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Abstract: American mink (Neovison vison) are an ecologically damaging invasive species where they have been introduced in Europe. Effectiveness of mink population control by trapping has been difficult to assess, without knowing how efficiently mink are caught by traps or detected by other methods. Use of track-recording rafts to detect mink and guide trapping effort has proved efficient and leads to a supposition that no detection indicates absence of mink. To draw this conclusion with any confidence requires a measure of detectability. We applied occupancy models to data from an earlier study to estimate detectability of individual American mink on track-recording rafts. Estimated detectability of individual mink, per raft, and 2-week check period varied between 0.4 in late summer and 0.6 in late autumn. By inference, risk of failing to detect a mink that was present would be <5% given 4–6 independent opportunities to detect it. These opportunities could be created either by using a raft spacing that ensured multiple detections of each mink or by monitoring rafts through a succession of check intervals. Within certain simple constraints, raft location did not contribute substantially to detection probability. These findings will allow field operators, strategists, and funders to assess with confidence the success of efforts to control mink density. We expect the estimation of individual detectability to be similarly valuable in population control or eradication of other species.  相似文献   

The introduction of American mink (Neovison vison; hereafter mink) into Europe has had severe impacts on many native wildlife species, including the water vole (Arvicola amphibius) in mainland Britain. Although trapping has been widely used to attempt to control mink, managers have little direct evidence of its effect on mink density or distribution, particularly where immigration of mink from nearby areas is inevitable. Such evidence is needed to justify the use of lethal methods in conservation policy. During 2006–2010 we removed mink from the River Monnow Catchment in western Britain, using track-recording rafts to monitor continuously for mink presence, guiding a strategic trapping effort. The area monitored and trapped was increased in stages, from a core sub-catchment with 109 km of water-course in 2006, to a 421-km2 catchment with 203 km of water-course in 2009. In each successive sub-catchment, mink detection and capture rates declined rapidly to near-zero levels after trapping began. Detections and captures showed seasonal peaks in every year corresponding to known dispersal periods, but also declined steadily from year to year, with increasing periods in which we did not detect mink. These results suggested that each sub-catchment was cleared of mink within a few months, with subsequent captures attributable to immigration. On average, we detected each mink 5.1 times before capture (daily probability of detection = 0.059 per mink and raft), and trapped them 3.4 days after deploying traps in response. On average, mink entering the area were likely to have been present for less than 13 days before capture. Water voles had been extinct in the Monnow Catchment since the 1980s. During 2006–2008 (starting 6 months after mink trapping commenced), we released 700 captive-bred water voles into the treatment area to re-establish a wild population. Persistence of this population through the 4 years of the project was considered indicative of effective mink control. This study demonstrates that, even in a mainland context, a systematic trapping strategy can have a substantial impact on the density and distribution of a damaging species, in this case allowing the restoration of a native prey species. © 2013 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Biological invasions are an important cause of biodiversity loss, American mink being one of the worst invasive species in Europe. We performed a 13-week control program of the species in the Butron river system (Northern Spain), where a natural population of the European mink is found. Three population estimates were considered: an absolute minimum, an intermediate scenario and a pessimistic one (n = 35, 49 and 70 animals, respectively). After 2,242 cage trap-nights, trapping success varied from 44 to 89% of these estimates. In addition, we evaluated the costs of eradicating the estimated populations; costs ranged between 652.5 and 2,970 € per mink, and would rise up to 83,462 € for the intermediate estimate under an exponential function linking captures and costs, or ca. 172.500 € to capture the highest estimate under a log-function. The implications of these numbers for the design and implementation of future control projects are discussed.  相似文献   

