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松乳菇的研究与开发   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
松乳菇 (Laclariusdeliciosus) ,又名美味松乳菇 ,雁鹅菌 ,松杉菌 ,松菌 ,茶花菌 ,系红乳菇科(Russnlaceae) ,乳菇属 (Lactarius)真菌。其肉质细嫩 ,味道鲜美独特 ,营养丰富 ,不仅可食用 ,也可药用。在湖南等地被视为山中珍品 ,市场上十分走俏。松乳菇与松口磨、美味牛肝菌等菌一样 ,都属于菌根菌 ,与松、杉、柏等树种形成菌根菌。这类菌与植物共生 ,有特殊的生态条件、营养方式和子实体分化发育条件 ,对它的研究与驯化有很大难度。因此 ,目前尚不能人工栽培 ,市场供应全依赖于野生采集 ,由于市场紧…  相似文献   

冬虫夏草菌丝生长的营养需求   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

东北地区乳菇属的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了东北地区乳菇属(Lactarius)的29种,其中包括新种2个,长白乳菇(L.chanbainensis Y.Wang et Xie sp.nov.)温泉乳菇(L.wenquanensis Y.Wang et Xie sp.nov.);国内新记录种5个:茶绿乳菇[L.necator(Pers.ex Fr.)Farst.],条纹乳菇[L.oculatus(Peck)Burl.],变红乳菇[L.acris(Bolt.ex Fr.)Gray],复生乳菇(L.repraesentaneus Britz.)和点柄乳菇(L.maculatus Burl.)。新种有汉文和拉丁文描述以及形态、显微构造图;国内新记录种有汉文描述。  相似文献   

野生松乳菇菌种分离的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松乳菇 (Lactariusdeliciosus)又名松菌、松树蘑、雁来菌、寒菌等。菌盖红褶色 ,宽 3~ 11cm ,扁半球形 ,伸展后中部下凹或呈漏斗形 ;菌环中生 ,柄长4~ 11cm ,粗 1.5~ 3cm ,孢子印浅黄色 ,孢子近圆形。多发生在夏末秋初或秋季 ,单生或群生于针叶林 ,主要是与松树的根部形成菌根 ;此菌富含多种氨基酸和维生素 ,是一种理想的保健食品 ,深受国内外欢迎。由于此菌属于菌根菌 ,所以人工培养较困难 ,我们通过试验摸索出一种培养这种菌的有效方法 ,可以在脱离松根的条件下培养这种菌。1 材料与方法1.1 材料以新采集的…  相似文献   

【背景】大球盖菇是我国新兴的食用菌栽培品种,其栽培技术简单、产量高、效益高,在农业废弃物高效转化和农民增收方面发挥重要作用。【目的】探究硒对大球盖菇菌丝生长、子实体农艺性状和营养品质的影响,为富硒大球盖菇的实践生产提供依据。【方法】通过平板试验,测定添加不同质量浓度的Na2SeO3对菌丝生长速度和干重的影响。以木屑、稻壳、玉米芯为主要原料,添加0-10mg/kgNa2SeO3,进行大球盖菇生料栽培试验,测定一潮菇农艺性状、营养品质和抗氧化活性。【结果】Na2SeO3浓度为0-10mg/L时,对大球盖菇菌丝生长速度与干重无显著影响,分别为3.74-3.76 mm/d和40.67-41.33 mg;当浓度达到15 mg/L及以上时,显著抑制菌丝生长。栽培试验结果表明,添加0-10 mg/kg Na2SeO3对一潮菇生物学效率无显著影响,7.5 mg/kg剂量组表现出最佳的菌盖直径、菌柄直径和单菇鲜重。子实体营养分析显...  相似文献   

