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对大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)栽培植株进行观察,用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对其花部形态和开花生物学特征进行研究。结果表明,大叶相思开花期为8~12月,穗状花序由114.9±11.9朵花组成,每朵花含124.1±16.5枚雄蕊,每雄蕊含有8粒16合花粉,单花花粉量为15885粒;雌蕊1枚,具14.4±1.8个胚珠,柱头凹陷,属于湿柱头类型。P/O值为1103.1;大叶相思花在夜间开放,开花可分为5个阶段。开花期间观察到雌蕊先于雄蕊伸出花冠和雄蕊先于雌蕊伸出花冠并存的现象,推测雌雄基本同熟。SEM观察花药在开花的第2阶段形成开裂线,第4阶段完全开裂并开始散粉。雄蕊于开花第1天的9: 00~12: 00大量散粉;雌蕊柱头在开花第1天上午出现分泌物,随后逐渐减少。开花后3~4 d柱头开始凋零,柱头可授期约为3 d,以开花第1天10: 00之后的可授性最佳。  相似文献   

Abstract The pollination biology of Heloniopsis orientalis was investigated in the lowlands of south central Japan. The receptive stigma emerges from the perianth before the opening of the perianth, and anther dehiscence is late about two days for perianth opening. The flower therefore is protogynous even though no insects visit the unopen flowers. Receptivity of the stigma is maintained for about 8 days, and even the 10 day-old flower can produce seeds. Self-pollination may be rather common in H. orientalis , which is self-compatible, in particular in the flowers which open on days unfavorable for insect activity. Many species of Diptera and Hymenoptera forage on the flowers, and almost any insect can be their pollinator. Long life, self-compatibility of the flowers, and many kinds of pollinators seem to be factors favoring H. orientalis , which blooms in very early spring when the pollinator supply is unstable but which nevertheless bears many seeds.  相似文献   

大叶栎的组织培养和快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 植物名称 大叶栎[Castanopsis fissa(Champ.ex Benth.)Rehd.et Wils.],又名:黧蒴锥、闽粤栲、大叶蒴、裂壳锥、木叶锥栗、裂斗锥.  相似文献   

1植物名称岗梅[Ilexasprella(Hook.etArn.)Champ.exBenth.],别名称星树。2材料类别嫰枝。3培养条件芽启动诱导培养基:(1)MS+6-BA2.0mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.05+3%蔗糖。增殖培养基:(2)MS+6-BA1.0+NAA0.01+2%蔗糖。生根培养基:(3)1/2MS+NAA0.1+2%蔗糖+0.1%活性炭(AC);(4)1/2MS+NAA0.5+2%蔗糖+0.1%AC;(5)1/2MS+NAA1.0+2%蔗糖+0.1%AC。以上培养基均附加0.7%的琼脂,pH5.8。光强27~36μmol·m-2·s-1,光照时间为10h·d-1;培养温度为(28±2)℃。4生长与分化情况4.1无菌材料的获得取10~15cm的嫰枝条,切去叶片,在超净工作台上,…  相似文献   

The pollination biology and breeding system of Couepia uiti was studied. In this species, flowers opened at 06:00 AM anthesis, and nectar production began at around 0800 h, reached a maximum volume from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM, and decreased thereafter. The nectar sugar concentration increased continuously, but showed an abrupt increase from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Pollen release occurred at about 09:30 AM and was quickly collected. The stigmas became receptive at around 12:00 AM. The pollinators of C. uiti included the bees Apis mellifera, Xylocopa sp. and Bombus sp., and three species of wasps. This conclusion was based on the observation that these hymenopterans had C. uiti pollen on their bodies, visited the receptive flowers, and touched the anthers and stigmas, thereby promoting pollination. Of these floral visitors, A. mellifera was considered to be the most efficient pollinator. However, mixed pollination also occurred. The number of C. uiti flowers visited in the morning (n = 52) was three times smaller than in the afternoon (n = 62), and the species richness of floral visitors was also bigger in the afternoon (eight in the afternoon versus five in the morning). This finding indicated that these floral visitors preferred to exploit nectar rather than pollen. Controlled pollination experiments showed that C. uiti was a self-incompatible species that produced fruits only by cross-pollination. Treatments such as agamospermy and spontaneous and self-pollinations did not produce fruits.  相似文献   

Abstract The flowers of Anisomeles indica and A. malabarica are zygomorphic, bilabiate, gulletshaped and nectariferous, and are visited by insects as well as birds for nectar and/or pollen. The bees Xylocopa latipes, X. Pubescens, Amegilla sp., Apis florea and Megachile sp., and the sunbirds of the genus Nectarinia are the principal pollinators of A. indica , while the former three and the last and the wasp Rhynchium metallicum are for A. malabarica. Pollination by Xylocopa and Nectarinia is nototribic and that by Apis, Megachile, Amegilla is noto- and/or sternotribic. The small bodied Trigona, Pseudapis and Ceratina collected pollen sternotribically. It is concluded that adaptation of both species to insect and bird pollination and to a flexible breeding system involving both selfing and crossing, safeguards their survival under changing environments.  相似文献   

