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Microscopic imaging of fluorescent lipid derivatives is a powerful tool to study membrane organization and lipid trafficking but it is complicated by cellular autofluorescence background and photobleaching of the fluorophore as well as by the difficulty to selectively image membranes stacked on top of each other. Here we describe protocols that strongly alleviate such problems when pyrene-labeled lipids are being used. First, photobleaching of these lipids is virtually eliminated when oxygen is depleted from the medium by using a gentle and simple enzymatic method. Second, an image practically free of cellular autofluorescence contribution can be obtained simply by subtracting from the pyrene image the background image obtained at a slightly different excitation wavelength. This type of background subtraction more properly accounts for the typically uneven distribution of cellular background fluorescence than other, commonly used methods. Third, it is possible to selectively image the pyrene lipids in the plasma membrane by using plasma membrane-specific quencher trinitrophenyl lysophosphatidylethanolamine and image subtraction. Importantly, either the outer or the inner leaflet can be selectively imaged by labeling the cells with pyrene phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylserine, respectively. These protocols should be of considerable help when studying organization of the plasma membrane or intracellular lipid trafficking.  相似文献   

Two variants of an endo-beta-1,4-mannanase from the digestive tract of blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, were purified by a combination of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, size exclusion chromatography in the absence and presence of guanidine hydrochloride and ion exchange chromatography. The purified enzymes were characterized with regard to enzymatic properties, molecular weight, isoelectric point, amino acid composition and N-terminal sequence. They are monomeric proteins with molecular masses of 39216 and 39265 Da, respectively, as measured by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The isoelectric points of both enzymes were estimated to be around 7.8, however slightly different, by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel. The enzymes are stable from pH 4.0 to 9.0 and have their maximum activities at a pH about 5.2. The optimum temperature of both enzymes is around 50-55 degrees C. Their stability decreases rapidly when going from 40 to 50 degrees C. The N-terminal sequences (12 residues) were identical for the two variants. They can be completely renatured after denaturation in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. The enzymes readily degrade the galactomannans from locust bean gum and ivory nut mannan but show no cross-specificity for xylan and carboxymethyl cellulose. There is no binding ability observed towards cellulose and mannan.  相似文献   

Wu B  Chao JA  Singer RH 《Biophysical journal》2012,102(12):2936-2944
Imaging mRNA with single-molecule sensitivity in live cells has become an indispensable tool for quantitatively studying RNA biology. The MS2 system has been extensively used due to its unique simplicity and sensitivity. However, the levels of the coat protein needed for consistent labeling of mRNAs limits the sensitivity and quantitation of this technology. Here, we applied fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy to quantitatively characterize and enhance the MS2 system. Surprisingly, we found that a high fluorescence background resulted from inefficient dimerization of fluorescent protein (FP)-labeled MS2 coat protein (MCP). To mitigate this problem, we used a single-chain tandem dimer of MCP (tdMCP) that significantly increased the uniformity and sensitivity of mRNA labeling. Furthermore, we characterized the PP7 coat protein and the binding to its respective RNA stem loop. We conclude that the PP7 system performs better for RNA labeling. Finally, we used these improvements to study endogenous β-actin mRNA, which has 24xMS2 binding sites inserted into the 3' untranslated region. The tdMCP-FP allowed uniform RNA labeling and provided quantitative measurements of endogenous mRNA concentration and diffusion. This work provides a foundation for quantitative spectroscopy and imaging of single mRNAs directly in live cells.  相似文献   

