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Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seedlings were screened for the ability to regenerate plantlets from hypocotyl-derived callus tissue. Media sequences described by Beach and Smith (1979) and Collins and Phillips (1982) and a variation using media from both sequences were tested. Plantlets were regenerated from three out of 642 genotypes. In all three cases, callus was initiated on B5C medium and regeneration was accomplished on SPL medium. Attempts to regenerate plants from petiole-derived callus tissue have so far been successful only with regenerants of clone F49. Petiole callus from epicotyl-derived F49 plants proved to be non-regenerative. Pollen viability varied significantly among individuals regenerated from callus cultures of clone F49. Root tip squashes from F49 regenerants revealed the normal diploid chromosome number (2n=14). The frequency of regeneration within progeny from reciprocal crosses between F49 regenerants and several non-regenerative genotypes was 29%.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP benzylaminopurine - KN kinetin - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Protoplasts are useful for subcellular studies, in vitro selection, somatic hybridization and transformation. Whole plant regeneration from protoplasts is a prerequisite to producing altered crop plants using these methods. Whole plant regeneration was achieved from leaf- and suspension culture-derived protoplasts of T. pratense. Regeneration was most dependent upon identifying genotypes with genetic capacity to regenerate. Additional factors that were used to select genotypes, but which proved to be less important, were a high rate of cell growth in culture and a high plating efficiency of protoplasts. One genotype was identified which had a regeneration response equivalent to that of T. rubens and which regenerated from both leaf- and suspension culture-derived protoplasts.Research supported by USDA/CRGO Grant No. 81 CRCR-1-0613  相似文献   

A study was conducted to regenerate plants from explant tissue and from callus culture of zigzag clover (Trifolium medium). Petiole segments from two strains of zigzag clover were cultured on L2 or in SL2 media. Shoots were regenerated via organogenesis from petiole segments of both strains of zigzag clover. Direct shoot regeneration was noticed as early as eight days after the initiation of cultures. Shoots were also regenerated via somatic embryogenesis from petiole-derived calli of the two strains on L2 and SL2 media. Regenerated plants have normal morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary A relatively high temperature treatment, applied during anthesis, was shown to enhance self-seed production through pseudo-self-compatibility in normally self-incompatible red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). The self-seeds were produced in cultures of excised stems held in 2.5 percent sucrose. The stems were excised when petal color was beginning to appear in the buds. During anthesis the cultures were incubated with the flower heads at 40 ° and the stems at 25 °C. When most of the florets per head had opened the cultures were transferred to 20 °C and held at that temperature during the period of pollen growth through the styles and also during seed development. The addition of calcium nitrate and boric acid to the culture medium did not enhance anthesis, seed weight, or the number of seeds produced.Plant genotype and the environment provided before anthesis were the primary factors influencing the number of self-seed produced. Although not all attempts to produce self-seed have been successful, with repeated trials all clones we tested produced some seed.
Zusammenfassung Durch eine Behandlung normalerweise selbstunverträglichen Rotklees (Trifolium pratense L.) mit verhältnismäßig hohen Temperaturen während der Anthesis ergab sich eine Erhöhung des Samenertrages durch Pseudo-Selbstverträglichkeit. Die Samen aus der Selbstbefruchtung wurden an Kulturen abgeschnittener Stengel erzielt, die in 2.5% Sucrose gehalten wurden. Die Stengel waren zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem die Petalenfarbe in den Knospen sichtbar wurde, abgeschnitten worden. In einem Brutraum wurden die Blütenköpfe während der Anthesis bei 40 °C und die Stengel durch Eintauchen der Kulturgläser in ein Wasserbad bei 25 °C gehalten. Sobald sich die Mehrzahl der Blütchen geöffnet hatte, wurden die Kulturen in 20 °C übergeführt und in dieser Temperatur während des Pollenwachstums durch die Griffel und auch während der Samenentwicklung belassen. Eine Beigabe von Kalziumnitrat und Borsäure zum Kulturmedium steigerte weder die Anthesis noch das Samengewicht und die Anzahl der erzeugten Samen. Der Genotyp der Pflanze und die Umwelt vor der Anthesis waren die Primärfaktoren, die die Anzahl der Samen aus Selbstbefruchtung beeinflußten. Obwohl nicht alle Versuche, Samen aus Selbstbefruchtung zu erzielen, erfolgreich waren, erzeugten in wiederholten Versuchen doch alle untersuchten Klone etwas Samen.

