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沙棘Frankia的侵染特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了3株沙棘Frankia菌感染能力,Hr16可与野生菌作用互补.测定了不同接种方式和多种环境因子对回接的影响.土壤表层施菌接种,菌龄8周,苗龄4周,接种量每株0.01mlPCV,可产生高效共生效果.  相似文献   

Six populations of the sea buckthorn, Hippopha rhamnoides Lare sampled systematically and graphs of age against stem diameterplotted. Regression analyses are used to derive the mean girthincrease per annum for the whole of a population and for thepopulation divided according to the stem age, i e 0–10years and 11–40 years The six populations represent fivemajor edaphic types of the Spurn Peninsula (I) stable dunes,sheltered, sand depth > 1 m, (II) unstable dunes, sheltered,sand depth > 1 m; (III) unstable, exposed dunes, sand depth> 1 m; (IV) stable dunes, sheltered, sand depth < 1 mover coarse gravel and mud, (v) stable dunes, sheltered, sanddepth < 0.5 m over coarse shingle/sand mixture The annualgrowth increment for the whole population is shown to be greatestin the sheltered areas on deep sand, the highest figure recordedbeing 4.5 mm per annum The rate of growth for the plants upto 10 years old in the three populations on deep sand vanesbetween 3 88 and 4 5 mm per annum, whilst in shallow sand areasthe range is between 2 0 and 2.8 mm per annum Girth increasein plants over 10 years slows down to 2 92 mm per annum in shelteredareas on deep sand, is considerably retarded in exposed areason deep sand (1.53 mm per annum), and is least on shallow dunes(1 34 mm per annum).  相似文献   

It is shown that Hippophaë plants, inoculated at the six-leafstage with a suspension of crushed nodules, begin to developnodules in about two weeks and soon afterwards become able togrow satisfactorily in culture solution free of combined nitrogen,up to 79 mg. nitrogen per plant having been accumulated during7 months' active growth. It is concluded that the nodules fixatmospheric nitrogen, and that in its nitrogen nutrition theHippophaë plant shows a close similarity to the nodulatedlegume. It is pointed out that Hippophaë and the otherAngiospermous genera with nitrogen-fixing root nodules are allwoody plants or belong to a family which includes woody types.The possible significance of this is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

1 沙棘的形态生物学特性及分布沙棘 (HippophaerhamnoidesL)又名醋柳、酸刺、酸溜溜 ,蒙名其察日嘎纳 ,属胡颓子科沙棘属 ,是具有共生固氮能力的野生落叶灌木或乔木。植株高 3~ 8米 ,随不同的生态环境变幅较大 ,脊薄干旱的坡地上仅 0 .5~ 1米。树冠圆锥形 ,树杆灰褐色 ,枝灰色 ,有锐刺。单叶互生或对生 ,条形或条状披针形 ,长 2~ 6厘米 ,宽 0 .4~ 1.2厘米 ,两端钝尖背面密被淡白色鳞片 ,叶柄短 ,雌雄异株 ,花较叶先开放 ,花期 3~ 4月 ,短总状花序腋生于隔年枝上 ,花小 ,淡黄色 ,花被 2裂 ,雄花轴常易脱落 ,雄蕊 4…  相似文献   

This study aims to screen and identify the multi-mechanism antistress effects of an extract of Hippophae rhamnoides L. (HR) leaves on corticosterone (CORT)-induced injury, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor and serotonin 6 (5-hydroxytryptamine 6, 5-HT6) receptor activity tests (in vitro), electric foot shock and forced swimming tests (FSTs) (in vivo), and tests for hippocampal CORT and monoamine levels (ex vivo), in search of active principles and underlying mechanisms of action. We confirmed that the water extract of HR (HRW) and various ethanol extracts of HR confer protective effects against CORT-induced impairments in SH-SY5Y cells and antagonistic effects on NMDA receptors and the 5-HT6 receptor by using primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons and a stable 5-HT6 receptor-expressing cell line, respectively. In addition, we confirmed the antistress effects of HRW in an electric foot shock stress model in mice and explored the underlying mechanisms of its action. We observed that HRW treatment significantly reversed the reduction in immobility times and increased climbing times in FSTs induced by electric foot shocks in the stress model. The levels of CORT, dopamine, and norepinephrine were increased, and the level of serotonin in the hippocampus was decreased in the electric foot shock stress model. The standardized HRW effectively restored abnormal CORT and monoamine levels in the hippocampus that were induced by stress. The results of the present study demonstrate that the standardized HRW produces novel multifunctional antistress effects.  相似文献   