The interaction, binding, and colocalization of two or more molecules in living cells are essential aspects of many biological molecular processes, and single-molecule technologies for investigating these processes in live cells, if successfully developed, would become very powerful tools. Here, we developed simultaneous, dual-color, single fluorescent molecule colocalization imaging, to quantitatively detect the colocalization of two species of individual molecules. We first established a method for spatially correcting the two full images synchronously obtained in two different colors, and then for overlaying them with an accuracy of 13 nm. By further assessing the precision of the position determination, and the signal/noise and signal/background ratios, we found that two single molecules in dual color can be colocalized to within 64-100 nm (68-90% detectability) in the membrane of cells for GFP and Alexa633. The detectability of true colocalization at the molecular level and the erroneous inclusion of incidental approaches of two molecules as colocalization have to be compromised at different levels in each experiment, depending on its purpose. This technique was successfully demonstrated in living cells in culture, monitoring colocalization of single molecules of E-cadherin fused with GFP diffusing in the plasma membrane with single molecules of Alexa633 conjugated to anti-E-cadherin Fab externally added to the culture medium. This work established a benchmark for monitoring the colocalization of two single molecules, which can be applied to wide ranges of studies for molecular interactions, both at the levels of single molecules and collections of molecules.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is an ideal analytical tool for studying concentrations, propagation, interactions and internal dynamics of molecules at nanomolar concentrations in living cells. FCS analyzes minute fluorescence-intensity fluctuations about the equilibrium of a small ensemble (<10(3)) of molecules. These fluctuations act like a 'fingerprint' of a molecular species detected when entering and leaving a femtoliter-sized optically defined observation volume created by a focused laser beam. In FCS the fluorescence fluctuations are recorded as a function of time and then statistically analyzed by autocorrelation analysis. The resulting autocorrelation curve yields a measure of self-similarity of the system after a certain time delay, and its amplitude describes the normalized variance of the fluorescence fluctuations. By fitting the curves to an appropriate physical model, this method provides precise information about a multitude of measurement parameters, including diffusion coefficients, local concentration, states of aggregation and molecular interactions. FCS operates in real time with diffraction-limited spatial and sub-microsecond temporal resolution. Assessing diverse molecular dynamics within the living cell is a challenge well met by FCS because of its single-molecule sensitivity and high dynamic resolution. For these same reasons, however, intracellular FCS measurements also harbor the large risk of collecting artifacts and thus producing erroneous data. Here we provide a step-by-step guide to the application of FCS to cellular systems, including methods for minimizing artifacts, optimizing measurement conditions and obtaining parameter values in the face of diverse and complex conditions of the living cell. A discussion of advantages and disadvantages of one-photon versus two-photon excitation for FCS is available in Supplementary Methods online.  相似文献   

Cell biologists strive to characterize molecular interactions directly in the intracellular environment. The intrinsic resolution of optical microscopy, however, allows visualization of only coarse subcellular localization. By extracting information from molecular dynamics, fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) grants access to processes on a molecular scale, such as diffusion, binding, enzymatic reactions and codiffusion, and has become a valuable tool for studies in living cells. Here we review basic principles of FCCS and focus on seminal applications, including examples of intracellular signaling and trafficking. We consider FCCS in the context of fluorescence resonance energy transfer and multicolor imaging techniques and discuss application strategies and recent technical advances.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein is a major component of intraneuronal protein aggregates constituting a distinctive feature of Parkinson disease. To date, fluorescence imaging of dynamic processes leading to such amyloid deposits in living cells has not been feasible. To address this need, we generated a recombinant alpha-synuclein (alpha-synuclein-C4) bearing a tetracysteine target for fluorogenic biarsenical compounds. The biophysical, biochemical and aggregation properties of alpha-synuclein-C4 matched those of the wild-type protein in vitro and in living cells. We observed aggregation of alpha-synuclein-C4 transfected or microinjected into cells, particularly under oxidative stress conditions. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between FlAsH and ReAsH confirmed the close association of fibrillized alpha-synuclein-C4 molecules. Alpha-synuclein-C4 offers the means for directly probing amyloid formation and interactions of alpha-synuclein with other proteins in living cells, the response to cellular stress and screening drugs for Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST) catalyzes the 3'-sulfation of galactose residues in several glycolipids. Its major product in the mammalian brain is sulfatide, which is an essential myelin component. Using epitope-tagged variants, murine CST was found to localize to the Golgi apparatus, but in contrast to previous assumptions, not to the trans-Golgi network. An examination of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged CST suggests that CST forms homodimers and that dimerization is mediated by the lumenal domain of the enzyme, as shown by immunoprecipitation and density gradient centrifugation. In order to verify that dimerization of CST observed by biochemical methods reflects the behavior of the native protein within living cells, the mobility of CST-EGFP was examined using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. These experiments confirmed the homodimerization of CST-EGFP fusion proteins in vivo. In contrast to full-length CST, a fusion protein of the amino-terminal 36 amino acids of CST fused to EGFP was exclusively found as a monomer but nevertheless showed Golgi localization.  相似文献   