Cooperative research by Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. This paper (No. 68-3-102) is published with permission of the Director, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Environmental Pollution: Leaf Cuticular Patterns in Trifolium pratense L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SHARMA  G. K.; BUTLER  JOE 《Annals of botany》1975,39(5):1087-1090
Red clover populations collected from the polluted environmentsof Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville (Tennessee) showed decreasedfloral production, low stomatal frequency, high trichome density,and longer trichomes. The results for plant population collectedfrom a less polluted, rural Reelfoot Lake area were quite theopposite. Subsidiary cell complex remained the same in all thepopulations, while stomatal size range showed little variation.  相似文献   

 Red clover genotypes capable of regenerating plantlets in vitro from non-meristematic tissue-derived callus are rare. Selection for genotypes capable of somatic embryogenesis identified a clone comprised of a group of plantlets regenerated from a hypocotyl-derived callus culture on L2-based media and another group of plantlets originating from crown divisions of the epicotyl-derived plant. The callus-derived plants of this clone were highly regenerative when reintroduced to callus culture, but the epicotyl-derived plants produced nonregenerative callus cultures. F1, F2 and BC1 populations were evaluated to determine the mode of inheritance of the regeneration trait. Reciprocal crosses did not differ, indicating a lack of maternal effects. Results were compatible with genetic control of regeneration by two complementary genes. We propose the genotype Rn1-Rn2- for regenerative plants. Three petiole segment explants were sufficient to evaluate regenerative ability in seedlings. Regenerative ability was often associated with abnormal leaf morphology in a few to several leaves. Received: 17 February 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Relationships between gibberellins and floral initiation were investigated in a conditional non-flowering mutant of red clover, Trifolium pratense. Untreated mutant plants will not flower under long-days, but will do so when certain GAs are applied. Gibberellins, A3, A1, A7, and A5 all resulted in both stem elongation and flowering whilst GA4 produced the elongation only. Applications of GA20, GA8 and GA13 under long-days had no detectable effect. Thus, by combining the use of the mutant with the application of different GAs, the correlation between the processes of stem elongation and floral initiation, which is normally strongly expressed in this species, was broken. Endogenous gibberellins shown to be present in normal plants were also found in the mutant genotype. Gibberellins alone were not sufficient to initiate floral development in the mutant, there being an essential element of interaction with long-days. These results are discussed in relation to the nature of the lesion in the mutant and the signal provided by the applied gibberellin.  相似文献   

Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a forage legume and an allogamous diploid plant (2n = 14; 440 Mb). Here, we examine the 7 prometaphase chromosomes of red clover using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with ribosomal RNA sequences, pericentromeric and telomeric repeats, as well as bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. Position of hybridization signals and chromosome condensation patterns were quantified by the help of the chromosome image analysis system ver. 4.0 (CHIAS IV). Fourteen BAC clones belonging to linkage groups (LG) 1-7 hybridized to individual chromosomes 4, 2, 6, 5, 1, 7, and 3, respectively. Quantitative analysis of FISH mapping and chromosome analysis using CHIAS IV allowed us to construct a quantitative idiogram that constitutes the comprehensive chromosome map of red clover. Chromosomal positions of the 26S rDNA locus were detected at a heterozygous locus on chromosome 6 in the variety HR, and polymorphisms of rDNA loci were observed in other varieties, although chromosomal positions of some BAC clones did not vary among HR and other varieties. These results demonstrate chromosomal collinearity among allogamous red clover varieties. This integration of genetic linkage and quantitative chromosome maps should provide valuable insight into allogamous legume genetics.  相似文献   