Space use, intra-territorial habitat preferences, and factors affecting both were studied in an invading population of American mink, Mustela vison, in two rivers of a Mediterranean region of Spain. Average linear home range was 1.19 ± 0.73 km (±SD) and core area was 0.21 ± 0.08 km for resident males (n = 10); while for females (n = 5) they were 0.54 ± 0.14 and 0.19 ± 0.11 km, respectively. Overlapping between the home ranges of residents was low. In no case their core areas overlapped. Home ranges were small in comparison to other study areas and in general the resident minks were territorial. Linear home range length was related to individual weight and to the river. Weight had a positive effect indicating a potential body condition effect, while river may be showing a habitat quality effect. Habitat preferences were positively affected by the abundance of helophytic vegetation and negatively by the presence of human activity. Helophytic vegetation offers both food and refuges, while human activity may represent a potential danger. Percentage of captures was higher inside the core areas and was slightly influenced positively by abundance of helophytic vegetation. All this information should be considered when designing and implementing measures to control the expansion of American minks. We recommend keeping going with the trapping sessions but, given the results obtained, reducing the distance between traps down to 200 m to maximize capturability (i.e., about doubling the trapping effort), and, when available, placing them near helophytic vegetation. In the absence of helophytic vegetation, traps should be located near any kind of vegetation providing coverage for mink and far from human activity.  相似文献   

A 3‐year study (2014–2016) was conducted at Rocky Harbour near the west coast of Newfoundland, Canada, to record the abundance and phenology of adult spruce budworms captured at traps, using a factorial design (light traps and pheromone traps deployed contiguously or segregated spatially). Budworms were most abundant and occurred seasonally earlier in 2014 than in 2015 and 2016; these findings held generally true for males and females. The geographic setting of Newfoundland (large island isolated from the mainland by an oceanic barrier of >100 km across) provides an ideal location to discriminate local flight from long‐range immigrations; in our study, however, immigrations cannot be ruled out for any single day of trapping due to broad overlap in emergence patterns at Rocky Harbour relative to forest stands with known populations of budworms on the mainland. Based on moderate daily variation in adult abundance, however, major immigration events (defined as external deposition of budworms with large numerical amplitude) likely did not take place at Rocky Harbor between 2014 and 2016. Males were more abundant at light traps coupled with pheromone traps, whereas abundance of males at pheromone traps was similar with or without contiguous light traps. This outcome may be mediated by lower range of attraction for light traps (usually <100 m) and (generally assumed to be several hundreds of meters). Females were equally abundant at light traps with or without pheromone traps. As expected, males were captured earlier in the season at pheromone traps than at light traps, and females occurred later in the season due to protandry. The onset of flight observed at light traps or pheromone traps in 2015 and 2016 occurred 10–15 days later than simulated predictions; caution is thus warranted as to conclusions derived on computer modeling of adult emergence.  相似文献   

Given the difficulty of effective landscape‐scale control of introduced predators, fenced areas that exclude them (i.e. ‘mainland islands') can play an important role in conserving threatened mammal species in Australia. Despite this, the effort required to eradicate or remove introduced species from within fenced areas remains poorly quantified. This study was conducted at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary in semi‐arid Western Australia, where a 43 km predator‐exclusion fence surrounding 7832 ha was completed in June 2014. The subsequent effort expended in eradicating feral Cat (Felis catus) and removing European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations was logged daily during 11 months of active population removal and 3.5 months of monitoring. The total effort expended on cat eradication, rabbit removal and monitoring included over 4800 person‐hours of work and nearly 67,000 km of driving (of which 6700 km was for spotlighting), and the conduct of over 15,000 trap nights, 2300 km of sand tracking transects, and over 7800 camera‐trap nights. Total costs (in 2015 figures) were estimated at just over AUD $390,000, which equates to approximately $50 per hectare. Cage trapping was most efficacious for catching cats, although it took nine months to capture the last individual, which was detected independently by both sand tracking transects and camera traps. This research provides baseline data on the resources required for future eradication and removal projects, particularly those within fenced reserves.  相似文献   