Poccia  D. L.  Palevitz  B. A.  Campisi  Judith  Lyman  H. 《Protoplasma》1979,98(1-2):91-113
Summary The interaction of fluorescamine with living plant and animal cells was investigated to determine which subcellular structures and molecular species might react with the dye and to assess its effects on cell viability and function.Plasma and nuclear membranes ofXenopus erythrocytes, mitochondria of sea urchin sperm, growing apices of Timothy root hairs, and various organelles ofNitella andEuglena were labelled as judged by fluorescence microscopy. Cytoplasmic fluorescence was particulate inNitella and easily displaced by moderate centrifugal fields in sea urchin eggs. Chloroplasts and nuclei isolated from cells labelledin vivo exhibited fluorescamine dependent fluorescence.Reaction seemed to have little or no effect on cell viability (Euglena) photoautotrophic growth (Euglena), cell motility (sperm), fertilizability (sperm or egg), embryonic development (sea urchin), or cytoplasmic streaming (Nitella, Timothy).Quantitative fluorometric analysis of thein vivo reactants in sperm indicated a reaction preference for phospholipid over protein compared to control cells dissociated in SDS prior to labelling. The bulk of labelled lipid was phosphatidylethanolamine.These results suggest that fluorescamine is a true vital dye which can label the cell surface as well as penetrate deeply within cells to label a variety of organelles. The distribution of fluorescence and results of chemical analysis suggest thatin vivo the dye may preferentially react with membrane.  相似文献   

Rigidity of the outer hemileaflet of the plasma membrane of two prostatic carcinoma cell lines with different metastatic potential, 1-LN and 1-LN-EMS-10, was assessed by steady-state anisotropy, using a battery of fluorescent probes. The "bulk" membrane rigidity sensed by diphenylhexatriene, trimethylammonio-DPH, 1-palmitoyl-2-[DPH-ethylcarbonyl]-phosphatidylcholine, and 10-pyrenedecanoic acid indicated slightly higher rigidity in the membrane of the highly metastatic line (1-LN). This was accompanied by 26% greater mole fraction of cholesterol and 9% lower phospholipid, resulting in 40% greater cholesterol/phospholipid ratio. Phosphatidylethanolamine was increased 12%, but corresponding decreases in phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol resulted in no significant change in molar ratio of choline/noncholine phospholipids. Whereas unsaturation index was slightly higher in 1-LN, fatty acids of 1-LN plasma membranes contained 15% more 18:1, 43% more 20:4, 26% more 22:4, and 38% less 18:2. Anisotropy gradients were determined for the two cell lines using a series of n-(9-anthroyloxy) fatty acid probes with n = 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, and 16. Gradients differed only in position of anisotropy maxima, which occurred with n = 6, in 1-LN, and n = 7, in 1-LN-EMS-10. Possible relationships between observed anisotropy gradients and differences in membrane cholesterol and fatty acid composition are discussed.  相似文献   

Imaging of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescently labeled molecules can measure the timing and location of intermolecular interactions inside living cells. Present microscopic methods measure FRET in arbitrary units, and cannot discriminate FRET efficiency and the fractions of donor and acceptor in complex. Here we describe a stoichiometric method that uses three microscopic fluorescence images to measure FRET efficiency, the relative concentrations of donor and acceptor, and the fractions of donor and acceptor in complex in living cells. FRET stoichiometry derives from the concept that specific donor-acceptor complexes will give rise to a characteristic FRET efficiency, which, if measured, can allow stoichiometric discrimination of interacting components. A first equation determines FRET efficiency and the fraction of acceptor molecules in complex with donor. A second equation determines the fraction of donor molecules in complex by estimating the donor fluorescence lost due to energy transfer. This eliminates the need for acceptor photobleaching to determine total donor concentrations and allows for repeated measurements from the same cell. A third equation obtains the ratio of total acceptor to total donor molecules. The theory and method were confirmed by microscopic measurements of fluorescence from cyan fluorescent protein (CFP), citrine, and linked CFP-Citrine fusion protein, in solutions and inside cells. Together, the methods derived from these equations allow sensitive, rapid, and repeatable detection of donor-, acceptor-, and donor-acceptor complex stoichiometry at each pixel in an image. By accurately imaging molecular interactions, FRET stoichiometry opens new areas for quantitative study of intracellular molecular networks.  相似文献   

We apply fluorescence lifetime imaging to the membrane phase-sensing dye di-4-ANEPPDHQ in model membranes and live cells. We show that the 1700 ps lifetime shift between liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered phases offers greater contrast than the 60 nm spectral shift previously reported. Detection of cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains is confirmed by observation of the temperature dependence of membrane order and by cholesterol depletion using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin.  相似文献   

