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The crystal structure of the complex formed between the anthracycline antibiotic 3'-deamino-3'- hydroxy-4'-(O-L-daunosaminyl)-4-demethoxydoxo rubicin (MEN 10755), an active disaccharide analogue of doxorubicin, and the DNA hexamer d(CGATCG) has been solved to a resolution of 2.1 A. MEN 10755 exhibits a broad spectrum of antitumor activities, comparable with that of the parent compound, but there are differences in the mechanism of action as it is active in doxorubicin-resistant tumors and is more effective in stimulating topoisomerase DNA cleavage. The structure is similar to previously crystallised anthracycline- DNA complexes. However, two different binding sites arise from drug intercalation so that the two halves of the self-complementary duplex are no longer equivalent. In one site both sugar rings lie in the minor groove. In the other site the second sugar protrudes out from the DNA helix and is linked, through hydrogen bonds, to guanine of a symmetry-related DNA molecule. This is the first structure of an anthracycline-DNA complex where an interaction of the drug with a second DNA helix is observed. We discuss the present findings with respect to the relevance of the amino group for DNA binding and to the potential role played by the second sugar in the interactions with topoisomerases or other cellular targets.  相似文献   

The structure of a d(CGATCG)-daunomycin complex has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Refinement, with the location of 40 solvent molecules, using data up to 1.5 A, converged with a final crystallographic residual, R = 0.25 (RW = 0.22). The tetragonal crystals are in space group P4(1)2(1)2, with cell dimensions of a = 27.98 A and c = 52.87 A. The self-complementary d(CGATCG) forms a distorted right-handed helix with a daunomycin molecule intercalated at each d(CpG) step. The daunomycin aglycon chromophore is oriented at right-angles to the long axis of the DNA base-pairs. This head-on intercalation is stabilized by direct hydrogen bonds and indirectly via solvent-mediated, hydrogen-bonding interactions between the chromophore and its intercalation site base-pairs. The cyclohexene ring and amino sugar substituent lie in the minor groove. The amino sugar N-3' forms a hydrogen bond with O-2 of the next neighbouring thymine. This electrostatic interaction helps position the sugar in a way that results in extensive van der Waals contacts between the drug and the DNA. There is no interaction between daunosamine and the DNA sugar-phosphate backbone. We present full experimental details and all relevant conformational parameters, and use the comparison with a d(CGTACG)-daunomycin complex to rationalize some neighbouring sequence effects involved in daunomycin binding.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the complex between the anthracycline idarubicin and d(CGATCG) has been solved by molecular replacement and refined to a resolution of 2.0 A. The final R-factor is 0.19 for 3768 reflections with Fo > or = 2 sigma (Fo). The complex crystallizes in the trigonal space group P31 with unit cell parameters a = b = 52.996(4), c = 33.065(2) A, alpha = beta = 90 degree, gamma = 120 degree. The asymmetric unit consists of two duplexes, each one being complexed with two idarubicin drugs intercalated at the CpG steps, one spermine and 160 water molecules. The molecular packing underlines major groove-major groove interactions between neighbouring helices, and an unusually low value of the occupied fraction of the unit cell due to a large solvent channel of approximately 30 A diameter. This is the first trigonal crystal form of a DNA-anthracycline complex. The structure is compared with the previously reported structure of the same complex crystallizing in a tetragonal form. The geometry of both the double helices and the intercalation site are conserved as are the intramolecular interactions despite the different crystal forms.  相似文献   

