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Relationships between egg size, egg components, and neonate size have been investigated across a wide range of oviparous taxa. Differences in egg traits among taxa reflect not only phylogenetic differences, but also interactions between biotic (i.e., maternal resource allocation) and abiotic (i.e. nest environment conditions) factors. We examined relationships between egg mass, egg composition, and hatchling size in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) because of the unique egg and reproductive characteristics of this species and of sea turtles in general. Albumen comprised 63.0%+/-2.8% (mean+/-S.D.) of egg mass and explained most of the variation in egg mass, whereas yolk comprised only 33.0%+/-2.7%. Additionally, leatherback albumen dry mass was approximately 16% of albumen wet mass. Whereas hatchling mass increased significantly with egg mass (n = 218 clutches), hatchling mass increased by only approximately 2 g for each 10 g increase in egg mass and was approximately 10-20 g greater than yolk mass. Taken together, our results indicate that albumen might play a particularly significant role in leatherback embryonic development, and that leatherback eggs are both capable of water uptake from the nest substrate and also possess a large reservoir of water in the albumen. Relationships between egg mass and egg components, such as variation in egg mass being largely explained by variation in albumen mass and egg mass containing a relatively high proportion of albumen solids, are more similar to bird eggs than to eggs of other non-avian reptiles. However, hatchling mass correlates more with yolk mass than with albumen mass, unlike patterns observed in bird eggs of similar composition.  相似文献   

John W. Rowe 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):35-44
Interpopulation variation in egg size, clutch size and clutch mass was studied 3 years in four populations of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) from western Nebraska. Body size varied among all populations and was larger in two large (56–110 ha), sandhills lake populations than in two populations in smaller habitats (1.5–3.6 ha) of the Platte River floodplain. Reproductive parameters (egg mass, clutch mass, and clutch size) generally increased with maternal body size within populations. Clutch wet and dry mass varied among populations but largely as a function of maternal body size. Clutch size was largest in the sandhills lake populations, both absolutely and relative to maternal body size. Egg mass was smallest in the sandhills lakes and varied annually in one population. Over all populations, an egg sizeclutch size trade-off was detected (a negative correlation between egg mass and clutch size) after statistically removing maternal body size effects. Egg wet mass and clutch size were negatively correlated over all years within the sandhills populations and in some years in three populations. Although egg size varied within populations, egg size and clutch size covaried as expected by optimal offspring size models. Thus, patterns of egg size variation should be interpreted in the context of proximate or adaptive maternal body size and temporal effects. Comparisons among populations suggest that large egg size relative to maternal body size may occur when juvenile growth potential is poor and mean maternal body size is small.  相似文献   

Using sex ratios to estimate what limits reproduction in parasitoids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reproductive success of a foraging parasitoid may be limited by the number of eggs that she produces and/or the number of hosts that she can locate. Despite the significance for population dynamics and numerous areas of behavioural ecology, the relative importance of these factors remains an issue of contention. Attempts to resolve this controversy have been hindered because estimating the importance of factors limiting reproduction in the field can be extremely laborious and time consuming. We show how sex ratio data can be used as a relatively easy method to indirectly estimate the relative importance of the factors limiting reproduction. Sex ratio data from 48 samples of eight species suggest that: (a) the extent of host or egg limitation in a species varies between site collected and time of year; and (b) on average, species are at an intermediate position on the egg/host limitation continuum, with a bias towards host limitation.  相似文献   

