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During infection with Schistosoma mansoni, NO production increases following the deposition of parasite eggs in the liver. In wild-type C57BL/6 mice, NO levels peak during the sixth week of infection and are subsequently down-regulated. Inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mRNA was found in diseased liver tissue along with TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, which are known promoters of iNOS expression. Mice treated with aminoguanidine, a selective inhibitor of iNOS, exhibited cachexia and exacerbated liver pathology, suggesting that NO limits hepatocyte damage when the liver is first exposed to eggs. Hepatic iNOS is up-regulated in SCID mice, indicating that NO production is part of an innate response. Studies with infected highly susceptible IL-4-/- mice revealed that prolonged NO production is in itself deleterious and that a major function of the Th2 response, which is severely compromised in the absence of IL-4, is to regulate NO production. In these animals, plasma NO levels are high compared with those in infected wild-type mice and remain elevated until death. Nevertheless, the underlying importance of NO is illustrated by the finding that aminoguanidine treatment leads to more severe liver disease and reduced time to death in infected IL-4-/- mice.  相似文献   

CD40 is thought to play a central role in T cell-dependent humoral responses through two distinct mechanisms. CD4+ T helper cells are activated via CD40-dependent Ag presentation in which CD80/CD86 provides costimulation through CD28. In addition, engagement of CD40 on B cells provides a direct pathway for activation of humoral responses. We used a model of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of beta-galactosidase (lacZ) into murine lung to evaluate the specific CD40-dependent pathways required for humoral immunity at mucosal surfaces of the lung. Animals deficient in CD40L failed to develop T and B cell responses to vector. Activation of Th2 cells, which normally requires CD40-dependent stimulation of APCs, was selectively reconstituted in CD40 ligand-deficient mice by systemic administration of an Ab that is agonistic to CD28. Surprisingly, this resulted in the development of a functional humoral response to vector as evidenced by formation of germinal centers and production of antiadenovirus IgG1 and IgA that neutralized and prevented effective readministration of vector. The CD28-dependent B cell response required CD4+ T cells and was mediated via IL-4. These studies indicate that CD40 signals to the B cells are not necessary for CD4+ Th2 cell-dependent humoral responses to be generated.  相似文献   

CD40-CD40L interactions have been shown to be essential for the production of IL-12 and IFN-gamma and control of L. major infection. In contrast, C57BL/6 mice deficient in CD28 develop a dominant Th1-type response and heal infection. In this study, we investigate the effects of a deficiency in both CD40L and CD28 molecules on the immune response and the course of L. major infection. We compared infection in mice genetically lacking CD40L (CD40L(-/-)), CD28 (CD28(-/-)), or both (CD40L(-/-)CD28(-/-)), and in C57BL/6 mice, all on a resistant background. Although CD40L(-/-) mice failed to control infection, CD28(-/-) and CD40L(-/-)CD28(-/-) mice, as well as C57BL/6 mice, spontaneously resolved their infections. Healing mice had reduced numbers of lesion parasites compared with nonhealing CD40L(-/-) mice. At wk 9 of infection, we detected similar levels of IL-4, IFN-gamma, IL-12p40, and IL-12Rbeta2 mRNA in draining lymph nodes of healing C57BL/6, CD28(-/-), and CD40L(-/-)CD28(-/-) mice, whereas CD40L(-/-) mice had increased mRNA levels for IL-4 but reduced levels for IFN-gamma, IL-12p40, and IL-12Rbeta2. In a separate experiment, blocking of the CD40-CD40L pathway using Ab to CD40L led to an exacerbation of infection in C57BL/6 mice, but had little or no effect on infection in CD28(-/-) mice. Together, these results demonstrate that in the absence of CD28 costimulation, CD40-CD40L interaction is not required for the development of a protective Th1-type response. The expression of IL-12p40, IL-12Rbeta2, and IFN-gamma in CD40L(-/-)CD28(-/-) mice further suggests the presence of an additional stimulus capable of regulating IL-12 and its receptors in absence of CD40-CD40L interactions.  相似文献   