We succeeded in the crystallization of d(CGCGCG)2 and methylamine Complex. The crystal was clear and of sufficient size to collect the X-ray crystallographic data up to 1.0 A resolution using synchrotron radiation. As a result of X-ray crystallographic analysis of 2Fo-Fc map was much clear and easily traced. It is the first time monoamine co-crystallizes with d(CGCGCG)2. However, methylamine was not found from the complex crystal of d(CGCGCG)2 and methylamine. Five Mg ions were found around d(CGCGCG)2 molecules. These Mg ions neutralized the anion of 10 values of the phosphate group of DNA with five Mg2+. DNA stabilized only by a metallic ion and there is no example of analyzing the X-ray crystal structure like this. Mg ion stabilizes the conformation of Z-DNA. To use monoamine for crystallization of DNA, we found that we can get only d(CGCGCG)2 and Mg cation crystal. Only Mg cation can stabilize the conformation of Z-DNA. The method of using the monoamine for the crystallization of DNA can be applied to the crystallization of DNA of long chain of length in the future like this.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin is among the most widely used anthracycline in cancer chemotherapy. In an attempt to avoid the cardiotoxicity and drug resistance of doxorubicin therapy, several analogues were synthesized. The cyanomorpholinyl derivative is the most cytotoxic. They differ greatly from their parent compound in their biological and pharmacological properties, inducing cross-links in drug DNA complexes. The present study concerns N-cyanomethyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)-daunomycin (CMDa), a synthetic analogue of cyanomorpholino-daunomycin. Compared to doxorubicin, CMDa displays a cytotoxic activity on L1210 leukemia cells at higher concentration but is effective on doxorubicin resistant cells. The results of fluorescence quenching experiments as well as the melting temperature (DeltaTm = 7.5 degrees C) studies are consistent with a drug molecule which intercalates between the DNA base pairs and stabilizes the DNA double helix. The crystal structure of CMDa complexed to the hexanucleotide d(CGATCG) has been determined at 1.5 A resolution. The complex crystallizes in the space group P41212 and is similar to other anthracycline-hexanucleotide complexes. In the crystal state, the observed densities indicate the formation of N-hydroxymethyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)-daunomycin (HMDa) with the release of the cyano moiety without DNA alkylation. The formation of this degradation compound is discussed in relation with other drug modifications when binding to DNA. Comparison with two other drug-DNA crystal structures suggests a correlation between a slight change in DNA conformation and the nature of the amino sugar substituents at the N3' position located in the minor groove.  相似文献   

The structure of the complex between d(TGATCA) and the anthracycline 4'-epiadriamycin has been determined by crystallographic methods. The crystals are tetragonal, space group P4(1)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions of a = 28.01, c = 52.95A. The asymmetric unit consists of one strand of hexanucleotide, one molecule of 4'-epiadriamycin and 34 waters. The R-factor is 20.2% for 1694 reflections with F greater than or equal to 2 sigma F to 1.7A. Two asymmetric units associate to generate a duplex complexed with two drug molecules at the d(TpG) steps of the duplex. The chromophore intercalates between these base pairs with the anthracycline amino-sugar positioned in the minor groove. The double helix is a distorted B-DNA type structure. Our structure determination of d(TGATCA) complexed to 4'-epiadriamycin allows for comparison with the previously reported structures of 4'-epiadriamycin bound to d(TGTACA) and to d(CGATCG). The three complexes are similar in gross features and the intercalation geometry is the same irrespective of whether a d(CpG) or d(TpG) sequence is involved. However, the orientation of the amino-sugar displays a dependence on the sequence adjacent to the intercalation site. The flexibility of this amino-sugar may help explain why this class of antibiotics displays a relative insensitivity to base sequence when they bind to DNA.  相似文献   

4'-Deoxy-4'-iododoxorubicin, a halogenated anthracycline derivative, is an anticancer agent currently under Phase II clinical trials. In preclinical studies, it has demonstrated significantly reduced levels of cardiotoxicity compared to currently employed anthracyclines. It also has modified pharmacological properties resulting in an altered spectrum of experimental antitumor activity. The iodine atom at the 4' position of the sugar ring reduces the basicity and enhances the lipophilicity of this compound as compared to related anthracycline drugs. We report here single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of the complexes of 4'-deoxy-4'-iododoxorubicin with the hexanucleotide duplex sequences d(TGTACA) and d(CGATCG) at 1.6 and 1.5 A, respectively. The iodine substituent does not alter the geometry of intercalation as compared to previously solved anthracycline complexes, but appears to markedly affect the solvent environment of the structures. This could have consequences for the interaction of this drug with DNA and DNA binding proteins in cells.  相似文献   

The copper (II) complex [Cu(Itpy)(2)](ClO(4))(2) (1), (Itpy=imidazole terpyridine) has been synthesized and structurally characterized. Crystal structure of the complex shows the complex to be a monomeric copper (II) species with two Itpy ligands coordinated to the metal ion to give a six coordinate complex. The complex has a distorted octahedral geometry with axial elongation. Variable temperature crystal structure data shows dynamic nature of the Jahn-Teller distortion. The complex is an avid DNA binder with a binding constant of 4.26+/-0.20x10(3)M(-1). Observed changes in the viscosity and circular dichroic spectrum of calf thymus DNA solution in the presence of complex 1 suggests intercalative binding of complex 1 to DNA. The complex cleaves supercoiled pBR322 DNA oxidatively in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the complex formed between d(CGATCG)(2) and 2-(pyrido[1,2-e]purin-4-yl)amino-ethanol, a new antitumor drug under design, has been resolved using NMR spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamic simulations. The drug molecule intercalates between each of the CpG dinucleotide steps with its side chain lying in the minor groove. Analysis of NMR data establishes a weak stacking interaction between the intercalated ligand and the DNA bases; however, the drug/DNA affinity is enhanced by a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group of the end of the intercalant side chain and the amide group of guanine G6. Unrestrained molecular dynamic simulations performed in a water box confirm the stability of the intercalation model. The structure of the intercalated complex enables insight into the structure-activity relationship, allowing rationalization of the design of new antineoplasic agents.  相似文献   

