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A brood manipulation experiment on great tits Parus major was performedto study the effects of nestling age and brood size on parentalcare and offspring survival. Daily energy expenditure (DEE)of females feeding nestlings of 6 and 12 days of age was measuredusing the doubly-labeled water technique. Females adjusted theirbrooding behavior to the age of the young. The data are consistentwith the idea that brooding behavior was determined primarilyby the thermoregulatory requirements of the brood. Female DEEdid not differ with nestling age; when differences in body masswere controlled for, it was lower during the brooding periodthan later. In enlarged broods, both parents showed significantlyhigher rates of food provisioning to the brood. Female DEE wasaffected by brood size manipulation, and it did not level offwith brood size. There was no significant effect of nestlingage on the relation between DEE and manipulation. Birds wereable to raise a larger brood than the natural brood size, althoughlarger broods suffered from increased nestling mortality ratesduring the peak demand period of the nestlings. Offspring conditionat fledging was negatively affected by brood size manipulation,but recruitment rate per brood was positively related to broodsize, suggesting that the optimal brood size exceeds the naturalbrood size in this population.  相似文献   

Is clutch size individually optimized?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Brood size manipulations were carried out to test whether clutchsize variation in individual great tits (Parus major) controlledfor laying date was tuned to their phenotypic quality and/orlocal food abundance (individual optimization hypothesis; IOH).Broods with different original clutch sizes, but equal hatchingdates, were manipulated to a common brood size. A third broodwas kept as a control. Under the IOH, we expected a positiveassociation between reproductive success and original clutchsize. Fledgling production varied in an inconclusive way aftermanipulation, with data from 1 out of 3 years favoring the IOH.The effect of manipulation on the probability of a second clutchwas consistent with the IOH in another 1 out of the 3 years.When fitness accrued to second broods was also taken into considerationin terms of annual fledgling production, results from 2 outof 3 years tended to support the IOH. There was no effect ofthe manipulation on fitness (estimated as the number of recruitsplus parents breeding in the next season). Both the clutch component(local recruitment) and the parental component (survival tillnext breeding season) varied inconclusively with respect tothe IOH. On the basis of fitness measurements, the IOH couldnot be confirmed as an explanation for clutch size variationin this population. In 2 out of 3 years one of the three fitnesscomponents measured varied in accordance with the IOH. Overallthe evidence for the IOH in this data set is therefore weak.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for density dependence of reproduction in great tits   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1. Density dependence of avian reproduction has often been analysed using correlations between annual mean reproductive output and population density. Experiments are necessary to prove that density is the cause of the observed patterns, but so far, three out of four experimental studies do not support a direct causal effect of density on reproduction.
2. This paper presents experimental evidence that reproductive decisions in great tits, Parus major L., are causally affected by breeding density. The breeding density of great tits was manipulated by providing nest-boxes at different densities in an ecologically homogeneous area.
3. Within years the densities in the high and low density plots differed approximately 8-fold. During the 11 years of the experiment, clutch size, nestling mass and the proportion of birds starting a second brood were all lower in the high density plot. In 5 years with equal breeding densities in both parts, clutch size did not differ between the plots. The patterns found were consistent with the density effects as predicted from the non-experimental data.  相似文献   

Clutch size and malarial parasites in female great tits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
life-history models predict an evolutionary trade-off in theallocation of resources to current versus future reproduction.This corresponds, at the physiological level, to a trade-offin the allocation of resources to current reproduction or tothe immune system, which will enhance survival and thereforefuture reproduction. For clutch size, life-history models predicta positive correlation between current investment in eggs andthe subsequent parasite load. In a population of great tits,we analyzed the correlation between natural clutch size of femalesand the subsequent prevalence of Plasmodium spp., a potentiallyharmful blood parasite. Females that showed, 14 days after hatchingof the nestlings, an infection with Plasmodium had a significantlylarger clutch (9.3 eggs ± 0.5 SE, n = 18) than uninfectedfemales (8.0 eggs ± 0.2 SE, n = 80), as predicted bythe allocation trade-off. Clutch size was positively correlatedwith the prevalence of Plasmodium, but brood size 14 days afterhatching was not. This suggests that females incur higher costsduring laying the clutch than during rearing nestlings. Infectionstatus of some females changed between years, and these changeswere significantly correlated with a change in clutch size aspredicted by the trade-off. The link between reproductive effortand parasitism may represent a possible mechanism by which thecost of egg production is mediated into future survival andmay thereby be an important selective force in the shaping ofclutch size  相似文献   

