction associated with diabetes, even in IUGR offspring.  相似文献   

White adipose tissue (WAT) is the source of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and we have recently shown that this tissue is a major source of the anti-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). We now aimed at identifying additional adipose-derived cytokines, which might serve as regulators of IL-1Ra. We demonstrate here for the first time that the antiinflammatory cytokine IL-10 is secreted by human WAT explants and that it is up-regulated by LPS and TNF-alpha in vitro, as well as in obesity in humans (2- and 6-fold increase in subcutaneous and visceral WAT, respectively) and rodents (4-fold increase).  相似文献   

目的以恒河猴幼猴为模型,采用16S rRNA宏基因组方法探讨十二指肠、盲肠、直肠的菌群组成。方法收集4例健康幼猴十二指肠、盲肠、直肠样本,提取细菌总DNA,采用新一代高通量测序技术对16S rRNA基因的V3-V4高变区测序,分析比较菌群结构及多样性。结果 (1)门水平各肠段微生物优势菌群主要为硬壁菌门、变形菌门及拟杆菌门,在各肠段中的占比总和超过88%;(2)属水平,十二指肠中以芽胞杆菌属等为优势菌属,盲肠中以螺杆菌属、颤杆菌属、孢杆菌属等为优势菌属,直肠中以乳酸菌属、链球菌属、颤杆菌属等为优势菌属;(3)各肠段微生物功能差异较大,十二指肠主要承担营养物质的消化吸收,盲肠主要承担细胞及遗传物质的合成,直肠主要承担调节机体免疫力、抗感染等功能。结论各肠段菌群组成差异较大;各肠段细菌功能差异较大,且与其生理功能有一定关联;在肠道菌群研究中,应充分考虑粪便样品微生物的组成是否能够完全代表肠道微生物的组成。  相似文献   

Glucokinase and NADP:malate dehydrogenase (malic enzyme) first appear in liver when rat pups are weaned from milk which is high in fat to lab chow which is high in carbohydrate. To examine the influence of diet during the early neonatal period, before developmental changes in the circulating concentrations of thyroid and adrenocortical hormones occur, high-carbohydrate formula (56% of calories from carbohydrate), isocaloric and isonitrogenous with rat milk, was intermittently infused via gastrostomy starting on the second day of life. Pups had no further access to their dams. Body weights attained by these pups were at least 90% of those attained by mother-fed pups, which served as controls. In artificially reared rats fed the high-carbohydrate formula, on Day 4, glucokinase and malic enzyme were 30 and 18% of adult activity, respectively; on Day 10, glucokinase and malic enzyme were 71 and 96% of adult activity, respectively. On Days 4 and 10 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was elevated four- to fivefold in pups fed the high-carbohydrate formula compared to mother-fed pups. A second isocaloric formula, with 22% of calories from carbohydrate but low in protein, resulted in intermediate levels of all three enzymes on Day 10. Pups fed the high-carbohydrate formula has plasma insulin concentrations four- to fivefold greater than mother-fed pups on both Days 4 and 10. Triiodothyronine administration (1 microgram/g body wt) on Day 1 enhanced the induction of malic enzyme but not glucokinase on Day 4 in pups fed the high-carbohydrate formula. The results demonstrate that neonatal rat liver is competent to respond to high carbohydrate intake by induction of glucokinase and malic enzyme.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential and important trace element for animals. In order to study its metabolism and relationship with hepcidin, piglet models of Fe-deficiency and Fe-overload were established by intramuscular injection with different doses of Fe-dextran (150 mg Fe/ml) within 1 week of age. Twelve piglets were divided into three groups of four animals: deficiency, regular and overload group, receiving 0 ml, 1 ml and 6 ml Fe-dextran, respectively. The piglets were euthanised at the age of 7 days for analysis. The results showed that the Fe-concentrations in liver, spleen and serum of piglets in the overload group were higher than in the regular and deficiency groups (p < 0.05). In the overload group, several serum biochemical parameters, e.g. globulin, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), malondialdehyde, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), peroxidase and xanthine oxidase were higher, while alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and triglycerides were lower, compared with the regular group (p < 0.05). The serum concentrations of AKP, total bilirubin and peroxidase in the deficiency group were lower, while HDL and GPx were higher, compared with the regular group (p < 0.05). Hepcidin mRNA abundance was 131 times lower in the liver of piglets with Fe-deficiency, and 7 times higher in the overloaded group than that in the regular group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, Fe-overload and deficiency would influence Fe-metabolism, serum biochemical indexes, oxidation state and hepcidin mRNA abundance in piglet liver.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to test the hypothesis that carotid chemoreceptor activity is necessary for postnatal maturation of the ventilatory control system. By using a lateral surgical access, 17 piglets were carotid body denervated (CBD) and 14 were sham denervated at 3-25 days of age. After surgery, there was no irregular breathing in any group. There was no significant hypoventilation when CBD was performed at less than 5 days of age (n = 5) and only a mild (arterial PCO(2) 5 Torr; P < 0.05) to moderate, transient (arterial PCO(2) 8 Torr; P < 0.5) hypoventilation in piglets denervated at 10-15 (n = 6) and 20-25 (n = 6) days of age, respectively. Three weeks after surgery, both breathing of a hypoxic gas mixture and jugular venous NaCN injections elicited a hyperpnea in the CBD piglets that was attenuated compared with that in sham CBD piglets. In the CBD piglets, there was no response to injections of NaCN in the carotid arteries, but there was a response to NaCN injected into the proximal descending aorta, suggesting the residual peripheral chemosensitivity was of aortic origin. Carotid chemoreceptor-intact piglets had carotid and aortic NaCN chemosensitivity by 2 days of age. The carotid response persisted for the 40 days of the study, but the aortic reflex persisted only until approximately 8 days of age. We conclude that 1) the major effect of CBD per se in neonatal piglets is age-dependent hypoventilation and 2) there is a high degree of plasticity in peripheral chemosensitivity in neonates that may contribute to minimizing the changes in breathing after CBD.  相似文献   