Cultivars of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), an important forage crop in temperate regions, are often characterised by an unsatisfactory level of seed yield, leading to high production costs. This complex trait is influenced by many components and negatively correlated with other important traits, such as forage yield or persistence. Therefore, seed yield has proven to be difficult to improve. Thus, the objectives of this study were to assess association among seed yield components and to provide the basis for identifying molecular markers linked to QTLs for seed yield components to assist breeding for improved red clover cultivars. A total of 42 SSR and 216 AFLP loci were used to construct a molecular linkage map with a total map length of 444.2 cM and an average distance between loci of 1.7 cM. A total of 38 QTLs were identified for eight seed yield components. The traits seed number per plant, seed yield per head, seed number per head, head number per plant and percent seed set were highly correlated with seed yield per plant, and QTLs for several of these traits were often detected in the same genome region. Head number per plant may present a particularly useful character for the improvement of seed yield since it can easily be determined before seed maturity. In addition, two genome regions containing four or five QTLs for different seed yield components, respectively, were identified representing candidate regions for further characterisation of QTLs. This study revealed several key components which may facilitate further improvement of seed yield. The QTLs identified represent an important first step towards marker-assisted breeding in red clover.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms may play an important role in plant Fe uptake from soils with low Fe bioavailability, but there is little direct experimental evidence to date. We grew red clover, an Fe-efficient leguminous plant, in a calcareous soil to investigate the role of soil microbial activity in plant Fe uptake. Compared with plants grown in non-sterlie (NS) grown plants, growth and Fe content of the sterile(s) grown plants was significantly inhibited, but was improved by foliar application of Fe EDTA, indicating that soil microbial activity should play an important role in plant Fe acquisition. When soil solution was incubated with phenolic root exudates from Fe-deficient red clover, a few microbial species thrived while growth of the rest was inhibited, suggesting that the Fe-deficient (-Fe) root exudates selectively influenced the rhizosphere's microbial community. Eighty six per cent of the phenolic-tolerant microbes could produce siderophore [the Fe(III) chelator] under -Fe conditions, and 71% could secrete auxin-like compounds. Interestingly, the synthetic and microbial auxins (MAs) significantly enhanced the Ferric reduction system, suggesting that MAs, in addition to siderophores, are important to plant Fe uptake. Finally, plant growth and Fe uptake in sterilized soil were significantly increased by rhizobia inoculation. Root Fe-EDTA reductase activity in the -Fe plant was significantly enhanced by rhizobia infection, and the rhizobia could produce auxin but not siderophore under Fe-limiting conditions, suggesting that the contribution of nodulating rhizobia to plant Fe uptake can be at least partially attributed to stimulation of turbo reductase activity through nodule formation and auxin production in the rhizosphere. Based on these observations, we propose as a model that root exudates from -Fe plants selectively influence the rhizosphere microbial community, and the microbes in turn favour plant Fe acquisition by producing siderophores and auxins.  相似文献   

With the aim of establishing the basic knowledge and resourcesneeded for applied genetics, we investigated the genome structureof red clover Trifolium pratense L. by a combination of cytological,genomic and genetic approaches. The deduced genome size was440 Mb, as estimated by measuring the nuclear DNA content byflow cytometry. Seven chromosomes could be distinguished bymicroscopic observation of DAPI stained prometaphase chromosomesand fluorescence in situ hybridization using 28S and 5S rDNAprobes and bacterial artificial chromosome probes containingmicrosatellite markers with known positions on a genetic linkagemap. The average GC content of the genomes of chloroplast, mitochondrionand nucleus were shown to be 33.8, 42.9 and 34.2%, respectively,by the analysis of 1.4 Mb of random genomic sequences. A totalof 26 356 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that were grouped into9339 non-redundant sequences were collected, and 78% of theESTs showed sequence similarity to registered genes, mainlyof Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. To facilitate basic and appliedgenetics in red clover, we generated a high-density geneticlinkage map with gene-associated microsatellite markers. A totalof 7159 primer pairs were designed to amplify simple sequencerepeats (SSRs) identified in four different types of libraries.Based on sequence similarity, 82% of the SSRs were likely tobe associated with genes. Polymorphism was examined using twoparent plants, HR and R130, and 10 F1 progeny by agarose gelelectrophoresis, followed by genotyping for the primer pairsshowing polymorphisms using 188 F1 plants from the mapping population.The selected 1305 microsatellite markers as well as the previouslydeveloped 167 restriction fragment length polymorphism markerswere subjected to linkage analysis. A total of 1434 loci detectedby 1399 markers were successfully mapped onto seven linkagegroups totaling 868.7 cM in length; 405 loci (28%) were bi-parental,611 (43%) were specific to HR and 418 (29%) were specific toR130. Each genetic linkage group was linked to a correspondingchromosome by FISH analysis using seven microsatellite markersspecific to each of the linkage groups as probes. Transferabilityof the developed microsatellite markers to other germplasmswas confirmed by testing 268 selected markers on 88 red clovergermplasms. Macrosynteny at the segmental level was observedbetween the genomes of red clover and two model legumes, Lotusjaponicus and Medicago truncatula, strongly suggesting thatthe genome information for the model legumes is transferableto red clover for genetic investigations and experimental breeding.  相似文献   