American mink (Neovison vison) are secretive, semi-aquatic carnivores that often require noninvasive methods based on field signs such as tracks and scat for determining their spatial distribution. Most previous assessments of survey methods for American mink have been conducted in the United Kingdom where mink are an invasive species. We evaluated survey techniques for American mink in riparian habitat in its native range in the midwestern United States. We used occupancy modeling to compare detection rates between walking surveys and mink raft surveys, and we evaluated the potential for environmental covariates and observer bias to influence detectability from walking surveys. Per-survey detection probabilities were greater for walking surveys (0.72) than for mink rafts (0.39). Walking surveys also were cheaper and easier to conduct in small streams prone to flooding when compared to mink raft surveys. However, detection probabilities from walking surveys were affected by observer bias, recent rainfall, substrate, and date. We recommend walking surveys for determining the distribution of American mink in riparian habitat in the Midwest if occupancy modeling is applied to adjust for environmental and observer effects on detectability. We used such an approach to demonstrate occupancy dynamics of mink were related to variable water depths, which has implications for how this carnivore might be influenced by climate change. Mink rafts standardize the substrate for recording mink tracks and reduce the likelihood of observer effects. For studies using many volunteers, we recommend mink rafts for determining site occupancy by American mink. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Metal box (e.g., Elliott, Sherman) traps and remote cameras are two of the most commonly employed methods presently used to survey terrestrial mammals. However, their relative efficacy at accurately detecting cryptic small mammals has not been adequately assessed. The present study therefore compared the effectiveness of metal box (Elliott) traps and vertically oriented, close range, white flash camera traps in detecting small mammals occurring in the Scenic Rim of eastern Australia. We also conducted a preliminary survey to determine effectiveness of a conservation detection dog (CDD) for identifying presence of a threatened carnivorous marsupial, Antechinus arktos, in present‐day and historical locations, using camera traps to corroborate detections. 200 Elliott traps and 20 white flash camera traps were set for four deployments per method, across a site where the target small mammals, including A. arktos, are known to occur. Camera traps produced higher detection probabilities than Elliott traps for all four species. Thus, vertically mounted white flash cameras were preferable for detecting the presence of cryptic small mammals in our survey. The CDD, which had been trained to detect A. arktos scat, indicated in total 31 times when deployed in the field survey area, with subsequent camera trap deployments specifically corroborating A. arktos presence at 100% (3) indication locations. Importantly, the dog indicated twice within Border Ranges National Park, where historical (1980s–1990s) specimen‐based records indicate the species was present, but extensive Elliott and camera trapping over the last 5–10 years have resulted in zero A. arktos captures. Camera traps subsequently corroborated A. arktos presence at these sites. This demonstrates that detection dogs can be a highly effective means of locating threatened, cryptic species, especially when traditional methods are unable to detect low‐density mammal populations.  相似文献   

Laurie E. Friday 《Oecologia》1989,80(2):272-277
Summary Utricularia vulgaris growing at Wicken Fen, England, showed rapid turnover of the trapping apparatus. New groups of leaves, each bearing many traps, were produced at a rate of 1.4–2.8 groups per day from April to September, 1987. Old leaves decayed at a comparable rate, so that individual leaves survived for less than 50 days. In July, trapping efficiency of individual bladders was greatest between 1 and 6 days of age and then declined rapidly. Very few traps more than 19 days old could capture prey and most were lost from the leaves within 32 days. The lifespan of traps was closely related to their size and position on the leaves. Because of the rapidity of changes in trap condition with age, trap age is a vital consideration in any studies of the functional ecology of U. vulgaris  相似文献   

Monitoring elusive species, which are ‘difficult to study’, often relies on the use of indirect indices to estimate relative abundance. It is important to know the accuracy of such indices and factors affecting it. For the American mink Mustela vison (an invasive species of conservation concern in the UK), we compare two indices of relative abundance: sign surveys (based on the detection of scats) and a new method based on the use of tracking plates on rafts. We found that raft surveys consistently performed better than did sign surveys and that estimates of relative abundance derived from both raft and sign surveys were linearly related to the number of individuals captured (but statistically significantly so only for raft surveys). Although both indices were highly correlated, there was considerable unexplained variation in the relationship between them. No statistically significant seasonal effects were detected for either method. Costs of the two methods were comparable after the first 2 years (based on four surveys per year), although raft surveys were more economical than were sign surveys in the longer term. In areas where polecats M. putorius are sympatric with mink, it will be important to develop methods to minimise confusion between the tracks of polecats and mink.  相似文献   