The role of CD40-CD154 interaction in cell immunoregulation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
CD40, a member of the nerve growth factor/tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, and its ligand, CD154, play essential roles in cell immune responses. The results of many studies have indicated that CD40-CD154 interaction can upregulate costimulatory molecules, activate antigen-presenting cells (APCs), influence T-cell priming and T-cell-mediated effector functions as well as participate in the pathogenic processing of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as autoimmune diabetes, graft rejection, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Ligation of CD40 on cancer cells was also found to produce a direct growth-inhibitory effect through cell cycle blockage and/or apoptosis with no overt side effects on normal cells and treatment with CD154 can heighten tumor rejection immune response as well. However, systemic treatment with CD154 has some potential risks. Therefore, searching for efficient and safe strategies of CD154-based cancer therapy has been a hot topic in human cancer research. This review focuses on the latest discovered functions of CD40-CD154 interaction in cell immune responses and on the new findings of CD154-based human cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The tegumental surface of immature Schistosoma mansoni was studied with the scanning electron microscope. The surfaces of immature males and females bear no resemblance to that of adult worms and are characterized by having many tegumental folds. The tegumental surfaces of immature males and females are similar, and the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the male are similar before formation of the gynecophoral canal. Transition of the tegumental surface from the juvenile to the adult form begins after worms are in copula and have grown to several millimeters in length.  相似文献   

Analysis of a murine model of schistosomiasis revealed that both the thymus (T)- and bursa (B)-derived compartments of the immune system are modified during acute infection. The functional capacity of T and B lymphocytes to respond to mitogenic stimuli and the humoral response to thymus-dependent (SRBC) and thymus-independent (DNP-Ficoll) antigens are severely depressed. In addition, it was found that suppressor cells capable of inhibiting the response of normal lymphocytes to SRBC arise during acute infection. Although the splenic frequency of T (theta) and B (Ig+) cells remained constant during chronic infection, quantitative changes were detected in each population. In the T cell pool there was a decrease in the percentage of Ly-1+ cells and a concomitant increase in Ly-1+, 2+, 3+, cells, whereas the B cell pool showed a progressive loss of complement receptor-bearing lymphocytes, which apparently was the result of inactivation of surface complement receptor by a serum factor specifically found in infected mice. Characterization of the serum factor strongly suggests it is an immune complex. Thus, it appears that both suppressor cells and immune complexes contribute to changes noted in the immune system during acute schistosomiasis. Additional studies carried out in mice after unisexual infection revealed that egg production is not a necessary prerequisite for several of the immunologic phenomena associated with acute schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

CD40 signaling has been implicated in various pathogenic processes such as chronic inflammatory disease, graft-versus-host disease, autoimmune disease and cancer. We previously demonstrated in an in vitro system that the CD40/CD40L pathway mediates late interleukin (IL) 12 production in response to Cryptococcus neoformans. The purpose of this study was to examine the course of C. neoformans infection in the absence of CD40/CD40L costimulation. We compared infection in mice genetically lacking CD40L (CD40L(-/-)) and in the wild-type counterpart. The animals were injected intratracheally with C. neoformans and monitored for clearance of the organism and the development of cellular immune response. CD40L(-/-) mice exhibited an exacerbation of infection, evaluated as scarce inflammatory response in the lung, that mirrored an increase of fungal burden. This correlated with impairment of nitrite production and antimicrobial activity by macrophages against C. neoformans and unrelated microorganisms such as Candida albicans. Moreover, IL-12 production by splenic macrophages was diminished in CD40L(-/-) mice and interferon-gamma production by CD4 and CD8 T cells was decreased. CD4 T cells retained the ability to express a costimulatory molecule, CTLA-4, but showed a decrease in CD28 expression. This latter molecule is implicated in a positive effect on proliferation, cytokine production and survival of T cells. Collectively these data demonstrate that absence of CD40L correlates with (i) reduced antimicrobial activity of natural effector cells; (ii) reduction of the magnitude of T cell response; and (iii) increase of fungal growth in the brain. These findings suggest that disruption of CD40/CD40L may be deleterious for development of an efficient immune response to C. neoformans and may identify potential molecular targets for novel immunotherapeutic approaches  相似文献   

