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The rapid hypotonic staining procedure developed by Krishan for DNA determinations by flow cytofluorometry has been proven accurate for in vivo cell samples and for cell lines growing in suspension culture. We show that the unmodified procedure may produce distorted DNA histograms when used for staining cells growing in monolayer cultures, however. To eliminate these distortions, it was necessary to avoid the use of trypsin by staining the attached cells directly, using a hypotonic fluorochrome solution to which nonionic detergent was added. Two sublines of HeLa S3 cells are shown to exhibit major differences in their staining characteristics. By using our revised staining procedure, the two sublines appear to produce very satisfactory DNA histograms. However, in only one subline does the S phase fraction calculated from the histograms agree with the autoradiographical labeling index. Mitotic cells remain intact under these staining conditions, and the principal observed effect of nonionic detergents in this case is to decrease the coefficient of variation of fluorescence intensity.  相似文献   

Cyclosporin (CsA)4, a fungal peptide used clinically for its immunosuppressive properties, was investigated for its ability to antagonize the activation of macrophages (PEM) to the tumoricidal state. The acquisition of tumoricidal properties by PEM challenged with macrophage activating factor (MAF) plus lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by CsA. Similarly, CsA antagonized activation of PEM exposed to the calcium ionophore, A23187. CsA also inhibited macrophage-mediated tumor cell cytolysis in a dose-dependent manner. These data indicate that in vitro, CsA can modulate directly the acquisition and expression of tumoricidal properties by PEM and suggests that the macrophage may be an important target cell for CsA in vivo.  相似文献   

Mast cells can be automatically identified in a mixed cell population by flow cytofluorometry after Berberine sulphate staining. Volume specific counts of the total number of cells and number of mast cells, as well as frequency distributions of fluorescence intensities of mast cells, based on a large number of cells, can be rapidly obtained. Results obtained by microscope fluorometry of cells identified by phase contrast microscopy showviously published results it may be inferred that the fluorescence intensity of individual mast cells is proportional to mast cell heparin content. The automated cell counts correlated very well with manual hemocytometer counts. Both cell counts and the determination of mean mast cell fluorescence showed excellent reproducibility.  相似文献   

The ability of living mouse peritoneal macrophages to retain the lysosomotropic photosensitizer acridine orange (AO) within their secondary lysosomes was studied with a novel cytofluorometric method. During exposure to blue light, cellular AO fluorescence turned from a red granular pattern to that of diffuse green. The resulting change in total fluorescence intensity versus time - a primary decline due to red fluorescence bleaching and a secondary recovery due to the spectral shift - was interpreted as the result of leakage of AO from the lysosomal vacuome. The hypothesis that this time course should be affected by changes in lysosomal membrane stability was tested by labilizing the lysosomes by exposure of cultured macrophages to either hypotonic medium or silver lactate. In hypotonic medium, the ability to retain AO decreased continuously. Exposure to low concentrations of silver lactate (10 microM) also decreased AO retention time. We suggest that this method could be used, within appropriate experimental conditions, to evaluate lysosomal membrane stability in living cells.  相似文献   

A new technique for the quantification of cellular receptor-mediated endocytosis has been developed based on the analysis by flow cytometry of ligand-bearing liposomes containing the fluorochrome carboxyfluorescein. Carboxyfluorescein encapsulated at high concentrations in protein A-bearing liposomes is self-quenched. Binding and internalization of such liposomes by cells via antibodies directed towards membrane surface determinants results in the release of the liposome-encapsulated carboxyfluorescein into the cytoplasm causing an increase in cell-associated fluorescence. This increase can be quantified on a flow cytofluorometer.  相似文献   

U937A cells are highly susceptible to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) cytolysis. They are also motile and incorporate fibronectin into the extracellular matrix (ECM). This takes the form of a dense fibrillar network in confluent cultures, but in sparse cultures appears as a "snail trail" of insolubilized fibronectin behind the moving cell. In contrast, U937A/R cells selected for resistance to TNF cytolysis are poorly motile and, although they synthesize fibronectin, fail to incorporate it into the ECM. Compared to U937A/R, U937A cells spread more rapidly and extensively on fibronectin-coated plastic and also bound 125I-fibronectin more effectively. Inhibition of U937A spreading on fibronectin required higher doses of GRGDSPK peptide, indicating greater expression on U937A of integrin-type, fibronectin receptors. Gangliosides are non-integrin structures which can bind fibronectin, and there were also qualitative and quantitative differences in ganglioside expression with U937A having two to five times more than U937A/R. Therefore the development of TNF resistance by U937A/R cells is accompanied by a reduced ability to interact with fibronectin, and this probably accounts for the reduced motility and inability to deposit fibronectin in the ECM.  相似文献   

