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矿物油乳剂作用下橘小实蝇的产卵拒避及触角电位反应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究矿物油乳剂对害虫行为的干扰作用,测定和比较了4种矿物油乳剂对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)的产卵拒避效果及在其作用下该虫的触角电位反应(EAG),并测试了其中拒避效果最好的Caltex Lovis夏用油的不同施用方式(浸蘸法和喷雾法)及不同施用浓度(150,250,350,450倍液)对橘小实蝇产卵拒避的影响。结果显示:分别用4种矿物油乳剂200倍液以浸蘸法处理香蕉,仅Caltex Lovis夏用油处理对橘小实蝇产卵拒避效果显著,其平均产卵孔数仅为清水对照的15.14%;其他3种矿物油乳剂则没有明显效果。这表明矿物油乳剂对昆虫行为的干扰作用与其组成成分相关。4种矿物油乳剂对橘小实蝇的产卵拒避效果与各矿物油乳剂的50倍液滴于滤纸条后0.5 h的雌成虫EAG值间无显著相关性,但与滴于滤纸条后3 h(滤纸条上水分已蒸发)的EAG值间有显著的负相关性,说明矿物油乳剂的挥发性组分对橘小实蝇的产卵拒避影响不大,因此推测矿物油乳剂在植物表面形成的油膜对植物挥发性物质的封闭作用与其产卵拒避效果可能有一定的关系。浸蘸法不同浓度处理间的产卵拒避效果无显著差异,均明显高于喷雾法处理及清水对照。在喷雾法处理中,仅150倍液有显著产卵拒避效果。这说明,矿物油乳剂需要在植物表面达到一定的沉积量,才能对橘小实蝇有较好的产卵拒避作用。与喷雾法相比,浸蘸法可能较利于矿物油在植物表面的沉积,这也佐证了矿物油乳剂所形成油膜的封闭性与其产卵拒避效果有一定的关系。  相似文献   

高品质的矿物油乳剂可用于有机食品生产,在害虫综合治理中有良好的应用前景。矿物油是包含多种化学成分的混合物,其组成成分和比例决定其理化性质并关系到其防治病虫害的效果。已有研究报道表明,矿物油乳剂对许多害虫有拒避作用,但其机理及相关性组成成分尚未研究清楚。本实验测定了4种矿物油乳剂即SK绿颖农用喷洒油、加德士-路易夏用油、安波尔喷洒油、法夏乐石蜡油(分别简称为SK,Caltex,Ampol和Citrole油)和Caltex油<120℃,>120℃,<105℃,105~120℃及SK油<110℃、>110℃等6种分子蒸馏组分的正构烷烃碳数当量nCy值、碳数分布值及其对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis的产卵拒避效果。室内生物测定结果显示,橘小实蝇在SK,Caltex,Ampol和Citrole油0.5%水乳液及清水浸蘸处理后的香蕉上平均产卵孔数分别为17.850±1.282,3.400±0.630,15.850±1.439,20.650±1.212和19.050±1.155,在同样方法处理的阳桃上平均产卵孔数分别为15.500±3.969,3.000±0.707,13.750±4.131,17.250±4.385和62.000±4.708。橘小实蝇在6种分子蒸馏组分0.5%水乳液处理后的香蕉上的平均产卵孔数分别为4.400±1.166,8.200±0.583,5.400±1.720,2.400±1.077,4.800±1.594和12.200±2.63,显示不同矿物油的拒避效果差异显著(P<0.05),拒避效果最好的矿物油的正构烷烃碳数当量nCy值在nC23左右.矿物油对橘小实蝇的产卵拒避效果与其相应的碳数分布值的Spearman等级相关性分析显示,其拒避效果与矿物油中的C23组分的含量呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05)。这可为进一步分析矿物油乳剂拒避害虫的作用成分和探索其机理提供参考。  相似文献   

非寄主植物提取物对橘小实蝇的产卵拒避作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取4种非寄主植物柠檬桉Eucalyptus citriodora、樟树Cinnamomum camphora、白干层Melaleuca leucadendron、夹竹桃Nerium indicum,初步研究了这4种植物叶子提取物对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis的产卵拒避作用。以无水乙醇作溶剂,供试4种植物中的白千层提取物对橘小实蝇具有较强的产卵拒避作用。检测了橘小实蝇对4种植物的乙醇提取物的触角电位值,发现各生物测定值与雌虫触角电位值呈显著相关性,表明其中的挥发性组分是橘小实蝇对植物提取物产生拒避反应的重要原因之一。用无水乙醇、乙醚、石油醚、二氯甲烷作溶剂,分别提取白干层叶,仅乙醇提取物有显著拒避作用;用这4种溶剂分别提取樟树叶,则无水乙醇、乙醚、石油醚作溶剂的提取物都有较好效果。  相似文献   