Red clover is a hermaphroditic allogamous diploid (2n = 2x = 14) with a homomorphic gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) system (Trifolium pratense L.). Red clover GSI has long been studied, and it is thought that the genetic control of GSI constitutes a single locus. Although GSI genes have been identified in other species, the genomic location of the red clover GSI-locus remains unknown. The objective of this study was to use a mapping-based approach to identify simple sequence repeats (SSR) that were closely linked to the GSI-locus. Previously published SSR markers were used in this effort (Sato et al. in DNA Res 12:301–364, 2005). A bi-parental cross was initiated in which the parents were known to have one self-incompatibility allele (S-allele) in common. S-allele genotypes of 100 progeny were determined through test crosses and pollen compatibility. Pseudo F1 linkage analysis isolated the GSI-locus on red clover linkage-group one within 2.5 cM of markers RCS5615, RCS0810, and RCS3161. A second 256 progeny mapping testcross population of a heterozygous self-compatible mutant revealed that this specific self-compatible mutant mapped to the same location as the GSI-locus. Finally, 82 genotypes were identified whose parents putatively shared one S-allele in common from maternal halfsib families derived from two random mating populations in which paternal identity was determined using molecular markers. Unique S-allele identity in the two random mating populations was tentatively inferred based on haplotypes of two highly allelic linkage-group one SSR (RCS0810 and RCS4956), which were closely linked to each other and the GSI-locus. Paternally derived pollen haplotype linkage analysis of RCS0810 and RCS4956 SSR and the GSI-locus again revealed tight linkage at 2.5 and 4.7 cM between the GSI-locus and RCS0810 and RCS4956, respectively. The map-based location of the GSI-locus in red clover has many immediate applications to red clover plant breeding and could be useful in helping to sequence the GSI-locus.  相似文献   

采用人工模拟融冻胁迫方法,通过测定白三叶(Trifolium repens)和红三叶(T.prat-ense)在融冻胁迫中叶片细胞膜透性、MDA含量、抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活力、渗透调节物(脯氨酸、可溶性糖和蛋白质)含量变化,以揭示未来气候变化对三叶草的影响。结果表明,经历融冻胁迫循环后抗冻力强的白三叶植株能恢复生长,而抗冻力弱的红三叶枯萎死亡。在融冻阶段,两三叶草叶片细胞膜透性增大、抗氧化酶活力增高、MDA和渗透调节物含量大幅增加;在冻融阶段,两三叶草叶片细胞膜透性降低、MDA含量下降、抗氧化酶活力降低。但在融冻胁迫循环中,白三叶叶片POD和CAT活力高于红三叶,脯氨酸含量较红三叶高5倍,但细胞膜透性低于红三叶。白三叶在-5℃抗逆生理指标达到最大值,而红三叶在-10℃。白三叶对环境温度变化反应敏感,在-5℃通过快速激活抗氧化酶系统和积累渗透调节物以抑制膜脂过氧化和维护细胞水分平衡在融冻适应上起重要作用。白三叶具有较强的抗融冻能力,是未来值得应用推广的优良园林绿化植物。  相似文献   

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