The granuloma that surrounds the Schistosoma mansoni egg is the cause of pathology in murine schistosomiasis, and its formation is driven by egg Ag-stimulated type 1 and type 2 cytokines. To determine the role of egg-driven immune responses during schistosome infection we rendered CBA/Ca mice unresponsive to schistosome eggs by combined cyclophosphamide treatment and thymectomy. In the early acute stages of schistosome infection, egg-tolerized mice suffered high mortalities. Granuloma size and deposition of collagen in the liver were significantly reduced in egg-tolerized mice. Similarly, limited granuloma responses were detected in the intestines of these mice, and this was associated with a >90% reduction in egg excretion. Histologically, egg-tolerized mice had exacerbated hepatocyte damage, with extensive microvesicular steatosis. Elevated plasma transaminase levels confirmed the damage to hepatocytes. Infected egg-tolerized mice had impaired proliferation responses to egg Ag but intact responses to worm Ag. Tolerized mice had diminished Ab responses to egg Ag and had a type 1 cytokine isotype pattern to worm Ag, with elevated IgG2a and diminished IgG1 and IgE. Egg-tolerized mice failed to down-regulate type 1 cytokines that are normally elicited during early schistosome infection. Hepatic granuloma cells from egg-tolerized mice were also type 1 cytokine dominated, with elevated frequencies of Tc1/Th1 and reduced Tc2/Th2 cells. This study demonstrates that mice tolerized to schistosome eggs have elevated type 1 cytokine responses with diminished type 2 responses and reduced anti-egg Ab during schistosome infection, and these effects are detrimental to the host.  相似文献   

The CD40-CD154 interaction is critical for Th2 response generation during helminth infection and following immunization with helminth-conditioned dendritic cells, yet the key cellular sources of these molecules have still to be defined in vivo. In this study, we demonstrate that the requirement for CD40 expression during murine Th2 response induction is restricted exclusively to the Ag-bearing dendritic cells. In contrast, development of full Th2 immunity required CD154 expression on multiple populations. In this respect, optimal production of IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 was dependent upon CD154 expression by both CD4(+) T cells and non-lymphoid cells. IL-4 production had less stringent costimulatory requirements, with expression of CD154 on either non-lymphoid cells or T cells alone being sufficient to enable production of this archetypal Th2 cytokine. Disparities in CD154 requirements for T cell and B cell responses were revealed during experimental schistosomiasis where, even in the face of robust Th2 generation, B cell class-switching was entirely dependent upon expression of CD154 by the lymphoid compartment. These data help define the costimulatory interactions that occur during the generation of Th2 immunity, and challenge the widely held view that CD154 expressing T cells are the sole contributors in this process.  相似文献   

Blockade of the CD40-CD154 pathway can inhibit CD4(+) T cell activation but is unable to prevent immune responses mediated by CD8(+) T cells. However, even in the absence of CD8(+) T cells, inhibition of the CD40-CD154 pathway is insufficient to prevent the development of transplant arteriosclerosis. This study investigated the mechanisms of transplant arteriosclerosis in the absence of the CD40 pathway. C57BL/6 CD40(-/-) (H2(b)) recipients were transplanted with MHC-mismatched BALB/c (H2(d)) aortas. Transplant arteriosclerosis was evident in both CD40(-/-) and CD40(+/-) mice (intimal proliferation was 59 +/- 5% for CD40(-/-) mice vs 58 +/- 4% for CD40(+/-) mice) in the presence or absence of CD8(+) T cells (intimal proliferation was 46 +/- 7% for CD40(-/-) anti-CD8-treated mice vs 50 +/- 10% for CD40(+/-) anti-CD8-treated mice), confirming that CD8(+) T cells are not essential effector cells for the development of this disease. In CD40(-/-) recipients depleted of CD8(+) T cells, the number of eosinophils infiltrating the graft was markedly increased (109 +/- 24 eosinophils/grid for CD40(-/-) anti-CD8-treated mice vs 28 +/- 7 for CD40(+/-) anti-CD8-treated mice). The increased presence of eosinophils correlated with augmented intragraft production of IL-4. To test the hypothesis that IL-4 was responsible for the intimal proliferation, CD8 T cell-depleted CD40(-/-) recipients were treated with anti-IL-4 mAb. This resulted in significantly reduced eosinophil infiltration into the graft (12 +/- 5 eosinophils/grid for CD40(-/-) anti-CD8(+), anti-IL-4-treated mice vs 109 +/- 24 for CD40(-/-) anti-CD8-treated mice), intragraft eotaxin, CCR3 mRNA production, and the level of intimal proliferation (18 +/- 5% for CD40(-/-) anti-CD8(+)-, anti-IL-4-treated mice vs 46 +/- 7% for CD40(-/-) anti-CD8-treated mice). In conclusion, elevated intragraft IL-4 production results in an eosinophil infiltrate and is an important mechanism for CD8(+) T cell-independent transplant arteriosclerosis in the absence of CD40-CD154 costimulation.  相似文献   