G . T base-pairs in a DNA helix: the crystal structure of d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The synthetic deoxyoctanucleotide d(G-G-G-G-T-C-C-C) crystallizes as an A-type DNA double helix containing two adjacent G . T base-pair mismatches. The structure has been refined to an R-factor of 14% at 2.1 A resolution with 104 solvent molecules located. The two G . T mismatches adopt the "wobble" form of base-pairing. The mismatched bases are linked by a network of water molecules interacting with the exposed functional groups in both the major and minor grooves. The presence of two mispaired bases in the octamer has surprisingly little effect on the global structure of the helix or the backbone and glycosidic torsional angles. Base stacking around the mismatch is perturbed, but the central G-T step shows particularly good base overlap, which may contribute to the relatively high stability of this oligomer.  相似文献   

A new Mn(II) complex with the planar ligand 6,7-dicycanodipyrido[2,2-D:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (L) [MnL(NO(3))(H(2)O)(3)]NO(3).CH(3)OH (1) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, TG-DTA and molar conductance. Its crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction, crystal data: yellow, triclinic, space group P1;, Z=2, a=7.3743(8) A, b=11.2487(15) A, c=14.1655(15) A, alpha=79.412(2) degrees, beta=83.208(2) degrees, gamma=80.466(2) degrees. The Mn atom was hexa-coordinated to form a distorted octahedral geometry by two nitrogen atoms of L and four oxygen atoms of three H(2)O and NO(3)(-) in the complex. The binding mode of the complex with calf thymus DNA has also been investigated with spectrophotometric methods, viscosity and thermal denaturation measurements. The experimental results indicate that the complex intercalated into DNA base pairs via the ligand L. The intrinsic binding constant K(b) values for 1 (5.00 x 10(5) M(-1)) and L (1.65 x 10(5) M(-1)) were determined by absorption titration and calculated with the model of McGhee and Von Hippel. Biological tests against four different cell lines (HL-60, KB, Hela and BGC-823) in vitro showed that the complex had significant antitumor properties since the 50% inhibition concentrations (IC(50)) of the complex were within a microM range similar to those of antitumor drug 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

A new binuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu2Phen2Cl4] (Phen=1,10-phenanthroline), has been synthesized and characterized. Single crystal X-ray diffraction results suggest that this complex structure belongs to monoclinic crystal system, Cc (no. 9) with the cell dimensions: a=9.849(2)A, b=17.833(4)A, c=13.374(3)A, beta=106.61(3) degrees , V=2251.0(8)A(3), Dc=1.8569 Mgm(-3), F(000)=1256.0, Z=4. One Cu(II) central atom situated in a distorted square planar geometry is four-coordinated. The other situated in a distorted square pyramidal geometry is five-coordinated. Only one bridging Cl atom exists in the complex. Spectroscopic studies, including electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra, conductivity measurements and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of fluorescence excitation-emission three-way data array, were carried out on the DNA binding behavior of the complex. All the results suggested that the breakage of DNA secondary structure took place at low molar ratio of complex to DNA (0.3 at most) and intercalation into the base pair of DNA took place at high molar ratio. Additionally, the equilibrium concentration of EB-DNA and EB (EB: ethidium bromide) could be directly obtained by PARAFAC algorithm, proved to be a convincing method for studying the interaction of complexes with DNA.  相似文献   

DNA replication is initiated upon binding of “initiators” to origins of replication. In simian virus 40 (SV40), the core origin contains four pentanucleotide binding sites organized as pairs of inverted repeats. Here we describe the crystal structures of the origin binding domain (obd) of the SV40 large T-antigen (T-ag) both with and without a subfragment of origin-containing DNA. In the co-structure, two T-ag obds are oriented in a head-to-head fashion on the same face of the DNA, and each T-ag obd engages the major groove. Although the obds are very close to each other when bound to this DNA target, they do not contact one another. These data provide a high-resolution structural model that explains site-specific binding to the origin and suggests how these interactions help direct the oligomerization events that culminate in assembly of the helicase-active dodecameric complex of T-ag.  相似文献   