检疫性害虫橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis和番石榴实蝇Bactrocera correcta是近缘种。本研究显示,两种实蝇对已被产卵寄主的识别与产卵选择性极相似。当寄主中至少含有600粒新鲜卵时,橘小实蝇或番石榴实蝇的雌成虫在其上继续产卵的数量才被抑制,而对同种实蝇卵和异种实蝇卵的反应几乎没有差异;两种实蝇在已被产卵的寄主中再次产卵,并没有刻意回避原产卵孔;寄主中的卵孵化为幼虫对后续实蝇的产卵行为产生了显著的抑制作用,随着幼虫数量的增多与龄期的增长,便不再有雌蝇选择该寄主产卵。因此,寄主中幼虫的存在是驱避橘小实蝇和番石榴实蝇在其上继续产卵的重要因素。两种实蝇幼虫寄主标记信息素的鉴定与利用将是今后研究的重点,利用其进行有害实蝇的种群控制将有很大的应用前景。  相似文献   

叶文丰  李林  谢长伟  董文霞  肖春 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1126-1132
在2011年6—8月调查了橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)对云南省元江县5个主要芒果品种的产卵为害情况,评估了清理落果对橘小实蝇的防治效果。结果表明树上果实和成熟落果受害率最高、产卵孔数量最多的品种是三年芒和红象牙芒;单位面积落果量(X)和监测雄虫数量(Y)显著相关(r1=0.884**,显著性P1=0.000),其回归方程为Y=-1.675+449.701X-204.933X2+27.046X3(R2=0.966,显著性水平P=0.000);累加虫量(X)与树上果实被害率(Y)的回归方程为Y=0.003X0.721(R2=0.953,P=0.000)。采拾落果可降低树上果实受害率约20%,减少田间虫口数44%左右。因此,清理落果对控制橘小实蝇田间种群数量、减少树上果实被害率有显著作用。  相似文献   

应用寄生蜂和不育雄虫防控田间橘小实蝇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品安全已成为当今社会广受关注的问题。尽管国内的一些学者就阿里山潜蝇茧蜂[Fopius arisanus(Sonan)]和橘小实蝇SIT技术分别开展了不同程度的研究,然而关于应用该蜂和不育雄虫对橘小实蝇[Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)]进行田间联合防治的研究还未见相关报道。为此,为探讨天敌昆虫和雄性不育技术对橘小实蝇的田间综合治理(IPM)技术,开展了阿里山潜蝇茧蜂和橘小实蝇不育雄虫的田间释放试验:首先应用性引诱剂降低田间野生雄虫数量;而后,释放橘小实蝇不育雄虫,进一步降低田间橘小实蝇种群数量;最后,释放阿里山潜蝇茧蜂对田间残余的橘小实蝇卵进行追踪寄生,以达到持续控制的目的。通过监测整个防控期田间橘小实蝇的种群数量以及果实受害率和防治效果作为评价指标评价该防治方法的综合防治效果。结果表明:应用阿里山潜蝇茧蜂、橘小实蝇不育雄虫并配合引诱剂的综合措施对橘小实蝇的种群数量有明显控制作用,田间总体防治效果可达90%左右。此外,提出完善橘小实蝇田间防控措施的建议,并提出该研究的不足以及有待进一步开展研究的方向。  相似文献   

橘小实蝇对不同硬度番石榴果实的产卵选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了弄清番石榴果实的最佳套袋时间,室内试验研究番石榴果实硬度对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)产卵选择性的影响。结果表明,果实的硬度越小,对橘小实蝇雌虫的引诱作用越强,并且不同硬度范围的果实引诱的产卵量存在显著性差异。当番石榴果实硬度>11kg.cm-2时,橘小实蝇不会在其上面产卵,此时是最佳的果实套袋时期。  相似文献   