The factors explaining interspecific differences in clutch investment in precocial birds are poorly understood. We investigated how variations in clutch characteristics are related to environmental factors in a comparative study of 151 extant species of ducks, geese and swans (Anseriformes). Egg mass was negatively related to clutch size in a phylogenetic regression, a relationship that was much stronger when controlling for female mass. Nest placement was related to both egg size and clutch size, with cavity-nesting species laying more but smaller eggs. Egg size was positively correlated with incubation period and with female mass, and also with sexual size dimorphism (i.e. male mass relative to that of the female). Clutch size was not related to female mass. Species with long term pair bonds laid smaller clutches and larger eggs. The size of the breeding range was strongly positively correlated with clutch size and clutch mass, and its inclusion in multivariate models made other biogeographical variables (hemisphere, breeding latitude or insularity) non-significant. The small clutches in insular species appear to be a product of small range size rather than insularity per se. Our results suggest there is an evolutionary trade-off between clutch and egg size, and lend support to Lack’s resource-limitation hypothesis for the waterfowl.  相似文献   

1. Maternal adult diet and body size influence the fecundity of a female and possibly the quality and the performance of her offspring via egg size or egg quality. In laboratory experiments, negative effects in the offspring generation have often been obscured by optimal rearing conditions.
2. To estimate these effects in the Yellow Dung Fly, Scathophaga stercoraria , how maternal body size and adult nutritional status affected her fecundity, longevity and egg size were first investigated.
3. Second, it was investigated how female age and adult nutritional experience, mediated through the effects of egg size or egg quality, influenced the performance of offspring at different larval densities.
4. Maternal size was less important than maternal adult feeding in increasing reproductive output. Without food restriction, large females had larger clutch sizes and higher oviposition rates, whereas under food restriction this advantage was reversed in favour of small females.
5. Offspring from mothers reared under nutritional stress experienced reduced fitness in terms of egg mortality and survival to adult emergence. If the offspring from low-quality eggs survived, the transmitted maternal food deficiency only affected adult male body size under stressful larval environments.
6. Smaller egg sizes due to maternal age only slightly affected the performance of the offspring under all larval conditions.  相似文献   

计翔  许雪峰  杜卫国 《动物学报》2001,47(2):231-234
研究浙江舟山产赤链华游蛇窝仔数,幼体大小和雌 大小之间的关系以及初生幼体特征,产仔雌体的最小体长(SVL)为486mm,大于最小SVL的雌体均年产单窝仔,产仔期为8月30日09月30日,窝仔数与雌体SVL呈正相关,平均值为11.7,初生幼仔重与雌体SVL和窝仔数无关,窝仔数与产后雌体的状态无关,赤链华游蛇主要通过增加窝仔仔数来增加繁殖输出,初生幼仔湿重,干重,SVL和尾长平均值分别为4.37g,1.18g,171.0mm和44.mm,幼体躯干,剩余卵黄和脂肪体的干重有显著的窝间差异,偏相关分析显示,幼体躯干干重与剩余卵黄及脂肪体干重呈负相关,剩余卵黄干重与脂肪体干重无关。  相似文献   

Summary Early and late season clutch parameters were examined over a three year period in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi. Precipitation levels were monitored throughout the study. In the early and late season of 1984 and the early season of 1986 precipitation levels approximated long-term mean levels of precipitation. In 1985 a severe winter drought occurred. Clutch size was positively related to body size in all samples in every year. In 1984 and 1986, egg size was not related to clutch size, whereas, in 1985 egg size was negatively related to clutch size. In 1985, females produced large clutches of small eggs early in the season and small clutches of large eggs late in the season. In 1984, no seasonal changes in egg or clutch size occurred. In the late season of 1986, females produced the largest clutches and the smallest eggs of all the samples, but egg and clutch size were not statistically different from the early season egg and clutch size of 1986. Total clutch dry weight, an estimate of total clutch energy, was not different in any of the six sampling periods. These data do not support current adaptationist models that attempt to explain the control of clutch and egg size in lizards. It is argued in this paper that egg and clutch size may vary in response to past environments that affect a female's physical condition, as well as, current resources that may be important for maintenance and reproduction. Egg and clutch size appear to be plastic traits selected to respond to proximal environmental variation, whereas, the investment of total dry matter/clutch has been optimized.  相似文献   