Since 2001 invasive American mink has been known to populate Navarino Island, an island located in the pristine wilderness of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile, lacking native carnivorous mammals. As requested by scientists and managers, our study aims at understanding the population ecology of mink in order to respond to conservation concerns. We studied the abundance of mink in different semi-aquatic habitats using live trapping (n = 1,320 trap nights) and sign surveys (n = 68 sites). With generalized linear models we evaluated mink abundance in relation to small-scale habitat features including habitats engineered by invasive beavers (Castor canadensis). Mink have colonized the entire island and signs were found in 79% of the surveys in all types of semi-aquatic habitats. Yet, relative population abundance (0.75 mink/km of coastline) was still below densities measured in other invaded or native areas. The habitat model accuracies indicated that mink were generally less specific in habitat use, probably due to the missing limitations normally imposed by predators or competitors. The selected models predicted that mink prefer to use shrubland instead of open habitat, coastal areas with heterogeneous shores instead of flat beaches, and interestingly, that mink avoid habitats strongly modified by beavers. Our results indicate need for immediate mink control on Navarino Island. For this future management we suggest that rocky coastal shores should be considered as priority sites deserving special conservation efforts. Further research is needed with respect to the immigration of mink from adjacent islands and to examine facilitating or hampering relationships between the different invasive species present, especially if integrative management is sought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT River otter (Lontra canadensis) populations have been difficult to monitor and information on densities is lacking throughout their range. To obtain DNA-based population estimates of river otters we developed 2 traps to capture hair; a modified body-snare and a modified foot-hold trap. Of 82 traps activated 77 captured hairs (94%). Traps snagged 3–20 guard hairs per capture. Our capture rates of otter hair ranged from one capture per 3.6 trap nights to one capture per 156.6 trap-nights. Our traps provide an effective, noninvasive technique for obtaining hair DNA from individual river otters.  相似文献   

The Winnebago System, Wisconsin, is home to one of the largest Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations in North America. Although there are >50 known spawning sites utilized by Lake Sturgeon in the 200 km of the lower Wolf River upstream of Lake Winnebago, the construction of two dams >90 years ago eliminated the ability of Lake Sturgeon to access 18.5 km of river up to their ancestral spawning grounds below Keshena Falls. Given the cultural importance of sturgeon to the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, expanded efforts aimed at restoring Lake Sturgeon spawning and a resident population to the upper Wolf River commenced in 2011. To meet these objectives, 100 or more Lake Sturgeon per year were captured below the dams, and transferred upstream to the Wolf River within the Menominee Reservation. All transferred fish were PIT tagged and 245 fish were surgically implanted with 10 year acoustic transmitters to determine spawning locations and monitor post‐release movement. The first five transfer cohorts contained 621 Lake Sturgeon, with spawning activity observed below Keshena Falls each spring following release. Gravid fish transferred within 3 weeks of spawning exhibited higher spawning rates above the upstream dam (70.2% females; 73.9% males) than gravid fish transferred in late fall (41.8% females; 41.2% males). Spawning documented below Keshena Falls and within the Red River represent the first spawning activity at these locations in >100 years. Lake Sturgeon transferred in early fall displayed higher retention rates, 2‐5 years post‐tagging, in the pool upstream of both dams (10.4%) compared to the late fall (3.1%) and spring transfers (7.4%). Natural reproduction was documented through capture of larval Lake Sturgeon immediately below Keshena Falls in 2013. These results demonstrate that capture and transfer can be utilized as a cost‐effective and biologically‐effective tool for Lake Sturgeon spawning stock and population restoration.  相似文献   