Is variation in brood sex ratios adaptive in the great tit (Parus major)?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Life-history theory predicts skewed offspring sex ratios ina range of situations in which the costs and benefits of producingthe two sexes differ. In recent years, many studies have demonstratedbiased sex ratios in a variety of bird species. However, manyof these investigations have been based on small sample sizes,on data from a single year, or both. Using a recently developedpolymerase chain reaction-based molecular DNA technique, 912great tit (Parus major) nestlings from 118 broods in 5 differentyears were sexed. As found in a number of previous studieson the same species, there were significant predictors of offspringsex ratio in individual years. However, there were no consistenttrends across years, and none of the measured variables significantlypredicted sex ratio over all years combined. Furthermore, broodsex ratio of the population did not depart from the expectedbinomial distribution. Although there are theoretical advantagesto manipulating the sex ratio in this and other species, thephysiological mechanism by which it is achieved in birds remainsobscure. We argue that data from several years are needed toconfirm whether facultative sex ratio manipulation is a consistentbreeding strategy used by birds.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory of parent-offspring conflict explains beggingdisplays of nestling birds as selfish attempts to influenceparental food allocation. Models predict that this conflictmay be resolved by honest signaling of offspring need to parents,or by competition among nestmates, leading to escalated beggingscrambles. Although the former type of models has been qualitativelysupported by experimental studies, the potential for a beggingcomponent driven by scramble competition cannot be excludedby the evidence. In a brood-size manipulation experiment withgreat tits, Parus major, we explored the scramble componentin the begging activity of great tit nestlings by investigatingthe mechanisms of sibling competition in relation to brood size.While under full parental compensation, the feeding rate pernestling will remain constant over all brood sizes for bothtypes of models; the scramble begging models alone predict anincrease in begging intensity with brood size, if begging costsdo not arise exclusively through predation. Great tit parentsadjusted feeding rates to brood size and fed nestlings at similarrates and with similar prey sizes in all three brood-size categories.Despite full parental compensation, the begging and food solicitationactivities increased with experimental brood size, whereas nestlingbody condition deteriorated. These findings support a scramblecomponent in begging and suggest that the competition-inducedcosts of food solicitation behavior play an important role inthe evolution of parent-offspring communication.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a trade-off between number and quality of offspring. Reduced quality with increasing brood size may arise from a decrease in body condition or in immunocompetence that would be important in fighting off virulent parasites by immunologically naive offspring. We tested the effect of rearing conditions on immune function of nestling great tits (Parus major) by reducing or increasing broods by two hatchlings. In the middle of the nestling period (on day 8), nestlings from enlarged broods developed lower T cell responses [as measured from the cutaneous swelling reaction to injection with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)] and tended to have lower total leukocyte and lymphocyte concentrations in their peripheral blood than nestlings from reduced broods. Brood size manipulation affected the PHA response of nestlings most strongly in small clutches, suggesting that nestling immune function was dependent on their parents’ condition, as estimated by original clutch size. Intra-brood differences in nestling mortality were unrelated to immune parameters, but nestlings in broods without mortality had a stronger PHA response, higher concentration of lymphocytes and higher body mass on day 15 than nestlings in broods with mortality. These results support the prediction that the immune function of altricial birds is affected by rearing conditions, and that growth and immune parameters are related to inter-brood differences in nestling survival. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 19. July 1999  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

