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Summary Genomic DNA from Azotobacter chroococcum was shown by DNA hybridization to contain sequences homologous to Rhizobium japonicum H2-uptake (hup) hydrogenase genes carried on the plasmid pHU1. Two recombinant cosmid clones, pACD101 and pACD102, were isolated from a gene library of A. chroococcum by colony hybridization and physically mapped. Each contained approximately 42 kb of insert DNA with approximately 27 kb of overlapping DNA. Further hybridization studies using three fragments from pHU1 (6 kb HindIII, 6.4 kb BglII and 5 kb EcoRI) showed that the hup-specific regions of R. japonicum and A. chroococcum are probably highly conserved. Weak homology to the hydrogenase structural genes from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) was also observed. A 24 kb BamHI fragment from pACD102 subcloned into a broad host-range vector restored hydrogenase activity to several Hup- mutants of A. chroococcum.  相似文献   

Summary Azotobacter chroococcum Fos 189 is a Tn1-induced mutant which, unlike the parent strain MCD1, does not fix nitrogen in air when provided with glucose or pyruvate as sole carbon sources. Fos 189 showed 5% of parental activity for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase though PEP synthetase activity was normal. The A. chroococcum phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (ppc) gene was isolated after complementation of an appropriate Escherichia coli mutant using a broad host range gene bank prepared from A. chroococcum genomic DNA. The gene was localised by transposon mutagenesis and subcloning on a minimum DNA fragment of 6.6 kb. Broad host range plasmids containing the A. chroococcum ppc gene complemented the mutation in Fos 189 thereby restoring aerotolerant nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

M. G. Yates  R. M. Daniel 《BBA》1970,197(2):161-169

1. 1. Preparations were obtained from Azotobacter chroococcum which reduced acetylene to ethylene using physiological electron donors instead of sodium dithionite. These preparations fell into two categories: those which required catalytic amounts of benzyl viologen for acetylene reduction and those that did not.

2. 2. Acetylene reduction without benzyl viologen or sodium dithionite was observed only with particles that sedimented at 40 000 × g after disrupting bacteria in the French press or with preparations obtained by disrupting bacteria protected by a mixture of defatted bovine serum albumin-Ficoll-MgCl2 with liquid N2; supernatant fractions required benzyl viologen for acetylene reduction.

3. 3. Added ATP inhibited acetylene reduction by large particles; ATP and MgCl2 were necessary for maximum acetylene reduction with bovine serum albumin-protected preparations.

4. 4. NADH and carbon substrates acted as electron donors but H2 did not; NAD+ was necessary for maximum acetylene reduction with carbon substrates.

5. 5. Anaerobic conditions were necessary for maximum acetylene reduction in all cases.

Abbreviations: TES; N-tris-[hydroxymethyl]-methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

We describe the production of large amounts of homo- and copolymers of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Azotobacter chroococcum strain H23 when growing in culture media amended with alpechin. A. chroococcum grown on NH4+-medium supplemented with alpechin formed PHAs up to 50% of the cell dry weight after 24h. The results show that alpechin supports the growth of strain H23 and also that this waste could be utilized as a carbon source. Production of PHAs by using alpechin looks promising, since the use of inexpensive feed-stocks for PHAs is essential if bioplastics are to become competitive products.  相似文献   

Huub Haaker  Arie De Kok  Cees Veeger 《BBA》1974,357(3):344-357
1. In intact Azotobacter vinelandii the influence of oxygen on the levels of oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides and adenine nucleotides in relation to nitrogenase activity was investigated.

2. The hypothesis that a high (NADH + NADPH)/(NAD+ + NADP+) is the driving force for the transport of reducing equivalents to nitrogenase in intact A. vinelandii was found to be invalid. On the contrary, with a decreasing ratio of reduced to oxidized pyridine nucleotides, the nitrogenase activity of the whole cells increases.

3. By measuring oxidative phosphorylation and using 9-amino acridine as a fluorescent probe, it could be demonstrated that respiration-coupled transport of reducing equivalents to the nitrogenase requires a high energy level of the plasma membrane or possibly coupled to it, a high pH gradient over the cytoplasmic membrane. Furthermore nitrogen fixation is controlled by the presence of oxygen and the ATP/ADP ratio.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in the green house to investigate the establishment of phosphate solubilizing strains of Azotobacter chroococcum, including soil isolates and their mutants, in the rhizosphere and their effect on growth parameters and root biomass of three genetically divergent wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). Five fertilizer treatments were performed: Control, 90 kg N ha—1, 90 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 ha—1, 120 kg N ha—1 and 120 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 ha—1. Phosphate solubilizing and phytohormone producing parent soil isolates and mutant strains of A. chroococcum were isolated and selected by an enrichment method. In vitro phosphate solubilization and growth hormone production by mutant strains was increased compared with soil isolates. Seed inoculation of wheat varieties with P solubilizing and phytohormone producing A. chroococcum showed better response compared with controls. Mutant strains of A. chroococcum showed higher increase in grain (12.6%) and straw (11.4%) yield over control and their survival (12—14%) in the rhizosphere as compared to their parent soil isolate (P4). Mutant strain M37 performed better in all three varieties in terms of increase in grain yield (14.0%) and root biomass (11.4%) over control.  相似文献   

