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水稻巯基蛋白酶抑制剂的纯化及其性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻的糠皮和胚经生理盐水浸取、离心后的上清液加热至80℃处理10min,离心获得的上清液调pH至8.0,得到沉淀。沉淀溶解于0.01mol/LHCl,经透析冷冻干燥得水稻巯基蛋白酶抑制剂(CPI)粗品;粗品再经DEAE-Sepharose柱线性离子梯度洗脱和SephadexG-100柱分子筛层析,即可获得在PAGE、SDS-PAGE和HPLC上均为单一蛋白带的CPI样品。经上述步骤,CPI可被纯化58倍。经SephadexG-100和SDS-PAGE测定其分子量均为12000,N末端氨基酸为Pro,等电点5.6.水稻CPI经100℃处理10min后,其抑制活性无任何变化,在pH2.0~9.0之间,活性也不发生改变,但pH在9.0以上,其活性逐渐下降,水稻CPI对木瓜蛋白酶是一种高亲和性的抑制剂,它对木瓜蛋白酶和无花果蛋白酶有强抑制作用,对菠萝蛋白酶仅有弱抑制作用,但对胰蛋白酶则全无抑制作用;其抑制类型属竞争性抑制剂类型,K_i值约3.5×10 ̄(-8)mol/L对木瓜蛋白酶的抑制摩尔比约为1:1。  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight cysteine proteinase inhibitor (CPI) was purified from chicken (Gallus gallus) plasma using polyethylene glycol (PEG) fractionation and affinity chromatography on carboxymethyl–papain–Sepharose-4B. The CPI was purified 96.8-fold with a yield of 28.9%. Based on inhibitory activity staining for papain, CPI was shown to have an apparent molecular mass of 122 kDa. No inhibitory activity was obtained under reducing condition, indicating that CPI from chicken plasma was stabilized by disulfide bonds. CPI was stable in temperature ranges from 40 to 70 °C for 10 min; however, more than 50% of the inhibitory activity towards papain was lost within 30 min of heating at 90 °C. CPI was stable in the presence of salt up to 3%. The purified CPI exhibited the inhibitory activity toward autolysis of arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) and Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) natural actomyosin (NAM) in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

A low-Mr tight binding proteinase inhibitor was purified from bovine muscle by alkaline denaturation of cysteine proteinases, gel filtration on Sexphadex G-75 and affinity chromatography on carboxymethyl-papain-Sepharose. Chromatofocusing separated three isoforms which are similar in their Mr of about 14 000, their stability with heating at 80°C and their inhibitory activity towards cathepsin H, cathepsin B and papain. The equilibrium constants (Ki) were determined for these three cysteine proteinases but for cathepsin H, association (kass) and dissociation (kdiss) rate constants were also evaluated. Ki values of 56 nM and 8.4 nM were found for cathepsin B and cathepsin H, respectively. For papain, Ki was in the range of 0.1–1 nM. The kinetic features of enzyme-inhibitor binding suggest a possible role for this low-Mr protein inhibitor in controlling ‘in vivo’ cathepsin H proteolytic activity. With regard to cathepsin B, such a physiological role was less evident.  相似文献   

Phytocystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors from plants implicated in the endogenous regulation of protein turnover, programmed cell death, and in defense mechanisms against pathogens. To date, only few cystatin genes have been characterized in most plant species. We have previously characterized the protein Canecystatin, the first cystatin described in sugarcane. In an attempt to study novel Canecystatins, we identified two ORFs encoding cystatins (referred as CaneCPI-2 and CaneCPI-3) using the data from the Sugarcane EST genome project. These ORFs were then subcloned and expressed in Escherichia coli using pET28 expression vector. High amounts (approximately 20 mg/L) of pure recombinant proteins were obtained by affinity chromatography in a single step of purification. Polyclonal antibodies against the recombinant Canecystatins were raised, allowing the immunodetection of the endogenous proteins in the plant tissues. Moreover, the proteins were able to inhibit papain in a fluorometric assay with K(i) values of 0.2 and 0.25 microM for CaneCPI-2 and CaneCPI-3, respectively. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the activity of sugarcane cystatins and encourage future activity and structural studies of these proteins.  相似文献   