Although plasma membrane (PM) cholesterol-rich and -poor domains have been isolated by subcellular fractionation, the real-time arrangement of cholesterol in such domains in living cells is still unclear. Therefore, dehydroergosterol (DHE), a naturally occurring fluorescent sterol, was incorporated into cultured L-cell fibroblasts. Two PM markers, the enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP-Mem) and 3'-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate [DiOC(18)(3)], were used to distinguish DHE localized at the PM of living cells. Spatial enrichment of DHE in the PM of living cells was visualized in real time by multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (MPLSM). Quantitative models and image-processing techniques were developed for statistical analysis of the distribution of DHE within the PM. The PM was resolved from the cytoplasm in a two-step process, and a smooth trajectory reference of the PM was refined by statistical regression and moments-based techniques. Thus, DHE intensities over the PM were measured following the major DHE intensity distributions. Spatial distributions of DHE within the PM were examined by a statistical inference technique, complete spatial randomness (CSR). For PM regions densely populated with DHE, the distributions of DHE exhibited statistical arrangements that were not spatial random (i.e., homogeneous Poisson process) or regular but, instead, exhibited strong cluster patterns. In effect, real-time MPLSM imaging data for the first time demonstrated that sterol enrichment occurred in clustered regions in the PM, consistent with the existence of cholesterol-rich domains in the plasma membrane of living cells.  相似文献   

Designing high-throughput screens for voltage-gated ion channels has been a tremendous challenge for the pharmaceutical industry because channel activity is dependent on the transmembrane voltage gradient, a stimulus unlike ligand binding to G-protein-coupled receptors or ligand-gated ion channels. To achieve an acceptable throughput, assays to screen for voltage-gated ion channel modulators that are employed today rely on pharmacological intervention to activate these channels. These interventions can introduce artifacts. Ideally, a high-throughput screen should not compromise physiological relevance. Hence, a more appropriate method would activate voltage-gated ion channels by altering plasma membrane potential directly, via electrical stimulation, while simultaneously recording the operation of the channel in populations of cells. The authors present preliminary results obtained from a device that is designed to supply precise and reproducible electrical stimuli to populations of cells. Changes in voltage-gated ion channel activity were monitored using a digital fluorescent microscope. The prototype electric field stimulation (EFS) device provided real-time analysis of cellular responsiveness to physiological and pharmacological stimuli. Voltage stimuli applied to SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells cultured on the EFS device evoked membrane potential changes that were dependent on activation of voltage-gated sodium channels. Data obtained using digital fluorescence microscopy suggests suitability of this system for HTS.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an important constituent of cellular membranes. It has been suggested that cholesterol segregates into sterol-rich and -poor domains in the plasma membrane, although clear evidence for this is lacking. By fluorescence imaging of the natural sterol dehydroergosterol (DHE), the lateral sterol distribution has been visualized in living cells. The spatial labeling pattern of DHE coincided with surface structures such as ruffles, microvilli, and filopodia with correlation lengths in the range of 0.8-2.5 microm. DHE staining of branched tubules and of nanotubes connecting two cells was detected. Dynamics of DHE in folded and plane membrane regions was comparable as determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. DHE colocalized with fluid membrane-preferring phospholipids in surface structures and at sites of cell attachment as well as in the cleavage furrow of dividing cells, but it was not particularly enriched in those regions. Fluorescent sterol showed homogeneous staining in membrane blebs induced by F-actin disruption. Cross-linking the ganglioside GM1--a putative raft marker--did not affect the cell surface distribution of DHE. The results suggest that spatial heterogeneities of plasma membrane staining of DHE resolvable by light microscopy reflect the cell surface topography but not phase-separated sterol domains in the bilayer plane.  相似文献   