The chromosome of Azotobacter vinelandii UW was digested separately with the rape cutter restriction endonucleases Swal (5-ATTTAAAT), PmeI (5GTTTAAAC) and Pacl (5-TTAATTAA) and the products were separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The size of the chromosome was determined to be approximately 4.5 megabase pairs (Mb) based on the sum of the sizes of the restriction fragments. This is almost the same as the size of the chromosome of Escherichia coli. The inability of the undigested DNA to enter the gel has led us to infer that the chromosome is circular.  相似文献   

Azotobacter vinelandii is proposed to contain a single β-ketothiolase activity participating in the formation of acetoacetyl-CoA, a precursor for poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) synthesis, and in β-oxidation (Manchak, J., Page, W.J., 1994. Control of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis in Azotobacter vinelandii strain UWD. Microbiology 140, 953–963). We designed a degenerate oligonucleotide from a highly conserved region among bacterial β-ketothiolases and used it to identify bktA, a gene with a deduced protein product with a high similarity to β-ketothiolases. Immediately downstream of bktA, we identified a gene called hbdH, which encodes a protein exhibiting similarity to β-hydroxyacyl-CoA and β-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenases. Two regions with homology to bktA were also observed. One of these was cloned and allowed the identification of the phbA gene, encoding a second β-ketothiolase. Strains EV132, EV133, and GM1 carrying bktA, hbdH and phbA mutations, respectively, as well as strain EG1 carrying both bktA and phbA mutations, were constructed. The hbdH mutation had no effect on β-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity or on fatty acid assimilation. The bktA mutation had no effect on β-ketothiolase activity, PHB synthesis or fatty acid assimilation, whereas the phbA mutation significantly reduced β-ketothiolase activity and PHB accumulation, showing that this is the β-ketothiolase involved in PHB biosynthesis. Strain EG1 was found to grow under β-oxidation conditions and to possess β-ketothiolase activity. Taken together, these results demonstrate the presence of three genes coding for β-ketothiolases in A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

Sixteen litres of olive-mill wastewaters (OMW) diluted to 5% organic matter (d.w.) were inoculated in a fermentor (T=30°C, air FLOW=161min−1, STIRRING=100 rpm) with a strain of Azotobacter vinelandii. After 2 weeks the bacterial biomass was separated by centrifugation and capsular polysaccharide (CPS) and exopolysaccharides were extracted. The apparent molecular weight of CPS was determined by gel filtration. The CPS was entrapped in polyvinyl alcohol membranes which were used to adsorb cadmium and lead ions from a liquid stream.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts of chinese mustard (Brassica campestris L.) were immobilized in polyacrylamide gel. A 8% polymer concentration was suitable for the immobilization. The activity of the carbon dioxide fixation of immobilized chloroplasts was 65% of that of free chloroplasts. The optimum conditions for the carbon dioxide fixation of immobilized chloroplasts were similar to that of native chloroplasts. However, immobilized chloroplasts were more stable under alkaline conditions and high temperatures than native chloroplasts. Light penetration of the gel was not a limiting parameter of the carbon dioxide fixation. The lifetime of immobilized chloroplasts was three times longer than that of free chloroplasts. 3-Phosphoglyceraldehyde and other compounds were produced continuously by immobilized chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase is a metabolic enzyme transferring the reducing equivalent between two nucleotide acceptors such as NAD+ and NADP+ for balancing the intracellular redox potential. Soluble transhydrogenase (STH) of Azotobacter vinelandii was expressed in a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain harboring the Pichia stipitis xylose reductase (XR) gene to study effects of redox potential change on cell growth and sugar metabolism including xylitol and ethanol formation. Remarkable changes were not observed by expression of the STH gene in batch cultures. However, expression of STH accelerated the formation of ethanol in glucose-limited fed-batch cultures, but reduced xylitol productivity to 71% compared with its counterpart strain expressing xylose reductase gene alone. The experimental results suggested that A. vinelandii STH directed the reaction toward the formation of NADH and NADP+ from NAD+ and NADPH, which concomitantly reduced the availability of NADPH for xylose conversion to xylitol catalyzed by NADPH-preferable xylose reductase in the recombinant S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Summary An open reading frame (ORF) in the same operon as, but downstream of, vnfH in Azotobacter vinelandii can code for a ferredoxin-like protein. The role this ORF may play in the vnf (vanadium-dependent alternative) pathway of nitrogen fixation was investigated. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to alter one base in each of the codons specifying amino acids 18 and 19 generating a unique BglII site. A kanamycin resistance cartridge was cloned into the BglII site. This construct was mobilized into A. vinelandii CA12 ( nifHDK) strain by conjugation and the mutation was introduced into the genome by marker exchange. The resulting mutant was unable to fix nitrogen under conditions in which the vnf pathway of nitrogen fixation operates. This suggests that this ORF is functional and is essential for the vanadium-dependent alternative pathway of nitrogen fixation in A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