The cystatins are physiological cysteine proteinase inhibitors. Here we report the cloning of a novel human cystatin-like molecule (CLM) from human bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) cDNA library. The putative CLM protein contained 159 residues with a 29-residue signal peptide. CLM protein was highly homologous to family 2 cystatins, especially mouse and human testatin. The CLM gene spanned two exons and was mapped on chromosome 20p11.2, among cystatin superfamily gene clusters. CLM mRNA was barely detected in most tumor cell lines except for breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells and glioblastoma U251 cells, but after LPS or PMA stimulation, CLM expression was increased in myelogenous leukemia cell lines HL-60 and U-937. Northern blot analysis revealed CLM was ubiquitously expressed in normal tissues, which was clearly different from the testis-specific expression pattern of most family 2 cystatins. When overexpressed in 293 cells, GFP-fused CLM targeted extracellularly through secretory pathway by Golgi apparatus. The results indicated that the secreted CLM protein might play roles in hematopoietic differentiation or inflammation.  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitor (Serpin, SPI) is a vital superfamily of endogenous inhibitors that monitor proteolytic events active in a number of biological functions. In this study, we isolated a full length gene encoding a novel serine protease inhibitor of Schistosoma japonicum (SjSPI) and characterized its molecular properties. Our result showed that SjSPI contained an open reading frame of 1,218?bp, which encoded 405 amino acid residues. Chromosomal structure analysis showed that SjSPI gene was comprised of six exons separated by five introns. It had essential structural motifs which were well conserved among the Serpin superfamily and showed 17-33% sequence identities with Serpins from other helminthic parasites. Trematode Serpin diverged separately into two different subclades and that the SjSPI clustered Subclade I. Exon-intron structures of trematode Serpins were highly conserved, closely with cestode Serpins. No signal peptide but a strongly transmembrane domain was predicted to exist in SjSPI, suggesting that the protein might be a soluble membrane-associated protein. Homology modeling predicted in silico confirmed that the SjSPI structure also belonged to the Serpin superfamily, containing nine α-helices and a reactive central loop. The bacterially expressed recombinant GST-SjSPI protein effectively inhibited the activities of chymotrypsin, trypsin and thrombin. Expression of SjSPI was detected throughout various developmental stages of the parasite in host and reached its maximal levels at the adult and egg stages, which suggests that SjSPI may be possibly involved in maintaining the physiology of eggs by regulating endogenous serine proteases.  相似文献   

Two forms of an acidic bromelain proteinase isolated from crude bromelain, an extract from pineapple stem, were found by a two-step FPLC purification procedure. The basic main components were removed by cation exchange chromatography and the breakthrough fraction was further resolved by anion exchange chromatography into 15 protein fractions, only two of which, called SBA/a and SBA/b, were proteolytically active. These components were characterized by electrospray mass spectroscopy (ESMS), isoelectric focusing, N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis, monosaccharide analysis, and enzymatic parameters. The molecular masses of SBA/a and SBA/b were determined by ESMS to be 23,550 and 23,560, respectively. The isoelectric points (pI) of the two bands of SBA/a were 4.8 and 4.9; SBA/b focused as a single band at pI = 4.8. Partial N-terminal amino acid sequences (11 residues) were identical to SBA/a and SBA/b and identical with those of stem bromelain, the basic main proteinase of the pineapple stem, and fruit bromelain, the acidic main proteinase of the pineapple fruit. Both components are highly glycosylated; hydrolysis of SBA/a yielded about twofold more monosaccharide per protein than SBA/b. The comparison of the catalytic properties of SBA/a with those of SBA/b revealed no relevant differences in the hydrolysis of three peptidyl-NH-Mec substrates and in the inhibition profiles using chicken cystatin and E-64, indicating that these components can be considered as two forms of a single enzyme. Both forms are scarcely inhibited by chicken cystatin and slowly inactivated by E-64, hence are nontypical cysteine proteinases of the papain superfamily.  相似文献   

The molecular mass of clitocypin, a new type of cysteine proteinase inhibitor from the mushroom Clitocybe nebularis, has been determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and gel exclusion chromatography. The result is in agreement with the formula mass of 16.8 kDa, demonstrating that the inhibitor is a monomer in aqueous solution. This enables the kinetics of unfolding and refolding to be interpreted in terms of folding in a kinetically two state, highly cooperative transition from the thermally unfolded state.  相似文献   