Predation by feral cats (Felis catus) has caused the extinction of many native species in Australia and globally. There is growing evidence that the impacts of feral cats can be amplified in post-fire environments, as cats are drawn to hunt in or around recently burnt areas and are also more effective hunters in open habitats. In 2018–2019, we established arrays of camera traps to estimate the abundance of feral cats on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Much of the island (including five of our seven survey sites) was subsequently burnt in a severe wildfire (December 2019–February 2020). We re-sampled the sites 3–8 months post-fire (seven sites) and 11–12 months post-fire (three sites). At two unburnt sites sampled post-fire, it was possible to produce density estimates of cats using a spatially explicit capture–recapture approach. Where estimating density was not possible (due to low detections or individual cats not being distinguishable), the number of individuals and percentage of trap nights with detections was compared between the sampling periods. Some low-level cat control occurred within 2 km of three of the seven arrays (all within the burn scar) within 3 months of the fire. Across the five burnt sites, there was a decline in cat detections post-fire (including those without post-fire cat control). At 3–8 months post-fire, there was, on average, a 57% reduction in the number of individual cats, and a 65% reduction in the number of nights with cat detections, relative to pre-fire levels. Although cat detections declined following the fire, reduced population sizes of prey species and reduced cover as a result of the fire might still mean that cat predation is a threat to some surviving prey species. Management that reduces feral cat predation pressure on wildlife following wildfire should enhance the likelihood of post-fire wildlife persistence and recovery.  相似文献   

Trap type may influence captures of individuals in different age-sex categories in small mammal studies, resulting in biased population and demographic information. We deployed 4 live trap types at burrow systems of the rodent, Octodon degus Molina, 1782, in central Chile to determine trap efficacy in capturing individuals of 6 demographic categories. We captured 2672 individuals in 17 709 trap days (15.1% trapping success). Tomahawks were the most efficient trap capturing half of individuals during both years, followed by mesh Sherman traps, large Sherman traps, and medium Sherman traps in 2005. All trap types equally sampled sexes. Large and medium Sherman traps provided similar demographic structure, where half of the individuals captured were pups; Tomahawk traps sampled more adults than pups. Relative captures of pups were similar across different trap types, suggesting that pups are equally sampled by each of the deployed trap types. Relative captures of adults were lower in Sherman traps, suggesting that this age class avoided solid-walled traps. For Octodon degus, the sole use of Tomahawk traps may produce sufficient, unbiased demographic data. Only 4 trap mortalities occurred (0.15%). Researchers may minimize trap mortality without compromising sufficient demographic sampling by trapping during peak animal activity.  相似文献   