Increasing litter sizes in modern swine production have raised an urgent need for artificial rearing strategies and formula feeding. The current experiment was conducted to study the influence of formula trace element concentration according to recommendations for weaned piglets on the mRNA concentration of zinc (Zn)-related genes in the jejunum, liver and pancreas of neonatal piglets. Eight artificially reared piglets were fed a cow-milk-based formula (Group FO) containing 100 mg Zn/kg dry matter. Eight of their sow-reared littermates (Group SM) were used as control. After 14 d, all 16 piglets were killed and the jejunum, liver and pancreas were evaluated for Zn, copper, manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe) concentration and mRNA concentration of metal and Zn-specific transporters, metallothioneins (MT) and interleukin 6 (IL-6). In Group FO the Zn concentration in liver tissue was increased (< 0.05). Furthermore, Fe and Mn concentrations in liver and jejunal tissue were higher (< 0.05) in Group FO, whereas neither Zn transporters nor MT in jejunal and pancreatic tissue showed differences between both groups. In the liver of Group FO, MT mRNA concentration was higher (< 0.05), whereas Zn transporter protein 1 and divalent metal-ion transporter 1 (DMT1) mRNA concentration was lower (< 0.05). Besides Zn-induced expression of transporters and MT, the significantly increased IL-6 expression in Group FO suggests the involvement of cytokine-mediated Mn and Fe sequestration in the liver and jejunum. The results revealed that dietary trace element concentration used in the study likely exceeded the requirements of neonatal pigs as reflected by homeostatic counter-regulation in different organs.  相似文献   

It has been more than 30 years since adipose tissue (AT) has been recognized as a central modulator orchestrating sophisticated process termed "immunometabolism". Nonetheless, despite its unique involvement in the regulation of immune and endocrine homeostasis, recent studies demonstrated that AT also contains significant number of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) that may be there "settling down" throughout life. In this article we will focus on presenting the current concepts regarding endocrine, immunological, and molecular mechanisms that may contribute to and regulate bone marrow (BM)-derived HSPCs homing into AT environment, as well as, highlight various structural and morphological similarities between BM and AT that might be involved in creating appropriate tissue niches for BM-derived HSPCs in AT. Finally, we will discuss how development of obesity or type 2 diabetes may influence balance of homing signals for HSPCs in AT environment.  相似文献   

Collagenase digests of adipose tissue of the 3 to 4-month-old rat contain groups of 20-100 tightly arranged cells (islets) that copurify with the free-floating fat cells. When cultured along with mature adipocytes the islets give rise to cells, initially fibroblast-like, which rapidly proliferate, acquire lipid droplets, and differentiate into small adipocytes within 4-6 days without the addition to the medium of the agents usually required to produce differentiation in stromal-vascular preadipocytes. Differentiation of these cells is independent of confluence and begins as early as day 2 of culture. The proportion of islet-derived cells that differentiate is directly correlated with the number of mature adipocytes simultaneously present in the culture (r = .709; P less than 0.001). Culture medium exposed to mature adipocytes demonstrated differentiation-promoting activity, suggesting a paracrine effect of these cells. Islets may in vivo constitute a source for newly formed adipocytes in the adult rat. The differentiation of these potential adipocytes may be regulated, at least in part, by the mature fat cells via a paracrine effect.  相似文献   

Neonates with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) often suffer from impaired cellular immunity, and weaning may further aggravate adverse effects of IUGR on development and function of the immune system. In this study, we investigated effects of glutamine supplementation on immune status in the intestines of weaning pigs with IUGR, focusing on molecular mechanisms underlying altered immune response. Piglets with IUGR were weaned at 21 days of age and received orally 1.22 g alanine or 1 g glutamine per kg body weight every 12?h. Weight gain and intestinal weight of weaning piglets were increased by glutamine supplementation. Levels of serum IgG in piglets supplemented with glutamine were increased compared with Control piglets. The production of IL-1 and IL-8 in the serum and jejunum was decreased by glutamine supplementation, whereas the levels of IL-4 in the serum and the concentrations of IL-4 and IL-10 in the jejunum were increased. The expression of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) in the jejunum was increased by glutamine supplementation, but the degradation of inhibitor?κB and the activity of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) were decreased. In conclusion, glutamine supplementation enhanced immune response in weaning piglets with IUGR. The effects of glutamine in IUGR are associated with increased Hsp70 expression and suppression of NF-κB activation.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to examine whether lipid mobilization from adipose tissue undergoes changes during repeated bouts of prolonged aerobic exercise. Microdialysis of the subcutaneous adipose tissue was used for the assessment of lipolysis; glycerol concentration was measured in the dialysate leaving the adipose tissue. Seven male subjects performed two repeated bouts of 60-min exercise at 50% of their maximal aerobic power, separated by a 60-min recovery period. The exercise-induced increases in extracellular glycerol concentrations in adipose tissue and in plasma glycerol concentrations were significantly higher during the second exercise bout compared with the first (P < 0.05). The responses of plasma nonesterified fatty acids and plasma epinephrine were higher during the second exercise bout, whereas the response of norepinephrine was unchanged and that of growth hormone lower. Plasma insulin levels were lower during the second exercise bout. The results suggest that adipose tissue lipolysis during aerobic exercise of moderate intensity is enhanced when an exercise bout is preceded by exercise of the same intensity and duration performed 1 h before. This response pattern is associated with an increase in the exercise-induced rise of epinephrine and with lower plasma insulin values during the repeated exercise bout.  相似文献   

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