The turkey reproductive tract and seminal plasma contain a serine proteinase inhibitor that seems to be unique for the reproductive tract. Our experimental objective was to isolate, characterize and cDNA sequence the Kazal family proteinase inhibitor from turkey seminal plasma and testis. Seminal plasma contains two forms of a Kazal family inhibitor: virgin (Ia) represented by an inhibitor of moderate electrophoretic migration rate (present also in the testis) and modified (Ib, a split peptide bond) represented by an inhibitor with a fast migration rate. The inhibitor from the seminal plasma was purified by affinity, ion-exchange and reverse phase chromatography. The testis inhibitor was purified by affinity and ion-exchange chromatography. N-terminal Edman sequencing of the two seminal plasma inhibitors and testis inhibitor were identical. This sequence was used to construct primers and obtain a cDNA sequence from the testis. Analysis of a cDNA sequence indicated that turkey proteinase inhibitor belongs to Kazal family inhibitors (pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitors, mammalian acrosin inhibitors) and caltrin. The turkey seminal plasma Kazal inhibitor belongs to low molecular mass inhibitors and is characterized by a high value of the equilibrium association constant for inhibitor/trypsin complexes.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was purified from the brain of the waxmoth, Galleria mellonella (L.) by affinity chromatography followed by anion exchange chromatography. It resolved as a single band by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) both non-denaturing and SDS (silver stained), and as a single peak by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), in an overall yield of 32% representing 283-fold purification. This was a true acetylcholinesterase, with no activity as a non-specific cholinesterase (butyrylcholinesterase). The molecular weight determined by PAGE in the absence and presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was ca. 240,000 Da and 60,000 Da respectively, indicating an arrangement of tetrameric subunits. 2-Heptanone, the honeybee alarm pheromone, reversibly and competitively inhibited the purified Galleria AChE with a Ki value of 1.34×10−3 M. Furthermore, five monoterpenes associated with plant defence and representing a range of functional groups, also were reversible competitive inhibitors of the purified AChE from Galleria, which is consistent with previous data for electric eel AChE (Ryan, M.F., Byrne, O., 1988. Plant-insect coevolution and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Journal of Chemical Ecology 14, 1965-1975).  相似文献   

Isolation in a 55% yield of the low molecular weight pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor was achieved by gel filtration of an acid extract of whole inactive rat pancreas juice on Sephadex G-50 at pH 2.5 followed by desalting and ion-exchange chromatography on SP Sephadex C-50 at pH 4.5. Two distinct chromatographic fractions were obtained, labeled fraction 1 and 2. Fractions 1 and 2 showed three, respectively two, distinct closely migrating cationic bands on gel electrophoresis in barbital buffer, pH 8.6. Each fraction demonstrated one band on polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis at pH 4.6. The inhibitor is homogenous on gel filtration and on the basis of its stoichiometry with active site titrated rat anionic trypsin. Its molecular weight is approx. 6024. The amino acid composition is included. Rat pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor is trypsin-specific and interacts on a 1:1 molar basis with rat trypsin. It is good inhibitor of bovine trypsin but a poor inhibitor of human cationic trypsin and its binding to trypsin is reversible by acidification. Like other inhibitors of this sort, it is present in about 0.1–0.2% of the total protein content of the juice, and normally exists in its free form. A simple procedure for the production of antiserum to the inhibitor which is a poor antigen is also described.  相似文献   

Two thermophilic extracellular proteases, designated Lmm-protease-Lh (29 kDa) and Hmm-protease-Lh (62 kDa), were purified from the Lactobacillus helveticus from kefir, and found active in media containing dithiothreitol; the activity of Lmm-protease-Lh was increased significantly in media containing also EDTAK2. Both novel proteases maintained full activity at 60 °C after 1-h incubation at 10 °C as well as at 80 °C, showing optimum kcat/Km values at pH 7.00 and 60 °C. Only irreversible inhibitors specific for cysteine proteinases strongly inhibited the activity of both novel enzymes, while they remained unaffected by irreversible inhibitors specific for serine proteinases. Both enzymes hydrolyzed the substrate Suc-FR-pNA via Michaelis–Menten kinetics; conversely, the substrate Cbz-FR-pNA was hydrolyzed by Lmm-protease-Lh via Michaelis–Menten kinetics and by Hmm-protease-Lh via substrate inhibition kinetics. Valuable rate constants and activation energies were estimated from the temperature-(kcat/Km) profiles of both enzymes, and useful results were obtained from the effect of different metallic ions on their Michaelis–Menten parameters.  相似文献   