Two undescribed sesquiterpenoids, hipponorterpenes A (1) and B (2), and 17 known compounds were obtained from the juice of Hippophae rhamnoides. Their structures were established through comprehensive analysis of their spectroscopic data. Notably, hipponorterpene A (1) is the first 14-noreudesmane-type sesquiterpenoid that has a five-membered lactone between C-4 and C-6. In addition, antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) of compounds 1-4 was predicted by molecular docking and hipponorterpene B (2) showed anti-HSV-2 activity.  相似文献   

从沙棘籽粕乙醇溶液中分离到三个生物碱,经波谱学方法及文献比较分别鉴定为5,11-二羟色胺(1)、5-羟色胺(2)和Shepherdine(3)。化合物1和3在沙棘中首次报道。利用体外培养乳鼠心肌细胞,建立心肌缺血/再灌注损伤模型,发现3个化合物对乳鼠心肌细胞缺血/再灌注(I/R)损伤有较好的保护作用。  相似文献   

沙棘与微生物联合共生体的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在盆栽实验条件下通过生物接种技术,对非豆科固氮树木沙棘进行联合共生体的人工构建,定量研究了VA菌根真菌和Frankia对沙棘生长的促进作用,并对VA菌根菌与Frankia之间的联合增效作用进行了探讨,结果表明,双接菌VAH+HR16的促生效果最佳,接菌植株的株高、地径、鲜重、叶绿素含量和净光合效率分别比对照提高了42.25%、33.52%、198.56%、43.33%和17.44%。  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对沙棘和银水牛果幼苗生长及光合特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以沙棘和银水牛果2年生幼苗为试材,设NaCl浓度分别为0、200、400和600 mmol·L-1,研究NaCl 胁迫对其生长及光合特性的影响.结果表明: 随着NaCl浓度的增加,沙棘和银水牛果幼苗的生物量、单株总叶面积均显著下降,且NaCl浓度越高, 下降幅度越大.不同NaCl浓度处理下,沙棘和银水牛果幼苗根冠比较对照显著增加,比叶质量(LMA)略有降低.随着NaCl浓度的增加和胁迫时间的延长,沙棘和银水牛果叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)均明显下降, 胞间CO2浓度(Ci)先降后升,气孔限制值(Ls)和水分利用效率(WUE)则先升后降.Pn下降的原因短期内以气孔限制为主,长期则以非气孔限制因素为主,且树种耐盐性越弱,NaCl浓度越高,由气孔限制转为非气孔限制的时间越早.试验中,沙棘幼苗在600 mmol·L-1NaCl处理10 d时即出现盐害症状,22 d时全部死亡,而银水牛果可以忍耐600 mmol·L-1NaCl长达30 d以上,说明银水牛果作为引进树种,其耐盐性较沙棘更强,可能更适合在我国盐碱地大面积推广种植.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下沙棘的渗透调节效应   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
分别用含有0、100、200和300mmol LNaCl的Hoagland培养液处理1年生沙棘(HippophaerhamnoidesL.)苗30d后,测定其鲜重,干重,含水量,可溶性糖、脯氨酸和无机离子(Na 、Cl-)的含量及叶片渗透势和渗透调节能力。结果表明:100mmol LNaCl处理的沙棘地上部和根的鲜重和干重最大,其含水量也最大;NaCl浓度超过100mmol L时,沙棘地上部分和根的鲜重和干重随盐浓度增加而逐步下降,其下降的趋势为地上部大于根部。随NaCl浓度不断升高,沙棘体内Na 和Cl-浓度随之升高,茎叶和根系中Cl-含量明显高于Na ,对Na 的相对吸收量多于Cl-。沙棘对盐胁迫有一定的适应能力,随NaCl浓度的升高,沙棘叶内脯氨酸含量升高,可溶性糖含量增加,渗透势降低,渗透调节能力增强。本结果可为盐碱地营造沙棘林提供依据。  相似文献   

