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We looked for evidence of changes in lung elastic recoil and of inspiratory muscle fatigue at maximal exercise in seven normal subjects. Esophageal pressure, flow, and volume were measured during spontaneous breathing at increasing levels of cycle exercise to maximum. Total lung capacity (TLC) was determined at rest and immediately before exercise termination using a N2-washout technique. Maximal inspiratory pressure and inspiratory capacity were measured at 1-min intervals. The time course of instantaneous dynamic pressure of respiratory muscles (Pmus) was calculated for the spontaneous breaths immediately preceding exercise termination. TLC volume and lung elastic recoil at TLC were the same at the end of exercise as at rest. Maximum static inspiratory pressures at exercise termination were not reduced. However, mean Pmus of spontaneous breaths at end exercise exceeded 15% of maximum inspiratory pressure in five of the subjects. We conclude that lung elastic recoil is unchanged even at maximal exercise and that, while inspiratory muscles operate within a potentially fatiguing range, the high levels of ventilation observed during maximal exercise are not maintained for a sufficient time to result in mechanical fatigue.  相似文献   

This study assessed the hypothesis that increasing cardiac filling pressure (CFP) would enhance contracting muscle blood flow (MBF) by stretching cardiopulmonary baroreceptors and attenuate the increase in plasma lactate concentration ([Lac(-)](p)) during dynamic exercise. Continuous negative-pressure breathing (CNPB) (-15 cmH(2)O) was used to increase the CFP by accelerating the venous return to the heart. In the first series of experiments, 10 men performed a graded exercise seated on a cycle ergometer with (N1) and without CNPB (C1). The increase in [Lac(-)](p) for N1 was attenuated at 60%, 90%, and 100% of maximal exercise intensity compared with that in C1 (P < 0.001). Also, the increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and plasma catecholamine concentrations were attenuated in N1 compared with those in C1 throughout the graded exercise (P < 0.05). However, heart rate and pulse pressure were not significantly influenced by CNPB. Second, we studied the impact of CNPB on forearm MBF during a rhythmic handgrip exercise in 5 of the 10 subjects. Forearm MBF was measured immediately after cessation of the exercise by venous occlusion plethysmography at rest, 30%, 50%, and 70% of maximal work load (WL(max)) with (N2) and without CNPB (C2). Forearm MBF and vascular conductance for both trials increased with the increase in intensity, but forearm skin blood flow measured by laser-Doppler flowmetry remained unchanged. MBF and vascular conductance in N2, however, increased more than in C2 at every intensity (P < 0.01) except for MBF at 70% WL(max), whereas the increase in MAP for N2 was attenuated compared with that in C2 (P < 0.05). Thus augmented active muscle vasodilation occurred in N2 with a lower increase in MAP compared with that in C2. These findings suggest that the stretch of intrathoracic baroreceptors, such as cardiopulmonary mechanoreceptors, by CNPB increased MBF by suppressing sympathetic nerve activity. The attenuation of the increase in [Lac(-)](p) might be caused, at least partially, by the increased MBF.  相似文献   

Rib cage mechanics during quiet breathing and exercise in humans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kenyon, C. M., S. J. Cala, S. Yan, A. Aliverti, G. Scano, R. Duranti, A. Pedotti, and Peter T. Macklem. Rib cage mechanics during quiet breathing and exercise in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1242-1255, 1997.Duringexercise, large pleural, abdominal, and transdiaphragmatic pressureswings might produce substantial rib cage (RC) distortions. We used athree-compartment chest wall model (J. Appl.Physiol. 72: 1338-1347, 1992) to measuredistortions of lung- and diaphragm-apposed RC compartments (RCp andRCa) along with pleural and abdominal pressures in five normal men. RCpand RCa volumes were calculated from three-dimensional locations of 86 markers on the chest wall, and the undistorted (relaxation) RCconfiguration was measured. Compliances of RCp and RCa measured duringphrenic stimulation against a closed airway were 20 and 0%,respectively, of their values during relaxation. There was marked RCdistortion. Thus nonuniform distribution of pressures distorts the RCand markedly stiffens it. However, during steady-state ergometerexercise at 0, 30, 50, and 70% of maximum workload, RC distortionswere small because of a coordinated action of respiratory muscles, sothat net pressures acting on RCp and RCa were nearly the samethroughout the respiratory cycle. This maximizes RC compliance andminimizes the work of RC displacement. During quiet breathing, plots ofRCa volume vs. abdominal pressure were to the right of the relaxationcurve, indicating an expiratory action on RCa. We attribute this topassive stretching of abdominal muscles, which more thancounterbalances the insertional component of transdiaphragmatic pressure.


