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Salmonella flagellar hook length is controlled at the level of export substrate specificity of the FlhB component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. FliK is believed to be the hook length sensor and interacts with FlhB to change its export specificity upon hook completion. To find properties of FliK expected of such a molecular ruler, we assayed binding of FliK to the hook and found that the N-terminal domain of FliK (FliK(N)) bound to the hook-capping protein FlgD with high affinity and to the hook protein FlgE with low affinity. To investigate a possible role of FlgE in hook length control, flgE mutants with partially impaired motility were isolated and analyzed. Eight flgE mutants obtained all formed flagellar filaments. The mutants produced significantly shorter hooks while the hook-type substrates such as FlgE, FliK and FlgD were secreted in large amounts, suggesting defective hook assembly with the mutant FlgE proteins. Upon overexpression, mutant FlgEs produced hooks of normal length and wild-type FlgE produced longer hooks. These results suggest that hook length is dependent on the hook polymerization rate and that the start of hook polymerization initiates a "time countdown" for the specificity switch to occur or for significant slow down of rod/hook-type export after hook length reaches around 55 nm for later infrequent FliK(C)-FlhB(C) interaction. We propose that FliK(N) acts as a flexible tape measure, but that hook length is also dependent on the hook elongation rate and a switch timing mechanism.  相似文献   

We have examined the cytoplasmic components (FliH, FliI and FliJ) of the type III flagellar protein export apparatus, plus the cytoplasmic domains (FlhAC and FlhBC) of two of its six membrane components. FliH, FlhAC and FliJ, when overproduced, caused inhibition of motility of wild-type cells and inhibition of the export of substrates such as the hook protein FlgE. Co-overproduction of FliH and FliI substantially relieved the inhibition caused by FliH, suggesting that it is excess free FliH that is inhibitory and that FliH and FliI form a complex. We purified His-FLAG-tagged versions of: (i) export components FliH, FliI, FliJ, FlhAC and FlhBC; (ii) rod/hook-type export substrates FlgB (rod protein), FlgE (hook protein), FlgD (hook capping protein) and FliE (basal body protein); and (iii) filament-type export substrates FlgK and FlgL (hook-filament junction proteins) and FliC (flagellin). We tested for protein-protein interactions by affinity blotting. In many cases, a given protein interacted with more than one other component, indicating that there are likely to be multiple dynamic interactions or interactions that involve more than two components. Interactions of FlhBC with rod/hook-type substrates were strong, whereas those with filament-type substrates were very weak; this may reflect the role of FlhB in substrate specificity switching. We propose a model for the flagellar export apparatus in which FlhA and FlhB and the other four integral membrane proteins of the apparatus form a complex at the base of the flagellar motor. A soluble complex of at least three proteins (FliH, FliI and FliJ) bind the protein to be exported and then interact with the complex at the motor to deliver the protein, which is then exported in an ATP-dependent process mediated by FliI.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellum is a predominantly cell-external super-macromolecular construction whose structural components are exported by a flagellum-specific export apparatus. One of the export apparatus proteins, FlhB, regulates the substrate specificity of the entire apparatus; i.e. it has a role in the ordered export of the two main groups of flagellar structural proteins such that the cell-proximal components (rod-/hook-type proteins) are exported before the cell-distal components (filament-type proteins). The controlled switch between these two export states is believed to be mediated by conformational changes in the structure of the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhB(C)), which is consistently and specifically cleaved into two subdomains (FlhB(CN) and FlhB(CC)) that remain tightly associated with each other. The cleavage event has been shown to be physiologically significant for the switch. In this study, the mechanism of FlhB cleavage has been more directly analyzed. We demonstrate that cleavage occurs in a heterologous host, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, deficient in vacuolar proteinases A and B. In addition, we find that cleavage of a slow-cleaving variant, FlhB(C)(P270A), is stimulated in vitro at alkaline pH. We also show by analytical gel-filtration chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments that both FlhB(C) and FlhB(C)(P270A) are monomeric in solution, and therefore self-proteolysis is unlikely. Finally, we provide evidence via peptide analysis and FlhB cleavage variants that the tertiary structure of FlhB plays a significant role in cleavage. Based on these results, we propose that FlhB cleavage is an autocatalytic process.  相似文献   