[目的]建立一种针对实蝇幼虫快速鉴定的技术方法,并应用该技术以明确我国瓜果上主要实蝇类害虫的优势种.[方法]以我国瓜果蔬菜上危害最为严重的瓜实蝇Bactrocera cucurbitae(Coquillett)、南亚果实蝇Bactrocera tau Walker和橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)为对象,基于3种实蝇种间存在线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ因子(mtCOⅠ)基因的序列差异,利用3种限制性内切酶SapⅠ、BsmⅠ和Sac Ⅰ酶切识别这些差异序列的特异性酶切位点,根据酶切后mtCOⅠ基因片段大小不同,对3种实蝇进行快速的鉴定识别,并进一步应用此技术对来自我国7省11市的7种瓜菜和2种水果上的21份实蝇幼虫样本进行鉴定.[结果]通过单独或组合酶切的方式建立了一套针对瓜实蝇、南亚果实蝇和橘小实蝇的PCR-RFLP快速分子鉴定技术,并将此方法应用于田间监测.田间鉴定结果表明,湖北、湖南、浙江等地区危害瓜菜的实蝇主要是南亚果实蝇,广东、广西、海南等地区瓜菜上的实蝇种类主要是瓜实蝇,且瓜实蝇和南亚果实蝇存在寄主重叠现象,云南危害火龙果和芒果等水果上的实蝇主要是橘小实蝇.[结论]本研究建立的瓜实蝇、南亚果实蝇和橘小实蝇的识别鉴定方法,因不受虫体、虫态的影响,且具有低成本、高效、快速、重复性好的特点,适用于田间瓜果上实蝇样本的快速诊断检测.依据田间鉴定结果,预测近年来瓜实蝇可能有逐渐向北扩散的趋势.  相似文献   

林明光  汪兴鉴  张艳  孙蕊芬  曾玲 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):1115-1125
在温度2528℃、相对湿度70%28℃、相对湿度70%75%和光照周期L∶D=14∶10条件下进行了人工大量饲养橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)和瓜实蝇B.cucurbitae(Coquillett)成虫人工饲料配方的筛选试验。结果显示,1∶2重量比例混合的蔗糖和啤酒酵母是饲养这2种果实蝇的最佳成虫人工饲料,用其饲养的单雌产卵量、产卵期和孵化率分别为424.1675%和光照周期L∶D=14∶10条件下进行了人工大量饲养橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)和瓜实蝇B.cucurbitae(Coquillett)成虫人工饲料配方的筛选试验。结果显示,1∶2重量比例混合的蔗糖和啤酒酵母是饲养这2种果实蝇的最佳成虫人工饲料,用其饲养的单雌产卵量、产卵期和孵化率分别为424.16445.75粒,30.90445.75粒,30.9031.87 d,74.60%31.87 d,74.60%75.40%。同时,对18种由不同配方配制成的幼虫人工饲料饲养橘小实蝇、瓜实蝇和南亚果实蝇B.tau(Walker)的效果进行了比较。结果表明,玉米和麦麸作为饲料的介质优于麦片和麦麸。橘小实蝇幼虫人工饲料的优化配方为:玉米+麦麸(125 g+25 g),蔗糖25 g,啤酒酵母25 g,对羟基苯甲酸甲酯0.9 g,1 mol/L盐酸4 mL,纸巾4 g,自来水300 mL;用其幼虫人工饲料饲养该虫的生物学参数包括子代孵化率、化蛹率、羽化率和平均蛹重分别为81.17%±0.05%,96.41%±0.02%,94.85%±0.01%与(19.40±0.08)mg。而瓜实蝇和南亚果实蝇幼虫人工饲料的优化配方为:玉米+麦麸(100 g+50 g),蔗糖30 g,啤酒酵母25 g,以及一定量的其他组分(同上);用其饲料饲养这2种果实蝇的相关参数:子代孵化率、化蛹率、羽化率和平均蛹重分别为78.50%±0.04%与76.96%±0.12%,95.73%±0.03%与94.69%±0.02%,94.57%±0.02%与95.82%±0.03%,(18.62±0.23)mg与(22.83±1.38)mg。试验证实,优化后的成、幼虫人工饲料具有饲养效果好、方法简便,配方材料来源广泛和价格低廉等优点,可用于室内人工大量饲养上述3种果实蝇属害虫。  相似文献   