The antitumor anthracycline nemorubicin is converted by human liver microsomes to a major metabolite, PNU-159682 (PNU), which was found to be much more potent than its parent drug toward cultured tumor cells and in vivo tumor models. The mechanism of action of nemorubicin appears different from other anthracyclines and until now is the object of studies. In fact PNU is deemed to play a dominant, but still unclear, role in the in vivo antitumor activity of nemorubicin. The interaction of PNU with the oligonucleotides d(CGTACG)2, d(CGATCG)2 and d(CGCGCG)2 was studied with a combined use of 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy and by ESI-mass experiments. The NMR studies allowed to establish that the intercalation between the base pairs of the duplex leads to very stable complexes and at the same time to exclude the formation of covalent bonds. Melting experiments monitored by NMR, allowed to observe with high accuracy the behaviour of the imine protons with temperature, and the results showed that the re-annealing occurs after melting. The formation of reversible complexes was confirmed by HPLC–tandem mass spectra, also combined with endonuclease P1digestion. The MS/MS spectra showed the loss of neutral PNU before breaking the double helix, a behaviour typical of intercalators. After digestion with the enzyme, the spectra did not show any compound with PNU bound to the bases. The evidence of a reversible process appears from both proton and phosphorus NOESY spectra of PNU bound to d(CGTACG)2 and to d(CGATCG)2. The dissociation rate constants (koff) of the slow step of the intercalation process, measured by 31P NMR NOE-exchange experiments, showed that the kinetics of the process is slower for PNU than for doxorubicin and nemorubicin, leading to a 10- to 20-fold increase of the residence time of PNU into the intercalation sites, with respect to doxorubicin. A relevant number of NOE interactions allowed to derive a model of the complexes in solution from restrained MD calculations. The conformation of PNU bound to the oligonucleotides was also derived from the coupling constant values.  相似文献   

An analogue of the DNA-binding compound Hoechst 33258, in which the piperazine ring has been replaced by an imidazoline group, has been cocrystallized with the dodecanucleotide sequence d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2. The structure has been solved by X-ray diffraction analysis and has been refined to an R-factor of 19.7% at a resolution of 2.0 A. The ligand is found to bind in the minor groove, at the central four AATT base pairs of the B-DNA double helix, with the involvement of a number of van der Waals contacts and hydrogen bonds. There are significant differences in minor groove width for the two compounds, along much of the AATT region. In particular this structure shows a narrower groove at the 3' end of the binding site consistent with the narrower cross-section of the imidazole group compared with the piperazine ring of Hoechst 33258 and therefore a smaller perturbation in groove width. The higher binding affinity to DNA shown by this analogue compared with Hoechst 33258 itself, has been rationalised in terms of these differences.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of TATA box-binding proteins (TBP) of various sources bound to their promoter DNA (TATA box) were analyzed with use of our program CHPI. A number of short CH/Csp2 contacts have been unveiled in these complexes at the boundary of TBP and the TATA box minor groove. The result was discussed in the context of the CH/pi interaction. Thus, the nature of nonpolar forces, reported in the past at the interface of the two components, has been attributed to the CH/pi interaction. Furthermore, many CH/pi contacts have been disclosed within the same strand of the promoter DNA. The structure of the TATA element, partially unwound and severely bent on complexation, seems to be stabilized by CH/pi interactions; H2' of the deoxyribose moiety and the methyl group in the thymine nucleotide play the primary role.  相似文献   

Scaffold or matrix-attachment regions (S/MARs) are thought to be involved in the organization of eukaryotic chromosomes and in the regulation of several DNA functions. Their characteristics are conserved between plants and humans, and a variety of biological activities have been associated with them. The identification of S/MARs within genomic sequences has proved to be unexpectedly difficult, as they do not appear to have consensus sequences or sequence motifs associated with them. We have shown that S/MARs do share a characteristic structural property, they have a markedly high predicted propensity to undergo strand separation when placed under negative superhelical tension. This result agrees with experimental observations, that S/MARs contain base-unpairing regions (BURs). Here, we perform a quantitative evaluation of the association between the ease of stress-induced DNA duplex destabilization (SIDD) and S/MAR binding activity. We first use synthetic oligomers to investigate how the arrangement of localized unpairing elements within a base-unpairing region affects S/MAR binding. The organizational properties found in this way are applied to the investigation of correlations between specific measures of stress-induced duplex destabilization and the binding properties of naturally occurring S/MARs. For this purpose, we analyze S/MAR and non-S/MAR elements that have been derived from the human genome or from the tobacco genome. We find that S/MARs exhibit long regions of extensive destabilization. Moreover, quantitative measures of the SIDD attributes of these fragments calculated under uniform conditions are found to correlate very highly (r2>0.8) with their experimentally measured S/MAR-binding strengths. These results suggest that duplex destabilization may be involved in the mechanisms by which S/MARs function. They suggest also that SIDD properties may be incorporated into an improved computational strategy to search genomic DNA sequences for sites having the necessary attributes to function as S/MARs, and even to estimate their relative binding strengths.  相似文献   