Salmonella hook-length control protein FliK, which consists of 405 amino acid residues, switches substrate specificity of the type III flagellar protein export apparatus from rod/ hook-type to filament-type by causing a conformational change in the cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhB(C)) upon completion of the hook assembly. An N-terminal region of FliK contains an export signal, and a highly conserved C-terminal region consisting of amino acid residues 265-405 (FliK((265-405))) is directly involved in the switching of FlhB(C). Here, we have investigated the structural properties of FliK. Gel filtration chromatography, multi-angle light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation showed that FliK is monomeric in solution and has an elongated shape. Limited proteolysis showed that FliK consists of two domains, the N-terminal (FliK(N)) and C-terminal domains (FliK(C)), and that the first 203 and the last 35 amino acid residues are partially unfolded and subjected to proteolysis. Both FliK(N) and FliK(C) are more globular than full-length FliK, suggesting that these domains are connected in tandem. Overproduced His-FliK((199-405)) failed to switch export specificity of the export apparatus. Affinity blotting revealed that FlhB(C) binds to FliK and FliK((1-147)), but not to FliK((265-405)). Based on these results, we propose that FliK(N) within the central channel of the hook-basal body during the export of FliK is the sensor and transmitter of hook completion information and that the binding interaction of FliK(C) to FlhB(C) is structurally regulated by FliK(N) so as to occur only when the hook has reached a preset length. The conformational flexibility of FliK(C) may play a role in interfering with switching at an inappropriate point of flagellar assembly.  相似文献   

FlhB, an integral membrane protein, gates the type III flagellar export pathway of Salmonella. It permits export of rod/hook-type proteins before hook completion, whereupon it switches specificity to recognize filament-type proteins. The cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of FlhB (FlhBC) is cleaved between Asn-269 and Pro-270, defining two subdomains: FlhBCN and FlhBCC. Here, we show that subdomain interactions and cleavage within FlhB are central to substrate-specificity switching. We found that deletions between residues 216 and 240 of FlhBCN permitted FlhB cleavage but abolished function, whereas a deletion spanning Asn-269 and Pro-270 abolished both. The mutation N269A prevented cleavage at the FlhBCN-FlhBCC boundary. Cells producing FlhB(N269A) exported the same amounts of hook-capping protein as cells producing wild-type FlhB. However, they exported no flagellin, even when the fliC gene was being expressed from a foreign promoter to circumvent regulation of expression by FlgM, which is itself a filament-type substrate. Electron microscopy revealed that these cells assembled polyhook structures lacking filaments. Thus, FlhB(N269A) is locked in a conformation specific for rod/hook-type substrates. With FlhB(P270A), cleavage was reduced but not abolished, and cells producing this protein were weakly motile, exported reduced amounts of flagellin and assembled polyhook filaments.  相似文献   

The flagella of the soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti differ from the enterobacterial paradigm in the complex filament structure and modulation of the flagellar rotary speed. The mode of motility control in S. meliloti has a molecular corollary in two novel periplasmic motility proteins, MotC and MotE, that are present in addition to the ubiquitous MotA/MotB energizing proton channel. A fifth motility gene is located in the mot operon downstream of the motB and motC genes. Its gene product was originally designated MotD, a cytoplasmic motility protein having an unknown function. We report here reassignment of MotD as FliK, the regulator of flagellar hook length. The FliK gene is one of the few flagellar genes not annotated in the contiguous flagellar regulon of S. meliloti. Characteristic for its class, the 475-residue FliK protein contains a conserved, compactly folded Flg hook domain in its carboxy-terminal region. Deletion of fliK leads to formation of prolonged flagellar hooks (polyhooks) with missing filament structures. Extragenic suppressor mutations all mapped in the cytoplasmic region of the transmembrane export protein FlhB and restored assembly of a flagellar filament, and thus motility, in the presence of polyhooks. The structural properties of FliK are consistent with its function as a substrate specificity switch of the flagellar export apparatus for switching from rod/hook-type substrates to filament-type substrates.  相似文献   