The trade-off between current and future reproduction plays an important role in demographic analyses. This can be revealed by the relationship between the number of years without reproduction and reproductive investment within a reproductive year. However, estimating both the duration between two successive breeding season and reproductive effort is often limited by variable recapture or resighting effort. Moreover, a supplementary difficulty is raised when nonbreeder individuals are not present sampling breeding grounds, and are therefore unobservable. We used capture–recapture (CR) models to investigate intermittent breeding and reproductive effort to test a putative physiological trade-off in a long-lived species with intermittent breeding, the leatherback sea turtle. We used CR data collected on breeding females on Awa:la-Ya:lima:po beach (French Guiana, South America) from 1995 to 2002. By adding specific constraints in multistate (MS) CR models incorporating several nonobservable states, we modelled the breeding cycle in leatherbacks and then estimated the reproductive effort according to the number of years elapsed since the last nesting season. Using this MS CR framework, the mean survival rate was estimated to 0.91 and the average resighting probability to 0.58 (ranged from 0.30 to 0.99). The breeding cycle was found to be limited to 3 years. These results therefore suggested that animals whose observed breeding intervals are greater than 3 years were most likely animals that escaped detection during their previous nesting season(s). CR data collected in 2001 and 2002 allowed us to compare the individual reproductive effort between females that skipped one breeding season and females that skipped two breeding seasons. These inferences led us to conclude that a trade-off between current and future reproduction exists in leatherbacks nesting in French Guiana, likely linked to the resource provisioning required to invest in reproduction.  相似文献   

Atlantic leatherback sea turtles migrate annually from foraginggrounds off eastern Canada and the northeastern United Statesto southern foraging and breeding areas. Using Cox's proportionalhazards model, we investigated the individual timing of thesouthward migrations of 27 turtles equipped with satellite-linkedtransmitters off Nova Scotia compared with turtle characteristicsand satellite-measured ocean variables. Latitude, longitude,1-week lagged average sea surface temperature, and 1-week laggedaverage chlorophyll-a concentration appear to influence theprobability of departure. Higher temperature and, in the northernrange of the study, higher chlorophyll concentration increaseddeparture rates, perhaps due to the acceleration of the lifecycle of the leatherback's gelatinous prey and/or increasedfeeding efficiency in these areas. This study highlights theopportunity to use satellite telemetry and environmental datato examine the cues for and timing of animal migrations andexpands the study of migration timing to include a new speciesand environment.  相似文献   

Reproducing females can allocate energy between the production of eggs or offspring of different size or number, both of which can strongly influence fitness. The physical capacity to store developing offspring imposes constraints on maximum clutch volume, but individual females and populations can trade off whether more or fewer eggs or offspring are produced, and their relative sizes. Harsh environments are likely to select for larger egg or offspring size, and many vertebrate populations compensate for this reproductive investment through an increase in female body size. We report a different trade‐off in a frog endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, Rana kukunoris. Females living at higher altitudes (n = 11 populations, 2000–3500 m) produce larger eggs, but without a concomitant increase in female body size or clutch size. The reduced diel and seasonal activity at high altitudes may impose constraints on the maximum body size of adult frogs, by limiting the opportunity for energy accumulation. Simultaneously, producing larger eggs likely helps to increase the rate of embryonic development, causing tadpoles to hatch earlier. The gelatinous matrix surrounding eggs, more of which is produced by large females, may help buffer developing embryos from temperature fluctuations or offer protection from ultraviolet radiation. High‐altitude frogs on the Tibetan Plateau employ a reproductive strategy that favours large egg size independent of body size, which is unusual in amphibians. The harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions at high altitudes can thus impose strong and opposing selection pressures on adult and embryonic life stages, both of which can simultaneously influence fitness.  相似文献   