Allogeneic immune peritoneal exudate lymphocytes would bind to viable monolayers of EL4 target cells but not to EL4 monolayers killed by heat, dehydration, osmotic shock, or other procedures. Fixation with formaldehyde in low concentration killed the EL4 monolayers but did not abolish binding. Formaldehyde-treated EL4 cells also permitted binding to varying degrees after further manipulations which originally abolished binding to unfixed cells.  相似文献   

The response of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to antigenic stimulation has been studied in vitro using flow cytofluorometry and an acridine orange (AO) staining technique for cellular deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Antigen-stimulated "pyroninophillic" immunoblasts, identified by an increase in cellular content of RNA (red fluorescence with AO), were quantitated in triplicate cultures incubated up to 7 days with and without bacterial antigen. These results were similar to 14C-thymidine incorporation into identical cultures incubated in parallel. Cytofluorometric analysis showed a peak in percentage of immunoblasts after 6 days in culture, while maximum thymidine incorporation was seen on day 7. Cells from patients with depressed immune response secondary to cancer showed lower than normal antigen response by cytofluorometry. Kinetic studies revealed both a lower percentage of immunoblasts when compared to normal and a lower average per cell RNA content of the stimulated cells. AO cytofluorometry is suggested as a convenient method of simultaneously assessing lymphocyte proliferative and nonproliferative response to antigen.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induces synthesis of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). It was previously shown that overexpression of MnSOD protected some mammalian cells from TNF cytotoxicity. The purpose of this study was to establish whether MnSOD was increased in cells selected for resistance to cytolysis by TNF in combination with cycloheximide. Melanoma SK-MEL-109 and HeLa cell-resistant variants were selected by repeated treatments with TNF and cycloheximide. The SK-MEL-109 variants had relatively low levels of MnSOD that were inducible by TNF. Surprisingly, the HeLa variants had very low levels of MnSOD that were poorly inducible by either TNF or interleukin-1 alpha. Therefore, an elevated level of MnSOD was not required to protect these cells from TNF-mediated cytolysis. The HeLa variants were more sensitive than parental cells to superoxide radical (O2-) generating compounds, such as paraquat or xanthine/xanthine oxidase. Pretreatment of these variants with TNF did not provide protection against damage by superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

Target tumor cells pretreated with high concentrations of papain or Pronase were resistant to lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), whereas treatment with trypsin or neuraminidase had no protective effect. Parallel determinations of the H-2 content of target cells following enzyme treatment showed that approximately 80% of surface H-2 was removed by papain or Pronase, 40% by trypsin, and virtually none by neuraminidase treatment. Both susceptibility to lysis by CTL and content of surface H-2 after papain treatment were fully restored by 6 hr at 37 °C in nutrient medium. These findings suggest that lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis (LMC) determinants (target cell antigens bound by CTL) are sensitive to degradation by papain and Pronase but are resistant to the enzymatic action of trypsin and neuraminidase. That a similar pattern of enzyme sensitivity is shown by serologically defined H-2 antigens indicates that both functional classes, LMC and H-2, may have a structural association.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells lose KCl and shrink after swelling in hypotonic media and in response to the addition of 2-deoxyglucose, propranolol, or the Ca2+ ionophore, A23187, plus Ca2+ in isotonic media. All of these treatments activate cell shrinkage via a pathway with the following characteristics: (1) the KCl loss responsible for cell shrinkage does not alter the membrane potential; (2) NO3? does not substitute for Cl?; (3) the net KCl movements are not inhibited by quinine or DIDS; and (4) early in this study furosemide was effective in inhibiting cell shrinkage but this sensitivity was subsequently lost. This evidence suggests that the KCl loss in these cells occurs via a cotransport mechanism. In addition, hypotonic media and the other agents used here stimulate a Cl? -Cl? exchange, a net loss of K+ and a net gain of Na+ which are not responsible for cell shrinkage. The Ehrlich cell also appears to have a Ca2+-activated, quinine-sensitive K+ conductive pathway but this pathway is not part of the mechanism by which these cells regulate their volume following swelling or shrink in isotonic media in response to 2-deoxyglucose or propranolol. Shrinkage by the loss of K+ through the Ca2+ stimulated pathway appears to be limited by Cl? conductive movements; for when NO3?, an anion demonstrated here to have a higher conductive movement than Cl?, is substituted for Cl?, the cells will shrink when the Ca2+-stimulated K+ pathway is activated.  相似文献   