During murine schistosomiasis, there is a gradual switch from a predominant Th1 cytokine response to a Th2-dominated response after egg laying, an event that favors the formation of granuloma around viable eggs. Egg-derived glycoconjugates, including glycolipids, may play a crucial role in this phenomenon. In this study, we used a model of dendritic cell sensitization to study the role of egg glycoconjugates in the induction of specific immune response to soluble egg Ag (SEA) and to investigate the possibility that CD1d, a molecule implicated in glycolipid presentation, may be involved in such a phenomenon. We show that, when captured, processed, and presented to naive T lymphocytes by dendritic cells, egg, but not larval, Ag skew the immune response toward a Th2 response. Periodate treatment reversed this effect, indicating that the sugar moiety of SEA is important in this phenomenon. Using DC treated ex vivo with a neutralizing anti-CD1d Ab or isolated from CD1d knockout mice, we show that CD1d is crucial in the priming of SEA-specific Th2 lymphocytes. We then evaluated the contribution of CD1d on the development of the SEA-specific immune response and on the formation of the egg-induced liver granuloma during murine schistosomiasis. We find that CD1d knockout mice have a reduced Th2 response after egg laying and develop a less marked fibrotic pathology compared with wild-type mice. Altogether, our results suggest that Ag presentation of parasite glycoconjugates to CD1d-restricted T cells may be important in the early events leading to the induction of Th2 responses and to egg-induced pathology during murine schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni develop polarized Th2 responses in which Th1 responses are prevented by IL-10-mediated suppression of IL-12 production. We show that dendritic cells from infected mice are primed to make IL-12 in response to CD40 ligation, and that IL-10 acts by inhibiting this process. In infected mice, two subpopulations of CD4(+) cells, separable by their expression of CD25, make IL-10. CD25(+)CD4(+) cells expressed forkhead box P3, inhibited proliferation of CD4(+) T cells, and made IL-10, but little IL-5. In contrast, CD25(-)CD4(+) cells failed to express forkhead box P3 or to inhibit proliferation and accounted for all the IL-5, IL-6, and IL-13 produced by unseparated splenic populations. Thus, CD25(+) and CD25(-) subpopulations could be characterized as regulatory T cells (Treg cells) and Th2 cells, respectively. Consistent with their ability to make IL-10, both CD25(+) and CD25(-)CD4(+) T cells from infected mice were able, when stimulated with egg Ag, to suppress IL-12 production by CD40 agonist-stimulated dendritic cells. Additionally, in adoptive transfer experiments, both CD4(+) subpopulations of cells were able to partially inhibit the development of Th1 responses in egg-immunized IL-10(-/-) mice. The relationship of Treg cells in infected mice to natural Treg cells was strongly suggested by the ability of CD25(+)CD4(+) cells from naive mice to inhibit Th1 response development when transferred into egg-immunized or infected IL-10(-/-) mice. The data suggest that natural Treg cells and, to a lesser extent, Th2 cells play roles in suppressing Th1 responses and ensuring Th2 polarization during schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

CD40 ligand (CD40L) is a cell surface costimulatory molecule expressed mainly by activated T cells. CD40L is critically important for T-B cell and T cell-dendritic cell interactions. CD40L expression promotes Th1 cytokine responses to protein Ags and is responsible for Ig isotype switching in B cells. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important pathogen of young children and the elderly, which causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Studies of mice infected with RSV suggest that a Th2 cytokine response may be responsible for enhanced pulmonary disease. To investigate the effect CD40L has on RSV immunity, mice were infected simultaneously with RSV and either an empty control adenovirus vector or one expressing CD40L or were coimmunized with plasmid DNA vectors expressing CD40L and RSV F and/or G proteins and subsequently challenged with RSV. The kinetics of the intracellular and secreted cytokine responses, the cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor frequency, NO levels in lung lavage, rates of virus clearance, and anti-RSV Ab titers were determined. These studies show that coincident expression of CD40L enhances the Th1 (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) cytokine responses, increases the expression of TNF-alpha and NO, accelerates virus clearance, and increases the anti-F and anti-G Ab responses. These data suggest that CD40L may have the adjuvant properties needed to optimize the safety and efficacy of RSV vaccines.  相似文献   