植物果实、颜色和形状对橘小实蝇产卵选择的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)是近几年入侵江苏南部地区,严重危害当地水果、蔬菜的重要害虫。为深入了解其在该地区果树、蔬菜上的产卵特性,进行植物果实、颜色和形状对其产卵选择影响的研究。实验室中"纸杯法"的产卵选择试验结果表明,橘小实蝇对不同水果的产卵偏好性由高到低依次为:柑橘、香蕉、芒果、枣、石榴、苹果、桃子、梨、李、葡萄、柿;对不同蔬菜的产卵偏好性由高到低依次为:丝瓜、豇豆、苦瓜、黄瓜、茄子、南瓜、青椒、番茄。对不同寄主颜色和形状的产卵选择特点为,雌虫常选择桔黄色、绿色,以及圆球形的寄主产卵,而较少选择黑色、方形的寄主产卵。从试验结果可以看出,寄主果实散发出的气味,及其颜色和形状对橘小实蝇的产卵选择有影响。  相似文献   

Most tropical fruit flies only lay into mature fruit, but a small number can also oviposit into unripe fruit. Little is known about the link between adult oviposition preference and offspring performance in such situations. In this study, we examine the influence of different ripening stages of two mango, Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae), varieties on the preference and performance of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a fly known to be able to develop in unripe fruit . A series of laboratory-based choice and no-choice oviposition experiments and larval growth trials were carried out. The results demonstrated a general preference by B. dorsalis for mango variety Oakrong over variety Namdorkmai, but in most cases the single largest dependent variable influencing results was fruit ripening stage. Ripe and fully-ripe mangoes were most preferred for oviposition by B. dorsalis . In contrast, unripe mango was infrequently used by ovipositing females, particularly in choice trials. Consistent with the results of oviposition preference, ripe and fully-ripe mangoes were also best for offspring survival, with a higher percentage of larval survival to pupation and shorter development times in comparison to unripe mango. Changes in total soluble solids and pericarp toughness correlated with changing host use across the ripening stages. Regardless of the mango variety or ripeness stage, B. dorsalis had difficulty penetrating the pericarp of all fruits offered in experiments. Larval survival was also often poor in all experiments. We discuss the possibility that there may be differences in the ability of laboratory and wild flies to penetrate fruit for oviposition, or that in the field flies more regularly utilize natural fruit wounds as oviposition sites.  相似文献   

明确石榴品种、成熟度以及果实的完整性对桔小实蝇产卵偏好的影响,可为石榴园桔小实蝇的行为调控提供重要理论依据。本研究以采自四川省会理市彰冠镇不同品种、不同成熟度石榴果实作为材料,通过选择性试验,统计果实上的产卵孔数和着卵量,分析桔小实蝇的产卵选择行为。研究结果显示,桔小实蝇对不同品种石榴的产卵偏好性为软籽石榴>硬籽石榴>野生硬籽石榴;对不同成熟度石榴的产卵偏好性为熟果>完熟果>生果;石榴裂果比正常果更吸引桔小实蝇产卵。相关性分析结果表明,在石榴正常果状态下,软籽石榴和野生硬籽石榴的可溶性固形物含量与产卵孔数、着卵量均呈显著正相关性,而硬籽石榴可溶性固形物含量与产卵孔数、着卵量均无显著相关性;在石榴裂果状态下,各石榴品种可溶性固形物含量和着卵量均无显著相关性。桔小实蝇更偏好于软籽石榴熟果、裂果以及可溶性固形物含量为14.00%~17.00%的果实上产卵,会理地区8-9月时石榴的生长处于熟果期且多裂果,因此该时期应为桔小实蝇发生为害的关键时期,要提前做好防控。  相似文献   

Ammonia-releasing substances are known to play an important role in fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) attraction to food sources, and this information has been exploited for the development of effective synthetic food-based lures and insecticidal baits. In field studies conducted in Hawaii, we examined the behavioural response of wild female oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)), melon fly (B. cucurbitae (Coquillett)), and Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)) to spinosad-based GF-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait(?) formulated to contain either 0, 1 or 2% ammonium acetate. Use of visually-attractive yellow bait stations for bait application in the field allowed for proper comparisons among bait formulations. Field cage tests were also conducted to investigate, using a comparative behavioural approach, the effects of female age and protein starvation on the subsequent response of F1 generation B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis to the same three bait formulations that were evaluated in the field. Our field results indicate a significant positive effect of the presence, regardless of amount, of AA in GF-120 for B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae. For C. capitata, there was a significant positive linear relationship between the relative amounts of AA in bait and female response. GF-120 with no AA was significantly more attractive to female C. capitata, but not to female B. dorsalis or B. cucurbitae, than the control treatment. Our field cage results indicate that the effects of varying amounts of AA present in GF-120 can be modulated by the physiological stage of the female flies and that the response of female B. cucurbitae to GF-120 was consistently greater than that of B. dorsalis over the various ages and levels of protein starvation regimes evaluated. Results are discussed in light of their applications for effective fruit fly suppression.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), females to fruit dipped in water and fruit dipped in 0.5% (vol/vol) aqueous emulsions of a mineral oil were determined and analysed. The mineral oil was an nC20–22 distillation fraction of the base oil used to produce an nC23 horticultural mineral oil. Females caged with oil‐treated fruit had significantly longer prelanding intervals than females caged with water‐dipped fruit. The latter was attacked immediately or shortly after being caged with flies whereas some oil‐dipped fruit was not attacked within 180 min. The percentage of landings that led to oviposition on water‐ and oil‐treated fruit were 58 and 13%, respectively, and the percentages ovipositing after probing were 74 and 25%, respectively. Likewise, average times spent probing were 7 vs. 31 s whereas average times spent ovipositing were 321 vs. 223 s. Females spent less than half as much time on oil‐treated fruit than on water‐treated fruit. Transition probabilities of rejection, when applied to the behaviour sequence indicated that oil‐treated fruits are about nine times less likely to be infested with B. tryoni.  相似文献   