Rhinogobius sp. CB is a common amphidromous goby in Japan. I investigated egg and clutch sizes along a river course and within a spawning season in the Aizu River, Kii Peninsula, Japan. Clutch size within the same female size did not differ along the course of the river, but decreased from early to later in the spawning season. Egg size within the same female size decreased from early to later in the spawning season and from the upper to the lower reaches. These results mean energy resources allocated to the ovary decreased seasonally and locally. Several factors are presented to explain these variations, such as female somatic conditions, a tradeoff between reproduction and growth, food availability, water temperature, and presence of competitive species. Some factors explaining the seasonal and local variations in egg size, such as water temperature and food availability for offspring, are also presented. Egg size correlated well with female size. The trend in egg size variation with female size seems to be an adaptation for their migrating pattern, as larvae from larger female, which tended to inhabit the upper reaches, would have a greater endurance against starvation during their migration to the sea.  相似文献   

We use widely supported handbook data on annual fecundity (clutch size × annual number of normal broods) to obtain indications related to the relative costs of long-distance migration compared to lower levels of migratoriness. Our examples show that the yearly production of eggs in congeneric passerines of similar size from temperate Europe is lower in long-distance migrants than in their less migratory relatives. The same tendency shows up in a more heterogeneous sample of non-passerines. In most passerines and in one among five pairs of non-passerines, this is due to longer breeding periods allowing a higher number of clutches in the less migratory species in spite of a tendency towards larger clutches in the passerine long-distance migrants. If both migratory types have only one clutch (as in one species pair of the passerines and in four non-passerine pairs) the trend towards larger clutches was reversed between the two types. The higher fecundity of the less migratory species suggests that wintering under harsh conditions may be more expensive than trans-Sahara migration among similar species. In keeping with this result, Ortolan and Rock Buntings (Emberiza hortulana and E. cia) breeding syntopically (and, in the 1980s, still in relatively stable populations) in an inner Alpine valley provide a well-studied example illustrating the high longevity of the migrants compared to the relatively short life span of the residents.  相似文献   

On the unstable sedimentary tidal flats of the Wadden Sea, a suitable attachment substrate for sessile organisms is generally lacking. Epibenthic mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.) provide the only and strongly limited settlement sites available for the barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides (L.). Field investigations showed that barnacles were non-randomly distributed within a mussel bed. They preferentially occurred near the siphonal apertures of living mussels but rarely grew on dead mussels or shell fragments. Field experiments revealed that this was due to selective settlement of barnacle cyprid larvae. Growth of barnacles was significantly higher upon living mussels than on empty mussel shells. Moreover, a higher reproductive output was obtained by individuals on living mussels which produced twice as many nauplii larvae than barnacles attached to empty shells. This study shows that selective settlement of S. balanoides cyprid larvae on living mussels is adaptive with respect to individual fitness. Received in revised form: 15 January 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Tobler M  Granbom M  Sandell MI 《Oecologia》2007,151(4):731-740
Maternal hormones can have substantial phenotypic effects in the progeny of many vertebrates. It has been proposed that mothers adaptively adjust hormone levels experienced by particular young to optimize their reproductive output. In birds, systematic variation in egg hormone levels has been related to different female reproductive strategies. Because in many bird species prospects of the offspring change seasonally and with brood number, strategic adjustment of yolk androgen levels would be expected. To test this idea, we induced pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) females to nest twice during the same season by removing their first clutches shortly after clutch completion. We collected eggs of first and replacement clutches to measure yolk concentrations of androstenedione (A4) and testosterone (T) and captured the females that laid these clutches for phenotypic measurements. Although average egg androgen levels were remarkably consistent within females, hormone patterns differed considerably between first and replacement clutches. Eggs of replacement clutches were heavier with larger yolks compared to first clutches, but they contained on average lower levels of androgens. Within clutches, androgen concentration increased over the laying sequence in the first clutch, but decreased or remained more constant over the laying sequence in the replacement clutch. Mean yolk T, but not A4 levels, were negatively associated with laying date for both breeding attempts. Moreover, females in good body condition produced eggs containing lower levels of androgens than females in poor condition. Our results are consistent with the idea that differences in yolk androgen levels may be one mechanism underlying seasonal variation in reproductive success and it is possible that changes in egg androgen patterns may reflect a change in female reproductive strategy. High within-female consistency also highlights the possibility that there may be some underlying genetic variation in yolk androgen levels.  相似文献   