Hippophae rhamnoides L. polysaccharide was optimized with flash extraction by response surface design. The optimum process conditions were: rotation rate 5000 r/min, extraction time 15 s, extraction temperature 90 °C and liquid-to-material ratio 38 mL/g, the extraction yield was 15.28±0.02 %. HRP-1 and HRP-2 obtained by 40 % and 60 % graded alcohol precipitation were characterized. The results indicated that HRP-1 and HRP-2 both composed of mannose, ribose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose with different molar ratio and the molecular weights were 380.59 kDa and 288.24 kDa, respectively. In addition, the in vitro antioxidant and immunoenhancement activities of HRP-1 and HRP-2 were analyzed, and the two fractions showed good free radical scavenging activity against ⋅OH, ABTS⋅+, DPPH⋅, and extremely strong immunomodulatory activity against RAW264.7 cells. Indicating that flash extraction is suitable for extraction of HRP, the structural study of HRP provides a scientific theoretical basis for the development of Hippophae rhamnoides.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地中国沙棘无性系生长调节   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
根据无性系跟踪挖掘资料。分析了毛乌素沙地中国沙棘无性系生长调节规律,结果表明,无性系分株群(同一无性系所有分株的集合)结构由增长型发展到稳定型,最后演变成衰退型,在衰退过程中或其后的一段时间内,无性系能够通过分株出生调节使分株群结构(年龄和高度级)恢复到稳定型,在分株群结构变化的同时,种群通过分株的死亡调节不断改变着分株的克隆生长型,提高了无性系 种群的持久性以及对空间和资源的利用率。  相似文献   

沙棘果为制备沙棘膏的原料,以沙棘膏中总黄酮含量为考察影响工艺因素的指标,通过单因素试验和正交试验,确定最优化制取沙棘膏工艺为:料液比1∶20(g/mL),温度75℃,提取溶剂为80%乙醇,综合考虑成本因素,提取时间4 h。按照该工艺沙棘膏中总黄酮的得率为15.64%。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to understand the mode of action of alcoholic extract of whole berries of Hippophae rhamnoides (RH-3) which has already been reported to render more than 80% protection against radiation induced mortality in mice. Direct and indirect antioxidant action (free radical scavenging and metal chelating potential) were assayed using 2-deoxy ribose degradation and 2,2-bipiridyl assays. Effect of RH-3 on radiation and chemical oxidant mediated DNA damage was evaluated using single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay) and alkaline halo assay. Ability of RH-3 to bind with calf thymus DNA was assayed through change in melting temperature (Tm) while toxicity was assayed in thymocytes by trypan blue exclusion.RH-3 inhibited 2-deoxy ribose degradation in a dose dependent manner (IC 50 500 g/ml). 2,2-bipiridyl assay revealed the inability of RH-3 to chelate Fe2+ ions. RH-3 inhibited radiation and tertiary butyl hydroperoxide induced DNA strand breaks in a dose dependent manner and at concentrations of 100 and 120 g/ml the length of comet tail was considerably reduced and became almost similar to that of untreated control. RH-3 at a concentration of 120 g/ml or more induced a strong compaction of chromatin as was evident from lack of tail and appearance of intensely stained circular bodies. This made the nuclei resistant even to a radiation dose of 1000 Gy. The compaction of chromatin was not reversed even by relaxation buffer indicating that salt concentration had no role in RH-3 induced chromatin compaction. Alkaline halo assay also corroborated the results of comet assay. Lower DNA-RH-3 concentrations (1:0.5 and 1:1) induced a shift of Tm towards left by 2 and 5°C respectively; however higher concentrations (1:8 and 1:16) shifted the Tm towards right increasing it by 10 and 21°C correspondingly.RH-3, evinced only a mild free radical scavenging activity at concentrations used in the present study, therefore its ability to protect DNA could mainly be attributed to direct modulation of chromatin organization. Further work to unravel these facts would be necessary.  相似文献   