In six spontaneously breathing anesthetized subjects [halothane approximately 1 maximum anesthetic concentration (MAC), 70% N2O-30% O2], we measured flow (V), volume (V), and tracheal pressure (Ptr). With airway occluded at end-inspiration tidal volume (VT), we measured Ptr when the subjects relaxed the respiratory muscles. Dividing relaxed Ptr by VT, total respiratory system elastance (Ers) was obtained. With the subject still relaxed, the occlusion was released to obtain the V-V relationship during the ensuing relaxed expiration. Under these conditions, the expiratory driving pressure is V X Ers, and thus the pressure-flow relationship of the system can be obtained. By subtracting the flow resistance of equipment, the intrinsic respiratory flow resistance (Rrs) is obtained. Similar measurements were repeated during anesthesia-paralysis (succinylcholine). Ers averaged 23.9 +/- 4 (+/- SD) during anesthesia and 21 +/- 1.8 cmH2O X 1(-1) during anesthesia-paralysis. The corresponding values of intrinsic Rrs were 1.6 +/- 0.7 and 1.9 +/- 0.9 cmH2O X 1(-1) X s, respectively. These results indicate that Ers increases substantially during anesthesia, whereas Rrs remains within the normal limits. Muscle paralysis has no significant effect on Ers and Rrs. We also provide the first measurements of inspiratory muscle activity and related negative work during spontaneous expiration in anesthetized humans. These show that 36-74% of the elastic energy stored during inspiration is wasted in terms of negative inspiratory muscle work.  相似文献   

To assessthe impact of continuous negative-pressure breathing (CNPB) on theregulation of skin blood flow, we measured forearm blood flow (FBF) byvenous-occlusion plethysmography and laser-Doppler flow (LDF) at theanterior chest during exercise in a hot environment (ambienttemperature = 30°C, relative humidity = ~30%). Seven malesubjects exercised in the upright position at an intensity of 60% peakoxygen consumption rate for 40 min with and without CNPB after 20 minof exercise. The esophageal temperature(Tes) in both conditionsincreased to 38.1°C by the end of exercise, without any significantdifferences between the two trials. Mean arterial pressure (MAP)increased by ~15 mmHg by 8 min of exercise, without any significantdifference between the two trials before CNPB. However, CNPB reducedMAP by ~10 mmHg after 24 min of exercise (P < 0.05). The increasein FBF and LDF in the control condition leveled off after 18 min ofexercise above a Tes of37.7°C, whereas in the CNPB trial the increase continued, with arise in Tes despite the decreasein MAP. These results suggest that CNPB enhances vasodilation of skinabove a Tes of ~38°C bystretching intrathoracic baroreceptors such as cardiopulmonarybaroreceptors.


Pleural pressure, airflow and tidal volume during experimental cough and sneeze elicited by mechanical stimulation of the tracheobronchial and nasal mucous membranes were investigated in fifty anaesthetized cats (pentobarbital, 40 mg/kg i.p.). Pressure-volume, pressure-flow and flow-volume relations were studied during these expulsive processes. In comparison to quiet breathing there was a decrease in dynamic lung compliance in both respiratory tract reflexes (p less than 0.001), especially in their expiratory phases. As compared to quiet breathing, the total work of breathing was significantly increased (p less than 0.001) in cough (20 times) as well as in sneeze (13 times). The total lung resistance increased markedly (p less than 0.001) in both cough and sneeze compared to quiet breathing. In these expulsive processes there was also a high "cough index" (resistance calculated from the peak flow and instantaneous pressure). The flow-volume curve in cough, in contradistinction to sneeze, indicated a significantly reduced airflow of the end of expiration (at 85% of the expired volume), demonstrating a concomitant bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

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