Until now, identification of components of the flagellar protein export apparatus has been indirect. We have now identified these components directly by establishing whether mutants defective in putative export components could translocate export substrates across the cytoplasmic membrane into the periplasmic space. Hook-type proteins could be exported to the periplasm of rod mutants, indicating that rod protein export does not have to precede hook-type protein export and therefore that both types of proteins belong to a single export class, the rod/hook-type class, which is distinct from the filament-type class. Hook-capping protein (FlgD) and hook protein (FlgE) required FlhA, FlhB, FliH, FliI, FliO, FliP, FliQ, and FliR for their export to the periplasm. In the case of flagellin as an export substrate, because of the phenomenon of hook-to-filament switching of export specificity, it was necessary to use temperature-sensitive mutants and establish whether flagellin could be exported to the cell exterior following a shift from the permissive to the restrictive temperature. Again, FlhA, FlhB, FliH, FliI, and FliO were required for its export. No suitable temperature-sensitive fliQ or fliR mutants were available. FliP appeared not to be required for flagellin export, but we suspect that the temperature-sensitive FliP protein continued to function at the restrictive temperature if incorporated at the permissive temperature. Thus, we conclude that these eight proteins are general components of the flagellar export pathway. FliJ was necessary for export of hook-type proteins (FlgD and FlgE); we were unable to test whether FliJ is needed for export of filament-type proteins. We suspect that FliJ may be a cytoplasmic chaperone for the hook-type proteins and possibly also for FliE and the rod proteins. FlgJ was not required for the export of the hook-type proteins; again, because of lack of a suitable temperature-sensitive mutant, we were unable to test whether it was required for export of filament-type proteins. Finally, it was established that there is an interaction between the processes of outer ring assembly and of penetration of the outer membrane by the rod and nascent hook, the latter process being of course necessary for passage of export substrates into the external medium. During the brief transition stage from completion of rod assembly and initiation of hook assembly, the L ring and perhaps the capping protein FlgD can be regarded as bona fide export components, with the L ring being in a formal sense the equivalent of the outer membrane secretin structure of type III virulence factor export systems.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized spontaneous mutants with defects in the 147-amino-acid Salmonella protein FliJ, which is a cytoplasmic component of the type III flagellar export apparatus. These mutants, including ones with null mutations, have the ability to form swarms on motility agar plates after prolonged incubation at 30 degrees C; i.e., they display a leaky motile phenotype. One mutant, SJW277, which formed significantly bigger swarms than the others, encoded only the N-terminal 73 amino acids of FliJ, one-half of the protein. At 30 degrees C, overproduction of this mutant protein improved, to wild-type levels, both motility and the ability to export both rod/hook-type (FlgD; hook capping protein) and filament-type (FliC; flagellin) substrates. At 42 degrees C, however, export was inhibited, indicating that the mutant FliJ protein was temperature sensitive. Taking advantage of this, we performed temperature upshift experiments, which demonstrated that FliJ is directly required for the export of FliC. Co-overproduction of FliJ and either of two export substrates, FliE or FlgG, hindered their aggregation in the cytoplasm. We conclude that FliJ is a general component of the flagellar export apparatus and has a chaperone-like activity for both rod/hook-type and filament-type substrates.  相似文献   

Most flagellar proteins of Salmonella are exported to their assembly destination via a specialized apparatus. This apparatus is a member of the type III superfamily, which is widely used for secretion of virulence factors by pathogenic bacteria. Extensive studies have been carried out on the export of several of the flagellar proteins, most notably the hook protein (FlgE), the hook-capping protein (FlgD), and the filament protein flagellin (FliC). This has led to the concept of two export specificity classes, the rod/hook type and the filament type. However, little direct experimental evidence has been available on the export properties of the basal-body rod proteins (FlgB, FlgC, FlgF, and FlgG), the putative MS ring-rod junction protein (FliE), or the muramidase and putative rod-capping protein (FlgJ). In this study, we have measured the amounts of these proteins exported before and after hook completion. Their amounts in the culture supernatant from a flgE mutant (which is still at the hook-type specificity stage) were much higher than those from a flgK mutant (which has advanced to the filament-type specificity stage), placing them in the same class as the hook-type proteins. Overproduction of FliE, FlgB, FlgC, FlgF, FlgG, or FlgJ caused inhibition of the motility of wild-type cells and inhibition of the export of the hook-capping protein FlgD. We also examined the question of whether export and translation are linked and found that all substrates tested could be exported after protein synthesis had been blocked by spectinomycin or chloramphenicol. We conclude that the amino acid sequence of these proteins suffices to mediate their recognition and export.  相似文献   