分离松乳菇Lactarius deliciosus与红汁乳菇L.hatsudake子实体内可培养的细菌,进行分类鉴定,为后期细菌与乳菇的相互作用研究奠定基础。利用传统平板法分离培养乳菇子实体内的细菌,进行16S r DNA片段的扩增和测序及系统发育树的构建和物种多样性分析。从松乳菇中获得66株细菌,红汁乳菇中获得48株细菌。松乳菇子实体内细菌隶属于3个门6个属10个种,其中变形菌门的γ-变型菌纲为优势类群,占细菌总数的77.28%,β-变形菌纲的Pandoraea和拟杆菌门的金黄杆菌属Chryseobacterium分别占细菌总数的12.12%和10.6%。红汁乳菇子实体内共分离、鉴定出细菌3个门7个属7个种,其中变形菌门中的γ-变型菌纲为优势类群,占细菌总数的77.09%,厚壁菌门的芽胞杆菌属Bacillus和拟杆菌门的金黄杆菌属Chryseobacterium分别占细菌总数的14.58%和8.33%。松乳菇与红汁乳菇子实体内存在一定种类和数量的细菌,其中荧光假单胞菌Psedomonas fluorescens和美洲爱文氏菌Ewingella americana为优势细菌。  相似文献   

松乳菇中氨基酸及其它营养素含量的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以秦巴山区野生松乳菇子实体为材料 ,分别对其菌盖和菌柄样品中氨基酸、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、总糖、灰分及微量元素的含量进行了测定。结果表明 :在所测定的 1 7种氨基酸中 ,菌盖含有 1 7种 ,菌柄含 1 6种 ,氨基酸总含量分别为 1 9.89%和 1 3 .79% ;必需氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的 3 6.75 %和 3 5 .95 %。菌盖和菌柄中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、总糖、灰分含量分别为 2 4 .2 7% ,1 9.0 3 % ;6.84 % ,5 .0 2 % ;1 1 .5 2 % ,1 5 .2 6% ;3 7.4 1 % ,2 3 .89%和 7.4 2 % ,5 .2 8%。钙、铁、锌、铜、锰 5种微量元素中 ,铁含量最高 ,在菌盖和菌柄样品中分别为 0 .1 68% ,0 .1 2 %  相似文献   

松乳菇组织分离菌株的rDNA ITS序列分子鉴定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对松乳菇子实体和组织分离菌株rDNA ITS区域进行测序分析,通过和GenBank中已知的乳菇属的种进行序列比对,构建系统发育树,通过树图分析,鉴定出分离菌株就是松乳菇的纯菌种。  相似文献   

两种乳菇菌丝生长的最适培养基与菌根合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测量菌丝直径和干重对松乳菇(rcb-74)和靓丽乳菇(rll-107,rmsh-118)进行最适菌丝生长培养基的筛选。结果表明所有菌株均在改良的biotin-aneurine-folic acid(BAF)培养基上表现出较大的菌丝直径以及最大菌丝干重。用改良的BAF培养基制备乳菇液体菌丝,接种云南松、马尾松和油松,并在13-30d后发现rcb-74与云南松和油松形成菌根,rll-107与马尾松形成菌根,rmsh-118与云南松形成菌根。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草菌丝生长的营养需求*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从青海玉树洲巴塘山采集的野生冬虫夏草中分离到一株冬虫夏草菌,通过该菌对碳源、氮源、无机盐和维生素的利用试验,筛出该菌菌丝液体培养的最优条件:葡萄糖1.5%、麦芽汁1%、蛋白胨1%、酵母膏0.5%、pH6.0,温度23℃,接种量5—10%,摇床转速80—90r/min。  相似文献   

A system for the evaluation of antifungal activity of volatile compounds has been developed that is based on dynamic growth of a single hypha. The newly developed system is composed of a reaction vessel under a microscope, automatic stage, charge coupled device (CCD) camera, TV monitor, video tape recorder (VTR), and a microcomputer. A fungus was inoculated in the reaction vessel containing agar medium and then was treated with an antifungal reagent in the gas phase either in batch or flow reaction manner. The apex of a growing hypha displayed on a TV monitor was followed automatically. From the ratio of the growth rate under exposure of a reagent (UEXPO) to the growth rate before the exposure (UPRE), the antifungal activity was expressed quantitatively.  相似文献   