In brain slice preparations, chloride movements across the cell membrane of living cells are measured traditionally with 36Cl- tracer methods, Cl--selective microelectrodes, or whole-cell recording using patch clamp analysis. We have developed an alternative, noninvasive technique that uses the fluorescent Cl- ion indicator, 6-methoxy-N-ethylquinolinium iodide (MEQ), to study changes in intracellular Cl- by epifluorescence or UV laser scanning confocal microscopy. In brain slices taken from rodents younger than 22 days of age, excellent cellular loading is achieved with the membrane-permeable form of the dye, dihydro-MEQ. Subsequent intracellular oxidation of dihydro-MEQ to the Cl--sensitive MEQ traps the polar form of the dye inside the neurons. Because MEQ is a single-excitation and single-emission dye, changes in intracellular Cl- concentrations can be calibrated from the Stern-Volmer relationship, determined in separate experiments. Using MEQ as the fluorescent indicator for Cl-, Cl- flux through the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated Cl- channel (GABAA receptor) can be studied by dynamic video imaging and either nonconfocal (epifluorescence) or confocal microscopy in the acute brain slice preparation. Increases in intracellular Cl- quench MEQ fluorescence, thereby reflecting GABAA receptor activation. GABAA receptor functional activity can be measured in discrete cells located in neuroanatomically defined populations within areas such as the neocortex and hippocampus. Changes in intracellular Cl- can also be studied under various conditions such as oxygen/glucose deprivation ("in vitro ischemia") and excitotoxicity. In such cases, changes in cell volume may also occur due to the dependence of cell volume regulation on Na+, K+, and Cl- flux. Because changes in cell volume can affect optical fluorescence measurements, we assess cell volume changes in the brain slice using the fluorescent indicator calcein-AM. Determination of changes in MEQ fluorescence versus calcein fluorescence allows one to distinguish between an increase in intracellular Cl- and an increase in cell volume.  相似文献   

Olsher M  Yoon SI  Chong PL 《Biochemistry》2005,44(6):2080-2087
We developed a new fluorescence assay for sterol oxidation and used it to study the relationship between free radical-induced sterol oxidation and membrane sterol lateral organization. This assay used dehydroergosterol (DHE) as both a membrane probe and a membrane component. Sterol oxidation was induced by a free radical generator, AAPH (2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane)dihydrochloride). Using this new assay, we found that, in unilamellar vesicles composed of DHE and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-l-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), the initial rate of DHE oxidation induced by AAPH changed with membrane sterol content in an alternating manner, exhibiting a local maximum at 20.3, 22.2, 25.0, 32.3, and 40.0 mol % DHE. These mole fractions correspond to the critical sterol mole fractions C(r) predicted for maximal sterol superlattice formation. In three-component bilayers composed of POPC, cholesterol, and DHE (fixed at 1 and 5 mol %), the initial rate of AAPH-induced DHE oxidation exhibited a biphasic change whenever the total sterol mole fraction, irrespective of the DHE content, was near C(r), indicating that the correlation between sterol oxidation and sterol superlattice formation revealed in this study is not an artifact due to the use of the fluorescent cholesterol analogue DHE. The alternating variation of AAPH-induced sterol oxidation with sterol content also appeared in multicomponent unilamellar vesicles containing bovine brain sphingomyelins (bbSPM), POPC, and DHE. The present work and our previous study on cholesterol oxidase-induced sterol oxidation [Wang et al. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 2159-2166] suggest that sterol oxidation in general, either by reactive oxygen species or by enzymes, may be regulated by the extent of sterol superlattice in the membrane and thus regulated by the membrane sterol content in a fine-tuning manner.  相似文献   

We examined the intracellular transport of sterol in living cells using a naturally fluorescent cholesterol analog, dehydroergosterol (DHE), which has been shown to mimic many of the properties of cholesterol. By using DHE loaded on methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, we followed this cholesterol analog in pulse-chase studies. At steady state, DHE co-localizes extensively with transferrin (Tf), a marker for the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC), and redistributes with Tf in cells with altered ERC morphology. Expression of a dominant-negative mutation of an ERC-associated protein, mRme-1 (G429R), results in the slowing of both DHE and Tf receptor return to the cell surface. [3H]Cholesterol is found in the same fraction as 125I-Tf on sucrose density gradients, and this fraction can be specifically shifted to a higher density based on the presence of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated Tf in the same organelle. Whereas vesicular transport of Tf and efflux of DHE from the ERC are entirely blocked in energy-depleted cells, delivery of DHE to the ERC from the plasma membrane is only slightly affected. Biochemical studies performed using [3H]cholesterol show that the energy dependence of cholesterol transport to and from the ERC is similar to DHE transport. We propose that a large portion of intracellular cholesterol is localized in the ERC, and this pool might be important in maintaining cellular cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

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