Indian siris, Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) has significant importance to human beings for its multipurpose use. Insects play a crucial role in the pollination biology of flowering plants. In the current study, we studied the pollination biology of A. lebbeck with special reference to insect floral visitors. The effectiveness of floral visitors was investigated in term of visitation frequency, visitation rate and pollen load during 2012 and 2013. In the second experiment, effect of pollinators on yield of A. lebbeck was studied in open and cage pollination experiments. Floral visitor fauna of A. lebbeck included eight-bees, two wasps, two flies, and two butterflies species. Among them, Apis dorsata, Apis florea, Amegilla cingulata, and Nomia oxybeloides had maximum abundance ranging from 349–492, 339–428, 291–342 and 235–255 numbers of individuals, respectively during two flowering seasons. A. dorsata had the highest visitation frequency (6.44 ± 0.49–8.78 ± 0.48 visits/flower/5min) followed by Amegilla cingulata (6.03 ± 0.43–7.99 ± 0.33 visits/flower/5min) and A. florea (3.61 ± 0.31–4.44 ± 0.18 visits/flower/5min). A. dorsata, N. oxybeloides, and Amegilla cingulata had the highest visitation rates (18.904 ± 1.53–11.43 ± 1.17 flower visited/min) and pollen load (15333 ± 336.22–19243 ± 648.45 pollen grains). The open pollinated flowers had significantly higher capsule weight (4.97 ± 0.21 g), seed weight (1.04 ± 0.05 g), seed numbers per pod (9.80 ± 0.34) and seed germination percentage (84.0 ± 1.78%) as compared to caged flowers. The results suggested bees especially A. dorsata, N. oxybeloides and Amegilla cingulata could be effective pollinators of A. lebbeck.  相似文献   

The pollination mechanisms of Acmopyle pancheri(Brongn. &Gris) Pilg. andPhyllocladus hypophyllus Hook.f. were investigatedby conventional microscopical techniques and by nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) imaging. Dissimilarities include the orientationof the ovule and type of pollen;Phyllocladus has erect ovulesand wettable pollen with vestigial sacci, whereas Acmopyle hasmore-or-less erect ovules and non-wettable, functionally saccatepollen. Similarities include the mode of formation of the pollinationdrop and its response upon pollination. In both genera, pollinationtriggers pollination drop retraction and drop secretion ceases.Neither NMR imaging nor conventional histology of Phyllocladusovules revealed any specific tissue beneath the ovule whichcould be responsible for pollination drop retraction. It ismore likely, therefore, that the drop is channelled into thevascular supply or the apoplast. These findings invalidate thetaxonomic value of the pollination mechanism as a suite of characterstraditionally used to separate Phyllocladaceae from Podocarpaceae.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Acmopyle pancheri, gymnosperms, NMR imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, Phyllocladaceae,Phyllocladus hypophyllus , Podocarpaceae, pollination drop, pollination mechanism  相似文献   

Abstract The pollination biology of Hosta sieboldiana and H. sieboldii is investigated comparatively in Central Japan. Both species have homogamous, one-day flowers pollinated by bumblebees. The abdomens of the bees touch the stigma on the extended style when they land on the anthers inside the herkogamous flower, and autogamy is effectively prevented. However, the flowers are fairly self-compatible, and geitonogamy may occur rather frequently because two or more flowers on a scape very often bloom at the same time and many ramets are contiguous. The pollen/ovule ratios suggest that these species are facultative outbreeders. The flower of H. sieboldii seems completely suited to bumblebee pollination. In H. sieboldiana the stigma of the flower, whose style strongly protrudes, is not always touched by bumblebees, but frequent visitation of bumblebees results in pollination of almost all the flowers. Both species have similar pollination systems but seem reproductively isolated by blooming times and habitats. Their common pollinators, however, may sometimes cause introgressive hybridization in contiguous populations.  相似文献   

Field observation on pollination in three populations of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea in southern Shanxi Province showed that five species of bees in two families and four species of beetles were engaged in pollination. Examination on bodies of these in sects under SEM, and seed set produced by controlled insect-pollination indicated that the bees, especially the species in the genus Andrena were main pollinators and the beetles except those of small size were only fluctuating vectors. Flowers of this taxon are scented and nonectariferous. Flowers attracted bees and beetles mainly by pollen. A study on seed-set in the three populations revealed considerable variation within and among populations. The plants were no apomict and autogamy, but geitonogamy sometimes could produce mature seeds (x= 2.86 seeds per carpel). In the population with less flowers (less than 40 flowers), natural seed-set (x=3.88) was close to the seed-set produced by hand cross-pollination (x = 3.21), but in the population with more flowers(near 100 flowers) natural seed-set (x= 2.48) was lower than that by hand cross-pollination (x = 3.21). The seed-set was low for both natural and artificial cross-pollination with only about one forth of ovules developing into seeds.  相似文献   