研究了香茅Cymbopogon nardus精油对桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)的产卵驱避作用及其化学成分。结果表明,香茅精油对桔小实蝇产卵具有一定的驱避作用,不同浓度香茅精油处理芒果上的产卵量均显著低于对照,且随着香茅精油浓度的提高其产卵量逐渐减少,当浓度为10000μg/mL时,产卵驱避率为70.06%。采用气相色谱—质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析了香茅精油的化学成份,结果发现该精油挥发物中含量较高的是3-蒈烯,香茅醛,香叶醇,香茅醇,柠檬烯。  相似文献   

The feeding toxicity of the natural insecticide spinosad in Provesta protein bait was evaluated for three economically important fruit fly species, the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann); the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett; and the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. Both females and males were evaluated. Spinosad was remarkably similar in toxicity to all three fruit fly species. Male C. capitata (24 h LC50 values and 95% fiducial limits = 2.8 [2.60-3.0] mg/liter spinosad) were significantly, although only slightly more susceptible to spinosadthan females (4.2 [3.8-4.6] mg/liter). Male (5.5 [4.7-6.6] mg/liter) andfemale (4.3 [3.7-4.9] mg/liter) B. cucurbitae were equally susceptible to spinosad. Female (3.3 [3.1-3.6] mg/liter) and male (3.1 [2.9-3.3] mg/liter) B. dorsalis also were equally susceptible to spinosad. Provesta bait containing spinosad also was evaluated against two parasitoids of tephritid fruit flies, Fopius arisanus (Sonan) and Pysttalia fletcheri (Silvestri). These parasitoids did not feed on the bait, so a contact toxicity test was conducted. Significant amounts of mortality were found only after exposure of parasitoids to spinosad-coated glass vials with concentrations > or =500 mg/liter spinosad. Parasitoids were less susceptible than fruit flies to such a degree that use of spinosad in bait spray should be compatible with these parasitoid species. Because the fruit flies tested in this study were so susceptible to spinosad, this product seems to be promising as a bait spray additive and a replacement for malathion for control of these species.  相似文献   

Attraction and feeding responses of oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), and melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), were determined for different protein baits. In separate choice attraction assays for each species, significantly more flies arrived at stations with bait than water, but no differences existed among baits of GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait, GF-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait, Provesta 621 autolyzed yeast extract, and Mazoferm E802. In comparison with B. dorsalis, B. cucurbitae had 2.8 times more responders and a 4.8 times better discrimination between baits and water. In a second attraction assay with only B. dorsalis, volume of bait was negatively correlated to numbers of flies alighting on the bait. Feeding assays for both species demonstrated that time spent feeding and duration on a leaf were both significantly affected by bait type. B. dorsalis fed the longest on Provesta 621, with significantly less feeding on the other baits, and with all baits resulting in more feeding than water. The longest feeding times for B. cucurbitae resulted with Mazoferm E802 and Provesta 621, and all baits except GF-120 NF resulted in eliciting a significantly longer feeding duration than water. In separate toxicology assays for each species, significantly higher mortality resulted from bait formulations containing spinosad compared with blank baits, but no differences existed between GF-120 and GF-120 NF formulations. The differences are discussed between the two Bactrocera species primarily in regard to bait preference, extent of response, and previous work on laboratory flies.  相似文献   

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