The switch in export specificity of the type III flagellar protein export apparatus from rod/hook type to filament type is believed to occur upon completion of hook assembly by way of an interaction of the type III secretion substrate specificity switch (T3S4) domain of the hook-length control protein FliK, with the integral membrane export apparatus component FlhB. The T3S4 domain of FliK (FliKT3S4) consisting of amino acid residues 265-405 has an unstable and flexible conformation in its last 35 residues (FliKCT). To investigate the role of FliKT3S4 in substrate specificity switching, we studied the effect of deletions and point mutations within this domain and characterized suppressor mutations. Deletions of ten amino acid residues within the region of residues 301-350 and five amino acids of residues 401-405 abolished switching of export specificity. Site directed mutagenesis showed that highly conserved residues, Val302, Ile304, Leu335, Val401 and Ala405, are essential, and that the five C terminal residues (401-405) are restricted in conformation for the switching process. Suppressor mutant analysis of the fliK(S319Y) mutant, which produces extended hooks with filaments attached due to delayed switching, suggested that FliKT3S4 interacts with the C terminal half of the cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhBC). We propose a two step binding model of FliKT3S4 and FlhBC, in which residues 301-350 of FliK bind to FlhBC upon hook assembly completion at about 55 nm, and then unfolded FliKCT binds to FlhBC to trigger the switch in substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Flipping the switch: bringing order to flagellar assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bacterial flagellum is a complex self-assembling nanomachine that contains its own type III protein export apparatus. Upon completion of early flagellar structure, this apparatus switches substrate specificity to export late structural subunits, thereby coupling sequential flagellar gene expression with flagellar assembly. The switch is achieved by a conformational change of the export apparatus component FlhB driven by the flagellar hook-length control protein FliK. Two basic models of FliK- and FlhB-based switching are currently being pursued, together with the investigation of another factor, Flk, which prevents premature export of late substrates. Here, we review in detail each of these three export switch components and present the current understanding of how they work in concert in the making of a flagellum.  相似文献   

In wild-type Salmonella, the length of the flagellar hook, a structure consisting of subunits of the hook protein FlgE, is fairly tightly controlled at approximately 55 nm. Because fliK mutants produce abnormally elongated hook structures that lack the filament structure, FliK appears to be involved in both the termination of hook elongation and the initiation of filament formation. FliK, a soluble protein, is believed to function together with a membrane protein, FlhB, of the export apparatus to mediate the switching of export substrate specificity (from hook protein to flagellin) upon completion of hook assembly. We have examined the location of FliK during flagellar morphogenesis. FliK was found in the culture supernatants from the wild-type strain and from flgD (hook capping protein), flgE (hook protein) and flgK (hook-filament junction protein) mutants, but not in that from a flgB (rod protein) mutant. The amount of FliK in the culture supernatant from the flgE mutant was much higher than in that from the flgK mutant, indicating that FliK is most efficiently exported prior to the completion of hook assembly. Export was impaired by deletions within the N-terminal region of FliK, but not by C-terminal truncations. A decrease in the level of exported FliK resulted in elongated hook structures, sometimes with filaments attached. Our results suggest that the export of FliK during hook assembly is important for hook-length control and the switching of export substrate specificity.  相似文献   

During flagellar morphogenesis in Salmonella typhimurium, the flagellum-specific anti-sigma factor FlgM is exported out of the cells only after completion of hook assembly. In this study, we examined the export of the flagellar proteins, FlgD (hook capping protein), FlgE (hook protein), FlgK and FlgL (hook-filament junction proteins), FliD (filament capping protein), and FliC (flagellin), before and after completion of hook assembly. Like the FlgM protein, the FlgK, FlgL, FliD, and FliC proteins are exported efficiently only after completion of hook assembly. On the other hand, the FlgD and FlgE proteins are exported efficiently before, but poorly after, hook completion. These results indicate that the export properties are different between these two groups and that their export order exactly parallels the assembly order of the hook-filament structure. We propose that the substrate specificity switching occurs in the flagellum-specific export apparatus upon completion of hook assembly.  相似文献   