The decision of when to breed is crucial to the reproductive success and fitness of seasonally breeding birds. The availability of food for adults prior to breeding has long been thought to play a critical role in timing the initiation of seasonal reproductive events, in particular laying. However, unequivocal evidence for such a role remains limited and the physiological mechanisms by which an increase in food availability results in seasonal activation of the reproductive system are largely speculative. This lack of mechanistic information partly reflects a lack of integration of ecological and physiological approaches to study seasonal reproduction. Indeed, most work pertaining to the role of food availability for adults on the timing of avian reproduction has been ecological and has focused almost exclusively on female traits associated with reproductive timing (e.g., lay date and clutch size). By contrast, most work on the physiological bases of the relationship between food availability and the timing of reproduction has investigated male traits associated with reproductive development (e.g., reproductive hormones and gonadal development). To advance our understanding of these topics, we review the role of proximate factors including food availability, social factors, and ambient temperature in the control of breeding decisions, and discuss the role of three potential candidates (leptin, glucocorticoids, and GnIH–neuropeptide Y) that may mediate the effects of food availability on these decisions. We emphasize that future progress in this area is heavily contingent upon the use of physiology-based approaches and their integration into current ecological frameworks.  相似文献   

Among cervids, maternal investment, estimated as the amount of resources and care allocated to the offspring, was expected to be related to species body size. Therefore, maternal investment in a herd of captive Chinese water deer Hydropotes inermis, a relatively small species of cervid, was investigated over 3 years. Except during the lactation period, reproductive females spent about 2-fold more time resting than feeding. During lactation, the amount of time spent feeding increased highly (25.3 min/h during lactation vs 17.3 min/h during the gestation period). Females spent less than 30% of time in communal behaviours with offspring. They did not reject alien fawns during this care period. Frequency and duration of suckling events decreased exponentially from the second week onwards. More than 10% of suckling bouts were non-filial. Prenatal investment leads to a mean litter mass (about 12% of maternal mass) higher than in most cervid species. Postnatal investment in fawns represents a daily mass gain of ca. 85 g/d during the first 2 weeks, without any sexual difference. Female production, timing and synchrony of births and survival of fawns characterized reproductive success. Seventy percent of mature females gave birth, with a mean of 1.9 offspring per female. The sex ratio was even. Births were synchronous, 80% of births occurring in 25 days. In this herd, 0.74 fawn per female was successfully weaned and 0.56 fawn per female survived through their first year. Based on these results we conclude that reproductive strategy of Chinese water deer was efficient and characterized by mother-offspring relationships typical of hiders and high levels of pre- and postnatal investments. This strategy seems typical of small species of cervids without marked sexual dimorphism.[Current Zoology 55(2):102-110,2009].  相似文献   