The injection of Schistosoma mansoni eggs into the footpads of mice results in a localized Th2 cytokine response and tissue eosinophilia. We examined whether treatment with CD40-activating Abs would block the development of Th2 cytokine responses and eosinophilic tissue pathology in this model. Seven days after C57BL/6 mice were injected with eggs and the FGK45 anti-CD40 Ab, Ag-specific synthesis of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 in lymph node culture was reduced (>10-fold) relative to control mice treated with eggs and rat IgG. In contrast, IFN-gamma and IL-12 were increased in both culture supernatants and in the serum. Similar changes in lymph node cytokine mRNA were observed in vivo, and tissue eosinophilia was reduced nearly 20-fold. Th2 cytokine responses in anti-CD40-treated IFN-gamma-/- and IL-12 p40-/- C57BL/6 mice were unaffected, although anti-CD40 induced high levels of systemic and local IFN-gamma production in both wild-type and IL-12 p40-/- mice. We conclude that CD40-activating treatments strongly reverse the immune phenotype generated in response to a classic, Th2-biasing stimulus and stimulate IFN-gamma through a novel IL-12-independent pathway. This model for Th1-deviating immune therapy may have relevance to the treatment of Th2-dependent diseases in general.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata, highly susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni, were seen to shed less and less cercariae along the time of infection. Histological examination kept a close correlation with this changing pattern of cercarial shedding, turning an initial picture of no-reaction (tolerance) gradually into one of hemocyte proliferation with formation of focal encapsulating lesions around disintegrating sporocysts and cercariae, a change that became disseminated toward the 142nd day post miracidial exposure. Findings were suggestive of a gradual installation of acquired immunity in snails infected with S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Dependence of the primary antiviral immune response on costimulatory interactions between CD28/CD80-86 and between CD40/CD154 (CD40 ligand) has been correlated with the extent of viral replication in two models of systemic infection, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. To determine the role of these costimulatory interactions in the context of an acute cytolytic, but locally replicating viral infection, herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection was assessed in mice that had the CD28/CD80-86 or CD40/CD154 interactions disrupted either genetically or with blocking reagents (CTLA4Ig and MR1, respectively). CTLA4Ig treatment greatly reduced paralysis-free survival during primary acute HSV infection. This reflected an almost total ablation of the anti-HSV CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses due to anergy and reduced cell numbers, respectively. Disruption of CD40/CD154 interactions impaired survival, but the effect was less severe than that observed in CTLA4Ig-treated mice, with reductions observed in the CD4(+) T-cell but not CD8(+) T-cell responses. These two costimulatory pathways functioned in part independently, since disruption of both further impaired survival. The dependence on these costimulatory interactions for the control of primary HSV infection may represent a more widespread paradigm for nonsystemic viruses, which have restricted sites of replication and which employ immunoevasive measures.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease due to Schistosoma mansoni. Schistosome infection is known to induce granulomas not only in the spleen, bladder, liver and intestine but also in the brain and spinal cord resulting in severe neuropathological and psychiatric disorders though the interaction between Schistosoma mansoni infection and the nervous system has received on the whole little attention. In the present review it has been discussed recent findings from experimental Schistosoma mansoni infection in mouse nervous system. We show that brain granulomas are associated with a significant alteration in the constitutive levels of nerve growth factor (NGF), a trophic factor playing an essential role in nerve growth and differentiation and in preventing neuronal damages. Animals infected with schistosomes suffered also of increased pain sensitivity which was inhibited by TNF-alpha antibody injections and not by anti-NGF. These findings suggest that the neuropathological dysfunctions in neuroschistosomiasis may be linked to changes in the basal levels and/or activity of neurotrophic factors caused by local formation of granulomas.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus (PyV) infection elicits protective T cell-independent (TI) IgG responses in T cell-deficient mice. The question addressed in this report is whether CD40 signaling plays a role in this TI antiviral IgG response. Because CD40 ligand (CD40L) can be expressed on numerous cell types in addition to activated T cells, it is possible that cells other than T cells provide CD40L to signal through CD40 on B cells and hence positively influence the antiviral TI IgG responses. In this study we show, by blocking CD40-CD40L interactions in vivo with anti-CD40L Ab treatment in TCR betaxdelta-/- mice and by using SCID mice reconstituted with CD40-/- B cells, that the lack of CD40 signaling in B cells results in a 50% decrease in TI IgG secreted in response to PyV. SCID mice reconstituted with CD40L-/- B cells also responded to PyV infection with diminished IgG secretion compared with that of SCID mice reconstituted with wild-type B cells. This finding suggests that B cells may provide the CD40L for CD40 signaling in the absence of T cell help during acute virus infection. Our studies demonstrate that, although about half of the TI IgG responses to PyV are independent of CD40-CD40L interactions, these interactions occur in T cell-deficient mice and enhance antiviral TI Ab responses.  相似文献   

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