FliK–FlhB interaction switches export specificity of the bacterial flagellar protein export apparatus to stop hook protein export at an appropriate timing for hook length control. The hook structure is required for the productive FliK–FlhB interaction to flip the switch but it remains unknown how it works. Here, we characterize the role of FliK in the switching probability in the absence of the hook. When RflH/Flk was missing in the hook mutants, the switching occurred at a low probability. Overproduction of FliK significantly increased the switching probability although not at the wild-type level. An in-frame deletion of residues 129 through 159 of FliK weakened the interaction with the hook protein but not with the hook-capping protein, producing polyhooks with filaments attached. We suggest that temporary association of FliK with the inner surface of the hook during FliK secretion results in a pause in the secretion process to allow the C-terminal switch domain of FliK to be positioned and appropriately oriented near FlhB for catalysing the switch and that RflH/Flk interferes with premature switch by preventing access of cytoplasmic FliK to FlhB and even that of FliK during its secretion until hook length reaches 55 nm; only then FliKC passes the RflH/Flk block.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar export switching machinery consists of a ruler protein, FliK, and an export switch protein, FlhB and switches substrate specificity of the flagellar type III export apparatus upon completion of hook assembly. An interaction between the C‐terminal domain of FliK (FliKC) and the C‐terminal cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhBC) is postulated to be responsible for this switch. FliKC has a compactly folded domain termed FliKT3S4 (residues 268–352) and an intrinsically disordered region composed of the last 53 residues, FliKCT (residues 353–405). Residues 301–350 of FliKT3S4 and the last five residues of FliKCT are critical for the switching function of FliK. FliKCT is postulated to regulate the interaction of FliKT3S4 with FlhBC, but it remains unknown how. Here we report the role of FliKCT in the export switching mechanism. Systematic deletion analyses of FliKCT revealed that residues of 351–370 are responsible for efficient switching of substrate specificity of the export apparatus. Suppressor mutant analyses showed that FliKCT coordinates FliKT3S4 action with the switching. Site‐directed photo‐cross‐linking experiments showed that Val‐302 and Ile‐304 in the hydrophobic core of FliKT3S4 bind to FlhBC. We propose that FliKCT may induce conformational rearrangements of FliKT3S4 to bind to FlhBC.  相似文献   

The length of the flagellar hook is controlled by the soluble protein FliK. FliK is structurally divided into two halves with distinct functions; the N-terminal half determines hook length, while the C-terminal half switches the secretion substrate specificity, consequently terminating hook elongation. FliK properly achieves both functions only when it is secreted. In a previous paper, we showed that a temperature-sensitive flgE mutant of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, SJW2219, produced basal bodies with short hooks (average length, 25 nm) at 37°C. In this study, we show that the mutant cells grown at 37°C secrete FliK but not flagellin (FliC), indicating that FliK is abortively secreted into the medium when the hook is shorter than 30 nm. In contrast, FliK unfailingly switches the gate modes when the hook is longer than 30 nm. Taking the FliC, FliK, and FlgM secretion patterns into account, we conclude that FliK determines the minimal length of the hook. We will discuss how FliK detects the critical switching point of the secretion gate.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellum contains its own type III secretion apparatus that coordinates protein export with assembly at the distal end. While many interactions among export apparatus proteins have been reported, few have been examined with respect to the differential affinities and dynamic relationships that must govern the mechanism of export. FlhB, an integral membrane protein, plays critical roles in both export and the substrate specificity switching that occurs upon hook completion. Reported herein is the quantitative characterization of interactions between the cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhBC) and other export apparatus proteins including FliK, FlhAC and FliI. FliK and FlhAC bound with micromolar affinity. KD for FliI binding in the absence of ATP was 84 nM. ATP-induced oligomerization of FliI induced kinetic changes, stimulating fast-on, fast-off binding and lowering affinity. Full length FlhB purified under solubilizing, nondenaturing conditions formed a stable dimer via its transmembrane domain and stably bound FliH. Together, the present results support the previously hypothesized central role of FlhB and elucidate the dynamics of protein-protein interactions in type III secretion.  相似文献   