To understand the interaction of the many contextual variablesthat affect parental behavior a number of static optimalitymodels have been developed. Among these the one by Lazarus andInglis (1986) is the only one to specifically predict the magnitudeof unshared parental investment (PI), i.e., of parental carethat carries a cost to the parent and that benefits all currentoffspring equally because it cannot be divided among them. Weinvestigated specifically how parent great tits (Parus major)gear their brood defense, a form of unshared PI, to the sizeof the brood at stake and to the risk incurred as a functionof the type of predator. The predators used were dummies ofthe great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major) and of the tawnyowl (Strix aluco). Normally, adults can approach the woodpeckerwith impunity; it had inflicted heavy losses to nestlings ofthe study populations of great tits near Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony.Parent great tits whose brood had been artificially reducedto two young responded to the dummy with less defense than dida control group with their pre-test brood size left intact.The nature of defense was qualitatively the same as that elicitedby a live woodpecker. Parents confronting the owl near theirbrood decreased their response with an artificial reductionin brood size much less. Because the owl used poses a seriousrisk to the defenders, as compared to the woodpecker, the resultlends powerful support to the "total loss" version of the modelof unshared PI; it predicts brood size to affect unshared PImore strongly when there is less risk to the parent. This interpretationis correct to the extent that one premise of the model, namelythat of uncompromised parentage, can be relaxed; great tit broodscontain a sizeable number of extrapair young. Males defendedtheir brood more strongly than did females. Sex and brood manipulationadded up linearly when affecting defense level, i.e., therewas no interaction.  相似文献   

The variation in time and energy allocation of female great tits, Parus major, was studied in five different European populations across a latitudinal gradient. Daily energy expenditure (DEE) was measured in females tending 12-day-old broods. The number of daylight hours used by the parents to collect food for the brood increased with latitude, while DEE and feeding rate per brood tended to level off with latitude. Individual variation in DEE could be explained by variation in ambient temperature (–), the duration of activity period (+) and area, but not by brood size, female body mass, brood mass or feeding rate. When the effect of ambient temperature and the duration of the activity period on the day of energy expenditure measurements were controlled for, female DEE still tended to level off with latitude. Temperature and activity alone can thus not explain the observed pattern. The present study suggests that parents at southern latitudes may be under a time constraint and do not increase energy expenditure because they have no more daylight hours available for foraging, while birds at northern latitudes may be under an energy constraint because they do not make full use of the long daylight period available. Received: 25 May 1999 / Accepted: 08 September 1999  相似文献   