Leguminous plants in the tropical rainforests are a rich source of proteinase inhibitors and this work illustrates isolation of a serine proteinase inhibitor from the seeds of Archidendron ellipticum (AeTI), inhabiting Great Nicobar Island, India. AeTI was purified to homogeneity by acetone and ammonium sulfate fractionation, and ion exchange, size exclusion and reverse phase chromatography (HPLC). SDS-PAGE of AeTI revealed that it is constituted by two polypeptide chains (alpha-chain, M(r) 15,000 and beta-chain, M(r) 5000), the molecular weight being approximately 20 kDa. N-terminal sequence showed high homology with other serine proteinase inhibitors belonging to the Mimosoideae subfamily. Both Native-PAGE as well as isoelectric focussing showed four isoinhibitors (pI values of 4.1, 4.55, 5.27 and 5.65). Inhibitory activity of AeTI remained unchanged over a wide range of temperatures (0-60 degrees C) and pH (1-10). The protein inhibited trypsin in the stoichiometric ratio of 1:1, but lacked similar stoichiometry against chymotrypsin. Also, AeTI-trypsin complex was stable to SDS unlike the SDS unstable AeTI-chymotrypsin complex. AeTI, which possessed inhibition constants (K(i)) of 2.46 x 10(-10) and 0.5 x 10(-10)M against trypsin and chymotrypsin activity, respectively, retained over 70% of inhibitory activity after being stored at -20 degrees C for more than a year. Initial studies on the insecticidal properties of AeTI indicate it to be a very potent insect anti-feedant.  相似文献   

A 711-bp cDNA encoding a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (cystatin) was isolated from a cDNA library prepared from 7–10 cmSorghum bicolor seedlings. The nearly full-length cDNA clone encodes 130 amino acid residues, which include the Gln-Val-Val-Ala-Gly motif, conserved among most of the known cystatins as a probable binding site for cysteine proteinases. The amino acid sequence of sorghum cystatin deduced from the cDNA clone shows significantly homology to those of other plant cystatins. The sorghum cystatin expressed inE. coli showed a strong papain-inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Crude bromelain extracts from pineapple stems (Ananas comosus) were fractionated by two-step FPLC-cation-exchange chromatography. At least eight basic proteolytically active components were detected. The two main components F4 and F5 together with the most active proteinase fraction F9 were characterized by SDS-PAGE, mass spectroscopy, multizonal cathodal electrophoresis, partial amino acid sequence, and monosaccharide composition analysis. F9 amounts to about 2% of the total protein and has a 15 times higher specific activity against the substratel-pyroglutamyl-l-phenylanalyl-l-leucine-p-nitroanilide (PFLNA) than the main component F4. The molecular masses of F4, F5, and F9 were determined to 24,397, 24,472, and 23,427, respectively, by mass spectroscopy. Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis (20 amino acids) revealed that F9 differs from the determined sequence of F4 and F5 by an exchange at position 10 (tyrosineserine) and position 20 (asparagine glycine). F4 and F5 contained fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, xylose, and mannose in ratio of, but only 50% of the proteins seem to be glycosylated, whereas F9 was found to be unglycosylated. Polyclonal antibodies (IgG) against F9 detected F4 and F5 with tenfold reduced reactivity. ThepH optimum of F4 and F5 was betweenpH4.0 and 4.5 and for F9 close to neutralpH. The kinetic parameters for PFLNA hydrolysis were similar for F4 (K m 2.30 mM,k cat 0.87 sec–1 and F5 (K m 2.42 mM,k cat 0.68 sec–1), and differed greatly from F9 (K m 0.40 mM,k cat 3.94 sec–1).Dedicated to H. Tschesche, Bielefeld, Germany, on behalf of his 60th anniversary.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(10):1664-1672
Hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) is a potent natural antioxidant that displays important neuroprotective activity. Inhibition of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) has attracted the attention of researchers due to its overexpression in several types of cancers. We studied the effects of HSYA on ALDH1 by evaluating the inhibitory kinetics based on its antioxidant properties and performing computational simulation integrating methods. HSYA reversibly inhibited human recombinant ALDH1 via non-competitive inhibition (Ki = 0.267 ± 0.024 mM). We also investigated the tertiary structural changes via measuring intrinsic and ANS-binding fluorescence. The results indicated that the inactivation induced by HSYA was associated with structural changes. To obtain further information, we simulated the 3D structure of ALDH1 and conducted computational docking simulations as well as molecular dynamics simulations. The results indicated that 4 rings of HSYA interact with several residues near the ALDH1 active site. Our study provides insight into the inhibition of ALDH1 accompanied by structural changes. Based on its ALDH1-inhibiting effect and its potential as a natural antioxidant, HSYA is a potential agent for treating ALDH1-associated cancers.  相似文献   