The adenovirus E1A and E1B proteins are required for transformation of primary rodent cells. When expressed in the absence of the 19,000-dalton (19K) E1B protein, however, the E1A proteins are acutely cytotoxic and induce host cell chromosomal DNA fragmentation and cytolysis, analogous to cells undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis). E1A alone can efficiently initiate the formation of foci which subsequently undergo abortive transformation whereby stimulation of cell growth is counteracted by continual cell death. Cell lines with an immortalized growth potential eventually arise with low frequency. Coexpression of the E1B 19K protein with E1A is sufficient to overcome abortive transformation to produce high-frequency transformation. Like E1A, the tumoricidal cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) evokes a programmed cell death response in many tumor cell lines by inducing DNA fragmentation and cytolysis. Expression of the E1B 19K protein by viral infection, by transient expression, or in transformed cells completely and specifically blocks this TNF-alpha-induced DNA fragmentation and cell death. Cosegregation of 19K protein transforming activity with protection from TNF-alpha-mediated cytolysis demonstrates that both activities are likely the consequence of the same function of the protein. Therefore, we propose that by suppressing an intrinsic cell death mechanism activated by TNF-alpha or E1A, the E1B 19K protein enhances the transforming activity of E1A and enables adenovirus to evade TNF-alpha-dependent immune surveillance.  相似文献   

A hydrophobicity index is proposed for proteins. The calculation of this index is made, assuming a direct relationship between the hydrophobicity of each aminoacid and its Rf in a partition chromatography. This index is applied to membrane proteins and offers statistically significant differences between integral and peripheral proteins.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that tumoricidal rat macrophages can distinguish quiescent normal lymphocytes from concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated lymphocytes and thymic lymphoma cells on the basis of their ability to compete for the macrophage-dependent cytolysis of a sensitive tumor cell line. The present study was undertaken to determine (a) whether recognition was related to the proliferative response induced by Con A stimulation and (b) whether the competition of cytolysis was dependent upon the binding of sensitive target cells to activated macrophages. These possibilities were tested by examining Con A-treated lymphocytes in different functional stages of the Con A response with respect to their ability to compete either for cytolysis or binding of a tumor cell line susceptible to both activities. The results show that the ability to compete for either function was acquired coincidentally with the Con A-induced proliferative response. This competitive activity was not due solely to the presence of Con A in the culture medium nor to culture of unstimulated lymphocytes but rather required a blastogenic response to the mitogen. Blast-transformed nonproliferative cells (96 hr post-Con A stimulation) were as competitive as cells which had been stimulated to reinitiate DNA replication by treatment with Interleukin 2. Thus, competition for cytolysis is a consequence of blastogenesis rather than proliferation per se and operates mechanistically by competing for the binding of target cells to activated macrophages, an event known to be a necessary prerequisite to cytolysis.  相似文献   

Zonal liver cell heterogeneity.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
K Jungermann 《Enzyme》1992,46(1-3):5-7

Early events in phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation of mouse splenocytes have been quantitated by using flow cytometry and supravital staining with acridine orange (AO). Increasing percentages of single cells with increased metachromatic (red) AO staining were demonstrated in cultures stimulated by PHA for up to 24 hr. These differences in staining could be eliminated by fixation with 1:1 ethanol/acetone before staining. Stimulated cells showed an increase in nonspecific esterase activity as measured by flow cytometry after supravital staining with fluorescein diacetate (FDA). The data reported show a heterogeneity in the per cell response of mouse splenocytes to PHA. The relationship between these data and the mechanism of mitogen stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid, simultaneous double-staining procedure using fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and propidium iodide (PI) is described for use in the determination of cell viability in cell suspension. Air-dried slide preparations can be made from the cell suspensions so that an accurate estimate of the viability of the cells in the original suspension can be made up to 1 week later. Viable cells fluoresce bright green, while nonviable cells are bright red. Furthermore, when FDA-PI staining is compared to trypan blue dye exclusion as a method to determine cell viability, FDA-PI is found to be more consistent over prolonged periods of exposure to the dyes. Therefore, double staining with FDA-PI is a rapid, convenient, and reliable method to determine cell viability.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T cells (Tc) derived from one patient with adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) killed fresh autologous lymphoma cells in vitro. The Tc were induced from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of this patient during remission by multiple in vitro stimulations with an autologous ATLV-bearing cell line (ILT) that was previously established by cloning of PBL in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL 2). PBL from eight other ATL patients were stimulated in the same manner, and responder cells from a patient in remission also showed cytotoxicity specific for ATL virus (ATLV)-bearing cells. Fresh lymphoma cells were obtained in relapse and were used as target cells for the autologous Tc induced. They became susceptible to the Tc within 4 hr of in vitro incubation, and their susceptibility increased with incubation time for at least 12 hr. ATLV antigens on the cell surface of these lymphoma cells, however, were not detected by radioimmunoassay during these incubation periods, but were detectable after 16 hr of incubation. In addition, cytotoxicity against lymphoma cells was completely inhibited by autologous ILT cells used as "cold" target competitor cells. These findings indicate that the target antigen of the Tc was expressed on both autologous ILT cells and lymphoma cells, and it may be different from ATLV antigens detected by serologic methods. In addition, the data suggested allogeneic restriction of the Tc in that the preferentially killed allogeneic ATLV-bearing cells share several HLA antigens.  相似文献   

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