A standard approach to model how selection shapes phenotypic traits is the analysis of capture–recapture data relating trait variation to survival. Divergent selection, however, has never been analyzed by the capture–recapture approach. Most reported examples of differences between urban and nonurban animals reflect behavioral plasticity rather than divergent selection. The aim of this paper was to use a capture–recapture approach to test the hypothesis that divergent selection can also drive local adaptation in urban habitats. We focused on the size of the black breast stripe (i.e., tie width) of the great tit (Parus major), a sexual ornament used in mate choice. Urban great tits display smaller tie sizes than forest birds. Because tie size is mostly genetically determined, it could potentially respond to selection. We analyzed capture/recapture data of male great tits in Barcelona city (N = 171) and in a nearby (7 km) forest (N = 324) from 1992 to 2008 using MARK. When modelling recapture rate, we found it to be strongly influenced by tie width, so that both for urban and forest habitats, birds with smaller ties were more trap‐shy and more cautious than their larger tied counterparts. When modelling survival, we found that survival prospects in forest great tits increased the larger their tie width (i.e., directional positive selection), but the reverse was found for urban birds, with individuals displaying smaller ties showing higher survival (i.e., directional negative selection). As melanin‐based tie size seems to be related to personality, and both are heritable, results may be explained by cautious personalities being favored in urban environments. More importantly, our results show that divergent selection can be an important mechanism in local adaptation to urban habitats and that capture–recapture is a powerful tool to test it.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic variation and selection allow for quantitative predictions of evolutionary change, at least in controlled laboratory experiments. Natural populations are, however, different in many ways, and natural selection on heritable traits does not always result in phenotypic change. To test whether we were able to predict the evolutionary dynamics of a complex trait measured in a natural, heterogeneous environment, we performed, over an 8-year period, a two-way selection experiment on clutch size in a subdivided island population of great tits (Parus major). Despite strong artificial selection, there was no clear evidence for evolutionary change at the phenotypic level. Environmentally induced differences in clutch size among years are, however, large and can mask evolutionary changes. Indeed, genetic changes in clutch size, inferred from a statistical model, did not deviate systematically from those predicted. Although this shows that estimates of genetic variation and selection can indeed provide quantitative predictions of evolutionary change, also in the wild, it also emphasizes that demonstrating evolution in wild populations is difficult, and that the interpretation of phenotypic trends requires great care.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that the allocation of resourcesto male and female function should depend on potential fitnessgain realized through investment in either sex. In the greattit (Parus major), a monogamous passerine bird, male resourceholdingpotential (RHP) and fertilization success both depend on malebody size (e.g., tarsus length) and plumage traits (e.g., breaststripe size). It is predicted that the proportion of sons ina brood should increase both with male body size and plumage traits,assuming that these traits show a father—offspring correlation. Thiswas confirmed in our study: the proportion of sons in the brood increasedsignificantly with male tarsus length and also, though not significantly,with the size of the breast stripe. A sex ratio bias in relationto male tarsus length was already present in the eggs because(1) the bias was similar among broods with and without mortalitybefore the nestlings' sex was determined, and (2) the bias remainedsignificant when the proportion of sons in the clutch was conservativelyestimated, assuming that differential mortality before sex determinationcaused the bias. The bias was still present among recruits.The assumption of a father—offspring correlation was confirmedfor tarsus length. Given that both RHP and fertilization successof male great tits depend on body size, and size of father andoffspring is correlated, the sex ratio bias may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Understanding the impressive interspecific variation in avian eggshell colouration has attracted the attention of evolutionary ecologists for more than a century. Several functional explanations predict positive covariation between eggshell pigmentation and phenotypic quality of nestlings. We test this prediction in spotless starlings Sturnus unicolor by using biometric measurements and telomere length of hatchlings and fledglings as proxies of phenotypic quality. Female spotless starlings lay immaculate blue‐green eggs, a sexually selected signal directed to males. Pigmentation predicts positive associations with concentration of antioxidants and testosterone in the yolk and with paternal provisioning effort during nestling growth. Eggshell pigmentation (blue‐green chroma) is not associated with telomere length of hatchlings, which suggests weak maternal effects on this trait. However, we find negative associations of eggshell colouration with both body condition and telomere length of fledglings. Moreover, we find positive associations between eggshell colouration and clutch size, which suggests that sibling competition is higher in nests with more coloured eggshells. Previous works demonstrated that level of sibling competition is positively related to telomere erosion and, thus, the detected negative associations between eggshell colouration, body condition and telomere length of fledglings would reflect higher level of competition in nests with more coloured eggshells. We therefore speculate with the possibility that females that lay larger clutches also lay more coloured eggshells that elicit increased paternal provisioning effort and, thus, raise larger broods at the expense of telomere erosion of their offspring.  相似文献   

1.  In birds with bi-parental care, handicapping is often assumed to decrease the amount of parental care of the handicapped partner. We discuss how handicapping could alter the shape of the handicapped bird's survival–effort curve (theoretical curve relating the survival of a parent to its effort) and show that the optimal response could yield a decrease, no response or even an increase in effort of the handicapped bird.
2.  Male or female great tits Parus major (L.) were handicapped during the nestling period by clipping a number of feathers in order to study the effects on parental care and body condition.
3.  Handicapped males significantly decreased their feeding rates, while handicapped females did not. Condition of handicapped females significantly deteriorated, while condition of handicapped males did not change during the experiment. Females with a handicapped partner fully compensated for their partner's decrease in work rate, while males with a handicapped partner did not show any compensation and even tended to decrease their feeding rates.
4.  Using an inverse optimality approach, we reconstructed the theoretical curve relating the survival of a parent to its effort on the basis of the experimental effects. The handicapped male's survival–effort curve appeared to be slightly steeper than that of handicapped females. This suggests that handicapped males suffer more from an increase in effort than handicapped females.  相似文献   

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