In order to improve perimeter trapping for apple maggot fly behavioral control, we designed a set of experiments which aimed to reach a better understanding of the nature of the interaction between the natural host odor released by susceptible and low‐susceptibility apple cultivars, and an artificial host odor currently employed as a lure along with visual traps for apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), perimeter trapping programs. The response of apple maggot flies to lured and unlured visual traps deployed in different rectangular arrays of susceptible and low‐susceptibility apple cultivars (two central trees of a particular cultivar surrounded by four perimeter trees of the same or a different cultivar) was evaluated over 2 years under field conditions. In uniform blocks of susceptible (Tidemann Red, Jersey Mac) or low‐susceptibility (Marshall McIntosh) cultivars, lured traps recovered a significantly greater proportion of the total capture than unlured traps, irrespective of lure position (center or perimeter trees). Unlured traps on central susceptible apple cultivars (Red Astrachan, Gala, Fuji) recovered a significantly greater proportion of the total capture than unlured traps on surrounding low‐susceptibility cultivars (Marshall McIntosh, Paula Red, Red Delicious, and Golden Delicious). Placing the lures near traps on low‐susceptibility cultivar trees surrounding unlured traps on central susceptible cultivar trees reduced apple maggot fly visits to traps on central trees, but the latter still recovered a similar proportion of the total capture as lured traps on perimeter trees. By contrast, placing the lures near traps on central susceptible cultivar trees surrounded by unlured traps on low‐susceptibility cultivar trees allowed lured central traps to receive a significantly greater proportion of the total capture than unlured perimeter traps. We conclude that the synthetic and natural host odor of susceptible cultivars interact additively in attracting apple maggot flies to visual traps, and that, when given the choice, traps and lures should be deployed on preferred rather than on less preferred cultivar trees. Implications for trap deployment strategies for tephritid monitoring and control are discussed in the light of our findings.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):879-882
Certain tephritid fruit flies, such as the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, the Chinese citrus fly, B. minax and the Japanese orange fly, B. tsuneonis (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae), are destructive citrus pests in China. A two-year trapping study was conducted in pomelo, Citrus maxima, groves in Fujian Province of China. The objectives of this study were to investigate the species, the abundance of tephritid fruit flies in the orchards, as well as the efficacy of the selected lure traps to these flies. Four lure traps or devices, i.e. methyl eugenol + Steiner trap (ST), cuelure + ST, ammonium acetate + putrescine + ST, and sticky spheres, were deployed from June to November 2017 and April to October 2018. Six economically significant Dacini pests were trapped during the period. These flies are B. dorsalis, the melon fruit fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae, the pumpkin fruit fly, Z. tau, the Malaysian fruit fly, B. latifrons, and other two species - B. rubigina and Z. scutellatus. B. dorsalis was the most abundant, accounting for more than 50% of the capture, followed by Z. cucurbitae. The remaining four species accounted for less than 2% of the total capture. B. minax and B. tsuneonis, two destructive citrus-damaging tephritid fruit flies in China, were not found during the trapping period. Methyl eugenol trapped the highest number of fruit flies, followed by cuelure.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):525-530
Many countries operate regional trapping programs for the detection of exotic tephritid fruit flies, which because of their polyphagous habits pose a serious threat to fruit and vegetable crops. Detection of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), relies primarily on trimedlure (TML), a synthetic male-specific lure, yet few studies have measured the relationship between distance from TML-baited traps and the probability of male capture, and consequently the detection sensitivity of medfly trapping programs is largely unknown. The present study measured distance-dependent capture probabilities for male C. capitata in TML-baited traps using mark–release–recapture procedures. Releases were performed at distances of 25, 50, 100, and 200 m at 4 sites in Hawaii, and the resulting capture rates were used to estimate the minimum detectable population size (detection probability > 99.9%) for a trapping density of 5 TML traps per 2.59 km2 (= 1 mi2, the density used in California, USA). Capture rates were similar for 3 of the sites (6.5%, 3.8%, 1.1%, and 0.1% for the 4 distances, respectively) and yielded an estimated minimum detectable population of ≈ 2300 males, a value similar to that obtained in a comparable study conducted in California. For unknown reasons, capture rates were significantly lower at the remaining site (1.8%, 0.6%, 0.1%, 0.04%) and the estimated minimum detectable population was correspondingly much larger (≈ 10,000 males). Implications of these results for medfly detection programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are considered to be involved in the maintenance and repair of nervous tissues. Recently, novel roles of gangliosides in the regulation of complement system were reported. Here we summarized roles of gangliosides in the formation and maintenance of membrane microdomains in brain tissues by comparing complement activation, inflammatory reaction and disruption of glycolipid-enriched microdomain (GEM)/rafts among several mutant mice of ganglioside synthases. Depending on the defects in ganglioside compositions, corresponding up-regulation of complement-related genes, proliferation of astrocytes and infiltration of microglia were found with gradual severity. Immunoblotting of fractions separated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation revealed that DAF and NCAM having GPI-anchors tended to disappear from the raft fraction with intensities of DKO > GM2/GD2 synthase KO > GD3 synthase KO > WT. The lipid raft markers tended to disperse from the raft fractions with similar intensities. Phospholipids and cholesterol also tended to decrease in GEM/rafts in GM2/GD2 synthase KO and DKO, although total amounts were almost equivalent. All these results indicate that GEM/rafts architecture is destroyed by ganglioside deficiency with gradual intensity depending on the degree of defects of their compositions. Implication of inflammation caused by deficiency of gangliosides in various neurodegenerative diseases was discussed.  相似文献   

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