Avian life history theory has long assumed that nest predation plays a minor role in shaping reproductive strategies. Yet, this assumption remains conspicuously untested by broad experiments that alter environmental risk of nest predation, despite the fact that nest predation is a major source of reproductive failure. Here, we examined whether parents can assess experimentally reduced nest predation risk and alter their reproductive strategies. We experimentally reduced nest predation risk and show that in safer environments parents increased investment in young through increased egg size, clutch mass, and the rate they fed nestlings. Parents also increased investment in female condition by increasing the rates that males fed incubating females at the nest, and decreasing the time that females spent incubating. These results demonstrate that birds can assess nest predation risk at large and that nest predation plays a key role in the expression of avian reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Papaj DR  Mallory HS  Heinz CA 《Oecologia》2007,152(2):365-375
Prospects of global increases in extreme weather change provide incentive to examine how such change influences animal behavior, for example, behavior associated with resource use. In this study, we examined how oviposition behavior in a southern Arizona population of pipevine swallowtails (Battus philenor L.) responded to changes in their Aristolochia host resource and vegetative background caused by the North American monsoon system. Summer monsoon rains resulted in a flush of non-host vegetation and a more than doubling in rate of landings by host-searching females on non-host vegetation. Rates of discovery of the host species A. watsoni Woot. Standl. decreased by 50% after monsoon rains. Rains did not alter host density appreciably, but resulted in significant increases in host plant size and new growth, two indicators of host suitability for B. philenor larvae. After the rains, mean clutch size on individual host plants increased by a factor of 2.5; the mean proportion of host plants encountered on which a female laid eggs also increased significantly. Females were discriminating about the host plants on which they laid eggs after alightment; plants accepted for oviposition were larger, bore more new growth, and bore fewer larvae than rejected plants. Contrary to predictions from foraging theory, degree of discrimination did not change seasonally. Finally, the rate at which eggs were laid increased seasonally, suggesting that oviposition rates were limited more before monsoon rains by the relatively low quality of hosts than they were after the rains by the relatively low rate at which hosts were found. This latter result suggests that, while butterflies possess behavioral flexibility to respond to extreme weather change, such flexibility may have limits. In particular, expected increases in the severity and frequency of droughts may result in reduced oviposition rates, reductions that could have adverse demographic consequences.  相似文献   

Arctic-nesting geese are classified as capital breeders (i.e., birds that rely largely on endogenous reserves to meet the high nutrient requirement of clutch formation) as opposed to income breeders (those that rely directly on ingested food). However, some evidence has suggested that energy reserves of greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica) are not sufficient to meet these costs. We tested whether greater snow geese were capital breeders and examined the consequences on their reproductive strategy. We collected 48 females and 47 males from arrival at the breeding colony on Bylot Island (NWT) to the postlaying stage, and determined fat and protein content in somatic and reproductive tissues. Rapid follicular growth was initiated only after arrival on the breeding ground. Somatic fat of females tended to increase during the prelaying and laying stages at the same time that most of the fat was deposited in developing follicles. Decrease in somatic fat in postlaying females was mostly related to its use for meeting metabolic requirements during early incubation. Hence, almost all fat invested in the clutch came from food intake, not endogenous reserves. Somatic protein was maintained during prelaying but decreased during laying, suggesting that some protein reserves were deposited in the eggs. There was no relationship between somatic fat and the number of developing follicles (incubating females excluded) but a relationship was found with somatic protein. Clutch size was not related to body size. In males, somatic fat, which was similar to females at arrival, was almost completely depleted by the postlaying stage. Male somatic protein remained stable. Male somatic reserves were not related to the somatic reserves, clutch size or nutrient investment in reproduction of their mate. We conclude that, in female greater snow geese, little fat reserves (if any) were used for egg formation though some protein reserves were used, whereas males relied heavily on their fat reserves during the same period. This is probably a consequence of the long and costly migration between the last staging area and the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The trade‐off between offspring size and number can present a conflict between parents and their offspring. Because egg size is constrained by clutch size, the optimal egg size for offspring fitness may not always be equivalent to that which maximizes parental fitness. We evaluated selection on egg size in three turtle species (Apalone mutica, Chelydra serpentina and Chrysemys picta) to determine if optimal egg sizes differ between offspring and their mothers. Although hatching success was generally greater for larger eggs, the strength and form of selection varied. In most cases, the egg size that maximized offspring fitness was greater than that which maximized maternal fitness. Consistent with optimality theory, mean egg sizes in the populations were more similar to the egg sizes that maximized maternal fitness, rather than offspring fitness. These results provide evidence that selection has maximized maternal fitness to achieve an optimal balance between egg size and number.  相似文献   

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