Among the new generations of anthracycline drugs, morpholino-doxorubicin (MDox) and its derivative have unusually potent activity when compared with the parent doxorubicin. 3″- Cyano-morpholino-doxorubicin (CN-MDox) has been suggested to form a covalent crosslink to DNA, although the exact mode of interactions remains unclear. To establish the structural basis of this crosslink, we carried out X-ray diffraction analyses of the complexes between four different morpholino-doxorubicins (i.e., MDox, CN-MDox, (R)- and (S)-2″-methoxy- morpholino-Dox (MMDox)) and two DNA hexamers CGTACG and CGATCG. Their crystal data are similar to other Dau/Dox complexes with space group P41212,a=b ~28 Å, c~ 53 Å. The refined structures at ~1.8 Å resolution revealed that two drug molecules bind to the duplex with the aglycons intercalated between the CpG steps with their N3′ -morpholino- daunosamines in the minor groove. The morpholino moiety is flexible and may adopt different conformations dependent on the sequence context The O1 atoms of the two morpholino groups in the drug-DNA complexes are in van der Waals contact The structural results suggest possible crosslinking mechanism of CN-MDox. It is worth pointing out that by linking two piperazinyl- or piperidinyl-doxorubicins at the 1″ positions a new type of bis-doxorubicin derivatives may be synthesized which may bind to a hexanucleotide sequence with some specificity.  相似文献   

Kostiukov VV 《Biofizika》2011,56(1):35-47
The energy contributions of various physical interactions to the total Gibbs energy of complex formation of the biologically important DNA hairpin d(GCGAAGC) with aromatic antitumor antibiotics daunomycin and novantron and the mutagens ethidium and proflavine have been calculated. It has been shown that the relatively small value of the total energy of binding of the ligands to the hairpin is the sum of components great in absolute value and different in sign. The contributions of van der Waals interactions and both intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds and bonds with aqueous environment have been studied. According to the calculations, the hydrophobic and van der Waals components are energetically favorable in complex formation of the ligands with the DNA pairpin d(GCGAAGC), whereas the electrostatic (with consideration of hydrogen bonds) and entropic components are unfavorable.  相似文献   

A linear tri-nuclear oxamato bridged copper(II) complex [Cu3(pba)(dpa)2(H2O)(ClO4)](ClO4)·H2O (1) (pbaH4 = 1,3-propanediylbis(oxamic acid), dpa = 2,2′-dipyridylamine) was isolated from the reaction mixture of Na2[Cu(pba)]·3H2O, copper perchlorate hexahydrate and dipyridylamine in methanol. On reaction with dpa or DMF in basic medium (KOH) at ambient temperature complex 1 changed to dinuclear oxalate bridged copper(II) derivatives, [Cu2(μ-C2O4)(dpa)4](ClO4)2 (2) and [Cu2(μ-C2O4)(dpa)2(DMF)2](ClO4)2 (3), respectively. The complexes 1, 2 and 3 have been characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic tools, and also by the X-ray single crystal analysis. The hydrolysis of 1 in basic medium and thermo-gravimetric analysis has been studied. Absorption and emission spectral studies showed that complex 1 interacts with calf thymus-DNA (CT-DNA) with a binding constant (Kb) of 4.01 × 104 M−1 and linear Stern-Volmer quenching constant (Ksv) of 6.9 × 104. A strong anti-ferromagnetic interaction with a coupling constant JCuCu of 320.0 ± 0.3 cm−1 was observed from the study of magnetic behavior of complex 1 in the temperature range of 2-300 K. Electrochemical equivalency of three copper(II) ions in 1 was identified by getting only one quasi reversible cyclic voltammogram.  相似文献   

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