Phytochemistry Reviews - Sea buckthorn (Elaeagnus rhamnoides; syn. Hippophae rhamnoides) is a thorny shrub or a small tree belonging to the Elaeagnaceae family, native to Eurasia. Sea buckthorn...  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区沙棘灌木林地土壤水分动态研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用生物与工程措施相结合的方法,定位研究了沙棘林地的土壤水分变化动态。结果表明:水平阶、水平沟和鱼鳞坑整地不同立体配置模式土壤水分大幅度提高,0~2.0m沙棘与豆科牧草立体配置的土壤含水量均高于沙棘与禾本科牧草的立体配置;2.0~5.0m沙棘与禾本科牧草立体配置的土壤含水量均高于沙棘与豆科牧草的立体配置。其提高幅度为3%~5%。未采用工程整地措施的沙棘林地,在沙棘生长的第3年,土壤干层的分布深度不甚明显;从第5年土壤干层厚度逐渐加深到1.8m;第7年土壤干层厚度为2.6m;第9年土壤干层厚度为3.1m;第11年土壤干层厚度为2.6m;第13年土壤干层厚度为2.2m。  相似文献   

克隆植物中国沙棘生长对外源植物激素的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于植物克隆生长调节问题,目前集中于外在机制的研究。为了探讨中国沙棘克隆生长调节的内在机制,采用3×3回归设计进行田间试验,期望了解不同生长性状对IAA和CTK用量及其配比的响应规律。结果表明:(1)生长性状对激素用量的响应规律呈典型的钟形曲面模式,即各生长指标均存在一个产量峰值,峰值以前生长指标随IAA、CTK用量的增大而提高,峰值以后生长指标随IAA、CTK用量的增大而下降。(2)不同生长指标对激素用量及其配比的响应规律具有一定差异,较高的IAA比例有利于促进树高生长,较高的CTK比例有利于促进地径和冠幅生长,而几乎相等的IAA和CTK用量有利于种群生物量积累。(3)在激素用量适宜的情况下,中国沙棘生长潜力得到充分发挥,形成高大的个体,较多的子株,有利于提高种群对生境资源的占据和利用,并提高排斥其他植物种类入侵的能力;当激素用量过高或过低时,中国沙棘以降低生长量为代价,形成矮小的个体,减少子株数量,有利于削弱个体之间的竞争。这一结果为了解中国沙棘克隆生长内在调节机制提供了线索。(4)根据不同生长指标的激素效应方程,求出了相应的IAA和CTK的最佳用量和最佳配比,以及合理施激素区域和最低成本线。(5)克隆子株数量增幅与地径和冠幅生长量增幅呈极显著正相关、与种群生物量增幅呈显著正相关,即适宜的IAA和CTK用量既可加速个体生长、也能促进克隆子株的产生。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Hippophae rhamnoides L. has been well documented to have anti-oxidative, immunostimulative and regenerative properties and therefore a herbal preparation of H. rhamnoides coded as RH-3 was investigated for its radioprotective action. MATERIALS AND METHODS: RH-3 was administered intraperitonially (i.p.) to mice 30 minutes before whole body irradiation and whole body survival, spleen Colony forming units (CFU) and haematological parameters were studied. To investigate free radical scavenging and antioxidant potential, Fenton reaction, radiation mediated OH radical scavenging and chemically generated superoxide anions scavenging were studied in vitro while inhibition of lipid peroxidation was studied in liver homogenate of mice. RESULTS: A dose of 30 mg/kg body weight of RH-3 rendered 82% survival as compared to no survival in irradiated control. The endogenous CFU counts in mouse spleen on 10th post-irradiation day with and without RH-3 demonstrated radioprotective effect. Various hematological parameters also corroborated the radioprotective effect of RH-3. In a dose dependent manner, RH-3 inhibited Fenton reaction and radiation mediated generation of hydroxyl radicals in vitro, superoxide anion mediated Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction and FeSO4 mediated lipid peroxidation in liver. CONCLUSION: Free radical scavenging, acceleration of stem cell proliferation and immunostimulation are the radioprotective attributes, which require further investigations.  相似文献   

中国沙棘开花生物学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对雌雄异株的中国沙棘的花期物候、开花式样进行了观察,检测了柱头可授性、花粉活力和花粉-胚珠比(P/O).中国沙棘风媒传粉发生在四月下旬或五月上旬,单花花期约7天;传粉盛期在第3天到第5天,柱头的可授性从第2天到第4天或第5天.中国沙棘花先叶开放、花小、无花冠、花药成熟时萼片从两个侧面的纵缝中裂开,形成有利于花粉散布的对流风洞,具有典型的适应风媒传粉的花部特征.开花期内花粉的散发与温度、相对湿度、日照强度有关,受风向、风速作用显著;不同方位的花粉散布距离不等,当风速大于3 m/s时,主风方向花粉可散布到85 m以外.  相似文献   

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