Using differential screening of a root tip cDNA library prepared from an Al-tolerant wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Atlas-66) exposed to Al, we have isolated and characterized several wheat aluminum-regulated (War) cDNAs. Sequence comparison revealed that genes up-regulated by Al correspond to peroxidase (war4.2), cysteine proteinase (war5.2), phenylalanine-ammonia lyase (war7.2), and oxalate oxidase (war13.2). Two wheat cultivars that differ in their level of tolerance (cv. Atlas-66: tolerant, and cv. Fredrick: sensitive) were used to evaluate the relationship between the accumulation of War mRNAs and Al toxicity, as measured by root growth inhibition (RGI). The mRNA accumulation was modulated to similar levels in both cultivars compared at equivalent RGIs. This indicates that War mRNA accumulation is associated with the toxicity of Al rather than with the cultivar's tolerance. It appears that most of the genes found to be up-regulated by Al share homologies with genes induced by pathogens. This suggests that Al may act as an elicitor of a pathogenesis-related transduction pathway. The potential functions of the up-regulated war genes in cell wall strengthening and Al trapping are discussed. Received: 24 October 1997 / Accepted: 21 January 1998  相似文献   

Human tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) is a matrix-associated Kunitz-type serine proteinase inhibitor that is secreted by all cells of the vasculature, and presumably plays a role in the regulation of plasmin-mediated matrix remodeling. In this report, we describe the cloning and expression of a full-length cDNA for bovine TFPI-2 that exhibits 72% sequence identity with that of human TFPI-2. Following a 22 residue signal peptide, the mature protein contains 212 amino acids with 18 cysteines, three putative N-glycosylation sites, and one putative O-glycosylation site. The deduced sequence of mature bovine TFPI-2 revealed a short acidic amino-terminal region, three tandem Kunitz-type domains, and a carboxy-terminal tail highly enriched in basic amino acids. Recombinant bovine TFPI-2 was expressed in HEK 293 cells and resolved into two isoforms, designated as alpha-TFPI-2 (M(r) 33 kDa) and beta-TFPI-2 (M(r) 31 kDa), which presumably represent differentially glycosylated forms of the inhibitor. Similar to human TFPI-2, both bovine TFPI-2 isoforms exhibited strong inhibitory activity towards trypsin and plasmin, and weak inhibitory activity towards the factor VIIa-tissue factor complex.  相似文献   

Suquet C., Green-Edwards C. and Wes Leid R. 1984. Isolation and partial characterization of a Taenia taeniaeformis metacestode proteinase inhibitor. International Journal for Parasitology14: 165–172. A proteinase inhibitor from the metacestode of Taenia taeniaeformis was purified 136-fold to apparent homogeneity as evidenced by one Coomassie Blue protein staining band on 10% SDS slab gels under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. The apparent molecular weight under dissociating conditions was 19,500. This parasite protein inhibited esterolysis of TAME and BTEE by bovine pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin respectively in a time and dose-dependent manner. Proteolysis of casein by both enzymes was also inhibited in a time and dose-dependent manner. The parasite inhibitor was stable from pH 2.2 to 10.5 and was fully active after heating at 56 °C for 3 h. The proteases pronase and thermolysin, at concentrations of 1 mg ml?1, completely inactivated the metacestode inhibitor. Two sulfhydryl proteases, papain and chymopapain, used at concentrations of 1 mg ml?1 were without effect. The irreversible proteinase inhibitors TLCK, TPCK and PMSF at concentrations up to 10 mM had no effect on the parasite inhibitor.  相似文献   

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