The Type III flagellar protein export apparatus of bacteria consists of five or six membrane proteins, notably FlhA, which controls the export of other proteins and is homologous to the large family of FHIPEP export proteins. FHIPEP proteins contain a highly‐conserved cytoplasmic domain. We mutagenized the cloned Salmonella flhA gene for the 692 amino acid FlhA, changing a single, conserved amino acid in the 68‐amino acid FHIPEP region. Fifty‐two mutations at 30 positions mostly led to loss of motility and total disappearance of microscopically visible flagella, also Western blot protein/protein hybridization showed no detectable export of hook protein and flagellin. There were two exceptions: a D199A mutant strain, which produced short‐stubby flagella; and a V151L mutant strain, which did not produce flagella and excreted mainly un‐polymerized hook protein. The V151L mutant strain also exported a reduced amount of hook‐cap protein FlgD, but when grown with exogenous FlgD it produced polyhooks and polyhook‐filaments. A suppressor mutant in the cytoplasmic domain of the export apparatus membrane protein FlhB rescued export of hook‐length control protein FliK and facilitated growth of full‐length flagella. These results suggested that the FHIPEP region is part of the gate regulating substrate entry into the export apparatus pore.  相似文献   

The flagellar cytoplasmic protein FliK controls hook elongation by two successive events: by determining hook length and by stopping the supply of hook protein. These two distinct roles are assigned to different parts of FliK: the N-terminal half (FliKN) determines length and the C-terminal half (FliKC) switches secretion from the hook protein to the filament protein. The interaction of FliKC with FlhB, the switchable secretion gate, triggers the switch. By NMR spectroscopy, we demonstrated that FliK is largely unstructured and determined the structure of a compact domain in FliKC. The compact domain, denoted the FliKC core domain, consists of two α-helices, a β-sheet with two parallel and two antiparallel strands, and several exposed loops. Based on the functional data obtained by a series of deletion mutants of the FliKC core domain, we constructed a model of the complex between the FliKC core domain and FlhBC. The model suggested that one of the FliKC loops has a high probability of interacting with the C-terminal domain of FlhB (FlhBC) as the FliK molecule enters the secretion gate. We suggest that the autocleaved NPTH sequence in FlhB contacts loop 2 of FliKC to trigger the switching event. This contact is sterically prevented when NPTH is not cleaved. Thus, the structure of FliK provides insight into the mechanism by which this bifunctional protein triggers a switch in the export of substrates.  相似文献   

In Helicobacter pylori 26695, a gene annotated HP1575 encodes a putative protein of unknown function which shows significant similarity to part of the C-terminal domain of the flagellar export protein FlhB. In Salmonella enterica, this part (FlhB(CC)) is proteolytically cleaved from the full-length FlhB, a processing event that is required for flagellar protein export and, thus, motility. The role of FlhB (HP0770) and its C-terminal homologue HP1575 was studied in H. pylori using a range of nonpolar deletion mutants defective in HP1575, HP0770, and the CC domain of HP0770 (HP0770(CC)). Deletion of HP0770 abolished swimming motility, whereas mutants carrying a deletion of either HP1575 or HP0770(CC) retained their ability to swim. An H. pylori strain containing deletions in both HP1575 and HP0770(CC) was nonmotile and did not produce flagella, suggesting that at least one of the two proteins had to be present for flagellar assembly to occur. Indeed, motility was restored when HP1575 was reintroduced into this strain immediately downstream of, but not fused to, the truncated HP0770 gene. Thus, HP1575 can functionally replace HP0770(CC) in this background. Like FlhB in S. enterica, HP0770 appeared to be proteolytically processed at a conserved NPTH processing site. However, mutation of the proline contained within the NPTH site of HP0770 did not affect motility and flagellar assembly, although it clearly interfered with processing when the protein was heterologously produced in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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