H.F. Kauffman  B.F. Van Gelder 《BBA》1973,314(3):276-283
1. Cyanide causes a slow disappearance of the oxidized band (648 nm) of cytochrome d in particles of Azotobacter vinelandii and inhibits the appearance of the reduced band (631 nm). No effect of cyanide is found on the reduced band of cytochrome d.

2. The kinetics of the disappearance of the 648-nm band of cytochrome d with excess cyanide deviates from first-order kinetics at lower temperatures (22 °C) indicating that at least two conformations of the enzyme are involved. At higher temperatures (32 °C) the observed kinetics of the cyanide reaction are first order with a kon = 0.7 M−1·s−1 and with an estimated koff of approximately 5·10−5 s−1.

3. The value of the koff (7·10−4−14·10−4 s−1 at 32 °C) determined from the rate of reduction of cyanocytochrome d by Na2S2O4 or NADH is one order of magnitude larger than the koff value found when the enzyme is in its oxidized state.

4. No effect of cyanide is found on the spectrum of cytochrome a1.  相似文献   

Summary Blending Anabaena cylindrica cultures results in a loss of nitrogenase activity which is correlated with the breakage of the filaments at the junctions between heterocysts and vegetative cells. Oxygen inhibition of nitrogen fixation was significant only above atmospheric concentrations. Nitrogen-fixation activities in the dark were up to 50% of those observed in the light and were dependent on oxygen (10 to 20% was optimal). Nitrogenase activity was lost in about 3 h when cells were incubated aerobically in the dark. Re-exposure to light resulted in recovery of nitrogenase activity within 2 h. Blending, oxygen, or dark pre-incubation had similar effects upon cultures grown under air or nitrogen and did not inhibit light-dependent CO2 fixation. We conclude that heterocysts are the sites of nitrogenase activity and propose a model for nitrogen fixation by Anabaena cylindrica.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation by marine cyanobacteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Discrepancies between estimates of oceanic N(2) fixation and nitrogen (N) losses through denitrification have focused research on identifying N(2)-fixing cyanobacteria and quantifying cyanobacterial N(2) fixation. Previously unrecognized cultivated and uncultivated unicellular cyanobacteria have been discovered that are widely distributed, and some have very unusual properties. Uncultivated unicellular N(2)-fixing cyanobacteria (UCYN-A) lack major metabolic pathways including the tricarboxylic acid cycle and oxygen-evolving photosystem II. Genomes of the oceanic N(2)-fixing cyanobacteria are highly conserved at the DNA level, and genetic diversity is maintained by genome rearrangements. The major cyanobacterial groups have different physiological and ecological constraints that result in highly variable geographic distributions, with implications for the marine N-cycle budget.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of oxygen, light and photosynthesis inhibitors on nitrogenase activities in Anabaena cylindrica batch cultures were followed as a function of time after inoculation. During the early rapid growth period the nitrogenase activities of cultures grown under air/CO2 or N2/CO2 were relatively resistant to oxygen and DCMU inhibition. These cultures also exhibited oxygen-dependent nitrogenase activity in the dark of up to 50% of that measured in the light. After active growth ceased the cultures continued to slowly grow for a prolonged period of time. The nitrogenase activities of these old cultures were very sensitive to oxygen and DCMU inhibition. These cultures also had little or no dark nitrogenase activities. The photosynthesis inhibitor DBMIB was not a specific inhibitor of light-driven electron transport since it inhibited both light and dark nitrogenase activities. Nitrogenase activities induced under oxygen-free/CO2 gas mixtures initially were significantly more sensitive to oxygen inhibition than those induced under air/CO2. We discuss these results in relation to heterocyst function.  相似文献   

In 1949, Howard Gest and Martin Kamen published two brief papers in Science that changed our perceptions about the metabolic capabilities of photosynthetic bacteria. Their discovery of photoproduction of hydrogen and the ability of Rhodospirillum rubrum to fix nitrogen led to a greater understanding of both processes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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