云南红豆杉传粉生物学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
云南红豆杉(Taxus yunnanens/s)是分布于我国西南部及不丹和缅甸北部的红豆杉属植物。用石蜡切片法、电镜扫描和整体透明染色法观察了云南红豆杉成熟小孢子和胚珠的结构,在野外观测了云南红豆杉的花期及传粉滴的活动规律。结果显示:云南红豆杉为单核小孢子,没有气囊,有(无)活力的小孢子水合后都急剧膨胀,胚珠单个生于叶腋。云南红豆杉雄株的散粉期在11月中旬到12月中旬,胚珠下弯期从11月下旬持续到2月中旬。在雄株散粉期内及人工授粉的传粉滴持续存在的时间较短,而且授粉后不再出现,在非散粉期内的传粉滴持续存在的时间较长,而且在消失后又会重新出现。红豆杉属植物可能的传粉机制:(1)传粉滴大而且裸露,持续存在的时间较长,有助于提高传粉效率。(2)小孢子能在常温下较长时间的保持活性,不具备远距离飞行的特征,有利于在一定范围内保持较高的小孢子密度;(3)虽然小孢子散粉期短且易变,但胚珠的成熟期较长,从而保证了花期可遇。传粉期内的降水和低的种群密度可能是影响红豆杉传粉效率的主要因素。  相似文献   

对达乌里秦艽3个自然居群和1个人工栽培居群进行了两年的传粉生态学研究.研究发现:(1)达乌里秦艽套袋花均不结实,说明雌雄异熟和雌雄异位这两种花部机制成功阻止了主动自交,且不存在无融合生殖现象.(2)隔离传粉昆虫导致花寿命明显延长,授粉会导致花冠提前闭合,说明达乌里秦艽的花寿命具有可塑性,可通过延长花寿命确保成功繁殖.(3)在一个自然居群中证明存在花粉限制,且该居群的花寿命显著长于另外两个没有花粉限制的自然居群.(4)在整个雌性持续期柱头都具有一定的可授性,且在第2天可授性最高,随后逐渐降低;开花后期柱头可授性降低,使植物维持花开放资源投入的产出将有可能降低.研究表明,达乌里秦艽在严重缺乏传粉者的情况下,延长花寿命仅能部分弥补传粉者的不足,该物种在部分居群中仍有可能存在花粉限制.  相似文献   

Observations indicate that natural regeneration in the field of the cycad Microcycas calocoma (Miq.) A.DC. is extremely low, and has been so since early this century. It appears that populations of its insect pollinator are practically extinct, but some pollinator activity appears to be present in the largest population of Microcycas. Recommendations for identification and captive breeding of die pollinator are suggested as a complementary conservation strategy to a Microcycas propagation programme already established at the Cuban National Botanical Garden.  相似文献   

吕文  刘文哲 《植物学报》2010,45(6):713-722
从开花动态、传粉昆虫、花的形态结构、繁育系统、花粉活力和柱头可授性等方面研究了我国特有珍稀植物瘿椒树(Tapiscia sinensis Oliv.)的传粉生物学特性。瘿椒树是典型的雄全异株植物,两性花中含有功能性花粉,且自交亲和,但雄花花粉活力和萌发力是两性花的10倍以上。雄株和两性植株具有相同开花物候期,花期均为5月下旬至6月上旬,单花期为4-5天,雄花和两性花的5枚花药开裂的不同步性明显延长了散粉时间。两性花雌蕊先熟,柱头可授性较长。具有适应风媒和虫媒传粉的花部特征。传粉昆虫主要为蜜蜂科(Apidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,访花高峰期为8:30-10:30。维持瘿椒树雄全异株的可能机制是:雄株总体上增加了异交花粉的数量和质量;两性花的雄蕊为该物种提供了繁殖保障,同时为传粉者提供了报酬。  相似文献   

吕文  刘文哲 《植物学通报》2010,45(6):713-722
从开花动态、传粉昆虫、花的形态结构、繁育系统、花粉活力和柱头可授性等方面研究了我国特有珍稀植物瘿椒树(Tapiscia sinensis Oliv.)的传粉生物学特性。瘿椒树是典型的雄全异株植物,两性花中含有功能性花粉,且自交亲和,但雄花花粉活力和萌发力是两性花的10倍以上。雄株和两性植株具有相同开花物候期,花期均为5月下旬至6月上旬,单花期为4-5天,雄花和两性花的5枚花药开裂的不同步性明显延长了散粉时间。两性花雌蕊先熟,柱头可授性较长。具有适应风媒和虫媒传粉的花部特征。传粉昆虫主要为蜜蜂科(Apidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,访花高峰期为8:30-10:30。维持瘿椒树雄全异株的可能机制是:雄株总体上增加了异交花粉的数量和质量;两性花的雄蕊为该物种提供了繁殖保障,同时为传粉者提供了报酬。  相似文献   

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