We report the harvesting of an average of 4,000 kg of saffron milk caps (Lactarius deliciosus Fr.) per day during four to six weeks between mid-October and mid-November in a village of 200 inhabitants in northern Spain. Nearly every inhabitant picks saffron milk caps, for which they receive an average of 2 ε/kg. A family of four could make a profit of 5,600–8,400 ε in a season (average annual income per family in the area is 18,727 ε). Pickers sell the harvested mushrooms either to a local middleman or directly to the buyer, who then takes the produce to the final point of sale, usually in Catalonia, where the demand for saffron milk caps is increasing yearly. This trade has occurred for 30 years, and began when saffron milk caps started to appear in the area after pine trees were introduced to replace the native oaks. This study provides evidence that the collection and marketing of wild edible fungi is a profitable task on a local and national scale.  相似文献   

Aims:  To find out which nutritional condition is the determining factor for sclerotial formation of Polyporus umbellatus .
Methods and Results:  The nutritional requirements of 15 carbohydrates, ten nitrogen compounds, eight vitamins and eight mineral elements were studied for their effects on mycelial growth and sclerotial formation of Polyporus umbellatus using the one-factor-at-a-time method. Only fructose could induce sclerotial formation of P. umbellatus . An additional test indicated that nitrogen source categories influenced sclerotial formation significantly and that peptone was found to be the best for sclerotial production. Through an orthogonal matrix test, the effects of carbon/nitrogen factors on sclerotial formation were found be in the order: fructose > interaction between fructose and peptone > peptone. The optimal concentration for sclerotial formation was determined to be 50·0 g l−1 fructose and 4·0 g l−1 peptone.
Conclusions:  Carbon source is the factor determining sclerotial formation of Polyporus umbellatus . Nitrogen source can influence such a morphological transformation significantly. The categories of vitamin and mineral element do not have relationship with the sclerotial formation.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study provides the preparatory knowledge for the completely artificial culture of Polyporus umbellatus for its sclerotium.  相似文献   

中国南方地区松乳菇遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
郭亮  刘君昂  周国英  李河 《菌物学报》2011,30(3):384-391
松乳菇Lactarius deliciosus是一种对松树的生长具有重大意义的外生菌根真菌,具有很高的经济价值,因无法人工培育,过度的人工采摘造成产地生态的严重破坏。比较中国南方3个省9个不同地区的68个松乳菇的rDNA ITS区碱基序列的差异,以期研究各不同群体的ITS单倍体型多样性,不同地区群体之间的遗传关系,以及遗传分化与地理隔离的关系。遗传分析发现,得到的68个松乳菇样品的ITS序列可认定为7种单倍体型,这些单倍体型聚集为2个不同的系统进化群体,表现出两种不同的系统进化方向。7种单倍体型中,两个主  相似文献   

需求的理解。  相似文献   

Three new plant growth regulatory sesquiterpenes were isolated from the Lactarius repraesentaneus fungus. Their structures were elucidated to be lactarane sesquiterpenes, namely repraesentins D (1) and E (2), and a protoilludane-related sesquiterpene, namely repraesentin F (3). Repraesentin E (2) showed the strongest promotion activity, 164% at 3.6 μM, of the three compounds toward the radicle elongation of lettuce seedlings.  相似文献   

Abstract Photon requirements for growth (φg?1) of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum were determined under nutrient-sufficient conditions at two photon flux densities corresponding to light limited and near-saturating conditions for growth. The value of φg?1 based on assimilated carbon was light-dependent and varied from 8.8 to 14.0 mol photon mol C?1 with the minimum value at the lowest photon flux density. These results are lower than might be predicted for microalgal growth based on the Z scheme of photosynthesis. Conversion of these values for carbon fixation to estimates based on oxygen evolution is problematical due to uncertainty over the appropriate assimilatory quotient (Qa= mol O2 mol C?1). Minimum values based on oxygen evolution rates ranged from 6.2 to 7.6 mol photon mol O2?1 using a Qa of 1.41 mol O2 mol C?1 obtained by Myers (1980). These estimates are similar to our previous measurements for photosynthesis and indicate a high efficiency for light energy transforming reactions during growth. The values of (φg?1 obtained in this work indicate a number of inadequacies in our understanding of the energetics of microalgal growth and are inconsistent with our present knowledge of photosynthetic energy coupling in plant cells.  相似文献   

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